Characteristics of the tomato variety Carpal Punch and agricultural cultivation techniques

Variety care

Tomato Explosion is considered an unpretentious variety.
Fruit setting occurs without additional processing. The variety rarely gets sick and is resistant to root and crown rot. By following proper care, you can reduce the likelihood of the spread of disease. As you can see from the photo and description, the Explosion tomato does not need pinching, but it is recommended to tie up the branches with fruits.

Explosion tomatoes can tolerate drought. However, the lack of moisture is stressful for plants, so it is recommended to constantly water the tomatoes. Fertilizing plants using mineral fertilizers will help improve fruiting.

Watering tomatoes

Explosion tomatoes require regular watering. The frequency of adding moisture depends on the stage of development of the tomatoes.

Tomatoes are watered every week, with one plant requiring up to 5 liters of water. When the fruits are forming, tomatoes need watering every 3 days, but during this period 3 liters of water is sufficient.

Advice! Tomatoes prefer warm water that has settled in barrels.

At the dacha, tomatoes are watered manually using a watering can. For extensive plantings, a drip irrigation system consisting of pipes and water containers is equipped. With its help, automatic moisture supply is ensured.

Watering is done in the morning or evening. After the procedure, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse to avoid increased humidity. Tomatoes are not watered during the day, since the sun's rays, when interacting with water and plants, cause burns.

Feeding scheme

As reviews and photos of those who planted the Explosion tomato show, the application of fertilizers has a positive effect on the yield of the variety. During the season, tomatoes are fed 3 times with minerals or using folk remedies.

Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of liquid mullein is applied before flowering begins.

This fertilizer stimulates the growth of greenery, so it is used with caution.

The most beneficial microelements for tomatoes are potassium and phosphorus. Potassium is responsible for the taste properties of tomatoes. Phosphorus improves plant metabolism and strengthens immunity.

Advice! For a 10 liter bucket of water, take 40 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Feeding with minerals can be alternated with folk remedies. The most effective fertilizer for tomatoes is wood ash. It can be embedded in the ground or used to produce a solution (50 g of ash per large bucket of water).

When fruits are forming, tomatoes are fed with sodium humate. Take one spoon of this fertilizer per large bucket of water. This feeding accelerates the ripening of tomatoes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Culture

People who previously planted cluster vegetables often encountered the problem of uneven ripening of the crop. However, now breeders have developed varieties that will ripen at the same time.

Read also: The best varieties for tomatoes

Many modern hand hybrids have the following advantages:

  • High quality fruits. The main feature of the culture is that ripe tomatoes retain their marketability and taste for a long time. A mature brush can hang on a bush for several months and not become overripe.
  • Tight attachment of tomatoes to the brushes. Tomato fruits do not fall off the brushes, as they are securely attached to them. Experienced gardeners advise harvesting whole trusses, since in this form they will be stored longer.
  • Same size tomatoes. All fruits that grow on the same cluster are the same size. Larger or smaller tomatoes can grow on adjacent clusters.
  • Resistant to cracking. Raceme tomatoes do not crack after picking and when grown in unfavorable conditions. This significantly increases the storage time of the crop.
  • Disease resistance. Hybrid tomatoes are resistant to pests and common diseases that can lead to the death of tomato bushes.

However, such tomatoes also have certain disadvantages that you should familiarize yourself with. The main disadvantage of such varieties is that they require care.

Harvesting and application

Harvesting begins at the end of July. If the crop is grown in greenhouse conditions, the fruits ripen 2-3 weeks earlier. Branches with tomatoes are carefully cut from the bush and stored in this form until the vegetables are sold or processed.

The use of the fruits of the variety in question is universal. Various salads and sauces are prepared from fresh tomatoes. The juicy pulp is ideal for juices. The average size of tomatoes allows you to prepare all kinds of twists for the winter. The durable skin can withstand heat treatment both when pouring boiling water and during sterilization.

