Feeding tomato seedlings to make them plump

An important element in growing tomato seedlings at home is the application of fertilizers.
Until now, summer residents often make mistakes when feeding tomato seedlings. But an excess of microelements is just as harmful to any seedlings as an insufficient amount of fertilizer. Dear readers!
For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format! Today we’ll talk about how to feed tomatoes correctly. You will learn to determine the time of fertilization, learn how to determine insufficient amounts of microelements, and which store-bought and home remedies are most effective.

When to feed tomato seedlings

There is no need to feed young tomato seedlings too often. The optimal number of fertilizing is 2. In extreme cases, fertilizers are applied a couple more times. But they use gentle drugs, folk remedies and reduce the concentration of active substances.

The first time fertilizer is applied after picking. Moreover, you do not need to feed immediately. They wait 10-15 days and then apply fertilizer. At this stage, Nitroammofoska is used, an affordable and effective drug.

If you immediately sowed the seeds in individual containers, then the first fertilizing is carried out approximately 18 - 22 days after the appearance of the first shoots. At this time, the seedlings should already have at least 2 true leaves.

The second feeding takes place 11 - 16 days after the first procedure. This is an optional supplement. It is carried out if the seedlings did not tolerate picking well. Feel free to mix the same solution. Please note that you should not try to save the fertilizer the first time. It will fall into disrepair. We need to prepare a new remedy.

The third (or second) feeding occurs shortly before planting the seedlings in the garden or greenhouse. Fertilizers should be applied approximately 3-5 days before the procedure. Feed at the rate of 100 ml per 1 seedling. The solution is prepared from 1 spoon of superphosphate, the same amount of ash and 10 liters of warm water.

ON A NOTE. Don't have a lot of seedlings? Reduce the proportions by multiples so as not to pour out the working solution.

How to dilute urea to feed tomato and pepper seedlings?

Urea is a concentrated nitrogen-containing fertilizer. At the same time, the nitrogen in this substance is in a state convenient for assimilation by plants. This fertilizer is in granular form. It can be applied either directly to the soil or as a solution.


For root feeding with this fertilizer, 60 g of urea is diluted in water (10 liters) and the plants are watered with this solution. For foliar feeding, increased proportions are used (100 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

In dry form, urea is applied to the ground at the rate of 12 g per 1 m2 before planting seedlings and 10 g per 1 m2 in the active growth phase. You need to feed the seedlings with a liquid urea solution before flowering.

How to determine that tomato seedlings need feeding

During all the weeks of seedling development at home, they need various feedings at different stages of growth.

The lack of microelements is manifested in the appearance of the plant. The color and structure of the foliage and stem changes, growth slows down, etc. Let's look at the main signs that your seedlings need help.

Table. Signs of micronutrient deficiency in tomato seedlings

What element is missing?External sign of deficiencyWhat to feed
PotassiumThe appearance of small yellow spots on the leaves. “Burn” edges of sheet plates Potassium sulfate, potassium monophosphate, potassium magnesium.
To mix the solution, you need 1 liter of the active drug per 1 bucket of water. Infusion of crushed wood ash.
NitrogenSlowing down the development of seedlings. Yellowing of veins on leaf blades. The process spreads from below Treatment with a solution of ammonia or urea on the sheet.
CalciumDying of foliage. The new leaves are very small. Presence of stains on leaf plates Spraying with infusion of calcium nitrate (5 spoons per 5 liters of water).
PhosphorusRedness of the lower part of the leaf blade. Sometimes the leaves stretch upward Superphosphate, ammophos, phosphate rock. To prepare the working solution, thoroughly mix 2 level teaspoons in 5 liters of warm water.
IronLeaf chlorosisSpraying with iron sulfate
Other microelementsChange in color of leaf blades of seedlings. Usually observed when transplanting to a garden or greenhouse Apply complex fertilizer

When seedlings do not need fertilizers

To restore the roots, seedlings after picking or transshipment are not disturbed for 12-15 days. At this time, the plants are not yet receptive to nutrition.

You should not give fertilizers too often, even if there was a clear lack of any element. Exceeding the dose is fraught with stunted growth and weakening of protective functions.

