Characteristics of cucumbers Hit of the F1 season, growing features and yield

The Chistye Prudy F1 cucumber is worthy of attention due to its productivity, endurance and resistance to a range of diseases. Zelentsy have excellent taste and canning properties.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Nuances of cultivation

According to the type of fruiting, Hit of the season F1 belongs to the bunch or bouquet class of cucumbers with medium-sized greens: pickles (two days old) and gherkins.
At the same time, this hybrid is shade-tolerant and bears fruit well on the balcony. The number of ovaries in bunches depends on the illumination of the plantation: the more sunlight penetrates through the thickets, the more often buds appear. When growing a hybrid in shaded areas, it is recommended to keep seedlings obtained from seeds in optimal lighting conditions and only then transplant them to the planned location - this will allow you to get a good harvest.

Other features of the growing season:

  1. Place and method of planting. The bushes should be located in light and warm (+18… +26ºС) areas with fertile soil. You can sow seeds in April or bury seedlings at the age of 15-20 days in open ground at the end of May or June. Planting density - 2-3 plants per 1 m². The distance between the rows of bushes is 0.5 m, and the holes in the line are placed every 30-35 cm. The seedlings are grown in a special container, which is filled with a purchased soil mixture or prepared independently: 1 part each of turf soil and sand, 2 parts humus.
  2. Watering. Regular and warm water, at sunset.
  3. Loosening and weeding. They are performed superficially so as not to damage the root system. Loose soil provides an influx of oxygen into the underground plexuses and better retains moisture. Mulching prevents insects from appearing.
  4. Systematic fertilizing with complex and organic fertilizers: once a week at a rate of 10-20 g/m². Treatments against pests and diseases - as necessary. The ripening of cucumbers will be accelerated by the additional volume of carbon dioxide, the influx of which is organized by installing a barrel of fermented compost from grass and manure in the greenhouse.
  5. Formation of bushes, removal of shoots. The yield will increase significantly if the branches are placed on a trellis (lattice vertical support), along which the cucumber vegetation is distributed.

Basic characteristics of the variety

Cucumber Chistye Prudy f1 is a persistent, parthenocarpic variety that belongs to the mid-season category - greens ripen in 40-42 days. The length of the vegetable is 11-12 cm, weight – 85-95 g, diameter – 3.2-3.4 cm. Cucumber withstands temperature changes, which allows it to be grown in open ground in most agricultural areas - unlike such heat-loving varieties , like Ecole f1. Among the main features of the Chistye Prudy f1 hybrid:

  1. The bush of the variety is vigorous, medium-branched, with a powerful indeterminate central stem.
  2. The leaf is medium in size, oblong, trefoil-shaped, almost does not ripple, color is dark green.
  3. The cucumber is compact, gherkin-shaped, barrel-shaped. The hybrid bears fruit massively and amicably.
  4. The skin of Chistye Prudy f1 is thin, but quite dense, slightly lumpy, swamp-green with light lightened stripes.

The greens taste juicy, fresh, sweetish without a bitter taste, with a pleasant crunch and sour aroma. The described cucumber has strong immunity, does not lose ovaries during frosts and bears fruit until cold weather. The yield of the variety is not bad - up to 13-15 kg/sq. m.

Cucumber Chistye Prudy: planting and growing

These cucumbers are grown in seedlings or without seedlings.

On a note!

Chistye Prudy cucumber seed material is planted in open ground only after the ground has warmed up to 15-16 degrees Celsius. After planting, cover the top of the beds with film so that the tender shoots do not freeze.

Growing by seedlings

For seedlings, seeds of the Chistye Prudy variety should be sown approximately 20-25 days before the intended transplantation of plants to a permanent location.

It should be taken into account that seedlings can be transplanted into unheated greenhouses in the last ten days of May, into garden beds - in early June, and in the south of Russia - in late April - early May.

Planting seeds for seedlings

In gherkins of this variety, the seed material is in its infancy, since the Chistye Prudy cucumber is a hybrid. Therefore, seeds have to be purchased annually from gardening stores.

They have already undergone all pre-sowing preparation at the seed manufacturer, so before planting they can only be soaked in growth stimulants for germination.

