Is it worth planting Boneta pepper – the pros and cons of the variety

Characteristics and description

The variety belongs to the early ripening, sweet species, has a fairly presentable appearance and no less pleasant taste.

The plant itself is powerful, the leaves are medium sized, rich light green in color. The height of the bush ranges from 50 to 60 cm. The plant grows quite wide, although it has a relatively short length.

The fruits are large, oblong prismatic in shape, length to width ratio 12:8, smooth, shiny, have three or four chambers. During the period of technical ripeness they have a milky green color, and during full ripening they acquire a bright, rich orange-red color. The weight of the fruit ranges from 70 to 200 - 250 g, it all depends on proper care and timely feeding of the plant with fertilizers. The fetal wall has a thickness of 5 to 8 mm. With proper care, 1 sq. m of bed, you can collect 3.3 kg of fruit.

Boneta peppers are juicy, moderately “meaty”, have a pleasant sweet taste, the skin is not hard, and has a rich peppery aroma. Well-ripened fruits are elastic and crunchy.

Description of the variety

The early ripening variety Boneta has a ripening period of 80-90 days and is chosen by farmers selling their harvest. It has time to ripen before the bulk of vegetables arrives on the market and prices fall. In northern regions with short summers, Boneta produces the main harvest before the onset of cold weather.

Pepper has dense compact bushes 45-55 cm high. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. The bushes do not require garter. To obtain high-quality fruits, it is recommended to pick flowers 3-4 weeks before the end of the season.

The fruits have an elongated rectangular shape. The wall is from 5 mm, can reach 8 mm. There are 3-4 seed chambers inside. The outside is a flat surface with virtually no dents. The peel is smooth and shiny. There is no recess under the tail. At the stage of technical ripeness, the color is light green. The description of the variety states that upon reaching biological ripeness, the pepper turns red. You can pick it and eat it technically ripe - the taste and aroma are wonderful.

During growth, the fruits are oriented with their nose up. When they reach technical ripeness, they begin to unfold downward. The average weight of one fruit is 90-150 g. Harvest from 1m2 to 5 kg.

Boneta has excellent taste and is suitable for all types of processing and consumption in its raw form.

Maturation speed

From the first shoots to the appearance of fruits, only 85–90 days should pass. From the beginning of ripening, when the fruit has fully gained its mass, but has not yet filled out, has not acquired its final color, in this case red, 20 - 25 days can pass until biological maturity. Harvest occurs between July and September.

Important! It is necessary to collect fruits from the bush in time, because if they stay there longer than expected and become “overripe,” this can slow down the ripening process of other fruits. This is due to the fact that the bush will waste energy and give all the juices to more ripe fruits.

Resistance to diseases and adverse conditions

The Boneta variety copes well with cool temperatures or drought, but still, the best yields are obtained only if all conditions for growing pepper are met. To maintain an optimal microclimate, it is recommended to cover the beds with film covers and install drip irrigation.

“Boneta” is considered resistant to the main diseases of pepper, but it is better to carry out 2-3 preventive treatments of pepper with fungicides, taking a 10-day break between them.

Thus, the “Boneta” variety of sweet pepper is a worthy example for growing in a garden or personal plot.

Features of growing and caring for Boneta pepper

Planting time for seedlings

Seeds are usually planted for seedlings in March or 70 - 75 days before the expected date of planting in a permanent place. But before you plant them in the ground, you need to prepare the soil, as well as the boxes where they will germinate. Containers for soil must be disinfected, even if they are new. A mixture of soil, peat and humus is used as a substrate. You can also add 1 tablespoon of wood ash per 1 kg of soil. The soil mixture in the boxes needs to be spilled and the seeds sown to a depth of about 1 cm. Cover the containers with glass or cover them with film.

In order for the first leaves to appear within a week, the ambient temperature where the seeds will germinate should be 25 degrees Celsius. When the first permanent leaves appear, the plants will need to be planted individually in separate glasses with a volume of 0.3 - 0.5 liters. At first, the seedlings may be a little lethargic, because peppers do not like transplanting. To speed up the adaptation process, you can treat it with Epin.

Growing and care

With the arrival of May, or when the earth has warmed up to 25 degrees, seedlings can be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse. It is necessary to protect the plant from possible frosts. It all depends on the region where the vegetable is grown and the local climate. The distance between bushes and rows should be 35 and 40 cm, respectively. Thus, for 1 sq. m plot there should be 4 bushes.