Basic and additional batteries

The main purpose of applying mineral fertilizers and organic matter is to provide timely nutrition. At different stages of tomato development, the need for certain components changes. Seedlings are fed in relatively small doses so that the substances are absorbed evenly. You cannot do without fertilizer if the seedlings have been in the same soil for a long time and its resources are running out.

Important! The composition of ready-made complexes is known and their use simplifies the task. The percentage of the ratio of substances in organic matter is not known, so it is used carefully, without increasing the dose.

The division of nutrients into macro- and microelements is carried out according to the principle of their content in plant tissues.

Nitrogen is the main material for protein synthesis. At first the need for it is low, it increases when the fruits are filled on the first cluster. Deficiency or excess sharply reduces overall yield . Nitrogen is needed for the growth of greenery, roots, and reproductive organs. Plants absorb it in nitrate or ammonium form.

Phosphorus is extremely important at the initial stage of seedling growth. It promotes:

  • growth of the root system;
  • earlier flowering and fruiting;
  • increases sugar content.

After picking, be sure to water the pots with fertilizer with a high phosphorus content.

The role of potassium for tomatoes is varied:

  • maintaining water balance;
  • formation of sugars;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • enhancing the absorption of manganese.

The need for potassium increases during flowering and budding .

Calcium is not mixed with other mineral preparations; it is not compatible with phosphorus and sulfur. The element is responsible for the overall development of seedlings, neutralizes toxins, and is responsible for the absorption of other elements. Affects carbohydrate and protein metabolism. The need for calcium in tomatoes can be traced at the very beginning of growth. It helps accumulate nutrients and break them down into simpler compounds.

Without microelements, tomatoes die, develop poorly, and have low disease resistance. The correct balance of minerals is expressed in:

  • continuous growth of seedlings;
  • rich green color and brightness of the leaves;
  • timely flowering and ovary formation.

Important! Microelements serve as vitamins for the plant. They are part of cellular structures, the immune system, and participate in all internal processes.

Identifying element shortages

If the seedlings have a stunted appearance, the color has faded, then this is a signal of a lack of one or more essential substances.

Signs of element deficiency

Signs of phosphorus deficiency :

  • growth inhibition;
  • thin and short stems;
  • small leaves located upward at an acute angle;
  • on the old ones there is a crimson underside, the veins are violet-red;
  • roots rise from the soil and are visible on the surface.

Phosphorus starvation often occurs when watering with hard water.

Nitrogen deficiency causes:

  • shredding of leaves, yellowing, falling off in the acute phase;
  • the reverse side becomes purple;
  • the stems become tanned, the brushes do not develop;
  • there is a high probability of gray rot and late blight.

Due to potassium deficiency, the foliage becomes uneven and lumpy, the edges turn yellow and then dry out. This occurs from tissue dehydration and slower movement of substances. The stems become thin and woody, and few buds form in the clusters.

Lack of calcium weakens the development of roots, the tops of stems, leaves become chlorotic, curl, and become corrugated. The first and subsequent ovaries are affected by blossom end rot. Often the phenomenon is caused by excess nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium.

Excess nitrogen

With a relative excess of nitrogen, tomatoes develop very powerful foliage and no ovaries in the clusters. Then immunity decreases, leaves curl, and dying dark yellow spots appear. If excess nitrogen is detected, potassium is added and foliar feeding of tomatoes with microelements is done.

Advice from experienced gardeners

The most important first step is to choose the right tomato varieties to sow your seeds for seedlings.

Always adhere to the fertilizer application schedule. The condition of the seedlings is carefully monitored, and developmental deviations are recorded.

Sometimes seedlings turn yellow and stretch out not from poor nutrition, but from a lack of light. In this case, additional lighting will be organized.

For normal absorption of nutrients by the plant, a stable temperature (+22+25°C) is required. If the soil is cold, the absorption process will be difficult. This is especially dangerous for the absorption of phosphorus.

Liquid feeding during the day leads to leaf burns. It is permissible to carry out work in the morning and before sunset.

