Samurai eggplant: description, cultivation, care, photo

Unique Samurai and Prado eggplants ripen in clusters


The range of vegetables that Ukrainians grow and eat is quite wide. Among the leading crops are potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beets, garlic, and eggplant.

Eggplant is very popular in Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. In Ukraine, although eggplant does not occupy a large segment of the market, it is also widely used for preparing all kinds of dishes. Many farmers and consumers traditionally call eggplants “blue” for the dark blue color of the fruit.

There are various shapes of eggplants on the market: spherical, pear-shaped, cylindrical, flattened, curved and snake-shaped. And the color of the fruit, depending on the variety, can be white, pink, striped, blue, brown, yellow, purple and dark purple, almost black. Weight varies from 40 g to 1 kg. For the Ukrainian consumer, the cylindrical and pear-shaped shape, dark purple color of the fruit and weight of 200-250 g are most common.

Let's consider the most successful hybrids of the new generation, with improved indicators of early ripeness, yield, marketability and taste, resistance to diseases and stressful growing conditions.

Eggplant Samurai F1. Ukrainian farmers, who began growing this hybrid several years ago, are systematically increasing its production volumes from season to season. The hybrid is steadily gaining popularity. What are its strengths? This is early ripening and high growth energy. The hybrid is very powerful, of the hand type, producing 3-4 fruits on each hand. Not subject to lodging. It sets fruit perfectly, despite external conditions, it does not shed the ovary. Productivity is high. Fruits steadily, very abundantly and for a long time, until frost. Ripening is early and friendly. The dense, creamy-white pulp is tender and tasty, without bitterness, and there are very few small seeds.

The cylindrical shape of the fruit is excellent for home preparation (preservation). Since the fruits retain their shape, the pulp does not fall apart during heat treatment. In addition, this is an ideal shape for cutting into rings (washers) since the core does not fall out. This cutting is widely used by restaurant chains, supermarkets, producers of semi-finished products and ordinary consumers. Slicing into longitudinal strips is also great for the cylindrical shape of this eggplant - it is used for making rolls with various fillings. You can cut the fruits into cubes for frying, preparing vegetable mixtures, freezing, etc. The smell of the fruit when raw resembles the smell of mushrooms, and when fried and dried it resembles the smell of veal or bacon. And to taste too! It’s not for nothing that vegetarians call eggplant “meat.”

Samurai fruits are beautiful, marketable, neat, glossy, fleshy, dense, uniform and even in shape, ripening in clusters. The color is classic, dark purple. The skin of the fruit is not hard. The calyx of the fruit is green. The fruit size is optimal: length 20-25 cm, diameter up to 5 cm, weight 200 g. After harvesting, the fruits retain commercial quality for a long time and tolerate transportation well. A separate plus: the plants are not affected by mites and other diseases. Plants withstand unfavorable growing conditions.

Eggplant Prado F1. This is an early-ripening, high-yielding hybrid of the carpal type. The plant is compact, with high growth vigor, well developed, produces 2-4 fruits per cluster. Stably sets fruit and ensures constant and full-fledged abundant fruiting. The fruits are pear-shaped, dark purple, fleshy, dense, very beautiful, glossy, smooth, of the same size. The length of the fruit is 20-23 cm, weight up to 230 g. The pulp is creamy-white, aromatic, very tasty, without bitterness. There are few seeds, they are very small. The skin of the fruit is not hard. The calyx of the fruit is green.

Due to its high marketability and quality, the fruits of this eggplant sell well on the market. The hybrid is adapted to various growing conditions. This is a very flexible and stable eggplant. Reliable productive hybrid. The bushes are hung with fruits. Its plants are resistant to lodging. The fruits are well transported and can be stored for a long time without losing their presentation. As you can see, this hybrid also has many advantages.

The use of eggplants in food is very diverse. Eggplants are stewed, baked, sauces and caviar are made from them, they are stuffed, fried, salted, dried, canned, frozen, pickled and dried. Thanks to eggplants, you can significantly diversify your diet. And eggplants are very beneficial for health, thanks to the content of salts, acids and vitamins. Eggplants are becoming more and more in demand among consumers, and their production volume is growing.

Features of the variety

The Samurai Sword eggplant was bred specifically for the temperate climate of the Moscow region and Central regions. The variety ripens quickly and bears fruit for a long time, right up to the first frost. The variety is relatively resistant to pests and diseases.

