How often and how much to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground

Rules and features of watering tomatoes

Watering is the most important agrotechnical activity for tomatoes, which they require throughout the entire growing season, from sowing seeds for seedlings to the fruiting period. When watering tomatoes, it is very important to follow the norm.

Insufficient moisture leads to flowers falling off during flowering, as well as poor fruit set. In this case, excess moisture causes rotting of the root system and rapid death of the entire plant.

falling flowers during flowering, as well as poor fruit set. In this case, excess moisture causes rotting of the root system and rapid death of the entire plant.

To properly water tomatoes, you need to consider the following basic rules:

  1. Frequency of watering - tomatoes are sun-loving vegetable crops, so many summer residents plant them in open sunny areas. In this case, the frequency of watering depends on weather conditions and soil conditions. It must not be allowed to dry out. At normal air temperatures, tomatoes are watered up to 3 times a week; in the summer heat, plants are moistened daily.
  2. Watering time – Tomato bushes are best watered in the early morning or late evening. Tomatoes should not be watered in direct sunlight, as the moisture evaporates very quickly, and the foliage and stems get sunburned. When growing tomatoes in open soil, it is advisable to water them in the late evening, after sunset. In a greenhouse, morning irrigation of the beds is considered more preferable. This way the plants will be protected from overheating.
  3. Water – only settled, soft and warm water is used for watering tomato beds. If tap water is used for humidification, it must first be settled. It is best to leave it in the sun, in a dark barrel or other container - this way the water will have time to warm up enough before watering.

The best option for watering tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground is considered to be collected and settled rainwater.

If it is not available, you can use regular tap water - but it must be left to infuse in direct sunlight. To do this, it is better to use a black tank or barrel - this way the liquid will warm up much faster. To reduce the hardness of tap water, you can add a little herbal decoction to it.

Some summer residents use a little trick - boil water, then dilute it with cold liquid. This cannot be done, because when heated, the water loses oxygen, which is vital for tomatoes. This is why water should only be heated naturally.

In the greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, it is best to water beds with tomatoes in the early morning, since here they are protected from overheating in direct sunlight. On particularly hot days, re-watering is carried out in the evening, but it must be carried out before 18:00. This way the greenhouse will have time to ventilate before sunset.

Greenhouse tomatoes must be watered at the root, making sure that drops of moisture do not fall on the leaves and stems of the plant. The vegetable crop in the greenhouse is watered 2 times a week, no more than 4-5 liters of water are poured under each bush.

During fruit formation, tomato bushes need abundant watering. This will require at least 18-20 liters of water per 1 m². The best option would be a drip irrigation system equipped with a centralized water supply. This way you can control the frequency and intensity of watering without harming the vegetable crops.

After each watering, the greenhouse must be opened and ventilated - this way the air will evaporate completely and will not stagnate, causing the development of fungal diseases.

In the open ground

When watering tomato bushes in open ground, it is very important to take into account the water temperature and weather conditions. On cloudy days, plants are moistened with water at a temperature of at least +25°C; in hot, sunny weather, a cooler liquid can be used, but its temperature should not be lower than +17°C.

Tomatoes in open soil love regular, but not too frequent, moisture. For active growth and abundant fruiting, it is enough to water tomatoes every 3-4 days, pouring 5 liters of water under the root of each bush.

Watering tomatoes in open ground has its own characteristics. After each moistening, it is advisable to hill up or mulch - this will help protect the root system of plants from overheating under the sun.

Watering tomatoes: rules for a greenhouse

For the full growth and development of tomato seedlings in a greenhouse structure, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture at a level of at least 90%, and air humidity in the greenhouse should be within 50-60%.

Soil moisture is easily determined mechanically; just squeeze a handful of soil in your hand. If the soil compacts slightly at the same time, then the soil moisture is normal. But to determine air humidity, a vegetable grower will need a hygrometer.

