Description of the Miracle of Altai tomato, characteristics and cultivation techniques

The Altai Miracle tomato was bred by specialists in the last years of the last century and today the plant is included in the state register of the best breeding achievements. Experts set themselves the goal of creating tomatoes that would be able to produce high yields in the climate of the Siberian regions. Thanks to the efforts of specialists, a variety appeared, called the Miracle of Altai. The description of the variety indicates possible cultivation in greenhouses and open ground conditions.

The characteristics of the tomato classify it as an interdeterminate type, that is, the growth of the main stem occurs constantly. In open ground, the height of the bush varies from 1.3 to 1.6 meters. In a greenhouse this value may be slightly higher. Due to its high growth, the plant must be tied up, and the supports must be higher than the height of the main trunks.

The plant has powerful trunks, characterized by good strength and a shade of emerald green foliage. The Altai variety has a good ability to set fruit at low temperatures. The bush can easily withstand the weight of the fruit and does not break, so additional tying of the clusters is not required.

Description of tomato variety Miracle of the Earth

In addition to the Miracle of the Earth tomato, the Miracle of the World variety is known, but these are completely different tomatoes, although in some articles you can find the opinion that these are two names of the same variety. The miracle of the earth bears fruit with truly wonderful tomatoes, which with their size and beautiful colors inspire optimism and make you want to try this miracle fruit as soon as possible. Of course, it cannot be called ideal (nothing is ideal), but many gardeners have been chasing real seeds of this tomato for the second decade.

Origin and region of cultivation

The Miracle of the Earth tomato was bred in Novosibirsk at the beginning of this millennium, and in 2004 an application was submitted for its registration in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. Since Vladimir Nikolaevich Dederko, the author of the variety, is listed as an individual entrepreneur, Miracle of the Earth is considered a variety of amateur selection.

Soon the application was registered, and the variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2006. It is recommended for all climatic regions where it is, in principle, possible to grow tomatoes. It is officially recommended to plant this tomato in unprotected soil; it is believed that it is intended for personal plots. Since the bushes are not very small, the Miracle of the Earth is often planted in greenhouses, especially in regions with a harsh climate.

It still remains a big problem to acquire real seeds of this tomato. Due to the fact that there are fakes, in reviews you can often read unflattering opinions about the tomato, which, as it turns out, is simply not a genuine Wonder of the Earth. Fortunately, this tomato is not a hybrid, so you can get the “right” seeds from your own harvest, which is what amateur gardeners take advantage of, passing the baton to neighbors and just good friends.

Video: tomato seeds with a description of the variety

General characteristics of the variety

The Miracle of the Earth tomato belongs to the salad varieties, but it can be used in different forms, except, of course, for whole-fruit canning: not a single tomato of this variety, except those that have clearly not grown to the required size, will simply fit into a standard glass jar. The variety is mid-season and very productive: up to 14 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m2, even in problematic climatic regions.

The plant, according to the State Register, is determinant, that is, its growth is limited. However, the bush is rather large, sometimes growing up to one and a half meters, or even more. Apparently, this is why it is often written on the packet of seeds that the variety is indeterminate. The leaves are regular size, dark green. The variety is very hardy, easily tolerating both cold and drought, and is resistant to diseases. In humid summer conditions, fruit cracking is minimal. They can be stored well and withstand transportation very well.

According to the description given in the State Register, the fruits of the Miracle of the Earth have a round shape with medium ribbing. However, this is not always the case; the shape of the fruit is not correct, and on one bush there may be tomatoes of slightly different shapes, among which truly spherical ones are rare. They can be flattened and almost heart-shaped, like the Bull's heart or the Nobleman, but they are invariably large: from 400 g and above, sometimes up to a kilogram. As a rule, the fruits grow in clusters, up to 8 pieces each.

Even two Wonder of the Earth tomatoes growing side by side can differ in shape

The number of seed nests in the fruit is from four, the skin is dense. Ripe tomatoes are pink-raspberry in color. The taste is considered good, but many lovers say it is excellent. The pulp is pink, sweet, juicy. In addition to fresh consumption, this variety is good for various sauces, tomato juice and other preparations.

Tomato Miracle of Altai - description and characteristics of the variety

While working on the Miracle of Altai variety, breeders set themselves, as it seemed at that time, impossible tasks. The plant had to be distinguished by a high level of productivity, provided it grew in the regions of Siberia. The Miracle of Altai variety met the breeders' expectations. This plant can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in open beds.

