Planting cabbage in May 2022 according to the lunar calendar, favorable days

To get a good harvest of cabbage in the fall, it is best to plant the vegetable in May in accordance with the requirements of the lunar calendar.
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Its use will allow planting to be carried out on the most favorable day, which is very important in the context of healthy growth and development of the plant.

We will tell you in today’s article how to choose the most successful day in the lunar calendar and what tricks there are when planting cabbage.

How to choose the right day to transplant cabbage seedlings?

In most of Russia, cabbage is grown through seedlings. Despite the fact that this is a fairly cold-resistant vegetable, weather conditions often do not allow cabbage seeds to be planted directly in open ground.

But in order to transplant effectively, you need to know the suitable conditions for cabbage.

When can you plant cabbage in open ground in May?

When choosing the time to plant cabbage in May, they are guided by the night temperature. For rapid establishment and minimal loss of seedlings at night, the air must be stably warmed up to +8 degrees.

Typically, such weather occurs in central Russia in the first ten days of May. At this time, early ripening varieties of the crop are planted.

But mid-season and late varieties are planted later: after the 15th.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar and take into account the climatic features of your region.

When to plant cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse in May

You can plant cabbage in a greenhouse 7-10 days earlier. Therefore, you can safely plan to plant seedlings in a permanent place on the first May holidays.

Also, some seedlings can be planted in mid-May, when the moon is waxing. This is the most favorable time for the procedure according to the lunar calendar. Mid-season and late-ripening varieties should be planted at this time. Harvesting will then take place at the end of autumn.

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