45 late pear varieties and features of their cultivation

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  • The quality of pears grown in summer cottages and household plots can be judged by the size and shape of the fruit, their beauty, taste, skin color and pulp texture. Therefore, many gardeners are in no hurry to plant winter varieties of pears, considering them not elegant, juicy and fragrant enough. More often, preference is given to brightly colored fruits of autumn and summer ripening. Summer residents are doubtful about the prospects for cultivating varieties of late-fruiting crops, since they consider the assortment of trees of this type to be small, and the plants to be poorly adapted to the difficult climatic conditions of most regions of our country. To what extent such fears are justified, we suggest we look into it together.

    Amateur gardeners who grow winter varieties can provide their family with fresh, tasty and healthy fruits for almost six months

    Description, distinctive features of winter pears

    Pear trees have always been less in demand by gardeners than apple trees, this is explained by their poor resistance to frost. But thanks to the persistence of breeders, today there are varieties that can winter in central Russia. Now pears are grown everywhere.

    The undoubted advantages of winter pear varieties are:

    • shelf life up to six months;
    • frost resistance of pear trees;
    • pleasant taste and pronounced aroma of fruits after ripening;
    • excellent preservation of fruits, making it possible to transport them over long distances;
    • the possibility of processing and preserving canned food.

    Old varieties are gradually losing their production value. As an example, the Bere winter Michurina variety, bred by the famous breeder, was preserved only in old gardens; it is no longer propagated by nurseries.

    New varieties of late pears have the highest quality. Pears have anti-sclerosis and diuretic effects, strengthen the walls of capillaries. The fruits contain a lot of valuable nutrients, tannins, trace elements and vitamins.

    Late ripening pears contain 30.7% dry matter, 7.05% sugars, 0.12% acids, 3.3 mg/100 g of ascorbic acid.

    According to 3. A. Sedova and 3. F. Osinova


    Moreover, each variety of winter pears has its own characteristics.

    Features of agricultural technology

    Autumn and winter pear varieties are demanding on planting sites and soil. This fruit crop should not be planted in places where the wind blows. Cold winds cause the buds to freeze and the harvest will be poor. Pears ripen well on trees planted in places with plenty of sun.

    You should also check the groundwater level. If they are located close to the surface, then in winter the trees can freeze out and be flooded in the spring. To prevent the root system from rotting, you need to equip the planting hole with drainage.

    The main representatives of winter varieties

    Late ripening pears are divided into three groups based on properties such as shelf life:

    • early winter - stored in the cellar or refrigerator until the Christmas holidays;
    • winter - lie in storage until early spring;
    • late winter (Tikhonovka, Izumrudnaya, Izyuminka Kryma, Maria, Dekanka winter, etc.) - under suitable conditions they can survive until the May Day holidays.

    Early winter varieties produce a harvest from the beginning of September. The collected fruits are stored until approximately the New Year. It is recommended to eat them no earlier than November, only then will the fruits be able to gain sweetness and aroma.


    On the spreading branches of a tree of this variety, fruits grow in whole bunches, their weight, on average, is 180 - 200 grams. Ripen by the end of September. Even though they will look green, they need to be collected.

    It is best to pick pears from the Cure tree when they just begin to show a faint blush.

    During the ripening process, the fruits will become yellow and softer, but this will not happen earlier than after three weeks. Their shelf life is only two 2 months. Cure pears have excellent productivity - at the very peak of its development, the pear tree yields about three hundred kg per season. However, this plant will require a lot of heat in the summer.


    The variety was bred at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev and included in the State Register in 1993. The crown of the tree is of medium density, the fruits are not very large - an average of 110 grams. They ripen in early September. The color is green, with small subcutaneous speckles; after ripening, a yellowish tint appears, with small reddish blush stripes.

    The Chizhovskaya variety has strong fruits and is resistant to scab and unfavorable conditions

    A variety for universal use. The pulp of ripe Chizhovskaya pears is juicy, slightly oily, with sourness. At approximately zero temperatures, the harvest of such pears will last from one and a half to four months. The peculiarity of the variety is resistance to disease and annual yield, unlike other varieties. Also, trees of this pear variety have good frost resistance.


    The variety was included in the State Register in 1974. The fruits of the Noyabrskaya variety are medium-sized, weighing about 70 grams, slightly ribbed. Their color is greenish, with a slight pinkish blush. The fruits are collected from the tree at the very beginning of October, ripening occurs by the beginning of December. Ripe pulp is very juicy, sweet, with mild sourness.

    Several years ago we collected three large buckets of Noyabrskaya pears. We decided not to process them in any way, but to try to save them for the winter. They lay in a cool basement (somewhere around +3) for several weeks. Knowing that the consumer maturity of this variety begins at the beginning of December, we got several pieces in the first days. After trying, we realized that their time had not come. Disappointed, we forgot about them until the very last days of December. And only when they took them to the New Year’s table did they understand what the real taste of winter pears is. I assure you that their taste and smell are best revealed only in the last days of the year!

    The fruits of “Noyabrskaya” are juicy, tasty and good in compotes, jams, preserves and dried

    The variety is well suited for long-term transportation and trade. Resistant to infectious diseases and scab. The yield is high, but not uniform - the next year, after a good harvest, the tree can rest.

    The middle subgroup of winter pear varieties, which is called “winter,” is distinguished by the fact that its varieties are stored until March.

    Kyrgyz winter

    Developed in Kyrgyzstan, but is also well suited for regions with unfavorable conditions. Trees of this variety are of medium height, form a pyramidal crown, and are characterized by very dense attachment of fruits to the branch. Therefore, when pears ripen, they do not fall from the branches. The fruits reach 200–250 grams. They are harvested in October when their color turns pink.

    The fruits of the Kyrgyz winter variety are perfectly preserved in a regular home refrigerator even until the beginning of April

    After several weeks of ripening they acquire an orange color with a reddish blush. Slightly tart, sweetish. The pulp is light, dense, coarse-grained.

    The variety is stored in cellars until spring. Its peculiarity lies in its beautiful appearance. Therefore, pears of the Kyrgyz winter variety are traditionally used for commercial cultivation.

    Rossoshanskaya late

    Bred at the Rossoshansk Experimental Horticulture Station. The fruits of the variety are not too elongated, large, weighing about 300 grams or more. The color is green at harvest, and yellow with a dark red blush when finally ripe.

    The fruits of the Rossoshanskaya late variety can sometimes reach 400 and even 500 grams of weight

    The pulp of ripe fruits is tasty, juicy, white-yellow, with a strong aroma. Pears are harvested towards the end of September. Store until the end of January.

    It is known that weak freezing in the Rossoshanskaya late variety is observed only at -32.

    The yield of the variety is average. A tree older than 5 years usually produces up to 30 kg of fruit per season. Feature of the variety: yield is uneven in different years.

    Kuban late

    This is a medium-sized tree with a sparse crown. The variety is considered promising for cultivation in industrial and amateur gardens. Its fruits are medium - about 150 grams, regular pear-shaped, rough. The color at the time of harvest - at the end of September - is green, with a barely noticeable blush appearing. After several weeks of ripening, the fruit turns yellowish. Their flesh is creamy, slightly oily and tender. The aroma is well expressed, the taste is sweet and sour. The Kubanskaya late variety is stored until mid-January.

    Late winter varieties have particularly long storage periods. These varieties can be stored until May without losing their taste. It is important to note that pears of these varieties are kept for two weeks at room temperature before eating.


