Tomato Olya-la (O-la-la). Description of the variety, photos, reviews

Features of the variety

Tomato Olya-la (variety description is given for informational purposes) has been listed in the State Register since 2004. It can be cultivated in regions with cold climates if a greenhouse is chosen for planting. However, areas of the Far North are not suitable for cultivation due to extreme weather conditions.

In the south and in the middle zone, seedlings can be planted directly into the open soil layer.

Tomato O-La-La - description and characteristics of the variety

Very little time will pass, and almost all summer residents and gardeners will be seized by spring planting fever. For those who have not purchased seeds since the fall, the question will be acute: what varieties to buy so as not to make a mistake and grow an excellent harvest of vegetables.

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to certain characteristics - it must have a set of valuable and useful properties. Two important qualities for cultivated plants are disease resistance and consistently high yields.

And the tomato variety O-la-la has these characteristics in full. He is called differently: Olya-la, O-la-la-la, and even just Olya.

Characteristics and features of the variety

This variety was bred by Russian breeders. Included in the State Register of Selection Achievements in 2004. And he quickly won the recognition and love of gardeners throughout the country.

This is a determinate (low-growing) variety of tomatoes for cultivation in open and closed ground. Early ripening. Seedlings are planted at the age of 55-60 days. And the period from planting seeds to the start of harvesting is 90-100 days. The optimal planting scheme is 4-6 plants per square meter. The bush is powerful, standard type. The height of the plant, even in greenhouse conditions, does not exceed 80-120 cm.

The fruits are oval and round in shape, aligned, uniform, with a small, barely noticeable nose. The skin is thin, but strong and elastic. At the stage of technical ripeness they are reddish in color, and when fully ripe they acquire a beautiful crimson-pink color.

The fruits of O-la-la are quite dense, but not oak-hard. Inside they consist of 3-5 chambers with a small number of medium-sized seeds. The pulp is tasty, fleshy, juicy, sweet. Especially high sugar levels are important for early ripening tomatoes, which is O-la-la.

Quite resistant to major diseases of nightshade crops. Usual, standard agricultural cultivation technology that does not require constant garters and pinching. Versatility of use. The tomato is successfully used both for canning and for fresh consumption, as well as for sale in fresh vegetable markets. Suitable for all types of processing (juices, tomato paste, ketchups). The average fruit weight in the season is 150-180g. But they can often fill up to 250 grams. The size of tomatoes does not shrink much throughout the season. Early ripening period, allowing vegetables to be sold at a good price with high demand. Normal yield is up to 2 kg of fruits per bush and up to 8-10 kg per 1 sq. meters, depending on the planting pattern. Excellent taste; tomatoes have a well-balanced balance of sugar and acid. The dry matter content is 6%. The pulp is dense but juicy. Tomatoes have good shelf life and transportability. A relatively cold-resistant and unpretentious tomato variety. Resistant to lack of sunlight.

Secrets of successful cultivation of the variety

  1. The air temperature when growing seedlings should not fall below 20C degrees.
  2. Regular loosening of the soil to facilitate air access to the roots. Weeding is also required.
  3. Prevention of diseases and pests using plant protection products or biological products.
  4. Regular provision of moisture in the required volume.
  5. Adding organic matter to the soil, in particular rotted manure, at a rate of up to 4-5 kg ​​per 1 square meter. m. And, of course, regular (up to 4 times per season) fertilizing with complex fertilizers is important, depending on the stage of plant development.
  6. It shows the best results when forming 2 stems on a bush.

Last year my sister gave me O la la tomato seeds. She said that they were superfluous. They say I already bought enough foreign hybrids! Well, I think okay, we'll see later. What a great guy he turned out to be. I only sprayed it with biological products once during the season. And throughout the entire season, not a single diseased leaf, no sores. And I’m generally silent about the excellent sweet taste of these handsome tomatoes! And what’s interesting is that my sister was already one of the first to buy O la la seeds for this season.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “Olya-La” variety has many positive reviews among gardeners, since it is unpretentious in care and is suitable for beginning growers of the crop. However, the plant has several negative qualities that you need to be aware of.