The soil for growing Chistye Prudy cucumber can be anything, the main thing is that its reaction is neutral or slightly acidic.

Photo of growing cucumber Chistye Prudy

In most cases, such a nutrient substrate is purchased in specialized stores, but some vegetable growers prefer to prepare it themselves.

To do this, you need to mix turf and leaf soil, high peat, compost and river sand in equal proportions. Before putting it into containers, such soil must be disinfected by heating it in a water bath.


It is better to immediately place Chistye Prudy cucumber seeds in separate cups to avoid the picking procedure, since the delicate root system of cucumbers does not tolerate frequent transplants.

After planting the seeds, the containers should be covered with film and placed in a warm, bright place until the first shoots appear.

Further cultivation of seedlings and transplantation to a permanent place

In the future, caring for growing Chistye Prudy cucumber seedlings consists of regular watering, applying nitrogen fertilizers (at least once) and hardening off the plants.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries, which should be constantly moist, but without stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Harden off the plants for about 10 days before transplanting to the beds

. To do this, the cucumber seedlings begin to be taken outside for a short time at first, but in the end the seedlings are left in the fresh air for the whole day.

Transplantation of grown seedlings of the Chistye Prudy cucumber is carried out in a pre-prepared place, which should be well lit by sunlight. Organic matter is added to the soil and dug up. And immediately before planting the plants, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are added to the holes.

In greenhouse conditions, 2-3 plants are planted per square of area, and no more than 4 are planted in garden beds.

VEGETABLES: Tomato Benito F1 Potatoes Gypsy Zucchini Zucchini Orange F1

Further care of the Chistye Prudy F1 cucumber in open ground and greenhouse

In the future, cucumbers of this variety need to be regularly watered, fertilized, tied to trellises or other strong supports, and harvested of ripe greens in a timely manner.

Irrigation regime

Since the cucumber hybrid Chistye Prudy loves well-moistened soil, watering is done 2-3 times a week, and the soil should be saturated with moisture to a depth of 40 cm. Water for irrigation should be filtered and warm.

In hot and dry times, cucumbers should be watered daily in the morning or evening.

Loosening and weeding

After each watering of the cucumber ridge, it is necessary to carefully loosen the root zone of the plants to remove the dry crust that forms.

It is also necessary to constantly remove all weeds that may contain insect pests or pathogenic microorganisms.


Cucumbers of this variety are responsive to the application of fertilizers, especially organic ones. Therefore, to obtain high yields, it is recommended to fertilize Chistye Prudy cucumbers at intervals of 1.5-2 weeks, alternating organic matter and mineral complexes.

During the ripening period, it is recommended to apply fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, for example, potassium monophosphate - these minerals improve the taste of the fruit and strengthen the root system.

What you need to know about shade-tolerant varieties

Cucumbers love light and warmth, but today there are many varieties, as well as hybrid forms of this crop, that give excellent results even in low light conditions.

Of course, you can’t do without light at all, but light shadow (from the crowns of trees, various buildings on the site) is quite acceptable. In such areas, specially selected cucumbers will grow and bear fruit, while giving the highest possible yields

But it is important to know information not only about which varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are quite shade-tolerant, but also about their other characteristics:

  • ripening time;
  • regionalization;
  • variety or hybrid form;
  • use of fruits (cucumbers for salads, for preservation, universal);
  • type of pollination (need insects or not);
  • intended for growing in beds or needs shelter);
  • features of shoot development (bush cucumbers, with long or short vines).

It is better to place bee-pollinated, shade-tolerant cucumbers in beds than in a greenhouse, where it will be difficult for insects to “find” them, and parthenocarpics will feel good and set fruit in closed ground.

For regions with short summers, shade-tolerant early cucumbers are selected, especially if you plan to plant them directly in open ground. Late varieties may not have time to produce the harvest in such conditions, since their ripening period is from 50-60 days or more.

