Multifunctional drug Tiovit Jet: when to treat the vineyard and other plants

Description and active substance

The drug Tiovit Jet fights pests and plant diseases.

In the descriptions, the drug “Tiovit Jet” is characterized as:

  • akakritsid - a means of combating ticks,
  • pesticide - protector against plant diseases and pests,
  • contact fungicide - the winner of fungal infections.

The active ingredient of Thiovita Jet is sulfur. Its effectiveness in the fight against plant diseases and pests has been noted by scientists for a long time, but previously sulfur was used differently - it was used to set fire to and fumigate plantings and rooms in which crops were going to be stored. A complex and far from safe procedure.

Today, thanks to Thiovit Jet, the use of sulfur (which, by the way, is a macronutrient useful for plant development) has been significantly simplified.

The solution of the drug, ready for use, is a stable suspension that is perfectly retained on the stems and leaves due to its high adhesion (as experts call this property). And this is very important: sulfur works more efficiently if its vapors are released for a long time in sufficient quantities necessary for the fungicidal effect.

Read the instructions and reviews for the drug Shar Pei.

The drug Kuprolux: reviews and detailed instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fungicidal agent has numerous benefits. Among them:

  • simple cooking schemes and high efficiency;
  • good solubility in water;
  • affordable price;
  • compatibility with most biological products;
  • resistance to washing away by precipitation;
  • safety for fruit plants.

However, the product also has disadvantages. These include:

  • short-term protection - only 7-10 days;
  • specific sulfuric smell;
  • limited use - in cold weather and in heat above 28 ° C Tiovit Jet will not be beneficial.

The drug certainly has advantages, but crop treatments have to be carried out frequently, every couple of weeks.

Tiovit Jet does not protect plantings for long, but is completely safe and easy to use

Release form and composition

1 kg of Tiovita Jet contains 800 g of high-quality sulfur. The drug is available in the form of water-dispersed (water-soluble) granules of a fairly large size, convenient for both use and storage. They are enclosed in a tight, airtight package. Packaging - in bags of 30 g. For processing large areas (for example, vineyards), the drug is purchased in bags of 20 kg.


They advise you to be careful with little-known suppliers of goods - if you are offered to buy this drug in the form of tablets or powder, most likely it is a counterfeit.

The drug Thiovit is available in the form of granules, packaged in sachets.

The development of the drug was carried out in Switzerland, production was established in Russia.

Intended use

The Tiovit Jet treatment will help gardeners, gardeners and florists cope with:

  • spider mites (on cucumbers, flowers);
  • hawthorn mite (on fruit crops - cherry, apple, sloe, cherry plum);
  • powdery mildew (on fruit trees, cucumbers and zucchini, rose bushes);
  • American powdery mildew (on berry bushes - currants, gooseberries);
  • oidium (on grapes);
  • aphids (on all types of garden and vegetable crops);
  • stem nematode (on strawberries, onions and garlic).

Attention. The drug is successfully used in greenhouses and greenhouses to disinfect the soil - per 10 square meters. m area, 100 g of granules diluted in 3 liters of water are consumed.

The best products for fertilizing strawberries

Ammonia for strawberries

For normal growth, the plant needs nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients.

Vermicompost, nitrophoska and azofoska

Vermicompost for strawberries is a natural fertilizer of organic origin. It contains all the elements necessary for the plant - nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. The use of vermicompost for strawberries is considered mandatory. The first time it is applied to the soil during planting, up to 200 g of vermicompost is added to each hole under the bush. Then it is used to water the seedlings every two weeks.

Azofoska must be applied before the flowering of this crop begins. You can scatter the granules closer to the roots (no more than 30 g per 1 square meter). You can prepare a solution - approximately 45-50 g of azofoska per bucket of water.

Fertilizing strawberries with azofoska

Nitrophoska is a fertilizer whose use for strawberries is recommended in acidic-neutral soils. The use of nitrophoska is possible both in spring and summer. It is recommended to use it in the form of a solution - 30 g of the substance per bucket of water.

Important! The solution is needed for use as root feeding.

Among the fertilizers, you should also highlight the “Zdraven” product for strawberries; the instructions provide for its application before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. Dosage - 15 g per bucket of water.