Caring for plants in open ground

For a high-quality harvest, planted plants need constant care.

Watering, loosening and weeding

Tomatoes prefer to be watered at the root with settled water at a temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius. In cool spring weather, the water can be heated to 25 degrees Celsius. Moisture getting on the bushes themselves destroys the flowers and prevents them from setting.

The regularity of watering is determined by the weather: the top layer of soil should not dry out. This happens faster in open ground than in greenhouses. Excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases and rot.

After moistening the soil, it is advisable to loosen it. At the same time, remove weeds. Loosening allows the roots to breathe and receive moisture. This procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a month to a depth of 5 cm.

When the plants grow, along with loosening the soil, also carry out hilling to form adventitious roots.

Stepson and garter

When caring for Sultan tomatoes, pinching will be an important point for the quality of the crop. In determinate plants, 2-3 main stems are formed, removing all the stepsons. Towards the end of August, remove the top, flowers and small ovary to allow larger fruits to ripen and grow.

In warm climates with long summers, tomatoes may not need to be planted.

Sultan's short stature gives misleading ideas about the need for a garter. Inexperienced gardeners may decide that this variety does not need additional support, although this is not the case. Due to the high yield and large fruit, the plants begin to lean toward the ground and may break. To avoid injury to the bushes, use wooden pegs or trellises.

Top dressing

Over the entire growing season, tomatoes are fed 3-4 times. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic matter. Solutions of cow manure (1 to 10) or chicken manure (1 to 15) at the rate of 1 liter per bush are ideal as organic additives.

From mineral ones, choose complex ones containing phosphorus and potassium.

Watering and fertilizing

20 days after planting, it will be necessary to apply the first fertilizer. It is necessary to choose complex compositions. Today there is a fairly wide range of high-quality fertilizers for growing tomatoes on sale.

When preparing the soil in a greenhouse, it is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, especially nitrogen-containing ones. This can affect the rapid growth of greenery, to the detriment of the appearance of fruits

Watering tomatoes should be timely and moderate. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. Feeding should be done at least 4 times a season. It is worth giving preference to fertilizers containing potassium

This is very important, because cluster tomatoes need properly selected fertilizer

In addition to frequent watering, the soil must be well loosened. This should be done as often as possible. The soil must always be loose. This ensures the necessary humidity. In addition, the soil can be sprinkled with sawdust, this will prevent the soil from drying out. The greenhouse must be ventilated after watering. This will prevent the appearance of fungus that destroys the plant.

Characteristics of tomato Carpal f1 and cultivation of a hybrid variety

Tomato Carpal f1, the characteristics and description of the variety of which correspond to the first generation hybrids, is highly resistant to diseases. The fruits have an attractive appearance and retain their taste for a long time.

Advantages of a hybrid

The variety Kistevoy belongs to the selection of Russian agrobiologists and represents one of the varieties of brush tomatoes. Cultivation conditions depend on the climatic characteristics of the region.

Mostly the hybrid is grown in protected soil (film, polycarbonate, glazed greenhouses). Reviews from vegetable growers indicate the popularity of the variety.

According to its characteristics, the tomato is one of the best truss-type tomatoes. The hybrid is highly resistant to diseases of nightshade crops. After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for a long time.

A tomato with an average early ripening period begins to bear fruit 90 days after planting the seedlings in the ground in a permanent place. The indeterminate bush reaches a height of 180 cm during the growing season. Plants with an average number of leaves.

Flowers are collected in simple inflorescences. The hybrid is characterized by a high rate of set; up to 18 fruits ripen in a cluster. The productivity of the variety reaches 36 kg of tomatoes per 1 m². The hybrid bears fruit for a long period.

Tomatoes are distinguished by their round shape, intense red color, rich aroma, and excellent taste. The weight of ripe fruit reaches 90-110 g. The tomato has a glossy surface and medium density. The fruits are not prone to cracking during harvest ripening.