What to feed two weeks after germination, when to do the first feeding

Ideally, you should start preparing a working fertilizer solution for the first time only after carrying out a procedure such as diving. It is believed that the soil substrate where the seedlings grow is nutritious enough to feed them until 2-3 leaves form. That is, until the time comes to dive.

But it often happens that just a couple of weeks after germination, seedlings require help. This happens for many reasons: improper care, poor soil, weak seeds, unsuitable room conditions.

Immediately after germination, young seedlings are still too weak. For this reason, the use of mineral complexes is not recommended. It is much better for seedlings if you use gentle folk recipes or bio-based growth stimulants.

  • Wood ash. An excellent fertilizer that can be used to feed tomatoes even before picking. Replenishes the deficiency of elements, serves as a prophylaxis against blackleg.
  • Root formation stimulator (for example, Kornevin). This type of drug contains many useful substances. Moreover, their concentration is not so high as to harm the seedlings.
  • Humate. A slightly diluted solution of humate (Gumi) will allow the seedlings to feel better.

If none of the above is at hand, but you have already purchased mineral fertilizers, then it is permissible to feed the tomatoes with them. However, you definitely need to reduce the concentration of active trace elements. Divide the dose written in the manual by 4 and dilute the solution.

When do tomatoes not need fertilizing?

On sunny days, fertilizing should be done in the early morning or evening. Otherwise, liquid getting on the leaves can cause sunburn.

Tomatoes should not be fed for about half a month after picking. The plant needs such a break to restore its root system.

You should also wait half a month after transplanting the seedlings into the ground. This interval is necessary for rest and adaptation of the culture.

There is no need to feed the plants often. It is important to follow the standard pattern; light weekly feedings are also acceptable. Exceeding the norm of nutrients can be just as harmful to the crop as their lack.

More information about how and what to fertilize tomato seedlings is described in this video:

Feeding tomato seedlings is an important component of their cultivation. With the help of fertilizers, you can provide the plant with the necessary nutrients, accelerate its growth and formation of ovaries, increase productivity and taste. Properly selected fertilizers also help reduce the risk of various crop diseases.



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How to feed tomato seedlings after picking

Picking is a big stress for any seedlings. It should be avoided if possible. But most summer residents pick. Therefore, if you carried out the procedure, then the seedlings need to be fed to strengthen their health and help them adapt after transplantation.

No nutrients will be needed immediately after the procedure. Seedlings need several days to “get over” and take root. The time for feeding occurs 1.5 - 2 weeks after the dive.

ON A NOTE. To help seedlings take root in separate containers, they can be watered with a mild solution of Kornevin, Epin, Zircon.

Potassium monophosphate is also quite effective. The solution can be made from Nitroammophoska. It is sold in bags in almost all hardware stores. Proportions: 1 teaspoon per 3-liter jar of water. Consumption rate – 100 ml per 1 seedling.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with yeast

Fertilizing seedlings with yeast not only helps add nutrients to the soil, but also completely rebuilds the structure of the soil. This work of fungal microorganisms accelerates the growth of seedlings and improves the yield of peppers and tomatoes.

The basis of this feeding is yeast (10 g), sugar (4 tablespoons) and water (10 liters). The resulting solution is a concentrate, which must be diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10 before applying it to the soil.

Rich harvest of peppers

You can replace yeast with wheat grains. To do this, fill them with a small amount of water and leave them in a warm place. When the grains swell, grind them into porridge and add sugar. Two to three tablespoons per glass of dry wheat grains. The resulting viscous mass must be heated and left for a day in a dark place.

Before using this fertilizer, this mass must also be diluted with clean water.

What fertilizers can be used at home?

The market for fertilizers developed for seedlings is very wide. Manufacturers offer summer residents a variety of brands to choose from. At their core, many of these drugs are analogues. Let's look at the basic mineral supplements.

How to use superphosphate to feed seedlings

Superphosphate is one of the most commonly used fertilizers. Effective when transferred to the garden and greenhouse. The most popular proportion when preparing a working solution is 3 teaspoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of warm water.

We feed the seedlings with urea

Urea is a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. You shouldn't get carried away with it often. It is best to apply only if there is a deficiency of the corresponding microelement. The fact is that seedlings become stretched due to excess nitrogen, and in general this element has a negative effect on yield.

