Cucumber Quadrille F1: pros and cons of a productive hybrid, growing rules for a good harvest

Quadrille F1 is a profitable and convenient hybrid in agricultural technology. Bonuses include massive harvests and tolerance of adverse weather. The parthenocarpic hybrid is suitable for growing in almost any conditions.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

History of variety development

The hybrid cucumber Quadrille f1 was created by Russian breeders at the beginning of this century. After variety testing, this hybrid was included in the Russian state register of agricultural achievements in 2006.

According to the description of the originators of the Kadril cucumber variety, it can be grown in the northern regions, as well as in the center of Russia and in the Middle Volga region.

Photo of cucumber Quadrille

Cucumber Quadrille F1: variety description

This hybrid is of the parthenocarpic type,

its flowers do not require pollination; ovaries on the vines are formed without pollinating insects. Therefore, green vegetables either have no seeds or are underdeveloped.

Quadrille cucumber seeds should be purchased in specialized stores, but you will not be able to collect seed material from your own garden.

The inflorescences are of the bouquet type; up to 10 such inflorescences can be formed on the main lash, each of which produces up to 6-8 ovaries.

The stems are strong and powerful, with good foliage. The foliage is large, five-lobed, with clearly visible veins and small jagged edges. The color of the leaves is rich emerald.

The lashes of the Quadrille hybrid are long, up to 1.8 m, the side shoots are shortened. When growing in greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to tie the plants to trellises. In the garden beds, a special mesh with middle cells is usually stretched, to which the whips are attached.


According to the ripening period, the cucumber hybrid Kadrill f1 is classified as early ripening - about 1.5 months pass from the germination of the seed material to the harvesting of the gherkins.

Cucumber Quadrille F1 – video

This hybrid cucumber is of the gherkin type; the harvest from the vines of this variety can be harvested both at the gherkin stage and at the pickle stage. Ripening cucumber greens Kadrille are smooth, up to 10-13 cm long and average weight up to 100 g


The skin of greens is of medium thickness, crispy, with small tubercles and light spikes. The color of the surface of the gherkins is a rich emerald green, with clearly visible short light stripes. The pulp is slightly compacted, tender, and has no voids. The fruits completely lack bitterness at the genetic level. And the taste of ripe Quadrille gherkins is wonderful; the fruits have a typical cucumber aroma.

The seeds of even ripe fruits of Kadrille cucumbers are at the stage of milky ripeness and are not noticeable when eaten.

The harvested crop can be transported to any distance; under appropriate conditions, ripe fruits can be stored for quite a long time without losing their elasticity and good taste.

Landing Features

In general, Quadrille f1 is undemanding in terms of landing conditions. For this variety, a small area on the sunny side or a well-ventilated film greenhouse will be enough. The main thing this cucumber needs is a lot of sunlight so that its leaves do not start to turn yellow and its shoots grow faster.

It is best to plant a cucumber in soil where legumes, cruciferous vegetables, potatoes, or tomatoes used to grow. The best neighbors of the Quadrille variety in the area are peas, corn, sunflowers, onions and thyme. You should not plant bushes near tomatoes or potatoes.

Pre-planting soil treatment

The soil for the Quadrille f1 hybrid can be anything - the main thing is that it has neutral acidity. Chernozem or sandy loam soil is best suited for this purpose. In the fall, the soil for cucumbers is cleared of plant residues, disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate, dug up to the length of a shovel and fertilized with a solution of mullein.

If in the previous season the plants in the area under Quadrille suffered from viral diseases, the soil is additionally calcined with boiling water. Later, 2-3 days before planting, the soil for the variety is loosened again, weeded, selecting roots, and fertilizing is applied - wood ash or humus.

Germination of seedlings

Seeds of the Kadrill f1 variety begin to germinate in the second half of April. The seed material is placed in peat tablets, 1-2 in each, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The soil for the cucumber should be well moistened, but not swampy. Quadrille is kept at an air temperature of 23°-24°, watered every other day, at the root of the sprouts. As soon as the 2nd leaf appears on the seedlings of the Kadrill variety, it is fertilized with rotted sawdust or chicken droppings.

In cloudy weather, the cucumber is illuminated with dim lamps.

Planting in the garden

Quadrille f1 is transferred to the garden bed at the age of 24-25 days, in mid-May. The soil for the cucumber should warm up to 15°-16°, the air should be about 25°. The seedlings are transferred to a cloudy day. It is advisable that warm weather last for 3-4 days before planting the variety - so that the earth has time to warm up. Cucumbers are planted at a density of 3-4 bushes per 1 m². The distance between Quadrille plants is 40 cm, the recommended row spacing is 55 cm. The bushes are deepened by 5-6 cm, sprinkled with earth to the very top, after which the plantings are watered abundantly with warm water.