The hybrid is resistant to various viral diseases of nightshade crops. The plant tolerates a lack of sunlight well and easily adapts to negative natural factors when grown in open ground.

With a lack of heat, it shows stable fruiting. Thanks to their dense skin and pulp, tomatoes retain their appearance during transportation. Tomatoes are removed from the bush with brushes. This method of cleaning allows you to extend the shelf life.

Agricultural cultivation technology

The Carpal hybrid is best grown in seedlings. Seeds are placed in a container with the prepared soil mixture to a depth of 1 cm. The soil is lightly compacted and watered with warm water using a sprayer.

The container is covered with film until the seeds hatch. For the friendly appearance and normal development of sprouts, provide a temperature of at least +21°C. Seedlings require a light regime, so fluorescent lamps are used to extend the day.

In the phase of formation of 1-2 true leaves, plants are picked into separate containers. For this purpose, it is better to use peat pots, with which you can plant bushes directly into the ground.

When diving, it is recommended to slightly shorten the root to stimulate the formation of the root system. For each sprout you need to use a separate container with substrate.

Before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings are hardened off for 7-10 days. To ensure high productivity of the hybrid, complex fertilizers are periodically applied according to the manufacturer’s scheme.

The Kistevoy variety needs special watering, which is carried out only after sunset. Warm water is applied at the root. To regulate the balance of moisture and air in the soil, loosening and hilling are carried out.

To ensure even distribution of moisture, it is recommended to mulch the soil using non-woven black fiber. Using last year's grass and straw as mulch serves as an additional source of organic nutrition for the crop.

A tall crop requires tying to a trellis or support. When planting per 1 m², it is recommended to plant no more than 3 bushes to provide each plant with sufficient space.

Farmer reviews

Vladimir Sergeevich, Krasnodar region

Every year, in addition to my favorite tomato varieties, I plant new hybrids as an experiment. Last season I experienced a wrist shot. The seedlings quickly gain growth, the bushes are tall (some specimens reached 1.8 m). On the positive side: the plant tolerates cool summers with regular rains. In this case, the presentation of the crop is not lost. The fruits are stored for a long time.

Olga, Belgorod region.

I have been growing the Carpal hybrid for two seasons in a row. The tomato is easy to care for and does not require a lot of sunlight, which is important for my modest-sized plot. The crop consistently bears fruit regardless of weather conditions (the seasons differed greatly in temperature and amount of precipitation). I also liked the fact that the fruiting period is long. The tomatoes ripen gradually; I have time to process them. Due to its taste, the variety is ideal for juice and other preserves.

Semyon Alekseevich, Kursk

I have been growing carpal strike on my summer cottage not long ago. High-yielding tomato, suitable for any type of processing. The skin is medium thick. This makes it possible to roll up assorted vegetables. All components retain their excellent appearance. Caring for a tomato is simple. The main advantage of the variety is resistance to diseases, low requirements for illumination of the bed, and good shelf life.

Watch a video about raceme tomatoes:

Description of the tomato variety Simpatyaga, its characteristics and yield

The Pretty tomato is a mid-season, indeterminate, high-yielding variety intended for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses.

Characteristics and cultivation features

The bush is undersized. The average height is 50 cm. There is practically no need to remove the stepsons, but tying it to the support is necessary. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. Seedlings are sown 60–65 days before planting in a permanent place. For seed germination, the soil temperature should be maintained at 23–25 °C. On one square No more than 4 plants are grown per meter of plot. Number of slots - from 6.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of the Sipatyaga variety have a round or flat-round shape, pink-raspberry color, weight 150–200 g. They are not prone to cracking. They have a slightly sweet taste.

Tomato care measures

Proper care of the variety includes the following actions:

  • Regular watering with warm water.
  • Timely weeding.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (it is best if the composition contains phosphorus and potassium).

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato

Among the positive characteristics of the variety, experts note the following features:

  • High and stable yield.
  • Resistance to unfavorable growing conditions.
  • Good taste.
  • Immunity to major tomato diseases.

