The best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse: for Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region

Cucumber has long been considered one of the most beloved and popular vegetable crops. Summer residents and gardeners grow it throughout all territories of our country. To get a good harvest, you need to study in advance all the advantages and disadvantages of varieties and choose the most suitable ones.

For a good harvest of cucumbers in the Moscow region in 2022, it is very important to choose the most productive varieties, giving preference to self-pollinating ones, because they do not need insects to form ovaries. Also, in the selection process, it is necessary to take into account the place where they will be planted: in a greenhouse or in open ground.

Features of cucumbers suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions

In protected ground, many varieties of cucumbers, suitable for growing both in open and indoor ground, often show higher yields. This is due to the fact that in greenhouses this delicate, heat-loving crop is protected from unfavorable weather conditions or temperature fluctuations, and from unexpected cold snaps.

Nowadays polycarbonate greenhouses are very popular - they are easy to install on the site and these structures are quite reliable. Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse will allow you to get a good harvest

with a relative minimum of labor costs for the manufacture of a glass greenhouse. From a financial point of view, this is also more profitable.

When choosing varieties and hydrides of seed material of this vegetable plant, you need to clearly know what requirements are imposed on plants:

  • the harvested crop will be used for conservation or food;
  • at what time of year will cucumbers be grown indoors;
  • size of ripe fruits.

You also need to pay attention to how specific varieties or hybrids are pollinated:

  • insects;
  • are self-pollinating;
  • parthenocarpic (not requiring pollination).

When growing varieties that required pollination by bees, it was necessary to attract these flying insects into greenhouses or place hives in them. Sometimes it is not possible to attract bees, in which case you have to pollinate the female flowers manually, but this procedure will have to be repeated regularly in order to get a good harvest as a result.

When growing self-pollinating and parthenocarpic cucumbers, summer residents do not have such problems. But these types of cucumbers are unlikely to be able to collect seed material for further planting, so seeds have to be purchased annually. But, as a rule, with the right choice of variety, the high yield of such hybrids always pays off with a large margin.

The main positive qualities of cucumbers grown in greenhouses should be:

  1. self-pollinating;
  2. high resistance to diseases;
  3. shade tolerance.

Features of growing cucumbers in the Moscow region

Cucumbers are a crop that is quite sensitive to environmental conditions. To harvest a decent harvest of fruits, it is necessary to create for them an environment that is optimal for growth and development.

Factors to consider when growing cucumbers:

  • Temperature conditions. Seeds begin to germinate when the thermometer readings do not fall below +15 degrees. Plants grow and bear fruit actively at temperatures in the range of +22…+28 degrees.
  • Humidity. The crop needs to provide soil moisture in the range of 75...95% and relative air humidity: 70...80%.
  • Illumination. Lack of sunlight negatively affects the growing season of cucumbers. The daylight hours should be 10…12 hours.
  • The soil. The crop prefers light soil: sandy loam, light loam, black soil. Acidity should be in the range of 4.5...6.8 pH.
  • Nutrition. Fast-growing plants consume large amounts of nutrients. In order for them to develop and bear fruit correctly, it is important to add micro- and macroelements to the soil. The key components of fertilizing should be nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

The duration of the active growing season of plants under natural conditions does not exceed 140 days. It is easier to provide the necessary conditions for cucumbers by planting them in a greenhouse.

Climate of the region

When choosing planting material, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of a particular region. By planting cucumbers in protected soil, you can largely protect the plantings from the vagaries of the weather, but you still have to take some nuances into account. The Moscow region is located in the center of the European part of the Russian Federation and some climatic factors are important.

Weather features in the Moscow region:

  • The region's temperate continental climate is characterized by fairly warm summers and moderately cold winters. The seasons are distinct here. When growing cucumbers, you need to understand that even in closed ground, seedlings can only be planted in May. If you want to get the harvest early, you need to install a heating system in the greenhouses.
  • In spring and autumn in the region, the temperature at night and during the day differs significantly, which is poorly tolerated by cucumbers. Planting vegetables in protected soil allows you to reduce the influence of temperature factors on the vegetable.
  • In summer, the duration of daylight hours is 15...17 hours. This is enough for the growing season of cucumbers. If you want to grow crops in autumn and winter, you have to install artificial lighting.

In greenhouses and hotbeds, it is possible to grow vegetables throughout the year, minimizing dependence on temperature changes and other unfavorable factors, and increasing productivity by an average of 1.5...2 times. You just need to provide optimal conditions for the plants and proper care, including regular watering, fertilizing and bush formation.

The best varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region in greenhouses

Among the many varieties and hybrids of cucumbers grown in greenhouse conditions in the Moscow region, this article describes the most popular of them. Each of these vegetable plants has its own positive qualities, fruit size and harvest ripening time.

Masha f1

This hybrid is a relatively new gherkin variety. It is recommended for cultivation in closed ground conditions and is characterized by early ripening. The ovaries formed are collected in bunches, in each of which up to 6 fruits can ripen.

The collected fruits are of universal use. Cucumber Masha is resistant to most diseases. In greenhouses, when tied to trellises, no more than 3 bushes should be planted in one square.

Connie f1

This hybrid is an early ripening, high-yielding variety. From one square you can get up to 12-13 kg of fruit. Connie's cucumber is highly resistant to most diseases that affect other varieties of this vegetable crop. The ovaries are collected in bunches, each of which can grow 5-6 fruits.

Cucumber Tumi f1

Cucumber Tumi f1 is an early ripening variety with stable fruiting. Can be grown in film or glass greenhouses. From the moment the sprouts appear until the first fruits are collected, up to 1.5 months pass. The size of ripe cucumbers is about 11 cm. The harvested crop tolerates transportation well and has good shelf life. No more than 3 plants are planted on one square. From 1 m2 of mono, collect up to 18-19 kg of ripe cucumbers.

Courage f1

This hybrid is intended for cultivation in closed ground and belongs to the parthenocarpic type. The harvest can be harvested in summer after 1.5 months, in winter - after almost 2 months. Bundle inflorescences are formed at the nodes, each of which produces up to 10 ovaries. The length of the cucumbers is up to 11 cm, and the weight is about 115 g.

