How to properly soak onion sets before planting in open ground

How to properly soak onion sets before planting

Onions are an indispensable ingredient in many dishes, and it is for this reason that almost everyone who has their own plot of land grows them. Every new gardener is very interested in many questions, for example, how to properly soak onion sets before planting? This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Do I need to soak?

Soaking seedlings first of all means safety for yourself personally, as well as saving your harvest. For example, at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, both flora and fauna will die. This should be done only with trimmed onions, due to which it will be heat treated and water will pass between the onion scales. If you have not cut the workpiece, then there is no need to soak it. To a greater extent, this can only affect the bottom of the beam, and the rest of it will remain the same as before.

In addition, soaking onion sets should be done only if the harvest will be a reserve for the winter period. Although there are gardeners who never do this. In order for germination to occur faster after planting, it is necessary to cut off a very small part of the top of the bulb. When planting seedlings, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  • 2-3 cm deep;
  • the distance between the bulbs is up to 30 cm;
  • in rows the distance is 10-12 cm.

If the weather conditions are unsuitable for watering, after planting the onions need to be watered, but very carefully so as not to over-water them! Otherwise, there may be a very bad harvest later.

Video “Processing onions before planting”

Video recommendations for soaking onion sets before, processing them and stimulating growth with a solution before planting in open ground.

How to do it

There are many ways to soak onion sets before planting, especially today, when everything is quite developed and many different means and preparations have already appeared. Nevertheless, there are basic ones that have been used by gardeners for a very long period, which subsequently results in a very good harvest. Namely:

  1. In the most ordinary plain water, at t = 40-50 degrees. Keep the bag of onions in water for 5-10 minutes and remove them to continue planting. This is done only for disinfection.
  2. Soaking in saltpeter solution is carried out at the very beginning of the season, before planting the sets. There should be a black construction bathtub, 70 liters in volume, with water heated to 40-50 degrees, pour in 1 tsp. saltpeter. The onion needs to be soaked for about 15 minutes. Thanks to this preparation, the sets are disinfected, and the root mass begins to appear more quickly.
  3. The sevok is soaked in a manganese solution. Manganese must be added to cold water, resulting in a weak pinkish solution. Soak the onion in it for 15 minutes. Excellent preparation, especially if there is no time or opportunity to heat the water.
  4. Epin-Extra solution. First you need to heat the water, then pour 1 capsule of the drug into it and soak the onion in the solution for 10-15 minutes. In warm water, the seedlings are disinfected and the process of germination of roots and feathers is accelerated.
  5. Copper sulfate – 1 tsp. dilute the drug in a bucket of water. Place the onion in this solution for two days, and when you take it out, you need to rinse each onion with running water.
  6. Also, soaking in a solution of copper sulfate can be done differently. The water should be at least 60 degrees Celsius, add vitriol to it (by eye, so that the water turns bluish), dip the onion in this liquid for literally 1-2 minutes, then remove and rinse in cold water. After 5 hours, the onions are ready for planting.
  7. You can prevent onions from rotting using a solution of water and wood ash (several glasses per bucket of water). The onions are soaked for 2 hours, after being removed from the solution, dry with a towel and plant.

Onion preparation

Onions are grown in two stages. The first step is to grow sets from seeds; next year in the spring, the sets themselves are planted, from which the bulbs are ready for use. Both stages occur in the spring. But before that, in the fall, you need to prepare the land for planting.

Onions are a light-loving plant, which is why the place to plant them should be sunny. The soil should not be acidic, it should have enough organic fertilizers, for which it is best to add compost, rotted manure or ash to it in the fall. If the soil is acidic, it is advisable to lime it before planting onions. Choose medium-sized bulbs for planting, without peels, pre-soaked in a “healthy” solution to increase productivity and create immunity against diseases.

Soaking the sets is done immediately before planting! While still in the house, the onion should take root, and this needs to be facilitated. Place it near the gas stove, radiator, on the windowsill or near the heater. At a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, literally in a week the onion will already germinate, since it will warm up well from the inside and will also be ready for planting in the ground.

Practical advice

It is recommended to plant carrots or garlic near the onions. They are able to repel the onion fly, which will increase the yield of “neighboring” crops. Before you start planting seedlings, prepare the beds. The best choice is one where pumpkins, peas, herbs, and tomatoes were previously grown. But you should not plant onions after carrots or garlic, otherwise the harvest may be problematic and meager. The weight of the set that is most suitable for planting is 3-6 grams. If you plant a large-sized set, it will go into arrows and another fruit will not come out of it.

