How to Quickly Peel an Ear of Corn from the Grains at Home • Manual Husking

Let’s figure out how you can easily and quickly peel corn from grains at home without the use of special equipment, which is called “bare hands,” because the time has come not only to harvest it, but also to store its grains for the winter.

At first glance, it may seem that cleaning corn from grains is a rather complex and energy-intensive process. But there is one little secret that will help you easily peel cobs of any size. And we'll reveal it right now.

The method of cleaning corn from grains, which we want to tell you about, differs from other methods in that the grains are removed from the rows completely and in their entirety. But in order to use this method, you need to wait until the “queen of the fields” is fully ripe and collect it on time.

Storage methods

It is important not only that the harvested corn is stored for as long as possible and can be stored for future use, but also that the chosen harvesting method is convenient and compact. The most practical way remains storing grains, but this does not suit everyone.

It is important to preserve all the beneficial qualities of corn that it has in its fresh form.

In the freezer

Corn on the cob lasts the longest in the freezer. The shelf life is more than a year, namely 18 months. To save space, corn can be stored in the freezer as grain. A food container is used for this.

Subsequently, it is very important to defrost the product correctly. Everything should happen naturally, gradually

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If you need to freeze the heads of cabbage, then a number of procedures are carried out first. Prepare one pan with boiling water, another with ice water (you can throw some ice in there). The peeled cobs are dipped first in boiling water, then in ice water, doing this manipulation several times. Then lay the heads of cabbage on a paper towel, allow to dry, wrap in cling film, place in vacuum freezer bags and place in the freezer.


Dried harvested corn retains its beneficial properties for about a year, that is, until the new harvest you can receive the necessary vitamins and microelements. To dry a head of cabbage, the peel is not completely peeled off, but only half. Drying takes place in a dry room with good ventilation, where the harvested crop is hung. The sun's rays should not be allowed to enter there. The ideal option would be a veranda or attic. Heads of cabbage are hung either singly or woven into braids.

In winter, dried cobs are boiled and eaten. Of course, the taste is different from those that were just picked from the garden, but the benefits are no less. Corn porridge is also prepared from this product. The grains are crushed, ground in a coffee grinder and cooked.


To preserve the taste and beneficial qualities of corn for as long as possible, they resort to canning. In a sealed jar, corn kernels are stored for about three years. In this case, not only all requirements for sterile seaming must be observed, but also storage conditions. The correctly chosen cooking method makes it possible to eat the prepared cobs whole.

It is better to prepare corn by canning in small volumes, because an uncorked container can only be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, after which its contents turn sour. Corn is prepared in the same way as canned olives, there are only minor differences in the recipes.

How to freeze corn kernels

To do this, corn on the cob is dipped in boiling water and blanched for five to seven minutes. Then the cobs are immediately transferred to a bowl of ice water, kept for about five minutes, removed and dried on a towel.

Thanks to this method, the corn kernels are easily separated from the cob.

The grains are separated from the cob in two ways.

Method 1. Using a sharp knife, cut the grains along the cob, being careful not to touch it.

Method 2. Husk the grains manually. Although this procedure is long, the grains turn out intact. This method is good if you freeze one or two cobs. But when freezing corn in large quantities, it is better (and easier) to use the first method.

The prepared grains are laid out in one layer on a tray and placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

When the grains are frozen, they are poured into portioned bags, tied well or sealed. For quick freezing, the bags are given a flat shape. Then they are placed in the freezer for further storage.

Corn kernels can be frozen in one go. To do this, pour enough grains into the bag so that they lie in one layer. The bag is well closed and put in the freezer. This method will prevent the grains from freezing to each other.

When frozen corn kernels are needed for cooking, they will not need to be cooked for long, since they have already been pre-heated. Without defrosting, they are placed in boiling water and brought to readiness.

Corn kernels can be cooked in the microwave or in a slow cooker using any recipe you like.

The shelf life of frozen corn is 6-8 months.

Corn, like all other vegetables, cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, it is immediately packaged in such a way that it can be used in one go.

Frozen corn is cooked in the same way as fresh corn. The only difference is that frozen corn cooks faster.

To freeze corn for the winter, you can choose any of the methods proposed above, since they all retain the beneficial properties of the corn and do not affect its taste.

Is it possible to make a corn husk with your own hands?

A homemade electric husker for peeling corn cobs will process your harvest. Unlike factory products, the device is made at home and will allow you to use it in any conditions.

The device is made from improvised materials. They use used round washing machines, defective gas cylinders, install electric motors from old appliances, and sometimes install a simple electric drill.

