Treatment of honeysuckle in spring against diseases and pests

In general, an unpretentious crop, however, is sometimes exposed to diseases and pests. Honeysuckle diseases are not terrible if you are prepared to meet them.

Considering the rapid growing season and the rapid formation of the harvest on edible honeysuckle bushes, treatment of plants against diseases and harmful insects should be carried out at the earliest possible time so as not to harm the ripening berries. That is, the optimal time for preventive work is in April or the very beginning of May, since the harvest will already begin in June.

If diseases or pests on honeysuckle were noticed too late, their spread should be curbed by manual collection and destruction. And after harvesting, carry out eradication treatment with systemic drugs. And, of course, carry out preventative measures next spring.

How does ramulariasis affect honeysuckle?

The fungal disease ramulariasis begins with infection of young leaves. Spots of various shapes appear on them, brown in color with browning in the middle. Over time, they increase in size and completely capture the leaf, moving to the stem and pericarp. Metabolism is disrupted, roots weaken. After ripening, the spores fall off and spread further throughout the plant. The fungus overwinters in the soil and continues its work again in the spring. To prevent the disease, honeysuckle is treated in the spring with a 1% solution of soap and copper sulfate.

Ramularia on honeysuckle

The following measures are taken for diseased plants:

  1. Leaves affected by the fungus are removed and burned;
  2. Fallen leaves are removed.

Gooseberry moth

Moth butterflies lay caterpillar larvae, which harm honeysuckle. They feed on the juice and pulp of the leaves of the bush. They attack young shoots, so the plant not only loses strength, but also cannot develop further. During the season, caterpillars can eat all the young shoots.

To control pests, use insecticides:

  • Aktellik,
  • Fufanon,
  • Inta-Vir.

Spray in the summer after harvesting; you can also do this in the fall. It is definitely worth watering the tree trunk to destroy insect eggs.

Dangerous disease Cercospora

Treatment of gooseberries in spring against diseases and pests

This fungal disease is characterized by small red-brown spots on the leaves. During high humidity they look like a rash. This is how fungal spores grow, spreading throughout the green part of the bush and causing it to dry out. There are especially many spores under the leaves. The spots first acquire a dirty green color, then turn brown or gray, forming a dark border along the edge. Spores move from diseased plants to healthy bushes, spreading throughout the garden. The fight against the disease begins in the spring. Diseased bushes should be sprayed using a 1% copper-soap solution and a 0.2% solution of foundationazole.


Measures to combat the disease:

  1. Fallen and infected leaves are burned;
  2. Do pruning to improve ventilation of the bush;
  3. It is necessary to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers;
  4. Before the buds open in the spring and autumn, after the berries ripen, the bushes and row spacing are sprayed with fungicides, Bordeaux mixture and cuprosan.

Foliar feeding

After planting the seedlings for the first three seasons, it is important to monitor the growth and development of the plant. Therefore, if the bush has poor growth, pale foliage, and small berries, it should be sprayed.

For this, there are effective foliar preparations, which are recommended for fertilizing honeysuckle bushes:

  • Potassium sulfate:
  • Urea;
  • Superphosphate.

The gardener must apply foliar fertilizing, observing the basic rules for dosing. The use of mineral fertilizers is effective for the development and growth of the bush.

Tubercular disease causing branches to dry out

Treatment of currants in spring against diseases and pests

The disease begins in the spring with the growth of red growths containing spores on the branches and their spread throughout the entire bush. The mycelium, which increases in size, destroys the branches and leaves dry out. In autumn, the spores come out, falling all around. When winter comes, they hide in shoots, and in the spring they reappear on the bushes.


To combat, plants are sprayed with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture. Infected branches are removed and burned.

Honeysuckle mite

The best conditions for the breeding and reproduction of these pests is a moist, damp environment. They feel good in the shade and dense crowns of bushes. Signs of pest damage are:

  • dark spots without a specific shape;
  • tubercles on the leaf plate;
  • curling and drying;
  • falling off prematurely.

Signs of honeysuckle mite infestation

To prevent the appearance of this pest, thin out the crown more often in those varieties that are prone to thickening. Also at the end of summer they are sprayed with acaricides Tedion and Mavrik or Akktelik, Konfidor.

