The best varieties and hybrids of cabbage based on the results of 2022: early, middle, late

White cabbage is a widespread garden crop. It has been cultivated all over the world since ancient times and is valued for its taste, benefits, productivity, ability to be stored for a long time, low cost of cultivation and the ability to be used in a variety of dishes, including medicinal nutrition.

And also - for the variety of varieties and hybrids, among which each gardener can choose exactly those that he needs specifically - early or late, with small or large heads of different densities, the most productive, for pickling and pickling or for storage...

If you're still looking for those same varieties of cabbage, we can help you. To do this, we decided to check the reviews of gardeners over the past months and compiled for you a kind of general rating of those varieties and hybrids of this vegetable that last year received the best rating from summer residents based on a combination of different parameters. Moreover, please note that among these were both promising new products and varieties that were bred quite a long time ago, but are still very popular and traditionally in demand (“golden fund”).

Cabbage Gift (Gift 2500, Gift 3200)

A mid-late variety of Soviet selection.

The head weighs 2.4-4.4 kg, round and round-flat in shape, very dense, semi-closed, greenish-white in cross section, the inner stalk is of medium length. The leaves are juicy, with a slight waxy coating, and excellent taste.

The variety is high-yielding, unpretentious in cultivation (seedlings are frost-resistant), well resistant to diseases and pests, and resistant to cracking. Ripens together, does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling, pickling, excellent storage for six months. Transportability is good.


In order for the leaves and petioles of pak choi to be juicy and tender, it must be provided with regular watering. In this matter, you need to adhere to the golden mean: the soil under the plants should always be in a moderately moist state. If the soil in the garden bed dries out frequently, the Chinese plant will grow rough and tasteless, and in an over-moistened area it can rot. Regular watering is the key to a tasty, juicy harvest. If you fertilize the soil in the garden bed with humus and mineral fertilizers before planting, then there will be no need to feed early-ripening plants. On poor soil, to obtain more lush rosettes, you need to carry out 1-2 fertilizing, giving preference to natural fertilizers. Pak choy responds well to a mullein solution (1:10), with a glass of sifted wood ash added to a bucket. To protect against damage by the cruciferous flea beetle, as in this photo, you need to dust the plantings with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash. ash (1:1). And as usual - removing weeds and loosening the rows after watering. To avoid this, you can mulch the soil in the garden bed with any available material (weeds), straw or rotted sawdust, which will also reduce the number of waterings. Mulch will retain moisture in the soil and drown out weeds. These simple procedures will allow you to serve crispy, vitamin-rich pak choi of early-ripening low-growing varieties to the table in just 25-30 days. Tall varieties ripen a couple of weeks later, but they make it possible to obtain larger rosettes. —> adfoxAdd([ }]);

Cabbage Sprinter F1

Ultra-early ripening hybrid of Russian selection.

The head weighs 1-1.5 kg, oval in shape, quite dense, semi-closed, milky yellow in cross section, the inner stalk is short in length. The leaves are tender, with a slight waxy coating, the taste is excellent, sweetish.

The hybrid is high-yielding, but requires fertile soils, the degree of disease damage is average (only against the backdrop of poor agricultural technology), moderately resistant to pests, and resistant to cracking. It ripens well, tolerates compacted plantings, does not like heat and lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption.

Planting a seedling

The procedure for planting a finished seedling is the same as for other varieties of honeysuckle. Pits measuring 40 x 40 cm are prepared two weeks before planting. Pebbles, crushed stone or other hard material are placed in the hole to form a drainage layer. The soil mixture is poured on top.

The fertile layer extracted when digging a hole is mixed with:

  • compost - 2 buckets;
  • ash – 1 l;
  • superphosphate – 50-60 g.

The prepared soil mixture is poured into the hole. The hole is covered with some material - film, slate, etc.

The distance between adjacent holes is 1.5-2 m, between rows - 2-2.5 m. The easiest way to plant seedlings with closed roots is to remove them from containers and, together with a lump of earth, transfer them into the planting hole.

When the ground settles, begin planting. Order of planting honeysuckle:

  • An hour before planting, dip the roots in Kornevin - this stimulator promotes rooting. Just before lowering into the hole, dip the roots into a clay mash.
  • Form a hill from the soil mixture poured into the hole. Place the roots of the seedling on its top and carefully straighten them. Place the seedling so that its root collar is deepened by 5-6 cm.
  • Fill the hole with soil - the remaining fertile layer obtained when digging the hole.
  • Water the seedling generously. There is no need to trim it - it will only be needed next year.