Has a high yield.To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to fertilize and tie up the seedlings in a timely manner.
The fruits are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and long-term storage.
It has high resistance to major diseases.The crop is often attacked by pests.
Tomatoes are very tasty and have a universal purpose.

Plant care

To get a good harvest, crops must be properly cared for. The main care activities are as follows:

  1. Watering. Tomatoes respond well to soil moisture. Watering must be of high quality and regular. Plants should be watered with warm water.
  2. Feeding. During the season it is necessary to fertilize 4 times. Plants especially need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  3. Loosening and weeding. Tomatoes have a negative attitude towards weeds. Therefore, they should be removed from the site as they appear.

Important! Loosening the soil must be done after each watering.

Characteristics of culture

Since the variety is characterized by a universal purpose, the fruits can be used to create salads, as well as for making juices, pastes and purees.

Ripening period

The variety is considered early ripening, since the harvest can be harvested after 100 days from the moment of emergence.

The Olya-la tomato is early ripening and ripens within 100 days.

At the same time, the fruiting stage is always stable, despite unfavorable weather conditions.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The crop can withstand short-term drought. At the same time, the variety normally tolerates a lack of sunlight and cold temperatures.

Appearance of plant and fruit

Since the culture is determinant, it is limited in growth. On average, the plant reaches approximately 120 cm in height. The foliage is ordinary, medium in size and dark greenish in color.

Features of ripe fruits:

  • have a round and even shape;
  • not too hard, but quite dense;
  • the skin is thin;
  • large, can weigh approximately 200 g each;
  • when mature they are colored raspberry-pink;
  • the pulp is sweet and sugary.

Tomatoes can be stored for a long period of time and can also be ripened at home.


If you take good care of the bush, you can harvest up to 8 kg of harvest. From 1 m2 of land you can get approximately 22 kg if you adhere to the required planting density.

Indeterminate and semi-determinate tomatoes: what they are and the best varieties

Now you need to figure out what they are - indeterminate varieties of tomatoes. This is a group of plants with unlimited growth. The first inflorescence is formed at the level of the 8-11th leaf and then every three leaves. Indeterminate tomatoes form many side shoots (stepchildren) on the main stem, which should be removed. This provides a surge of nutrition to the fruits and increases their productivity.

Chukhloma and Khokhloma,

Rosemary, Cio-chio-san

Capia rosea,

They also include De Barao (red, gold, pink (with a “spout”), black, orange) and De Barao Giant from the “Lucky Seeds” series.

La-la-fa, Blagovest, Verlioka plus and others.

What seeds should I buy? You should not follow fashion and purchase all the seeds that are talked about so much in advertising brochures.

Indeed, in recent years, many companies have appeared supplying seeds to the Russian market; here are Dutch and English, Belarusian and a whole galaxy of Moscow and St. Petersburg ones.

One of the main characteristics of tomato varieties and hybrids is the length of the growing season. December is the time to prepare seeds for both protected and open ground. One of the rules for storing seeds is to keep them warm, especially for heat-loving crops such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers.

The classification of hybrid tomato seeds is as follows:

  • early ripening - 85-105 days from germination to the beginning of ripening;
  • mid-early - 106-110 days;
  • mid-season - 111-115 days;
  • medium late - 116-120 days;
  • late ripening - more than 120 days.

Moreover, in different years and in different regions, the growing season of the same variety or hybrid of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses can be different.

Currently, quite a lot of vegetable seeds are on sale, which are resistant to a range of diseases, early, abundant and long-term fruiting. These seeds are produced by both domestic and foreign breeding stations. It is quite difficult to find in this huge world what is acceptable for a personal plot.