Temperature of water used for irrigation

It is not permissible to water tomatoes with cold water supplied directly from a water pipe or from a well. Sudden temperature changes can cause stress in plants. And this becomes the cause of disease and growth retardation.

For irrigation, water is collected in large containers (usually barrels) and left to stand for some time.

As a result, the settled water should warm up to 22-25 degrees.

If the containers are located in a greenhouse, then they are equipped with lids, because in hot weather the evaporation of moisture will increase the air humidity inside the greenhouse structure. But tomatoes don’t like high humidity.

Watering time

Watering time directly depends on the weather outside the polycarbonate greenhouse. On days when it is dry and hot outside, watering is carried out either early in the morning or in the late afternoon, after the solar intensity has subsided. You need to know and remember that by the evening cool, the tomatoes have already managed to absorb most of the moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to control the amount of water used so that irrigation does not cause an increase in humidity levels.

Experienced gardeners do not advise postponing the procedure until late in the evening. The fact is that in a closed space a greenhouse effect is created, which ultimately leads to an increase in air humidity in the greenhouse.

If the weather is cloudy, then the tomatoes are irrigated in the first half of the day. After watering, keep the ventilation windows and doors open.

Frequency of irrigation of tomatoes

Tomatoes are more drought-resistant than moisture-loving plants.

  1. Overmoistening the soil will lead to rotting of the roots and provoke the appearance of many diseases. The most insidious of diseases is late blight. Fungal pathology can destroy the entire crop in a matter of days. Late blight is especially dangerous in dense plantings.
  2. Dry soil will also adversely affect the development of tomatoes. Due to lack of moisture, the leaves curl and wither, and this leads to weakening of the plant and, often, to its death.

The moisture requirement of tomatoes is determined by their appearance: the leaves lose turgor, and they begin to droop towards the surface of the earth. When the drought is prolonged, the tips of the leaves dry out, which affects the amount of harvest.

Greenhouse tomatoes are watered on average once every two to three days.

It is necessary to spend from 3 to 5 liters of water for each adult bush. The amount depends on the condition of the soil, its structure and external factors.

How to water tomatoes in hot weather

The frequency of watering tomato beds is adjusted depending on weather conditions. In the summer heat, it is recommended to moisten tomatoes every 2 days. If the air temperature rises above +30°C, the vegetable crop needs daily watering.

These rules apply to mature, mature bushes. Young tomato seedlings are watered twice a day, early in the morning and late in the evening. The next day after moistening the beds, the soil between the rows must be loosened - this will prevent the formation of a hard crust, which impairs the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the root system of the plant.

Particular attention should be paid to the water temperature. In the summer heat, it is not recommended to water tomatoes with warm liquid. Under the influence of high air temperatures, the soil quickly warms up, so the moisture reaches the tomato roots almost hot. This negatively affects the root system, can cause burns and lead to deterioration in fruiting.

At the same time, cold water causes no less harm to tomato bushes. The best option is slightly warmed water, which is applied at the roots of plants in the early morning.

During the fruiting period, tomatoes should be watered no more than once every 5-6 days, even in extreme heat. But hydration should be plentiful. Excessive amounts of moisture will lead to deterioration in taste and cracking of the skin of the fruit.

To maintain moisture in the soil for a long time and effectively after watering, you need to mulch the tomato beds with peat or compost. The mulching material is laid out in a layer of at least 2-4 cm.

Why is it important to water tomatoes correctly?

Much depends on the timeliness and compliance with irrigation norms during different periods of tomato development. So, if nightshades experience a moisture deficiency, this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • growth and development will be significantly slower than expected;
  • Mass falling of flowers and absence of ovaries may occur;
  • set tomatoes will grow slowly and gain weight;
  • the fruit size will be significantly smaller than typical for the variety.

