A wonderful variety for growing in any CIS countries - Murashka F1 cucumber: description, planting and care

Cucumber Murashka F1 is a hybrid of Russian selection, adapted for cultivation in various regions of Russia and its neighbors. It grows well in any soil and produces a good and stable harvest. Neat fruits of the same size have an excellent taste and look aesthetically pleasing when pickled.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Description and characteristics of the variety

History of variety selection

The producer of the Murashka F1 hybrid is specialists. Since 2003, it has been included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and is recommended for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses, shelters, as well as on balconies and loggias, since it is self-pollinating. It is zoned for a standard set of regions - Central, Central Black Earth, North-Western, Volga-Vyatka, Northern, Middle Volga.


The variety has medium-sized indeterminate bushes with moderate branching. Side shoots are limited in growth. There are many small leaves on the stems. Flowering is parthenocarpic, fruits are set without pollination. Each node contains 2-4 ovaries. Ripening begins 38-45 days after germination of crops.

Zelentsy are medium-sized, 11-12 cm long. They reach 4 cm in diameter and weigh 90-105 g. Gherkins 7-8 cm long are also suitable for harvesting. The skin is covered with large sparse tubercles, and there are white stripes. The spikes are black.

Application area

The fruits have an excellent delicate taste and juicy pulp that crunches pleasantly. Bitterness is eliminated genetically. Universal use. You can grow a hybrid for sale or for personal consumption, fresh and prepared.

It is recommended to preserve fruits that were collected in early August.

Characteristics of cucumbers

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Cucumbers of the Murashka F1 variety are among the sought-after species. What qualities are they chosen for?

  • The hybrid is early ripening, self-pollinating.
  • Plants are suitable for growing in open and closed ground.
  • Unpretentious to soil and care. This variety can be grown on any type of soil, as long as the acidity is neutral.
  • Murashka F1 cucumbers do not produce barren flowers.
  • The hybrid is immune to many diseases.
  • The taste is pleasant, rich, without bitterness. Murashka cucumber is suitable for preparing preserves, pickling and salads.

Murashka F1 cucumbers do not produce empty flowers


Only with proper care can you get a large harvest of Murashka F1 cucumbers.

  • Productivity is high, fruiting is extended. From each bush you can remove up to 7 kg of greens per season.
  • The crop is suitable for transportation over long distances.
  • Zelentsy of commercial quality.

Gardeners also consider the fact that the hybrid does not require pollination to be a huge advantage. Cucumbers grow in large quantities even indoors, which is very convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • excellent taste;
  • high commercial qualities;
  • universal use;
  • rapid ripening;
  • self-pollinating and almost complete absence of barren flowers;
  • long fruiting;
  • the ability to grow in a greenhouse, in a garden and even on a loggia;
  • immunity to many diseases.


  • vulnerability to root rot and downy mildew;
  • impossibility of collecting full-fledged seeds;
  • requirement for care.


Experienced vegetable growers evaluate Murashka f1 cucumbers mainly on the positive side. They are actively grown in the vast majority of regions of our country.

Vladimir, Orekhovo-Zuevo: “Experienced vegetable growers know how much the harvest depends on the quality of the seeds. My wife and I always buy domestic ones, from. Of these, we really like the Murashka f1 cucumber. Planting and caring for it does not require much effort. In terms of yield and taste, it is in no way inferior to imported ones. The ovaries are formed in bouquets, without empty flowers. The greens grow the same as in the photo, we collect them every day throughout the season. The crop bears fruit until frost. All our cucumbers grow on trellises, so we form the bushes into one stem, remove excess shoots and cut off all the tendrils. We feed the plants only with organic matter.”

Nadezhda, Orel: “I’ve always wanted to grow my own cucumbers on the loggia. After looking through the descriptions of different varieties, I settled on Murashka f1. I used ready-made, purchased soil. I bought a pack of five grains and planted them in a large wooden box. Three days later the seeds sprouted. All the sprouts were good, they developed quickly, of which I left the two strongest ones. When the 9th leaf formed on the central stems, the tops were pinched off. The plants began to actively branch. After 1.5 months the first fruits appeared. I was very pleased with the taste of cucumbers: they are moderately sweet and without bitterness at all. My homemade cucumbers bore fruit for two months and every day delighted my family with a fresh harvest.”

Olga, Volgograd: “Only my favorite varieties grow in my cucumber bed. One of them is Murashka f1. The main advantage of these cucumbers is early ripening and self-pollination. To obtain a bountiful harvest, you only need to carry out timely watering and weeding. The taste of cucumbers is excellent, and the size is suitable for both pickling and canning. We have a large family, so we make a lot of preparations for the winter. Young cucumbers 7-8 cm long are sealed in jars, and those that grow to 10-11 cm are salted in a barrel. The fruits have large pimples with small black spikes. When salted, they do not lose crispness and elasticity, they are perfectly salted.”