Powdery mildew

Treatment of raspberries in spring against diseases and pests

The disease manifests itself as a white coating of cobwebs on the leaves and shoots. Young branches become sick first, but gradually the disease takes over the entire plant. The leaves turn brown and fall off. The bark on the shoots dries, the branches become deformed, and the plant withers.

Powdery mildew

The fungus is combated by burning leaves and infected branches. The first signs of the disease require urgent treatment of the crop with preparations containing sulfur.

What diseases and pests are the garden treated in spring?

Next, we’ll look at what fungal diseases and insect pests you’ll be fighting against and protecting your garden in the spring.


Spring treatment of the orchard is carried out against the following fungal diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes:

Apple tree - scab, moniliosis (fruit rot) or monilial burn, rust (formed in summer).

Scab on apples

Pear - scab, phyllostictosis (brown spot), septoria (white spot), moniliosis (fruit rot) or monilial burn, rust (formed in summer).

Pear moniliosis (fruit rot)

Cherry, sweet cherry - coccomycosis (reddish-brown spot), klyasterosporiosis (hole spot), moniliosis (fruit rot). In very rare cases, cherry trees are affected by scab, anthracnose and rust.

Cherry coccomycosis

Plum, cherry plum - klyasterosporiosis (hole spot), polystigmosis (red spot of plum or cherry plum), moniliosis (fruit rot).

Plum polystigmosis

Apricot, peach - clasterosporiosis (hole spotting), peach leaf curl, moniliosis (fruit rot), powdery mildew, scab.

  • Gooseberries, currants - American powdery mildew (spheroteca), septoria (white spot), anthracnose, goblet rust (orange) and columnar rust (yellowish).
  • Raspberries - anthracnose, septoria (white spot), raspberry purple spot (didimella), gray mold (botrytis),
  • Strawberries (garden strawberries) - powdery mildew, gray rot, white spot (septoria), brown spot.
  • Grapes - oidium (powdery mildew), mildew (downy mildew), anthracnose, gray rot.

Thus, almost all fruit crops are affected by one or another spot, as well as various rots or powdery mildew.


The very first treatment of pome (apple, pear) and stone fruit crops (cherry, plum, cherry plum, apricot, peach) is carried out against the following wintering stages of pests:

  • scale insects;
  • scale insects;
  • aphids;
  • ticks;
  • copperheads and other sucking and leaf-eating pests.

The second and subsequent treatments of apple trees and pears (pome crops) are already carried out against the following pests:

apple flower beetle or apple weevil;

  • apple fruit sawfly;
  • green apple aphid;
  • codling moth;
  • gray bud weevil;
  • bugarka;
  • goose;
  • leaf roller and other leaf-eating insects;
  • bud eaters;
  • copperheads;
  • pray.

As for stone fruit crops (cherry, plum, cherry plum), the second and subsequent treatments are carried out against such pests as plum aphids, gray bud weevil, goose, cherry weevil, plum black sawfly, leaf miners, leaf-eating caterpillars, oriental codling moth, cherry moth, cherry slimy sawfly, yellow plum sawfly, plum moth, cherry fly, plum beetle, plum pollinated aphid.

Pests of berry crops (currants, gooseberries, raspberries) against which spring treatments are carried out are:

  • bud mite (mite buds on currants);
  • spider mite;
  • strawberry mite (on strawberries);
  • aphid;
  • sawfly;
  • moth;
  • raspberry fly;
  • raspberry beetle;
  • raspberry-strawberry weevil;
  • bud moth.
  • glassware;
  • moth;
  • goldfish;
  • Galitsa (shoot and stem).

Blackening of leaves and drying out of branches

Another type of fungal disease manifests itself as spots with a black coating on the leaves and shoots. Gradually they increase in size. The foliage appears dirty and begins to dry out and fall off. The causative agent of the disease can also affect berries.

Blackening (fungal disease on honeysuckle)

The following measures solve the problem:

  1. Pruning and removal of dry and damaged shoots;
  2. Destruction of foliage;
  3. If you treat the plant with Bordeaux mixture in early spring and after flowering.

Watering rules

As with other garden crops, when watering honeysuckle it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its cultivation and basic care recommendations.

When watering honeysuckle, adhere to the following rules:

  • It is best to use settled water for irrigation.
  • Since the crop has a shallow root system, deep loosening after watering is not recommended.
  • To retain moisture under the bush, it is recommended to mulch the circle around the trunk with organic material.
  • Honeysuckle does not tolerate stagnant moisture and close proximity to groundwater. Therefore, watering must correspond to the needs of the plant.