If there is excess moisture in the soil, other problems may arise:

  • tomatoes will begin to fatten and, as a result, stop blooming;
  • there is a high risk of root system rot;
  • the risk of late blight and other fungal and viral diseases increases significantly;
  • the skin of the fruit begins to crack;
  • taste qualities are significantly reduced, the taste becomes watery.

Watering methods

There are several methods of watering tomatoes that are used by vegetable growers when growing tomatoes in garden beds or in greenhouses. When choosing the most suitable watering method, you need to take into account the density and location of the tomatoes.

Manual watering

The manual method of watering is most convenient in small greenhouses and small vegetable gardens. Watering tomatoes by hand in large areas is very problematic.

For this method of moistening, use a regular garden watering can or a bucket with a watering can. When watering, you need to pour water directly around the roots, being careful not to get on the stems and foliage.

Some gardeners use garden hoses to water their tomatoes by hand. This is undesirable, since in this case the gardener cannot set the required water temperature, which leads to overcooling of the fragile root system.

In addition, moving the hose can damage or even break tomato stems and leaves, so using this method requires special care. After watering with a hose, the soil quickly dries out, and a crust forms on its surface - this impairs the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the root system of tomatoes.

Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is considered the most convenient, effective and safe for tomatoes and any other vegetable crops. To moisturize, you can use a ready-made drip system, sold in gardening stores, or you can make it yourself.

  • to make a drip system, prepare a 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • cut off the bottom of the bottle;
  • remove the cap from the neck and insert a piece of plastic tube;
  • Place the bottle neck down at a distance of about 10 cm from the tomato bush.

After installing this structure, pour warm, settled water inside the bottle. It will flow through a tube and be evenly distributed throughout the entire circle around the trunk, moisturizing the roots of the tomato bush.

Automatic watering

Automatic watering is indispensable for large garden plots that are difficult to get around with a bucket or watering can. It is no less difficult to independently build a drip system from a bottle and install it near each bush, so experienced vegetable growers choose an automatic method of irrigating their crops.

An automatic watering system can be purchased at gardening stores. It is a simple design consisting of hoses with holes on which sprayers are installed. On some systems, special splitter nozzles are additionally installed that distribute the water flow in several directions.

The advantages of an automatic watering system are obvious. The summer resident can independently set the required time to supply water and turn it off. In this case, moisture is supplied exclusively to the soil around the plant, it does not fall on the stems and foliage of the tomatoes.

Organization of irrigation using different methods

Tomato bushes need to be watered at the root. Do not allow water to get on the leaves and stems. Drops of water in a greenhouse on the foliage can become a magnifying glass. As a result, yellow spots will appear on the leaves - sunburn.

Several methods are used to irrigate tomatoes in a polycarbonate or glass greenhouse:

  • manual;
  • using plastic containers;
  • drip;
  • dimpled

Any of the methods should ensure uniform soil moisture in the stem space of the tomato bush.

Manual (traditional) watering

A garden watering can and a bucket with a ladle are handy items that allow you to manually irrigate tomatoes.

Yes, this process is quite labor-intensive and requires considerable physical strength. After all, you need to collect water, go to the greenhouse with it, and water the plants. And taking into account the fact that 10 liters of water are spent on 2-4 plants, we can say for sure that manual watering is hard work.

But traditional irrigation has a number of advantages.

  • the vegetable grower probably knows how much water he pours under each tomato bush;
  • with manual watering, you can moisten the soil without water droplets getting on the leaves and stems;
  • Depending on the stage of growth of tomatoes, you can combine watering with fertilizing.

Hose Irrigation

When watering tomatoes in a greenhouse structure using a hose, the gardener’s work is greatly facilitated. But there are also disadvantages of such irrigation:

  1. When moving the hose around the greenhouse, there is a possibility that plants will be damaged.
  2. The gardener cannot control the amount of water supplied to the plants.
  3. If there is strong pressure, the soil under the tomatoes becomes compacted and washed away. As a result, the root shoots, which are located near the soil surface, are exposed.
  4. If the hose is connected to a well or water pipe, then the water temperature below +18 degrees will negatively affect the growth of tomatoes. In hot weather, irrigation with cold water will cause a sharp cooling of the roots, the plants will fall into a stupor and slow down in development.