Ammonium nitrate

Almost any plant needs nitrogen, otherwise it will slow down its growth, this also applies to strawberries. The deficiency of this element is also noticeable by the way strawberry leaves turn red. Nitrogen fertilizers are produced in different forms - nitrate, nitrate-ammonium, amide forms. The nitrate form of nitrogen is ideal for strawberries, but such fertilizers are expensive, and in addition they can be washed out of the soil. Therefore, ammonium nitrate forms are more often used. This is, for example, ammonium nitrate.

Ammonium nitrate

It is not recommended to apply it to the soil along with the main fertilizer. It is better to feed the bushes already when watering. To do this, you need to take 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. You need to water from a watering can with a narrow spout so that the fertilizer gets to the very roots. At the same time, you need to make sure that the saltpeter does not spill on the leaves or berries, otherwise it may cause a burn.

Nitroammophoska is used separately. These are not identical concepts; ammonium nitrate is an integral component of this mixture.

Onion peel infusion

They are used both as a top dressing for berry crops and as protection against various diseases (for example, black and gray rot). The husks are also believed to provide good results in pest control.

There are several infusion recipes that differ in the proportions of ingredients and the concentration of nutrients:

  • 250 g of chopped onion peels are poured into a bucket of clean cold water (10 l). The product is left to infuse for four days, then filtered through folded gauze. Strawberry bushes are treated with the resulting solution,
  • half the volume of the bucket is filled with crushed husks, and then the container is filled completely with hot water. After this, you need to cover the bucket with a lid and leave the husks, two days will be enough for this. The product is filtered through cheesecloth and diluted with water twice the original volume,
  • 20 g of crushed husks are mixed with 50 g of onions, passed through a meat grinder or blender. The product is poured with hot water (3 l), the container is covered with a lid and left overnight, after which the product is filtered.

Important! The infusion of onion peels should be used immediately after preparation; it cannot be stored for a long time.

Some gardeners believe that the harvest will be higher if you add a little grated soap to the infusion.

Onion peel infusion

Plantafol for strawberries

A complex product that is used for root feeding. It contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen and is a white powder. The main substances in it are present in the amide form, which is especially well absorbed by strawberries.

Plantafol comes in several types; they differ in composition, or more precisely, in nitrogen concentration. So, in the spring, at the very beginning of the growing season, a product labeled “10/30/10” is used for strawberries; it contains a lot of nitrogen. Then, before flowering, it is necessary to treat the plants with a product labeled “10.54.10”, and after the ovary has appeared - “20.20.20”. In addition, Plantafol 5.15.45 is used to prevent diseases in strawberries. The recommended dosage is 300 g per 100 liters (5 buckets) of water. If necessary, it can be recalculated.

Plantafol for strawberries

Borofoska for strawberries

It is essentially a boron fertilizer, although it also contains other substances, including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It also contains potassium, without which normal plant development is impossible. But its main element is boron. The product is necessary because boron is quickly washed out of the soil.

Important! If the plant does not have enough boron, its roots will form too weak, and the berries will be deformed.

Borofoska is applied mainly when digging a site at the rate of 5-10 kg per one hundred square meters. Further processing already involves reducing the rate of fertilizer application. Before planting strawberry seedlings, this figure is already 50-80 g of fertilizer per 1 sq.m.

The mechanism of action and benefits of this drug

The principle of action of the drug is as follows: “Tiovit Jet” releases sulfur, this substance penetrates the pathogenic cells, affects them, as a result of which they die. All this takes several hours.


The Tiovita Jet mechanism can be put into operation at a temperature of no more than 28 and no lower than 20 degrees Celsius. Why? If the temperature is low, the sulfur will not evaporate. If it is too high, then the process will proceed, but very slowly, since sulfur as a chemical substance reduces its activity during the heat.

The drug Tiovit Jet is very easy to use.

The advantages of the drug over similar drugs are that “Tiovit Jet”:

  • effective for almost all garden crops;
  • easy to use, the solution is easy to prepare for use;
  • does not ignite;
  • does not generate dust during processing;
  • is not phytotoxic - does not inhibit plant growth;
  • safe for humans, pets, fish, bees.

Experts recommend using the drug even for those owners who grow environmentally friendly products in their garden beds. Already a day after treating the plants, it is allowed to begin harvesting - it does not bear any signs of “treatment” with “Tiovit Jet”.

Advantages of Thiovit Jet

The product is widely used by both amateur gardeners and professional farmers due to its wide range of positive qualities:

  • Affordable price;
  • High efficiency;
  • Possibility of use on organic farms;
  • No phytotoxicity;
  • Good solubility of granules;
  • Long shelf life when sealed;
  • Low washability;
  • Possibility of use together with biological products (non-toxic for most beneficial microorganisms).

