Photos, videos, descriptions, planting, characteristics, productivity, reviews of the cucumber hybrid “Zador F1”.

When choosing cucumber varieties for protected soil, you should opt for parthenocarpics, which do not depend on the presence of pollinating insects and bear fruit even in closed greenhouses. And even in open ground, such crops show good results in the cold summer period, when bee-pollinated species cannot bear fruit normally. Such universal varieties include the cucumber with the optimistic name Zador. Originator - LLC Breeding Station named after. N.N. Timofeeva". The variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2008 with admission to all regions of the country. It can be cultivated in open ground and under film shelters on private farms. Thanks to the combination of suitable characteristics, our hero is suitable for industrial cultivation. It is a hybrid, therefore it is labeled F1.


The plant is indeterminate, has medium growth vigor, is medium-climbing, the stepsons grow very slowly.
The leaves are long-petiolate, medium-sized, green, entire, angular-heart-shaped, with a slightly wrinkled surface. The flowering type of the variety is female. From 2 to 5 ovaries are formed in a leaf node. Zadora fruits are short, gherkin-type, cylindrical, slightly ribbed. Ready-to-use greens have a length of 8-10 cm. The skin is thin, elastic, green, with light stripes half the length of the cucumber. The surface is coarsely tuberculate, the tubercles are often located, the pubescence is light and of medium density. The pulp is tender, crispy, without bitterness. The State Register describes the taste as good. The seeds are at the stage of milky ripeness, so they are practically undetectable when consumed. The hollowness of the vodkas was never noticed. The average weight of greens is 75-85 grams. The fruits are distinguished by their high commercial qualities.

Description of the variety

Short review:

"Zador" refers to early ripening hybrids. The period from the appearance of the first shoots to the first harvest ranges from 38 to 42 days.


  • They have a cylindrical shape, with weak ribbing;
  • Green in color, with light stripes up to the middle of the fruit;
  • With an elastic, not thick skin, covered with many large tubercles, with light pubescence;
  • With tender, crispy, non-bitter pulp, without voids;
  • With great taste;
  • With seeds of milky ripeness, almost unnoticeable when consumed;
  • Type - gherkin;
  • Length - from 8 to 10 cm;
  • The average weight varies from 75 to 85 cm.



  • Indeterminate type, medium-sized, with an average number of lashes, stepchildren are characterized by slow growth;
  • The leaves are medium-sized, long-petiolate, entire, angular-heart-shaped, slightly wrinkled on the surface;
  • With female type of flowering;
  • Each leaf node forms from 2 to 5 ovaries.

Description and characteristics of the variety

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The developer of the Zador F1 hybrid was the Timofeev breeding station. This early-ripening, hardy hybrid, despite its novelty (included in the State Register in 2008), is actively grown in various conditions. Recommended for uncovered beds and greenhouse conditions: heated or unheated greenhouses, tunnels.

Ripening dates are early - the first greens are harvested 38-40 days after germination.

The bushes have medium vigor and grow in a determinant manner. Climbing and foliage are average.

The hybrid has parthenocarpic properties and forms many female inflorescences. The fruits ripen in bunches. In 1 node there are from 2 to 5 greens.

Description of fruits:

  • length 8-10 cm;
  • weight 90-100 g;
  • diameter 2-3 cm;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • the tubercles are large;
  • pubescence is white;
  • the flesh is crispy, juicy, tender;
  • the taste is sweetish without bitterness.

The fruits are used to prepare a variety of summer and winter dishes. Under the influence of temperatures, cucumbers do not lose their crispness, shape, or density.

Description of the hybrid

Cucumber Zador F1 is a hardy hybrid with early ripening. It was developed by specialists from the Timofeev breeding station. Included in the State Register in 2008. Recommended for open gardens and film greenhouses. Designed for personal plots. It is also used for industrial cultivation.

The plant is medium-sized. Cucumbers ripen in bunches of 2-5 pieces. Zelentsy are short, large-tubercular, with light pubescence. Their appearance can be seen in the photo. The fruits are tasty, crispy, without bitterness, and there are practically no voids in them.

Attention! Regular harvesting is required. Otherwise, the cucumbers become overgrown and the skin of the greens becomes rough.

By type of growthMedium-climbing
By type of branchingMedium branched
By type of pollinationParthenocarpic
Planting scheme70x30 cm - when planted in 1 line, 90x50 cm - in 2 furrows
Weight, length and shape of the fruit75-85 g, 8-10 cm, cylindrical, slightly ribbed, green
Ripening periodEarly ripening (38-42 days)
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to true and downy mildew, tolerant to anthracnose, bacteriosis, olive spot
Flowering typeFemale
ProductivityIn a greenhouse - up to 15-16 kg/m²; in exhaust gas – up to 5-12 kg/m²


Seeds for seedlings are sown in the last week of April, the first ten days of May. Maintain the correct humidity and temperature conditions:

  • 25-27 degrees before germination, 20-22 degrees after germination;
  • 80-90% humidity.

Make sure that the lighting lasts up to 14 hours a day, and turn on the phytolights. Until the first leaves appear, the containers are kept under film. At the age of 25 days, the bushes are planted in film greenhouses.

