How to treat pears in spring against pests and diseases

Both apple and pear trees are destroyed by the same diseases and pests. Let's figure out what methods can be used to save these fruit trees, as well as when and how to properly carry out protective measures.

The spread of diseases and pests depends on the age of the trees, the growing season, plant care, weather conditions, and the cultivated varieties.

Thus, aphids and scale insects cause great damage to young plants. As soon as the trees begin to bear fruit, new pests immediately become active and eat flowers and fruits: sawflies, codling moths, flower beetles. Old plants with weakened immunity are often inhabited by bark beetles, wood borers, sapwood, and glass beetles. And this is not a complete list of insects that prevent plants from developing properly.

Brief information about culture

Pear is a fruit tree of the rose family, has a dense crown in the shape of a pyramid, and ovate-shaped leaves. The fruits have a high taste and are recommended for fresh consumption and for home canning. The fruits are oblong, wide at the bottom. Pear loves fertile and loose soil.

Pear is a fruit tree

codling moth

There are three types of codling moths: oriental, pear and apple. The first eats leaves, shoots and fruits, the second feeds on pears. The codling moth can infect all parts of the pear. The adult insect is similar to a moth that lays eggs. From them caterpillars hatch, causing the main damage to plants. They get inside the pears and eat the seeds.

You can get rid of the codling moth using agrotechnical and preventive measures. To do this, dig up the ground around the tree and remove fallen fruits and leaves in a timely manner.

Insecticides and biological agents help. Among the first are popular: Iskra, Karbofos or Fufanon. Biological drug - Lepidocid.

Description of popular varieties

How to treat strawberries against diseases and pests in spring

In central Russia, the most popular varieties of pears are:

  • Bryansk Beauty . The fruits have high taste qualities and tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.
  • Lada. The variety is popular with those who prefer early harvesting of pears. The tree bears fruit in large quantities and is rarely affected by scab.
  • Cathedral . Pears ripen together, look beautiful, but do not last long.
  • Severyanka is characterized by good frost resistance and smooth ripening of fruits.

Despite all the advantages, these and other varieties have one significant drawback: due to improper care and the “whims” of the weather, plants often suffer from fungal and viral diseases, and are also affected by dangerous pests. But if trees are regularly processed, many troubles can be avoided.


The copperhead on the pear

This is a dangerous insect that sucks the juice from pear leaves. The plates turn black, dry out and fall off. The tree's growth slows down, fruiting deteriorates, and it slowly dies. The plant does not tolerate wintering well, loses frost resistance, and therefore may not survive the winter.

Pear honeydew causes a disease called sooty fungus, which develops favorably in its dew.

First, use preventive measures: cleaning the bark from dirt, moss, and lichen. Disinfect the cracks and lubricate them with garden varnish.

In the spring, treat the pear worm with insecticides: Karbofos, Agravertine or Decis.

Pear diseases and their symptoms

How to treat apple trees after flowering against pests and diseases

Pear diseases cause many problems for gardeners, especially beginners. To diagnose a disease in time, you need to know its symptoms.

  • Scab is a fungal infection that appears as gray spots on leaves and fruits. The spots can be of different sizes: sometimes there are several small ones, and sometimes one large one. Sticky leaves on the pear can also be a sign of scab.
  • Fruit rot looks like gray growths on the fruit. The pulp of the affected fruit loses its sweet taste and becomes loose.
  • Sooty fungus is a black coating on leaves and fruits that is almost impossible to remove.
  • Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that appears from excess moisture. Appears as a whitish coating on the leaves.

Important! Sometimes a characteristic rusty coating appears on the fruits and leaves, this is also a sign of fungal infection. Fruits covered with “rust” should not be eaten.

In addition to diseases, parasites that live on pears cause a lot of trouble. Pests of apple and pear trees and their control is a sore point for many summer residents. The hawthorn butterfly destroys the foliage, and the sawfly devours the fruit. The gall mite multiplies very quickly, and this is its main danger. The leaf roller can cause significant damage to the pear. Different methods of exposure are used for different parasites.

Why process pears in spring?

