Tomato Antonovka Honey - variety description, reviews, yield

The Antonovka Honey tomato is unusual in its qualities, so it is worth recommending to vegetable growers who grow original plants in their beds.

This tomato was bred by Russian breeders and is one of the few varieties with an unusual color of ripe tomatoes - green. The tomato was recently bred, so most summer residents have not yet planted a similar vegetable crop on their plots. And there is not a lot of information about this tomato yet.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety is mid-season, from seed to first harvest it takes about 110 days. It has limited growth, determinant, in open ground no more than 1.3 m, in film shelters and greenhouses up to 1.5. The tomatoes are round, with an average weight of 180-220 grams. The skin of the tomato is smooth, of an unusual color - greenish with yellow veins, and inside there is dense pinkish flesh.

Species diversity of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are divided into types according to different criteria.

But, it is important for a gardener to know only a few of them in order to choose the best varietal tomatoes for the garden. Thus, all varieties of tomatoes are usually divided according to the type of growth of the bush into:

  • Determinant;
  • Indeterminate;
  • Semi-determinant.

Determinate varieties are mostly intended for cultivation in open ground. Their peculiarity is the formation of a large number of lateral shoots, thus the bushes require regular pinching. A determinate tomato requires the formation of a bush. Most varieties are low-growing.

They produce a large harvest, mostly early - they ripen quickly, which is especially important especially in regions with a cool climate and short summers. Indeterminate varieties are special in that their main stem is capable of growing indefinitely; these include tall varieties

The ovaries form at the main stem. This species is thermophilic and recommended for greenhouse cultivation.

Indeterminate varieties are special in that their main stem is capable of growing indefinitely; these include tall varieties. The ovaries form at the main stem. This species is thermophilic and recommended for greenhouse cultivation.

Semi-determinate varieties are also optimal for soil. They do not have a particularly tall main stem; most of them include low-growing varieties that are not demanding on pinching. In general, they do not require special care. Semi-determinate varieties are usually productive and resistant to diseases and cold. Let us designate the varieties of tomatoes for open ground of the determinant type:

  • "Sanka" is a very popular low-growing tomato variety. Fruits up to 100 g.
  • “Bullfinch” - medium-sized fruits, weighing no more than 150 grams, not demanding to care for;
  • “Rocket” - plum-shaped fruits of small size, high yield, suitable for pickling and canning.
  • “Staroselsky” is an early-ripening large-fruited tomato variety. Universal tomatoes.
  • "Mazarin" is a tall, determinate variety. The fruits are medium in size and shaped like a heart.
  • “Yamal” is a low-growing, standard, determinate plant with medium branching. The fruits are large and the harvest is good.
  • “Dachnik” is an early-ripening tomato, medium-sized fruits, and above-average yield.
  • “Metelitsa” is a highly productive variety that does not require care.
  • “Lena” is not a tall tomato, the fruits are average, the yield is excellent.
  • “Dubrava” is a not tall, heavily leafy tomato; the fruits grow in beautiful clusters.

The best indeterminate varieties for soil:

  • “Khlebosolnye” is a large-fruited variety of medium ripeness;
  • "De Barao" yellow and pink varieties have proven themselves to be the best in terms of yield and taste. The pink variety has elongated, pepper-like fruits, sugary and with dense pulp;
  • The hybrid variety Tarasenko-2 is a large-fruited, low-growing salad variety, suitable for canning, for example, for lecho or homemade sauces.

Varieties of the semi-determinate type are mostly low-growing and are optimal for growing in open ground.

It is not demanding in care, so there is no need to form a bush, carry out pinching or tie it to a trellis. They are quite productive and belong to universal varieties. They are suitable for salads, canning and juicing.

The best semi-determinate varieties last year were recognized as:

The most popular varieties in this type are associated with the Siberian Garden, among them “Heavyweights of Siberia”, “Sibiriada”, “Siberian Troika” - early-ripening, low-growing tomatoes, with medium and large fruits, fleshy, sugary; Not very experienced gardeners should pay attention to varieties such as “Alaska”, “Bobcat”, “Parodist”, “Boni-M”; In the “most productive” category, such varieties as “Buyan”, “Roker”, “Russian delicious” were noted - the fruits are medium-sized, with a yield from each bush that can reach up to 5 kg; Ultra-early ripening varieties that have received special praise from gardeners are “Gayas Bekseev”, “Bringing Good Luck”. These varieties are not only resistant to diseases, not demanding on the soil, and resistant to drought.

Description of the variety

In terms of ripening time, “Antonovka Medovaya” belongs to the mid-season varieties. From planting the seed for seedlings to the technical maturity of the fruit, 110-112 days pass.

Despite the fact that tomatoes are determinate plants, they require tying to supports and pinching of lateral shoots.

The Antonovka Medovaya variety is a universal crop. Tomatoes are grown in open ground, under film covers and in greenhouses.