Application area

Collected gherkins are distinguished by their universal use - they are eaten fresh, prepared in vegetable salads, and canned. During heat treatment, cucumbers do not spread, retain their shape, remain tasty and crispy, and no voids form inside. Therefore, even gourmets like pickled and pickled cucumbers of the Quadrille hybrid.

New productive cucumber hybrids

Cucumber F1 Pinocchio

One of the earliest ripening hybrids with abundant fruit formation. Recommended for film greenhouses and open ground. The fruit is dark green, 8–9 cm long, with complex pubescence, finely tuberculate, black-thorned. Excellent for fresh consumption and pickling. Resistant to downy mildew and bacteriosis. Productivity – 12 kg per square meter.

Cucumber F1 Quadrille

This early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid is distinguished by its friendly yield - on the main shoot there are up to 8-10 bouquets of ovaries. The hybrid is very cold-resistant, and thanks to the special strength of the fruit, it is perfectly suited for transportation. Designed for cultivation in open and protected ground, as well as under temporary film covers. Sowing seedlings - at the end of April, planting in the ground - at the end of May or early June, in open ground - at the end of May. Greenweed is 10–12 cm long, weighing 90–100 g, often tuberous, white-thorned. The fruits are great for canning and are also good fresh. The hybrid is relatively resistant to real and downy mildew. The yield of one plant is 6–7 kg.

Cucumber F1 Tarapunka (Agro)

Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are smooth, 8–11 cm long, of excellent taste. Suitable for both salads and canning.

Cucumber F1 Temp (Agro)

Early ripening with bunch fruiting (3–5 pieces). The greens are 5–7 cm long, lumpy, of excellent taste. They tolerate transportation well. The fruits are not bitter and are suitable for pickling and canning.

Cucumber F1 Asker (Agro)

A parthenocarpic hybrid of the “slicer” type, or simply a salad cucumber. High-yielding, early ripening. The fruits are smooth, light green, 18–20 cm long, without voids, very tasty.

Cucumber F1 Bimbo (Star Johnsons)

Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid. Can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Greens up to 5 cm long are great for canning, and large ones are good fresh.

F1 Atlantis (aggro)

An early bush hybrid, it bears harvest 1.5 months after germination. Fruits of universal use, genetically without bitterness, very tasty. When salted they remain strong and crispy.

Cucumber F1 Zyatek

artenocarpic hybrid of early ripening. Recommended for open ground and film greenhouses. They are sown for seedlings at the end of April, in the greenhouse - in mid-May, in the ground - at the end of May or beginning of June. Zelenets are 10–12 cm long, 3.0–3.5 cm in diameter, weighing 90–100 g, often tuberous, white-thorned, without bitterness. The fruits are good to collect for pickles and gherkins. Very tasty fresh. The hybrid is resistant to root rot, powdery mildew, and tolerant to downy mildew. The yield of one plant is 5–7 kg.

Cucumber F1 Mother-in-law

Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid. Designed for open ground and film greenhouses. Sowing for seedlings - at the end of April, in greenhouses - at the end of May - early June, in open ground - in the middle - end of May. The greens are 11–13 cm long, weighing 100–120 g, tuberous, brown-thorny, without bitterness. Perfect for pickling and pickling, they have a delicate taste. The hybrid is cold-resistant, resistant to major cucumber diseases. The yield of one plant is 5.5–6.5 kg.

Cucumber F1 White Night

Early maturing hybrid for film greenhouses and open ground. The green leaf is dark green, cylindrical with a slight run, 8–9 cm long, medium-tubercular, with complex pubescence, white-thorned, does not turn yellow. Thanks to its pronounced taste and delicate skin, it is good for fresh consumption, but also suitable for pickling. The hybrid is resistant to bacteriosis. Productivity – 12–13 kg per square meter.

Cucumber F1 Noble

A distinctive feature of the hybrid is resistance to a complex of diseases: olive spot, viral infection, bacteriosis, anthracnose and ascochyta. An early-ripening bee-pollinated hybrid designed for open ground and film greenhouses. Greenweed is finely tuberculate, white-thorned, 10–13 cm long, weighing 100–110 g, universally used. Productivity – up to 12 kg per square meter.

Cucumber F1 Dubrovsky

Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses. The plant is compact, does not grow much and does not require pollination - it is a parthenocarpic hybrid of the female (bouquet) type of flowering, 3-4 ovaries are formed in each leaf axil. The fruits are very pretty - small (11–13 cm) green, with light stripes and tubercles. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, root rot, olive spot, and relatively resistant to downy mildew.