In the northern regions and when there is a danger of prolonged frosts in the middle zone, it is better to grow a hybrid through seedlings. In warm areas, the seedless method is suitable.

Seeds for seedlings for greenhouse cultivation can be sown in early or mid-April, for planting in open ground - at the end. They are sown directly into the greenhouse in mid-May, and into open ground at the end of May and early June.


If you purchased seeds without a colored shell, they are first germinated. To do this, the grains are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept for a day or two in a warm place at a temperature of +25 degrees.

Dressing in a solution of potassium permanganate and treatment with stimulants for hybrid seeds, as a rule, is not necessary, but for prevention, you can soak them in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate for an hour.

The substrate is prepared from ordinary soil and humus, adding peat and a little ash, as well as sand for drainage.

Seedlings are grown only in individual containers, since the fragile roots of the crop do not tolerate transplantation well. It is better to use peat pots, which avoid replanting altogether.

Before germination, set the room temperature to +25-27 degrees, and the soil is well moistened. When shoots appear, reduce the temperature to +18-20. This will allow the seedlings to harden from the first days and avoid stretching.

After two weeks, you can feed the bushes with a weak solution of mullein or a special complex fertilizer. Plants with 3-4 true leaves, three per 1 square meter, are planted in the ground. m.

Seedless method

The soil begins to be prepared in the fall. Select a sunny area for the plants where there is no strong wind. It is advisable that nightshade crops grow there before the cucumbers - peppers, tomatoes, potatoes - or cabbage and legumes. It is impossible to plant after pumpkin and melons.

They dig up the ground and add a bucket of compost or manure per 1 square meter. m. Add 1-2 cups of ash. In the spring, seeds are planted in holes at the rate of 5 bushes per 1 square meter. m.

Planting can begin after the soil temperature reaches +15 degrees.

The soil is then mulched and covered with film until germination.

Bush formation

As the plant develops, it requires pinching. When the main stem forms enough ovaries, it is pinched. The same is done with the lateral shoots when their length reaches 40 cm. The lashes are tied to supports.

Rules for caring for Murashka cucumbers

Without proper care, you won’t be able to grow delicious, juicy Murashka cucumbers. So, what care does this plant need:


High humidity and low temperatures are the cause of the development of fungal diseases.

Fertilizers for Murashka cucumbers are needed once a week

  • Some gardeners, in order to prolong fruiting, hill cucumbers 3-4 times a year.
  • Feeding is needed once a week. Over the entire period of development, adult plants are fed 3 times. Fertilizers are applied once before flowering (1 liter of mullein is diluted in 10 liters of water). A second feeding is needed during flowering (the same fertilizer, but with the addition of 2 tablespoons of superphosphate). The third feeding is needed during fruiting. At this time, add an infusion of wood ash - it does not affect the taste, but perfectly nourishes the soil.

With this care, the cucumbers will have a developed root system, a strong stem and many ovaries.

Features of cultivation, care and agricultural technology

Cucumbers are watered with warm, settled water in open ground. The optimal frequency is 2-3 times a week, but in cold, rainy summers you can water less often, and in hot summers more often.

Plants are fed 2-3 times per season, more often in a greenhouse. At the beginning of development, they require nitrogen, which is contained in manure, chicken droppings, and urea. Then, as flowering and fruiting occur, the need for potassium and phosphorus increases, which bushes can obtain from potassium nitrate, superphosphate, ammophosphate, potassium sulfate and other complex fertilizers. The products are diluted according to the instructions, and manure and bird droppings are diluted in a concentration no stronger than 1:10.

When cultivating on the balcony, complex fertilizing is also applied regularly.

Disadvantages of the Murashka hybrid

Murashka F1 cucumbers also have disadvantages, but there are not many of them.

  • The plant is indeterminate - the main vine grows very long, so it is difficult to grow this variety without good support or trellis.
  • The hybrid is susceptible to a disease such as peronosporosis. He often suffers from root rot.
  • You cannot propagate Murashka F1 with seeds collected from grown green plants, because it is a first-generation hybrid.

You cannot propagate Murashka F1 with seeds collected from grown green plants.

It should also be taken into account that when growing these cucumbers using the seedling method, the yield will be higher. If you sow seeds immediately in open ground or in a greenhouse, the plants will take longer to develop and the yield will decrease.


Crop yields are negatively affected by sudden temperature changes between night and day.

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