For the Moscow region, mid-season varieties are suitable; for the regions of the North-West, the Urals and Siberia, the best choice is early cucumbers, and they must be adapted to difficult climatic conditions

Special varieties of shade-tolerant cucumbers have been bred for growing at home: on balconies or on windowsills (we will also pay attention to them in the review)

The descriptions of some hybrids and varieties (for greenhouses or open ground) may indicate that they are suitable for growing as an indoor crop, which will save you from searching for special cucumbers.

Cucumber variety Courage F1

The self-pollinating universal hybrid Kurazh enjoys great respect among summer residents. Approximately 40 days after the emergence of shoots, you can already harvest the first greens! The fruits appear uniformly and are stored well after being picked from the bush. From one plant you can collect up to 18 kg of crunchy and sweet fruits weighing up to 150 g. When growing, regular watering and fertilizing are required, otherwise the greens will begin to taste bitter and become hollow. Also, to get a good harvest, the bushes need to be shaped. But the plant has strong immunity to common “cucumber” diseases (powdery and downy mildew, mosaic, olive spot).

Seedling method

Cucumber "Atlantis f1" shows high productivity when grown through seedlings. When using a trellis growing method with timely planting of seedlings, fruiting occurs approximately two weeks earlier than when cultivating cucumbers without seedlings. It is very convenient to grow seedlings in special seedling cassettes.

The quality of planting material depends on properly prepared soil, which should consist of:

  • from peat,
  • sawdust,
  • humus,
  • sand,
  • mullein with the addition of components such as ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and lime as mineral fertilizers.

The mixture ready for planting should have a pH of 6.7.

Description of Claudine cucumbers

Cucumber Claudine f1 is an early-ripening variety, the fruits of which ripen already 38-44 days after planting in the ground. The bushes have indeterminate growth and medium height stems. The leaves are wide and grow frequently, which is a feature of the culture. Fruiting is bouquet, according to the female type of flowering. A node ripens from 2-8 cucumbers.

Characteristics of the fruits of the Claudine f1 variety:

  • greens grow up to 10-12 cm;
  • weight from 85-110 g (about the same as that of a Parisian gherkin cucumber);
  • the shape of the cucumber is cylindrical, elongated;
  • the surface is finely tuberculate, with white spines;
  • the skin of the fruit is thin, not bitter;
  • color bright green, saturated;
  • the pulp is juicy, has almost no seeds;
  • The taste of the fruits of the Claudine variety is fresh, sweet, juicy.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Cucumber Chistye Prudy F1 is a high-yielding parthenocarpic that produces marketable and juicy greens.

The hybrid from Manul is cultivated in greenhouses and greenhouses and planted in open beds. Cucumbers are harvested early.

Fruiting begins 40-43 days after germination.

What are the features of cucumber:

  • high degree of parthenocarpy;
  • gherkin type;
  • bunch fruiting;
  • precocity;
  • 1 node contains up to 3 fruits;
  • female flowering.

The parthenocarpic hybrid bears fruit intensively throughout the season. Description of fruits:

  • length 10-12 cm;
  • weight 80-95 g;
  • diameter 3-3.5 cm;
  • shape is leveled, spindle-shaped;
  • pimples are large, sparsely located;
  • pubescence is white;
  • glossy skin;
  • the pulp is crispy, moderately juicy;
  • consistency is strong, dense;
  • taste without bitterness, classic and aromatic.

The hybrid is included in the State Register and is cultivated throughout the country in various climatic regions.

Bee-pollinated cucumbers

There are few shade-tolerant varieties in this group; nevertheless, breeders pay more attention to parthenocarpics. But such cucumbers as Atlet (agro) and Rushnichok deserve attention.

F1 athlete

For summer salads, we recommend one of the most popular hybrids, Atlet, which, with good care, can produce up to 25-30 kg of fruit per 1 square meter in a greenhouse. meters.

The bush is powerful, grows up to 3 meters, with a lot of leaves. Zelentsy have large tubercles, up to 20 cm in length, with white spines. This hybrid is valued for its yield and taste of the fruit.

But we must remember that green plants need to be removed regularly, otherwise they quickly outgrow. Shading the plants on hot days is mandatory, otherwise the cucumbers may taste bitter.