Proper planting in compliance with the requirements for choosing a place, preparing the soil, as well as purchasing high-quality seedlings, do not guarantee excellent harvests. When planting zoned planting material, due to the mass infestation of the plant by pests or disease, you can lose the entire ovary. The main danger to pear orchards are harmful insects that feed on the juice from the tissues of both leaves and fruits.

To get rid of pests, regular preventative treatments are carried out. The main protective work occurs in early spring. Preventive measures do not require much time or effort and protect the crop, providing the following effect:

  • destruction of infection and pest stock;
  • inhibition of the development of pathogenic organisms;
  • increasing immunity.


Freshly prepared working solutions are used for processing. It would be a good idea to use personal protective equipment for the gardener - glasses, gloves.

Rules for spraying trees

The main rule is that the pear needs regular spraying, since 1-2 one-time events per year will not help cope with diseases and parasites. The pear orchard needs to be cultivated according to a schedule. You should also keep the following in mind:

  • The first spring spraying should be carried out before the buds open. The main thing is to spray on time and not be late. If the buds have already appeared, they may die from the chemicals.
  • The second spraying is carried out when young foliage appears. When treating a pear on which leaves have already appeared for aphids, you must first collect its larvae. The easiest way to do this is to take a plastic container, place it under each branch and shake it. The aphids will fall into the container on their own. If you do not collect the larvae, there will be no point in spraying.
  • The branches most affected by the disease must be removed and burned before spraying. If you don’t do this and simply throw it away, the infection will spread again.
  • When spraying with industrially produced insecticides, you need to wear gloves and safety glasses.

Treatment of cherries in spring against diseases and pests

All trees in the garden are sprayed at the same time, otherwise pests will move from the sprayed tree to those that are not treated. If a fruit-bearing pear has been sprayed, the fruits should then be thoroughly washed before eating. This rule should be observed not only if store-bought chemicals were used, but also if the pear was treated with folk remedies.

Important! Spraying should be done on a sunny, windless day when there is no rain. If it rains during the event, it will wash away the applied preparation from the leaves, and all the work of the summer resident will be in vain. Therefore, before planning a treatment and prophylactic event, it is worth studying the weather forecast, just in case.

You can spray the active substances either from a purchased or homemade spray bottle. It is more convenient to make a sprayer yourself, since purchased ones, as a rule, have a small volume.

Before diluting chemicals in water, you need to carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the proportions. An overdose of the drug can negatively affect the condition of the pear tree.

When choosing “grandmother’s” products for spraying, a summer resident should be prepared for the fact that they are less effective than chemicals. Also, for folk remedies to work, you need to use them systematically, and not just once, that is, several times in a row. Only then will the result be noticeable. It is best to take information from trusted sources; you can also consult with experienced summer residents.

Rules for spraying trees

Fighting tinder fungi

In the list of places where a pathogenic fungus appears, the pear is far from 1st place, but this is not a reason to relax. The source of infection will be even a slight damage to the bark, through which the spores can easily penetrate. Prompt identification of the problem is the only way to save the crop. You can destroy the tinder fungus in one of the following ways:

  • constantly monitor and remove dead parts of bark and branches;
  • identify and cover up all damage as quickly as possible using garden varnish;
  • It is mandatory to fill hollows using crushed stone or broken brick mixed with cement mortar.

If the above methods are unsuccessful, then the mycelium is physically removed and burned. The procedure is performed in August, otherwise disputes will remain. A relapse will not be long in coming. Places where there used to be tinder fungus are treated with copper sulfate (4%). Then the wound is generously covered with garden varnish.

Processing calendar

You need to know not only how to process a pear, but also when it is best to do it. Treatment of pears in the spring against pests and diseases is carried out many times. The best time for this is the spring season before buds break, after buds break and after flowering ends. Treatment should be carried out in March, April, late May - early June. In the middle of summer you can take a break.

The best time for processing in the autumn season is late August-early September. The final spraying is carried out in late autumn, after the crop has been harvested and all the leaves have already fallen. At this time, the tree enters a dormant period and prepares for winter rest.

Important! In autumn, it is advisable to spray after pruning. Then you can begin other activities to prepare the tree for wintering.

