We grow pink tomatoes easily: description of the Malinovka variety and care for it

Tomato "Robin": description of the variety

Variety nameRobin
general descriptionMid-season determinate variety
Ripening period105-120 days
FormCylindrical, slightly ribbed
ColorRaspberry pink
Average weight of tomatoes60-80 grams
Productivity of the variety5 kg per sq.m
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to blossom end rot and tobacco mosaic virus

The height of determinate tomato bushes "Robin" is from 60 to 70 centimeters.
These bushes are not standard. They are characterized by medium foliage. The leaves are medium in size and dark green in color. The Malinovka tomato variety is not a hybrid and does not have F1 hybrids of the same name . It is a mid-season variety, since from the moment of sowing the seeds until the fruits fully ripen, it takes from 105 to 120 days.

These tomatoes are characterized by high resistance to cracking, tobacco mosaic virus and blossom end rot. Tomatoes can be grown both in unprotected soil and in greenhouses.

The fruits of the “Robin” tomato have a cylindrical, slightly ribbed shape and weigh from 60 to 80 grams . Unripe fruits are light green in color, and when ripe it turns crimson-pink. Each fruit has two or three nests, and the dry matter content is at an average level. Due to their high density, these tomatoes can easily be transported. They can be stored for quite a long time and have a pleasant taste.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Robin60-80 grams
Black pear55-80 grams
Dusya red150-350 grams
Nobleman300-400 grams
Spasskaya Tower200-500 grams
Honey drop90-120 grams
Black bunch10-15 grams
wild Rose300-350 grams
Rio Grande100-115 grams
Brawler100-180 grams
Tarasenko Yubileiny80-100 grams

We bring to your attention useful information on how to properly plant seedlings at home and what is the time for seeds to germinate after planting. We will also introduce you to articles on the topic of growing tomatoes with peppers and how to properly prepare seeds for planting.


  • Antonina from Voronezh. For a long time I was looking for a large-fruited, productive variety of pink tomatoes. A neighbor at the dacha recommended the Malinovka tomato and gave me seeds that she collected herself. I planted the plants in the garden at the end of May. In the last third of July the first tomato ripened. Its weight was more than 200 g. I really liked the taste and aroma. Now this is one of my favorite varieties.

  • Victor from Shebekino. I can only give positive feedback about the described tomato. It grows without any problems, bears fruit well, and is disease resistant. Grown in a greenhouse and in a garden bed. I am very pleased with the harvest.

The Malinovka tomato is one of those varieties that “linger” for a long time in the gardens of amateurs. But it should be borne in mind that the quality and quantity of fruits directly depends on proper care.


The Malinovka variety was bred by Russian breeders in the 21st century. “Malinovka” tomatoes were included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground on private farms located in the southern regions of the country.

In other areas, tomatoes can be grown in greenhouses. These tomatoes are quite common in Moldova and Ukraine. Tomatoes of this type can be used for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. About five kilograms of crop are harvested from one square meter of planting .

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Robin5 kg per square meter
Tanya4.5-5 kg ​​per square meter
Alpatieva 905 A2 kg per bush
Dimensionless6-7.5 kg per bush
Pink honey6 kg per bush
Ultra early ripening5 kg per square meter
Mystery20-22 kg per square meter
Wonder of the earth12-20 kg per square meter
Honey cream4 kg per sq.m
Red Dome17 kg per square meter
King of the Early10-12 kg per sq.m.

Further care

The Malinovka tomato is unpretentious in care, but it also requires the following agrotechnical measures.


It is recommended to water no more than once a week. Use only settled water. If moistening is carried out with cold water, the root system may begin to rot. It is very important to water the plants at the roots. This will prevent the future development of diseases such as late blight.

After moistening, the soil is loosened so that all the necessary nutrients reach the bushes.

If the summer is hot and it is not possible to water the tomatoes often, you can mulch using peat, straw, and sawdust.


The Malinovka variety loves feeding. Therefore, for a bountiful harvest, it is recommended to apply fertilizer once every 2 weeks. You can feed the bushes with organic matter: manure, rotted sawdust or straw. But it is best to water the plants with a solution of wood ash, 1 kilogram of which is diluted in 10 liters of settled water. Up to 2 liters of liquid are poured under the bush.

When ovaries appear on the plants, mineral fertilizers or superphosphate are applied.

During fruiting, it is recommended to use potassium fertilizers. They perform several functions at once: improve the growth of fruits and allow them to grow larger, add juiciness to tomatoes, improve taste characteristics, and increase the shelf life of tomatoes after harvesting.


It is recommended to form the culture into 2-3 main stems. The remaining shoots must be removed using pruners. It is also important to carry out pinching to reduce the growth of green mass and obtain larger fruits. To do this, remove all sprouts that appear in the axils of the plants. If the bush grows large, pinch off its top.

Advantages and disadvantages

The above varieties of tomatoes are characterized by the following advantages:

  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • resistance to cracking and disease;
  • high transportability and good keeping quality of fruits;
  • wonderful taste and commercial qualities of tomatoes;
  • versatility in the use of fruits.

This type of tomato does not have any significant disadvantages.

Features of cultivation

This variety is characterized by the presence of simple inflorescences, which are sometimes of an intermediate type. There are no joints on the stalks. The main feature of this tomato variety is the uniform ripening of the fruits. There should be no more than seven to nine plants per square meter of land. The distance between bushes should be 50 centimeters, and between rows - 40 centimeters.

The main measures for caring for Malinovka tomatoes are regular watering, loosening and weeding, as well as the application of mineral fertilizers . These tomatoes are harvested from July 25 to September 10.

Read more about soil for seedlings and for adult plants in greenhouses. We will tell you about what types of soil for tomatoes exist, how to prepare the right soil yourself, and how to prepare the soil in the greenhouse for planting in the spring.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Usually the seeds undergo special processing before being packaged. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to do this work yourself. Moreover, the procedure takes little time and effort.

It is enough to dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of warm water to obtain a slightly pink solution. After this, the seeds are placed in a container for half an hour for disinfection. Gardeners say the risk of encountering infectious diseases is sharply reduced.

Diseases and pests

“Robin” tomatoes are resistant to blossom end rot and tobacco mosaic virus, and appropriate fungicidal preparations will help protect them from other diseases. Pest attacks can be prevented by treating plants with insecticidal preparations.

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