Another bee-pollinated hybrid that can be grown at home, on the window. Rushnichok is an early ripening cucumber (up to 48 days), with tasty and aromatic greens. Its fruits reach a length of up to 16-18 cm, have a beautiful emerald hue, and a surface with tubercles and corrugations.

Zelentsy do not turn yellow, do not have bitterness, and retain their taste and presentation for a long time. Use – universal, Rushnichok is good in salads, pickling, and canning. With good care, you can remove up to 7 kg of fruit from the bush.

This group also includes such hybrids as Relay F1, Manul F1, Northern Lights F1, Ladoga F1. These are also very shade-tolerant cucumbers, included in the Relay variety.

In the hybrid Relay F1, the greens reach 20 cm, used for pickling, in Ladoga - up to 18 cm, good in salads.

Diseases and parasites

This hybrid is distinguished by well-developed immunity to major diseases. Chistye Prudy f1 is not afraid of cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew and cladosporiosis. Due to its branched roots, the variety may be susceptible to rot.

Root rot

Cucumber is affected by root rot in dense, waterlogged, or cold soils. You can learn about the development of the disease by the putrid brown ulcerative growths on the rhizomes of Chistye Prudy f1. To get rid of rot, the ground around the bushes of the specified variety is treated with Trichopolum, or Fitolavin. The best prevention of rot is deep pre-planting digging and disinfection of the soil.

melon aphid

A harmful insect inhabits cucumbers during hot and rainy summers. Aphids drink the juices of the leaves, leaving small holes with an ash-beige border. You can remove the parasite from Chistye Prudy f1 plantings by spraying the plants with an infusion of tar soap with 3-4 drops of iodine. Treatments of the variety are carried out in 3 doses, with an interval of 1 week. Additionally, marigolds, calendula and coriander repel aphids.


A butterfly with grayish-whitish wings lays eggs on the inside of the leaves of Chistye Prudy f1, and the hatched larvae eat the young leaves. Spraying with fungicides Inta-Vir, Quadris, or Acrobat MC will help save a cucumber from whiteflies. If there are few pests on the variety, a solution of laundry soap will be enough. Lupines, yarrow, or clover planted around the perimeter of the beds are good at repelling the butterfly.

We grow without pollination! (parthenocarpics)

In this section, we present varieties and hybrid forms of shade-tolerant cucumbers that do not require pollination. They are intended for greenhouses, film shelters, and can also be grown in open ground.

Moscow evenings F1

It will take only 45 days to start harvesting the beautiful cucumbers of this hybrid. The plant has unlimited growth, with long vines, and therefore requires obligatory shaping and gartering on a trellis. The hybrid is good for salads and all kinds of preservation.

Greens are up to 14 cm in length, the flesh is dense, but not particularly juicy. The taste of the fruit is excellent. The yield of cucumbers is long-lasting, and with good care they can be harvested from one square meter. meters up to 17 kg of greens.

Ruffnut F1 and Ruffnut F1

For regions with cool and rainy summers, we recommend two interesting hybrids from Biotechnics. On the packets of seeds it is written: “Don’t give up in the dark!”, that is, the manufacturer especially emphasizes the shade tolerance of cucumbers.

These are early hybrids (up to 43-45 days), with tasty greens of universal purpose. Zadava's fruits are up to 8 cm long, beautiful, large-tubercular with black spines.

Value: juiciness, crunch, lack of bitterness. The bully forms exactly the same greens, but they have white spines. Both hybrids are shade-tolerant and produce good yields in regions with cool climates.

Dynamite F1

This productive hybrid, which begins to bear fruit 40-43 days after the appearance of the first shoots, does not require pollination. Its greens are medium in size, up to 14 cm, have a dark green color with stripes, and very sparse tubercles. Yield indicators – up to 18 kg per square meter. meters, and the taste of the fruit is very good. Can be used for pickling; cucumbers are tasty fresh.

Berendey F1

The cucumber with the original name Berendey deserves only flattering reviews. Parthenocarpic, fruits can be harvested starting from the 50th day (mid-season hybrid), quite productive.

