The most frost-resistant varieties of cherries for the Urals and Siberia

The harsh climate of the areas beyond the Ural Mountains is not conducive to growing such a heat-loving fruit crop as cherries. But gardeners are a patient people, they experiment, try and get good results. Cherry varieties have been developed that bear fruit in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia and successfully survive cold winters. The catalogs of manufacturing companies provide detailed descriptions with photos of frost-resistant species, so that by providing the trees with proper care, you can please yourself with a wonderful sweet berry.

Peculiarities of growing cherries in the Urals and Siberia

The region is known as an area with cold winters and short summers. At the same time, the difference in climatic conditions in different regions of the Urals and Siberia is very noticeable. The climate of Eastern Siberia is harsh, frosts often reach -45ºC...-50ºC, so it is necessary to select frost-resistant varieties of special shapes, and also carefully consider shelters. The climate of Western Siberia and the Urals is a little milder, but even here there are abnormal frosts, and winters are long and severe.

Stable warmth comes late, and there is a high risk of return frosts. Gardeners also take this factor into account when choosing varieties that are resistant to spring frosts, have late flowering periods, but are early ripening. Summer is short, often hot, with little precipitation. The cherries must have time to bloom without being exposed to returning cold and quickly produce a harvest.

On a note! Fruit crop varieties for these regions should be distinguished not only by the high winter hardiness of flower buds, but also by the wood itself.

Species are selected that have the ability to form a small crown at the genetic level. Trees 4-5 meters high are obviously doomed to freeze out and are therefore not suitable for planting. Suitable varieties of the crop should tolerate pruning well or be included in the group of creeping (stale) species that can easily be covered for the winter.

How to properly care

In order for the seedling to take root faster after planting, favorable conditions should be provided for the rooting process.
These include: Pruning has its own characteristics if cherries are grown in Siberia and the Urals. The formation of the crown is necessary so that the tree can more easily withstand severe frosts. Increasing productivity, pest control, preparation for frost, improving ventilation in the crown are the main tasks of pruning.

Only branches located on the sides are removed. The ends of the branches are not cut off, because It is on them that a large number of fruits are formed.

To stimulate the growth of lateral branches, the top of a seedling at the age of one year is cut off above the 5-6 buds. Spring pruning is carried out in mid-March. In spring, skeletal branches are shortened. You can stop the tree from growing upward by shortening the crown by at least 3 m.

Varieties of cherries for the Ural region and Siberia

Varieties are classified according to the following characteristics:

  • fruit color (yellow, red, pink);
  • time of ripening of berries (early ripening, mid-early, mid-late, late). Early ripening cherries ripen in mid-June, late cherries are ready for harvest in late July or early August;
  • along the height of the trunk. It is advisable to choose low species, using bush formation, and also to grow stale varieties.

The given characteristics and descriptions are conditional, since depending on weather conditions, care, flowering and fruiting periods shift. According to gardeners, if dog rose (Rosa canina) grows in the wild in a certain area, then the fruit tree will certainly please you with a harvest.

The best varieties of cherries for the Urals and Siberian regions

The main indicator when choosing a cherry variety in Siberia and the Urals for planting on a site is winter hardiness. Varieties that successfully bear fruit in the south, due to their characteristics, will not show results in harsh climates. Therefore, breeders placed the main emphasis on breeding frost-resistant varieties.

Much work is being carried out by scientists from the Bryansk breeding station (a group led by M.V. Kanshina), who managed to obtain varieties of fruit crops, including columnar cherries, that successfully withstand temperatures down to -30ºC...-35ºC.