Description of the bush

The bush reaches 60 cm in height, the color of the stems is green. Large leaves protect the plant from excessive sunlight.

Description of the fruit

  • length is about 20 cm, and diameter is 6 – 7 cm;
  • color deep purple;
  • the weight of the ripe fruit is about 200 g;
  • the shape is elongated, more curved in contrast to other varieties of eggplant;
  • The pulp is white, there are practically no seeds, and the skin is thin.

Plant care

Excellent harvest with proper care

To get strong and fruit-bearing plants, you should take care of the seedlings. An important factor is the presence of light and warmth during the day, and slight coolness at night. Therefore, take care of a suitable place for seedlings at night. When it reaches a height of 15–20 cm, it can be planted in a greenhouse or under film. Although this variety can also be planted in open ground. However, you should not bury the seeds deeper than 1 cm.


Like regular eggplants, this variety loves warmth, humidity and light.

However, the Samurai Sword is resistant to vascular wilt, heat and short-term drought, but prolonged violation of the watering regime affects the harvest. The time from plant germination to ripening is about 110 – 120 days. Breeders promise a high yield that is easy to harvest because there are no sharp thorns on the calyx. Eggplants ripen “uniformly” (that is, simultaneously), with several fruits per bunch. This is especially convenient on an industrial scale.

Top dressing

Before planting, apply organic fertilizers that are suitable for eggplants. And during growth, it is necessary to remove weeds from the garden bed.

Bush formation

The most favorable time for sowing ordinary eggplants is closer to summer, but Samurai Sword can be planted earlier, because it is relatively resistant to temperatures. A good time to plant this variety is mid-May. Once placed in soil, the plant will soon begin to bloom. It is worth paying close attention to the type of soil: it must be loose and moist for the seedlings to take root.

Description of the variety

Samurai Sword eggplants are a mid-season variety. From the beginning of planting to fruiting, 110-120 days pass. The plant bears fruit for a long time, bringing a large harvest. The variety was bred specifically for the temperate latitudes of the Central regions.

The bush grows up to 50-60 cm in height. The stems are green. The leaves are large, dark green, with a wavy edge.

The fruits reach a length of 20 cm and a diameter of 6-7 cm. The weight of a ripe eggplant is 160-200 g. The fruits are covered with a thin, glossy skin of a deep purple color. The pulp is whitish, without bitterness, contains a minimal amount of seeds. The shape is more elongated and curved compared to classic eggplant varieties. There are no sharp thorns on the cup.

With proper care, the fruits ripen several times on one cluster. From one square meter, 4-5 kg ​​of vegetables are harvested.

Planting eggplant

Seeds are planted in mid-March. It is better to choose separate glasses for growing so as not to injure the plant in the future.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. Then they are laid out in a moistened cloth for germination. Sprouts appear in 1-2 days.

Sprouted seeds are planted in prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. The soil must be moist. For eggplants, neutral acid soil is used. The best option is a mixture of soil, vermiculite and sand, combined in a 1:1:1 ratio.

The containers are placed in a bright, warm place. At night they are put in a cool place, which will prepare the seedlings for growing in open ground or a greenhouse. If there is not enough natural light, lamps must be installed.

When the height of the bushes reaches 15-20 cm (as a rule, this happens in mid-late May), the plants are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. In the second case, it is recommended to cover the seedlings with film or covering material.

Holes for plants are dug according to a 70x40 cm pattern. The bushes are placed in prepared holes, sprinkled with earth and watered with warm water. The soil must first be enriched with organic fertilizer.

Rules for growing seedlings

Eggplants are grown through seedlings. Suitable time for sowing seeds: late February - early March. The seed material is placed in separate containers or in a common container, buried into the substrate no more than 1 cm.

The soil is purchased at a specialized store - universal or suitable for tomatoes and peppers. It is pre-moistened.

After sowing, future seedlings are provided with optimal conditions for germination:

  • maintain the room temperature at 22-28 °C;
  • create a mini-greenhouse. Cover the container with film or glass;
  • crops are constantly ventilated. As the soil dries, water it with warm water.