The downside of this variety is that it cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Gardeners' ratings

Pretty tomatoes are widely known among summer residents. We invite you to read useful reviews from those who have already planted this variety.

Alexandra Andreevna, Perm region, Berezniki:

“I planted cute this year for the first time. The variety made a wonderful impression. Smooth, beautiful, juicy fruits with bright color and excellent taste. If the growing conditions are met, you will be very pleased with the harvest. I recommend this variety to all lovers of good tomatoes.”

Varvara Stanislavovna, Saransk:

“I heard positive characteristics of the Simpatyaga variety from my neighbors in the country. I decided to grow a couple of bushes on my site. In the end, I regretted adding so little salt. The tomato turned out to be really worthy. Easy to care for, not capricious. And the fruits are equally suitable for both fresh salads and all kinds of homemade preparations.”

Oksana Borisovna, Novomoskovsk, Tula region:

“I planted tomato seedlings in early March in strict accordance with the planting calendar. I planted them in the garden beds in May. I tied it up, but did not remove the extra shoots, because... there were practically none. I reaped an excellent harvest by my standards - 4.5 kg of fairly large tomatoes per square meter. Tomatoes are ideal for salads, pickling and juicing. Next year I’ll plant Pretty again and more.”

Alisa, Kirov: “The tomato is wonderful. My family really liked the juicy, sweet, fleshy fruits. And my friends, who tried tomatoes, asked for seeds and now grow them themselves.”

The description of the Nice tomato and the opinions of the gardeners who grow it show that this variety combines a large number of positive qualities. This means that it is definitely worthy of your attention. We recommend planting several bushes on your summer cottage to see for yourself.

Planting in the ground and caring for tomatoes

When the seedlings grow up and a stable warm temperature is established outside, Vernost tomatoes are planted in open ground.

It is first recommended to harden off young plants that grew on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. To do this, boxes with seedlings are taken outside during the week before planting.

The first day they are left in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes, and in subsequent days the hardening time is gradually increased. This procedure must be carried out to increase the resistance of plants to low temperatures, which often occur in spring.

Although the Vernost variety is not picky about soil quality, it is still recommended to plant tomatoes in slightly acidic or neutral soil fertilized with humus. This will allow you to grow strong, healthy bushes and get a good harvest.

The distance between rows should be 70 cm, between bushes - 40. Seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern, two seedlings in one hole and immediately filled with plenty of water.

When planting more than 400-500 bushes, it is advisable to make trenches along the entire length of the row rather than holes around each plant. This will save time when watering tomatoes with a hose in the future.

In dense plantings with a large number of weeds, various diseases and pests often develop. Therefore, every 2-3 weeks it is necessary to clear the beds of weeds, preventing them from growing.

When the height of the bushes reaches 50-60 cm, they need to be tied to supports.


A week after planting the hybrid variety Vernost in the ground, the bushes begin to be fed. For this purpose, nitrogen fertilizers are used, which promote the growth of stems and green mass. An excess of nitrogen can cause underdevelopment of flower clusters, so preparations containing this substance must be applied strictly according to the instructions on the package.

In addition to nitrogen, young plants need potassium and phosphorus supplements. Sulfur, calcium, and manganese are also useful for tomatoes. Mineral fertilizers improve plant growth and the taste characteristics of fruits, increase their resistance to diseases and pests, and prevent the occurrence of fungal and viral diseases.

The following fertilizers are used for Vernost tomatoes:

  • Chicken droppings.
  • Mullein.
  • Urea.
  • Ammonium nitrate.
  • Ammophos.
  • Ash.
  • Superphosphate.
  • Colloidal sulfur.
  • Calimagnesia and others.

For convenience, you can use complex fertilizers - Kemira Plus, Mortar, Universal, Nitroammofoska. The plants are fed until the fruits begin to ripen.

It is also recommended to add a solution with a nutrient mixture to the hole when planting seedlings.