After collection, it does not lose its taste for 1-1.5 weeks. Up to 11.5 kg of crop is harvested per square. Ripe cucumbers are universally used. Cucumber Courage is resistant to most diseases and does not tolerate shade.

Claudia f1

This hybrid is mid-season; the fruits will ripen even in unfavorable weather conditions. Almost two months pass from the moment the sprouts appear until the first fruits are harvested. Claudius cucumber is classified as an indeterminate type, the collected fruits are of universal use. The length of ripe cucumbers is about 11.5 cm, weight is about 85 g. The variety is classified as high-yielding, since at least 25-26 kg are usually harvested from one square. The bushes grow well to the sides, so it is not recommended to plant more than 2 plants per square meter.

How to make the right choice

To make it easier to navigate the huge variety, it is recommended to select varieties:

  • zoned for your region;
  • that interest you (for a greenhouse or vegetable garden);
  • taking into account the purpose (for salads, pickling, universal) and ripening period;
  • resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests.

Then, according to the selected varieties, you should study information about yield, size, weight and taste, and then finally decide on your choice.

In order for cucumbers to delight you with high yields and a delicate taste, it is recommended to consider a few more tips:

  • it is advisable to purchase hybrids;
  • it is better to buy seed sold by domestic producers;
  • You should purchase from stores where seeds are sold;
  • carefully study the label, which provides information about the date of manufacture and expiration date.

The best early varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

Many summer residents plant early varieties of cucumbers in greenhouses so that after harvesting, other vegetable crops can be planted in their place. The most popular varieties of early-ripening cucumbers for growing indoors are described below.

Anyuta f1

This hybrid has a fairly early ripening of fruits - up to 40 days pass from the moment of planting to the harvesting of the first cucumbers. The variety is quite productive, as up to 16.5 kg of fruits are harvested from one square. Hybrid Anyuta can be grown in greenhouses in most regions of Russia. Anyuta cucumbers are highly resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot, and powdery mildew.

Cucumber "Emelya f1"

Early maturing hybrid “Emelya f1”, from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first ripe cucumbers, up to 42 days pass.

The Emelya cucumber is quite productive - 15-16.5 kg of ripe cucumbers are harvested from one square. Recommended for planting in most areas of the country.

Cucumber "Makar f1"

Another early hybrid cucumber “Makar f1”, no more than 44 days pass from planting the seed to the appearance of ripe fruit. You can collect up to 14.5-15 kg of products per square meter. Recommended for cultivation in most regions of Russia in greenhouses. The variety is highly resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and olive spot.

Cucumbers “Martha f1”

From the moment of planting the seed until the harvest of the “Marta f1” cucumbers, 1.5 months pass. Therefore, the variety is also classified as an early ripening hybrid. Cucumber yield is high, up to 15 kg per 1 m2.

This hybrid is planted in greenhouses in most regions of the country. Martha's cucumber is highly resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and olive blight; resistance to other diseases is average.

Paratunka f1

This early-ripening hybrid is perfect for growing in greenhouses in the Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka regions of Russia, as well as in the Volga region. From the moment of sowing the seeds until the appearance of ripe products, about 42 days pass. Paratunka cucumber is highly resistant to olive spot and powdery mildew; resistance to other diseases is average.

Climate of the Moscow region

When choosing a variety, study the climatic features of the region. The Moscow region is classified as a territory with a temperate continental climate due to the region's remoteness from extensive water bodies and ocean currents.

Agricultural technologists characterize the Moscow region as a zone where:

  • long summer without sweltering heat;
  • moderately cold winter season with heavy snowfall;
  • frequent thaws and rapid melting of snow in spring;
  • it rains or snows on half of all days in a year;
  • Daylight hours in summer reach 15 hours;
  • growing season 140 days with favorable temperature conditions above +10 degrees;
  • the beginning of the winter period no earlier than mid-November;
  • snow melts by early April;
  • 1/3 days are completely cloudy;
  • only 17% of the day is clear.

Cucumber culture is sensitive to light and temperature conditions. Create optimal conditions for growing seedlings. Cucumber seeds for the Moscow region require careful selection of varieties in order to quickly obtain a rich harvest of tasty, environmentally friendly vegetables.

Self-pollinating and parthenocarpic cucumbers for greenhouses - the best varieties

Self-pollinating are those varieties and hybrids of cucumbers in which each flower has both stamens and pistil.

Therefore, they pollinate on their own, without requiring pollination by flying insects. It is these cucumbers that are preferable to grow in greenhouses, where bees do not always fly to pollinate female flowers.

Parthenocarpic are those varieties of cucumbers on the vines of which only female flowers appear, and the ovaries are formed completely without pollination.

The emerging fruits have practically no seeds at all, or appear in their infancy.

Both varieties of cucumbers are suitable for growing indoors because the fruits set on the shoots without the need for pollinating insects.

Adam f1

This early hybrid is classified as a parthenocarpic type; up to 1.5 months pass from the emergence of seedlings to the start of fruiting. The shoots are of the indeterminate type and can reach 1.7-1.9 m in height. They can be grown not only in film greenhouses, but also in open ground.

The fruits are classified as gherkin type - their length is no more than 10 cm, average weight is up to 94 g. Up to 10 kg of fruits are collected from one square. The variety is highly resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

Cucumber "Alex f1"

This early-ripening hybrid is classified as parthenocarpic varieties; 1.5 months pass from the appearance of sprouts to the appearance of ripe cucumbers. The ties are formed in short internodes, each of which produces no more than 3 flowers.

The fruits of the “Alex f1” variety are gherkins weighing up to 85 g; no more than 5.5 kg of fruit is collected from each square. The harvested crop is of universal use.

Cucumbers variety "Amur 1801 f1"

Another parthenocarpic hybrid, which is characterized by early ripening of fruits - from the moment of planting the seeds to the collection of the first fruits, it takes a little more than 1.5 months. The fruits are gherkin-type, no more than 9.5 cm long and weighing about 100 g. The harvested crop is distinguished by its versatility.

Artist f1

A parthenocarpic hybrid that is perfect for growing indoors. From the moment of sowing the seed until the first ripe fruit appears, up to 1.5 months pass.