It is recommended to tie up the bushes almost immediately, because due to the massiveness of the fruits, branches may break off. The main care of the plant in the future consists of abundant watering, periodic loosening and mandatory feeding.

The first time you need to fertilize the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers is already 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. This will help strengthen the root system, and the leaves will become powerful, quite juicy and green. The next feeding is carried out during the period of fruit formation, but with phosphorus fertilizers in order to increase productivity. It is best to use bird droppings for feeding. It is infused for 1 week, diluted with water at a rate of 1:10, and watered under each bush. You can also use mulch.

Pepper loves plenty of watering. To do this, use settled water at room temperature (approximately 25 - 26 degrees Celsius). But, despite its love of water, the plant is quite resistant to drought, although the latter factor can negatively affect the yield as a whole.

In order to retain moisture, the row spacing should be generously sprinkled with straw, peat or sawdust.

Interesting! Experienced gardeners have noticed that to increase productivity, peppers need to be planted in certain places. So, if you plant it in the place where tomatoes, eggplants or potatoes previously grew, then the yield decreases, but if you plant it in the place after onions, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, then the fertility of the vegetable increases significantly.

A sufficiently ripened fruit is bright red in color, shiny; if you squeeze it a little, you can feel and hear a characteristic crunch. Such vegetables are collected by carefully cutting them from the bush so as not to damage the remaining fruits or break off the stems.

Characteristics of the Boneta bell pepper with reviews from gardeners

Many gardeners have to choose only early varieties, since others simply do not have time to ripen in their climate zone. But I want to combine early ripeness with productivity so that I can enjoy the results of my labor as much as possible. Pepper called Boneta is one of these varieties. Its general description and other information are presented in the material below.

Description of the variety

Boneta pepper is a sweet variety. It was developed by Czech breeders. In our country it was officially entered into the state register in 2007. Recommended for open ground, greenhouse structures and greenhouses.

Brief description of the plant:

  1. The pepper bush is powerful but compact.
  2. The leaves are medium-sized, light green, slightly wrinkled.
  3. The fruits are quite large, elongated-rectangular in shape. The surface of the peppers is smooth, without roughness.
  4. Wall thickness – up to 7 mm. The color of peppercorns as they ripen changes from slightly yellowish and pale green to orange and bright red shades.
Type of growth, bush heightStandard, 45-60 cm
Ripe fruit colorRed
Planting scheme35x40 cm
Weight, length and shape of the fruit90-200 g, about 12 cm, elongated, trapezoidal
Ripening period, yieldEarly ripening (80-90 days). In a greenhouse up to 5 kg/m2. In exhaust gas – 3.3 kg/m2
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to major diseases
By type of useUniversal
Flowering typeNo data

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the undoubted advantages of pepper are:

  • early ripening;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to diseases and crop pests;
  • presentable appearance (see photo);
  • transportability and the ability to store the harvested crop (up to 2 months).

Advice. If you wish, you can harvest your own seeds from ripened fruits, because this is a variety, not a hybrid.

Pepper is distinguished by its good taste characteristics and versatility of use. The fruits are used for:

  • fresh salads and vegetable slices;
  • stewing, baking, stuffing;
  • canning and other preparations.

Among the disadvantages of pepper, one can only note the need for staking the bushes. Otherwise, the weight of the filling fruit may cause the plants to fall to the ground.

Features of agricultural technology

In the southern regions, it is permissible to grow this pepper in an open garden. In more northern regions, it is recommended to plant prepared seedlings in greenhouses, although in warm summers this variety also grows well in garden beds.

Attention! Excessive thickening should be avoided. It is recommended to plant no more than 4-6 bushes per 1 m2.

Caring for peppers after planting is normal. It consists of watering, fertilizing, loosening. The Boneta variety tolerates aridity and waterlogging of the soil well. But if agricultural practices are followed, the harvest is usually richer.

End of February-MarchMayThe beginning of JuneTearing off the lower leavesJuly/end of July
*dates are indicated for central Russia

Five varieties of pepper: video


Storage, possibility of transportation

Boneta peppers are quite elastic and dense, so they can be easily transported, and if stored properly, they can last up to one and a half months if the fruits have already been picked from the bush.