Instructions for use: consumption rates and method of application

The drug granules are diluted in water without using food containers for this purpose. The peculiarity of preparing “Tiovita Jet” is that the solution should be constantly stirred - this ensures its homogeneity. The easiest way to achieve the desired result is with an automatic stirrer.

It’s good if the sprayer is equipped with a similar device: in this case, you can start processing the plants without worrying that the quality of the composition may change for the worse during the work.

Advice. Experienced gardeners dilute the granules in a small amount of water, and when they dissolve, add the remaining liquid until the desired volume is obtained.

The prepared solution should be used immediately, or at least within the next 24 hours. Subsequently, the active substance of the drug loses its properties.

The solution prepared from the drug Tiovit Jet should be used within 24 hours.

The instructions for use will tell you the consumption rates of the drug. They depend on what crops are processed and against what pests and diseases the product is used.

For cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini (including those grown in greenhouses) against powdery mildew and spider mites, you need to spend from 30 to 80 g per 100 square meters. m beds. It is most convenient to dilute this amount of the drug in 10 liters of water (for example, in a bucket). Treatment occurs during the growing season and can be repeated after 14 days.


Treating apple and pear trees against fruit mites and powdery mildew will require 80 g of product per 100 sq. m. m. Repeated spraying can be done after a month.

To treat grapevines against spider mites and oidium - from 30 to 50 g per 100 sq. m. m. Repeated processing - after 30 days, if necessary.

It is recommended to spray in calm weather so that the solution does not get on neighboring plants that do not need treatment. You should also try to prevent the solution from flowing into the soil.

Important. The leaves should not be wet at the start of processing.

The number of treatments with Thiovit depends on the type of disease.

How many of these treatments are carried out during the growing season?

It all depends on the activity of the pests and the danger of the disease:

  • fruit crops are sprayed from 1 to 6 times,
  • cabbage – 2-3 times,
  • tomatoes and zucchini – up to 5 times,
  • gooseberries – up to 5 times,
  • currants – up to 3 times,
  • roses – up to 5 times.


Do not spray crops in extreme heat, as this can lead to chemical burns of leaves and young shoots. However, treatment on cool days will not produce strong results. The optimal temperature for processing is considered to be +20 - +28 degrees Celsius.

The instructions for use of thiovit jet state that when processing crops it is necessary to protect the skin, organs of vision and breathing as much as possible. This means that processing should be carried out only with rubber gloves, long sleeves, a respirator and safety glasses. This will avoid adverse consequences in the form of burns upon contact with human skin. In addition, some people may experience allergic reactions to certain components in the composition.

After processing the growing crops, it is advisable to completely change clothes and take a shower, and put the clothes in the wash.

Compatibility with other drugs

"Tiovit Jet" can be used simultaneously with other drugs. The exception is those prepared on the basis of any oils. If the “oil” drug was nevertheless used, then the turn of “Tiovita Jet” will come no earlier than in 2 weeks. Another contraindication for “working together” is products with an alkaline reaction.

Manufacturers also warn gardeners against the simultaneous use of the organic fungicide "Kaptan" and the drug "Tiovit Jet" on American red apple trees.

Disadvantages of Thiovit Jet

Like any sulfur-containing product, Thiovit has an unpleasant characteristic odor. The drug is also very sensitive to ambient temperature. Ideally, when processing plants, the air temperature should range from 20 to 28 degrees.

If the temperature is lower, the effect of using the chemical will be much worse. If it is hotter, sunburn may occur on the plants.

The drug can also cause chemical burns and irritation if it comes into contact with exposed skin.

The disadvantages include a short protective period. This quality leads to the need for fairly frequent treatments throughout the season.

Safety precautions for use

The drug is classified as moderately dangerous, which means that caution is required when working with it. Skin-protective clothing, a hat, gloves and goggles are required. While preparing the solution and spraying, you should not eat, drink, or smoke. Children and pets should not be near the gardener at this time. It is advisable to limit the flight of bees.

Children or pets should not be around while using the drug.

Unused product should not be poured into water bodies. The granules scattered on the ground are poured with a solution of soda ash (so that the neutralization reaction occurs), and the area of ​​​​the soil where the trouble occurred is dug up.


The drug "Tiovit Jet" is moderately dangerous (third class of danger). It will not harm birds and fish. If possible, bees should not be allowed in for 5-6 hours after treatment. The protection zone for them is 3 kilometers.