Vigorous stems can reach 2 m or more in length, the root system is well developed. The weight of short cylindrical greens can reach 92-94 g. Up to 9 kg of ripe cucumbers can be harvested from one square.

Herman f1

This hybrid of cucumbers is classified as a parthenocrpic type, so the Herman cucumber grows and bears fruit well in closed ground. Ripe fruits are harvested within 42-44 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The weight of gherkin greens can reach 80-85 g. From one square you can collect no more than 8.5 kg of product.

Parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) hybrids of cucumbers for the Middle Zone and Moscow region

Parthenocarpic = self-pollinating cucumbers , in other words, such hybrids do not need any pollinators (bees, bumblebees) to form ovaries and bear fruit, so they can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

We remind you! F1 hybrids are not suitable for self-harvesting cucumber seeds , only varieties.

The names of cucumber hybrids are not given in alphabetical order, but depending on their popularity among summer residents.

Herman F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting 40-45 days after germination.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized. With bunched ovaries. With sufficient nutrition, it produces 6-7 fruits on each node.
  • Designed for cultivation in open ground, under temporary film shelters, as well as in protected ground (film greenhouses).
  • The fruits are dark green, smooth, cylindrical, tuberculate, with white pubescence.
  • Length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 2.9-3.1 cm, weight - 70-90 g.
  • Productivity - up to 8.5-9 kg per square meter.
  • Good or excellent taste. There is no bitterness.
  • Universal purpose: perfect for salting, pickling and fresh consumption.
  • It is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis and powdery mildew.

Courage F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hydride, from germination to fruiting 45-50 days.
  • Designed for growing in film greenhouses.
  • Plants are indeterminate, vigorous, shoot-forming ability is average. With bunched ovaries, 2-4 ovaries are formed in the nodes (up to 5-6 pieces).
  • The fruit is dark green, with light stripes, tuberculate, white-thorned.
  • Length - 12-15 cm, diameter - 4.0-4.5 cm, weight - 120-130 g.
  • Productivity - 6-8 kg per 1 plant or up to 16-18 kg per square meter.
  • The taste is good to excellent, without bitterness.
  • Universal use (for salad and canning).
  • Relatively resistant to major diseases.

Zozulya F1 (TSHA-77)

  • An early ripening hybrid, fruiting 45-50 days after germination (according to other sources, 40-45 days).
  • Partially parthenocarpic. It has predominantly female flowers, but bears fruit better during initial bee pollination.
  • The plant is medium-climbing, with weak branching.
  • For cultivation in closed ground (film greenhouse).
  • Can be grown on the balcony.
  • The fruits are cylindrical, slightly tuberculate, white-thorned.
  • Length - 14-24 cm, weight - 150-300 grams.
  • High yield - up to 40 kg per square meter. meters (according to other sources, up to 15-25 kg).
  • Great taste. The fruits do not taste bitter, do not turn yellow and retain their presentation for a long time.
  • Mainly for salad purposes, but young greens can also be used for pickling.
  • Relatively cold-resistant.
  • It is distinguished by friendly and long-lasting fruiting.
  • It is resistant to olive spot and cucumber mosaic virus.

Connie F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid (from germination to fruiting 47-50 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, medium-climbing, medium-leaved, with a tendency to bunch ovaries.
  • For cultivation in film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is cylindrical, very short, green, small and tuberculate, with white pubescence.
  • Length - 7-9 cm, weight - 60-82 g.
  • Productivity - up to 12.6-16.0 kg per square meter. meter (early at the beginning of fruiting - 8.7-9.2 kg).
  • The fruits are tasty and aromatic.
  • Universal purpose: salad, canning.
  • Resistant to powdery mildew and root rot.

Masha F1

  • An early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting occurs 37-39 days after germination.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, with limited shoot-forming ability. With bunched ovaries. With sufficient nutrition, the plant forms up to 6-7 fruits in each node.
  • Suitable for growing in open ground and under film cover.
  • The fruits are cylindrical, leveled, dark green, tuberculate, white-thorned.
  • Length - 8-9 cm, diameter - 3.0-3.5 cm.
  • Productivity - up to 10-11 kg per square meter. meters.
  • Excellent taste. Without emptiness and bitterness.
  • Universal purpose: for fresh consumption and canning.
  • Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, true and downy mildew, and cladosporiosis.

Murashka F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid (43-48 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, with average branching. Bouquet type of flowering (Bunch formation of ovaries). 4-6 ovaries are formed in each leaf axil.
  • It can be grown both in protected ground (film greenhouses) and in open ground under temporary film covers.
  • The fruits are dark green, short, cylindrical, with large wide tubercles, black-thorned.
  • Length - 11-13 cm, diameter 3.5-4 cm, weight - 90-110 g.
  • Productivity - 6-7 kg per 1 plant or up to 10.3-12.0 kg per square meter. meter.
  • The taste is excellent.
  • Universal purpose: for pickling, salting, salads.

Excellent for barrel pickling.

  • Resistant to powdery mildew, relatively resistant to downy mildew and root rot.

Shosha F1

  • An early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting occurs 39-43 days after germination.
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-branched. Bundle arrangement of ovaries; up to 3 ovaries are formed in a node.
  • For cultivation in open ground and under temporary film covers, as well as in closed ground (greenhouses).
  • The fruit is green, cylindrical, medium-tubercular, with spines and pubescence.
  • Length - 9-11 cm, diameter - 3-3.5 cm, weight - 50-80 g.
  • Productivity - up to 14.5 kg per square meter. meters.
  • The taste is good.
  • Mostly for salad purposes, but also suitable for canning.
  • Resistant to major diseases: common cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew, target leaf spot and cucumber yellowing virus.

Meringue F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid (37-40 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-climbing. In one node it simultaneously forms up to 4-5 fruits.
  • Recommended for growing in greenhouses, film shelters, and open ground.
  • The fruit is dark green, cylindrical, coarsely tuberculate, with white pubescence. Resistant to yellowing and deformation.
  • Length - 8-10 cm, weight - up to 65 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 15.2 kg per square meter.
  • The taste is excellent. No bitterness.
  • Universal: intended for fresh consumption and processing.
  • Resistant to cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus, downy and powdery mildew.