First, all structural elements are selected according to the drawing, fasteners and the necessary tools are prepared. Only when everything is ready does it make sense to start work. Each device must stand on a stable base; a hopper is mounted on it - a capacious cylinder of the required volume. A power switch and a magnetic motor starter are attached to the base.

Attention! To manufacture the device, you will need knowledge of metalwork, milling and turning skills. You will also need drawing skills.

Required Tools

The parts of the unit for an electric corn husker will require:

  1. The base is made of reliable materials (durable plastic, aluminum, steel strips and corners).
  2. Homemade container for cobs. Any suitable cylindrical container will do.
  3. The damper.
  4. Flange.
  5. Disc with teeth.
  6. Switch.
  7. Electric motor.

Design diagrams and step-by-step assembly

After making a reliable support for the unit (you can even use a reliable table or housing from the base of a suitable device). If necessary, a stand is made by welding from a profile pipe and corners (the base will be convenient at 80-100 mm in height).

The electric motor is bolted to the base; for this purpose, through holes are prepared in the base. It is permissible to use electric welding instead of a bolted connection. The engine starter and the unit's power button are attached to the base with small bolts, after which the electric motor is connected.

The working element is securely attached to the motor shaft. It is made of a metal pipe 20 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. On one side, the teeth are cut, they are slightly bent inward, on the other side an adapter with a fastener is installed to connect it to the motor shaft.

A protective casing made of thin steel is mounted on the device, a hole is cut at the bottom and a chute is welded in for the exit of clean grain, and a hole is prepared at the top side for supplying raw materials. Instead of a casing, it is convenient to use part of a used ventilation system. This device is easy to make in just a few hours.

Attention! It is necessary to provide wide longitudinal slots in the working part, otherwise after a short time grain will accumulate in the pipe, and cleaning the device will become much more difficult.

How to shell corn at home - making a homemade sheller

Whether you make it yourself or buy it in a store, a cob peeler will definitely solve the question for you once and for all - “How to peel corn?”

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Korneva, expert in the field of care, cleanliness and beauty

I will help you understand all the intricacies.

Of course, the easiest way is to purchase a device via the Internet, but if your goal is a homemade corn sheller, then this is quite possible. If necessary, a stand is made by welding from a profile pipe and corners; the base will be convenient at 80-100 mm in height. Young corn for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos on For any questions, please contact me, I will be happy to answer!

Homemade corn husker

The drawing diagram of a corn huller provides a base - this is a cylindrical aluminum pipe from a water irrigation system, connected with rivets. It is bolted to the base of the device. The grain separator is connected to the tray shield with rivets. The toggle switch is attached to the side wall of the cylinder. The disc is equipped with semicircular teeth. To increase the rigidity of the disk, a 6*35 mm tire is welded.

2.5 cm plates are welded perpendicular to the disk. A rubberized scraper strip is bolted to the plates. The bottom of the bunker is equipped with a tire; the cylinder is screwed to it using bolts. There is a flange on the electric motor shaft, and a disk is attached to it. At the end of the flange there are 3 leading fonts. The gear disk rotates counterclockwise. This promotes self-tightening of the bolt and facilitates the exit of empty cobs through the door, which closes during shelling.

The drawing diagram of a corn huller provides a base - this is a cylindrical aluminum pipe from a water irrigation system, connected with rivets. It is bolted to the base of the device. The grain separator is connected to the tray shield with rivets. The toggle switch is attached to the side wall of the cylinder. The disc is equipped with semicircular teeth. To increase the rigidity of the disk, a 6*35 mm tire is welded.

Cleaning by hand

  1. Industrial – process up to 500 kg of cobs per hour of operation. These are large installations and require 2 workers to service them. Since the hopper of the mechanism is loaded with large volumes.
  2. Amateur ones are low-power devices that can clean no more than 100 kg of raw materials in one hour.

How to make such a device? The main thing that is needed is:

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Main stages of work

From a plastic pipe of suitable diameter, which is used for installing a water supply system, you need to cut a piece 30-40 cm long. Then we step back from the edge of the pipe about 5-7 cm, draw a line and mark eight points. In these places we tighten eight screws with a drill.

Then you will need a regular long self-tapping screw, from which you need to cut off the cap. One end is twisted into an ear of corn (in the center), and the second, which is without a cap, is inserted into the chuck of an electric drill or screwdriver. Working with such a homemade device is very simple - even a child can handle it.

We insert a self-tapping screw into the drill chuck, screw its sharp edge into the ear of corn, and then, rotating the corn at minimum or medium speed, insert it into the pipe with the self-tapping screws. For grains, you must first place a deep plate or bowl.