Features of spring pear processing

The optimal time for treatment is evening or dawn. You should avoid this procedure before rain or in windy weather. Before starting work, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. To a certain extent, they shift the deadlines up or down.

Regardless of the plan, you should adhere to the following watering standards:

· 1-2 years for the plant – up to 15 liters for every 1 m2 of trunk circle;

· 3-4 years – up to 30 liters per 1m2;

· fruit-bearing tree – it is necessary to achieve water penetration to a depth of at least 60 cm.


Immediately after watering or heavy rain, the soil is loosened in the base area. Reception improves oxygen access to the root system. Another practical purpose of loosening is to reduce the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.

During the spring months, the root system should not be allowed to dry out. One way to ensure the minimum required level of moisture is to mulch the tree trunk circle. A circle or straw is suitable for such purposes. It is better to avoid using sawdust, otherwise the acidity level of the soil increases significantly. The recommended thickness of the mulch layer is 5 cm.

Pruning is another important stage in pear processing in the spring. Held from early March to mid-April. The date is selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Pruning can only be done at air temperatures not lower than +5+7C. Young trees are pruned to give the crown shape, while old trees are pruned for sanitary purposes.

The list of necessary spring procedures is completed by vaccination. The purpose of the procedure is to improve the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit. As in the previous case, the timing is determined taking into account the weather.


Many summer residents are concerned about the question of what to spray the pear with. Folk remedies are quite effective, but pear parasites quickly adapt to them. In the fight against pests and diseases, gardeners often use chemicals that are sold in specialized stores. Here is a list of the most popular drugs of this type:

  • The drug topaz helps against powdery mildew. Dosage - 4 ml per 20 liters of water.
  • 1% Bordeaux mixture and 1% copper sulfate solution are excellent remedies for sooty fungus.
  • Copper-based preparations Horus and Abiga-Pik also effectively fight fungus. They need to be diluted following the instructions that come with the package of the chemical.
  • Fast and raek preparations are diluted with 4 ml of the active substance in 2 buckets of water. They quickly destroy the gall mite population.

Preparations made from sulfur and phosphorus help well against pests. Karbofos (100 g per 2 buckets of water) and chlorophos (40 g per 2 buckets of water) are very popular.

Important! Copper sulfate is considered the best remedy against fungus. It is this product that gardeners who don’t know what to spray with a pear after flowering should keep in mind. Iron sulfate can also be used, but it is less effective.

Weevil on a pear

Weevils are a group of beetles up to 6 mm in size. They attack fruit trees, including pears. Adults damage the buds, then the buds and flowers. Weevils eat petals, stamens and pistils. As a result, fruiting is reduced. Rarely do insects damage leaves and shoots. After hatching from the eggs, the larvae feed on the pulp of the pears.

Weevils cause the following damage:

  • Affected buds on a pear do not set into buds and do not produce a full harvest;
  • Leaves infected with beetles dry out and fall off. Leaf fall of more than 50% of the crown leads to renewal of greenery. Recovery takes away the strength of the plant, which leads to the fall of established buds. Fruiting declines, even the next year.
  • The fruits become infected with fruit rot, rot and fall off.

Preventive measures include:

  • The garden should be kept away from wild plants;
  • Whitening bark in spring and autumn, cleaning old and damaged bark;
  • Destruction of fallen leaves;
  • Picking off brown, damaged buds.

Among the folk methods of controlling weevils on pears are spraying:

  • chamomile infusion. 105 g of dry raw material is poured with water and left for 24 hours, then mixed with soap foam;
  • infusions of onion, garlic, spruce or pine needles. The solutions are left to ferment for two weeks, then 1 liter of the product is diluted in a bucket of water;
  • decoction of tomato tops. Boil the tops in a bucket of water for 30 minutes, cool and mix with soapy water;
  • decoction of wormwood. Dry grass is boiled for half an hour, left for 24 hours and mixed with soapy water.

Spraying is carried out every week.

Treating pears against weevils with ammonia solution is effective.

Popular chemical preparations include Actellik, Altyn, Fufanon, Karbofos-500, Iskra M, BI-58, and Kemifos. The pear is processed three times:

  1. before bud formation
  2. after flowering;
  3. 10 days after the flowers fall.