Claudia F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid.
  • The plant is climbing, with bouquet (beam) formation of ovaries (more than 3 per node).
  • For cultivation in open ground under temporary film covers.
  • The fruit is cylindrical, finely tuberculate, green to dark green, with short stripes, white pubescence.
  • Length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 3-4 cm, weight - 64-89 g.
  • Productivity - up to 2.1-4.8 kg per square meter. meter.
  • Recommended for salting and pickling, suitable for fresh consumption.
  • It has complex resistance to major cucumber diseases.

Artist F1

  • Early ripe parthenocarpic hydride (38-50 days from mass germination to the beginning of technical ripeness).
  • The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, medium branched, with a strong root system.
  • For cultivation in open ground and under temporary film covers.
  • The fruit is short, cylindrical, dark green, with short stripes and mild spotting, medium tuberculate, white pubescence.
  • Weight - 90-95 g.
  • Productivity - up to 8.5 kg per square meter.
  • Has good taste.
  • Universal: recommended for salads and pickling.
  • Resistant to cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus, moderately resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

Siberian garland F1

  • An early-ripening hybrid (the first cucumbers appear one and a half months after germination).
  • The plant is quite branched and requires artificial formation of a bush. Bundle-type ovaries (4-5 ovaries can form in one leaf axil).
  • Miniature dark green gherkins rarely grow longer than 5-7 cm, are very juicy and tasty, do not taste bitter, are slightly lumpy and not prickly at all.
  • In just one season you can get up to 400 fruits from one plant (that’s almost 20 kilos)!
  • The hybrid is resistant to unfavorable conditions; it is not afraid of drought, coolness, or heavy rains.
  • Good both in pickles and fresh.

During fruiting, you can see how the cucumber plant is completely hung with young greens - like a garland!

April F1

  • An early ripening hybrid, fruiting occurs 45-50 days after germination.
  • Partially parthenocarpic, for better fruit formation it is advisable to pollinate in the first month of fruiting.
  • The limited lateral branching precludes periodic pinching and pinching work.
  • For cultivation in closed ground (greenhouse).
  • Can be grown on the balcony and indoors.
  • The fruit is green, cylindrical, slightly tuberculate.
  • Length - 15-25 cm, weight - 200-250 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 24 kg per square meter. meters (in the first month of fruiting - 7-13 kg per square meter).
  • Good taste.
  • Universal purpose (for salads and canning).
  • Cold resistant.
  • Has long-term fruiting.
  • It has complex resistance to major diseases.

F1 Director

  • Mid-season parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting occurs 43-45 days after germination.
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, highly branched.
  • The number of female flowers in a node is 2-3 pcs.
  • For open ground and temporary film shelters, as well as film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is dark green, elongated-cylindrical, with short stripes, tuberculate, white pubescence, of medium density.
  • Length - 9-10.5 cm, diameter - 3-3.5 cm, weight - 65-80 g.
  • Productivity - up to 12-20 kg per square meter. meters.
  • The taste is good and excellent. No bitterness.
  • For salad purposes, but can also be canned.
  • Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, cucumber vascular yellowing virus, tolerant to downy mildew. Tolerant to stress.

Zyatek F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid (45-48 days from germination to fruiting)
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-branched, has a powerful root system and intensive growth. Bouquet type of flowering (tufted ovaries). In the axil of the leaves, 2-4 ovaries are formed (maximum 6-8 pieces).
  • Designed for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is dark green with light stripes, cylindrical, tuberculate, white-thorned.
  • Length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 3.0-3.5 cm, weight - 90-100 g.
  • Productivity - up to 5.0-7.0 kg per plant or 13.2 kg per square meter.
  • The taste is excellent. No bitterness.
  • The fruits are used universally (fresh, pickled, pickled).

Can be collected for pickles and gherkins.

  • Resistant to root rot, powdery mildew, and tolerant to downy mildew.

Paratunka F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting 40-43 days after germination.
  • For cultivation in open and closed ground.
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, medium-branched. The number of female flowers in a node is 3 or more.
  • The fruits are dark green, cylindrical, medium tuberculate, slightly ribbed, white-spiked.
  • Length - 8-10 cm, diameter - 2-3 cm, weight - 75-100 g.
  • Productivity - up to 12-16 kg per square meter. meters.
  • The taste is excellent. The pulp is crispy, aromatic, sweet, without bitterness.
  • Universal purpose: for fresh consumption, pickling or pickling.
  • Resistant to powdery mildew and cladosporiosis.
  • Tolerates temperature stress well.

Adam F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, 45-52 days from germination to fruiting.
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized.
  • Recommended for open ground, temporary film shelters and film greenhouses.
  • The fruits are green, cylindrical, finely tuberculate with light white pubescence.
  • Length - 9-10 cm, diameter - 3.0-3.7 cm, weight - 90-95 g.
  • Productivity - up to 8.2-10.2 kg per square meter. meter.
  • The taste is good.
  • Universal purpose: perfect for preparing fresh summer salads and canning.
  • Resistant to olive spot (cladosporiosis), powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

Mother-in-law F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid (45-48 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium branched. Bouquet type of flowering (tufted ovaries). Up to 3-4 ovaries are formed in the leaf axil.
  • Designed for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is dark green, cylindrical, tuberculate, brown-thorned.
  • Length - 11-13 cm, weight - 100-120 g,
  • The yield of one plant is up to 5.5-6.5 kg or up to 12.2 kg per square meter.
  • The fruits are used universally: fresh, pickled, pickled.
  • Wonderful, delicate taste. No bitterness.
  • Cold resistant.
  • It has complex resistance to major cucumber diseases (resistant to powdery mildew, tolerant to downy mildew).

Marinda F1

  • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid.
  • The plant is medium-sized. With sufficient nutrition, up to 6-7 ovaries are formed in each node (the ovaries tend to be arranged in bunches).
  • For cultivation in greenhouses and open ground.
  • The fruits are dark green, tuberculate, with white spines,
  • Length - 8-10 cm.
  • The fruits are tasty and crunchy.
  • Universal purpose: for fresh consumption, salting and pickling.
  • Resistant to major cucumber diseases and unfavorable growing conditions.