    Trees of this variety are small and have a compact crown. They need a lot of summer warmth, but they also survive the winter well. The fruits are harvested in October. Pears are quite large, reaching 300 grams. After full ripening they acquire a yellow color with a scarlet blush. The pulp is white and, despite long-term storage, very juicy.

    The fruit of the Emerald pear is round, with dense pulp, and is particularly juicy

    A distinctive feature is the annually stable yield. Another advantage is that ripe fruits do not fall from the tree even when exposed to wind.


    This medium-sized tree produces many small fruits weighing about 50–80 g, hard, greenish-yellow. The harvest is stored until spring.

    Tikhonovka pears are small, but there are a lot of them growing on a branch

    During the winter they turn yellow, the flesh remains crispy, but becomes juicy. This variety is valuable because it is consumed fresh until mid-May.

    Main advantages

    The main advantage of late varieties is that the fruit can be stored for a very long time. This allows you to eat delicious pears even in April. The main thing is to store it correctly.

    Store fruits at low temperatures in well-ventilated areas. Hard fruits are removed from trees during harvest. However, there is no need to worry as during storage they acquire their ripeness and unsurpassed taste.

    One of the important advantages is excellent transportability. This makes late-ripening domestic pear varieties attractive for industrial cultivation. The advantages include frost resistance and versatility of use. The fruits make excellent preparations for the winter. Compotes and dried fruits replenish vitamin reserves in winter.

    According to reviews from gardeners, the only drawback of late varieties is that you will have to wait a long time for fruit.

    The main representatives of winter varieties for different regions

    When choosing a pear variety for your garden, you need to take into account that not all of them will suit your climatic conditions. Breeders recommend for each region only those varieties that will optimally correspond to the climatic characteristics of the area.

    Winter pears for the south of Russia

    Kuban late is winter-hardy and begins to bear fruit in the sixth year after planting. The annual yield is uniform. The variety is resistant to scab. Fruits weighing up to 170 grams, yellowish, with blush. Universal purpose pears. The peculiarity of the variety is its strong spicy aroma.

    Leninakanskaya late is winter-hardy, it begins to freeze only at -30. It bears fruit 5 years after planting. The average fruit size is 200 grams, the largest reach 400 grams. The color is green during harvesting, and orange after reaching consumer maturity. The pulp is white, slightly oily, very juicy. Stored until February. The advantages of the variety are early fruiting and good commercial quality of the fruit.

    We grew pears of the Leninakanskaya late variety in the climate of southern Russia. In especially warm years, with good watering and fertilizing with compost, the weight of the fruits reached 380–410 g. But in the neighboring garden, they were even larger in appearance. Neighbors said they weighed them, and one pear grew to 550 grams. True, I didn’t see this with my own eyes.

    Cheremshina is a winter-hardy variety, its fruits are yellow-green and medium-sized - on average 200 grams. The fruit is harvested in October; pears are stored at room temperature until the end of December, in the basement until spring. The peculiarity of the variety is the delicate, melting taste and strong aroma of the fruit.

    Winter pears for Ukraine

    The Parisian is vigorous, with a pyramidal crown. Fruits with an olive tint, when ripe with a blush. The shape of pears is elongated, weight is about 180 grams. The harvest 8–10 years after planting can reach 100 kg per tree. The fruits are stored depending on the temperature until January or early March. It is important to take into account that the variety is self-sterile; for pollination it will require the varieties Motley July, Josephine, Lektier.

    Zimnyaya Mlievskaya is a highly winter-hardy variety, resistant to scab. The fruits are medium in size, from 100 to 200 grams, slightly elongated, wide pear-shaped. The pulp is creamy, with small grains, juicy and sweet. Stores well in cellars until April. The peculiarity of the variety is that it is a vigorous tree with a wide pyramidal crown; there should be no other plantings close to it.

    Artyomovskaya winter is a tree with a sparse pyramidal crown and lumpy fruits weighing from 170 to 350 g. During the period of removable ripeness, the skin is green with rusty spots, then it acquires an even yellow color. The pulp is creamy, dense, sweet, but the aroma is weak. The winter hardiness of the variety is high. If scab damage occurs, it is to a very small extent. Features of the variety: for greater stability, the crown requires formation, while the trees do not tolerate heavy pruning at a young age.

    During the harvest period, pears of the Artyomovskaya variety are green in color with rusty spots, however, as the fruit ripens, it will take on a more beautiful appearance.

    Winter pears for the Volgograd region

    Melting is a variety that also ripens late, therefore it is included in the winter group. The first harvest occurs in the sixth year and bears fruit annually. When harvested, the fruits weigh 400 grams. They retain good presentation until spring. The Melting variety is resistant to diseases such as black cancer and scab. Features of the variety: excellent taste, due to which it is widespread in the Volgograd region, despite its low winter hardiness.

    Malyaevskaya late - a low, frost-resistant tree begins to bear fruit in the sixth year. The yield in the Lower Volga region is annual and quite high. One tree usually produces up to 50 kg of fruit weighing up to 150 grams. The variety is resistant to scab. The fruits are for table use, have juicy pulp of whitish color, sweet and sour, slightly spicy taste and aroma. Fresh fruits of the Malyaevskaya late variety are stored for only 2 months.

    Malyaevskaya late variety - folk selection, used in production in the Lower Volga region, very winter-hardy

    The varieties Malvina zimnyaya, Samara late and others can also be considered promising for this region.

    Winter pears for the central region of Russia

    Belorusskaya late - the variety bears fruit for 3–4 years, produces fruits of about 100 grams. Their shape is elongated, color varies depending on the degree of ripening - from green with brownish spots to yellow with blush. Unfortunately, pear trees of the Belorusskaya late variety are not very resistant to diseases and pests. The advantages of the variety include early fruiting, frost resistance and drought resistance.

    Kokinskaya pear - the shape of the crown of the tree of this variety is pyramidal. The harvest begins to produce already in the fourth year after planting. Mature trees produce up to 100 kg of fruit per season. The variety is winter-hardy; in extreme cold, the buds may freeze, but the tree itself does not die. A distinctive feature of the variety: resistance to this disease, since scab spreads only to the fruit.

    Gardeners in Central Russia, and even the Urals, can recommend the varieties Moskovskaya Late, Chelyabinskaya Zimnyaya, Golden Zimnyaya, Zimnyaya Glazkova. These are the most winter-hardy varieties. For example, the Chelyabinsk winter variety survives at -37 degrees. And Winter Glazkova can withstand forty-degree frosts, while, like all late pears, it is well stored and has a taste reminiscent of the famous Duchess.

    The Chelyabinsk winter variety is one of the most frost-resistant

    What are the differences between late varieties of pears?

    Late varieties of pears differ from early and mid-ripening ones in several ways.

    • Fruits of late varieties can be stored for quite a long time. Some last until January or February, but many varieties, if properly stored, are able to retain their marketability and taste until March-April.
    • Fruits are usually removed from the tree when they reach technical ripeness. At this time they are still hard. It may seem that they are not ripe, but this is not so. After resting, they will become much softer.
    • Transportability is excellent.
      Typically, late varieties of pears have dense flesh. This makes them easy to transport over long distances. Late pears are removed from the tree when they reach technical ripeness.
    • The fruits are consumed when they have been lying in the cellar or basement - immediately after picking they are hard and sour in taste. It may take several weeks or even a month for the pears to acquire their typical aroma and become sweet.