Traditional methods of control and prevention

If a summer resident does not know how to spray a pear against pests and diseases, old proven remedies will come to the rescue. Folk ones are valuable because they are always available and easy to use. Among the popular “grandmother’s” methods of combating diseases and pests, the following should be highlighted:

  • A solution of iodine (20 ml per 2 buckets of water) will help against fruit rot;
  • 100 g of citric acid per 2 buckets of water, add 50 g of iron sulfate, spray against fungal diseases;
  • A decoction of dandelions helps against aphids. Take 1 kg of crushed dandelion stems and leave for 24 hours in 2 liters of water. Boil, add 2 heads of grated garlic, strain, pour into 1 bucket of water, in which 30 g of green soap has already been diluted;
  • Pour 2 kg of finely chopped potato tops into 20 liters of water, leave for 4 hours, strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of any liquid soap. This remedy is the most suitable answer to the question of how to treat pears in the spring against pests and diseases.

Fumigation also works well against pests. To do this, you need to mix straw with tobacco dust, forming a pile and setting it on fire. When the smoke comes out, the pests will begin to die, all that remains is to collect them from the ground and burn them. This is an excellent remedy against gall mites. Ants also die during fumigation.

To prevent pear damage from diseases and pests, you need to ensure that the soil on which the tree grows is not too wet, as this provokes the development of fungus. During pruning, you should immediately destroy (burn) all branches that have the slightest manifestations of disease (pest damage). If apple trees grow in the garden next to pears, they also need to be sprayed, since some pests (for example, the codling moth) “love” both pears and apple trees equally, and can move from one tree to another.

Smoking a pear

How and how to treat pears for pests

In addition to diseases, the pear is also exposed to harmful insects, which must be combated in a timely manner.

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leaf roller

One of the most dangerous pear pests, which can damage almost all the foliage on the tree in a short time, is the leaf roller. The danger is no longer posed by an adult (moth), but by an insect caterpillar that rolls leaves into tubes and feeds on them. Before moving onto the leaves, the pest damages the buds and buds, entwining them with cobwebs.

The leaf roller on a pear damages buds, buds and the leaves themselves

Preventive measures to combat insects are carried out in early spring by clearing dead areas of bark and treating the trunks with a 2% Karbofos solution. The first preventive spraying with chemicals is carried out before the start of sap flow. The air should warm up to at least +10˚С, which facilitates the emergence of the larvae from under the bark. For the first, as well as two subsequent sprayings (before and after flowering), preparations such as Decis and Kinmiks are used. Before flowering begins, you can use other means: Di-68, Atom, Rogor-S.

In addition to the listed insecticides, during the period of growth and maturation, treatment can be carried out with Kemifos, Iskra, Karbofos, Tsitkor. In the autumn, after leaf fall, all the foliage under the tree must be collected, loosened the soil around the trunk and treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.


If sticky leaves were noticed on the pear, then most likely the tree is affected by the pear borer - a small jumping insect that is one of the first to fly out after the winter period. The pest gradually damages young shoots, leaves, as well as fruits and stalks. The copperhead attacks and damages pear trees until late autumn. The presence of a pest can be judged by the black leaves, as well as by the sticky honey dew that covers the fruits and shoots. As a result of this damage, foliage and fruits fall prematurely. In addition, the fruits become smaller, their correct shape is lost, and the shoots dry out. The tree's immunity decreases, growth slows down, and fruiting stops.

Pear honey worm damages non-lignified shoots, leaves, as well as fruits and stalks

If the pest is present on the tree in small quantities, you can try to destroy it using traditional methods. One of these is tobacco fumigation. To carry out the procedure, the weather must be calm. In the garden, you need to make heaps of slightly damp straw and add about 2 kg of tobacco dust to them, then set them on fire. To slow down the smoldering process of straw, the piles must be turned over from time to time. When exposed to smoke, insects will be poisoned and fall from the trees.

In the event of a pest invasion, you cannot do without the use of insecticides. Spraying with chemicals should be carried out during bud break, and it is advisable to complete the procedure before flowering begins. The following drugs can be used: Aktara, Inta-Vir, Commander, Kinmiks. After flowering, it is necessary to repeat the treatment with Iskra or Agravertine. The procedure should be carried out in the evening in calm weather.