Amur 1801 F1

  • Mid-early parthenocarpic hybrid (45-55 days from mass germination to the beginning of technical ripeness).
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, medium-branched.
  • For cultivation in open ground, in film greenhouses and under temporary film covers.
  • The fruit is cylindrical, dark green, with short light stripes, finely tuberculate, white pubescence.
  • Weight - 95-100 g, length - up to 9.5 cm, diameter - up to 3.2 cm.
  • Marketable yield is 8.5-11.2 kg per square meter.
  • Excellent taste.
  • Universal purpose: for salads and canning.
  • Resistance to olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew.

Another good self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) cucumbers

Slightly less popular, but also good hybrids of self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) cucumbers for growing in central Russia (including the Moscow region):

  • Ecole F1.
  • Tempo F1.
  • Harmonist F1.
  • Athos F1.
  • Khrustik F1.
  • Emerald earrings F1.
  • Thumb F1.
  • Ant F1.
  • Fast and Furious F1.
  • Emelya F1.

The best varieties of cucumbers for Siberia for growing in greenhouses

Siberia has a unique climate - the summer is too short, sometimes the temperature drops sharply, and sunny weather is abruptly replaced by a long rainy period. In such conditions, it is recommended to grow heat-loving vegetable crops only indoors in order to get a good harvest.

Therefore, in recent decades, breeders have begun to breed various vegetable crops, including cucumbers, which grow and bear fruit well in this region. The best cucumber varieties for growing in greenhouses in Siberia are presented below.

Cucumber “Break f1”

This hybrid reaches a height of 1.6-1.8 m, the formation of lateral stems is average. The Break f1 hybrid is highly resistant to powdery mildew and various types of rot. The Break cucumber does not require special care; the hybrid bushes do not need to be formed.

No more than 3 ovaries are formed on the central shoot, 6-8 on the side shoots. Ripe greens are up to 11 cm long, weighing about 90-95 g. From one bush you can collect no more than 7.5 kg of cucumbers.

Cucumbers "Hostinets f1"

This hybrid is highly productive - up to 7 kg of fruits are collected from one bush. The number of side shoots is average. In greenhouses it is better to tie it to trellises. Up to 6-7 ovaries are formed in the leaf axils. The Gostinets cucumber is highly resistant to most diseases.

Patty f1

Another hybrid, the main positive qualities of which are resistance to diseases and changes in weather conditions. The variety is tall, the ovaries are collected in shoots. This hybrid requires the formation of bushes; for this it is recommended to pinch out excess shoots. The variety requires regular watering and fertilizing. About 23-24 kg of crop is harvested from one square. Zelentsy are gherkin-type, reach 9-9-10 cm in length, weighing about 80-85 g. This variety is recommended for growing for sale.

Cucumber "Robber f1"

This hybrid is characterized by long-term fruiting, beginning 40-45 days after emergence and continuing almost until frost. Up to 4 ovaries can form in each sinus.

The fruits are small cylindrical gherkins. Cucumber Rogue is resistant to most diseases.

Emerald flow f1

Such cucumbers are called “crocodiles” - they are long and with thorns. A very productive variety. More detailed information about the Emerald Stream variety is available on the website.

the hit of the season

High-yielding hybrid variety of parthenocarpic type.

From the moment the first sprouts appear until the first fruits are harvested, up to 1.5 months pass. But ovaries can form on the vines before the first frost. fruit size is 11-12 cm.

Criterias of choice

For greenhouses, cucumber varieties are divided into 3 groups according to fruiting period:

  1. Winter-spring.
  2. Spring-summer.
  3. Summer-autumn.

Therefore, first you need to decide whether you want cucumbers to grow in the greenhouse all year round or at a certain time.

Next, you need to choose the early maturity of the cucumbers. According to this criterion, all varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  1. early: fruits will ripen 37-42 days after emergence;
  2. average: 40-50 days;
  3. late: 50 days or more.

Important! If there is enough space in the greenhouse, you need to sow varieties with different ripening periods, then you can enjoy fresh cucumbers for a long time.

It is also worth deciding how you will use cucumbers and for what purpose they are needed. Here the varieties are also divided into 3 groups:

  1. For salads.
  2. For marinades and salting.
  3. Universal.

Salad cucumbers have thick skins and are therefore not suitable for winter preservation. They will not be able to salt properly as the brine will not be able to penetrate through the thick skin.

Important! When growing a small number of bushes, it is better to give preference to universal varieties.

They give a good harvest and are unpretentious to lighting.

Important! In order not to form a stem, it is better to choose varieties with limited development of lateral shoots.

Varieties of cucumbers for the Urals for greenhouses

In the difficult climatic conditions of the Urals, it is better to grow heat-loving, rather capricious cucumbers in greenhouses and film greenhouses. Below we will describe the best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses in the Urals.

Cupid f1

One of the best early ripening hybrids for growing in greenhouse conditions in the Urals. It grows and bears fruit even with sudden changes in air temperature. The harvest ripens approximately 1.5 months after sowing the seed. Harvested greens are versatile.

Cucumber "Arina f1"

Arina is one of the highest-yielding mid-early hybrids intended for cultivation in greenhouses in the Urals.

The Arina cucumber is highly resistant to diseases that affect other varieties of cucumbers. Ripe greens are used only fresh.

Cucumber “Fabulous Five f1”

This hybrid is early ripening - from the moment the first shoots appear until the harvest ripens, 39-42 days pass. Ripe greens are small in size, with a delicate crispy skin covered with small tubercles and thin whitish spines. The yield of the Magnificent Five f1 variety is high.

Cucumber “Voyage f1”

An early-ripening, fairly productive hybrid variety - about 1.5 months pass from the moment the seed is sown until the fruit ripens.

Voyage cucumber does not require pollination and is recommended for growing not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground. The harvested crop is used for fresh consumption only.

Cucumber “Moscow Evenings f1”

The hybrid "Moscow Evenings f1" can grow even in the shade, so it is ideal for growing in greenhouses. The variety is distinguished by early fruit ripening, as well as high resistance to diseases characteristic of this vegetable crop.