Comments 56

  1. Pre-soak the heads of cabbage in a container with a mixture of water and milk. These ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio. The product remains in this form for 4 hours.
  2. After this time, the corn is placed in a pan of water and cooked until tender. There is no exact time for cooking heads of cabbage, since everything directly depends on the type of corn and the size of its cobs. It should be remembered that if the corn is hard, then it should be cooked not as long as young heads of cabbage, but 1-2 times longer, on average, 2-3 hours (about how to properly cook corn so that it is soft and juicy, read here, and from this article you will learn how long to cook fresh corn).

A small sheller is not designed for such volumes; it can handle only one cob at a time - it is held by hand and inserted into the hole of the unit, alternately first with one end and then with the other. Of course, you can’t peel half a ton of crop this way - either the motor will burn out, or the person will be tortured to stand for an infinitely long time, repeating the same action. But if the harvest is only a couple of bags, then it’s still difficult to do it by hand. You don’t need to think long about how to shell corn easier and simpler.

How to cook corn

Young corn cobs cannot be stored for long. Even covered with a protective suit of leaves, they dry out and lose moisture. When stored, old ones may ripen and become unfit for consumption. On the contrary, if the heads of cabbage are young, the grains will begin to turn black and rot. To store them a little longer, wrap the cobs in parchment or foil and place them in the refrigerator compartment intended for storing vegetables. Cooking corn includes the following rules:

  1. Remove leaves and corn silk.
  2. Select heads of cabbage that are the same size.
  3. Discard blackened, rotten grains.
  4. Inspect for insects and caterpillars. Having found pests, place the cobs in cold salted water and soak for 30-40 minutes.
  5. When cooking, use the bottom leaves and discard the top ones.

How to Boil Corn on the Cob in a Saucepan

It is convenient to cook heads of cabbage in a deep, thick-walled container. The lid should fit tightly to the pan. Place the pre-prepared cobs in boiling water. To ensure they retain their value, simmer over low heat. How long to cook corn on the cob in a pan depends on the variety, preparation, and container chosen. The recipe is simple:

  1. Line the bottom of the pan with clean corn leaves.
  2. Place the peeled heads of cabbage tightly.
  3. The water level should be 5-6cm higher than the corn.
  4. To reliably preserve the taste and color, the cobs and top can be covered with leaves.
  5. After the required time has passed, check readiness by piercing the grain with a fork.
  6. Remove the finished product from the boiling water with tongs and let the water drain.
  7. Place on a platter and serve with butter and salt.

Corn in a slow cooker

There is a multicooker in almost every home, but not everyone knows how to cook cobs in it. The following recipe will tell you how to cook corn in a slow cooker: no corn leaves are used, no need to salt the water, the rest of the recipe is no different from cooking cobs in a saucepan. Place the washed heads of cabbage, freed from stalks and greens, tightly in a cup. Pour water above their level, select the “Cooking” program, set the time. After the beep, open the lid and use kitchen tongs to pull out the delicious, aromatic cobs, as in the photo shown.

Corn boiler

Sweet cobs do not lose their popularity. Retail outlets selling delicacies are becoming more and more common; boiled cobs are becoming a profitable business. To prepare them, a special apparatus has been created for steaming corn; it is also called a professional corn cooker. The next photo shows what it is.

The control panel is equipped with controls to set the desired mode. You can control the temperature using a thermostat. If the set includes two chambers, it becomes possible to cook whole cobs and grains at the same time. Simple equipment does not require complex maintenance or care. To produce a quality product, you must not deviate from the operating rules; if the sound signal indicates a decrease in the water level, it must be topped up. So, the rules:

  • compliance with the temperature regime;
  • ensuring its stability;
  • water level control;
  • the device must be clean;

Corn steamer

In a corn steamer, the kernels are tender and crumbly. The technology is simple and accessible to everyone: peeled heads of cabbage are placed vertically in a perforated basket, as in the photo. After filling in the water, close the lid and set the timer to the desired time, taking into account the variety and ripeness. A double boiler is economical, reduces cooking time, cooking lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, large and old cobs take longer to cook. When the dish is ready, each boiled cob is sprinkled with salt and greased with oil.

Lifehacks for quickly collecting grains

Preliminary cross-cutting of the cob will help speed up the cleaning of corn.

At the same time, there is a high probability of damage to the grains at the cut sites, so you will have to carefully separate them into those suitable for long-term storage and those that are best used in the near future.

To make cleaning raw corn take less time and not require much effort, it is recommended to first immerse the prepared cob in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. This will soften the grains and make them easier to remove.