Silhouette F1 is a super early semi-determinate tomato hybrid (150-180 cm) for film greenhouses and shelters for spring rotation. For 1 sq. m 3 plants are planted. Hybrid Silhouette has a powerful root system. It is better to grow these tomatoes in two stems. When planting seedlings of this hybrid at the age of 45-60 days in a film greenhouse, the harvest can actually be obtained in 55 days.

Even under unfavorable weather conditions, the hybrid ties at least 6 tassels. The fruits are beautifully colored, without a green spot at the stalk, weighing 130-150 g, slightly flattened, leveled, dense, tasty. Silhouette fruits are well stored (up to 1.5-2 months) and transported. This one of the best tomato hybrids for greenhouses is resistant to many diseases, but it still needs to be provided with preventive measures and good care.

Yvette F1 is a semi-determinate hybrid for spring-summer cultivation in film greenhouses and nurseries; it also works well in the second rotation of a winter greenhouse.

Hybrid Yvette is a plant with shorter internodes than Silhouette. It sets fruit well, has a strong stalk, so there is no “breaking” of the brush.

Features of planting and growing

The Olya-la tomato (the description of the variety is presented to explain the features of planting and growing) does not require complex agrotechnical techniques. For the variety, it is enough to carry out irrigation with fertilizing and regular weeding.

Soil and planting algorithm

Tomato seedlings prefer a breathable, loose soil layer, which is enriched with mineral and organic substances. Chernozem is suitable for these purposes. Other types of soil mixture need to be improved. For loamy, clayey and sandy soil cover, lake silt with peat, compost and humus is suitable. Up to 7 kg of each component must be added per 1 m2. Fresh manure is not suitable for improving the substrate.

It is allowed to add a small amount of straw, sawdust and sand to loamy or clayey soil. The soil cover should not be too acidic. A soil layer with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction is suitable for planting. If necessary, the acidity of the soil can be reduced by liming. It is advisable to do work in the autumn season. For these purposes, the soil cover must be evenly covered with quicklime and dug up using a shovel.

Up to 1 kg of substance will be required per 1 m2 of area. Liming can be carried out with the onset of the spring season. For these purposes, it is advisable to use limestone or dolomite flour, ash, chalk or slaked lime. The area should not be swampy. If groundwater in the summer and autumn seasons is located very close to the surface, at a distance of 80 cm, it is necessary to drain the area.

If a high level of groundwater is observed in the spring season, after the snow cover melts, or after a short period of precipitation, the site does not need to be drained. The area should be sunny. It is undesirable to cultivate plantings in one place for more than 2 years, as they will begin to be affected by infections.

Preparing the seat:

  1. Dig up the area, fertilize and irrigate. Compost is suitable as a top dressing.

  2. Make a support. To protect seedlings from frost, create a shelter.
  3. Mulch the area to conserve heat and moisture in the soil cover.

Well-hardened seedlings are suitable for planting in open areas, otherwise a large number of seedlings will die. A sharp change in weather conditions will cause a delay in the growth of seedlings. Depending on the regional climate, it is necessary to adjust the timing of replanting bushes. Tomato seedlings cannot withstand frost or low night temperatures. Planting work must be done in May.

When the temperature drops, the plantings can be covered with agro-fabric or a film structure can be built. It is better to carry out the transplant procedure early in the morning, before the sun gets too hot.

When digging holes, you must maintain a distance of 40 cm. When planting in several rows, it is advisable to arrange the seedlings in a checkerboard pattern so that you can save space. The interval between rows should reach about 40 cm. It is recommended to place no more than 6 seedlings per 1 m2. Thanks to this, it will be convenient to care for shrubs and harvest crops. At the same time, more light and oxygen will flow to the plants.

After the formation of planting holes, it is necessary to disinfect the soil layer. For this, a weak manganese solution is suitable, which needs to be poured generously into the wells. Additionally, the soil cover should be spilled with clean liquid. Before transplanting, the substrate should be well moistened. After the procedure, the seedlings should not be irrigated for several days.