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In normal climatic conditions and with a sufficient amount of natural moisture, honeysuckle needs abundant watering only 3-4 times per season, however, at the time of flowering and fruit formation, it is recommended to water the bush more often, especially in drought conditions.

Viral disease mosaic rezuha

This disease is spread by nematodes. Young honeysuckle seedlings become sick. They begin to experience uncontrolled growth of lateral shoots from the axillary leaves. Short internodes appear. The leaves stop growing and the plant dies.

Rezuha mosaic

In order not to introduce this disease into the garden, the choice of seedlings is taken carefully. Honeysuckle with signs of disease is immediately destroyed. As a preventive measure, shoots damaged by frost are removed. On weakened, wounded surfaces, fungi quickly settle and develop, leading to the death of the plant.

On a note. It will not be difficult to avoid diseases if you follow the rules of agricultural technology and choose a place for planting.

For rooting young seedlings after planting

Before planting young rooted cuttings, the soil is limed. Fertilizers are added to the bottom of the hole for better rooting when planting honeysuckle:

  • 60-70 g “Superphosphate”;
  • 35-45 g potassium salt;
  • 20-40 g of urea.

If the hole is properly filled before planting a seedling, the plant does not need to be fertilized for the first two years. Phosphorus-based preparations stimulate abundant root formation.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground: 30 varieties with descriptions

Common Honeysuckle Pests

More recently, the plant had no enemies at all. But gradually she, like others, acquired them. Honeysuckle pests are as follows.

Honeysuckle aphid

Aphids on honeysuckle

Young branches are damaged. The leaves on them curl into a tube, turn yellow and dry. The branches stop growing. For control in early spring, before the leaves bloom, Actellik and Confidor are used. After harvesting, the bushes are doused with a garlic-ash solution. Treatment with tobacco infusion is effective in the fight against aphids. It is necessary to spray in dry weather and do it very carefully.

Scale insects and False scale insects

Pests of honeysuckle scale insects

There are several types of scale insects: apple, willow and acacia. They attach themselves to the bark and suck the juice from the plant, leading to death. If scale insects appear on honeysuckle, any store that sells gardening supplies can tell you how to deal with it. The drugs Actellik and Rogor are used for control. The folk method of control is spraying with kerosene.


Mites pests

There are several types of mites that parasitize honeysuckle. Insects are practically invisible to the naked eye. They love bushes that are dense, dark, and moist. When they settle on a plant, they cause the leaves to turn brown, become covered with waves at the edges and fall off. Treatment against ticks is carried out with Actellik and Confidor.


A fingerwing butterfly growing from a caterpillar

This is the name of the caterpillar that eats the pulp of the berries and causes them to fall off. There are special drugs on sale to combat it - pyrethroids.

Leaf-eating pests

Moth butterfly

Leaf roller butterfly

Caterpillars (moths, moths and sawflies) do not cause much harm, but they eat the leaves and the plant loses its decorative appearance. Pests eat leaf blades, leaving only petioles, or roll leaves into balls, entangling them in cobwebs. Caterpillars are collected manually or treated with Iskra, Inta-Vir and other similar preparations.

For your information. In addition to insects, there are other enemies of shrub plants. In the spring, gardeners sometimes discover that honeysuckle has been chewed by mice. What to do in this case? Damaged areas are treated with heteroauxin or succinic acid for restoration and lubricated with garden pitch. A thin film of natural varnish holds firmly, does not irritate the plant tissue and helps the wound heal faster. For minor damage, clay and cow dung are used.

Features of watering

You should know that in the first 5 years after planting, edible honeysuckle does not grow very intensively, and therefore bears fruit rather sparingly. With the onset of the sixth year, with appropriate care, you can achieve annual fruiting of at least 2 kg per bush. To do this, it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of activities, where watering is an important point.