How to grow seedlings

The seedling method is considered the most productive way to grow Carpal tomatoes. There is no need to spend money on seedlings. You can grow high-quality seedlings yourself.

Seed preparation

Sowing of seeds is planned a couple of months before transferring the seedlings to open ground. Planting material is carefully sorted, small specimens with signs of damage are removed. The remaining seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate for disinfection.

You need to keep the gauze napkin with the preparation in the solution for 20-30 minutes. After this, the bag is rinsed with clean water, and the seeds are laid out to dry under natural conditions (without the use of heating devices).

Reference! To increase seed germination, it is recommended to treat with a growth stimulator.

Container and soil

For sowing, you can choose plastic containers, wooden boxes or peat pots. The height of the sides of the container should not exceed 15 cm. Fill the container with soil mixture purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

  • When using ready-made soil, preference is given to a universal mixture or special soil for tomatoes.
  • The homemade composition includes the following components: garden fertile soil, peat, humus, river sand. Bulk materials must be heated in the oven for disinfection before mixing.

Disease resistance of the variety

Explosion tomatoes withstand drought well. They are suitable for working gardeners who grow crops in their dachas without automated watering. If the soil is not regularly moistened, the number of cracked fruits will be minimal.

Explosion tomatoes are highly resistant to various rots, including blossom end rot. It also suffers less from late blight than other varieties, although the main crop yields before the massive development of the disease.

This does not mean that preventive treatments can be ignored. It’s just that their effectiveness on Explosion tomatoes is higher than when spraying other varieties.

Description of the Purple Candle tomato and growing the variety in seedlings

The unusual early-ripening tomato Purple Candle has a number of advantages. This variety produces a good harvest and high-quality tasty fruits.

The plant does not require any special trouble when growing. All the basic rules for planting nightshades are fully suitable for the Purple Candle variety.

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings in open ground. But in the northern regions, plants will still be better off in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Experienced vegetable growers leave good reviews about the Purple Candle variety, characterizing it as hardy, strong and resistant to many diseases.

Description of the variety and its characteristics

The plant belongs to the indeterminate species. An adult bush reaches about 1.7-2 m. It has a powerful root system.

Gardeners recommend forming the plant into 1-2 stems to increase productivity. Such a tall bush needs support. When the fruits ripen, it is worth tying up the branches.

The brushes of the Purple Candle variety are complex. One can bear up to 12 fruits. The first tassel is formed above the 7th leaf. There are 5-6 brushes on each stem. The foliage fills the bush medium-sized, light green in color, usually slightly elongated.

Purple Candle tomatoes are early ripening varieties. From the moment of the first shoots to the full ripening of tomatoes, 105-110 days pass.

Features of the fruit:

Tomatoes of the Purple Candle variety attract attention primarily for their appearance. They have an elongated cylindrical shape that looks like a candle. The tomato reaches 12-15 cm in length

The weight of one fruit is about 110 g. Inside the fruit there are small seeds, which are located in four chambers. The color is rich, closer to a crimson hue. The peel is dense and smooth, but matte without gloss. The tomato is not prone to cracking. The pulp is dense and sugary, aromatic and juicy. These tomatoes have an excellent taste; they are suitable for fresh consumption and for preparing various dishes. They are also used for preservation. The fruits can be picked at the stage of milky ripeness. They are able to ripen

The length of a tomato reaches 12-15 cm. The weight of one fruit is about 110 g. Inside the fruit there are small seeds, which are placed in four chambers. The color is rich, closer to a crimson hue. The peel is dense and smooth, but matte without gloss. The tomato is not prone to cracking. The pulp is dense and sugary, aromatic and juicy. These tomatoes have an excellent taste; they are suitable for fresh consumption and for preparing various dishes. They are also used for preservation. The fruits can be picked at the stage of milky ripeness. They are able to ripen.