Growing seedlings

To sow seeds for seedlings, mix humus, peat, turf soil and river sand in equal proportions. For each bucket of prepared soil, add 500 grams of wood ash and 50 grams of superphosphate. You can also purchase ready-made soil at a specialized store.

It should be taken into account that cucumbers are very difficult to tolerate picking and transplanting. Therefore, it is better to sow seeds in peat pots or tablets. If seedlings are grown in plastic cups, then they are transplanted using the transshipment method.

The optimal volume of cups for seedlings is 200-250 milliliters. Small holes are made in their bottom for drainage. Sow 2-3 seeds in one cup, deepening them by 1-2 centimeters. The containers are covered with film until germination.

Seedlings must be provided with lighting for 12-14 hours daily. If there is insufficient lighting, the seedlings will stretch out and die. It is best to purchase phytolamps that emit light waves in the spectrum required by plants. But in their absence, you can use fluorescent lamps or “housekeepers”.

For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature, preferably rain or melt water. You can’t water the soil too much, but you shouldn’t let it dry out either. Typically, seedlings are watered 2 times a week. The soil is loosened periodically.

If seedlings are planted in properly prepared soil, then they do not need fertilizing.

A few days before planting in open ground, plants need to be hardened off. To do this, they are taken outside.

Gherkin cucumbers for greenhouses

In recent decades, summer residents have become increasingly interested in growing gherkin varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. Gherkins are small-sized greens, crispy and very tasty. They are well suited for pickling and salting without losing their taste, and are also very tasty when eaten fresh.

The best varieties of gherkin cucumbers for growing in greenhouses are presented below.

Children's f1

A self-pollinating, abundantly flowering hybrid, it is perfect for growing in greenhouses in many regions of Russia. Small greens reach 7.5-8 cm in length, their weight is about 65-70 g. From 1 square m2 it is fashionable to collect 16-16.5 kg of gherkins.

Cucumber "Brownie f1"

This hybrid belongs to the parthenocarpices type, early ripening - just over 1.5 months pass from the moment of sowing the seed to harvesting.

The length of the fragrant, tasty fruits is up to 13 cm, but you can harvest them at an earlier stage. The weight of the fruits of “Brownie f1” is up to 90-95 g. Each vegetable plant harvests up to 8-8.5 kg of gherkins.

Friendly family

This early gherkin variety is perfect for growing indoors. Zelentsy reach a length of no more than 10-11 cm, but they are usually collected at the pickle stage, which reach a length of 5.5-6 cm. The bushes require pinching the tops and removing excess shoots. The Friendly Family cucumber is high-yielding - up to 18-19 kg of ripe gherkins can be collected from one square.

Mels f1

This high-yielding, early-ripening hybrid is popular among vegetable growers. The friendly return of ripe gherkins begins a month after the sprouts appear. This vegetable plant is self-pollinating. The shape of the inflorescences is bouquet; 5-6 ovaries can be formed simultaneously in each node. Ripe fruits are crispy, tender, without bitterness. From each bush you can collect 14-16 kg of greens.

Cucumbers “White crunch” F1

This variety has an original coloring of ripe fruits – soft salad, very light. The shape of ripe gherkins is cylindrical.

The skin is crispy, with large tubercles and small dark spikes. The weight of ripe gherkins is up to 70 g. The collected fruits are of universal use.

Consider the main features when choosing

Before purchasing seeds, you need to understand several important nuances. Then you can quickly decide which variety is best to plant. After this, you can select a specific variety according to your requirements. Consider the following criteria:

  1. Maturing period. Cucumbers are early, mid-season and late. It is best to choose options with different ripening periods so that you can collect cucumbers for several months. Study the information on the packaging to determine when the variety bears fruit.
  2. Purpose of use. For fresh consumption, it is better to plant salad varieties; they are larger and have almost no thorns on the surface. Pickling varieties are easy to prepare; they are much smaller and covered with a large number of thorns. There are universal options, they can be used fresh and for preparations, so many choose the latter type.
  3. Type of pollination. There are common varieties that are pollinated by bees and other insects. And there are parthenocarpic options, these are self-pollinating hybrids. They do not need pollination, so the harvest in the Moscow region is greater, since there are often rainy, cloudy days when insects do not fly.
  4. Resistance to bitterness. To avoid picking bitter cucumbers, you need to buy varieties that are resistant to this problem at the genetic level. This is always indicated on the pack; you must remember to clarify this point.

  5. Disease resistance and plant characteristics. Different varieties resist diseases and pests differently. It is worth choosing ones that are resistant to common problems. Take into account the structure of the vines; it is better if the growth of lateral shoots in them is genetically limited, then you will not have to shape or pinch them.
  6. Choose only zoned varieties. There is no need to purchase options in the Moscow region that are intended for the southern regions, they will grow poorly. It is better to use something that has been tested by breeders and approved for use in the region.
  7. Buy processed seeds. In order not to be disinfected in potassium permanganate and not soaked in a growth stimulator, it is easier to find ready-made options that can be planted immediately. Coated seeds are even better; in them, the seed is in a nutritious shell, so it sprouts quickly and at an early age.

Hybrids tolerate temperature changes and lack of moisture better. Therefore, they grow better outside the most favorable conditions. To choose the most productive varieties for the Moscow region in 2022, you need to decide how they will be grown. Based on this, choosing an option for open ground or for greenhouses - from polycarbonate or film, it does not matter, the main thing is that the plants are intended for closed ground.

The best varieties of cucumbers for a greenhouse for growing in the middle zone

In the middle zone, cucumbers are usually grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. But this article will only talk about those varieties and hybrids of cucumbers that are grown in greenhouses in this region.

Alekseich f1

This hybrid is characterized by early ripening of fruits and belongs to the parthenocarpic type. The height of the lashes is up to 1.6-1.8 m. The greens are covered with small tubercles, their weight is 70-75 g, and their length is 7-7.5 cm. The harvested crop is of universal use. Alekseich cucumber is highly resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew.

Cucumber "Benefit f1"

Early ripening self-pollinating hybrid cucumber with good yield. The weight of ripe fruits is up to 110 g and about 11 cm long.

The fruits are without bitterness, tasty and tender. The hybrid has good resistance to most diseases characteristic of other cucumber varieties.