Algorithm for planting tomato seedlings:

  1. Pour 1 liter of liquid into each hole and wait until it is completely absorbed into the soil layer.
  2. If the seedlings are very elongated, trim off a few lower leaves. After pruning, transplant young plants into deep soil cover. Adventitious roots, which are located at the bottom of the stem, will provide nutrition to the tomatoes. Place the elongated shoots at an angle, deepening them to half the stem.

  3. Place standard seedlings in a hole vertically, deepening them to the cotyledon leaves.
  4. Irrigate the depressions by sprinkling a small layer of dry soil on top.


As the shrubs develop, it is necessary to form stepsons or side shoots, since they do not have time to ripen and absorb many nutritional components. In this regard, it is necessary to get rid of them at the initial stages of seedling development.

On each bush it is necessary to leave 3 main shoots. As the fruits begin to ripen, there should be no stepsons on the plants. Shoots on the sides that have reached 5 cm in length must be removed. They need to be plucked off at a distance of 1 cm from the main stem. All actions must be careful so as not to leave wounds on the crop. Stepping should be done in the morning.


Irrigation should be deep and regular, twice a week. Tomatoes do not respond well to drought between waterings. Moderately moist soil cover will protect roots from rot and leaves from black spots. The fertilizer should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The first substance is required for the development of leaves, phosphorus - for fruit growth, potassium - for the formation of a powerful stem and root system.

Fertilizers must be applied to the soil layer 7 days before transplantation and during the procedure. At the stage of development and fruit set, it is undesirable to use fertilizers that contain a lot of nitrogen. This feeding will stimulate the growth of the bush and stop the ripening of fruits. After each irrigation, it is necessary to loosen the soil cover so that oxygen and moisture flow normally to the root system.

Diseases and pests

The “Olya-la” tomato variety is subject to invasion by whiteflies and hornworms. However, according to the description, the culture is characterized by good resistance to aphids and microorganisms that provoke the development of superficial fruit rot. To eliminate whiteflies, you can use the Confidor product. To prepare the solution, mix 1 ml of the substance in 10 liters of liquid. All bushes need to be treated with the prepared composition.

If the soil layer is too wet, slugs may appear. To get rid of them, the soil cover should be mulched with ash. You can also sprinkle the ground layer with hot pepper in an amount of 5 g per 1 m2. Bacteria can provoke the development of fungal infections that affect the crop during the growing season. As a result, the foliage and fruits become covered with moldy gray spots, which over time will acquire a brownish color.

Infections can spread and be maintained by persistently humid climates. Since dangerous organisms are able to overwinter in the soil cover, infections will appear on shrubs every year. The variety is characterized by high resistance to mosaic viruses that spoil foliage, causing rapid withering of young seedlings.


The crop can be left in the garden over the winter. For these purposes, it is necessary to first remove all dead parts of the bush. When the entire crop has been harvested and damaged branches have been removed, the crop must be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture so that the bush remains healthy after the winter period. Prepared plants should be covered with sawdust so that they bend as close to the soil layer as possible.

Near the bushes it is necessary to dig arches, on top of which the film material will be stretched. To prevent the invasion of mice, with the onset of the winter season, a special poison can be left near the plantings. When the winter period passes and warm weather sets in, the crop needs to be well fertilized and provided with sunlight. As April approaches, new shoots will begin to appear on the plants.


In the middle of the summer season you can start harvesting. Since ripening is uneven, tomatoes must be harvested daily. In this case, the stalks should remain on the bushes. You don’t have to wait for the fruits to fully ripen, because they can ripen at home.

To speed up the ripening process, the crop must be left in a bright and ventilated room. To stop ripening, tomatoes must be moved to a dark and cold room.


The Olya-la tomato (the description of the variety will tell you how to store the crop) must be collected from the beds before the cold weather, otherwise it will be unsuitable for storage. In the room, the temperature should not exceed +12 ℃, air humidity should vary within 80%. In this case, the storage must be dark. For these purposes, you can use a cellar or refrigerator.