Tomato productivity is high. With proper agricultural technology, up to 9 kg of fruit can be harvested from 1 m². Tomatoes can be stored for about 4 weeks in a cool and dry place. The fruits are quite suitable for long-distance transportation. They fully retain their presentation.

How to grow tomato seedlings

Seedlings are prepared 55-60 days before planting in open ground. Sowing of seeds is carried out in shallow containers with nutritious soil. It is better to purchase ready-made soil in a store; ordinary soil will need to be enriched with peat and sand.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm, watered and covered with film. The seedlings are kept under the film until the first shoots emerge. Then the film is removed and the box is taken to light in a warm room. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 18°C. The most suitable temperature for seedlings is 22-25°C.

Picking is carried out with the appearance of two leaves on the sprouts. Plants should be planted immediately in peat containers. When planting in a permanent place, the pots are simply dug into the ground with sprouts. This method avoids damage to young roots and promotes rapid adaptation of seedlings to the new soil. Many gardeners recommend using a sieve or spray bottle for watering when growing seedlings so as not to disturb the top layer of soil.

Seedlings should be planted in fertilized soil. For this, humus, nitrogen, potassium, superphosphates and other complex minerals are used. The soil should be moist and loose; no more than 4 bushes should be planted per 1 m².

After planting, the beds are watered with warm water and the holes are mulched with natural material in the form of sawdust or straw. 10 days after planting, the seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers.

Further plant care is as follows:

  • regular watering;
  • loosening the soil and weeding the beds;
  • preventive spraying against fungus and pests;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • garter of branches when fruits ripen;
  • regular removal of stepchildren.

The Purple Candle variety has excellent reviews. It is unpretentious in care and produces a rich and high-quality harvest.

Characteristics and description of Japanese tomatoes

Growing Japanese tomatoes is a very interesting and entertaining activity. Today, every owner of a plot of land can choose a variety that is suitable for certain characteristics. Some of the foreign hybrids have low growth rates and can be grown in a room or on a balcony. Others are intended only for street landing.

For a novice gardener, a large assortment of “Japanese” products can frighten, confuse and mislead. Tomato varieties recommended by sellers do not always meet the requirements that consumers expect from them. Therefore, experts recommend that you first familiarize yourself and thoroughly study the “new product” on the domestic market before making your choice.

Japanese Crab

The popularity of the Japanese Crab tomato is caused by the taste of its fruit. This tomato is very sweet, its flesh is dense and has almost no seeds. This description of the vegetable makes it ideal for preparing cold appetizers. In addition, the connection between the name of the variety and the vegetable itself is also interesting. The fact is that the shape of a tomato resembles a crab, since the fruit of this hybrid is slightly flattened and has noticeable protrusions on top.

Domestic gardeners who grow this Japanese tomato variety highlight the following features:

  1. This tomato bush is tall. The height of the stem, with proper care, can reach 160-170 cm.
  2. This "Japanese" has large thick green leaves. But the impressive landscaping doesn't overshadow the clusters of pink tomatoes.
  3. Productivity is high and long lasting. When grown in a greenhouse, you can have a good supply for the winter, because this variety actively produces crops until mid-autumn.
  4. Resistant immunity to diseases and pests. With proper care, the risk of rot, tobacco mosaic and other diseases is minimal.

A person who decides to plant this hybrid on his plot of land must go through the standard period of growing seedlings from seeds and planting them. You should not start sowing in open ground right away, because the chances of seedlings appearing are minimal.

Japanese Truffle

The fruits of this variety can change their color

Characteristics of the Japanese Truffle tomato is its advantage. The fact is that the fruits of this plant, in addition to their amazing taste, can change their color depending on the duration of ripening. So, a tomato that has set on a bunch may be pink, but after a few days it will turn bright red. In addition, when overripe, such a tomato turns black.

