Difficult to care for, but incredibly productive variety of domestic selection - the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato

Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov is a famous variety among gardeners. It is distinguished by large fruits of excellent taste, rich in vitamins and nutrients. This culture has been tested by time and occupies an honorable place not only in the list of popular domestic varieties, but also in the hearts of gardeners. Despite numerous new products, the variety is in great demand in markets.

The article will reveal the secrets of productivity and introduce you to competent agrotechnical techniques that will undoubtedly help grow healthy plants with a decent harvest.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The unusual name of the variety was the result of strong friendships. Russian cosmonaut I. N. Maslov, having retired, took up gardening. As a result of his hard work, a tomato was born, which Maslov named in honor of his best friend, pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Aleksandrovich Volkov, who tragically died in 1971 in the accident of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft.

Distinctive features

The type is indeterminate, tall, up to 2 m high. The first cluster is tied above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - every three leaves.

A mid-early variety, it takes 110-120 days from the first shoots to full ripening.

The productivity is high, up to 7 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 seedling, provided that no more than 3 plants are planted per 1 square meter. m.

The variety is distinguished by its stable immunity to many dangerous diseases of the nightshade family. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground, perfectly adapted to any climatic conditions.

The culture requires obligatory staking and pinching of tall bushes.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are large, with an average weight of 500-650 g. The vegetables on the lower branches are the largest, their weight reaches 800 g. The shape is round, strongly flattened on top, the color is bright red. The taste is excellent, sweet, harmoniously combined with sourness. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. There are 6-7 seed chambers.

The purpose is universal: tomatoes are suitable for preparing fresh dishes and winter preparations. Ripe vegetables are processed into juices and ketchups. Despite their large size, the fruits are stored for a long time without loss of quality. Tomatoes also withstand long-distance transportation very well.

The photo shows Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes.

Description of tomatoes Cosmonaut Volkov

The tomato in question is part of the group of large-fruited indeterminate type tomatoes. Long-time gardeners remember it from the 80s of the last century. Despite the fact that the tomato is not registered in the State Register, it has gained recognition among amateurs and was also grown on an industrial scale in vegetable farms.

The variety is distinguished by a powerful, tall bush and large foliage. In a greenhouse, tomato bushes reach 2.3-2.5 meters, when planted in open ground - 160-180 cm.

Ripening time is 110-115 days; it is advisable to pick the fruits unripe and then ripen them indoors. The tomatoes are large, fleshy, average weight - 350-500 grams. When forming clusters (removing excess flowers), specimens weighing 600-900 grams are obtained.

The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened, there is slight ribbing in the area of ​​the stalk. The skin is dense, the color is bright red, the flesh is sugary and sweet. The taste of tomatoes is excellent, balanced, and this is noted by gardeners from various regions.

On a note ! The characteristics and description of the variety will be incomplete without information about the seeds. It is advisable to buy seed material from trusted suppliers or reputable collectors, as there are a lot of mismatches or fakes.

Consumption of fruits - fresh, use for salads, slicing. Such juicy and fleshy tomatoes produce excellent juice and thick, aromatic tomato paste. Only small fruits are suitable for preservation (usually formed on the upper tiers), but there are very few of them.


Tomatoes are large, on average weighing 300-400 g, diameter 10-12 cm or more. There are specimens up to 800-900 g. The surface has pronounced ribbing, glossy, rich red or pink. Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes have an oval shape with a noticeable flattening at the top and bottom. There are 5-6 seed chambers, there are few seeds in them. It can be collected because it is a variety and not a hybrid - therefore, the new offspring will also bear fruit.

The pulp is very tender and juicy, dense, fleshy consistency, not watery. The taste is excellent - many rate these tomatoes as “excellent”. There is a balance of sweet and light sour notes, and a pleasant tomato aroma.

Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes are very large, with an interesting taste and aroma

Important! The largest tomatoes appear at the bottom of the bush. To prevent them from bending it to the ground, the plant is tied to a support.

Application area

Thanks to their excellent taste and juiciness, these tomatoes can be consumed straight from the plant, in any dish (sauces, soups) or sent for processing:

  • tomato juice;
  • paste;
  • mashed tomatoes;
  • lecho, horseradish, adjika and other preparations.

Tomato types in general are not suitable for canning because they are too large.

How to grow seedlings

Sowing of seeds begins 2 months before planting seedlings in the ground. Seed material is purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. Purchased seeds do not require processing. Only those grains that were collected independently undergo special preparation before sowing.

Seed preparation

The seed material is checked for suitability by placing it in a saline solution for 10 minutes. Those that float to the surface are empty, they are disposed of. Afterwards, the seeds are placed for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Thus, the grains are disinfected. After disinfection, they are washed with running water.