Emelya f1

This is another hybrid with a female flowering type that does not require pollination. It is better to grow it in heated greenhouses in most regions of Russia. The ripening time for greens is 1.5 months from the moment the seeds are planted. Since this hybrid belongs to the indeterminate type, its central shoot has unlimited growth power. The ovaries are collected in bunches, each of which can produce 4-6 fruits.

Thumb Cucumbers

Parthenocarpic variety, fruit ripening period is no more than 38-40 days from the moment of planting the seed material. The Thumb Cucumber is highly resistant to most diseases.

Gherkin fruits reach 10-10.5 cm in length, and their weight does not exceed 55-60 cm. The collected fruits are distinguished by their versatility.

Goosebumps f1

An early ripening hybrid Murashka that does not require pollination is one of the best varieties for growing indoors in central Russia. The seeds are produced by the agricultural company Gavrish. From the moment the sprouts appear until the ripe cucumbers appear, 40-41 days pass. The ovaries are collected in bunches, each of which can ripen 4-6 fruits. The skin is dark green, with large tubercles and small dark-colored spines. Fruit length is 10-11 cm. Taste = good.

Climate of the Moscow region

The weather features of the Moscow region (long spring, summer, which really begins in mid-June, and early-onset cold nights) force gardeners to choose to cultivate crops indoors. That is why most often cucumbers near Moscow grow in greenhouses. They protect plantings from:

  • return frosts;
  • prolonged rains;
  • hail;
  • strong, gusty wind.

On a note! Even simple unheated greenhouses help maintain suitable humidity and high night temperatures, so necessary for the successful ripening of cucumbers.

But greenhouse growing conditions have their own characteristics.

Pickling cucumbers - the best varieties in the greenhouse

Among the varieties and hybrids of cucumbers grown indoors, there are many whose fruits are used for pickling and canning. Some of them should be discussed in more detail.

Funny boys

This early-ripening, high-yielding variety with small, tasty fruits is valued by housewives for the universal qualities of ripe products and the possibility of using them for preservation. From one square, with good care, you can collect 12-14 kg of gherkins with good presentation and taste.

Cucumber "Liliput"

The small size of the fruits of this variety is the main positive quality of the Liliput cucumber. Zelentsy are harvested at the pickle or gherkin stage.

Usually they are salted or pickled, but the excellent taste of the fruit does not deteriorate. The shoots are medium-sized, the size of the gherkins is 8.5-9 cm. Up to 10 kg of products are usually collected from one square.

Siberian garland f1

The high-yielding, early-ripening hybrid Siberian Garland is grown in greenhouses on trellises. At the same time, it is easier to care for the bushes, and it is also easier to collect ripening fruits. The ovaries are formed in nodes, up to 3 pieces in each. The ripening period for cucumbers is 42-45 days from the moment of germination. From one square you can collect up to 38-39 kg of ripe greens.

Cucumbers "Siberian pickled"

The “Siberian Salting” variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses in the Urals and Siberia.

Its fruits are small, finely tuberculate, ideal for pickling or pickling. The fruit pulp is dense and does not form voids even during pickling.

Cucumber “Tournament f1”

This parthenocarpic, high-yielding hybrid is often grown by summer residents specifically for salting and pickling ripe gherkins. The length of the cucumbers is about 13 cm, and the weight is 115 g. The bushes of this hybrid are powerful, vigorous, with an average formation of lateral shoots. From one bush you can collect up to 7 kg of ripe fruits. Hybrid Tournament is resistant to temperature fluctuations and is resistant to powdery mildew and ascochyta blight.

Mid-season varieties

To get cucumbers a little later, mid-season varieties are planted. Below is a list of the best plants in this class:

Alliance variety F1

This is a hybrid plant of the parthenocarpic type. For this reason, gardeners will get a good harvest in closed greenhouses that are not ventilated or opened to attract insects. The resulting fruit is quite long - up to 16 centimeters. Weight on average 100 g.

An interesting feature of the variety is that fruiting lasts until autumn. Moreover, the number of cucumbers collected from a bush can compete with such well-known varieties as Zozulya and Cucaracha. The variety is also not susceptible to many types of fungal and infectious diseases that often attack cucumber bushes.

But it is worth considering one more feature - there are two types of the Alliance variety. One is of domestic selection, the second is Dutch. It is the variety from a foreign manufacturer that has smaller dimensions. It belongs to the early ripening gherkins, which require the work of bees for pollination. Therefore, you should not confuse these two varieties.


This variety requires insects for pollination. It is high-yielding, easily transportable and original in its taste characteristics. But the plant is quite intensively exposed to a disease such as powdery mildew. Therefore, in order to avoid a number of problems during cultivation, preventive measures are recommended. The average length is 12 cm, and the weight is 140 g.

White Angel F1

This is an original hybrid, distinguished by the fact that its fruits are whitish in color. The cucumber is covered with a thin peel without pubescence. Its pulp is quite juicy and aromatic. The cylindrical shape of the cucumber has a length of 7 cm, and the weight fluctuates on average about 80-90 g. During cultivation, you should not keep cucumbers on the bush for too long. When they reach 10 cm in length, the fruit pulp becomes coarser and loses its taste. For those people who show an allergic reaction to cucumbers, you can safely eat varieties with a white color. They lack green pigment, which causes such a negative reaction from the body.

Variety selection

Cucumbers require average light, humidity, and no sudden temperature changes. The moderate continental summer of the Moscow region meets these criteria. Plants are planted in the ground no earlier than May, since they do not tolerate frost. The first fruits ripen already at the beginning of summer, and the harvest is completed before the onset of cold weather.

Early salad

Not all vegetable growers are interested in obtaining early produce for preservation, but the following varieties will allow you to obtain early salad cucumber for your own consumption and sale of surplus on the market:

"Avoska F1"

An early hybrid with a salad purpose. It was presented for testing by Agrofirm Poisk LLC, Moscow region. together with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".

The hybrid is parthenocarpic, indeterminate with medium branching strength. Each node will produce 2-3 short, cylindrical greens, which will have medium stripes and medium tubercles, as well as spots and spines.

The cucumber gains weight up to 120-155 g and has an acceptable taste. The yield of the hybrid is within 13-14 kg per m2 of garden area.