Drip irrigation

Today, many gardeners use drip irrigation to irrigate tomatoes. You can purchase an automatic drip irrigation system at a specialty store.

Craftsmen also make irrigation lines with their own hands. Everyone who uses a drip irrigation system notes the high efficiency of such plant irrigation. Therefore, we highlight the advantages of this method:

  1. Drip irrigation delivers water slowly and evenly exclusively to the roots.
  2. The system significantly saves water.
  3. Can be connected to a regular container, which is installed at a height. You can add fertilizer to a container of water and watering is then combined with the application of fertilizers.
  4. The soil does not become compacted during drip irrigation, so there is no need to loosen it.
  5. Time and physical labor for watering tomato beds in a greenhouse are reduced.

Irrigation from plastic bottles

Watering from plastic bottles is a simplified version of drip irrigation.

First way

  • In the walls of a plastic container (of any volume), holes are made along the entire height with an awl or a hot nail.
  • The container is buried near the tomato bushes in the ground, leaving one neck above the surface of the ground.
  • In order not to harm the root system, they try to bury the bottles at the same time as planting the seedlings.
  • The bottles are filled with water. It will slowly sink into the ground, saturating the roots with life-giving moisture.

Second way

The plastic bottle is cut to the hanger, holes are made in its lower part and at the bottom. The bottle is buried in the soil, buried to 2/3 of the height.

Plastic bottles are distributed along the entire length of the bed and filled with water. The cut off top is used as a lid. Then the water will not evaporate and lead to an increase in humidity inside the greenhouse structure.

Pit irrigation

Quite an interesting way of irrigating tomatoes with a unique technology for growing them.

  1. Before planting tomato seedlings in the garden, dig oval holes 30 cm deep and up to half a meter long.
  2. Four tomato bushes are planted along the edges, maintaining a distance between them.
  3. 1 liter of ash or 1 tbsp is poured onto the bottom of the trench. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  4. The top of the pit is covered with freshly cut grass so that it rises slightly above the bed.

At least 20 liters of water are poured into this trench at one time. It will be enough for plants for 5-7 days. The grass in the trench protects the soil from moisture evaporation, acts as mulch for the roots and protects them from overheating and hypothermia. Over time, the grass will begin to decompose, becoming additional food for the tomatoes.

Watering at different stages of development

An important role in proper watering of tomatoes is given to the stage of their development. A vegetable grower needs to take into account that young, actively growing seedlings and an adult fruit-bearing plant have different moisture requirements.

After planting in a greenhouse or open ground

Immediately after transplanting the grown seedlings into a greenhouse or garden beds, watering is carried out frequently, but in small portions of water. During planting, it is necessary to pour up to 2-3 liters of warm, settled water into each planting hole in the garden. In greenhouse conditions, the volume of liquid must be increased to 4 liters.

Repeated watering after planting the seedlings in a permanent place is carried out after 7-10 days. Further moistening of the tomatoes is carried out every 3-4 days. For the full growth and development of a vegetable crop, you need to pour 5-6 liters of water under each bush.

During flowering

During the flowering period of a vegetable crop, the volume of water must be reduced. The frequency of watering for flowering tomatoes is reduced to 1 per week. For each plant, 2-3 liters of settled water are used.

Watering flowering tomato bushes is done exclusively at the root. The sprinkling method is not suitable for this stage of plant development, since the ingress of drops of moisture causes flower buds to fall off and delays the formation of fruit ovaries.

During active flowering of tomatoes, it is advisable to combine the watering procedure with the simultaneous application of fertilizing. When moistening plants, you need to carefully ensure that water does not get on the inflorescences - this can negatively affect the yield of tomatoes.