During the summer drought, the watering rate can be increased to two buckets. On the other hand, excess moisture can cause the berries to be large but watery. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend mulching the tree trunk of a bush, because mulch can both protect the plant from excess moisture and prevent its evaporation. When the plant enters a dormant state, that is, in the second half of summer, watering can be reduced to 5-10 liters.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with where the scale insects winter

Prevention: treating honeysuckle with boiling water

It is important not only to know the diseases of edible honeysuckle and their treatment, but also to prevent diseases. This plant is still a rare guest on the plots, and gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to water honeysuckle with boiling water. Pests overwintering on bush branches are dangerous for the future harvest. They are most easily destroyed during hibernation in early spring. A proven and necessary method of control is a hot shower for bushes. No chemicals can compare in effectiveness with pouring boiling water. Hot water can destroy pests, eggs, spores and fungal pathogens. The treatment is carried out in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, before the buds open. The root system is covered with any available material and watered with hot water from a watering can, trying to cover the entire bush. You can add 1 spoon of caustic soda to a bucket of water. To facilitate processing, the branches are tied with twine.

This measure not only fights diseases and pests, but also increases the plant’s immunity and prevents the berries from smoldering. The yield and taste of fruits increase, and their processing becomes easier. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to pour boiling water over honeysuckle, the answer is unequivocal - not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

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Rules for spraying currant bushes

The result of the treatment depends not only on the correctly selected product, but also on compliance with the basic rules of the procedure.

Rules and recommendations:

  • be sure to follow the instructions for the timing of spraying currants (in what phase the drug is indicated);
  • work in special clothing (especially if chemicals are used);
  • the best time is early morning or late evening, on a cloudy, windless day;
  • Before the first spraying, the bushes are pruned;
  • solutions are prepared according to the instructions, immediately before the procedures, observing the recommended proportions;
  • use clean, settled water, for a number of solutions - hot (for example, for vitriol);
  • when using biological products, it is prohibited to use chlorinated water, which is harmful to beneficial bacteria and strains of viruses;
  • if after treatment it suddenly rains, spraying is carried out a second time;
  • alternate medications to eliminate the addictive effect.

If the processing time is missed (for example, the first one, after the snow melts), follow the spraying schedule and start with the second spraying. The dose is not increased; they work strictly according to the instructions.

Spring treatment of currant bushes allows you to avoid serious problems with pests and crop diseases in the summer. By treating berry bushes in the spring and providing them with proper care, you can expect a high yield of berries.

Natalia Severova

Light gray spotting - iodine, copper and mullein will help you

This disease can be detected already in the first stages of development. Light gray spots appear on the shoots and leaves. In case of high soil moisture, the plaque that forms increases and affects the healthy parts of the honeysuckle.

In case of severe damage, you need to perform thorough pruning, and then treat the bush with any substances that contain copper. It is advisable to fill the plant with the prepared solution to increase the duration of the drug.

Traditional methods of struggle:

  • Prepare a mixture based on water and iodine (10 ml per 10 liters of water). Treat with freshly obtained solution.
  • Means for prevention. Mix mullein with water in a ratio of 1 to ten. Leave it to steep for 24 hours. Treat the bush in early spring, after removing the winter shelter.
  • Repeat the procedures several more times, one in May, the other in July.

We will learn even more information about honeysuckle diseases, as well as their treatment and prevention by watching the video:

Fight against red-legged stink bug using mustard, lavender, mint and tansy

This insect loves to eat fresh green leaves. Therefore, at the beginning of spring you should be extremely careful and not miss the appearance of stink bugs. Otherwise, they will multiply quickly and eat all the foliage.

If a small number of pests appear, I advise you to prepare a decoction based on black cohosh, onion peels, red pepper and mustard powder. Leave for three hours and immediately treat the bush.

As a preventive measure, I have been practicing this for many years, planting cloves, lavender, mint or tansy next to the honeysuckle bushes. These plants have a strong odor that repels insects.

Soap and soda in the fight against aphids

Aphids attack foliage and shoots. They begin to turn yellow in parts or completely, then the leaf blade curls up and the shoots stop growing. Apical aphids appear as gray larvae. If they are not hatched in time, they will return in the fall to lay eggs, making it much more difficult to get rid of the insects.

A soap solution helped me get rid of moths very quickly. There are several different cooking methods:

  1. Take five tablespoons of dishwashing detergent, 4 tablespoons of liquid soap or washing powder, and one liter of water. Carry out the treatment immediately after preparing the product.
  2. Take tar soap, because unlike other soaps, it has a strong, unpleasant odor. Grate one hundred grams and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Pour the solution into the spray bottle and carry out the procedure. The result will not be long in coming.
  3. Dissolve a quarter of a piece of laundry soap in a liter of water and add a tablespoon of soda. Baking soda neutralizes insects, and soap has a gluing effect.
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