To improve germination, grains are germinated on damp gauze for 2-3 days. The place for germination is chosen dark and warm, with a temperature of at least 26°C. As the gauze dries, lightly moisten it with warm water. After the first sprouts appear, the seeds are sown in the ground.

Container and soil

The soil is prepared from garden soil mixed with humus in equal quantities. To make the soil lighter, washed river sand is added as a loosening agent. After thoroughly mixing all components, the soil is disinfected to destroy pathogenic flora.

To do this, pour it with a hot solution of purple potassium permanganate or steam it in the oven for at least 15 minutes at a temperature of 50°C. The cooled soil is laid out in planting containers, having previously made small drainage holes at the bottom so that excess moisture drains into them.

Plant in a common wooden box or in separate containers. From individual containers, peat pots are preferable, as they simplify further care.

Reference . The walls of peat pots feed the young roots with additional beneficial substances throughout the entire period of seedling growth.


The seeds are sown in grooves 2 cm deep, sprinkled with soil on top and watered generously with warm, settled water along the edge of the containers. Then the containers are covered with film or glass and left in a warm and dark room at a temperature of 22-24°C.

Further care of seedlings

When seedlings appear, the containers are moved to a well-lit place, on the windowsill . The duration of daylight hours is at least 13 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, add phytolamps.

Water the soil as the top layer dries out with warm, settled water, without flooding the seedlings. For watering, use a small watering can or a regular tablespoon. Afterwards, the soil is loosened, thereby improving the penetration of oxygen. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, add a Nitrophoska solution to the watering.

When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and placed in separate containers. The picking procedure involves removing the main root by one third. During picking, weak and non-viable plants are disposed of. If the seeds are sown in peat pots, picking is not required.

Reference . Diving helps to strengthen the root system, since after the procedure the lateral roots are intensively built up.

2 weeks before transplantation, young plants begin to harden, thereby helping to adapt to new conditions. To do this, the containers are taken outside in the daytime for 1 hour, gradually increasing this interval to 11-12 hours. At the same time, the night temperature is reduced to 13°C.

Specifics of agricultural technology

Those who grew this tomato assure: it is suitable for open ground and develops well in greenhouse conditions. To get a good harvest of this variety, you must follow the general rules for caring for vegetables. In addition, you will have to apply certain agrotechnical methods suitable for this tomato.

It is better to plant seeds for seedlings in mid-March, this is the best time. 7 days before this process, it is necessary to harden the planting material and check the seeds for germination.

The seeds are buried 1-2 cm; healthy planting material should germinate in 5-6 days. During the seedling preparation period, young tomato seedlings are fertilized twice. If picking tomatoes is necessary, then the first transplant is allowed at the moment when 2 strong leaves appear on the bushes.

Seedlings should be moved into open ground no earlier than 50-60 days after the appearance of young shoots. Local weather conditions should indicate the most optimal time for transplanting heat-loving plants into open ground. The best yields from the variety are obtained in the southern regions of our country; the plants bear fruit until late autumn.

On one meter of land there are 2 tomato crops. The vegetable grows actively, so it requires staking and shaping. The thickening of the bushes should not be allowed; the stepsons must be removed in a timely manner. It is also necessary to form inflorescences; you should not leave more than 4 ovaries on each branch. To grow a giant fruit, you should leave a few brushes. You can stop the growth of tomatoes by pinching the top of the main stem; this is best done at the end of July.

The variety is responsive to rare but abundant watering. Moisture is most needed during the period of flowering and ovary formation. Tomatoes will also need fertilizing; organic matter will do. Every 10-14 days it is necessary to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers. In terms of the amount of fertilizer used for large plants, 2 times more is used than for low-growing bushes.

The variety is resistant to diseases, but standard preventive measures will further strengthen the tomato crop.

You can see the Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes in the following photos:

How to grow tomatoes

After 2 months, the seedlings are ready for planting in the ground. The soil is prepared in the fall - dug up and fertilized with compost. If the soil is clayey, it is diluted with sand and humus, since tomatoes love light and fertile soil.


For 1 sq. m place no more than 3 plants in a checkerboard pattern. This method of planting allows each bush to receive sufficient sunlight and be regularly ventilated.

The seedlings are transferred into holes 20 cm deep along with a lump of earth. Then the holes are covered with soil and watered abundantly with warm, settled water. Full care begins after 2 weeks, when the young bushes finally adapt to the new conditions.

Reference . There is no need to replant seedlings from peat pots. They are lowered into the hole along with the container. The pots dissolve in the ground without causing harm to the root system, and continue to feed the roots with useful substances.