The group of early varieties includes:

  • And put - the first harvests are given in the 4-5th year of cultivation. The berries are medium-sized, heart-shaped. The color is dark red, when ripe it becomes purple, almost black. It tolerates harsh winters successfully, but requires shelter. The fruits are used for processing. Iput cherry is considered one of the best varieties for making juice;
  • Fatezh - the name is given in honor of the city in the Kursk region. Included in the State Register (since 2001), recommended for planting in the North-West region. Features: high winter hardiness of wood, average - buds; drought tolerance; self-sterile. The first berry picking is in the fourth year. The berries are red-yellow, slightly flattened, of good taste;
  • Leningradskaya black - the berries are suitable for processing into juice and canning. The shape is slightly flattened, the color is scarlet, the flesh is darker than the skin. Weight – 2-4 g, taste – pleasant, sweetness is felt. The species is characterized by increased winter hardiness and stable yield;

  • Red Hill is a low-growing cherry tree that grows up to 2-2.5 meters. The crown is dense. Requires regular thinning. High winter hardiness (up to -33ºC), freezing is rare, and the crop recovers quickly. It is necessary to replant pollinators (Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka). The berries are golden with a purple tint, weigh 4-6 g, taste good;
  • Chermashnaya - the berries ripen by mid-June. The fruits are yellow with a slight pinkish blush, weigh 3-5 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet, the stone is easy to remove. Wood is resistant to low temperatures, buds are more vulnerable;
  • Mayskaya is a tree with small fruits (2-4 g), with a “seam”. Color – dark red. The pulp is dense, sweetish. This variety is not suitable for processing and is used fresh;
  • Ovstuzhenka is a cherry variety known among gardeners. Gives a good harvest of berries. The fruits are ruby-colored, juicy, with delicate pulp. They weigh 4-6 g and ripen by mid-June. Needs pollinators (Tyutchevka, Iput).

Varieties bred in Bryansk and Moscow are distinguished by increased frost resistance and excellent taste. Not everyone believes that the juicy and sweet berry was grown in the conditions of Siberia or the Urals.

Of the mid-season cherry varieties suitable for the Urals, Siberia and the Far East:

  • Teremoshka is a small tree with rounded shoots. The berries weigh 5-6.6 g, dark red, sweet. The stone is well removed from the pulp, the taste on the tasting scale is 4.7 points;

  • Annushka is a type of crop that is resistant to low temperatures. Forms straight, slightly thickened shoots, forming a rounded crown. The leaves are large, light green. Fruiting occurs in 4-5 years. Fruits with juicy pulp, round shape, burgundy color. Weight – 4-6 g. Taste – 4.9 points;
  • In memory of Astakhov - a new large-fruited cherry variety, included in the State Register in 2014. The tree grows up to 3-4 meters and produces a good harvest of berries in any season. The fruits are pinkish-red, weigh 6-8 g, tasty. Gardeners in the Urals and Siberian regions speak positively about this variety, noting its resistance to low temperatures (down to -32ºC). For pollination, Iput, Ovstuzhenka or Revna cherries are planted;
  • Adelina - produces heart-shaped fruits, color - dark red. Purpose: dessert. Self-sterile variety, winter-hardy (wood).

Late, closer to the beginning of August, the following varieties of berries ripen:

  • Odrinka - since 2004, the variety has been included in the State Register. Cherries ripen late, produce large berries (up to 7 g), round, with a narrow funnel, with visible dots in the central part. Taste – 4.7 points (out of five possible). The color of the fruit is purple, the flesh is juicy. Fruiting - in the fifth year;
  • Bryanochka is a medium-sized tree with a sparse crown. Berries weigh 4-5 g, rich taste, with small seeds. According to the tasting assessment, the taste is 5 points (out of five possible). For pollination it is better to plant Tyutchevka;
  • Revna is a sweet cherry from the breeders of the Bryansk Experimental Station. The name is given in honor of the river in the Bryansk region. A tree up to three meters tall, with large leaves. The fruits weigh 4-4.7 g, medium size, red. The taste is pleasant, you can feel the sweetness. Withstands cold temperatures down to -30ºC. Productivity – 15-18 kg per tree (subject to proper care);

