Growing Komponist cucumber and how to care for it

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Componist cucumber: description

In the hybrid cucumber Komponist, all economically important functions are perfectly combined, to which producers and consumers of cucumbers make claims.

  • This is a parthenocarpic hybrid with very high yield potential.
  • Fruiting begins 38-40 days after mass shoots.
  • 2-3 ovaries are formed in the axil of each leaf; the number of ovaries increases on the side shoots.

You may also be interested to know:

  1. The plants are vigorous, characterized by good regenerating ability, high resistance to powdery mildew, tolerance to downy mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.
  2. The fruits are 10-12 cm long, dark green in color with short light stripes. The surface of the fruit is coarsely tuberculate, the spines are white.
  3. The attractive appearance and versatility of fruit use make it possible to grow the Komponist F1 hybrid both for the fresh food market and for processing. It should be noted that the fruits of this hybrid have very high pickling qualities.

Early ripening parthenocarpic mixed model of cucumbers with a female type of flowering “Zyatek f1”. In this article you can find out how these cucumbers grow in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Componist F1 is an early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid that bears fruit massively and evenly.
It produces many female flowers; 2-3 even, thin greens ripen in the bunched ovaries. The first yield of the crop begins 38-39 days after full germination.

The bushes are distinguished by strong growth and strength, lateral stems grow well and branch. The root system is developed and powerful. Plants stably withstand the height of the heat without losing their buds. Regeneration manifests itself at a high level.

Characteristics of greenies:

  • length 10-12 cm;
  • weight 80-100 g;
  • diameter 2.5-3 cm;
  • elongated cylindrical shape;
  • multiple tubercles, medium in size;
  • pubescence is moderate, white;
  • the flesh is crispy, juicy, elastic.

The fruits are well transported and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Fragrant greens with a classic taste and shape are ideal not only for salads. They are great for a variety of pickling and marinating recipes. In jars they keep their shape, do not lose elasticity and do not become watery.

Characteristics of the variety

Characteristics of the Komponist variety:

  • bushes grow quickly, many varieties do not need to be tied to trellises;
  • cucumbers are small in size;
  • the plant forms a large number of ovaries;
  • good harvest throughout the entire fruiting period;
  • cultivation does not take much time;
  • ripe fruits taste good;
  • suitable for pickling in its entirety;
  • rarely suffer from various crop diseases;
  • bushes do not need special care.

With gherkins you don’t need to spend a lot of time on the site. Their care may be minimal.

The most popular varieties

The timing of planting gherkins is no different from other varieties. They can be cultivated in ordinary garden beds or in insulated shelters such as greenhouses.

Short-fruited cucumbers:

  • Pasadena cucumbers

Pasadena F1 is one of those hybrids that ripen very quickly. The first part of the harvest can be harvested 50-55 days after emergence. The bushes are low, the foliage is average. The cucumbers are small-lumpy. There is no bitter taste in the taste. The length of greens is from 7 to 10 cm.

  • Cucumber Pasamonte F1

The description of Pasamonte must begin with the fact that it is one of the earliest varieties. 40-45 days after planting the seeds in the ground, you can remove the cucumbers. The skin has white large spines and is coarsely tuberous. The length of the greens is from 5 to 8 cm. The vegetables do not outgrow. It is advisable to form a bush with two stems.

  • Cucumber Componist

Stable harvest during the growing season. Greens of the hybrid Komponist F1 are rich green in color, the skin is covered with large tubercles. The shape is cylindrical, elongated. Vegetables can grow up to 12 cm in length. They are early ripening hybrids. When forming fruits, special attention should be paid to watering the bushes.

See also

Description and characteristics of the Asterix cucumber variety, their advantages and disadvantagesRead

  • Cucumber Topolek F1

Topolek cucumbers are first-generation bee-pollinated hybrids. Universal use, excellent taste of vegetables. The fruits reach 14 cm in length. The skin is covered with large tubercles. The shape is elongated, cylindrical. The maximum weight of a cucumber is 135 g.

  • Rhythm F1

Bee-pollinated, high-yielding hybrid. Skin with large tubercles. Oval-shaped greens, weight from 100 to 115 g. There is no bitter aftertaste. They grow from 11 to 14 cm in length. The hybrid is early ripening. Suitable for preservation.

  • Alekseich F1

Alekseevich cucumbers are self-pollinating hybrids and have an ultra-early ripening period. Hybrid Alekseich F1 can be consumed either fresh or canned whole. The length of the greens is 7-9 cm. The skin is lumpy, emerald green. The plant is medium-sized.

  • Sankina Lyubov F1

Cucumbers do not require staking to a support, since the branching of the bush is weak. This also makes harvesting much easier. Inflorescences are female, self-pollinating. Up to 12 ovaries can form in one node. The skin is delicate, emerald green. Covered with white spines and large tubercles. The length of Zelentsy does not exceed 12 cm. Immunity to many diseases. It is not necessary to form a stem.