Spraying is carried out when there are no children or pets nearby. You can work in the area where the treatment was carried out after 4 days.

If the solution gets on your hands, wash it off with soap and water. When it gets into the eyes, they are washed with running water, opening the eyelids. If swallowed, drink as much water as possible with charcoal or potassium permanganate. Coal should be taken at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of weight. After some time they induce vomiting. Repeat the procedure to more completely cleanse the body. If a large amount of the substance is swallowed, contact a medical facility.

Having scattered the drug, collect it and neutralize it with a 10% solution of soda ash. The drug must be placed in a special container, signed and subsequently disposed of. The soil is dug up on the bayonet of a shovel. Under no circumstances should you sprinkle dry bleach on any pesticide residue. Spontaneous combustion is possible.

Do not throw containers or drug residues into bodies of water.

Analogues of the drug

The analogue and precursor of the drug is colloidal sulfur. Gardeners began using it earlier, but having had the opportunity to purchase “Tiovit Jet”, they began to give preference to it because it is more effective, easier to dilute in water and sticks more reliably to the treated leaves and stems. The active ingredient in both drugs is sulfur.

An analogue of the drug Tiovit Jet is colloidal sulfur.

Tiovit Jet for processing berry crops

Often currants, strawberries, strawberries and gooseberries are affected by powdery mildew. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the green parts of plants and fruits. Over time it becomes brown.

To get rid of fungus on currants and gooseberries, dilute 50 grams of granules in a bucket of water. To completely destroy the fungus, 4-6 treatments may be needed every 6-9 days.

Tiovit Jet for strawberries is prepared in a concentration of 10 grams of granules per bucket of water. Usually the product helps immediately and does not require re-treatment.

Reviews about the drug

Dmitriy. The unpleasant thing about this drug for me is its smell, otherwise there are no complaints. “Tiovit Jet” is still not a chemical, but a natural product, so when I use it, the environment in my area does not suffer. I treated cherries with it, it helped in 2 times, otherwise the mite almost killed them.

Galina. I used Tiovit Jet to cultivate the soil in the greenhouse before planting tomato seedlings there. The plants did not succumb to any diseases or pests for a long time, but once I still had to use the same remedy against powdery mildew. This is the first time my tomato harvest has been so rich.

In this video, a specialist explains how to properly use the drug Tiovit Jet.

Traditional recipes for weed and pest control

Planting strawberries on agrofibre

As a rule, folk methods of combating these scourges do not produce such a pronounced effect as factory-made agrochemicals, and can also be quite dangerous. But sometimes they show good results and should not be avoided.

For example, an infusion of horse sorrel can be used for strawberries. It’s quite simple to prepare; the main thing is to get plenty of fresh herbs from this plant. There are no exact proportions, so you can take about half a bucket of crushed sorrel leaves and stems, fill the container completely with water and leave for 10 days. The resulting infusion is sprayed on strawberry bushes both before and after fruiting.

Horse sorrel

Using mustard cake for strawberries is another popular folk method. It helps against pests and berry diseases. Use mustard cake in the amount of 1 teaspoon for each strawberry bush when planting. The use of this product also contains the secret of a good harvest, because the cake contains many nutritional components.

Experienced gardeners recommend using tobacco dust for strawberries. It is useless against weeds, but it helps fight pests. Something like a decoction is prepared from it - take 0.5 cups of tobacco dust and add 1 liter of water. The resulting product is infused for 24 hours, then filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Advice! In order for the composition to better adhere to the leaves, it is recommended to add literally 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Baking soda for strawberries can be an alternative to more expensive chemicals. Baking soda costs literally pennies and is sold in any store. It is used to combat powdery mildew on the leaves of the plant. For processing, it is recommended to take 4 tablespoons of soda for strawberries and dilute them in a bucket of water (10 l). Then take the resulting soda solution and treat the affected plants. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening. It is enough to do this once every seven days.

Strawberry pest control

Eggshells are an example of waste-free production. Often it is not even ground into powder, but simply broken up and scattered under the strawberry bushes - it turns out to be a calcium supplement. It contains not only calcium, but also other elements useful for berry crops. Egg shells can also be dried and burned, and the resulting powder can be used as fertilizer when digging the area.

Strawberries are a berry crop that requires a very serious approach. But with timely use of herbicides, agrochemicals and fertilizers, it will please the owner of the plot with a bountiful harvest.

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