Further care

Regular watering is established once a week. Water abundantly - at least 5 liters of warm water for each bush . This regime is maintained until budding begins. After the buds appear, water more often, once every 4 days, using 3 liters of water for each seedling.

When the fruits ripen, do not stop watering, as this can lead to cracking of the vegetables. For irrigation, water is collected in a large container exposed to the sun. Within 2-3 days the water is heated and settled.

After each watering, the soil is loosened, removing all weeds with roots. To retain moisture in the soil, the beds are mulched with peat.

Reference . In addition to the necessary agricultural practices, loosening and mulching beds serve as preventive measures in the fight against fungal diseases and many pests.

Throughout the entire growing period, the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato variety constantly needs feeding. Before the budding period, it is fed with nitrogen fertilizers: mullein infusion, herbal infusion or urea. Plants should be watered only with highly diluted organic matter, otherwise the root system will receive a serious burn. The optimal dilution ratio is 1:15.

During the formation of ovaries, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used as fertilizers. There is no further need to add nitrogen, since oversaturation will lead to the growth of green mass, which will negatively affect fruiting. For tomatoes, fertilizing with wood ash is useful, which is added to watering during fruit ripening.

Features of care and possible difficulties

The height of the plants requires staking. It is most convenient to tie tall bushes to a trellis. To do this, supports are installed on different sides of the bed and wire is pulled between them. The stems and branches of plants are fixed to a horizontally stretched wire. If there are few bushes, they are tied to wooden stakes installed next to each seedling during transplantation.

If the crop is planted in a greenhouse, it is necessary to ensure good lighting. A lack of light will negatively affect the growth of seedlings, which will stretch towards the ceiling of the greenhouse. In this case, the thin and fragile stem will not be able to provide the developing fruits with the necessary nutrients, and the yield will be significantly reduced.

How to build a trellis for tall tomatoes. We tie up the tomatoes

Attention ! The indeterminate type has no growth restrictions, so in mid-July the tops of the plants are pinched, thereby marking the growth point. Otherwise, the bush will not be fully formed.

Plants are planted once a week, forming 1 or 2 stems. All excess shoots are removed, preventing them from consuming the nutrients needed by the developing fruits. Late brushes, despite the ovaries forming on them, are cut off. In any case, tomatoes will not have time to reach technical maturity, but they may well cause the spread of fungal infections.

Diseases and pests

Improper watering and temperature violations contribute to the development of brown spot (cladosporiosis). This is a fungal disease, the preventive measures for which include systematic loosening, moderate watering, removal of weeds and regular ventilation of closed structures.

When plants are damaged, the preparations “Hom” and “Fitosporin” are used. Traditional methods also help, for example, an aqueous solution of iodine (40 drops per 10 liters of water), which is used to water well-loosened areas.

The most dangerous pest for tomatoes is the whitefly, a white moth that damages the leaves. The drug “Confidor” or pheromone traps installed next to the tomatoes help in the fight against it.

Greenhouse spider mites are repelled from bushes by a soap solution that is sprayed on plants, especially the affected areas. And regular ventilation of the greenhouse destroys the parasite’s usual habitat. But do not forget that tomatoes do not like drafts.

Constantly wet beds increase the risk of slug infestations. To prevent pests from around the tomato bushes, sprinkle the ground with ash or ground hot pepper.

Basic care

Caring for Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes is simple and involves several manipulations.


This plant loves moisture, but in moderation - from a lack, the fruits are not so large, juicy and tasty, and from excess - watery.

The first moistening of the seedlings is carried out a week after transplanting to the garden bed. 1 liter of water is poured under the root of each bush. All subsequent waterings are carried out as the soil dries out.

Be sure to water tomatoes before flowering and at the stage of fruit filling - this will improve the quality of both processes.

Loosening and mulching

Regular weeding and loosening of the soil increases its moisture and breathability qualities, and this is important for the development of the bush and further productivity.

To protect against lodging and drying out after watering, the area under the bush is covered with garden soil.

As they grow, weeds are removed, which choke the plantings and provide an excellent breeding ground for pests and infections.


Bush formation increases productivity

To obtain larger fruits, they are formed into 3-4 stems. After the formation of the first brush, pluck out all the stepsons and leaves under it. As it grows, 2 or 3 stepsons are left above the flower brush, the remaining parts are removed.


A balanced diet of organic and mineral fertilizers will help increase productivity and immunity against diseases. They are carried out according to a certain scheme.

  1. The first time - 3 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed. Use a solution of urea or nitrophoska. 15 g of one or another substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. 200 ml of liquid fertilizer is poured under each bush.
  2. The next feeding is applied at the beginning of the flowering period. Fertilize with a mixture of mineral components - 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium nitrate per bucket of water. Consumption per plant - 0.5 l.
  3. The tomatoes are fed the third time at the stage of fruit filling. Use the same composition and in the same dosage as in the previous case.