In order for the vegetable to be stored longer, it must be collected from the bush along with the stalk. Whole, undamaged fruits with a thick wall have a longer shelf life.

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Before the onset of the expected frost, it is recommended to harvest the entire crop and sort it by degree of ripeness so that the fruits “reach” indoors. More ripe, damaged, thin-walled vegetables are stored in the refrigerator in order to use them as quickly as possible, because such fruits will not last long and will begin to deteriorate in a few days.

For longer storage periods, sometimes up to two months, peppers are selected at the technical stage of ripeness, without damage. The stalk is cut off, leaving only a small tip.

Subsequently, the vegetable is stored in boxes, plastic bags with a thickness of at least 120 microns and a membrane with perforations in the wall of the bag. Peppers can also be wrapped in paper.

To prevent the fruits from absorbing foreign odors, it is recommended to store them in a separate basement or refrigeration chambers with a temperature of 8 -10 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 80 - 90%. Vegetables are placed directly on shelves, in bags or boxes in 2 - 3 rows. Thus, the fruits retain their freshness and taste for up to one and a half months.

Pepper Boneta: description, photos, reviews


A true southerner, a lover of sun and warmth, sweet peppers have long been established in gardens and vegetable gardens. Every gardener, to the best of his ability, tries to get a harvest of healthy vegetables. Gardeners who receive an early harvest feel especially proud. The right variety will provide this opportunity.


The Boneta pepper variety is early ripening; 85–90 days pass from germination to the appearance of the first fruits. Seeds for seedlings must be sown in February. Make up the soil mixture for Boneta pepper seedlings from soil, humus, and peat. You can add 1 tbsp. spoon of wood ash per 1 kg of prepared soil.

Place the soil in the containers in which you will grow the seedlings, water well, and plant the seeds. Do not deepen it too much, maximum 1 cm. Cover with film or cover with glass. At a temperature of +25 degrees, the first shoots will appear in a week. The Boneta variety is distinguished by the appearance of friendly mass shoots.

If you observe the temperature and light conditions, you will get strong seedlings of the Boneta variety, which in May will be ready for transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse.

After onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, carrots and zucchini, peppers grow best. After tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes, as a rule, it is not possible to get a decent harvest.

Sweet pepper Boneta grows up to 50 – 55 cm. The bush is powerful and strong. The planting scheme for plants of this variety is 35x40 cm. 4 plants per 1 sq.m.

Be sure to tie up the bushes, otherwise you cannot avoid breaking off branches with fruits. The photo shows the Boneta variety:

Regular care of peppers includes watering, loosening and feeding. Do not use cold water for irrigation. Warm, settled water at a temperature of +25 degrees is best. Loosening is also a mandatory ritual in caring for peppers. Peppers need regular feeding.

After planting the seedlings in the ground, after 2 weeks, carry out the first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Thus, the plant will grow green mass and a developed root system. During the period of fruit formation, it is necessary to feed with phosphorus fertilizers. It is better to use bird droppings for feeding.

It is infused for a week and then diluted with water 1:10. It is also very good to use mulch. The row spaces are covered with straw, mowed grass without seeds, sawdust or peat. Goal: reduce weed growth, retain moisture, which is especially important in the heat.

Some tips for growing peppers are shown in the video:

The first fruits of the Boneta variety will appear in July. At technical maturity they are ivory or slightly greenish-white, at biological maturity they are orange or bright red. The shape is trapezoidal. The weight of fruits of the Boneta variety is from 70 – 200 g, they have 3-4 chambers, the thickness of the fruit walls is 6 – 7 mm. The fruits of the Boneta pepper variety are glossy and dense.

They tolerate transportation well. Productivity: from 1 sq.m you can get 3.3 kg of peppers. Fruits with a pleasant, delicate taste and peppery aroma are suitable for universal use in cooking: in first and second courses, in salads, for freezing and in preparations for the winter. 50 – 80 percent of the vitamins are retained in processed peppers.

Fresh peppers are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, they will restore and rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and relieve depression. Improves appetite and digestion; pepper contains fiber.

Calorie content is extremely low: 24 calories per 100 g of product. Eating pepper can lower blood pressure, thin the blood, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Those who have low blood pressure can eat the vegetable, but with caution.


