Cucumber Millionaire F1: detailed description of the productive variety, reviews, growing rules

It is worth starting the description of the Millionaire cucumber variety with information about its main feature. Ripe fruits do not outgrow and do not turn yellow, maintaining their size and color, since they are genetically endowed with the property of slow development. This unique hybrid has gained great popularity among summer residents who do not have the opportunity to visit their garden every day. By coming to the dacha once a week, you can harvest a decent harvest of small greens with excellent taste characteristics.

History of the variety's creation

The cucumber hybrid Millionaire F1 appeared on the seed market recently. It was bred by Ural breeders at the beginning of this century. And the originator of the variety is Agro; it began releasing seeds of the variety to the market in 2016.

The Millionaire cucumber has not yet been included in the Russian State Register, but vegetable growers have already become interested in this unpretentious, high-yielding vegetable plant. The Millionaire hybrid is recommended for cultivation in all Russian regions; it can be planted in garden beds, as well as in greenhouses or film greenhouses, since the variety does not require pollination by bees.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Culture

Cucumber Millionaire F1 combines a number of positive characteristics:

  1. Early maturation.
  2. Excellent taste. Greens are used for fresh salads, winter preparations, and pickling.
  3. High yield. If you pick ripening cucumbers in time, you can collect up to 400 pieces per season.
  4. Gradual ripening of the crop. The fruiting period is extended until frost.
  5. Beautiful and neat appearance. High commercial quality.
  6. Compactness and power of the plant in the garden.

Disadvantages of cucumber:

  • requires careful and regular stepsoning;
  • in the exhaust gas productivity decreases.

Description of the cucumber variety Millionaire F1

This variety of cucumbers is classified as early ripening.

– from the moment of germination of the seed material to the collection of the first ripe Millionaire gherkins, about 38-40 days pass. But if weather conditions worsen, fruit ripening slows down.

Hybrid Millionaire is a pollinated variety, so several seeds of a pollinating variety, which are colored differently, are added to the seed bags. As a result, two varieties grow in the garden at once. With good cross-pollination, ovaries are formed from all flowers.

Good to know!

It is recommended to tie the vines of Millionaire cucumbers to trellises, and pinch the top when the shoot grows to its upper edge.

Photo of cucumber Millionaire F1

The ovaries are formed in bunches at the nodes, and in each bunch up to 12 ovaries can form, which do not ripen at the same time. A special feature of the variety is that new ovaries begin to ripen only after ripe gherkins are harvested.

The fruits of the cucumber variety Millionaire ripen slowly, so they do not have time to outgrow. But it is advisable to collect greens at the gherkin stage every day, because only then will new ovaries form on the vines. But even if the cucumbers remain on the bushes, they still will not outgrow.

The fruits have a regular cylindrical shape, with a slightly ribbed, coarsely tuberous skin, which has a slight white pubescence. The color of Millionaire gherkins is dark emerald, with short longitudinal stripes at the ends of the fruit. All greens are approximately the same in size; the hooks on the lashes of this variety do not grow.

Cucumber Gosha F1
The length of cucumber fruits can be no more than 11-12 cm, with a diameter of about 4 cm, and their weight is 95-115 cm.

The pulp is compacted, has a pleasant delicate taste, slightly crispy, and has no voids inside. There is no bitterness in the fruits of the Millionaire cucumber at the genetic level, so even in the absence of regular watering, the fruits do not taste bitter.

The harvested crop can be transported to any distance and can be stored for a long time under appropriate conditions. Therefore, many vegetable growers grow this variety for the purpose of further sale of products.

Review of cucumber Millionaire F1 - video

Planting cucumbers Millionaire F1

Planting cucumbers in a permanent place is carried out using standard rules of agricultural technology. Seeds are planted as seedlings or immediately in open ground. The seedling method of planting for the Millionaire variety is preferable, as it allows you to get the harvest much earlier. It is recommended to adhere to certain planting dates.

Landing dates

Seeds of the Millionaire variety are planted in open ground at the end of May - beginning of June, when the soil warms up to a temperature of + 15 degrees. Cucumbers can be planted in greenhouses a little earlier, in early May, but be sure to close the greenhouse at night.

Site preparation

The Millionaire cucumber variety prefers sunny places with light partial shade. The soil should be loose and fertile, with an acidity of 6-7 units. pH. The land has been prepared since the fall, carrying out the following work:

  • remove weeds and their roots;
  • dig the soil deeply;
  • simultaneously with digging the soil, organic fertilizers are applied (12-15 kg of humus or compost per 1 square meter).

In the spring, the soil is dug up again, mineral fertilizers are applied, and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Next, the beds are formed. Longitudinal grooves should be dug on the surface of the ridges, filled with humus and covered with fertile peat from the store. The beds are covered with plastic wrap and left to warm up in this way for 5-6 days. After this period, the film is removed and cucumbers of the Millionaire variety are planted.