During the fruiting period

At the stage of fruit formation, the watering regime needs to be changed. It is advisable to water tall varieties every 5 days, low-growing varieties - once every 3-4 days. The optimal liquid rate is 5 liters for each tomato bush.

For high-quality and effective watering, you need to ensure that the soil around the bushes is moistened at least 25-30 cm deep. During the period of intensive coloring of fruits, the frequency of watering should be reduced as much as possible and tomatoes should be watered no more than once every 10 days.

During the fruiting period, it is very important to monitor the frequency and rate of liquid used. With excessive moisture and too much water, the skin of the fruit begins to crack and the flesh becomes watery. Moisture deficiency is no less dangerous - it leads to toughness, dryness and deterioration in the taste of tomatoes.

Signs of improper watering

Improper watering, be it insufficient or excessive, affects the condition of the tomato.

Signs of insufficient watering:

  1. The leaves become small, sparse, and irregular. They begin to dry out, turn yellow, and curl.
  2. Slowing and stopping growth at any stage of tomato development - they grow slowly, the fruits do not ripen.
  3. During flowering, the flowers begin to crumble , and when fruiting begins, the ovaries fall off.
  4. The taste of the fruit changes in a negative direction - it becomes bitter and unpleasantly tart.
  5. Gray and apical rot. These diseases often occur precisely due to lack of moisture.

It will be useful for you to know how and why to treat tomatoes with iodine serum.
Signs of excess water:

  1. The leaves are succulent, but become pale, dull and fall off.
  2. The fruits, although they retain their color brightness, crack. The tomatoes taste inexpressive and watery.
  3. The appearance of weeping spots at the root collar. These spots spread further, causing rotting of the root system.

How to combine watering with fertilizing

Many complex mineral and organic fertilizers have an aggressive effect on the root system of tomatoes. To reduce it, it is advisable to combine the application of fertilizing with simultaneous watering of the plant.

Effective feeding of tomatoes:

  1. Watering with iodine fertilizer stimulates the formation of fruits, increases the yield of tomatoes and protects the vegetable crop from late blight and other fungal diseases. The simplest and most popular way of feeding is to dissolve 2 drops of pharmaceutical iodine in 5 liters of settled water. 2 liters of prepared fertilizer are applied to each bush. You can read more about iodine supplementation here.
  2. Iodine in milk can be used to prevent and combat late blight. To do this, you need to dissolve 500 ml of low-fat milk in 5 liters of water and add 7 drops of iodine. The prepared solution should be sprayed on tomato bushes every 15 days. You can read more about feeding with milk here.
  3. Yeast feeding is one of the most accessible and popular natural means for feeding tomatoes, accelerating their growth and increasing fruiting. To prepare the top dressing, heat 5 liters of water to approximately 30°C, then add 50 g of dry yeast and 1 spoon of granulated sugar to the warm liquid. Leave this solution to infuse for 2 hours, then dilute with 25 liters of clean water. Yeast fertilizing can be applied within 7-10 days after transplanting the grown seedlings to a permanent location. The recommended dosage for each tomato bush is 500 ml of solution.
  4. Mullein is a natural and environmentally friendly fertilizer that saturates tomatoes with nitrogen and ensures their active growth. To prepare the solution, dilute mullein with clean water in a ratio of 1:20. For the first time, tomatoes can be fed with mullein 8-12 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Mullein can also be used during the period of fruit set, adding it twice. The bush must first be watered, then apply fertilizer at the root at the rate of 500 ml per plant and water again.
  5. Ammonia is used when growing tomatoes to replenish nitrogen deficiency and protect plants from insects, late blight and other fungal diseases. The specific smell of ammonia repels pests. To prepare the fertilizer, 5 ml of alcohol must be dissolved in 5 liters of clean water. This solution must be watered tomato beds 1-2 times a week. If there are signs of nitrogen deficiency, the tomatoes should be watered with a 2% ammonia solution.
  6. Watering with a solution of wood ash is an effective way to saturate tomato bushes with all the necessary minerals, because wood ash contains several dozen useful micro- and macroelements. Liquid ash solution can be used to water tomatoes or added to a planting hole when planting tomato seedlings. Ash fertilizing improves photosynthesis, ensures active metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the growth and productivity of vegetable crops.