  • Cucumber Bear

The period during which the fruits ripen is short. Harvesting is possible 45 days after sowing the seeds in the soil. Cucumbers have a pleasant taste without bitterness and are very crunchy. The skin is covered with large tubercles and black spines. The mass of greens is from 55 to 70 g. A hybrid with female inflorescences, pollinated without the help of bees. The length of the fruits is no more than 8 cm. Suitable for pickling whole.

  • Cucumber Fidelity F1

First generation hybrid from a Russian manufacturer. The bushes are weakly branched, which makes harvesting easier. The inflorescences are female and self-pollinate. Suitable for cultivation in garden beds in open ground and for greenhouses. The harvest ripens early. 35-38 days after germination, the first cucumbers can be harvested. From one adult bush you can harvest up to 10 kg of crop. The shape is elongated, cylindrical. The skin is tuberous with a large number of black spines. The length of the greens is from 8 to 11.5 cm.

  • Millionaire F1

The main feature of the variety is that the bush should be formed into one stem to increase yield. The branching is weak, the flowers are predominantly female, pollination by bees is not required. The hybrid can be cultivated both on the site and in a greenhouse or hotbed. The cucumbers are very small, no more than 6 cm in length. The skin is covered with tubercles and black spines. High resistance to various diseases. The advantage of the hybrid is that the fruits are not prone to overgrowth. This is especially suitable for those summer residents who cannot get out to the site often.

See also

Description of the cucumber variety Siberian Express, features of cultivation and careRead

  • Cucumber Mels F1

The advantage of the variety is the early ripening of the fruits. From the moment the planting material is planted in the soil until the growing season, 34 days pass. The productivity is very high. From one plant you can collect about 15 kg of greens. The cucumbers are from 10 to 13 cm in length. The pulp is dense, without voids. There is also no bitter taste. There are no thorns on the skin. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, powdery mildew and olive spot. When planting seedlings, the distance between the bushes should be large; it is not advisable to thicken the beds.

  • Cucumber Commander

The hybrid is characterized by ultra-early ripening. Suitable for various culinary purposes. You can eat vegetables immediately after picking them from the garden. Zelentsy are from 10 to 13.5 cm in length. Elongated, cylindrical shape. The skin is covered with large tubercles and black spines. There is no bitter taste in the pulp. They belong to self-pollinating varieties. It can be grown in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouse shelters.

  • Cucumber Aramis

Early ripening. The growth period lasts from 36 to 41 days. The bushes are abundantly branched. Zelentsy grow from 8 to 10 cm in length. Large-tubercular with white spines. It is immune to tobacco mosaic, powdery mildew and rot. Well suited for whole pickling and for summer vegetable salads.

Features of cultivation

Like all gherkins from Rijk Zwaan F1, Komponist does not require special labor to plant the plant, since the growing period for gherkins is short:

  • Most of the harvest is harvested from the main shoot. The central stem is led to the trellis without side shoots, removing the ovaries at the lower nodes to a height of 40-50 cm, depending on the sowing period. In the future, the number of ovaries will not be standardized. The main shoot is pinched under the trellis, leaving 2-3 side shoots that are planted along the trellis.
  • The remaining shoots of the 1st and 2nd order are pinched above the 4th leaf. The plant regulates the number of ovaries on the side shoots independently. In hybrids with a “bouquet” of ovaries (6-8 pieces or more), there is strong competition for nutrients, some of the ovaries die.
  • A small number of ovaries in each leaf axil Componist F1 offers some advantages due to the fact that the ovaries are strong with a high probability of intense fruit filling and less damage from fungal diseases.

Seedless method

In summer, a seedless method of growing cucumbers is recommended, that is, direct sowing of dry seeds into the soil. An important point in this method is the moisture content of the top layer of soil, and it should not be allowed to dry out. In practice, overhead sprinkling copes with this problem quite well. A high percentage of seed germination (up to 99%) avoids the cost of repairs and replanting seedlings; the consistency of the shoots depends on the uniformity of soil moisture.

The advantages of this sowing method include reduced labor costs for growing seedlings and accelerated periods of fruiting.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The degree of damage to plants by root rot is significantly reduced, the plants’ root system and root collar are not damaged, and there is no “survival” period. A mandatory technique for summer-autumn cultivation is whitening the greenhouses. It is especially important to carry out this method and avoid intense radiation during germination and initial growth of plants.


It is recommended to collect this hybrid every day. The growth of the fetus in length stops when it reaches a size of 11-12 cm, and intensive thickening begins. The optimal fruit diameter for the collection would be 3-3.5 cm. If the plant becomes overgrown, the filling of subsequent fruits is significantly weakened, and the overall yield is also reduced.

Depending on market needs, the size and average weight of the fruit can vary significantly, but the optimal weight for the highest yield will be an average weight in the range of 85-95 g.