You should first sort out the onion according to its size. Always plant larger heads first. After planting, you should always weed the onion beds thoroughly . You will also have to make some efforts to harvest a good onion harvest in the fall.

Video “Proper soaking of onion sets”

Methods for soaking bulbous plants before planting, treating bulbs from pests and bacteria.

Treatment of seed onions against diseases and pests


Onion flies and nematodes do not like onions soaked in saline solution. Anyone who has problems with these pests, take note:

  • Place the seeds in plain water at room temperature for two hours;
  • dissolve 6 tablespoons of salt in 10 liters of warm water;
  • leave the onion in salt water for 3-4 hours;
  • wash the onion to remove salt in several waters;
  • lightly dry and plant.

Potassium permangantsovka

Anything and everything is pickled in potassium permanganate, seed onions are no exception. To obtain a solution, you need 10 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. After 20-25 minutes spent in potassium permanganate, the onion sets are lightly rinsed with water - and they are ready for planting.


The biological product Fitosporin copes well with fungal diseases. Gardeners love it for its safety and accessibility. We dilute phytosporin according to the instructions: 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Soak the onion sets in the resulting solution for about 2 hours. Then we dry it a little and plant it in the garden.

Birch tar

Birch tar is a good antiseptic for combating pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, its pungent smell repels the onion fly. Works on two fronts! The tar treatment procedure is carried out in two stages:

  • First, the sowing is kept on the battery for 24 hours (38-40°C),
  • And then soak the onions in a solution of birch tar for 2-4 hours. To prepare it, a tablespoon of tar is thoroughly mixed with a liter of water at room temperature.

Ammonium nitrate

Soaking onions in ammonium nitrate also kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, saltpeter has a detrimental effect on onion pathogens. On the other hand, it saturates the bulbs with minerals. A kind of feeding, right? We will need 20-30 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of hot water (40°C). Dip the onion sets into the solution for 15-20 minutes.

How to plant nigella

It is best to plant nigella, like seedlings, on a piece of land where tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes grew the previous year. The seedlings of this onion are very tender, so the soil should be loose and free of weeds. To prevent the transfer of diseases, it is necessary to geographically separate the plantations of sow and nigella.

On poor soils, before planting, add manure humus, superphosphate (1 tablespoon), nitrophoska (1 tablespoon), and wood ash. We fertilize our entire garden in the fall before plowing, so in the spring we don’t add anything under the onions.

If a sooty fungus is found on your onion set, then you need to pickle the nigella and turnips for the nigella. This year we used the Maxim fungicide for this purpose for the first time. (25.08 - no positive dynamics were noticed) For preventive disinfection, you can limit yourself to a solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seeds are soaked for 8 hours.

For many years, we have not soaked nigella before planting, but sowing must be done only in well-moistened soil. If the soil is already dry, it needs to be watered before planting.

Nigella is planted in furrows, the distance between which is 15 cm. The seeds are sown evenly and densely to a depth of 1.5-2 cm from the surface of the ground. Rare plantings produce very large seedlings, which may go into production next year. It is convenient to seal the grooves with the back of the rake. Additional watering is not carried out on top to avoid the formation of a crust.

How to properly process onions before planting

When processing onion seeds before planting in the spring, the same operations are carried out as with all other seeds:

  • disinfection;
  • soaking in liquid fertilizers.

Soak the seeds for a period of 8-12 hours. It is necessary to ensure that oxygen starvation does not occur. When simply soaking seeds in water, you need to periodically remove the seeds from the liquid. But you don’t have to remove it if you carry out bubbling in parallel with soaking in the fertilizer solution.


When planting bulbs, preparation begins from the moment you purchase the set in the store. The planting material is sorted out and rotten and soft bulbs are thrown away. Completely dried bulbs are also thrown away.

The sorted onions are dried on a radiator, at the same time warmed up to prevent bolting. Warming up is carried out in 2 stages: 2-3 weeks at a temperature above 20 °C, then 10 hours at a temperature of 35-40 °C. This temperature will not kill pathogenic microorganisms, so after warming up, the seed will need to be soaked in disinfectants.