  • Michurinskaya late - characterized by rapid growth, produces dark red berries. The skin of the fruit is dense, so the berries are suitable for transportation. Weight – 4-6 g;
  • Tyutchevka - forms a small tree with a beautiful rounded crown. Fruiting occurs in the fifth year; high berry harvests begin in the 10th year of cultivation. Replanting of pollinators is required (Raditsa, Iput). It tolerates frosts down to -25ºC well; when it drops to -30ºC, the buds may freeze. The berries weigh 5-7 g, round, dark red in color with dots. The fleshy pulp is sweet, flowing with juice. The fruits are suitable for transportation;
  • Bryansk pink has been on the State Register since 1993. The tree is medium-sized, with a pyramidal crown shape. The round berries weigh 4-6 g, the color is yellow with purple specks, the juice is colorless. The taste is slightly sour. Purpose – all types of processing;
  • Veda - cherry was included in the State Register catalog in 2009. A universal variety, the berries ripen late (by early August), weigh 4.8-5.1 g, have a rich, sweet taste. This type of cherry requires watering and can withstand frosts down to -30ºC.

Of the tasty winter-hardy species, the varieties Pervenets, First Swallow, Cordia, Pink Pearl, and Surprise are praised.

History of selection

I.V. Michurin is the author of the first frost-resistant varieties of cherries. Now, when creating new winter-hardy forms, his Kozlovskaya, Pervenets, and First Swallows are used as source material. In Soviet times, the center of selection was the Pavlovsk experimental station of the VIR. There, 14 winter-hardy varieties of cherries were bred for the Moscow region and Leningrad region.

At dachas near St. Petersburg you can still find:

  • Leningrad yellow;
  • Red dense;
  • Zorka.

Many varieties were created by breeders of the Bryansk Experimental Station. Their cherries Revna, Iput, Teremoshka, Compact Venyaminova, Ovstuzhenka, Bryanochka, Pink Sunset, Veda, Tyutchevka, Bryansk pink are popular among summer residents. Cheremashnaya and Fatezh cherries are considered the most winter-hardy varieties of Moscow selection (VSTISP).

Work is underway to create new varieties suitable for industrial cultivation whose quality is not inferior to foreign ones. Domestic breeders are working on creating clonal rootstocks that will make it possible to grow cherries in a small area, at lower costs, using trellises and planting patterns of 3 * 1 m, 3.5 * 1.5 m.

Sweet cherries in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care

In general, the planting and agricultural practices of the crop are standard. But due to the peculiarities of the climate, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties of cultivation and follow the recommendations of breeders and experienced gardeners. It is necessary to graft the crop onto a specific rootstock (frost-resistant, adapted to local conditions), and purchase scions only in nurseries or from collectors.

Useful information has been accumulated on varieties, experience of planting cherries in Siberia and the Urals, and statistics are available. Using experience and advice, you can avoid mistakes and get a harvest of berries even in risky farming regions.

Site preparation

Southern culture is picky about the planting site. Wanting to get a harvest, they select a sunny area, protected from cold winds and drafts.

On a note!

The groundwater level should not exceed 2-2.5 meters.

There should be no holes or lowlands nearby; the trees themselves are planted on hills. Sweet cherries do not tolerate waterlogging, instantly reacting to excess moisture with stunted growth. Due to high soil moisture, the root collar gets wet and the trunk becomes warm, which leads to the death of the plantings.

The soils must be loose, permeable and fertile. Cherry prefers black soil, light loam or sandy loam soil. The pH value is not lower than 5.5. Acidified soils are limed and dolomite flour is added. Not suitable for planting:

  • clayey areas;
  • peat bogs;
  • acidic soils.

To mitigate harsh conditions, it is recommended to plant trees near a pond. If the soil on the site is not suitable for planting a crop, it is necessary to prepare a nutrient mixture for the planting hole. The volume is calculated taking into account the fact that the bush will grow over time and the need for nutrition will be higher.

Gardeners who have plots in lowlands need to equip drainage systems and prepare small raised hills for cherries. A slate sheet is placed in the planting holes to protect the root system from waterlogging.

The site and planting hole are prepared in the fall, filling it with fertilizers. It is impossible to leave a hole without a nutrient mixture until spring, since when the snow melts it will fill with water and will take a long time to dry out. Composition of the nutritional mixture:

  • well-rotted manure or compost;
  • humus (1-1.5 buckets);
  • wood ash (1-1.5 liters);
  • superphosphate (100-150 g).

On dense soils, add 8-10 liters of river sand to the mixture.