Cabbage Severyanka F1

Mid-late hybrid of Russian selection.

The head weighs 2.4-4 kg, round in shape, very dense, white in cross section, the inner stalk is short. The leaves are juicy, crispy, and have excellent taste.

The hybrid is high-yielding, unpretentious in care, resistant to fusarium wilt, clubroot, bacteriosis, tolerates temperature changes well, and is resistant to cracking. Ripens together, does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing, it lasts for a long time on the vine, and is perfectly stored for six months.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Cabbage Alexandra F1 is a hybrid variety. It is cold-resistant, tolerates planting in open ground, cold snaps and even light frosts well. In the northern regions, it is grown in shelters under film or in greenhouses.

The hybrid is mid-late, the heads of cabbage can be cut 130-140 days after planting. The round head is covered with pale green leaves on the outside, white or greenish on the inside. Weight 3-4 kg. Cabbage does not crack and tolerates short-term storage in a cool, dark place. The taste is excellent, the pulp contains a lot of sugar, it is used for cooking, preparations and fresh.

Cabbage Aurora F1

Early maturing hybrid of Russian selection.

The head weighs 0.9-1.7 kg, round in shape, quite dense, partially covered, light white-greenish in cross section, the inner stalk is short in length. The leaves are very juicy, crispy, have an excellent, delicate taste.

The hybrid is high-yielding, relatively resistant to bacteriosis, not afraid of the vagaries of the weather, and resistant to cracking. Ripens together, does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption, can be used for processing.

Cabbage Snowflake F1

Mid-late hybrid of Russian selection.

The head weighs 2-3 kg, round in shape, quite dense, compact, white in cross-section, the inner stalk is short in length. The leaves are juicy, with a strong waxy coating, with a very high sugar content, the taste is excellent, sweetish.

The hybrid is high-yielding, highly adaptable to climatic conditions, susceptibility to diseases and pests is average, and resistant to cracking. It ripens well, tolerates compacted plantings, and does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing. Doesn't last long.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • long-term storage of crops;
  • endurance to temperature changes;
  • stable generous harvests;
  • attractive appearance and excellent internal structure;
  • long-distance transportation without loss of marketability;
  • large fruit;
  • adaptability to cold weather and heat;
  • crack resistance.


  • requirement for systematic watering;
  • good illumination of the landing corner.

Cabbage Slava (Slava 1305)

Mid-season variety of Soviet selection.

The head weighs 2.5-4.5 kg, round-flat in shape, very dense, yellowish-white in cross section, the inner stalk is of medium length. The leaves are juicy, with a wavy edge, with a medium-intensity waxy coating, and excellent taste.

The variety is high-yielding, unpretentious in cultivation and highly adaptable to climatic conditions, but weakly resistant to diseases and prone to cracking if harvested untimely. Ripens together, does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and pickling. Suitable for transportation and short-term storage for 3 months.

Cabbage 'Three heroes'

cabbage 'Three Bogatyrs' from Gavrish is also suitable for long-term (up to 8 months) storage . This variety is included in. It is distinguished, in addition to good keeping quality, by excellent taste and a small stalk; large - weighing 10-15 kg - the heads of cabbage do not crack and can be used for harvesting (fermentation). You will find opinions about this variety and experience in growing it in the publications:

  • “Three heroes”, like in a fairy tale!
  • “Three Bogatyrs” is an excellent variety as a gift from BECKER

Cabbage 'Three heroes' from "Gavrish", 'Miracle for a record' F1 and 'Dimensionless' from , photo from the site

Moscow cabbage late 15

Late-ripening variety of Soviet selection.

The head of cabbage weighs 3.3-4.5 kg, round and round-flat in shape, quite dense, white-yellow in cross-section, the inner stalk is of medium length (in the garden the head of cabbage can fall on its side due to the high outer stalk). The leaves are juicy, with a slight waxy coating, and excellent taste.

The variety is high-yielding, but requires fertile soils, as well as high hilling or the use of support. Resistant to pests and clubroot, as well as cracking. It ripens together, does not tolerate compacted plantings, and does not like lack of watering.