A solution of potassium permanganate is often used to water tomatoes. It has a powerful disinfectant and antibacterial effect, disinfects the soil, destroys fungal spores and pathogenic microorganisms. For tomatoes, prepare a weak solution - no more than 3 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.

This solution can also be used for pre-soaking seeds before sowing seedlings and treating grown seedlings before planting them in a permanent place in a greenhouse or garden. When working with potassium permanganate, you must strictly follow the recommended dosage, since a solution that is too concentrated will burn fragile plants and lead to their death.

Basics of high-quality irrigation of tomatoes

There are general rules for watering tomatoes in open ground. We list the main ones:

  • Tomatoes are afraid of watering with hard water, as a result they can develop a disease such as chlorosis. You can soften it as follows: stand for three days or add wood ash (100 grams per 100-liter barrel of water).
  • Irrigation is carried out either early in the morning or no earlier than four hours before sunset.
  • It is not advisable to carry out loosening; it is recommended to replace this procedure with mulching.
  • When the air temperature is below 10 degrees, watering is prohibited. Plants absorb leaves from moisture from the air.
  • Do not allow drops of water to get on the inflorescences of the plant, its fruits and leaves.

When to stop watering

Intensive watering of tomato beds should be stopped at the stage of active fruit formation. This will help avoid common fungal diseases and harvest a bountiful harvest of large, juicy and elastic fruits.

To maintain an optimal level of moisture in the soil, one should not forget about regular weed control, mulching the beds and sprinkling the moist soil with dry soil. Regular hilling of tomatoes is no less useful - this way the moisture remains in the soil and effectively feeds the root system of the plants.

Proper and timely watering is a key condition for growing healthy, strong and abundantly fruiting tomatoes. The frequency and intensity of moisture depends on several factors - weather conditions, the place where the vegetable crop is grown, as well as the stage of its vegetative development. Taking into account all the nuances, the summer resident will be able to provide the required amount of liquid for each plant and get a rich harvest of large, juicy and tasty tomatoes.

Watering tomato seedlings

Before the seedlings sprout, the soil is sprayed with water once a day and covered with film. Subsequently, the film is removed and the seedlings are watered 1-2 times a week.

The optimal water temperature for tomato seedlings is 20-25°C. Some gardeners heat the water and then dilute it with colder water. But when water boils, it loses the oxygen needed by plants. Therefore, it is better to let the water stand in a warm place for some time to warm up to room temperature on its own.

  • How to properly water seedlings on a windowsill, in a greenhouse and in the ground

    Everything you wanted to know about watering vegetable seedlings.

Water temperature and treatment frequency

Tap water is usually very hard, so it is recommended to soften it, unless watering from a hose, of course. To do this, the liquid is settled and compost, manure or weeds are introduced into it. Irrigation is carried out mainly in the morning or evening hours: in hot or cool weather, the water should be moderately warm.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil layer is moistened and not allowed to dry out. Then the bushes will evaporate moisture evenly, will not overheat and will delight you with excellent fruiting.

How often do you irrigate? A feature of open ground is a moderate frequency of watering. It should be rare and plentiful (1-2 times weekly). A similar statement is true both after planting the crop in the ground and at the ovary stage. Frequent and poor watering blocks the development of the plant. It is enough to place about 5 liters of water under each bush.