Cherry planting dates

Prepared cherry seedlings are planted in the spring; autumn plantings are excluded. But since the risk of return frosts in these regions remains until the end of May - beginning of June, the work is planned no earlier than mid-May.

They wait until the snow cover has completely melted and the ground has warmed up, and only after that they begin planting. Choose bushes 1-2 years old, without damage to the bark, branches, buds in the crown area. The volume of the crown is 3-5 branches, the length of each is at least 35-40 cm.

On a note!

If possible, choose seedlings with a low trunk or grown in a creeping form. It will be easier to cover such trees for the winter in the first years of adaptation and establishment.

Landing: main stages

As soon as it gets warm, they begin planting. Cherries are planted according to the standard scheme:

  • in a hole filled with a nutrient mixture, a depression is made sufficient to accommodate the roots of the tree;
  • soak the roots in a growth stimulator (time according to instructions);
  • place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots;
  • sprinkle with soil, lightly compact the soil and water generously.

The root collar is not buried. They try to ensure that it is located at ground level or slightly higher. Experienced gardeners advise placing the seedling at an angle, this will make it easier to cover it in the fall before wintering.

Cultivation care

After planting, the young tree is provided with complete care. Contrary to expectations, heat-loving cherries do not require any complex measures. Basic techniques:

  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • fertilizing (no need for planting in the year);
  • preventative treatments;
  • mulching.

The rates and frequency of watering and the types of fertilizers applied are determined by the specific growing conditions of the crop, the condition and age of the tree.


Despite the fact that summer in Siberia is short, it is often hot. Therefore, regular watering of a moisture-loving crop with soil moisture control is required. Drying and excessive humidity are unacceptable. In the first case, the cherry loses its color; in the second, the neck and roots begin to rot.

On a note!

To maintain the moisture balance in the soil, mulch is used, placing it in the tree trunk area.

If there is no mulch, the soil around the tree is loosened. It is advisable to increase irrigation volumes during the cherry blossom period, as this leads to increased yields.

Fertilizer application

In the first year after planting, cherries do not require additional feeding. The tree has enough fertilizers included in the soil mixture of the planting hole. In the future, each season the plantings are fed with nutritional compositions:

  • in the spring, complex fertilizers (nitrophoska) are applied;
  • in mid-summer add superphosphate to the soil;
  • at the end of the summer - potassium monosulfate, wood ash.

When growing cherries on sandy soils, the addition of organic matter is allowed. In all other cases, no manure or compost is added. According to the experience of summer residents, the introduction of nitrogen supplements stimulates the powerful growth of green mass. The shoots grow quickly, but lignification is inhibited. This has a detrimental effect on the overall development and fruiting of the crop. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizing is indicated only in early spring in limited quantities.


Mulching the cherry tree trunk has a good effect. They use hay and straw, which prevent the growth of weeds and retain moisture.

Mulch protects the soil from freezing, prevents instant evaporation of moisture, and reflects the sun's rays. Covering with mowed grass or sawdust replaces loosening, which simplifies the care of plantings.

Formative pruning

Cherry is a tall tree, but in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals this is a serious drawback. Powerful tall trees cannot be covered for the winter, so pruning is used to limit the growth of branches.

Trimming Features:

  • remove branches growing towards the trunk. They don’t produce berries, and they take up a lot of food. Pruning reduces stress on the tree;
  • cut off the side branches, leaving the ends of the shoots unchanged.

Various crown formation options:

  • creeping form (stall);
  • single-tier (without a central conductor), bowl-shaped. 4-6 skeletal branches are left on the tree;
  • sparse in tiers. Three tiers are formed, leaving a space between them of approximately 60-80 cm.

To slow down the growth of branches, remove the conductor, cut off thickened areas and deformed shoots.

On a note!

Low, compact trees begin to bear fruit faster in harsh climates.


It is possible to grow a developed tree only if the planting is carried out according to all recommendations. You should choose a quality seedling. It must be two years old, free of disease and damaged areas. The optimal length of the root system is about 20–25 cm. Its height should be 60–70 cm.