Features of the variety

The Miracle of Altai tomato belongs to the interdeterminate, mid-season varieties. The height of the bush, provided it grows in open areas, reaches 1.6 m. The plant, which is grown in greenhouse conditions, can reach 2 m in height. Tomato bushes of this variety need to be tied to a support. The first ripened berries are harvested 3 months after germination of the first shoots.

The trunk of the plant is powerful, with dense foliage of a rich, emerald hue. Experienced vegetable growers note one of the main features of the variety - ovaries are formed on the bushes even under conditions of low temperature.

The miracle of Altai is characterized by high productivity. When plants grow in a closed greenhouse, up to 15 kg of ripe berries are collected from 1 square meter. Moreover, each bush grows at least 4 kg of tomatoes. If the plant is grown in open summer cottages, the yield may decrease.

Fruit characteristics

The fruiting period is conventionally divided into two waves:

  1. The first ripened fruits are large, the weight of each of them can reach 350 g.
  2. The second wave is characterized by a high level of productivity, but during this period there is a decrease in the size and weight of tomatoes. The weight of each berry varies between 150 and 200 g.

The fruits of the Miracle of Altai variety are oval in shape. Ripe berries are colored a rich shade of red. The pulp of this variety of tomatoes combines density and juiciness. The taste characteristics of the Miracle of Altai are very high. The tomato has a sweet taste with a slight, barely noticeable sourness.

Unripe fruits tolerate transportation well. They mature during transportation and retain their appearance.

Housewives use tomatoes to prepare first and second courses and salads. In addition, the fruits are prepared for the winter in their entirety.

When and how does maturation occur?

Miracle of Altai belongs to the mid-season varieties in terms of ripening characteristics. The first fruits are harvested 90 days after the first shoots appear. Fruiting lasts a long time and is distinguished by its full yield. Clusters of tomatoes ripen in waves.

Tomato has a high yield. When growing in greenhouses, there are from 10 to 15 kg of vegetables per 1 m2. One plant bush on average brings from 4 to kg of vegetables. In open ground conditions, the yield is slightly lower, but under good weather conditions it can correspond to the values ​​of greenhouse cultivation.

Altai pink tomato description

Characteristics and description of the variety

The tomato is high-yielding, late-ripening (it begins to ripen only 110-115 days from the date of sowing the seeds). Berry picking continues from mid-summer until the first frost. Semi-ripe fruits ripen well at room temperature and do not lose their taste and aroma. The plants are indeterminate, their height reaches 1.5 m, in a greenhouse they can grow up to 2 m. The leaves are large, dark green in color. Bushes form 1-3 stems. With any method of formation, they must be tied to a support and pinched.

On each plant, from 4 to 6 clusters are formed, which, in turn, bear 3-5 ribbed, round-flat berries of a warm pink color. Their average weight is from 200 to 400 g. The yield from 1 bush is at least 5 kg. Tomatoes are fleshy, with small seed chambers that are located closer to the walls. The taste is good (sweet and sour notes are felt), the fruits are sugary, dry matter up to 6%. The skin of the fruit, although thin, does not crack. Tomatoes retain their presentation for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

Altai pink tomato is suitable for fresh consumption, making salads, sandwiches, purees and juice.

Features of growing the variety

It is better to grow tomatoes of this variety in seedlings. All procedures are standard: seed disinfection, treatment with growth stimulants. For sowing, it is better to choose separate containers, then you will not have to pick the seedlings during the development process. After sowing, the container is covered with plastic film or glass, ensuring their germination temperature is not lower than 25*C.

Plants are planted in a permanent habitat, maintaining a distance between bushes of up to 50 cm, and a row spacing of up to 70 cm.

Crop rotation is also important to consider. If it is not possible to provide it, the top layer of soil in the greenhouse is replaced with a new one (fertile soil is mixed with sand and peat). Fertilizer is added to each hole before planting.

Fertilizer is added to each hole before planting.

Rods or stakes are installed near the planted bushes, and tomatoes are then tied to them

Fertilizer is added to each hole before planting. Rods or stakes are installed near the planted bushes, and tomatoes are then tied to them.

Plants are moistened with warm water that has been standing for 24 hours. Water the tomatoes as needed, focusing on drying the top layer. Be sure to loosen the soil so that a crust does not form, which will prevent air from reaching the roots.

During the season, 3-4 feedings are carried out, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. When forming a bush, all the stepsons are removed, and if the plant is very elongated, the top is pinched. To improve air circulation and provide sunlight to the lower fruits, the leaves are also thinned. During the period when berries are intensively knitted, flowers of irregular shape and small size are removed.