  • early ripening;
  • fast growth;
  • good marketability;
  • high yield.

If you are looking for more productive cucumber seeds for the Moscow region for open ground, then you can consider the following varieties:

"Azhur F1"

The author of the hybrid novelty is Agrofirm Sedek LLC.

The hybrid is of the parthenocarpic type, which guarantees productivity, indeterminate, average height and average branching. In the sinus it forms 2, sometimes 3 ovaries.

Leaves are slightly wrinkled and dark green in color.

The green cucumber is very dark in color with short stripes and large tubercles, and the pubescence of the fruit is white and dense. The weight does not exceed 90 g. The taste is excellent.

The cucumber yield will be within 12-13 kg per sq.m.


  • excellent marketability;
  • high yield.

"Beethoven F1"

Agrofirma Sedek LLC presented a selection masterpiece to the market of vegetable products.

An early ripening hybrid, parthenocarpic, suitable for preparing salads and for rolling into jars.

The plant has a medium degree of branching, indeterminate, capable of growing 1-2 greens per node.

The fruits are short, weighing no more than 100 g, with short stripes and large, spiny tubercles.

The commercial output of the hybrid will be within 14.5 kg per m2 of area.

"Beethoven" is resistant to powdery mildew and cladosporiosis.

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • high yield;
  • good marketability;
  • excellent tasting properties.

"Bourgeois F1"

Agrofirma Aelita LLC presented to the market a high-yielding hybrid, yielding up to 16 kg per square meter. m. beds.

The hybrid parthenocarpic for salad purposes ties 1-2 greens in a knot, which cover large and green leaves.

The fruits are elongated, cylindrical, with short stripes, large tubercles and spines. The mass of a cucumber is within 160-165 g.

The taste of the fruit received the highest reviews with an “excellent” rating.

What are the advantages:

  • the harvest is huge;
  • taste - excellent;
  • The marketability is excellent.

Early ripening varieties

Yearning for fresh green cucumbers during the long winter, vegetable growers rush to sow the earliest ones, and in this matter their choice should be the following:

"Dmitry Donskoy F1"

The hybrid cucumber was presented to the world by Agrofirm Aelita LLC, Moscow. A parthenocarpic crop for early lettuce will not require pollination.

The plant is medium-branched and bears two ovaries in each internode. The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color.

The greenery is cylindrical, smooth, with light white pubescence and short white stripes. The surface is covered with a strong waxy coating. Weight is within 90-95 g.

The taste was rated “excellent”. Productivity 8-11kg/m2. The hybrid has excellent resistance to cladospora and average resistance to LMR, MR, VOM.


  • super early fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • resistant to diseases.

"Mother-in-law's dessert F1"

Another gift. Having received super early production, the hybrid can be used for salads and canning.

Each node will give the grower 3-4 greens. The leaf is dark green.

The fruit is short, spindle-shaped, medium tuberculate with spines. The weight of the cucumber is 80-90 g. The fruit tastes good. The hybrid is resistant to major cucumber diseases.

The productivity of “dessert” is at the level of 10-11 kg per m2.


  • early harvest;
  • the product yield is very high;
  • resistance to contagious diseases;
  • versatility of use.

Basic requirements for varieties for the Moscow region

When selecting varieties and hybrids for a given region, the main characteristics should be taken into account:

  1. Purpose of vegetables. According to reviews from experienced gardeners, universal varieties are best suited for open ground.
  2. Terms of ripening. The warm period in the Moscow region is quite short, and therefore it is better to choose early-ripening varieties that allow you to get a harvest within two months after germination.
  3. Type of pollination. The best option is self-pollinating cucumbers that do not require insect activity.

Varieties without pinching

Novice gardeners may not be able to cope with pinching bushes, since they need to determine for themselves which shoots to leave and which to remove. Therefore, it is recommended for those inexperienced in this matter to grow cucumber varieties that do not require pinching.

Look F1

Hybrid with medium ripening period. Ripe fruits can be removed from the bushes 45 days after sprouts appear from the ground. Cucumbers with tender and juicy pulp grow up to 100 g. They are universal in use.

Cruise F1

A hybrid with high immunity to crop diseases and changes in weather conditions. Ripe fruits can be picked from the bushes 50-52 days after sprouts appear from the ground. Cucumbers gain weight up to 100 g.


Early ripening high-yielding variety. Ripe fruits can be removed from the bushes 45 days after sprouts appear from the ground. Cucumbers with tender and juicy flesh without bitterness ripen together, which makes them easier to pick. Universal in use.

Early general purpose

Many vegetable growers choose cucumbers that are suitable for making salads and can be eaten with fresh herbs and put in a jar to preserve. By purchasing universal hybrids, you can be sure that the canned products will be of good quality and will not produce a bandage.

"Sissy F1"

Agro Moscow presented a universal hybrid with medium-vigorous vine growth. The branching of the plant is average; it forms 1-2 ovaries at the internodes. The leaf is medium, very dark.

The fruit is not long, cylindrical in shape with stripes throughout the “body”. Large mounds are decorated with a white edge of medium density. Fruit weight is from 70 to 85 g, excellent taste.

The commercial output of the hybrid is 12 kg per m2 of area.

The hybrid is extremely resistant to cladosporiosis, as well as cucumber mosaic virus, downy mildew and powdery mildew.


  • stable harvest;
  • high marketability;
  • not susceptible to pathogens and pests;
  • taste properties.

"Russian snack F1"

A cucumber with this name was released by Agrofirma Aelita LLC, Moscow. The hybrid is suitable for snacks, both fresh and pickled, pickled, and salted.

Bee-pollinated, indeterminate, of medium vigor and highly branched, produces 1-2 ovaries per node. Growing up, cucumbers exhibit a cylindrical shape, medium-long stripes, weight up to 90 g, finely tuberous, delicate skin with small and frequent spots.

The yield of “Russian Snack” is within 11-12 kg per square meter of garden.

The taste of the fruit is excellent, both fresh and processed.

The hybrid is resistant to the most contagious viral diseases of cucumber.


  • productivity;
  • sustainability;
  • marketability;
  • taste;
  • versatility.
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