Description of the fruits of the Antonovka Honey variety:

  • Round and slightly flattened shape;
  • Dense smooth skin;
  • Ripe fruits have an unusual green color with yellow streaks;
  • The tomato pulp is rich pink in color;
  • Great taste;
  • Dense and juicy pulp;
  • The average weight of tomatoes is from 180 to 220 grams.

Not my favorite varieties. Tomatoes Watermelon and Antonovka honey

I grew a lot of interesting, tasty and beautiful tomatoes this year. But there are a couple that I didn’t like, or didn’t work out, or are just a remake...

These are Watermelon and Antonovka honey tomatoes. Both determinants, i.e. they finished their growth early, forming a flower cluster at the end. I was unable to transfer them to “stepchildren” in order to prolong growth and fruit formation - they did not produce stepchildren...

Watermelon, maybe because the pulp is so...

The watermelon one turned out to be completely different from a watermelon. He gave me red tomatoes of mediocre taste and color that were ordinary in taste and color. True, he gave them early (in July) and ended his existence there. Didn't surprise, didn't amaze, didn't please...

But Antonovka honey has been hanging since the end of July in the same state of fossilization... (I touch the tomatoes, and they look like stone...) Maybe, of course, this is a varietal feature.

Antonovka honey

These two tomatoes grow side by side, care for all plants in the greenhouse is the same. (I’m talking about the fact that maybe I didn’t take good care of them...). But nearby, 40 cm away, the Lada Myazinskaya grows. Today (on June 16th I collected the third box of large and tasty tomatoes from her...) Not a variety, but something amazing... Well, I’m not talking about her, but about Antonovka honey... It seems to me that I will never wait for her...

I decided to pick this hard tomato and try it. She seems ripe, but so tough...

Antonovka honey

I just didn’t like these two varieties and I certainly won’t plant them next year. Maybe someone grew them, and they showed their best side, and I shouldn’t think so badly about them?

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Antonovka Honey tomatoes are the following characteristics:

  • Quite good yield;
  • Excellent taste of fruits;
  • Thick skin prevents cracking;
  • High safety of tomatoes when transported over long distances.

The disadvantages of review variety tomatoes include:

  • Lack of immunity to late blight;
  • The need to tie bushes to supports or trellises.

Growing seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown in early March in all regions. This is due to the fact that the Honey Salute tomato in the central and northern part of the country is planted only in a greenhouse. Picking in protected ground is possible much earlier than in open ground

Working with planting material

Before starting to grow seedlings, prepare planting material. This reduces the likelihood of plant infection and speeds up seed germination.

Before purchasing seeds, be sure to check their expiration dates. Expired planting material will have a low chance of germination.

To select the most viable seeds, they are soaked in saline solution for half an hour. To prepare the product, stir 1 tsp in a glass of water. salt. Specimens that float up are thrown away, and those that sink to the bottom are washed and used for planting.

Due to the instability of Honey Salute to tomato diseases, its seeds must be treated with a disinfectant composition. Some manufacturers sell already treated planting material, as evidenced by the inscription on the package and the orange or green color of the seeds. In other cases, the seeds are disinfected independently.

To do this, they are soaked:

  • in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour;
  • in a solution of soda for 12 hours;
  • in aloe juice diluted in half with water for 12 hours.

After dressing, the seeds are treated with a growth stimulator. I often use Epin, in which the seeds are soaked for 3-5 hours.

Selection of soil and containers

Usually the seeds are sown in one common container. Stores sell special wooden boxes and plastic trays.

The following materials are also used for these purposes:

  • disposable tableware;
  • trays for semi-finished products;
  • trimmed 5-6 liter bottles.

To pick plants into individual pots, use containers with a volume of 300-500 ml. For these purposes, special pots, cut-off bottles or disposable cups are used.

The containers are disinfected before use. To do this, they are soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

You can prepare soil for tomatoes yourself or buy it in a store. The soil for tomatoes should be light and nutritious. To prepare the soil, turf, peat and humus are mixed in different proportions. Spit substrate or river sand is added to the resulting composition.

The soil is disinfected. To do this, water it with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. Another option is to calcine the soil in the oven.

Sowing seeds

Soil is poured into the container so that there is a distance of 2 cm to the edge. Grooves are made in the soil, 1 cm deep. The distance between them should be 3 cm.

Seeds are placed in the grooves at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. They are sprinkled with earth on top without compacting it.

Boxes with seeds are moistened with warm, settled water. After this, they are covered with film and placed in a warm place. Depending on the room temperature, seed germination times vary from 3 to 7 days.

It is convenient to grow seedlings in peat tablets. To do this, such blanks are soaked until they swell, after which seeds are placed in the holes. Next, all the tablets are placed in one container and covered with film.