Recommendations for cultivation

The Komponist f1 variety can be grown in two ways: seedlings and without seedlings. Cucumber seeds are planted for seedlings from April 10 to April 20, and with direct sowing, the seeds are sown from May 25 to June 10 (depending on the cultivation region). To obtain a bountiful harvest, vegetable growers recommend adhering to certain planting rules: choosing a site, growing seedlings and replanting variety sprouts.

Selection of beds

Nutritious soils fed with compost, humus and peat are suitable for cultivating cucumbers. It is also recommended to choose soil with superphosphate and potassium salt. It is desirable to plant the Komponist hybrid in beds where cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes were previously cultivated.

In the fall, before planting Komponist f1 bushes, the soil must be plowed to a depth of up to 25 cm. The soil must be dug up along with manure and compost. To prevent the soil from freezing over the winter, it is covered with tops from previous plants. In spring, the soil is loosened and prepared for planting cucumbers.

Planting seeds

It is recommended to harden the Komponist seeds before planting. The seed is hardened using hot and cold water. Initially, cucumber seeds are soaked for 2 minutes in a vessel with hot water, and then for 2 minutes with cold water. When the seeds of the variety have dried, they begin planting.

For seedlings, cucumber seeds of the variety are planted in shallow peat vessels up to 500 ml deep. It is necessary to plant Komponist seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. After planting, the soil is moistened with warm water, and containers with future seedlings of the variety are removed to a warm place where the temperature is maintained at 25 degrees. When the seeds hatch, the temperature is lowered to 17 degrees.

Cucumber seedlings must be transplanted to a permanent location at the age of 25 days. By this period, 3-5 full-fledged leaves are formed on the Komponist bushes.

Planting seedlings

When planting cucumbers of the variety in a permanent place, vegetable growers advise maintaining a distance of 30 cm between Komponist f1 seedlings and 70 cm between rows. Planting of Komponist seedlings should be done to a depth of 6 cm. The holes are sprinkled with a small layer of soil. The sprouts are placed in the hole, sprinkled to the bottom leaf.


When sowing in summer, it is very difficult to maintain the temperature at the optimal level. When growing cucumbers, you need to look for the recommended regimes:

  1. The strong root system of the F1 Componist hybrid ensures good heat transfer during the initial growth period and also ensures intensive growth.
  2. During the period when the central stem reaches the trellis, it is recommended to reduce the night temperature to 16 ° C for 3-7 days for favorable growth of side shoots. This reduction promotes the formation of strong ovaries.
  3. 7-10 days before the end of the growing season, it is recommended to increase the night temperature to 19-20 ° C, which will lead to rapid aging of plants, but at the same time rapid ripening of fruits. This method allows you to obtain an additional crop that can be sold at a high price.

Hybrid F1 Componist is very productive and therefore requires higher doses of fertilizers. An important characteristic of this hybrid is its tolerance to high concentrations of salts in the substrate, which makes it possible to grow this hybrid in farms with a small amount of water for cucumber. In the production environment, Komponist turned out to be well known when grown on a nutrient solution for tomatoes, on farms where it was impossible to separate the nutrition of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Characteristics of short-fruited cucumbers

Short-fruited varieties are called pickle cucumbers. Most of these varieties have only female inflorescences and also form ovaries without pollination. This feature allows you to grow vegetables at any time of the year in greenhouses or greenhouses. Long-fruited varieties are much more difficult to grow in winter and autumn.

Characteristics of short-fruited varieties:

  • The bushes grow quickly; many varieties do not require staking to trellises;
  • Cucumbers are small in size;
  • The plant forms a large number of ovaries;
  • Good yield throughout the entire fruiting period;
  • It doesn't take long to grow;
  • Ripe fruits taste good;
  • Suitable for pickling in its entirety;
  • They rarely suffer from various diseases of agricultural crops;
  • Bushes do not require special care.

With gherkins you don’t need to spend a lot of time on the site. Their care may be minimal.

Diseases and pests

During the initial growth period (July-August), the main task of the agronomist is to control the development of sucking pests, since they are the most threatening and can also become carriers of viral diseases.

As a rule, after winter-spring crops, greenhouses are treated with pesticides, the number of pests is significantly reduced, therefore entomophages:

  • encarsia;
  • phytoseiulus;
  • afidiy, etc.

They give good results during this period if there is a microclimate. Thanks to their timely resolution, chemical treatments can be completely avoided until the end of the season, since in early September the intensity of pest development is significantly reduced.

Do you always maintain a microclimate in the greenhouse?

Not really

By this time, fungal diseases begin to progress:

  1. The main factors in the development of most diseases are a significant drop in temperature and high air humidity.
  2. Measures to prevent the development of pathogens - creating an active microclimate, timely care of plants, compliance with the irrigation regime.

The microclimate in the greenhouse should be aimed at maintaining relative air humidity at the level of 70-75%, which is achieved by timely turning on the lower heating registers at night already in mid-August. High salt concentrations in the seed solution and high specific potassium content increase the concentration of cell sap, which, in turn, also increases plant resistance to fungal diseases.

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