Cucumber F1 Matrix

It grows well in greenhouses, under temporary film cover, and in open ground. This is also a hybrid of the bouquet type of flowering; up to 9–10 ovaries are formed in each leaf axil. On small (10–12 cm) dark green cucumbers, light green stripes clearly appear. F1 Matrix is ​​not afraid of powdery mildew, root rot, olive spot, and is quite resistant to downy mildew. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is cold resistance. In addition, all the fruits are similar in size, shape and color to each other, as if they were “stamped” using a matrix.

Cucumber F1 Dasha

High-yielding bee-pollinated hybrid. Early ripening, begins to bear fruit on the 48–52nd day after the shoots appear. The fruit (10–12 cm) is dark green, with longitudinal stripes, and white-thorned. It is not afraid of powdery mildew and peronosporosis.

Diseases and pests

Like other hybrid cucumbers, the Quadrille variety has good immunity, so the bushes of this hybrid are highly resistant to most diseases characteristic of other varieties of this vegetable crop, including powdery mildew and olive spot.

Pests also practically do not settle on the green mass of this hybrid. But occasionally, aphids may appear on the foliage of the Quadrille cucumber. You can fight it with the help of folk remedies or spray the lashes with an insecticide solution.

Positive characteristics of the variety

Quadrille cucumbers are chosen by many experienced vegetable growers, noting a number of advantages of this hybrid:

  1. High level of productivity. Up to 8 kg of mature greens are harvested from one cucumber bush.
  2. Average plant height. The not too large size of the plant makes it easier for gardeners to care for.
  3. Average level of foliage. The foliage of the bush blocks the cucumbers from exposure to direct sunlight, but does not interfere with harvesting.
  4. Small fruit sizes. The weight of each cucumber does not exceed 100 g and a length of 13 cm.
  5. The first fruits are harvested 1.5-2 months after germination of the first shoots.
  6. Good plant immunity. The Quadrille variety is resistant to many diseases.
  7. Good taste. Cucumbers have a pleasant taste, without bitterness or off-flavors.
  8. Appearance. Quadrille cucumbers are distinguished by their marketable appearance, which allows this variety to be grown not only for home consumption, but also for sale.
  9. Good keeping quality. Quadrille cucumbers are distinguished by their versatility. Housewives use them to prepare fresh salads and preparations for the winter. Cucumbers can be preserved both whole and sliced.

cucumber Emerald family F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Quadrille variety include:

  1. there is no bitterness in the fruits;
  2. resistance to adverse climatic conditions;
  3. the hybrid is resistant to many diseases and pest attacks;
  4. high yield of this hybrid;
  5. good taste of Quadrille cucumber and appearance of ripe gherkins;
  6. the harvested crop can be transported to different distances and stored for a long time (at the same time, the cucumbers do not lose their presentation and pleasant taste);
  7. the ovaries are formed in bunches;
  8. the Quadrille hybrid is of the parthenocarpic type, so ovaries are formed even under unfavorable weather conditions, since the flowers do not require pollination by bees;
  9. early fruit ripening;
  10. cucumber Quadrille f1 can be grown in garden beds in open ground, in greenhouse conditions, film greenhouses and indoor conditions.

There are no downsides to this hybrid cucumber.

About care and proximity to other cultures

Quadrille f1 blooms profusely; one bush can have a large number of female flowers at the same time. As the fruits ripen, the bushes need care. Filled cucumbers, if they appear, may not grow to the desired size and fall off. Yellowing of the fruits indicates that they need organic matter. It is very important to form the bush correctly at the growth stage.

See also

Description of the Dragoon cucumber variety, its characteristics and yieldRead

Regardless of where the cucumbers will be planted - a greenhouse or a garden bed, you need to take care of the surroundings. Dill can have a positive effect on cucumbers, improving their taste and aroma. Suitable neighbors are:

  • greens - dill, parsley, lettuce;
  • beet;
  • garlic and onion;
  • cabbage;
  • radish.

The bush is covered with green leaves, the foliage is medium. The fruits are rich in color and medium in size. The stem is strong, the root system of cucumbers is powerful and absorbs nutrients from the soil well. So that cucumbers do not need vitamins and minerals, they feed regularly. Reviews from gardeners say that you should not get carried away with this procedure so as not to harm the bushes.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

In the southern regions of Russia, you can plant seeds directly into open ground around the beginning of May, if the weather is warm.

Quadrille cucumber seedlings should be planted for seedlings approximately 20-25 days before the planned transplantation of plants to a permanent location.