Cucumbers with white spines, up to 12-14 cm long, can be used in salads and for pickling. They are delicious when preserved, while maintaining the crunch. The hybrid is resistant to most cucumber diseases, which, coupled with its shade tolerance, makes it attractive to gardeners in various regions.

Garland F1

A very productive hybrid, Garland, which tends to be of the bunch type, was bred already in the new millennium. But he very quickly won the favor of gardeners, as he has a number of advantages:

  • parthenocarpic (it does not need pollinators);
  • grows quickly;
  • resistant to many diseases;
  • productive;
  • unpretentious;
  • has excellent taste.

The downside is the need to pick fruits every day (at the peak of fruiting) so as not to slow down the growth of other greens and not reduce the overall yield. But, you must admit, photographing beautiful cucumbers is a real pleasure!

The ripening period is 42 days, the greens weigh up to 100-110 grams, and the length is about 12 cm. These are pimply cucumbers that are tasty both in pickling and in salads.

Danila F1

The Danila hybrid, which belongs to early ripening cucumbers, has increased shade tolerance.

Zelentsy up to 15 cm, with white spines and very frequent pubescence. They are grown mainly for pickling and are tasty when preserved. The peculiarity of the hybrid is the possibility of long-term storage without loss of taste.

Master F1

For lovers of pickled cucumbers, we recommend planting the hybrid Mastak - productive, early, tasty. Its fruits reach approximately 14-15 cm, bright green, with white-spiked tubercles.

Usually two greens are formed in each sinus.

The hybrid is characterized by strong branching, so no more than 2-2.5 plants per 1 square meter are planted in greenhouses. meter.

F1 company secret

The hybrid Secret of the Company also belongs to the classic pickling cucumbers. He refutes the opinion that only varietal cucumbers are suitable for pickling; new hybrids are also tasty and, most importantly, crunchy.

Zelentsy grow up to 14 cm, weigh about 100-120 grams, and have a sharp nose. The surface is tuberous, white-spiked, the flesh is juicy and very dense.

The bush of this hybrid is powerful and vigorous, so it is important to follow the planting pattern. Recommended for growing in greenhouses

Seasons F1

In the nodes of the bushes of this hybrid, from 2 to 4 greens can be formed, while the side shoots also grow very actively.

The hybrid is productive, early ripening, and gives better results when cultivated in greenhouses.

Cucumbers reach a length of about 15-15 cm, beautiful, with juicy and very aromatic pulp. The skin is very tender, but dense. The Seasons hybrid is ideal for pickling; it is also used for pickling.

Cucumbers for growing on the window

You can’t ignore shade-tolerant cucumbers, which are bred specifically for growing at home. They usually have few leaves, and are also characterized by limited growth of lateral shoots and prolonged fruiting.

Window F1

This is a bunch-type hybrid that forms up to 6-8 ovaries in a node. The maximum length of cucumbers is 14 cm, but cucumbers are usually harvested in the pickle and gherkin stage.

Productivity is high, but care and regular harvesting of fruits are required.

Balcony crunch F1

Another indoor beauty is an early ripening parthenocarpic under the original name Balcony Crunch.

No more than 43-45 days pass before the first harvest of fruits; fruiting is very extended. The greens are small, up to 6-8 cm, with small pimples, dense and tasty.

Handsome Hikmet F1

This hybrid presented by agro will surprise and delight you. This is a shade-tolerant cucumber, which is recommended for growing on a windowsill in winter, as well as on a loggia or balcony.

Zelentsy grow up to 10 cm, there are a lot of tubercles on the surface, and the thorns are white. The fruits have an excellent taste and are mainly used for pickling.

As you can see, the group of shade-tolerant cucumbers is very diverse, and you can always choose a variety or hybrid that will meet your needs. At the same time, do not forget about the recommendations of the manufacturers; only in this case will it be possible to get a high yield of everyone’s favorite vegetable.

Natalia Severova

Description of the variety

The variety belongs to the bee-pollinated category: for the development of ovaries in female flowers, their fertilization with pollen from male flowers is required. The process of cross-pollination depends on the number and activity of insects.