If there is an invasion of the pear tree, then the use of insecticides such as Kinmiks, Aktara, Inta-Vir will be required

Gardeners have noticed that greater effectiveness in the fight against copperhead appears after rain, which washes away some of the insect's secretions.

It is also recommended to spray the trees before the pest leaves for the winter (early August) with one of the listed preparations. When using insecticides, you must strictly follow the proportions specified in the instructions.


The appearance of aphids on a pear can lead not only to crop loss, but also to the death of the tree. The main sign of the presence of a pest appears in the form of curling and subsequent drying of the leaves. Aphids are small insects that reach 0.5–2 mm in size. Its body is soft, ovoid with long legs. In addition to leaf curling, the main signs of aphids include:

  • leaves, branches, and the ground around the tree become covered with a sweetish liquid (honeydew);
  • a dark brown coating appears on young shoots and buds, which is a sooty fungus;
  • flowers and ovaries fall off;
  • in those places where the aphid has bitten through the fruit, a purple tint of the peel appears.

When aphids appear on a tree, the leaves curl and then dry out, the flowers and ovaries fall off

There are many methods to combat aphids, and one of them is proper feeding of trees. Nutrients are applied throughout the season:

  • in spring - nitrogen, after the snow melts, as well as organic matter after flowering;
  • in summer - nitrogen fertilizers, microelements that help increase resistance to various pests and diseases;
  • in autumn - organic matter, potassium, phosphorus, ash.

Fruit trees should be fed in a timely manner and in the right quantities, since weakened plants from a lack of nutrients, as well as from an excess, attract aphids.

The insect can be fought with folk or chemical means. Among the folk methods of struggle, you can use a decoction of dandelions. To prepare it, take 0.5 kg of stems with flowers and leave for 24 hours in 1 liter of water. Then the liquid is boiled for 15 minutes, two chopped garlic heads are added and the whole mixture is boiled for another 5 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and poured into 10 liters of water, adding 30 g of green soap. The foliage is sprayed with this solution once a week in the evening. You can also use tobacco dust or wood ash, which is used to pollinate the leaves from the reverse side.

Video: fighting aphids on fruit trees

To combat aphids today, many chemical preparations are offered, which have contact, intestinal and systemic effects. Among the contact insecticides, Karfobos can be distinguished. To prepare a solution, 75 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which it is sprayed. Consumption per tree ranges from 2 to 5 liters depending on the size of the crown. Stronger drugs include Actelik and Bankol. The working solution from the first product is prepared by diluting 2 ml of the substance in 2 liters of water. From 2 to 5 liters of liquid are consumed per tree. The second drug is diluted in an amount of 5–7 g per 10 liters of water. When spraying, about 10 liters of solution are consumed per 100 m² of area.

Of the systemic insecticides to combat aphids, you can use Aktara and Biotlin according to the instructions. However, it must be taken into account that these drugs penetrate into plants, as well as fruits, and are eliminated from them for a long time. In addition, they are considered the most dangerous for the human body.

Gall mite

This pest is very small and reaches only 0.18 mm in length. The color of the insect is white, changing to pink or dark brown in autumn. The appearance of a mite on a pear is indicated by yellow-brown and then blackening small swellings, which sometimes look like tumors. After the pest appears on the leaf, it begins to suck the juices out of it. In such leaves, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted, and the tree becomes weakened. With a large number of mites, the fruits grow small.

Swellings on pear leaves indicate the appearance of a gall mite

To combat the pest, first of all, it is necessary to follow agrotechnical practices. One of these is autumn tillage, which reduces the number of mites and their larvae. An important role is played by fertilizing with the use of mineral substances, which makes it difficult for insects to feed. In addition, for control purposes, it is recommended to clear the trunks and skeletal branches of trees from old bark, remove the area from last year’s foliage, and carry out regular pruning of the crown. The absence of weeds in the garden also reduces the number of pests.