You can purchase special soil for growing seedlings at gardening stores, or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix turf soil, compost, humus, high peat and river sand in equal parts.

The nutrient substrate is laid out in separate containers, moistened and 1 seed is placed in a cup.

Seedlings that have at least 4-5 leaves can be planted in a permanent place. The distance between plants in the rows should be 0.5 m, and the width of the rows should be at least 0.6 m. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place together with a ball of earth, so as not to injure the roots of the plants during transplantation.

Agricultural technology for growing cucumbers - video

Agricultural technology

The hybrid tolerates planting well using seedling or non-seedling methods. Seedlings are considered more gentle on the plant and provide more gentle conditions for its development. Grows well in open and closed ground.

When sowing in the beds, you should wait until the end of frost and stable warm weather. Late May or early June is optimal. Make sure that the soil is not frozen both on the surface and at depth.

Conditions for landing:

  1. Seeds should be planted according to the 50x50 pattern.
  2. The air temperature should be 25 oC.
  3. Sowing depth – 20 mm.
  4. It is advisable to plant the seeds with the sharp part facing up.

The soil is moistened and covered with film or other covering until the first shoots appear. Be sure to loosen the soil first - this will provide drainage and allow the plant to breathe. The film is removed as soon as the sprouts with the first leaves emerge.

When planting seeds for seedlings, it is advisable to provide a place in advance. You can use plastic cups or other containers as containers. Be sure to prepare drainage if it is not done in advance. Peat cups are especially popular. They are self-decomposing and allow you to carefully replant the plant without damaging its root system. When planting in plastic cups, the gardener can later carefully cut them without disturbing the roots. Replanting is done when the sprout produces at least 2-3 leaves. Temperature:

  • after planting – 25-28 °C;
  • after sprouts appear – 17 °C.

The soil should be regularly moistened; cucumbers must be covered with film before sprouts appear. The soil where the plant will be transplanted must be pre-prepared.


Before leaving for the winter, the gardener digs up the ridge, applies fertilizer, and loosens the soil.

After planting, the seedlings should be tied up, as due to their growth they may fall. Peat and fertile soil are often used for the substrate, into which the seedlings will then be transplanted. Peat and soil are added in equal quantities. If the soil is highly acidic, the plant will not take root in it. To reduce the acidity level, it should be treated with lime mortar or ash. The permissible PH level is 6.7.

Before planting, seeds are processed in 2 stages:

  1. Disinfection. For disinfection, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Soaking is carried out from 20 minutes to an hour.
  2. Treatment. Growth stimulants designed to help summer residents are used for it. The procedure is not necessary, but it increases the germination of seed material.

Before planting, you need to make sure that there is no excess moisture left on the seeds.

The garter is carried out using trellises in a vertical position. Timely formation of a bush increases crop yield. After watering, the plant needs to be loosened and, if necessary, weeded. Weeds do not allow cucumbers to grow well and interfere with fruiting.

Water as the soil dries. The water should be warm. It's better to defend it first. You cannot pour in a large stream; it is better to use a watering can. Drip irrigation is a good option. Care should be taken that after watering the leaves do not remain wet, and also that moistening is not carried out during the period of solar activity. The best time is morning or evening.

Further care for the cucumber hybrid Quadrille

In the future, watering should be carried out in a timely manner, fertilizing should be done and the plants should be formed.

Irrigation regime

Cucumber vines of the Kadrill variety should be watered 2-3 times a week with heated filtered water, strictly at the root. Drops of moisture should not fall on the green mass. Typically, watering is done either in the early morning or in the evening.

In hot, dry times, watering should be done daily, but if the weather is rainy, the number of waterings should be sharply reduced.

Loosening and weeding

It is necessary to loosen the soil in the root zone at least once a week and after each watering, so that oxygen reaches the roots of the cucumber vines. Loosening should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate root system.

At the same time, all weeds are removed, which take too many nutrients from the soil. Pests can also hide in weeds.


Before planting seedlings of Quadrille cucumbers in a permanent place, humus or compost and complex mineral fertilizers are added to the beds. However, fertilizers applied before planting are not enough, since the Kadrill variety is high-yielding, and cucumber vines require regular feeding for good fruiting.

This vegetable crop is responsive to the addition of organic matter.

. Therefore, a solution of cow manure or bird droppings is applied under the cucumber bushes. Greenfinch can also be used as fertilizer. During the ripening of gherkins, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are applied to the garden beds.