    According to gardeners, late varieties of pears have only one drawback - they have to wait a long time for fruits suitable for consumption.

    • Fruits of universal use. They are eaten fresh and made into winter preparations.
    • Late varieties of pears are resistant to autumn cold.

    Thanks to all these qualities, late pears are grown not only on private lands, but also on an industrial scale for further fresh sale. Sometimes they are grown for processing.

    Features of planting pears

    You can plant a pear both in spring and in autumn. But most gardeners prefer to do this in the fall, around the beginning of October, when the movement of sap in the plants slows down.

    In fact, there is a reasonable explanation for this: the fact is that in the fall the temperature remains above zero for a long time, which allows the young seedling to grow stronger. We have repeatedly planted pear trees already in mid-October, and each time our expectations were met. It was warm almost until November, and during this time the plants produced many new roots. This helped the young pears to prepare for winter more confidently. And with the beginning of spring growth, the ready-made root system of young trees quickly gained strength.

    Site preparation

    A high, sunny place on the southwest side of your site is suitable for planting a pear tree. The ideal soil for this crop is chernozem, or gray, slightly loamy.

    When planning a place for a pear, keep in mind that the roots of a mature tree can go down to 7-8 meters.

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    Selection of seedlings

    Experts recommend purchasing planting material from special nurseries. But, if you still take the risk of purchasing a young tree at the market, or from your gardening neighbors, carefully inspect it. For a healthy seedling the following are unacceptable:

    • rotting roots;
    • parts of roots drying out in places;
    • dry, stiff tree trunk.

    Before planting, it is important to carefully examine a tree purchased at the market and try to bend the roots and trunk.

    When for some reason you get suspiciously dry roots, try to save them by putting them in water overnight. It is likely that the next morning they will come to life and become elastic.

    Planting step by step

    If the soil in the garden is close to ideal for a pear, the planting hole can be very small - just enough for the roots of the seedling to fit in it. But if you just need to make the substrate fertile by adding soil mixture, then the hole should be deep - from 80 cm to a meter. The width will be about 75 by 75 cm.

    Next, you should perform the proven techniques.

    Step 1

    To prepare the soil mixture to fill the hole, you will need:

    • compost, rotted manure or peat - 35 kg;
    • superphosphate - 1.3 kg;
    • lime - 1.3 kg;
    • potassium chloride - 150 gr.

    Pour the prepared fertile mixture onto the drainage layer and form a slide in the center of the hole

    Pour exactly half of the prepared mixture into the hole, after placing a layer of drainage there. Then stick a peg into the earthen mound. It should be half a meter above ground level.

    Step 2

    Dip the roots of the pear into a clay mash, then place the roots on a mound and press down the soil.

    Before watering, it is important to pat down the soil around the stem, above the roots, well with your hands.

    Step 3

    After compacting the soil, form a circle around the trunk so that water cannot spread, then carefully pour out two buckets of water. After waiting for the water to be absorbed, fill the tree trunk area with peat. Tie the young tree to a support.

    Growing pears

    Choosing a landing site

    The right place guarantees a good result

    Properly selected area for planting pears is an important criterion for obtaining a large harvest. It is preferable to plant trees on broadly undulating terrain with gentle slopes. Late varieties of pears grow well on southern, southwestern and southeastern slopes.

    In addition, the thickness of the humus horizon must be observed. It should be 20 cm or more, and also have a pH value from 5 to 6.5.

    Preparing the soil for planting

    Preparation can be carried out for both home gardens and industrial gardens. In the first case:

    • advance preparation of pits;
    • irrigation and filling with mineral fertilizers.

    In the second it is customary to carry out:

    • enrichment of soil cover with organic and mineral fertilizers;
    • deep plowing of the soil with a tractor.

    Planting in the soil

    The optimal time for planting is autumn. Planting can be done before the soil freezes. To accelerate the growth of planting material, watering is carried out. It is approximately 15-25 liters per seedling. To determine whether the landing was successful, you must wait 10 to 15 days.

    When planting, follow the diagram describing the planting of seedlings. On average, depending on whether the varieties are late-ripening or late-summer, they are planted at a distance of 3 or 4 m from each other.

    Tree care

    • high-quality insulation of roots;
    • wrapping with film, straw or paper;
    • sowing green manure;
    • additional soil fertilization.

    How to fertilize correctly

    During the first three or four years after planting, nitrogen fertilizers are irrigated, on average about 35-65 kg/ha. If the root system freezes, then fertilize it with a 0.5% urea solution. To obtain a high-quality harvest and reduce the quality of the fruit after its transportation, microfertilizer, for example, Ecolist, is applied four times.

    Watering pears

    Often, various sprayers are used for irrigation. You can also water by making a 15 cm wide ditch around the seedling. It is carried out a couple of times in the spring and several times in the summer, while the looseness of the soil is controlled.

    Pear tree care

    Young plants will need annual crown formation. The first time pruning is done in the second year of growth, in early spring. The most important thing is to accurately determine the appropriate time frame for the work. Pruning is best tolerated by the seedling at a temperature not lower than -8 ºC.

    To do this, you need to choose a time when the buds are just beginning to swell. I have been monitoring the condition of my kidneys since the end of March. Once they increase in size, you can begin to prepare for pruning. The deadline for pruning can be determined on the day when the brown swollen buds crack and greenish leaf buds appear in the gap. Touching the branches after this is already dangerous - the sap has moved, which means it will ooze from the cut sites for a long time.

    All upward-pointing branches must be cut to a third of their length with pruning shears. This improves the development and future productivity of the tree.

    Scheme of annual pruning of last year's growth by 1/3 of the length for different ages of the tree


    In the first year after planting, the seedling is watered at least once a week. On average, one to two buckets of water are used per watering. In the following years, the amount of water increases, but the timing of watering changes to once every two to three weeks.

    Fertilizers for pears

    The peculiarity of this crop is its low nitrogen requirement. For this reason, nitrogen is used only in the first four years of the plant's life in minimal doses. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied when the leaves are blooming. Pear trees older than four years will not need nitrogen fertilizing.

    Fertilizing with nitrogen is permissible only in cases of severe nitrogen starvation, if the pear tree grows very slowly and has light, poorly developed leaves.

    Organic matter is used for feeding no more than once every 3–5 years. How often to apply it will depend on the fertility of the soil in your garden.

    But the pear tree needs mineral fertilizers every year. Otherwise, the plant will quickly become depleted, using up its nutrients to provide us with a harvest.

    When the year of applying organic fertilizing arrives, first of all, apply a phosphorus-potassium mixture into the prepared furrows at approximately 50 and 25 grams per square meter, thoroughly mixing it with the soil.

    After fertilizing, it is important to constantly care for the tree trunks, not allowing them to become overgrown with grass.

    Shelter for the winter

    Even if a pear variety is considered frost-resistant, young trees planted in regions with long frosts will require shelter. A strong cloth like burlap is wrapped around the tree trunk.

    Dry grass, leaves, straw are used as insulation, with the addition of aromatic herbs - wormwood, mint, various types of elderberry. This technique will also help make the tree unpleasant for mice.

    Several ways to protect trees from frost and cold winds

    Such insulation can be placed under the fabric that wraps the trunk, and can also be buried a few centimeters into the ground around the trunk. It is important to trample this place firmly.