Alena Isaeva, 37 years old, Saransk

An old dream has come true. We bought a house in a village with a large plot of land. I did what I had wanted for a long time: I planted many, many different peppers. I was pleased with the Boneta pepper variety from Czech seed producers. Early. The fruits are soft green. And most importantly, very tasty, crispy and juicy. Used for making borscht and salads.

Galina Savukh, 51 years old, Izhevsk

A good reliable Boneta variety. The fruits did not grow large, but there were a lot of them. When technically ripe, the fruits are slightly green, almost white. But the taste is quite decent. They don't taste bitter. It's nice to crunch your early pepper. Interestingly, the fruits grow with a cone upward, and do not bend, as usual.

Faina Semenova, 70 years old, Orlov

Working in the garden and fresh vegetables grown with your own hands saves you from illness and blues. Bell peppers are especially beneficial for health. We plant many different varieties. For the first time I tried to plant a new sweet pepper, Boneta. They planted them in a greenhouse along with tomatoes and eggplants. We got a huge harvest. We kept up gradually. The description of the Boneta variety is true.


The purpose of pepper

Bonet can be used in absolutely different forms and for different purposes. Pleasant taste ensures that the vegetable can be used fresh for preparing salads, slices or vegetable decorations. Housewives can also prepare it for the winter, both in whole form and crushed. It makes excellent lecho and puree. Sweet pepper is added when preparing tomato juice, which gives the drink a pleasant rich flavor.

Even in canned form, the vegetable retains up to 50–80% of all vitamins.


Miroslava 36 years old Saransk

We finally bought a plot of land; I have long dreamed of having my own vegetable garden. I planted several varieties of pepper, I was especially pleased with “Boneta”, the harvest was already at the end of June, it was natural, without harmful substances! The taste is excellent, wonderful peppery aroma. Added to salads, stuffed and frozen for the winter. Next year I will plant more and preserve lecho for the winter.

Maria 69 years old Izhevsk

I suffer from hypertension, and a friend advised me to eat sweet peppers, she says they lower my blood pressure. I didn’t believe it at first, but I tried it in the summer, especially since my daughter-in-law planted the “Boneta” variety for the first time. I don’t know whether to believe my eyes, but it dropped by 10 units without any pills. Either the pepper is miraculous, or it’s just a coincidence, I don’t know. And there was a lot of harvest, I really liked the taste, sweet, not bitter at all, I asked to plant more next season!

Advantages and disadvantages of Boneta pepper

There are probably no shortcomings to be found. Here are the advantages:

  • An early variety, ripe fruits can be used at a time when other varieties are just beginning to form the ovary.
  • Excellent yield per 1 sq.m. This allows you to optimally use the land by growing other vegetables in the free space.
  • Presentable presentation.
  • Excellent transportability.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Versatility in use.
  • Easy to grow and resistant to pests and possible diseases.
  • Shelf life up to two months.

Features of agricultural technology of the Boneta variety

Compliance with care techniques is the main guarantee of obtaining a good and strong harvest. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to both the pre-sowing preparation for planting seedlings and the peculiarities of growing throughout the season.

Important! Purchasing ready-made pepper seeds will significantly reduce the effort required to prepare them, since the seeds on sale are already processed, but this will not save money.

Regions where Boneta pepper is grown

Boneta pepper is a heat-loving plant; it is recommended to plant it in greenhouses and greenhouses, but in the southern regions of the country and in regions with warm climates, pepper can also be grown in open ground. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor and protect the plant from possible frosts. In May, the seedlings are covered with film, and already before the first autumn frosts, all the fruits remaining on the bushes are collected, sorted for storage and ripening for further processing.

Planting seedlings in open ground and further care

Boneta pepper seedlings are planted towards the end of May or early June, when the danger of frost has finally passed. In more severe regions or in case of rainy and cold weather, the seedlings are covered with a film cover, which sometimes is not removed at all.

Seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern at the rate of 6 Boneta pepper bushes per 1 square meter of area, but no more. The holes for seedlings should be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer and also shed with warm water.

Then you should periodically weed the beds (1-2 times during the growing season). Watering should be done about 1-2 times a week, and maybe less often if there is heavy rainfall. We should not forget about loosening, but you need to loosen it carefully, since the roots of the pepper lie close to the surface. If necessary, bushes are tied to supports or with twine.

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