Planting is carried out in the fall, in early October. To do this, dig a hole in advance (50 cm deep and 80 cm wide), add 2 kg of humus into it. This will allow the soil to absorb useful substances from the fertilizer, which will have a positive effect on the development of the plant. After 2 weeks, you can begin the main stages of planting:

  • The seedling is installed in the hole, and its roots are distributed along the entire perimeter of the hole.
  • The root collar should be above the ground; the optimal distance from it to the soil is 5–6 cm - this can significantly reduce the possibility of developing root rot.
  • The roots are tightly covered with soil, paying special attention to the interroot space.
  • The soil is compacted and watered with 10 liters of warm water.

Read also: The best Muscat grape varieties

Disease prevention and pest control

Harsh climate is one of the factors protecting trees from infections and pest attacks. In such conditions, cherries are little affected by diseases and insects, although preventive spraying is indispensable.

Dangerous insects:

  • cherry mucous sawflies;
  • aphid;
  • cherry fly;
  • Cherry false scale.

For prevention, biological compounds (Fitoverm, Lepidocid) that do not contain harmful toxins are used. The “plus” of such insecticides is that they can be used, if necessary, even during flowering and fruit formation, without fear of harming trees and pollinating insects. In advanced cases, Actellik is effective against pests, but the plantings will have to be sprayed with the composition only after harvesting.

The main diseases of cherries include:

  • coccomycosis;
  • Clusterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • bacterial burn.

For preventive spraying, Bordeaux mixture (1%) and Horus preparation are used (before flowering). For treatment, at the first signs of infection, cherries are sprayed with Fitosporin and Trichodermin.

The use of chemical fungicides is effective, but unsafe. It is important to follow the recommendations of the instructions, the timing of treatments, and take into account the period of formation and ripening of the fruit. It is advisable to prevent an outbreak of infection, since in hot summer conditions and high humidity the disease spreads quickly, and it will be much more difficult to cure the tree than to prevent the disease.

To increase immunity and resistance to stress, treatment with Epin and Zircon is recommended. Cherries are sprayed after fruiting, closer to autumn. Prepared trees are better able to withstand cold and long wintering in the difficult conditions of the Urals and Siberia.

Preparing cherries for winter

A long winter period is a serious test for a heat-loving crop. Without shelter and preparation, the cherry tree will not withstand frost and will die. Therefore, already in August they begin to prepare plantings for wintering.

Main events:

  • bending tree branches to the ground. In this form it is easier to cover plantings before cold weather;
  • timely pruning of cherry shoots and growths;
  • removing the top shoots if they are not ripe. The degree of ripening is determined by lignification; it is necessary that the shoots leave in winter strong and lignified. Pinching (pinching) speeds up the process and increases the tree’s resistance to frost;
  • spraying (defoliation) of leaves if they have not fallen by mid-September. A solution of iron sulfate or urea is used, which accelerates leaf fall and the formation of flower buds.

Trunks and branches of trees that are not going to be bent down are whitened with indelible compounds. Clay, a mixture of hot pepper, and mullein are added to ordinary lime. Whiten after the leaves fall.

Conditions for planting a fruit tree

Before planting cherries in the Urals, you should decide on the site. You should avoid lowlands, where cold reigns in winter, and no hills blown by winds from all sides. A small hill rises completely, firmly protected from the cool winds that come from the northwest and north. The space must be well lit.

When choosing a site for planting cherries, you need to take into account the composition of the soil in this place. There should not be a high level of groundwater here, no languid and damp clayey soils. Grain-based light loamy or sandy loam compositions are excellent.

If the soil is acidic, you need to add dolomite flour. With all this, it should be borne in mind that at first the composition rate varies depending on the level of soil acidity. Later, the additive is consumed 1-2 times during the year at the rate of ½ kg of consistency per 1 sq. m. of land.

Growing cherries in Siberia and the Urals in stale form

Breeders involved in developing new varieties of winter-hardy cherries note that crop failures and freezing of plantings can occur in any year. The climate of the harsh region is too unpredictable, where even careful care does not save you from problems.

But gardeners do not despair when growing cherries in stale form. Its essence is bending the tree to the surface of the earth, planting seedlings at an angle (45º angle). Experience shows that with this method, trees are protected from scorching winds and frosts and successfully survive the winter.

