When you salt cabbage for the winter, it is very important to know how much salt you will need for 1
History of selection of the columnar pear The ancestor of the modern columnar pear was a dwarf variety, which was bred by the English
Recipes for canning watermelons for the winter without sterilization Watermelon is a wonderful summer berry that everyone loves
Many gardeners want to get early greenery in the spring, and an onion harvest in mid-summer.
Karataya Eggplant F1 was created in France. The manufacturer, Vilmorin, is famous for the quality of its hybrids, their early
Author rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Among
Name Diamond Berry color Black Selection Pavlovsky E.G. (Super-Extra x Krasotka) Bunch weight 300
The importance of foliar spraying If you feed a vegetable crop through the soil, the microelements are distributed unevenly. Assimilation
- And so it will grow! - the summer residents are confident, starting the sowing season. But illumination of tomato seedlings
In winter and early spring, we experience a deficiency of vitamins, the cause of which is