    Reviews of late varieties

    1. Svetlana, 56 years old. “I consider myself an experienced summer resident and I simply adore pears. I grow 3 Beras on my own plot, but I’m not lucky with Duchess – it’s frozen out. I think that the Bere variety is the best - it’s tasty, can be stored for a long time and gives a large and plentiful harvest, and is not picky about care.”
    2. Nikolay 34 years old. “I bought a winter pear variety for my own dacha - Belorusskaya late, it took root perfectly and already in the 4th year the whole family was harvesting from it. Tasty and juicy fruits - the whole family feasted on them until the New Year. I consider winter pear varieties to be the best option for the middle latitudes of Russia, since many of them tolerate winter well and do not freeze.”
    3. Irina, 66 years old. “I have my own private house and a huge garden - apples and grapes, currants and, of course, pears. Due to the fact that they live in Sochi, my favorite variety of pears is Duchess. The aroma is incredible, juicy and sweet, it lasts a long time - what more can you say? Even my beloved dog enjoys eating pears - if the climate allows, be sure to plant Duchess in your home. But I want to say right away that he is very picky, but with the right approach he will delight you with a wonderful harvest and incredibly tasty fruits.”

    Diseases and pests

    Despite their characteristics - harder fruit tissue, which impedes the development of larvae, winter pear varieties also suffer from pests and diseases.


    Caused by a dangerous pathogen - a fungus. This disease can easily cover the entire tree - from the trunk to the fruits and leaves.

    Scab on pears is caused by pathogenic fungi and requires immediate control measures.

    Sooty fungus

    All parts of the plant twitch with a black velvety coating. It quickly infects not only the entire surface of the tree, but also its neighbors located at a distance of an elongated branch.

    You can identify sooty fungus on the surface of fruits by the small black dots that make up the plaque


    This disease is caused by a pathogenic microscopic fungus. A useful plant such as juniper is considered to be a carrier of the scourge.

    Rust appears as bright orange spots on pear leaves.

    Less commonly, pear trees of winter varieties are affected by diseases such as Powdery mildew, which looks like a white coating, and Fruit rot, which completely destroys the fruit. Rot is caused by an infection transferred to pears from the feet of birds or the hands of gardeners.

    Table: methods and timing of disease control

    DiseasePreventionA drugDeadlines
    ScabCollection and removal of fallen leaves, spraying of trees,1% Bordeaux mixture; HOM; Abiga Peak; Score From the leaf opening phase and, if necessary, in the summer.
    Sooty fungusThinning pruning, preventing thickening of the crown.Strobe; Horus; Speed; Ditan M-45. When found.
    RustRemoving affected leavessulfur; Bordeaux mixture. Starting from the leaf opening phase.
    Powdery mildewFertilizer with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.Byleton; Rayok; Speed; Topsin; Fundazol. When found.
    Fruit rotSpraying trees, removing damaged fruit.Fitosporin-M; Iodine solution (10 ml of substance in 10 liters of water). If detected, then repeat after three days.

    Leaf gall midge

    Upon closer inspection, this most dangerous insect looks like a medium-sized mosquito with a brownish color.

    The leaf gall midge looks like a small mosquito 2–2.5 mm long, with transparent wings and long antennae

    If you notice such peaceful insects on your pear tree, you should know that soon its larvae will begin to gnaw out the pulp of the leaves en masse, causing growths on them.

    leaf roller

    This dirty green caterpillar of a small butterfly, which, when pupating, wraps itself in a leaf and entwines it with a sticky web.

    The leaf roller may be covered with dark spots and wrapped in a web

    Less commonly, winter pears are attacked by insects such as fruit mites, aphids, which feed on the sap of leaves, or pear moths, which eat the fruit. However, most often they prefer soft summer varieties.

    Table: methods and timing of pest control:

    PestPreventionMedicines (follow instructions).Deadlines
    Leaf gall midgeSprayingSpark; Fufanon; Kemifos; Aktellik; Inta-Vir. Before flowering, if necessary - in summer.
    Freezing leaf rollerSpraying treesKemifos; Kinmiks; Aktellik; Inta-Vir. Early spring.
    Fruit mitesSpraying treesFufanon; Tiovit Jet In April, during bud break; immediately after harvest.
    AphidSpraying treesFufanon; Kemifos; Aktellik; Inta-Vir. In April, before flowering begins, then repeat immediately after it.

    Features of caring for late ripening pears

    Late ripening pears are provided with regular care. The tree is watered before and after flowering, and additional moisture is added during drought. After watering, loosen the soil and mulch it with humus.

    The crop is fed 3 times per season. In spring, use a solution of mullein or urea. Fertilizer is poured under the root. Nitrogen promotes the growth of new shoots and leaves. After flowering, they switch to feeding with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. For 10 liters of water, 40 g of each substance is required. In late autumn, dig up the soil and fertilize it with humus.

    Advice! In spring or autumn, broken, frozen and diseased branches are removed from the tree. By pruning they form a pyramidal shape.

    Preparing the tree for winter begins in October-November after harvest. Most late varieties have good winter hardiness. The tree is watered and mulched with humus. To protect the trunk from mice and hares, it is wrapped in a metal mesh or casing.

    To combat diseases and pests, spraying is performed. In early spring, treatment with Bordeaux mixture or Nitrafen is effective. Cleaning leaves in the fall, whitewashing and stripping the trunk helps to avoid damage.


    As mentioned earlier, each winter pear variety has its own ripening period. However, do not forget about the climatic features of your region. To more accurately determine the harvest time specifically for your garden, you need to follow the rules developed by experience:

    1. Wait until the fruit is easily separated from the branch.
    2. Choose dry weather for harvesting.
    3. Don’t worry if the pears are hard at the time of picking; they will definitely ripen if stored correctly.
    4. Remove and place the fruits with gloves - even if you easily pierce the skin with your fingernail, the pears will not be stored.
    5. Don't be afraid to be late with the harvest, there is no great danger in this.

    The autumn warmth leaves gradually, so the fruits have the opportunity to harden, and this will increase their endurance during future storage.

    In our gardening, winter pears are harvested last, when there are no other fruits. Because if you collect them earlier, the fruits will be stone-like and completely tasteless, even after storage. Somehow, neighbors picked late pears of an unknown variety in early September. We saved it until February, tried it, and gave it to the cow. Therefore, we are in no hurry to get ready, waiting for at least a faint blush to appear. The Emerald variety, for example, is harvested green, but there is still a faint hint of blush. Watch your late pears, and after a few years, you will know exactly when they are ripe.


    Winter pear varieties tend to produce the richest harvests. The lowest-yielding varieties can be called, for example, Nika and Lyra. Mature trees of these varieties, being at the peak of fruiting, produce up to 75 kg per plant. This is also a good result, but among the late varieties there are real record holders. For example, the total weight of fruits from one tree of the Bere winter Michurina and Saratovka varieties often exceeds 200 kg, and a tree of the Curet variety can produce 350 kilograms or more!

    Winter group varieties are famous for the most abundant autumn harvests

    How to save the harvest

    To properly store pears, you need to be very careful when choosing containers. It is important to fulfill several main conditions that it will meet:

    • the best container is wooden, lined with paper, fumigated with sulfur - this will protect the pears from the appearance of fungus and rot;
    • the storage location must be well ventilated and not sealed;
    • in a box, it is best to preserve two rows of pear stalks laid up, not touching each other, lined with dry grass or moss;
    • the box should not contain more than 14–16 kg of fruit;
    • It is better not to coexist fruits of different varieties and sizes in the same box;
    • If fruits are stored in plastic bags, the pears are pre-cooled and the air is pumped out of the bags.