Potassium monophosphate

This is a very good fertilizer with the best proportions of components. Potassium monophosphate provokes the growth of seedlings in width, the formation of new shoots and ovaries, and also prevents the seedlings from stretching. In addition, the drug strengthens the general immunity of plants against the effects of fungi, viruses, bacteria and pests.

Top dressing Krepysh for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers

"Krepysh" is a water-soluble fertilizer from. It is available in both dry and liquid form. This fertilizer contains all the natural stimulants necessary for vegetable crops, humates, and such important elements for plants as:

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Nitrogen

The composition of this supplement is carefully balanced. This fertilizer is easy to work with. It is introduced into the soil with seedlings during watering. The first feeding should be done after the formation of the second leaf. Then during picking and every two weeks until flower ovaries form.

For seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, you need to dilute two teaspoons of “Krepysh” per 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies for tomato seedlings

You can do some of the fertilizing with your own hands using available materials. There is nothing complicated about this procedure. Many homemade recipes are just as effective as store-bought medications. The advantage of folk recipes is that the fertilizers prepared according to them are more gentle in their effect on seedlings.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! Try to prepare small portions of fertilizers so as not to leave them in jars. The fact is that fertilizers created on the basis of organic matter begin to sour and ferment. They become unsuitable for seedlings.

Yeast fertilizer for tomato seedlings

Yeast is a beneficial fungus that stimulates the development of seedlings. The fertilizer is prepared from dry yeast from a 910 g bag), 4 tablespoons of sugar and a bucket of water. It must be stirred in warm water. The concentrate must sit and ferment. It will take about 1-2 days.

Ammonia for tomato seedlings

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen and also a protector against pests. Feeding with this product must be done carefully so that the tomatoes do not begin to fatten. Use it once and only on healthy and strong seedlings.

Hydrogen peroxide for tomato seedlings

Peroxide is an excellent growth stimulant that revitalizes plant tissue and improves metabolism. This product is also good for soil. The third advantage of such feeding is protection from parasites and pathogenic microflora.

How to use ash

Ash or crushed coal is a good potassium and phosphorus supplement. Proportions – 200 g per 10 liters of warm water. The infusion must be kept for 20 - 24 hours. Then don't forget to filter it. In addition to water-based fertilizing, sifted ash can be used to powder seedlings and soil.

How to use iodine
Iodine solutions are used to have a beneficial effect on the overall health of seedlings. The second reason to use this drug is the prevention of fungal diseases.

Fertilizing is done on the leaf, that is, sprayed from a spray bottle. Working solution: 1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water.

What are the effects of banana peels?

Banana skins are quite effective in fertilizing tomato seedlings. The solution must be infused for 24 hours. Such fertilizer will have a beneficial effect on the health of the seedlings.

But there is no need to be partial with fertilizing. One watering with banana water after the formation of the fourth leaf is enough.


This fertilizer is rich in calcium.

Fertilizer from eggshells is not prepared immediately. It needs time to brew. You will need a 2 liter jar of shells and the same amount of water. It is better to mix everything in a large container. Don't forget, the shell needs to be ground.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with Epin

"Epin" is a biostimulant whose task is to activate the processes taking place in plants and necessary for their normal development. This drug is sold in an ampoule, the contents of which must be diluted in water.


The greatest effect can be achieved if you use the Epin as a foliar feeding. For this purpose, you need to dilute 5 drops of the biostimulator in 500 ml of warm water.

use "Epin" after the plants have formed 3 true leaves.

What fertilizers are suitable for tomatoes and peppers at the same time?

These two crops are close relatives, so it is very convenient to use the same fertilizers to save money.

Both vegetables respond well to feeding with yeast, iodine water and banana peel infusion. Like most cultivated plants, these vegetables can be watered and sprayed with growth stimulants (Epin, Kornevin, Krepysh, Athlete, etc.).

Also, potassium monophosphate, nitroammophosphate, superphosphate and urea can be used to feed these crops. But be careful. Fertilizing can be done at the same time if the timing of fertilization is appropriate.