Recommended for fresh consumption and pickling, it can be stored perfectly for six months. Transportability is average.

The best varieties of cabbage

Using my experience from past seasons and reviews from gardeners on the forum, I will describe here the best varieties of cabbage. Moreover, these varieties are suitable for the Urals, and for Siberia, as well as for the entire central zone of Russia. I recommend planting them in 2022. Follow the rules of agricultural technology for this crop and you will be guaranteed a good harvest.

After the review, there were many reviews from gardeners from different regions.

Cabbage varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

June cabbage, characteristics

An early ripening variety of cabbage, intended for fresh consumption, that is, straight to the table. The heads of cabbage of this variety are round, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The color of the head of cabbage is pale green with a slight waxy coating. Density is average.

The variety is resistant to cracking. “June” cabbage is harvested 60-70 days after planting the seedlings. An important quality of this variety for the regions of the Urals and Siberia is that it tolerates frosts down to -5 degrees.

Productivity of June cabbage : 6 kg/m. sq.m (subject to the agricultural practices of the given crop).

White cabbage Zarya, description

The best early variety of cabbage, resistant to cracking. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 118 days. This is a very good indicator.

The heads of cabbage are round, small, of medium density, weighing up to 2 kg. Variety for fresh use.

The Zarya variety produces high yields even with little use of nitrogen fertilizers.

High yield, rapid ripening and high commercial quality of fruits are the undeniable advantages of this wonderful variety.

Yield of Zarya cabbage : 3.4 - 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Express F1, description, photo

Early maturing hybrid of white cabbage of domestic selection. The period from full germination to the beginning of technical ripeness is 60-95 days. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is small, light green with a slight waxy coating, flat.

The head is round, of medium density, uncovered, of medium density, whitish when cut. The outer and inner stumps are short. The average head weight is 0.9-1.3 kg. The taste qualities are high.

Yield of cabbage Express : up to 3.8 kg per 1 sq. m.

Advantages of the hybrid: high yield of marketable products, excellent taste, friendly formation of early products.

The cabbage hybrid Express F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

Cabbage Gift, characteristics with photo

One of the best mid-late varieties of white cabbage for pickling and pickling. From the moment of planting seedlings to harvesting, 110-120 days pass.

Light green, dense heads of cabbage of round or flat-round shape seem to be covered with a waxy coating. Typically their weight is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.

The variety has excellent taste and is recommended for fresh consumption and for pickling.

It is advisable to plant seedlings according to the following scheme: 60 cm x 50 cm. This variety is recommended for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in other regions of Russia.

Yield of cabbage Gift : up to 10 kg per 1 square meter of planting (subject to compliance with the agricultural practices of this crop).

Cabbage Aggressor F1, description

A popular mid-late ripening (from germination to fruiting 115-120 days) hybrid of Dutch selection, with high growth rates, stable yields under any conditions and the ability for short-term storage (up to 5 months).

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, medium in size, leveled, dense, weighing 3-5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Does not require special care. Excellent for risky farming areas (Siberia and the Urals). Tolerates lack of nitrogen nutrition and adverse weather conditions well.

The high yield of marketable products and excellent taste make Aggressor cabbage ideal for fresh consumption, pickling and pickling. The hybrid is particularly resistant to damage by thrips and Fusarium wilt.

Aggressor cabbage yield : 4.3-6.5 kg per 1 sq.m (subject to agricultural practices).

Cabbage Slava-1305, description

A classic cabbage variety, most adapted to a wide variety of climatic conditions. Ripening time is 85-100 days.

The heads of cabbage are round, weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, dense.

This variety is considered one of the most productive middle varieties of white cabbage. In addition, it is lightweight, cold-resistant, and transportable. In addition, it has good taste. The dense, round heads of cabbage are light green on top and white on the inside.

Slava is the best variety of cabbage for pickling and pickling.

Productivity of Slava cabbage : up to 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Amager 611

A late-ripening variety of cabbage, ripening occurs 115-120 days after full germination. The heads of cabbage are round-flat, dense, weighing 3-3.5 kg.

Amager is the best variety of late cabbage; it is perfect for pickling. The taste only improves during storage.

Productivity of cabbage Amager 611 : 5 - 6 kg per 1 sq.m.

Late Moscow cabbage

One of the most productive large-fruited cabbage varieties.