The variety is characterized by abundant flowering with a sufficiently large number of male flowers, which allows the plant to be used as a pollinator for other varieties

The plant is indeterminate (unlimited in growth), but medium-sized and moderately branched. It has a mixed type of flowering, with predominantly male flowers located in the leaf axils of the central stem, while female flowers with ovaries appear on the lateral shoots of the first order. To increase productivity, it was previously recommended to pinch the growing point at the top of the main (central) stem after the 3rd true leaf or after the 6-8th, if branching was late. It is believed that a properly formed bush should have 5-6 side shoots.

Now many gardeners are of the opinion that it is better not to disturb bee-pollinated cucumbers by pinching them at all. During the natural growth of the bush, a sufficient amount of barren flowers remains on the central stem for pollination, and the main crop is laid on the side shoots. You can get acquainted with the advice of an experienced vegetable grower on forming cucumbers on a trellis in open ground by watching the video posted at the end of the article.

Cucumbers should be harvested daily to prevent the greens from overgrowing and not to slow down the formation of new ovaries on the vines

Fruiting of the “Graceful” cucumber (depending on climatic and weather conditions, agricultural cultivation techniques) begins 40-60 days after the appearance of full shoots. Zelentsy are 9-13 cm long, weighing on average 100-140 g, have a flattened elliptical shape, weak ribbing and a light green color with short whitish stripes. The peel is of medium density, covered with small tubercles and white pubescence. Zelentsy have a beautiful presentation (not prone to overgrowth and yellowing) and high taste: pulp without voids, juicy and crispy, no bitterness. The variety is declared as a salad variety, but, according to most gardeners, it is suitable for pickling and canning.

Greens for preparing winter preparations are removed at the growth stage, until they reach full size and are not overripe

Among the disadvantages of greens of this variety are sometimes indicated:

  • uneven coloring - the presence of white spots on the fruits (white-sided);
  • the formation of internal voids during heat treatment during the pickling process;
  • peroxidation and softening during salting.

Commercial yield in open ground is quite high - up to 7 kg/m2. The collection of greens should be carried out daily or every other day in order to prevent the fruits from overripening and to direct the plant’s forces to the establishment and filling of new ovaries.

Packages of cucumber seeds of the “Elegant” variety from various manufacturers

Like other bee-pollinated varieties, cucumbers of this variety, left on the vines until natural ripening, produce full-fledged seeds. They can be used for further cultivation, since varietal characteristics are firmly fixed at the genetic level. It is recommended to plant seed material of your own production not the next year, but the 2-3rd year after collection.

Purchased seeds of the “Elegant” cucumber variety are quite affordable at prices; many agricultural companies produce them. You can see how their quality is checked in the following video:

The advantage of commercial seed material is that it is processed and does not require additional home preparation. Such cucumber seeds are planted as seedlings or by direct sowing into the soil directly from the package, without prior germination, soaking, disinfection and hardening.

The “Graceful” cucumber variety, according to reviews from most gardeners, is unpretentious in care, hardy, able to bear fruit actively and for a long time in unfavorable weather conditions, and is resistant to cold and disease.

Cucumbers for growing outdoors on a trellis

On the trellis, the greens grow evenly, evenly colored. At the same time, productivity increases several times. When growing on a trellis, the beds must be protected from the wind (swinging of the lashes under its influence reduces the yield). The best option for placing a trellis bed is near the wall of a house or barn.

All hybrids grown spread out on an open bed have proven themselves to be excellent on a trellis. At the same time, both balcony cucumbers and hybrids with longer greens with different types of branching worked well here. These are, according to the results of 2022, the “five successful” hybrids in open ground on a trellis with fruits 13-20 cm long: Cheetah F1, Emelya F1, Marta F1, Melnitsa F1, Podmoskovnye Vechery F1.

Cheetah F1

An early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid with simultaneous filling of a large number of greens on the plant. From 1-2 to 4 ovaries are formed in the nodes. The greens are lumpy, white-thorned, 12-15 cm long. The bushes do not branch much, so caring for them is not at all difficult.

Emelya F1

Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid of female flowering type. Zelentsy are very beautiful, lumpy, white-thorned, 13-15 cm long, of high taste, also good for pickling and canning.