The description of this variety also has its own characteristics. The bush of this hybrid is vigorous, with dense landscaping. The fruits are shaped like a pear. Their pulp is dense, with a minimal number of seed chambers. The skin is not susceptible to cracking. These qualities of tomatoes make them suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

Japanese creeping

The description of the Japanese creeping tomato makes this variety unlike other varieties of tomatoes. Of the “Japanese”, this is the shortest tomato. Its peculiarity is associated with the size of the shoots, which spread 60-70 cm wide. The height of such a bush is small and rarely exceeds 25 cm in height.

Numerous reviews about this hybrid are related to its appearance during the flowering period. The fact is that its flowers are bright yellow. Flowers, like golden decorations, decorate a spreading green bush

In addition, the fruit ovaries that form later also attract attention. Small clusters of red tomatoes, weighing no more than 100 grams, resemble in their appearance the world-famous Cherry tomatoes. In addition, these mini tomatoes are great for canning.

In addition, these mini tomatoes are great for canning.


No less popular in Russia and neighboring countries are the varieties “Senkara” or “Japanese Rose”. These hybrids have average height. They require molding into 1-2 stems when grown in open ground or in a greenhouse. The fruit cluster of the Senkara variety has impressive size and weight. A “bunch” of large pink tomatoes, weighing 250-280 grams, will ripen by mid-June. The indicators of the Japanese rose are more modest. The cluster of this hybrid includes 5-6 bright red tomatoes, weighing no more than 140 grams.


The hybrid "Tisato" deserves special attention. Among the people, such a tomato deservedly received the title of giant. The fact is that this powerful plant actively grows and bears fruit in any climatic conditions. The only thing this “Japanese” doesn’t like is frost. The variety gives a good harvest on any soil, despite rainy or hot summers. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of fruit. In addition, the brush can only hold 5-6 tomatoes, weighing 250-280 g.

Specific characteristic

Previously, gardeners also grew so-called cluster tomatoes. But the fruits on them did not ripen at the same time, and also, their size was not the same. After breeders began transforming such varieties, it became possible to pick ripe, juicy fruits at the same time, along with a dense brush that securely holds the tomatoes even during transportation.

The varieties of grape tomatoes cultivated today can be described as follows:

  1. Tomatoes on a bunch ripen almost simultaneously. After the lowermost fruits ripen, the upper ones still retain their presentation and do not lose their taste. A ripe brush can remain on the bush for about a month without reaching the stage of overripeness.
  2. The tomatoes are tightly attached to the branch. They can be collected together with a brush, and even light shaking and transportation over fairly long distances does not cause damage to the stalk. You can be sure that all the tomatoes will remain on the bunch.
  3. Tomatoes are the same size on the same bunch. If their size were different, the overall appearance would suffer, which affects their cost.
  4. Resistance to creases allows you to be sure during fruit filling that the clusters will be intact and the fruits will ripen successfully in the garden.
  5. Carpal varieties of tomatoes are distinguished by their ability to reliably resist cracking of fruits, despite unsuitable weather conditions or insufficient care for them.

In addition, the hybrids created by breeders are characterized by increased productivity, resistance to many types of diseases and pests of tomatoes, as well as early ripening. Another positive feature of such vegetables is that they do not require frequent fruit picking.

Protection from pests and diseases

The tops of this hybrid can be affected by several fungal diseases, including late blight, cladosporiosis, and macrosporiosis. Therefore, both preventive and therapeutic treatments are advisable.

For prevention, it is useful to spray with a biofungicide, for example, Alirin-B or Baktofit in a preventive concentration (for Alirin: 1 tablet/1 liter of water) in combination with an immunity inducer, for example, Immunocytophyte or Bak-Ecogel and a microfertilizer, such as Uniflor-micro, Cytovit, Aquadon-micro. For maximum effect, biofungicides should be applied three times with an interval of 5-7 days. At the initial stage of the disease, you can get by with the use of fungicides, including chemical ones, such as Ordan, Profit, 1% Bordeaux mixture. In addition, the spread of infections can be curbed with the help of the drug Farmayod. Macrosporiasis can sometimes be cured by Alirin-B. In any case, when choosing a drug, one must take into account the waiting period for a particular drug and the presence of fruits. That is, if there are less than 20 days left before they ripen, then conventional chemical fungicides cannot be used.