Otherwise, you just buy one package and use fertilizers when needed.

Picking and feeding

Picking, as a mandatory procedure carried out at a certain time for plants planted in cramped containers, has several tasks. After pinching the root and transplanting into separate cups, the tomato seedlings receive:

  • rapid growth of the root system as a result of a large volume of planting capacity;
  • good lighting;
  • full development of the above-ground part;
  • when feeding, delivery of nutrients to the roots.

Feeding seedlings after picking:

  • stimulates the formation of new roots;
  • increases the resistance of seedlings to external negative conditions and protects against diseases;
  • accelerates plant growth;
  • increases the amount of future harvest;
  • speeds up flowering.

What to feed if the seedlings are thin

Sometimes tomato seedlings stretch out, that is, the stems become thin and long. This happens mostly from a lack of sunlight, as well as an excess of nitrogen. Elongated seedlings get sick more often and are more susceptible to various diseases. For example, black leg.

Thin seedlings must be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If the seedlings are stretched out, they are not advised to give them a rooting agent. It is better to use superphosphate. This drug will reduce the effects of nitrogen.

IMPORTANT! If the seedlings look thin and pale, check the conditions under which they are kept. With a high degree of probability, the conditions for keeping tomatoes are inappropriate.

Water and feed the seedlings after picking

If your seedlings are on a windowsill, then their watering will largely depend on the weather outside the window. When it is cloudy outside and cool indoors, seedlings will need on average 2-3 waterings per week. If the weather is sunny or even hot, seedlings (especially large ones) require daily watering.

The seedlings need to be watered at least once a week so that the liquid saturates the earthen ball and flows out through the drainage holes. This helps prevent soil salinity, which is especially important for cabbage.

Sometimes summer residents try to restrain the growth of seedlings so that they “hold on” to planting in open ground and do not outgrow. They do this by limiting watering. But here you need to be very careful. This technique can be used no earlier than 2 weeks before planting.

As for fertilizing for seedlings, very often young plants themselves “hint” to summer residents what exactly they are missing. For example, with a lack of iron, they turn pale, only the veins on the leaves remain bright green. Seedlings wither from a lack of nitrogen (but this can also be a lack of lighting or too low/high temperature). A lack of phosphorus is characterized by a purple tint to the foliage.

  • How to feed tomato seedlings on the windowsill?

    Useful tips on how to improve the growth of tomato seedlings and provide the plants with missing nutrients.

How to feed tomato seedlings to make them plump

There is no specialized fertilizer that will make your tomatoes strong and healthy. The appearance of tomatoes depends on the conditions of their maintenance and the fertilizers that you apply according to the plan.

Two or three feedings and proper care are the key to ensuring that the seedlings turn out healthy, with thick stems and bright foliage.

ON A NOTE. You can activate weight gain in seedlings using the drug Atlet. But, if you do not maintain the seedlings well, then fertilizing will not help.

How to dilute nitroammofoska to feed tomato and pepper seedlings?

Nitroammofoska is a fertilizer containing all three of the most important elements for plant development: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It has the form of granules and can be used either dry (applied to the soil in bulk) or pre-diluted with water. In liquid form, nitroammophoska is used when watering plants. But it can also be used as foliar feeding.

If your tomatoes do not have enough ovaries, then with the help of such fertilizing you can increase them. To do this, a matchbox of nitroammophoska granules is diluted in a bucket of water. For each pepper or tomato bush you need to add 500 ml of this solution.

Nitroammofoska goes well with mullein, potassium sulfate and sodium humate.