You can put the cobs in boiling water and leave for 30–40 minutes or until the water cools slightly. In this case, even manual husking will be much faster and easier, and with a knife you will only need to lightly press the rows of grains.

Dipping corn in boiling water or soaking it is permissible only if the extracted grains will be used primarily for preservation or preparation. If you plan to store them in their usual form, it is better to use dry cleaning methods or thoroughly dry the extracted seeds.

How to cook a product in a double boiler, oven, pressure cooker, microwave?

What kind of devices cannot be found in modern kitchens. And they all make the process of boiling corn at home easier. To prepare the desired dish and not have to control it every minute, you should use the following approaches:

Double boiler. Place the washed cobs in a steamer bowl along with the leaves and tendrils. You should not sprinkle the workpieces with salt, as many people do. Because of this mistake, boiled corn often turns out to be a little dry. There is no need to process the product for a long time. Fresh products and cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready in 10-15 minutes. It will take about 40-45 minutes to boil old or feed products.

Oven. Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out the cobs, and pour boiling water over them. Place in an oven preheated to medium temperature for 40 minutes, evaluate the result and, if necessary, cook the dish.

Pressure cooker. Milk corn or Bonduelle products should not be boiled this way; you can overcook the quality component. But this is the best option when frozen or feed products need to be softened as much as possible. Soak it in water and cook for at least 40 minutes.

Microwave - option with water. The main thing is that the products are fresh and young. Place it in a container with water, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes at medium power. If necessary, add boiling water to the bowl.

Microwave - dry approach. A real salvation for those who want to know how to quickly boil corn. Divide the cob into 2-3 parts, spread with leaves and cook in its own juice for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

Subsequent processing is no different from that provided for in traditional cooking. Rub the finished product with salt, oil and spices and serve.

Using a drill

  • He thought about how to twist the chopper blades. The choice is small - install a motor from a washing machine, or buy an electric motor. According to the user, the motor from the washing machine is weak, and I didn’t want to purchase a three-phase unit and convert it to one phase.
  • Tok2Z
    bought on the market, for 2 thousand rubles, an old grinder with a power of 2 kW and blades from a lawn mower for 700 rubles. I ordered an adapter sleeve from a turner, spending another 500 rubles.
  • I welded the frame and placed a galvanized water tank on it. I assembled the structure and turned on the grass cutter.

Important! It is advisable to buy semi-automatic and automatic shellers if you need to process large volumes of corn - from several buckets.

Description of preparation:

The classic recipe for young corn for the winter is canning. I suggest freezing the corn to later use as a snack or add to entrees and salads.

1. First you need to do one interesting thing - put the cobs in the leaves on a wire rack and put them in a cold oven for 20-25 minutes. If the corn is late, it may take about 35 minutes. Temperature is about 190-200 degrees. You need to keep the corn in a preheated oven for 7-10 minutes less.

2. While the corn is still hot, you need to remove the leaves. You can do this quite quickly - here's how. Cut off about 2 centimeters at the base so as to capture all the leaves.

5. The recipe for preparing young corn for the winter can then be in two versions. One is freezing whole cobs. To do this, they need to be cooled and placed in the freezer on a wide plate, for example. Already frozen corn can be folded more compactly - in a bag or container, for example. The second option is to harvest grains. In this case, the corn will take up much less space. In order to separate the grains from the cob, you need to carefully cut them with a sharp knife at the base.

6. In this way, clear all the grains from the cobs. If desired, the cobs can also be used for broth, for example.

7. Young corn for the winter at home is ready for the final stage - freezing. The grains can be placed in small plastic containers, but it is most convenient to use freezer bags. This way the grains can be stored compactly and airtight.

How to peel an ear of corn: step-by-step instructions

The corn cob is hidden behind tight-fitting leaves and fibers that need to be removed before cooking.

Here's how to do it quickly:

  1. Place the cobs in a place convenient for you, and place a trash can nearby. If you have a lot of product, it is best to spread a tablecloth or cloth in front of you on which you can put the leaves, and then transfer them to the trash can.
  2. Take the cob in your hands. Which hand you should hold it in depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed: the corn should be held in the non-working hand so that the other hand can easily remove the leaves.
  3. Let's assume you are right-handed. Then with your left hand you should hold the cob in the middle, and with your right hand, push the leaves away from the top of the cob so that you can grab it with your left hand.
  4. Pull the leaves down sharply, as if turning them inside out. Cut them off at the base with a knife.
  5. Using water, remove any remaining debris and place the product in a container.

Important! If during the cleaning process insects were found that damaged part of the cob, simply cut out the damaged area with a knife.

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