When the eggplants sprout, they are moved to a warm place well lit by the sun.
The sprouts are constantly moistened by sprinkling with water or pouring from a spoon. It is necessary to ensure that there are no sudden temperature changes in the room where the containers with seedlings are located - this can destroy the seedlings.

Growing conditions

Good growth requires light, humidity and warmth.

Plant the vegetable in an area that is well lit. In this case, the creation of partial shade is not required, since numerous large leaves grow on the bushes. They protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Samurai Sword eggplants are highly resistant to drought, heat, and pests. The plant can withstand temperatures above 30 degrees. However, a constant lack of watering leads to a decrease in yield. At the same time, high humidity negatively affects the vegetable.

In the first days after transplantation, eggplants are watered every 2-3 days. In the future, the periods between waterings are increased: once a week until flowers appear, every 4-5 days during fruiting. It is recommended to use settled water at a temperature of 23-24 degrees.

When growing crops, fertilizers are required. The first fertilizing is done before planting. For this, organic fertilizer is used.

During the period of fruit formation, phosphate-nitrogen fertilizer is used. To obtain it, dissolve 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate and 1 tbsp in 10 liters of clean water. a spoonful of superphosphate.

Be sure to carry out weeding and loosening of the soil. This provides air access to the roots.

Features of growing eggplant Samurai f1

Samurai eggplant, in comparison with other representatives of its genus, is not picky about growing conditions and has high resistance to drought, heat, and sudden changes in weather conditions. It is not difficult to grow a crop on a plot, but in order for it to please the vegetable grower with high yields, you need to know the peculiarities of the agricultural technology of this variety.

Regardless of varietal differences, eggplants must be provided with the following conditions for growth:

  • warm;
  • regular watering;
  • good lighting;
  • water- and breathable soil.

This hybrid is suitable for growing both under film cover and in open ground. It is worth noting that agricultural technology in both cases has some differences.

In greenhouse conditions

Growing eggplants in a greenhouse begins with preparing the soil. It is cleaned of plant remains, disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate (60 g of substance per 10 liters of water), watered several times, dug up and loosened. The soil is enriched with organic matter - mullein or compost (1⁄2 buckets per 1 m²) and complex mineral fertilizers. It must be taken into account that the planting soil must be heated to 15 °C, and the air to 18-20 °C.

In the prepared soil, dig holes 15 cm deep.

A distance of 60 cm is left between the rows, and 45 cm between the holes. The seedlings are carefully transplanted into the ground and watered. 5 days after planting, the seedlings are irrigated with warm water (t - 23 ° C) at the root. Watering is carried out once a week. When the fruiting period begins, the soil and air in the greenhouse should be moist. Watering is carried out every 3-4 days in the morning, then ventilated.

Don't forget about fertilizing. During the growing season, eggplants are fertilized 3-4 times: 14-20 days after planting, before flowering and before fruiting. Complex preparations with minerals and organic matter are added. To prevent parasites, the soil is sprinkled with wood ash.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Samurai Sword variety is characterized by increased resistance to attacks by Colorado potato beetles and spider mites. However, the culture is susceptible to various diseases. Most often, black and mosaic spotting develops. Diseases lead to the death of all plants. It is impossible to cure a culture in case of damage. Therefore, when the first signs appear, the diseased bush is immediately pulled out.

Disease prevention is done by treating seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. When purchasing seedlings, the bushes are also treated with this composition.

Pests and diseases, treatment methods

Many diseases and harmful insects can cause irreparable damage to eggplants. The Samurai variety is susceptible to parasites such as:

  • mole cricket;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly;
  • aphid.

Diseases dangerous to the plant:

  • gray and white rot;
  • blackleg;
  • late blight;
  • tobacco mosaic.

Gray rot of eggplant
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To protect your plantings from “unwanted guests”, you need to properly care for the seedlings, providing them with timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds and debris. Do not neglect preventive measures, such as soil disinfection, soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, and periodic spraying with chemical and biological preparations.

If, after all, the plants become “victims” of pests or microorganisms, they are treated with insecticides and fungicides. Opponents of pesticides use folk remedies: infusions of onion and garlic, soap solutions, wood ash. But these methods may not be effective. If the seedlings become infected with a viral infection, the only thing that can be done is to remove them from the site and burn them to prevent infection of other crops.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Despite the fact that eggplant is a heat-loving crop, it is very popular among gardeners in our country. As a rule, several specific varieties are grown every year, which guarantees good results and taste. They also try to grow a new variety every year as an experiment. Perhaps the harvest will be so high that it will take its rightful place in the permanent collection.