Ripe fruits are harvested every week. This will provide the plant with the opportunity to devote all its strength to the growth and development of the remaining tomatoes on the bushes.

Tomatoes of the Altai pink variety have good immunity to infectious diseases, but periodic preventive measures will not harm it. To prevent diseases, plants are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. Timely loosening and removal of weeds helps to get rid of root rot.

Harmful insects attack tomatoes not only in open beds; they also get into the greenhouse. Therefore, you should constantly inspect the bushes; most often they become active during the period when the ovaries appear. Before fruiting begins, plants can be treated with insecticides, and when the berries begin to ripen, folk secrets should be used.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Awareness about the positive and negative qualities of the Altai pink tomato allows summer residents to decide how suitable this variety is for them. There are many arguments in favor of cultivating these tomatoes:

  1. High yield. Compliance with all agrotechnical requirements during cultivation makes it possible to collect from 1 m2 to 10 kg of fruit (data on greenhouse tomatoes). In open ground this figure is slightly lower - from 5 to 7 kg.
  2. Taste qualities, size of berries, aesthetic indicators (color, appetizing appearance) have earned high praise from summer residents.
  3. Resistance to diseases and natural disasters. This reduces processing costs during cultivation.
  4. Unpretentiousness of the variety. It can go without watering for some time; caring for plants requires minimal effort.

Main types of tomatoes

Depending on their growth, tomatoes are divided into several types:

  • standard,
  • indeterminate,
  • semi-determinate,
  • determinant.

Let's take a closer look at each variety.


These are the shortest tomatoes, distinguished by their compact bush size and thick stem. Standard varieties are not the most productive varieties; their main advantage is their early ripening.

The main advantages of the type include:

  • resistance to adverse factors - drought, frost;
  • thick stem, thanks to which the plant does well without tying;
  • tight fit due to compact size;
  • shallow roots, allowing active absorption of water and additional nutrients;
  • good transportability of fruits.

Standard crops are grown mainly in greenhouses and greenhouses; it is advisable to plant them in open ground only in the southern regions.

Standard varieties include the following varieties:

  1. Cameo is an early-ripening variety with smooth fruits, juicy pulp and a pleasant aroma.
  2. Buyan - the average weight of cylindrical fruits is 90 g. Excellent for preservation, resistant to the vagaries of weather, tobacco mosaic.
  3. Yamal is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests. With proper care, you get a good harvest of dense, rounded fruits weighing 70-100 g.


The stem of indeterminate tomatoes reaches 2-4 m in height, so varieties must be tied up. To limit the plant's growth, pinch the top of the stem. This variety is characterized by long-term fruiting; in heated greenhouses, the plant bears fruit throughout the year.


  • high yield - 14-17 kg/m²;
  • stable immunity to fungal diseases and the vagaries of nature.

The disadvantages include the mandatory strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology, especially when forming a plant bush.

Among the many indeterminate crops there are:

  1. Angel F1 is a new domestic hybrid without restrictions on the region of cultivation, early ripening, for salad purposes. It is characterized by high productivity, good immunity to fusarium and verticillium.
  2. Belfast F1 is a popular early-ripening hybrid, immune to cladosporiosis, fusarium, tobacco mosaic, and tolerates transportation well. The fruits weigh an average of 210 g, do not crack, and the yield is high - up to 26 kg/m².

Tomato Angel F1

Other indeterminate varieties and hybrids are Walford's Miracle, Crushed Heart, Tyler f1, Lion's Heart, Star of Siberia.


Semi-determinate plants stop growing at about 10-12 inflorescences, are characterized by high productivity, do not require complex care, and are suitable for greenhouses and open ground.

A distinctive feature of the species is short internodes.

Among the many semi-determinate varieties are:

  1. Magnus is an early variety with tasty fruits and is considered ideal for canning.
  2. Silhouette is a greenhouse hybrid; its small fruits are perfectly stored and transported.
  3. Red Arrow is one of the most unpretentious varieties, suitable for canning and summer salads, and is characterized by high yield.
  4. Zinulya is a mid-season variety with large and sweet fruits.

Tomato Magnus


Determinate tomatoes are varieties that stop growing when a cluster of flowers appears at the top. The height does not exceed 80 cm. They are grown everywhere: in the southern regions - in open ground, in other parts of Russia - in hotbeds and greenhouses.

Such plants bear fruit once per season for 1-3 weeks.