The weight of one head of cabbage is usually 7-8 kg, the limit is 15 kg. The heads of cabbage are round and green.

This is one of the best varieties of cabbage for pickling.

Productivity of late Moscow cabbage : 10 - 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Megaton F1, description

High-yielding, medium-late (102 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, dense, weighing up to 15 kg. Megaton cabbage is the No. 1 hybrid for pickling, with high taste. Also suitable for processing and fresh consumption.

This is the most productive hybrid of medium-sized white cabbage. It is highly resistant to fusarium. It is demanding on soil moisture and needs high doses of fertilizers.

Yield of Megaton cabbage : 5.86 - 9.34 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cabbage Rinda F1

An excellent mid-early (95-105 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The heads of cabbage are large, round, with a dense and thin internal structure, weighing 5-8 kg, white when cut. The stalk is small. Intended for fresh consumption, fermentation and short-term storage (from 2 to 4 months).

White cabbage Rinda f1 is distinguished by its even heads, high yield in various climatic conditions, and the ability to be stored on the vine for a long time.

The productivity of Rinda cabbage is high.

Cabbage Nadezhda

Mid-season (from germination to ripening 115-135 days), productive variety of cabbage.

The head is flat-round, pale green, weighing up to 5 kg. Resistant to cracking. The taste is high. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and short-term storage (up to 3 months).

The transportability of the variety is good.

Nadezhda cabbage yield - up to 13 kg/m²


Cabbage Kolobok

A high-yielding late-ripening hybrid cabbage variety that ripens only on the 150th day from the moment of germination.

The heads of cabbage are dense, round, weighing up to 5 kg, resistant to cracking. The inner stalk is short. The heads of cabbage are green on top and white in cross section.

The variety is resistant to cabbage bacteriosis, as well as fusarium leaf wilt, white and gray rot. Kolobok cabbage is ideal for storing it for the winter, as well as for pickling. In good conditions, heads of cabbage of this variety can be stored until May next year.

Kolobok cabbage yield : 7 - 12 kg/sq. m.

We recommend sowing seeds for seedlings in mid-April. It is advisable to plant seedlings 50 days old in the ground according to a 50×70 cm pattern.

These are cabbage varieties and hybrids for open ground.

If you grow other varieties of cabbage and they delight you with excellent taste and abundant harvest, share their names with us in the comments. After all, it is impossible to try all the varieties at once, but you want to plant only the very best. If possible, attach a photo of the cabbage you grew.

Reviews from gardeners

  • Lyudmila
    For many years I have been growing cabbage “Podarok” and “Nadezhda” for pickling and for crumbling. Kroshevo is finely chopped green cabbage leaves with the addition of white ones. Pickled in a special way. The gift variety is just super! Hope sometimes cracks. Early cabbage - June. Valentina, Belorusskaya455 were not pleased in 2022.
  • Galkina Olga

    We plant several varieties. Megaton is a must, then Killoton, Tobia, Rinda, Atria, Transfer and others. We change varieties and add. We select the best from the grown heads. More often we leave huge heads of Megaton for salting. Last year we weighed it out of interest - 12 kg! Juicy, crispy, most importantly, white inside. Rinda is dense, but somewhat harsh and drier.

  • Tatiana

    For years now I have been growing cabbage in my garden: “Nadezhda”, a mid-late variety, is good for pickling and for salads, it tastes sweet, the only drawback is that it has dense veins inside the cabbage. Of the late varieties, the Zimovka variety is very good, the longer it is stored the taste becomes better, it is good at pickling.

  • Tatiana

    Atria F-1 is an excellent variety, I have been growing it for several years. Good for pickling and storage.


    try the ATRIYA F1 variety, good for pickling, productive

  • Faith

    With my 60 years of gardening experience, I recommend: for salads and pickling - Slava 1305, for storage - Langedijker (8-10 months in the cellar), weight 2-3 kg.

  • Valentina

    Salt Gloria, Nazomi early, Goodman colored. Permanent residence in my garden!

  • Irina

    I have been making sauerkraut for decades and I consider the Moscow late one to be the best. Yes, it is not easy to grow and is capricious to grow, but the taste is the best (although many new varieties have appeared, you can’t try them all). Regarding Amager, this is a maturing variety only and is not suitable for real fermentation. We have been going to markets and supplies for years, looking for cabbage for pickling. There are very few good ones, so real.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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