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in a similar way. For disinfection, not only the soil, but also all greenhouse structures are treated with a disinfectant.

Diseases and pests

The Millionaire cucumber has high immunity, which is the main positive feature of almost all hybrids.

Therefore, it exhibits high resistance to the following diseases:

  1. ordinary cucumber mosaic;
  2. olive leaf spot;
  3. true and downy mildew.

Among insect pests, aphids are the most dangerous. If there are few of these insects, you can wash the foliage with soapy water or spray it with red pepper infusion. If there are a large number of aphids on the foliage, it is necessary to treat the lashes with a solution of appropriate insecticides.


The main advantages of the Millionaire cucumber include:

  1. early ripening of greens;
  2. good yield;
  3. versatility of the harvested crop;
  4. the possibility of collecting fruits at the stage of pickles and gherkins;
  5. the harvested crop can be transported to different distances and stored for a long time;
  6. the fruits do not outgrow even after ripening;
  7. good taste of Millionaire cucumbers, lack of bitterness even during periods of drought;
  8. greens are even, approximately the same size, which is the main advantage when growing a variety for sale.

Cucumbers - whole bunches and garlands - video

But these cucumbers also have their disadvantages:

  1. high cost of seed material;
  2. hybrid seeds have to be purchased annually.

Cucumber Millionaire: planting seedlings and immediately in open ground

When planting seeds directly on ridges in open ground, the sowing period is early May - early June. A lot depends on the region where cucumbers are grown. For example, in most regions of Siberia, you can plant cucumbers no earlier than the end of May, even in greenhouses, which must be closed at night.

Seeds should be planted for seedlings at home approximately 25-30 days before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent location. Cucumber seedlings are usually transplanted into greenhouses in the last ten days of April - the first ten days of May. And in a permanent place it is necessary to plant depending on climatic conditions - the soil should warm up to 15 degrees Celsius, and the average daily air temperature should be about 16-17 degrees.

Gogoshary pepper Corn Gourmand Belogorya Daikon Dubinushka

Seed preparation

Since this Millionaire cucumber is a hybrid, seed material cannot be collected from it for further growing plants.

Therefore, seeds are purchased in specialized stores or online from well-known manufacturers. At the same time, vegetable growers do not need to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seed material - as a rule, this is done by manufacturing companies.

You just need to germinate the cucumber seeds by placing them in damp gauze for several days. The gauze is periodically moistened from a spray bottle.

Preparation of nutrient substrate

It is better to purchase soil for planting cucumber seedlings of this variety in a specialized store. This soil mixture is already enriched with fertilizers, as well as special additives to make it loose.

But many vegetable growers prefer to prepare the nutrient substrate themselves. In this case, in the fall you need to stock up on turf and leaf soil, high-moor peat, coarse river sand, as well as compost or humus. Before planting, all these ingredients are mixed in equal proportions; wood ash should also be added to the resulting mixture.

Before placing home-prepared soil in containers, it should be disinfected. To do this, it is spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Containers should also be washed with potassium permanganate or other disinfectant solution before use.

Features of agricultural technology: subtleties of care

This hybrid is grown both by seedlings and by direct sowing of seeds in the ground. In the second case, carry out the work at the end of May or beginning of June, when the soil warms up. In the first, stick to the proposed scheme. The young plant will be ready for rooting in a permanent bed at the stage of 2-3 leaves.

Advice. Plant no more than 2 bushes per 1 square meter. m plot.

Recommendations from experts:

  • cucumber is grown strictly on a trellis;
  • The bush should be kept strictly in 1 stem;
  • the plant needs pollination (the manufacturer puts 2 pollinator seeds in packages with seed material);
  • maximum yield is possible when installing a barrel with rotting manure or grass in the greenhouse (saturates the atmosphere with carbon dioxide).
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
Harvesting (in the greenhouse / in the greenhouse)
Beginning of MaySecond half of MayLate May-early JuneComplete pinching throughout the entire growing season, blinding of the 3-4 lower sinusesSecond half of June/end of June
*dates are indicated for the middle zone

Further care for the cucumber variety Millionaire

Usually, Millionaire cucumber bushes are formed into one shoot so that the foliage gets more sunlight and there are enough nutrients for active fruit ripening.

Irrigation regime

Millionaire cucumbers are very demanding on soil moisture, so watering is recommended once every 3-4 days. If possible, it is better to provide drip irrigation to this vegetable crop.


Basic fertilizers are applied to the beds before planting seedlings. To feed Millionaire cucumber seedlings, fertilizers containing nitrogen are used to activate the growth of side shoots. In the future, you can apply fertilizers at intervals of 6-8 days, usually complex mineral fertilizers are used. It is important to read the instructions for using fertilizers; it is important to use mineral complexes suitable specifically for cucumbers during a certain growing season.