    To preserve the harvest, it is necessary to be very careful in choosing the conditions for keeping the fruit.

    Storage temperature and duration

    It is safest to keep pears in a very cold room - from minus 1 to 0, with an optimal humidity of up to 95%. However, there are many late varieties that need at least 1–2 heat. And these features need to be understood more precisely.

    Table: ideal storage conditions for some varieties

    VarietyOptimal temperature, °CAmount of days
    Bere Bosc+2110


    Late varieties of pears have firmer flesh and contain more tannins. Therefore, they are more suitable than other types for preparations. Therefore, in addition to fresh winter consumption, they are used in the form of:

    • jam and compotes;
    • jam and honey;
    • guilt;
    • marmalade and candied fruits.

    Pear marmalade is a delicious treat with added sugar and gelatin.

    In addition, pear, which has anti-inflammatory properties, is actively used both in folk medicine and in the manufacture of certain pharmaceutical drugs.

    Video: what the harvest of late pear varieties looks like

    Late autumn varieties

    Among the late autumn varietal pears, special attention can be given to the following:

    1. Otradnenskaya - gives a regular harvest from the 5th year, which can be harvested at the end of September, but before the first frost, the fruits reach a weight of 110-130 grams, the pulp of the fruit is low-juicy, and the taste is sourish-sweet.
    2. Cheremshina - the tree bears fruit in 4-6 years of growth, the harvest can be harvested in October, the weight of the fruit can vary from 160 to 240 grams. The color ranges from bright, rich yellow to yellowish-orange, and after collection they can be stored for about 4-5 months.
    3. Admiral Gervais is a variety bred by French breeders and, like the Duchess pear variety, is not very common. The tree bears fruit abundantly, bringing a harvest for 5-6 years, which can be harvested in September-October; the weight of the fruit can reach about 240-270 grams. The pulp is tender and juicy, the aroma is rich and pronounced, sourish-sweet.
    4. Bere Ardanpont - the most common and famous winter pear of all varietal pears, the harvest from which is harvested in October and can be stored until February–March. It begins to bear fruit from the 4-5th year of planting, the harvest is moderate when the weight of one fruit reaches 300-450 grams. The pulp of this pear variety is tender, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant sourness, and the aroma is pronounced.



      Admiral Gervais

      Bere Ardanpont


    Autumn garden varieties differ from others in their long shelf life when collected, and are not inferior in taste to summer or winter varieties.


    Veles pear variety
    Autumn variety of pears, one of the best. The fruits are quite large, the average weight of a pear is 150 grams and above . The fruits are regular pear-shaped: narrow at the stalk and rounded at the bottom. They grow on branches in small clusters of 3-4 pears. The Veles pear ripens at the end of August and remains on the tree until October. It has a beautiful appearance; until the end of summer the fruits are dark green in color, and when ripe they become red-orange in color. In terms of taste, they are sweet, juicy, with fleshy pulp and thin skin.

    The height of the tree is no more than 8 m , with drooping branches and a pyramidal trunk, gray-brown in color. Young branches form throughout the summer, which affects the amount of harvest; pruning is recommended in the fall. Resistant to frost, diseases and pests.

    Bere Moskovskaya

    The bitter-tart pear of the Bere Moscow variety
    is frost-resistant, almost not susceptible to diseases and pests. Appeared as a result of pollination of the Olga variety with pollen from the Lesnaya Krasavitsa and Lyubimitsa Klappa varieties. Tree no more than 6-8 m high . The crown of the pear is rounded and light brown in color. Young branches are quite thin, drooping, gray or brown in color. The leaf blade is dark green, round in shape. Pear blossoms in early spring.

    The fruits are slightly lumpy, light green in color, with a slight blush observed closer to autumn. It is better to pick the fruits slightly green and firm in early autumn , this way they are better preserved and last longer, up to several months in a cool and dark place. If the pear tastes a little tart, with sourness, it means the pear does not have enough moisture. With proper care, the pear becomes sweet and fleshy, with tender white flesh. In general, this variety is not fussy to care for.


    Red-sided pear variety
    It is a misconception that this variety is a winter variety, but this is not true, it is an autumn-ripening variety. It was obtained by crossing the Zheltoplodnaya and Nezhnost varieties. Resistant to diseases and pests, especially scab . Frost-resistant, produces a good harvest year after year. The crown is rounded, the branches are slightly drooping, brown-gray in color. The leaves are slightly pointed, light green in spring and dark green in autumn.

    Does not require special care, can grow in slight shade, under taller trees, but loves moisture. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing no more than 200 grams . Green pears change their shades to a crimson blush as they ripen. Sweet to taste, with juicy fine-grained pulp and thin skin. Rest on branches, on short curved stalks. The fruits can be preserved for a long time, both on the tree and in collected form, and are not afraid of transportation.

    In memory of Yakovlev

    A pear variety with high winter hardiness, Pamyat Yakovlev.
    A medium-sized tree with a dense crown. The height of the tree does not exceed 1.5-2 m, with a spherical crown. Young branches are thin, look upward, brown-gray in color with small thorns. The leaves are dark green, ovoid, with smooth edges. The harvest lasts for 6-8 years . The Pamyati Yakovlev variety is popular among gardeners due to its regular fruiting and ease of care.

    Pears with smooth and thin skin, weighing no more than 200 grams. The fruits are collected in groups of 5-7 pears. The pear tastes sweet, with juicy pulp and a pleasant aroma. The fruits are golden in color, slightly reddish at the end of ripening. Full ripening of the fruit occurs in mid-October . The pear can be stored on the tree for a long time, it does not fall off, and even when assembled it can last for several months. High yield, which increases every year the tree grows. More than 30 kg of ripe pears are harvested from an adult tree per year. In addition, it is capable of not only self-pollination, but also pollinates other varieties of pears. The fact that it is winter-hardy and unpretentious in care greatly simplifies caring for the pear.

    The word “pear” was first mentioned in chronicles in the 12th century, and sounded like “hrusha”. And all because of the characteristic crunch that was made when biting the fruit.


    Branch of Muscovite pear with fruits
    Obtained as a result of pollination of one of the American varieties of Kieffer pears. It has a standard form, with a fairly thick and spreading crown , light gray flowers, which over time changes shades to brown tones. Quickly forms new curved shoots. The foliage is light green, oval in shape, slightly curved in the center. This variety produces a bountiful harvest in the southwestern regions. The first harvest is formed in 3-4 years.

    Muscovite fruits are medium-sized, up to 150 grams. They have a regular pear shape. They have a greenish-yellow tint, which changes to burgundy-crimson tones by the end of summer. The skin is thin, fleshy with juicy pulp with a pronounced sweet-sour taste. It is recommended to pick pears when they are slightly under-ripe, because after lying indoors for a couple of days, the pear ripens and retains its taste. Under the right storage conditions, fruits can not spoil for several months . High resistance to scab and rot, also not afraid of frost.