Additional recommendations

When working, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Watering of low-growing varieties is reduced during the fruit ripening phase, and after a while it stops. This will help organize the uniform ripening of tomatoes and prevent the development of cracks, late blight, and brown spot.
  • When working with tall varieties, watering does not stop, but is carried out once every 4 days. For each plant you need to spend about 10 liters of liquid.
  • Tomatoes love moist soil and dry, warm air. It is not advisable to loosen the holes after each treatment. It is recommended to lay mulch from mowed grass in this place.
  • The introduction of potassium fertilizers into the liquid helps retain moisture and increases resistance to drought. Potassium sulfate is considered the most successful additive.
  • If the air temperature drops below 10 degrees at night, irrigation stops. Tomato leaves will independently absorb moisture from the air and nourish the root system.

Frequency of watering in the greenhouse

  • Seedling period. Having planted seedlings, it is necessary to ensure survival; this is only possible in moist soil. Watering is carried out daily in small doses;
  • Next, the phase of rapid growth begins. During this period, it is also impossible to do without moisture. Therefore, watering should be as frequent as possible to ensure constant soil moisture. But since in this phase the dose can be increased to 2-3 liters, the frequency of watering can be reduced to 1 time every 4-5 days. This phase is also characterized by the rapid growth of the root system; the plant subconsciously prepares for the fact that the tomatoes will need to be diligently fed;
  • The phase of formation of the first flower cluster. This period is very short, but very important. One might say critical. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the plants very carefully; drying out of the soil, even short-term, leads to irreversible results and a huge loss of harvest. During this period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is necessary, but not a single fertilizing can be done without abundant watering of the plant;
  • The beginning of flowering phase. Different varieties have different durations. Violation of agricultural cultivation techniques during this phase leads to the formation of inflorescences that are not typical for the variety, underdevelopment of the pistil and stamens and, as a consequence, the formation of ugly fruits. During this period, watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with the addition of microelements is important. Maintaining soil moisture during this period in optimal condition is very important for the formation of the first, especially valuable fruits;
  • The phase of fruit formation and grain growth. During this period, the fruit grows rapidly, its chambers are filled with gelatinous liquid, the seeds become larger and larger, and the fruit takes on a typical shape. The tomato reaches the green ripeness stage. During this phase, the growth and ripening of tomatoes in the second and subsequent clusters continues;
  • The seeds are ripening. Violation of the water balance during this period leads to the fact that the seeds are reduced, and those that survive will have insufficient germination. At this stage, the tomato consumes three times more water than at the beginning of flowering. And it becomes clear that the soil should be moderately moist; drying out of the soil coma during this period is unacceptable;
  • The phase of brown ripeness of the fruit. The seeds are formed. During this period, they have indicators of class I sowing quality;
  • The phase of complete biological ripeness of the fruits of the first inflorescence. During this period, the vegetative mass continues to increase, there is growth, development, and formation of fruits on the next inflorescences.

How to properly water tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground

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Proper watering of tomatoes is the key to a good harvest. How often should you water tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground? How much water is needed for irrigation. Is it possible to combine watering with fertilizing? We'll talk about all this in today's material.

Watering tomatoes is a simple matter. But there are a number of nuances. Especially progressive gardeners are experimenting, trying to do without water altogether. However, the technology for growing tomatoes without watering is quite controversial. As a rule, with insufficient moisture, plant leaves shrink and turn yellow. Not many people have the willpower to complete this experiment.

The ideal water temperature for irrigation is also a matter of debate. Most gardeners agree that watering tomatoes with cold water (below 15°C) is only permissible during the period of seedling hardening before planting in open ground.

Watering different plants

Watering should be organized taking into account the intensity of absorption of the supplied moisture by the roots, leaves, and stems. Different plants react differently to water. There are 4 groups of crops, classified according to their ability to absorb life-giving moisture.