Plants of the Millionaire cucumber variety need good care, delighting summer residents with an excellent harvest. Maintenance measures include the following work:

  • regular watering;
  • formation of bushes and their garter;
  • application of nutritional supplements;
  • hilling.


The Millionaire variety loves moisture very much, so it should be watered regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. Water the cucumbers only with warm, settled water in the evening.

Garter and bush formation

The plants are characterized by rather climbing bushes, which should be tied to special trellises so that the fruits do not fall to the ground. There is no need to pinch the main stem. The Millionaire cucumber variety gives a good harvest on one powerful and tall bush.

They use various devices to guide the growth of bushes: trellises, fishing line, netting, thin twine.

To get a normal harvest, you need to pick off the stepsons on the bushes once every 7 days. This event helps plants not to waste energy on the growth of excess leaves, but to concentrate energy on fruiting.

Top dressing

The cucumber variety Millionaire f1 needs to be fed periodically, enriching the soil with useful substances. It is advisable to fertilize weekly using organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is recommended to alternate organic and mineral supplements. Infusions of mullein (1:10), chicken manure (1:25), and complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are used. Nutrient fertilizing made from mullein and potassium sulfate is very effective for increasing productivity.

Description of the mixture:

  • 500 g mullein;
  • 10 g potassium sulfate;
  • 10 liters of water.

The water for this mixture should be warm. One bucket of fertilizer is enough for 2 square meters. meter of plantings of cucumbers of the Millionaire variety.


For active plant growth, cucumber bushes should be hilled. This activity is carried out only after watering. The soil is raked under the bushes, forming a ridge 5-7 cm high, and breaking up the hard earthen crust that forms after moistening.

Cucumber Millionaire: reviews from those who planted

Currently, there are still too few reviews from vegetable growers about this variety, since the Millionaire hybrid has appeared recently. At the same time, the good taste of the fruits of Millionaire cucumbers, the possibility of growing in garden beds and greenhouses, high yield, even small size of the greens, and the versatility of the harvest are noted. The only disadvantage is the rather low germination of seed material. But some summer residents have already tried the Millionaire variety and wrote reviews about it.

Olga Anatolyevna, Novosibirsk region: I grew the Millionaire hybrid in a greenhouse last year. I was pleased with the variety; the Millionaire cucumbers had very good taste characteristics. I generally fell in love with gherkins and now I almost exclusively plant them. The Millionaire also behaved well in the salting. Nothing more to say, wonderful variety!

Svetlana Viktorovna, Moscow region: Well, this Millionaire is a very productive cucumber! I couldn’t measure exactly what the yield was, but he overloaded us with cucumbers. Tasty, juicy, beautifully shaped fruits. And they ate and salted it. I recommend!

Despite the fact that the Millionaire cucumber is a new variety and has not yet been included in the State Register, it is already being successfully grown in many Russian regions.

The main reasons why this hybrid has become popular are its high yield, resistance to most diseases and unpretentiousness.

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The originator of the Millionaire f1 cucumber variety, released in 2016, is the Ural Summer Resident company, which has launched many unique types of vegetable crops on the market. For example, the Generalskiy super-beam type belongs to the products of this company.

The ripening period is ultra-early. The fruits ripen 38-40 days after planting. The yield is quite large - up to 400 greens with an average weight of 70-80 g are harvested from one bush per season.

When planting cucumbers, it is necessary to plant a pollinator variety, the seeds of which are added to a bag of seed material. It is easy to distinguish the seeds of a pollinating variety - their shell has a different color. The Millionaire variety is intended for cultivation in any region of the Russian Federation. It is planted in open ground under film cover or in greenhouses. Fruiting is quite long. The harvest is harvested until late autumn.


Millionaire cucumber plants form beautiful, strong, climbing bushes. The length of the stem reaches 2 m. The leaves are medium-sized, five-lobed, bright green. The variety blooms exclusively with female flowers. The ovaries are formed in a bunch, up to 12 pieces in one node.

Simultaneous maturation of the entire bundle is not observed. You should collect 2-3 fruits from each node that have grown to the stage of pickles or gherkins, and then the rest of the cucumbers begin to ripen.


Ripe greens have a cylindrical shape, 8-12 cm in length. Their surface is covered with large tubercles and white spines. The color of the fruit is bright green, with light grooves. The pulp is juicy, the achenes inside are small, undeveloped, there is no bitterness.

Cucumbers of the Millionaire variety are consumed fresh. They are perfect for salads, other dishes, as well as for pickling and pickling for the winter.

Transport properties are excellent. The fruits successfully withstand transportation over long distances without being damaged during transportation.

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