If the harvest will be stored in wooden containers, it is recommended to wrap it in newspaper sheets or paper, and also cover it with sawdust. It is not recommended to wash and put tomatoes in a plastic bag. The skin near the stalk is always tender, so it quickly deteriorates. For this reason, the fruits need to be laid out with this area facing up.

Varietal problems

"Oh La La" tomatoes are susceptible to insect pests, especially tomato hornworms and whiteflies. The good news is that the plant resists attacks from pests such as:

  • aphid;
  • microorganisms that cause superficial fruit rot.

Bacteria can cause a fungal disease that can infect a plant at any time during the growing season. This will cause gray, moldy spots on the leaves and fruit that will later turn brown.

The disease is spread and maintained by persistent wet weather. This disease can appear on crops from year to year as the organisms that cause the disease overwinter in the soil. The variety is resistant to mosaic viruses, which spoils the leaves and causes the young plant to quickly wither.

Reproduction methods

The Olya-la tomato (the description of the variety will help gardeners correctly sow seeds for seedlings) must be grown using seedlings. Sowing seeds should be done 60 days before planting seedlings in open areas, so sowing work should be done in early April. When planning to transplant seedlings into a greenhouse, it is better to sow seeds at the end of February or until mid-March.

Before sowing, seeds should be prepared:

  1. Choose larger specimens so that the seedlings are strong and healthy.
  2. Fill the material with warm water. If some seeds float, they are not suitable for replanting.
  3. Disinfect specimens using a 15% manganese solution. This is required to destroy infections and germs.
  4. To speed up the germination process, soak the specimens in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Seedlings require an airy and light substrate. In the store you can purchase a soil mixture intended for pepper and tomato seedlings. This substrate contains fertilizers with moss, peat, vermiculite, sand, and coconut fiber. All components give the mixture lightness. To ensure rapid growth of seedlings, a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers is added to the mixture.

You can make your own substrate by mixing:

  • 1 part sheet soil;
  • 1 part humus and the same amount of sand;
  • 2 parts lowland peat.

Additionally, the soil mixture must be enriched with 3 tbsp. l. dolomite or limestone flour, as well as 100 g of wood ash. The amount of substances is calculated for 10 kg of substrate. It is recommended to add 1 part of vermicompost, as well as vermiculite or perlite. The prepared soil mixture must be disinfected. To do this, you need to heat it in the oven or transfer it to a container and leave it in the fresh air for the entire winter period.

Step-by-step description of sowing seeds for seedlings:

  1. Place the disinfected planting material into a moistened soil mixture.

  2. Cover the seeds with film material to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Place the container on a windowsill facing the sunny side.
  4. Sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm, maintaining an interval of 5 cm.
  5. When the first seedlings form, move the container to a sunny place. The temperature should be +20 ℃ to speed up germination.
  6. For early hardening, open the window slightly in the room where the seedlings are located. To prevent the seedlings from dying, there should be no draft in the room.

There is no need to irrigate until the first leaves appear. Plantings must be sprayed. For this procedure, plain water or a weak solution of manganese is suitable to protect the seedlings from various infections and pests. When 2 true leaves appear on the seedlings, you will need to dive. To do this, the bushes must be planted in separate containers.

Before transplanting to open areas, it is recommended that young seedlings be hardened. For these purposes, containers with plants should be taken out into fresh air. Initially, the procedure should last no more than 30 minutes. Every day the time period must be increased to 12 hours. Due to this, the seedlings will be stronger and healthier, which will affect the future harvest.

Growing technology

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. You can prepare for planting 2 months before the planned planting of plants in open ground. According to calendar dates, this falls at the beginning of April.

Before starting planting work, you need to prepare containers, soil, and seed. The seed placement depth should be no more than 2 cm. After sowing is completed, the crops should be covered with film.

In order for the seedlings to be healthy and strong, it is necessary to properly care for them. The room temperature should be maintained within 21 degrees. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and the containers with seedlings placed on a well-lit windowsill. We must not forget about watering, it must be regular.

Important! As soon as 2 leaves appear, a pick is required.

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