The main advantages of determinate tomatoes:

  • precocity;
  • high productivity;
  • friendly return;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • possibility of cultivation even in northern regions;
  • suitability for canning.

The disadvantages are quite controversial - some vegetable growers consider determinate tomatoes less tasty.

The best varieties of determinate tomatoes:

  1. Alsou is a mid-early, large-fruited variety. Grown in open and closed ground, yield up to 9 kg/m². Used fresh and in salads.
  2. Gina TST is a mid-season variety that does not require pinching for film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to cracking and disease, suitable for canning and fresh consumption.
  3. Lyubasha F1 is an ultra-early hybrid of universal use, resistant to cracking and disease, suitable for growing in open and closed ground. It has a high yield - up to 20 kg/m².

Tomato Alsou

Growing tomatoes

The tomato variety “Orange Miracle” can be cultivated both without seedlings and in seedlings.

How to prepare seeds?

Growth stimulants are used to treat seed material before sowing. Due to this, the period of fruit ripening is significantly reduced.

Sowing seed material


  1. Planting material is sown for seedlings two months before transplanting to a permanent place of growth;
  2. 7-10 days after sowing, the first shoots appear;
  3. With the appearance of a pair of full leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate cups made of paper or peat;
  4. During the entire growth period, seedlings are fed two to three times using liquid complex fertilizer;
  5. For 7-10 days before planting, the seedlings must be hardened off. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken outside, first for a couple of minutes, and by day 10 they are left in the open air for the whole day.

Rules for planting seedlings


  • In the second or third ten days of May, as soon as the frosts have passed, tomato seedlings are planted in a permanent place;
  • The soil is prepared in the fall;

They carefully dig up, removing all plant residues, and also apply organic fertilizers.

Bushes are planted in accordance with the 50x40 cm pattern.

Features of cultivation

Experienced vegetable growers recommend pre-germinating seed material. Germination is carried out according to the classical scheme:

  1. Seed disinfection.
    Disinfection is carried out using a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Sowing.
    The seeds are placed in a container with a nutrient mixture to a depth of 1-2 cm.
  3. Watering.
    Watering is moderate, using a spray bottle.
  4. Lighting.
    Seedlings need bright, diffused light.
  5. Temperature.
    The room temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius.

The age of seedlings transplanted to a permanent place of growth must be at least 2 months. On 1 square meter it is allowed to plant 3 young plants.

Nuances of cultivation

Growing and caring for the plant does not differ from generally accepted rules. It is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • seedlings that are at least 2 months old are planted in the ground;
  • The planting scheme assumes 3 seedlings per 1 m² for open ground, 4 for greenhouse conditions;
  • the plant needs tying and pinching;
  • bushes must be provided with sufficient ventilation.

Periodic spraying with preparations, soil disinfection and crop rotation will help rid the plant of pests and traditional tomato diseases. Reviews from gardeners indicate the possibility of obtaining a good harvest with minimal time and effort.

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

Ten years ago it could be said that the Siberian Miracle tomato was one of the best in the Siberian collection. Now that 150–200 new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes appear annually, this statement is already accepted with a stretch. Of course, the variety has not lost its advantages and has not acquired new disadvantages, but among the new varieties you can also find those that have a more perfect taste and higher yield.

The main advantages of the Siberian Miracle variety are:

  • ease of care;
  • high adaptive abilities to difficult climatic conditions;
  • good fruit set at low temperatures;
  • prolonged fruiting, but, at the same time, wave-like ripening of the crop;
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • spectacular appearance of tomatoes;
  • good transportability and preservation of the crop.

The only disadvantages mentioned are that this variety of tomato does not like too much waterlogging of the soil. However, the fact that the fruits do not have excellent taste can now be considered a disadvantage: even among the Siberian salad varieties there are many whose fruits are excellent in taste. They are not always similar in appearance to the fruits of the Siberian miracle, often even larger in size, but they are famous for both their excellent taste and the highest cold resistance. These are, for example, the Siberian Troika and Heavyweight of Siberia, Pudovik and Altai honey, and many other modern varieties.

About one and a half hundred varieties and hybrids of ovoid tomatoes are known. Among them there are determinate and indeterminate, early and late ripening, intended for open ground, for greenhouses or universal. Perhaps the peculiarity of the Siberian miracle is its good fruit set at low air temperatures, which is more often characteristic of Dutch hybrids. An excellent new variety, bearing egg-shaped fruits of excellent taste, is the Raspberry Joy tomato of Chelyabinsk origin, which, with its small bush size, shows higher yields than the Siberian Miracle, and can be grown in all regions. Perhaps this is one of the contenders for the throne of the universal salad tomato.