The fight against mites on pears can be carried out with the following chemicals: Decis, Fufanon, Inta-Vir, Nitrafen. Spraying with these products is carried out with a break of 2 weeks. You can also turn to folk methods:

  1. Dandelion infusion works well against insects. To prepare it, 1 kg of leaves is poured into 3 liters of water and infused for three days. Then the infusion is filtered and a little liquid soap is added and sprayed.
  2. Infusion of marigolds. To prepare a solution, pour 100 g of flowers into 1 liter of water and boil. The resulting decoction is infused for 5 days, and before processing it is diluted with water 1:1.
  3. Infusion from potato tops. To do this, take 1 kg of green tops, chop it and pour in 10 liters of warm water. Leave for 4 hours, then filter and add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. The infusion should be consumed within 24 hours.

You can fight gall mites on pears with a chemical such as Decis

Spraying the pear should be done in the morning or evening. You can perform the treatment in cloudy weather, but not before precipitation.

codling moth

The codling moth feeds on pear fruits, and caterpillars also develop in them. When the pulp and seeds are damaged, metabolism is disrupted, fruit rot occurs, as a result of which they fall off. Adult codling moths are moths that live for about two weeks. Active flight begins in June in the evening hours, eggs are laid on the skin of the fruit. After the larvae appear, they gnaw through the skin, getting to the seeds. The caterpillars emerge at the end of July and beginning of August.

When a codling moth appears on a pear, the pulp and seeds of the fruit are damaged, which leads to their rotting and falling off

Pest control, first of all, comes down to compliance with agricultural technology, which is similar to measures to combat the gall mite. As for the treatment of pears, you can spray the tree and soil with a urea solution, for which 700 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This procedure is carried out before the start of sap flow, since at a later stage, kidney burns are possible. Treatment with a urea solution allows you to destroy parasites that winter under and on trees.

The use of insecticides will be effective at the beginning of mass egg laying. Among the preparations you can use Bi-58, Ditox, Binom, which are sprayed before and after flowering. Pears can be treated with Agravertine before flowering. Repeat the procedure with the same preparation immediately after flowering. After 19 days, spray with Kinmiks, and a month after flowering with Iskra.

Video: treating pears from pests in spring

The most disease-resistant varieties

To prevent diseases and pests from causing a lot of trouble, it is worth purchasing seedlings that have strong immunity to fungus and parasites. Below are the most disease-resistant varieties of pears suitable for growing in the Middle Zone:

  • Severyanka;
  • August dew;
  • Marble;
  • Clapp's favorite.

However, even if varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests grow on the site, you need to regularly inspect the trees so as not to miss dangerous symptoms.

Fighting pear pests and diseases is a rather difficult task, but for the sake of a good harvest, it is undoubtedly worth making the effort.

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Leaf roller on a pear

Leafworm is a type of aphid. She looks like a moth. The insect lays about 500 eggs at a time. On a pear tree, the leaf roller looks like a lot of small insects covered with mucus, husks and its own excrement. Leaves damaged by the leaf roller curl across the central vein. This insect can destroy 100% of the crop, which will lead to the death of the tree.

You need to fight the leaf roller on a pear in a comprehensive and step-by-step manner. During the formation of buds even before warming, such pear pests begin to actively reproduce. During this period, the pear is sprayed:

  • Drug-30,
  • By landing,
  • Atom,
  • Zolom;
  • Binomial,
  • Terridim.

All medications should be used only strictly according to the instructions.

If the caterpillars have already appeared, then use the biological products Fitoverm, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin. Treatment with pyrothroid drugs is effective: CI-alpha, Fastak, Aivenhoe, Akkor. The temperature should be kept from +10 to +20 so that the larvae do not go under the bark.

Here are some more options with prices:

Treating the plant after flowering is less effective since the damage has already been done. Stronger and more toxic products are dangerous for beneficial insects, which causes pests to multiply.

Folk remedies for leaf roller on pear:

  • Baits with sweet syrup. Hang containers at night to prevent beneficial insects from getting into them during the day;
  • Collection of fallen leaves, fruits and flowers. Be sure to burn them;
  • Pruning old branches;
  • Spraying with infusions of tobacco, wormwood, tomato tops or potatoes.
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