    Fruits of the Marble pear
    The fruit of crossing the Bere winter Michurina and Forest Beauty varieties. The harvest of this variety ripens by the very beginning of autumn; the first fruits can be picked in early September. It differs from others in the height and density of the crown; the height of the tree is more than 8 m . Many light brown thin branches are formed every year, but the pear tree produces shoots extremely rarely. Blooms in early spring with white fragrant inflorescences. The foliage is dark green in color.

    The fruits are large, from 170 grams, with yellowish-green hues and a slight blush. The pear is also distinguished by the correct conical shape of the fruit. The pulp is coarse-grained, tender, juicy. The peel is quite dense, with small rust-colored dots. The Marble variety, like other autumn pears, is frost-resistant and not afraid of diseases and pests. The tree begins to produce a harvest only in the 5th year , but the yield percentage is high, the pear is able to please with a large amount of harvest every year.


    Dessert Rossoshanskaya late

    Rossoshanskaya is a pear with fruits of autumn ripening.
    It belongs to the late varieties, the fruits ripen at the beginning of September. Dessert pear is stored until January under the correct storage conditions . The hybrid, the result of crossing the varieties Lyubimitsa Klappa and Tonkovetka, was bred in 1952. The tree is vigorous, its height is more than 6 m, the seedling has a narrow pyramidal trunk shape, gray in color, the adult tree forms a wide and smooth trunk. The crown of the pear tree is branched, the young branches are gray and look up.

    The fruit is quite large, weighing up to 180 grams , dark green in color at the beginning of ripening and brown-red in autumn. They are attached to branches of 6 pieces on thick stalks. Harvesting begins in the 3rd – 4th year, the yield percentage is high. It tastes sweet, with soft skin and juicy flesh.


    Late Belorussian pear
    Bred in Belarus. The variety is late, ripening occurs in early September. The tree is small, no more than 3.5 m in height , the branches look straight up, the crown is gray-brown in color, smooth. The leaves are light green in color, oblong in shape, with jagged edges. Flowering occurs at the beginning of spring, the inflorescences are white, with a pleasant aroma.

    The fruits are dull, light green in color, changing to orange-red shades during the summer. The skin of the pear is rough, quite dense, with small black spots. The stalks are short, and the pear branches are clustered in pairs. The taste of the pear is fleshy, with white pulp, juicy, and has a slight sourness . The pear is winter-hardy and is not susceptible to pests and diseases. The downside is that it doesn’t bear fruit every year and needs rest.

    The Belorusskaya variety is not always able to pollinate on its own, therefore, in order to have a successful harvest, it is recommended to plant additional pollinated varieties on the site, for example, Conference or Bere Loshitskaya.

    Olivier de Serres

    Olivier de Serres
    The work of a French breeder. The variety is quite capricious, requiring special conditions for growth and careful care. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is compact, the branches are directed upward. The crown is brownish in color, smooth, slightly flaky . During the summer, it forms many new branches, which reduces the yield, so it is important to remove excess branches in the fall. The leaves are shiny, dark green, round in shape.

    Fruits can weigh more than 400 grams . In appearance, the fruits are small, round in shape, with thick skin. The entire fruit is covered with red spots, the surface is lumpy and uneven. The pear is sweet, with white fleshy pulp and a light pleasant aroma. The pear ripens by September and is stored collected until spring. It is resistant to diseases, but in harsh winters it needs additional shelter, otherwise the amount of harvest in the next year will be reduced.

    Bere Ardanpont

    Late ripening pear Bere Ardanpont
    It was bred in Belgium by N. Ardanpont in 1759. This is a winter-hardy, low-growing hybrid that requires special care. It prefers to grow in the sun, heat and well-moistened soil - only in these conditions the tree bears fruit. The tree is vigorous, with a dense crown of brownish-gray color . Young branches are thin, not drooping, the leaf blade is pointed, dark green in color, slightly pointed in shape. Blooms in early spring with white fragrant inflorescences.

    The fruits are large, green in mid-summer and reddish in color when fully ripe in autumn. Pear with thin smooth skin. This variety is loved by gardeners because of its attractive presentation , which lasts until cold weather. The pear tastes sweet, with white, fleshy flesh. It withstands winter, but it is better to cover young seedlings.


    The Hera variety is famous for its large fruits.
    It also applies to winter varieties, which appeared as a result of crossing Reale Turinskaya and Daughter of the Dawn. The variety is not particularly different from others, but because of its large fruits it is loved by gardeners. One pear can weigh up to 280 grams! In addition, the fruits have light green shades, which change to reddish during ripening. They are not inferior in taste, the pears are sweet, with fine-grained cream-colored pulp. They have a delicate, slightly sour taste, with a pleasant aroma.

    The tree is medium-sized, no more than 6 m high, with spreading branches, crown, brownish in color. Capable of producing a large amount of harvest annually , not demanding on conditions and care. Picked fruits can be stored for several months. In addition, the variety is quite resistant to diseases, is not afraid of insects, and is frost-resistant.

    In ancient Greece, pear fruit was used as a remedy for nausea.


    Wonderful pear
    Another winter pear, a hybrid obtained by crossing the varieties Daughter of the Dawn and Talgar Beauty. Has excellent resistance to frost and disease . It has a pyramidal crown shape, no more than 5 m high. The branches are thin, look upward, gray-brown in color. The leaves are round in shape, dark green in color, with small light veins clearly visible. Blooms in early spring with white fragrant inflorescences.

    A high-yielding variety, weighing one fruit from 140 to 210 grams , can remain on the tree for a long time and is stored for a long time when collected. The fruits are light green, become yellowish closer to autumn, and are slightly elongated. Sweet to taste, with fleshy pulp, they have a delicate pleasant aroma.

    Pear for the Volga region and central Russia


    Winter-hardy pear Chizhovskaya
    Olga and Lesnaya Krasavitsa were taken as “parent” varieties, as a result of long work by S.T. Chizhova and S.P. Potapov and the Chizhovskaya variety was developed. One of the popular self-pollinating varieties in the middle zone, especially in the Volga region and surrounding areas . The tree grows no more than 3 m, the young tree has a narrow crown, grayish tints. Older branches acquire a brownish color, the branches look upward, are medium in thickness, slightly curved. The leaves are oval-shaped, dark green in color with smooth edges.

    The fruits themselves weigh no more than 150 grams. At the beginning of summer, the pear has light green tones, the fruit is quite hard, but closer to autumn they acquire yellow shades and become soft. In this condition, the Chizhovskaya pear will not hang on the tree for long, so it is recommended to pick it in early autumn. Green fruits can last for several weeks . Sweet and meaty in taste, ripen in mid-August. They have white, medium-grained pulp with a pleasant aroma. In addition, she inherited resistance to frost and disease from her “relatives”.

    The peculiarity of the variety is that the older the tree, the smaller the fruits. You can combat this by timely pruning.


    Lada pear belongs to the early summer varieties.
    The result of crossing the Lesnaya Krasavitsa and Olga varieties, a variety suitable for planting in the middle zone. It is distinguished by the early ripening of its fruits; you can taste fresh fruits already in the middle of summer . Lada is frost-resistant, is not susceptible to diseases and pests, and produces a rich harvest every year. A tree with a branched crown, the branches are slightly drooping, looking down. The height of the tree is no more than 3 m, with a pyramidal trunk, dark gray in color. The leaves are shiny, smooth, dark green in color. It overwinters quite well even in the harshest winters, is resistant to diseases, and is partially self-fertile.