Let's talk about the Samurai variety. Its main characteristics:

  • growing conditions: open ground and greenhouses;
  • description of the fruit: elongated shape with dark purple glossy skin, weighing up to 200 grams;
  • taste: excellent, without bitterness;
  • planting pattern: 70×40;
  • resistance to drought, heat, Colorado potato beetle, verticillium wilt, and spider mites;
  • ripening: mid-early variety, up to 120 days.

Disease-resistant Samurai eggplant

Every year, agricultural companies produce new varieties of vegetables that are resistant to external influences and diseases. Among those that are new this season is the Samurai eggplant. This variety was bred for cultivation in the Moscow region and the Central region. More detailed information about this will be discussed below.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Despite the fact that eggplant is a heat-loving crop, it is very popular among gardeners in our country. As a rule, several specific varieties are grown every year, which guarantees good results and taste. They also try to grow a new variety every year as an experiment. Perhaps the harvest will be so high that it will take its rightful place in the permanent collection.

Let's talk about the Samurai variety. Its main characteristics:

  • growing conditions: open ground and greenhouses;
  • description of the fruit: elongated shape with dark purple glossy skin, weighing up to 200 grams;
  • taste: excellent, without bitterness;
  • planting pattern: 70×40;
  • resistance to drought, heat, Colorado potato beetle, verticillium wilt, and spider mites;
  • ripening: mid-early variety, up to 120 days.

Features of cultivation

When you come to the store to buy eggplant seeds in winter, you need to understand that all varieties will require certain conditions:

  1. warm conditions;
  2. timely watering;
  3. good lighting;
  4. looseness of the soil.

"Samurai" f1 eggplant is one that suffers from short-term drought and temperatures above + 28-30 degrees Celsius.

Eggplant "Samurai" f1 has passed ground control, which means that all the seeds were previously planted in the ground by specialists, and a harvest was obtained from them. This allows:

  • establish germination energy and, in fact, growth;
  • confirm the quality and productivity of the variety.

Eggplant is a non-native crop for Russia, so anyone who has encountered growth finds it difficult, since it is problematic to maintain the optimal temperature for a long period of growth. Please note that even such an early variety of eggplant as “Samurai” ripens within 110-120 days from the moment the first shoots appear. That is why the entire growing process is divided into two stages:

  1. growing seedlings;
  2. planting and growing seedlings in the ground.

“Samurai” seeds are planted in separate cups, so that the plant does not suffer during transplantation. As a rule, in the central zone of Russia, sowing begins on March 10 and ends on March 20.

With the onset of spring, the gardener needs to decide which days are best to start growing vegetables and flowers. In this article you will learn when to sow vegetable seeds, taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar for March 2022.

Deepen the seeds by 1 centimeter, no more. In this case, the soil should be moistened, then you need to do the following:

  1. If there is not enough sunlight, the seedlings should be illuminated. This is very important, as eggplants love light and warmth. Additionally, you will need to move the seedlings to a cooler location overnight. This will create conditions close to real ones.
  2. When transplanting seedlings of the Samurai variety, you will need to do this according to the 70x40 pattern.
  3. If you watch the sowing time, the eggplants can be transplanted into open or closed ground between May 20 and May 30.
  4. Before planting, organic fertilizers are introduced, which eggplants love.

Eggplants produce a rich harvest. It is noted that from one square meter will be collected from 4 to 5 kilograms of long fruits with excellent taste. The Samurai eggplants themselves will have an elongated, long shape. The plant is semi-spreading, its height is 60 centimeters and below with a large number of leaves. Partial shade is not necessary for a plant of this variety, because it provides the necessary protection for the fruit from bright sunlight.

Every 2-3 days after planting, it is necessary to water the planted seedlings.

The main concern is weeding, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers (phosphorus and nitrogen), regular watering, pest control (aphids, Colorado potato beetles, spider mites, thrips):

  • Against viral diseases, it makes sense to keep the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, and for diseases during the growing season, it makes sense to use a solution of soda and copper sulfate.
  • Many people mechanically collect the Colorado potato beetle in their areas or usually use bitoxybacillin.
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