The nature of watering, based on the type of plants:

  • Fractional frequent watering. Rapid absorption and consumption is observed in cabbage, radish, cucumber, celery, kohlrabi, lettuce, Chinese, white or cauliflower, and spinach.
  • Moderate watering. Plants with roots capable of absorbing moisture at a depth of up to 80 cm - tomatoes, carrots and all melons.
  • Abundant moisture during the period of active growth. Onions, trampoline onions, garlic and other bulbous crops absorb moisture economically.
  • Regular watering with irrigation. Beets consume moisture intensively.

Let's look at examples of watering different plants.


Tomatoes are watered 1 or 2 times every 7 days. The best time for this is the morning, a couple of hours before the onset of heat. The volume for one soil moistening procedure is 30 l/sq.m. m beds. Tomatoes should be watered exclusively at the roots in loose soil.

One of the best ways to water a tomato bush is by drip irrigation at the root. Source

Ground cucumbers

Every 3 or 4 days you need to water each bush with non-cold water if the flowering period has already begun. Water consumption – 30 l/sq.m. m. Water not at the root, but on top of the bush. Then the neck of the rhizome will not rot. If the weather is moderately humid, you can irrigate by sprinkling.

Small seedlings can be watered from above, but for adults the best watering is on the soil Source

Eggplant and pepper

These crops require regular watering, but they do not like sprinkling from above, just like tomatoes. Watering at the root is done 1 or 2 times every 7 days. The water should be settled and warm. Water consumption – 15-25 l/sq.m. m. The soil should be well moistened to a depth of 25-30 cm. If the air temperature is less than +15℃, then watering is suspended. Then the plants will not suffer from gray rot.

Watering eggplants at the root using a hose with a sprayerSource


Water frequently and a lot. Every 2 or 3 days moisturize with a volume of water - 30 l/sq.m. m. The soil should be well moistened to a depth of 40 cm. It is allowed to water with cool, but not ice water. You can use the sprinkling method if it is too hot outside. But on a cloudy day it is better to pour water under the spine. If there is not enough water for the cabbage, then it is attacked by the cruciferous midge or cabbage fly.

Automatic irrigation system for cabbage seedlings planted in the groundSource

Basic Rules

The effectiveness of irrigation depends on several factors. One of them is the type of watering - at the root. This is done in order to saturate the plant with the necessary moisture and at the same time maintain air humidity at the desired level. You can also water in furrows, as long as drops of water do not fall on the stems and leaves of the tomato. If they fall on the leaves, the drops turn into lenses through which the tomato will get burned in the sun. This in turn will only accelerate the development of late blight.

As for air humidity, when watering at the root, it will be maintained at the required level, which will prevent fungal diseases from developing.

The sprinkling method, actively practiced by gardeners, will not work here, since it will not have the best effect on the growth and development of tomatoes.

Photo gallery of rules for watering tomatoes

Do not hose

Water with settled warm water

Don't water the leaves

In order for tomatoes to grow properly and without diseases, you need to water them with settled warm water, which should be approximately equal to the temperature of the soil. Typically this value varies between 24-26 degrees. Trying to water tomatoes with a hose leads to a drop in soil temperature, disruption of the acid balance and damage to the roots. The best option is to water with rainwater, which contains carbonic acid. This has a softening effect, unlike tap water, which is excessively hard. If there is no alternative, mix it with some manure, compost and weeds to soften it.

The weather directly affects the time of watering plants. In bright sunshine, it is better to wait until the evening and water a few hours before sunset. Over the rest of the evening and night, the water will be well absorbed and will be absorbed by the plants. In cloudy weather, watering time does not matter.

Mulching will help retain moisture for as long as possible. As a mulching material, you can choose either special films like spunbond or organic residues. So straw, collected weeds and compost, laid on top of the bed in a layer of five centimeters, will significantly retain moisture in the top layer of soil and allow it to maintain looseness, while simultaneously reducing the number of growing weeds. In addition, this composition will begin to decompose over time and provide the soil with all the necessary nutrients.

Mulch in the form of straw helps retain moisture in the top layer of soil longer

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