Gardeners have two opinions regarding further actions. Some people believe that before soaking, onions that have not yet begun to sprout need to be “trimmed” and thereby make it easier for the green arrows to emerge. Others are of the opinion that trimming only opens the door to infection. The husk, soaked in liquid, is not able to create a barrier for new feathers. Everyone decides for himself which theory is closer to him.

Soaking the bulbs is carried out in solutions:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • phytosporin;
  • copper sulfate.

All these agents are used to kill pathogenic microorganisms. Not everyone uses them. Most often, a complex of 2 substances is used, experimentally choosing those that you like best.

In addition, you can treat them with pest repellents or a fertilizer solution.

How and when to plant onions on nigella

At the same time as nigella, we also plant turnip onions on nigella. Back in the fall, 33 very large non-double bulbs of a “flattened” shape were laid. In the spring, I discard heavily sprouted turnips. All my life I have been trying to plant plants that have not yet hatched, but already have tiny roots. Bulbs made from the seeds of such turnips, in my opinion, last longer. While some gardeners, on the contrary, try to plant “tillering” bulbs. By spring, the descendants of such onions usually grow. Ours is stored until the next harvest.

Near the fence on the northern side of the garden, we dig a small “pit”, 1 x 0.7 m in size, about 6-8 cm deep, along the bottom of which we place large onion heads quite tightly. Sprinkle them with earth on top so that part of the neck remains open. Immediately on three sides along the perimeter we install meter-long sticks and entangle them with ropes. Old ribbons from dot matrix printers are very suitable for this. When the turnip gives arrows, no one remembers about it, and sticks with threads will not allow them to break off ahead of time, lie on the ground, i.e. will preserve the seed harvest.

Now all the onions are planted, you can start working on the carrots.

How do you treat onion sets before planting?


Soak for a day in a light solution of potassium permanganate.


I infuse the ash throughout the day, add hot water and stir occasionally in between. Then I add any liquid fertilizer (according to the instructions) into this slurry and soak the bulbs overnight. In the morning, go into the garden bed and under the lutrasil for a week so that it sticks. For a liter of hot water there is a glass of ash (but I don’t boil it).


for 12 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 40 degrees, then I add hot water several times, rinse with water, pour it out of a bucket onto a cloth and into a bag, if it’s not possible to go to the dacha that day, after all, we don’t live in the same dacha, then I’ll leave it in a damp cloth and the bag is open so it doesn’t suffocate, but you still need to plant it within three days, the roots will already be pricked


And I just fill it with water, fish it out from there, cut off the top and plant it, the onions are always excellent (pah-pah) :)

Lyudmila Sycheva

Everything is simpler (it seems to me). Before planting, warm water with potassium permanganate (40°C), then rinse, you can also rinse with salt, and then plant immediately. I don't cut anything. You need to make sure that the soil covers the onion up to its shoulders when planting. That's all. I always plant on May 9-10 and cover it with film. Good luck!

Anna Malchikova

I used to do it like the Friend of the Winds, then I stopped, because whether the sowing is processed or not, I don’t see much of a difference. It all depends on the quality of the seeds and agricultural cultivation technology.


I also tried a lot of things and came to the conclusion that I don’t need to do anything before planting with onions. Sometimes I don't even cut it. The main thing is the weather and care. I plant less often and take good care of them. And the most important thing is to buy good sets. Stuttgarten Riesen has been my favorite variety for 10 years and Red Baron. And also - before storing, you need to dry the onions very well. I carry it outside in the sun for 10 days in boxes, where I spread it on cardboard for the whole day. And I do this every day.

Alya Dichko

I never trim onions. Soak for 3 hours in warm water with the addition of 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. salt and 1 tsp. kerasin. The onion fly never affects plantings.

Valechka Sergienko

Soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, plant a row of carrots, a row of onions.... Well, just beautiful, wow carrots and decent onions

Svetlana Burova

I soak it in salt too

Why do onion sets need preparation for planting in open ground?

High-quality preparation of onion sets for planting is the key to a good, large and tasty onion harvest.

More specifically, preplant treatment performs several functions:

  • Increases the immunity of the bulbs.
  • Makes it easier to grow and care for plants in the summer season.
  • Makes bulbs more resistant to diseases and pests, adverse weather and environmental factors.
  • Protects the bow from shooting.

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