Seedling care

Caring for seedlings should be regular. Only in this case will it be possible to grow healthy and viable plants. Below are the main nuances that a gardener who grows his own tomato seedlings needs to know about:

Seeds do not need sunlight before germination. Therefore, they are placed in a dark, warm place. Sometimes gardeners cover the boxes with dark film to speed up germination. When the first shoots appear, containers with seedlings are placed in a well-lit place. If there was a dark film on them, it is removed. If the boxes are covered with transparent glass, then leave it in the first week after germination. Before the seeds germinate, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle. After the first shoots appear, water the plants with a syringe. Use water at room temperature. When the first true leaves appear on the plants, they are picked into individual containers. The root is not pinched. This slows down plant growth. After picking, the tomatoes are watered from a watering can

It is important that water does not fall on the ground part. During the entire period of growing seedlings, plants are fed 3 times. The first time fertilizer is applied 2 weeks after picking, the second time after 2-3 weeks, the 3rd time 3 days before planting in the greenhouse. 14 days before picking tomatoes to a permanent place, they begin to harden

To do this, they are taken out to the balcony, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air.

Bush care

The set of measures for caring for Antonovka Honey tomatoes consists of the following actions:

  • Regular watering;
  • Loosening the soil in a plot with tomatoes;
  • Weeding;
  • Application of necessary organic and mineral fertilizers.

Tomatoes worth planting:

Tomatoes should be watered only with warm water, since cold liquid can lead to deterioration of the plant and its death.

Water tomatoes after sunset - it is during this period of the day that the bushes receive the optimal amount of moisture.

Growing Honey variety tomatoes

Tomato Honey: photo of variety

The period when to plant seedlings of the Honey tomato variety depends on the region where tomatoes are grown. In the middle zone, seedlings are usually planted in early to mid-March. As for other regions, the period may vary depending on climatic conditions.

Let's move on directly to the stages of planting seeds for Honey tomato seedlings.

  • Any seeds, whether purchased in the garden department, or obtained from the fruits of a given variety, must be prepared before sowing. They need to be disinfected and then soaked in a growth stimulator. Disinfection of planting material is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of infecting your future plants with any diseases. After all, unnecessary microbes and pathogens may be on the seeds. As for the use of growth stimulants, in this way you will speed up the process of sprouting. You will also make the plants’ immune system stronger. You don’t have to buy ready-made growth stimulants, but use aloe juice diluted in water. It is worth noting that such a solution can also disinfect your tomato seeds. If you are using fresh seeds for planting, dilute the juice with water in a one to one ratio. For those seeds that have been lying around for a long time, it is not necessary to dilute the juice. The seeds are usually soaked for about eighteen hours.
  • If you see information on the packaging that the seeds have already been processed, then, accordingly, you won’t have to do this yourself.
  • If you have great confidence that the seeds will sprout, then you can sow them directly immediately after you have taken them out of the solution. If you are still not sure, then it is better not to neglect the germination process. This is usually done using a damp cloth, which is then placed in polyethylene. The temperature should be approximately +26 degrees. Tomato seeds must be kept in such conditions before they hatch.
  • To eliminate the risk of your seeds damping off, remove the plastic cover twice a day to allow air to circulate.
  • As for the soil for planting seeds, you can not complicate your life and purchase a ready-made soil mixture in the store. Any one designed for nightshade plants will do. You can also use garden soil for these purposes. At the same time, it should freeze well throughout the winter. Also, land on which crops from a similar family were previously planted will not be suitable. In a permanent habitat, the soil should be as nutritious as when growing seedlings.
  • The soil for sowing must be warm enough. Honey tomato seeds are planted to a depth of about one centimeter. Between the seeds of the Honey variety tomato, it is necessary to maintain a distance of approximately one to two centimeters. More frequent sowing is fraught with damage to the root system during picking.
  • After sowing Honey tomatoes, it is necessary to remove the containers to a warm place, securely covering them with polyethylene.
  • When the plants have hatched, you need to move the container with the crops to a bright place. A window sill with a southern exposure is well suited for this. In this case, the temperature should be slightly reduced. In such conditions, the plants will not stretch upward too actively. In cool conditions, seedlings will develop a better root system than greens.
  • After four to five days, the temperature rises slightly. It should be approximately +23 degrees during the day and five degrees lower at night.
  • From time to time, Honey variety tomatoes need to be watered. She shouldn't be cold. There is no need to overwater the plants.
  • You need to pick Honey tomatoes in separate cups when the first pair of true leaves appear. Until this moment, no fertilizing is applied to the seedlings.
  • For picking, you need to choose the strongest and healthiest bushes. The rest need to be removed. For four to five days you need to put the seedlings in the shade.
  • In the subsequent period, it is necessary to apply fertilizer twice. For this purpose, mineral supplements are used in combination. The concentration of such a solution should not be strong.
  • If you see that the plants are stretching upward too intensely, then it is necessary to install additional lighting. Since seedlings begin to stretch when they do not have enough light. For this purpose, special phytolamps are used.
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