Marta F1

A modern parthenocarpic hybrid of the Zozulya class with increased productivity. The greens are smooth, tuberculate, white-thorned, 15-20 cm long, very tasty.

Mill F1

High-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid of the Zozulya class for spring greenhouses, tunnels and open ground. It is distinguished by early ripening, a larger tuberculate surface of the greens, and a lower degree of overgrowth. The greens are lumpy, white-thorned, 15-18 cm long, of very high taste.

Moscow evenings F1

A productive parthenocarpic shade-tolerant hybrid with medium branching. The main qualities are early ripening, strong starting parthenocarpy, simultaneous filling of a large number of fruits on the plant. Zelentsy are 12-15 cm long, smooth, dark green, crispy, with high taste and pickling qualities.

By planting these cucumber hybrids on your plot, you don’t have to worry that the summer will be cold and the harvest will not have time to ripen. With proper care, these plants will definitely not let you down. And if you need more detailed descriptions of the listed hybrids, look for them on the Author's Vegetable Seeds website.

Growing and caring for bunch cucumbers

In order for bunch cucumbers to have a long growing season and produce a significant amount of fruit, they require special care. A large number of ovaries makes the plant weak, so hybrids of this type need regular feeding and compliance with certain rules during cultivation:

  • Bunch cucumbers are not planted too close to each other. The maximum density between bushes in greenhouses is 2-3 seedlings per 1m2; in open soil this figure can reach 3-4.
  • At the beginning of the growing season, the plant must have a powerful root and a strong stem in order to “feed” and withstand numerous ovaries.
  • If grown cucumber seedlings are intended for planting in open ground, then after transplanting they must be covered with film and stored there until active flowering begins.
  • It is advisable to plant bunched cucumbers in places protected from the wind. The plant is very heat-loving, and in a draft, a weakened stem will most likely simply die.
  • Mandatory feeding of the plant with organic mineral fertilizer. The procedure is carried out in doses (no more than 15 grams per m2 once a week).
  • To speed up the growth of greens, a large container with rotted grass or manure is installed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Evaporating carbon dioxide activates the growth of plant cells, allowing you to quickly obtain the desired harvest.

Please note that bunch cucumbers must be harvested daily. Overgrown fruits remaining on the bush interfere with the appearance of new ovaries.

An important factor for growing bunch hybrids in open ground are supports. The best fruits and maximum yield are obtained from bushes tied to a trellis fixed on supports, 2 meters or higher in height. In this case, a mesh with a mesh size of at least 15 cm must be attached between the posts. New cucumber lashes are attached to it.

Bunch cucumbers require regular care and feeding. Despite the fact that vegetation in bunches is inherent in the plant at the genetic level, it can change due to improper watering or poor lighting.

At the same time, the plant should not be overfed with fertilizers. In case of abundant or improper feeding, tufts can form only on the lower ovaries of the stem. The optimal conditions for growing cucumbers are maintaining the required temperature (without sudden fluctuations) and relatively high air humidity. That is why bunched cucumbers are recommended to be planted in equipped greenhouses or in open ground in the summer, when the air temperature is stable.

Comparative table of varieties according to main criteria

NameOpen groundGreenhouseEarly ripeningMid-seasonProductivity
Moment++up to 15 kg
Manul++up to 32 kg
Claudia+++27 kg
Brigantine F1+++34 kg
Alliance++not less than 18 kg
Emelya++from 16 kg
April++from 14 kg
Friendly family+++11 kg
Zozulya F1++from 18 to 21 kg
Gerda+++15 kg
Elegant+++no more than 8 kg
Baby crane F1+++no more than 10 kg
Topolek F1++17.5 kg
Altai++4 kg
Cascade++3 kg
Hermann+++16 kg
Parisian gherkin++6 kg
Enthusiasm+++13 kg
Miranda F1++6.5 kg

Growing such a heat-loving vegetable crop as cucumbers is a rather difficult task, but possible. Over the many years of its existence, the tasty fruit has been distributed throughout the world, even in places where it would seem impossible to grow it. But thanks to the varieties bred by breeders, the cultivation of this crop has become accessible even in the harsh Siberian climate.

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