This is interesting!

In Siberia, the method of growing in stale form is called “in the insole”.


  • when planting a tree, the seedling is placed obliquely in the planting hole;
  • a small mound is poured into the hole and cherries are placed on it;
  • the root collar is not buried;
  • trees are planted near buildings, fences, hedges, which will serve as protection for creeping cherries.

Remove the side branches in a timely manner, shorten and bend the shoots. Advantages of slate growing:

  • cherries successfully winter under a layer of snow;
  • there are no temperature changes, so the trees are in comfortable conditions;
  • in the spring, cherries wake up in time and quickly grow;
  • branches located close to the surface of the earth warm up faster and better in the summer, which leads to increased productivity;
  • the wood of the elks matures faster, there is no need to pinch the shoots at the end of summer;
  • it is easier to care for such plantings than for vertical trees;
  • Slate cherries are less affected by infections and insects.

According to reviews from summer residents, more berries are harvested from cherries grown in this form.

General information about culture

Not all cherries grow in the Urals; only some varieties can take root in this climatic zone. Due to the fact that the crop does not shine with the talent of self-pollination, the presence of at least three varieties on a plot of land is necessary, which will increase the likelihood of successful pollination.

Important! For cold regions, specialized winter-hardy varieties were bred - Pervaya Lastochka and Kozlovskaya, developed by I.V. Michurin. They became the basis for further research and development of new varieties.

After this, others developed at the Pavlovsk Research Station were presented. The greatest demand is observed for varieties such as Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Teremoshka, Odrinka, Miroleev, Alexandra, and Pink Sunset. They were taken out at a scientific station in Bryansk. Among the frost-resistant ones, Cheremashnaya and Fatezh are especially noteworthy, which were bred by scientists in the nursery of the All-Russian Scientific Institute of Horticulture. Bryansk and Moscow varieties are resistant to frosts up to 34 degrees. But their taste is an order of magnitude higher, and the yield is no less.

Well-adapted sweet cherry varieties in Bashkiria:

These varieties are distinguished by high frost resistance, productivity and enter into symbiosis with each other if planted in the same area, which is the reason for their popularity.

Common gardening mistakes

When growing cherries, even experienced gardeners make mistakes in agricultural technology, not to mention those who are just taking their first steps in this direction. What errors are more common:

  • wrong choice of variety. There are no zoned species of cherries for the Urals and Siberia; varieties suitable for cultivation and characterized by winter hardiness have been bred. You should rely on them, but at the same time provide complete care;
  • violations of agricultural technology;
  • ignorance of the characteristics of the culture, the principles of crown formation, and cultivation in a creeping form. Having decided to plant cherries, you need to study the literature, get acquainted with the experience of other gardeners, and take into account the recommendations of breeders;
  • violations of crop rotation on the site. Cherries are planted after apple and pear trees, excluding such predecessors as cherries and plums;
  • unsuitable soil at the planting site.

The first full-fledged harvests begin to be harvested after about 4-5 years (subject to proper agricultural technology and good care). Therefore, you need to be patient and the result will definitely please you.


Oleg, Satka

My parents grow several cherries at their dacha. My father dreams of getting a high harvest of berries, but so far the harvest is not particularly large. Although the berries are sweet and tasty. We grow Chermashnaya, Iput, we haven’t tried others. For the winter, we cover it with agrofibre, build a structure and hide the crown. Of course, the taste of the berries cannot be compared with those from the south, but we still like it.

Irma, Kurgan

This is the third year that the Leningradskaya Chernaya variety has been growing on my plot. The first season has bloomed, there are ovaries. I’m as happy as a child, I really want to try my berries. The height of the tree is already two meters, I cover it for the winter. There was also one variety - Chkalov, but it died out in the first winter. I believe that a lot depends on the planting location and conditions, since even winter-hardy species can suffer in unforeseen situations.

Growing sweet cherries in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals is a lot of work. But by choosing winter-hardy varieties and providing proper tree care, you can harvest good harvests of sweet berries in 5-6 years.

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