Additionally, you can carry out foliar nutrition with a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of hot water) - this will improve the quality of budding and fruiting. When everything has cooled down, irrigate twice - before flowering and after it.

Nuances for greenhouse conditions and open ground

Difficulty in care arises due to the large size of the bush . You have to build a trellis to which the stem and branches of the plant are tied. It is not always possible to tie up all the branches. Additional supports are often required for heavy bunches of fruit.

The lower branches are the least convenient for fixation. Vegetables of the greatest weight ripen on them, which bend the fruiting clusters to the ground. If these branches are left unfixed, constant contact of vegetables with wet beds will cause them to rot and increase the risk of developing fungal infections.

Tomato does not like frequent watering; it is better to water less often, but abundantly. Incorrect watering regime affects the quantitative indicator of fruiting. In addition, ripe vegetables may have a watery taste.

When planting in a greenhouse, the top layer of soil must be replaced every season. Larvae of insect pests and pathogenic spores successfully overwinter in the ground, which begin to develop in the spring, causing harm to healthy plants. The introduced soil must be disinfected by spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate and treating it with copper sulfate.

According to the rules of crop rotation, tomatoes are planted in the same soil where legumes, cabbage, zucchini, and winter crops previously grew. After them, the soil is not depleted, but, on the contrary, is filled with nitrogen, necessary for the full development of tomato crops.

Harvesting and application

The harvest is harvested in August - late July. Ripening is amicable, with whole clusters. It is important to try to prevent the fruits from overripening, because the branches, despite reliable fixation, find it difficult to hold heavy vegetables.

The purpose of tomatoes is universal: tomatoes look great in a salad, complement the taste of first and second courses, and are good in vegetable stew. They make excellent freshly squeezed juice.

For canning and marinades, vegetables are used cut; for whole-fruit rolls they are too large. Tomato products (juice, paste, adjika, ketchup) give a rich red color and excellent taste, maintaining a sweetness that is harmoniously combined with sourness.

Ripe vegetables are stored for a long time and can withstand transportation over long distances. But the shelf life of the fruits is preserved only if they are properly cared for: abundant but not frequent watering, regular fertilizing and timely tying and pinching the tops of the plants.

Reference . The quality of the fruit depends on the care of the tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite some difficulties in care, tomato has numerous advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • possibility of breeding in all regions;
  • resistance to dangerous diseases;
  • mid-early maturation;
  • the ability to prepare seeds yourself;
  • excellent taste;
  • large fruits;
  • amicable maturation;
  • versatility in cooking.

The disadvantages of this variety include:

  • regular stepsoning;
  • obligatory garter;
  • regular feeding;
  • mandatory watering regime;
  • the influence of agricultural technology on the quality of ripe vegetables.

Farmer reviews

Reviews from those who planted the Cosmonaut Volkov tomato testify: this is not the variety with which you should start mastering the cultivation of tomato crops. However, experts recommend this tomato to experienced gardeners as a reliable large-fruited crop. Here are the opinions of some gardeners.

Irina, St. Petersburg: “I plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, and first I always fertilize the soil with humus. The seeds germinate well, the seedlings are strong and healthy. The variety pleased me with decent yield. The bushes grew up to 2 m. We managed to grow fruits of a record weight - 870 g. The taste is excellent, I prepared a lot of juices and salads for the winter.”

Vasily, Saratov: “In the photographs, the Cosmonaut Volkov variety of tomatoes is very tall, so I placed a trellis in the garden bed in advance. The tomatoes were regularly watered and fed with mineral fertilizers. The fruits turned out very large and tasty. Purpose: salad, too large for canning. The approximate weight of the tomato is 450 g. Next year I will plant again.”

Pest and disease control

As a preventive treatment in May, tomato seedlings Cosmonaut Volkov are sprayed with any fungicide:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • "Ordan";
  • "Maksim";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Profit".

This can be done a few days before transplantation, and repeated treatment can be carried out in the summer.

The plants need to be inspected periodically - if there are traces of insects on them, you should immediately spray the insecticide solution:

  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Biotlin";
  • "Decis";
  • "Confidor"
  • "Aktara".

You can also use folk remedies - for example, an infusion of onion peels, a solution of baking soda, ammonia, shavings of laundry or tar soap. Traps help deal with Colorado potato beetles - pieces of potato are placed in buried jars and the insects are caught. If there is a cluster of slugs, crushed egg or nut shells should be scattered around the beds.

Important! Processing is carried out late in the evening. If a chemical is used, you can start picking Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes only after a few days (each drug has its own waiting period indicated in the instructions).

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