Cultivation rules

The cucumber in question is easy to care for - even a novice vegetable grower can grow it. Quadrille is not afraid of frost, so it is hilled only 2 times a season - when it freezes. The plantings are loosened 2 times a week, to a depth of 15-20 cm. The variety is weeded with the same regularity. Form Quadrille f1 bushes into a central stem. In a greenhouse, they are tied up on vertical trellises; in open ground, the cucumber can trail along the ground. The side lashes of the variety are pinched above the 4th leaf.


This variety has a developed, strong root system, so it does not require a lot of water. Water Quadrille f1 every 3 days, in extreme heat - every 2 days. Only purified water is used, standing for 15 minutes in an open space and warmed to room temperature. Cold watering is one of the main pathogenic factors of this crop. Water the cucumber early in the morning when the dew has disappeared. The liquid is applied by drop method, being careful not to soak the foliage of the variety.

After each watering, the bushes are loosened so that the ground around them does not become covered with a hard crust.


Quadrille f1 needs nutritional feeding 3 times per season. The variety responds especially well to organic liquid mixtures. The bush fertilization scheme is as follows:

  1. The first application of fertilizing is in the active growth phase - nitrophoska, or superphosphate.
  2. The cucumber is fertilized the second time after the first flower blooms - with humus or a urea solution.
  3. The last fertilizing is applied to Quadrille f1 with the beginning of the formation of ovaries - use chicken droppings or a solution of coal powder.

Additionally, the cucumber can be enriched with useful substances through mulching - potato tops, field grass hay, or onion peels. The recommended mulch layer is 5-7 cm.

Cucumber Quadrille F1: reviews from those who grew

Elena, 44 years old, Moscow region: I have been planting the hybrid Quadrille for several years. I really like the yield of this variety, as well as the taste of the collected gherkins. Cucumbers can be collected daily - they have no voids and are completely free of bitterness. My family really likes this variety of canned cucumbers - they remain dense and crispy. Therefore, every year I plant several cucumber plants of the Quadrille variety.

Elena, 55 years old, Lviv: I would like to note that this hybrid has all the fruits of an ideal shape, there are no hooks or barrels. The taste of Quadrille gherkins is also good. You can pick cucumbers at the pickle or gherkin stage. Although seeds have to be purchased annually, this seems to be the only drawback of the Quadrille cucumber.

Marina, 34 years old, Penza: In my garden I grow only self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers. Two seasons ago I planted the Kadrille cucumber variety. I was quite pleased with the result - with the simplest care, I ended up collecting at least 6 kg of fruit from each bush. The harvest was used mainly for preservation.

Maria, 60 years old, Krasnodar region: We live in a rural area, and we grow all our vegetables in our garden, fortunately, we have a large one. Last year we decided to try planting a Kadrille cucumber - we really liked the appearance of the fruit in the photo on the Internet. We planted one bed. The vines grew quickly, and after 1.5 months the first harvest was harvested. Quadrille cucumbers are smooth and tasty. But the bushes require regular watering and respond very well to the application of organic fertilizers. Last year the harvest was quite large, but most of the fruits were canned - the jars of cucumbers only lasted until the New Year. In the future we plan to plant mainly this hybrid, and we plan to sell some of it, since the presentation of the Quadrille variety is also excellent.

The cucumber hybrid Kadrill was developed relatively recently, but has already become popular among Russian farmers.

It is grown not only in private farms, but also at an industrial level for the further sale of ripe gherkins. High yield, good taste, the ability of the crop to withstand transportation well and be stored for a long time - all these positive qualities have become the reasons for the popularity of this variety.

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The bushes are regularly watered with warm water that has been standing for 2-3 hours. The optimal water temperature is + 18 +25 C. Watering is done at the root at the rate of 1.5-2 liters per bush. If water gets on flowers and leaves, pathogenic microflora may develop. Water the cucumbers once every 4 days. If the air temperature rises, once every 2 days. If it has rained and the soil is moistened to a depth of 10-15 cm, watering the crop is suspended. Failure to comply with the temperature regime leads to a weakening of the plant’s immunity. Feed with fertilizers once every 10 days. Mature fruits appear 47 days after sowing.

If the rainy season arrives, when it rains regularly, the watering regime is significantly changed. Rain causes soil compaction. Due to this, it is more difficult for the root system to absorb nutrients and liquid. Therefore, after the end of precipitation, the soil is loosened, trying not to touch the root system of the plant. Loosening helps saturate the soil with oxygen. If signs of drying out appear, the bushes are watered in addition to the scheduled watering. Such signs may be slow formation of ovaries, shedding of flowers, drying out, darkening of leaves. For 1-2 days of ovary formation, the volume of water for irrigation is increased to 1 liter. Such a taste quality as crunchiness depends on a stable periodic level of soil moisture.

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