Layout of the site:

  • 70 by 30 cm when planted in 1 line;
  • 90 by 50 cm when planted in 2 furrows.

Direct sowing in beds is carried out from the last week of May until the first half of June. It is necessary to warm the soil to 12-14 degrees.

As the bushes grow, they are fixed to the trellis with twine. Lattice and mesh are used as supporting structures.

Agricultural technology

Growing Zador can be done by direct sowing of seeds in the soil or through seedlings. The second method is the most profitable and economical. Seeds for seedlings are sown in late April - early May. 25-day-old seedlings can already be transplanted under film covers. The recommended planting density is 2.5 pieces per 1 square meter in a greenhouse or according to the scheme: (90 + 50) x 40 cm. In beds for single-line planting - 70 × 30, for two-line planting - (90 + 50) x 25 cm. After When replanting, the plant is tied to a trellis. Care is made easier due to the rather inactive growth rate of the stepsons. During the growth period, the variety requires a sufficient amount of moisture, periodic application of fertilizers and keeping the soil clean.

Hybrid Zador is interesting due to its early ripening and resistance to major crop diseases. If you follow agricultural practices, the yield of cucumber is quite decent, which, combined with its suitability for canning, will help provide your family with supplies in the winter. Care does not have pronounced nuances, so even a novice gardener can take on growing our hero. But with all the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages. If the greens become overgrown, the skin will become rough. For further cultivation, seeds will have to be purchased annually.


Care measures:

  • Watering is carried out in the evening, using warm, settled water;
  • The moistened soil must be loosened and weeded at the same time;
  • During the season, 2-3 feedings are carried out. It is recommended to alternate the application of organic fertilizers and mineral complex mixtures;
  • Immediately after transplantation, the plants need to be tied to a trellis;
  • Mulching will help make maintenance easier. Straw, hay or mowed grass are used as mulching material.

Hybrid cucumber "Zador F1": photo, video, description, planting, characteristics, yield, reviews

When choosing cucumber varieties for protected soil, you should opt for parthenocarpics, which do not depend on the presence of pollinating insects and bear fruit even in closed greenhouses. And even in open ground, such crops show good results in the cold summer period, when bee-pollinated species cannot bear fruit normally. Such universal varieties include the cucumber with the optimistic name Zador. Originator - LLC Breeding Station named after. N.N. Timofeeva". The variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2008 with admission to all regions of the country. It can be cultivated in open ground and under film shelters on private farms. Thanks to the combination of suitable characteristics, our hero is suitable for industrial cultivation. It is a hybrid, therefore it is labeled F1.

Diseases and pests

The Zador hybrid has excellent immunity. It is not susceptible to the most common cucumber disease, powdery mildew. “Zador” is also resistant to downy mildew, anthracnose, bacteriosis and olive spot.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests:

  • The appearance of pests that carry diseases can be prevented by spilling soil in seedling cups. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before transplantation to a permanent place of growth. Use the preparations “Aktara” or “Apache”, preparing the solution according to the attached instructions. This event will help avoid attacks by spider mites and other pests;
  • Plantings are also regularly inspected for diseases and pests.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety of cucumbers has a whole set of positive characteristics:

  • early ripening and even fruiting throughout the season;
  • good fruit set without additional attraction of pollinating insects;
  • stable yield even under unfavorable weather conditions;
  • strong immunity with resistance to the main diseases of the culture;
  • possibility of transportation and long-term storage;
  • excellent taste, versatility of harvest.

Among the disadvantages of this variety of cucumbers, one can note the impossibility of harvesting your own seeds due to belonging to hybrids, as well as the need for frequent harvesting of fruits, since when they outgrow, the quality of the greens deteriorates.


  • Nina, 54 years old: “My husband and I love to implement innovative ideas in our garden. We often plant new selections and rejoice at our achievements. We have a special approach to vegetables. We have a small plot of land, but there is a varied number of them; I want to try to grow them all, especially those that produce a large harvest. Last season we tried Gerda gherkins. They are extremely tasty and beautiful. In the jar they look like they were painted.”
  • Rimma Petrovna, 62 years old: “I have been growing cucumbers on my plot for the fifth year in a row. During this time, I planted different varieties of Russian, Ukrainian and Dutch producers. Today I prefer the hybrid variety “Alliance”. It belongs to self-pollinating cucumbers. When purchasing, I doubted my choice, so I planted a small number of plants. For the first time, I achieved 100% germination of seedlings. Moreover, it significantly exceeded the seedlings of other varieties of cucumbers. Their stems are powerful and the leaves are large. About 50 days after sowing the seeds, I picked the first cucumber, after which new fruits began to ripen on the bush. The taste of cucumbers is sweetish, without bitterness. I salted them in a barrel and they turned out very tasty.”
  • Katerina, 39 years old: “I bought varieties for early cultivation, and among the rest I came across the Orpheus F1 hybrid. It is not afraid of heat and feels great without frequent watering. It is distinguished by extraordinary productivity and beautiful cucumbers. They are devoid of bitterness; we eat them fresh or canned. The only thing I didn’t take into account is that their stem grows very much and in the absence of supports, it begins to twine around other plants. I really liked this variety, but this year I want to expand my cucumber production and buy German F1 for testing.”
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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