    The fruits are medium-sized, no more than 100 grams , light green in color with thin skin. Closer to ripening, the fruits turn yellow and become soft to the touch. It is important to catch the moment to remove the fruits from the tree, otherwise they become soft, covered with rusty spots and fall off. The fruit is attached to the branches in pairs on short stalks. The taste is sweet, with a slight hint of sourness and can be stored for a long time when picked, especially in a cool place.


    Bessemyanka pear is a high-yielding variety.
    Popular and quite interesting for planting, it has especially spread in the Central regions, and also grows well in the middle zone. The tree is vigorous, has a fast growth rate, produces a stable harvest, and does not need rest. Productivity is high, more than 50 kg of fruits are harvested per year. A tree over 6 m high, with spreading and curved branches. The leaves are oval-shaped, dark green in color, with rounded edges. The variety is also resistant to frost, but is susceptible to scab and other diseases.

    Every year it pleases with a large amount of harvest, although the fruits are quite small, more like apples. Light green in color, firm when ripe, the fruits turn yellow and soft when ripe. One fruit at a time on short stalks is attached to the branches. Ripening occurs at the end of summer, when the fruits acquire yellowish tints . Doesn't last long on the tree and quickly falls off. In addition, it does not last long when picked, no more than 2-3 weeks.

    In Europe, until tobacco was introduced, crushed pear leaves were used for smoking.

    Skorospelka from Michurinsk

    Skorospelka pear from Michurinsk
    This variety breaks all records for the speed of fruit ripening. Developed by I.V. Michurin as a result of crossing the Citron de Carm and Bere Ligel varieties. It belongs to the early varieties of pear; the harvest ripens by mid-summer . It is a tall tree, the shape of the trunk is pyramidal, light brown in color.

    The fruits are no more than 90 grams, green in summer, acquire a yellow tint when fully ripe. Small fruits are compensated by taste: sweet, juicy, this pear is loved not only by gardeners, but by bees and birds. Therefore, it is better to collect them when they are a little hard and can be stored for no more than a week. The tree itself is winter-hardy, with a dense crown, resistant to diseases and pests.


    Pear variety for the middle zone Allegro
    Developed thanks to artificial pollination of the Osennyaya Yakovleva variety. Another variety for the middle zone, which bears fruit annually, is easy to care for, and resistant to disease and severe cold. Fruiting begins at the age of 3; over time, the fruits become larger in size. The tree is medium-sized, more than 5 m high , with a drooping crown. The branches are curved, light gray in color, the leaves are slightly elongated, densely green.

    A pear weighing from 120 grams with a thick skin, but juicy and sweet flesh, with a spicy aroma. Regular pear-shaped, fruits are slightly elongated. They are attached to branches using a thick stalk and grow singly on a branch. Ripening occurs at the beginning of August , the fruits turn yellowish-red and become soft. The variety is not stored for long; ripe fruits hang on the tree for no more than 2 weeks, but when harvested they can last for more than a month.

    Central Russia has a special climate that is not suitable for the growth of all varieties of pears. There are pronounced hot summers, harsh winters, and transition periods with high rainfall. Only those who “love” such weather can grow and bear fruit here, and proper care will ensure greater pear yields.

    Garden varieties for the Moscow region, description

    Prominent or Lumpy

    Lumpy pear variety
    A pear variety that has long been loved by people near Moscow. A tree no more than 5 m high, with a fairly spreading young crown , which subsequently takes on a pyramidal shape. During the summer, the tree forms many young branches, which must be cut out in the fall, otherwise the fruits will become smaller. The leaf blade is elongated, with light veins, dark green in color. Blooms in early spring with many white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma.

    Fruiting begins in the 5th year, the fruits are medium-sized, regular pear-shaped. The color is greenish-yellow during the summer, with a red tint towards autumn. Fruits with thick skin and coarse-grained white pulp . The taste is sweet and juicy, with a pleasant aroma. When collected, they can last for several months, but it is recommended to collect the fruits in mid-August, when the fruits are quite hard and slightly under-ripe.


    Hybrid variety Tenderness
    A variety obtained by crossing Tyoma and Lyubimitsa Klappa. It produces a particularly large amount of harvest in the Volga region, the middle zone and the Moscow region . The tree is medium-sized, no more than 4 m high, with a sparse crown. The branches are thin, light gray in color. The tree blooms in mid-spring with white, small inflorescences. The leaves are round, with smooth edges, smooth. Frost-resistant, capable of bearing fruit annually. It prefers to grow in sunny areas, is resistant to diseases, and is not afraid of pests, so growing this variety will not be difficult.

    The fruits are large, weighing more than 200 grams with a regular pear-shaped fruit . The pear tastes soft, juicy, coarse-grained with a pleasant aroma. Attached to branches using short stalks. In the middle of the fruit there is a chamber with brown seeds. The fruits of this pear are stored for a long time both on the tree and in collected form, especially at a temperature of 0 degrees.

    Pear wood is not capable of deformation, which is why, for example, rulers for architects are made from it.


    The Fairytale pear is characterized as a tall and very productive variety.
    It received its name because of its beautiful fruits. Obtained as a result of crossing the Povislaya and Nezhnost varieties. The pear is distinguished by a high yield; more than 30 kg of ripe fruits are collected from one mature tree per season . The height of the tree reaches 4 m, the branches are dense, thin with a gray-brown crown. The leaf blade is smooth, quite small, green in color, with small serrations along the edges.

    When the pear ripens, it acquires a yellow-reddish tint on one side and greenish on the other. It has the correct shape of the fruit, and one pear can weigh more than 150 grams . The pear pulp is white, fleshy, medium-grained. In the center of the fruit there are chambers with dark brown seeds. It resists diseases, is not afraid of frost, and seedlings easily take root in a new place.

    Vera Yellow

    Vera Zheltaya
    Another suitable variety for planting in the Moscow region. A tree more than 6 m high, with a pyramidal trunk, with erect branches of a brownish-brown color . Young leaves are light green tones; by autumn they change color to dark green shades. Frost-resistant, does not require special care. The pear ripens in mid-September. It differs from others in that it experiences declines in yield, the fruits become smaller, but after a couple of years the pear again pleases with a large harvest.

    The fruits are green throughout the summer, but change to yellow-orange in the fall. It is attached to short stalks and grows 2-3 pears in a bunch . The taste of the pear is aromatic and fleshy, medium-grained pulp with a thin skin. Good storage capacity, especially in a cool place.

    Elegant Efimova

    Variety Naryadnaya Efimova
    Resulting from crossing the Lyubimitsa Klappa and Tonkovetka varieties. It grows well and produces a rich harvest in the Central region, Moscow region and other nearby areas. Productive, winter-hardy, not susceptible to pests and diseases . The tree is tall, more than 5 m in height, with a dense crown, dark brown color, pyramidal shape. The leaves are small, dark green in color, with smooth edges.

    Beautiful appearance of the fruit, red-orange tones intertwined with green shades. But the fruits are small in size, weighing no more than 120 grams, and have a regular, slightly offset shape. Soft, juicy pulp, with a pleasant sweet aroma. The thin skin of the pear is prone to developing dark spots during the summer. The fruits ripen at the end of August, quickly overripe , so it is better to pick them a little hard, and it is recommended to store them in a cool and dark place.