Now regarding pests. One of the first pests that begin to feed on tomatoes are wireworms - the larvae of click beetles. To protect against them, there are both chemical and biological preparations. The first include Provotox, and the second include Nemabact and Anthonem-F. Of the ground pests, whiteflies and cutworms can cause damage to tomatoes. Against whiteflies, we can recommend Iskra, Inta-vir, and against cutworm caterpillars gnawing on fruits, it is better to use one of such biological products as Fitoverm and Lepidocid.

Description of the tomato variety Carpal Punch, its characteristics and cultivation

Tomatoes have long become one of the most popular crops from the nightshade family. The beneficial properties and taste of the plant annually encourage breeders to create more resistant and productive varieties. Tomato Carpal blow f1 is a hybrid variety cultivated by Russian breeders. The originator was .

General information about tomato

The Carpal Impact tomato variety is intended for cultivation in all types of greenhouses. The undemanding hybrid also bears fruit in unprotected soil, provided the climatic conditions are suitable. Description of external parameters and technical characteristics:

  • Early ripening hybrid, fruit ripening speed up to 105 days.
  • Indeterminate.
  • Carpal hybrid.
  • Average foliage.
  • High yield, up to 27 kilograms per square meter.
  • Compact bush.
  • Simple type of inflorescence.
  • Formation of the first inflorescence above 9–11 leaves.
  • The frequency of formation of inflorescences is every three leaves.
  • Stable immunity to many viruses and diseases: tomato mosaic, yellow leaf curl, nematodes, fusarium wilt.
  • Designed for collection with brushes.
  • High marketability.
  • Suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

Reviews from gardeners confirm the positive qualities of the plant declared by the originator. The fruits have the following characteristics:

  • Round shape.
  • Rich red color.
  • No green spots.
  • Smoothness.
  • Medium density.
  • The average weight does not exceed 150 grams.
  • Positive taste qualities.
  • No tendency to crack.
  • Juicy, not watery.
  • There is no sourness present.

IMPORTANT! The commercial quality of the fruits is preserved for a period not exceeding one month. Tomato belongs to salad varieties

The berry is recommended for fresh consumption, making pasta, and stuffing. The tomato is suitable for preparing preparations and drying

Tomato belongs to the salad varieties. The berry is recommended for fresh consumption, making pasta, and stuffing. The tomato is suitable for preparing preparations and drying.

Cultivation Recommendations

The best yield indicator is obtained when using seedling planting techniques. Strong sprouts require compliance with simple rules of agricultural technology:

  • Plant seeds 1–2 centimeters deep.
  • Organization of separate containers for each bush.
  • Maintaining air temperature from 21 degrees.
  • Picking when two leaves appear.
  • Moistening the soil with water at room temperature.
  • Good illumination of the room, daylight hours from 16 hours.
  • Preliminary hardening of seedlings before planting.

The hybrid variety is recommended to be planted according to a 70x40 cm pattern, with no more than four bushes per square meter of land.

Caring for a tomato consists of following the standard rules for tall varieties of tomatoes. You should water it on time, remove weeds, loosen and feed the bushes. Inert tomatoes should be tied up and the brushes should be supported with supports. It is advisable to use high greenhouses.

Gardeners' opinions

Good day! For gardeners and tomato lovers, I recommend the hybrid variety Carpal Impact. The plant is not capricious, the yield is high. Fruits can be collected in clusters or one at a time. The taste is excellent. I recommend.

Anna Schwartz, 54 years old

Good afternoon! I discovered the Carpal Stroke tomato last summer. The early variety loves feeding and greenhouse growing conditions. It is important to install supports and tie them up in time. The effort is justified by a good harvest and sweet berries. I recommend!

Vasilisa Petrova, 43 years old

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