Common mistakes

  • Fertilizers are applied at the wrong time. Each feeding has its time. For example, untimely watering with a nitrogen-containing preparation can cause tomatoes to begin to fatten or stretch.
  • Violation of the maximum permissible concentration. This is a common mistake made by beginners. Having prepared the solution according to the instructions, they begin to doubt and add more active ingredient. This action leads to chemical burns.
  • Excessive passion for “folk” recipes. Homemade fertilizers should play a supporting role. Constantly feeding tomatoes only organic matter is harmful.
  • Adding solutions that have stood for several days. Only a small number of drugs retain their properties for a long period of time. Basically, fertilizing should be applied on the same day that it was diluted in water. In addition, some fertilizers begin to ferment, and their application has a negative effect on seedlings.
  • Fertilizers are applied incorrectly. This is rarely mentioned, but root fertilizing needs to be done in moist soil. This way microelements are better absorbed by the plant.
  • Incorrectly carried out procedure. Root feeding should be carried out in such a way that fertilizers do not get on the above-ground part of the tomatoes. Contact of young seedlings with chemicals leads to burns.
  • Feeding with mullein and bird droppings. Organics should not be used when growing tomato seedlings at home. It is poorly processed and leads to fattening of seedlings.
  • Feeding strong and healthy seedlings. If your tomatoes are developing and not getting sick, do not rush to feed them. Excess micronutrients will cause a lot of problems, including causing plant diseases.

Basic information about the culture

The tomato is a member of the Solanaceae family; it loves well-lit areas and fairly high temperatures - from +18˚C and above. Even minor frosts can significantly reduce the amount of harvest or even lead to the death of the plant. Light soils - sandy loam or loamy - are best suited for tomatoes. According to the rules of crop rotation, the best predecessors for tomatoes are cucumbers, carrots, onions, legumes and cabbage. Preliminary soil preparation begins in the fall. It consists of digging up the soil and adding organic matter (manure, compost, humus). This allows you to replenish your strength and nutrients before the new season.

The climate characteristics of almost all regions of Russia do not imply planting tomatoes directly in the ground. In early spring, sowing seeds for seedlings at home begins. When the threat of frost disappears in the region, summer residents begin planting tomatoes in open or protected ground. Most often this period occurs at the end of May.


Transplanting tomatoes from containers that were located at home to a garden bed is called picking. After this procedure, the plant experiences severe stress, so it needs to create favorable conditions for successful acclimatization.

Caring for tomato seedlings after picking includes:

  1. Hardening. This procedure is usually done for several days before transplanting the seedlings. This is necessary in order to increase the cold resistance of plants;
  2. Proper watering. Tomatoes react very sensitively to waterlogged and dry soils, so it is very important for summer residents to adjust the frequency and volume of watering;
  3. Loosening, weeding. Without these basic procedures, it is impossible to achieve active development of the bush. In addition, contaminated soil creates conditions for the emergence of diseases and pests;
  4. Feeding tomato seedlings after picking is perhaps the most important part of care. Feeding seedlings with organic and mineral components allows for active growth of tops and the formation of ovaries, and subsequently a rich harvest.

Foliar application of fertilizers

In open ground, tomatoes need foliar feeding. This is an additional opportunity to provide tomatoes with microelements and vitamins.

Boric acid

The most affordable option would be boric acid. She is an active participant in all growth processes. If this substance is in short supply, fertilization and the appearance of ovaries on tomatoes will slow down.

If the leaves of the plants turn light yellow, curl, and the growing points turn black, this indicates a lack of the component.

The situation will be corrected by foliar feeding, prepared at home. Dissolve 1 g of powder in 1 liter of hot water (approximately 85 ° C) - these proportions are suitable for seedlings. Adult bushes will require an increase in dose: 1 tsp. for 10 liters of water.

Carry out the treatment in the morning or evening, spray the leaves from all sides. Duration - until the problem disappears.

Calcium nitrate

If the plant does not have enough calcium, the leaves will curl and blossom end rot will appear. It is better to feed with calcium nitrate: dilute 1 tbsp. l. substances in 10 liters of water. Spray 1 liter of liquid per bush.

Home remedies for feeding tomatoes

Gardeners who strive to grow completely organic products try not to use mineral fertilizers even at the stage of seedling growth, especially since every housewife has a lot of products in her arsenal that successfully replace purchased chemicals. Plants need macroelements for full development:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • trace elements: boron, manganese, sulfur, iron.

Nutrients can be supplied to seedlings:

  • Black tea;
  • drunk coffee;
  • banana skins;
  • eggshell;
  • ash;
  • yeast;
  • onion peel;
  • water, which was used to wash cereals and boil potatoes.
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