    Venus Pear
    Another popular variety for planting due to its winter hardiness and ease of care. The tree is no more than 4 m high , the crown is quite spreading, the young branches are slightly lowered down, light brown in color. The variety blooms in early spring with white inflorescences that have a sweet aroma. The variety is distinguished by its high yield; an adult tree can produce more than 40 kg of harvest over the summer. Does not need rest, is able to bear fruit annually. In addition, the variety is quite resistant to frost, diseases and pests.

    The variety ripens in early autumn, the fruits are large, weighing up to 200 grams . The color is red-yellow, with green tones when ripe. The taste is soft, juicy, slightly sour with a thin skin. They are preserved for a long time both on the tree and in assembled form.

    Regardless of the specific variety, of which there are a huge variety today, the main thing in a pear is its taste and beneficial microelements, which are so abundant in ripe fruits. Winter, summer and autumn varieties differ from each other not only in taste, but also in the speed of fruit ripening , care characteristics, and the ability to preserve fruit. Which variety to choose is up to you.

    The post 35 best varieties of summer, autumn and winter pears first appeared About the farm.

    Varieties of productive pears - champions

    In addition to long-term storage, amateur gardeners and entrepreneurial farmers are interested in the seasonal productivity of fruit trees. High-yielding ones, capable of producing 50 kg from young plants and 100-250 kg and even 400 kg from a mature pear, include:

    • "Cure" - vigorous. It bears fruit abundantly already in the third year - up to 50 kg. From 25-year-old pears you can harvest 300-400 kg of 250 gram fruit. When ripening in storage, the light green color changes to yellow with dark splashes. By the second month, the sweetish-tart relish will become stale and the aroma will dissipate. If you expose it from cold to warm, it will completely deteriorate on the third day;

    • “Saratovka” is a 200-gram golden delicacy for those with a sweet tooth, which does not lose its flavor for up to six months. The norm is 100 kg yield. But there is also a minus: despite its characteristic frost resistance and resistance to powdery mildew diseases, it is vulnerable to drought;

    • “Lyra” - you need to eat it before December. The record for regular fruiting is 70 kg. Stable and productive. Expressively juicy, aromatically rich, 200 g of pure sweetness;

    • Low-yielding in the seventh year of life - only up to 22 kg, and abundantly productive after 15-20 years (up to 220 kg), ideal for the Moscow region "Yakovlev's Favorite" with a quince flavor. It can hang on the branches even after the first November frosts without compromising the taste and commercial quality. Transportable until spring. Requires the proximity of pollinators (“Summer Duchess” is the optimal assistant). She prefers loam and black soil;

    • “Bere winter Michurina” is self-fertile. Loves lighted, poorly ventilated places. Does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots. It does not lose its thick sweetness and tartness until January-February. Small – up to 140 g (ideal for canning). A quarter of a hundredweight is the usual harvest volume for a ten-year garden. Changes from a light green color when picked to almost canary-colored with blush on the sides when aged. Excellent raw material for compotes, candied fruits, drying and jam;
    • “Miracle” is pyramidal, 5 meters high, with thin branches. The color is similar to gooseberries, but without stripes, and with specks, slightly elongated. 60-80 kg per season is not the limit. You can leave it on until frost without compromising quality.

    Long-lasting, high-yielding leaders

    The next important parameter in the description of winter-hardy late-ripening plants is the preservation of their presentation and taste. And here we have our favorites:

    • “Belorusskaya late” - early ripening, uniformly sized up to 120, wide pear-shaped, rough fruits - tasty and sweet until February. Prone to shrinking (especially in a generously harvested year) and rapid thickening of the crown. Requires frequent pruning. Not suitable for clayey or sandy soils. The enemy of standing water. Ripens by the end of September. Tasty raw and baked, used for preserves, purees, jams and after 8 months;

    • "Pervomayskaya" - mixed fruiting. Compact. Medium-sized - from 140 to 220 g. Smooth-skinned with a waxy coating. Creamy flesh with slight granulation - reminiscent of a peach. Suitable for the Central and Chernozem regions. Prefers low-alkaline soil, pruning and fertilizing twice a year. Warm water irrigation only. Root rot and fungal diseases are not scary for her, but bacteriosis requires preventive spraying - Bordeaux solution. September-October ripening. Does not spoil on average for 230 days;
    • "Winter cube-shaped" - drought-resistant. Withstands temperature changes critical for the middle zone. The harvest is only good for 6-7 years, but annually it produces 70-100 kg of round, terracotta-sided fruits with rough skin. 200 gram mass. As it fills, it turns yellow and is picked up by subcutaneous dots. Picking maturity – late September-early October, consumer maturity – December. Good consumer qualities - and in March it is still strongly aromatic, juicy and rich.

    Proper storage – long lasting taste

    Winter species are picked not when they become soft, but still green-yellow and hard (the seed inside should be brownish). In September-early October. They are packaged, placed in a dry, well-ventilated room (maybe in an insulated, well-ventilated attic of a barn, or a backyard kitchen) and left undisturbed for about a month. During this time they arrive, filling with juiciness, aroma and softness. Only after this can they be preserved, lowered into the basement/cellar, or vegetable storage.

    Pears love to be picked carefully: no blows with damage to the skin or dents in it. It is better to collect them after the dew has subsided (only dry!) ​​- at the stage of technical maturity (when they lose their greenness and turn yellow). Each fruit along with the stem (1) should be wrapped/wrapped in stationery, writing or brown kraft paper (newspaper is also acceptable), then laid out in two layers (the third row is acceptable, but not desirable) with the cuttings facing up in boxes, the bottom of which is fumigated for disinfection with smoke and covered with thick paper or straw. It can be plastic, but preferable, of course, is a wooden container with spaces/slots between the planks.

    The room for ripening should be dark, dry and well ventilated (a natural, but not damp, draft is welcome). The temperature in it should not fall below +8 °C and rise above +20 °C (standard – +14 °C).

    For three weeks or a month (rarely two) they are only checked, but not eaten. During this time, both taste and juiciness, coupled with aroma, come into force. If there is a need to shorten the time it takes to reach full ripeness, the pears can be placed in the same paper bag that contains slightly greenish bananas or ripe apples. So, they can be eaten in a week.

    After which they are lowered into the pantry (it is not at all necessary to empty the paper), basement/cellar, placed on the balcony (if it is lined with insulation, and the temperature there in winter does not drop to zero and does not go into minus) and covered with a thick canvas cloth. It is advisable that the boxes are not adjacent to potatoes or cabbage and are raised 20 centimeters above the ground or placed on shelves.

    A few more ways (after they have reached the desired condition):

    1. Fill the container with dry river (sifted construction) sand or pine sawdust. Place the fruits with their tails up, 2-3 cm apart from each other. Sprinkle each tier. Only the cuttings should peek out from the sand. The middle of winter will delight you with pear aroma and pure relish.
    2. Dig a hole one and a half meters deep. Place pine boards, pallets or pine/spruce, juniper branches on the bottom. Place the pears in paper bags (postal paper) with small but fairly frequent holes. Cover with spruce branches and board. Sprinkle with soil. On the plus side, freshness lasts until spring. The downside is that the crop is easily accessible to rodents; although the needles protect, it is not 100% effective.
    3. Empty one of the refrigerator shelves and place plastic bags (with ventilation slots) with pears packaged in 500-700 g bags on it. Extremely low temperature – 3-4°C. Apples, carrots, and beets should be excluded as neighbors. Not durable (maximum two months), but convenient, especially if you have a large family and no cold storage room.

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