Tomato Raspberry Joy is one of the worthy competitors of the Siberian miracle

Despite the presence of many modern varieties, the Siberian Miracle still lives up to its name and is successfully grown by both experienced vegetable growers and novice gardeners, since its agricultural technology is quite simple.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety is unusually resistant to low temperatures and environmental factors. The seeds have a high germination rate, which reaches 99.8%, and the seedlings tolerate diving well. The ability to tolerate stress is superior to that of some hybrid varieties. Reviews from gardeners indicate the following advantages of the variety:

  • has the ability for continuous growth, which does not stop even with a sharp temperature change;
  • regardless of weather conditions, ovaries form;
  • good yield indicators when grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground conditions.

Due to such advantages, the variety provides excellent yields regardless of weather vagaries. Reviews from gardeners confirm the versatility of the variety. The ability to ripen in waves facilitates the processing of the crop. The only drawback is the plant's intolerance to waterlogging.

a brief description of

The “Siberian Miracle” tomato grows in open ground to a height of 1.3-1.6 m. When grown in greenhouse conditions, this figure may be slightly higher. The trunks are powerful and durable, the foliage is large, emerald green.

Fruits set in any weather. And even with sudden temperature changes, the tomato set is at its best. The fruits set and pour quickly and smoothly.

Tomatoes are interdeterminate plants, meaning the main stem grows continuously.

“The Siberian Miracle” will delight gardeners with high yields in hot weather, with slight cooling, in greenhouses or open ground.

When growing tomatoes outdoors, the plants must be tied to long stakes or a strong trellis installed in the garden bed. The height of the supports should reach at least 1.5-1.7 m. When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, you should also not forget about the garter.

Tomato fruit clusters do not break and therefore do not require personal garter or support. They are strong enough to bear the weight of the fruit.

Distinctive qualities of fruits

In the first two clusters, the tomatoes are formed quite large, sometimes their weight reaches 300-350 grams. They look appetizing, have an oval shape, bright red color with a raspberry tint. Tomatoes collected in the first wave are perfect for cutting fresh salads.

Interesting! Thanks to the simplicity of agricultural technology, high yields and advantages, tomatoes can be grown both in private plots and on farms.

The pulp of tomatoes of the “Siberian Miracle” variety is ideal, it is dense and tender, moderately juicy, but the dry matter content in tomatoes reaches 6%. In terms of taste, the indicators are also excellent - sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. Number of seed chambers 5-7 pcs.

During the second wave of harvest, the so-called mass harvest, the weight of tomatoes is much less, 150-200 grams. The fruits are egg-shaped and ripen together.

Unripe tomatoes are light green in color; the fruit has a dark spot near the stalk. During the ripening process, the stain disappears completely.

Tomatoes are excellent at transporting over short distances while maintaining their taste and presentation. For long-distance transportation, it is recommended to harvest slightly unripe.

Features of maturation

The tall tomato “Siberian Miracle” is a mid-season variety. The first harvest can be harvested 90-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots. A long period of fruiting is characterized by the full production of tasty tomatoes of excellent quality and excellent presentation.

Fruit clusters ripen in waves; overall yield indicators can please even experienced vegetable growers. When grown in greenhouse conditions, from 1 m² you can harvest up to 10-15 kg of tomatoes during the entire fruiting period, and from one bush the yield reaches 4-6 kg.

When grown in open ground, this figure may be a little more modest. And again, it all depends on what surprises the weather brings.

In mid-August - early September, summer residents remove unripe tomatoes from plants grown in open ground. They ripen well at room temperature and retain their taste for a long time.

Interesting! Tomatoes contain large amounts of “serotonin,” the so-called happiness hormone that improves mood.

Fruit characteristics

Reviews from gardeners confirm the excellent characteristics of the tomato. The first clusters form large-sized tomatoes, weighing on average from 300 to 350 grams. Greater fruit yield occurs in the second wave. The average weight decreases slightly and ranges from 150 to 200 grams. Unripe tomatoes have a small dark spot near the stalk, which disappears as the fruit ripens.

If it is necessary to transport vegetables, they are collected in a slightly unripe form.

The fruits are rich red in color and have an oval shape. The vegetable pulp harmoniously combines density with tenderness and juiciness. The taste of the tomato is sweetish with a slight sourness. The number of chambers for seeds is on average from 5 to 7.

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