An original way to grow tomatoes upside down

The popularity of tomatoes is so high that it is no longer possible to imagine a cottage without them. Numerous varieties are adapted to different growing conditions. This poses a question for culture lovers: how to place all the bushes in a limited space.

One method is to grow upside down. Let’s figure out what its essence is, how convenient it is, and clarify its pros and cons.

Tomato varieties for growing upside down

Tomatoes specially bred for containers are best suited for growing upside down.
Or low-growing, ampelous varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching, with small fruits. Large ones can overload the bush, and if they don’t break off the branches, they can “pull up” the roots. Although they are quickly restored in tomatoes, a plant in a state of constant stress can lose its ovaries and develop and bloom worse. Root-up varieties that can be planted in 5-liter containers:

  • Tiny Tim;
  • Window yellow;
  • Honey Bunch;
  • Florida Petite;
  • Pygmy;
  • Pinocchio;
  • Micron NK (can be grown in a flower pot);
  • Bonsai;
  • Room surprise;
  • Balcony miracle;
  • Garden Pearl;
  • City dweller F1;
  • Cherryfingers F1;
  • Tumbler;
  • Mascot;
  • Red Abundance;
  • Green petal.

In their natural state, these tomato varieties are grown in plastic bottles or flower pots with a capacity of 2-3 liters. But when tomatoes are turned upside down, the vegetative mass pulls the roots down, trying to tear them out of the containers. Due to the small hole, this is difficult to do, but the sucking processes are constantly broken off. To minimize the consequences, the mass of roots should be greater than with traditional planting. The capacity of the containers needs to be increased.

You can plant tomatoes in 10-liter buckets:

  • Manicure;
  • Garten Freude;
  • Grape;
  • Agatha;
  • Wagner Mirabelle;
  • White filling tomato;
  • The house is rich;
  • Yellow (red, orange) cap;
  • Mystery;
  • Sanka.

Preparing seedlings and choosing a variety

Only a strong root system can hold a mature plant upside down. So that the seedlings, when transplanted into the ground, have developed roots, for several months, while they are sitting in the window, they are transplanted 1-2 times, each time deepening them deeper. There are aerial roots on the tomato trunk, which immediately begin to sprout as soon as they come into contact with the ground. Therefore, when transplanting a plant into a bucket, the lower leaves are torn off, and the plant is placed as deep as possible in the container.

The second requirement for a tomato is the correct choice of variety. Not all proven varieties that bear fruit well on the ground are able to cope with stress and not only survive, but also produce a decent harvest. For planting with their roots up, choose tomatoes with thin vine-like trunks and medium-sized and miniature (cherry) fruits. Suitable for growing in extreme conditions:

  • pink “Pearl”;
  • red “Red Hunter”, “Ampel”;
  • yellow "Wagner Mirabelle";
  • black "Black bunch".

Selection of containers

Special tools for Topsy Torvi tomatoes are best suited, but they are expensive. You can take plastic food buckets with a capacity of 10 liters. Intended for storing chemically active substances remaining after the production of paints, building mixtures cannot be taken - they gradually poison the plant. If the tomato does not die, then the fruits will definitely become saturated with elements that are poisonous to humans.

For certain varieties of tomatoes, 5 liter plastic water bottles are suitable. General requirements for containers:

  • chemical neutrality;
  • strength;
  • containers should not be destroyed under the influence of light and moisture.

It is not recommended to plant hanging tomatoes in 20-liter buckets. Their weight after watering will be 40-45 kilograms. Tomatoes can break off under their own weight or from strong winds.

Why does this technology scare gardeners?

When experienced people first see an advertisement for Topsy Turvy, their first thoughts are the same scam as with the climbing strawberry “Elizabeth”. After all, how can you deceive nature? Actually it is possible. Or rather, not to deceive, but to use her tricks and force the plant to adapt to new conditions. And for you there are a lot of positive aspects and advantages. And yet, a separate episode of “The Estate” was filmed about the fact that this method works.

There are, of course, many unsuccessful experiments with such cultivation. Those who suffered a fiasco and were left with small fruits instead of large ones argue that the whole point is that the leaves on the outer and inner sides perform different roles. So, only the top side is responsible for photosynthesis, but in Topsy Turvy it was lowered down. It’s the other way around, and supposedly the plants still won’t receive enough sunlight. In addition, if we take almost half a century of experience in growing plants in space, so far it has not been very successful. Yes, it is true that a plant is always drawn to the light - just deprive it of direct sunlight from above, and the force of gravity will do its work.

Some craftsmen also come up with this method: they hang pots with plants right up to the ceiling of the greenhouse. As soon as the stem becomes strong, using weights it is convenient to turn the containers upside down and grow them that way. Wonderful option! Experimenters assure that such plants begin to bear fruit two weeks earlier than those planted by any other method.

And also, those varieties that will stubbornly grow up the pot and at the same time bear good fruit can be left there - why not? Here, of course, those who are convinced that “you can’t go against nature” are right, but why lose all the advantages that Topsy Turvy technology provides? Well, let the fruits hang down to the bottom on the advertising brochure, but in yours they bulge up - the main thing is the final harvest. And the convenience of watering and the use of usually unnecessary space in the greenhouse are worth such experiments.

Another reason why, even in the future, we will not see Topsy Turvy in absolutely every greenhouse is that a certain contingent of greenhouse owners started them only for the sake of environmental friendliness and naturalness of vegetables, and those grown upside down seem very strange and unnatural. The “old fashioned” methods seem more reliable to them, even if it takes more effort and money.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Growing tomatoes upside down is a controversial method. And not as simple as some sources claim. Often gardeners, having planted tomatoes upside down in containers, abandon this method, or remain dissatisfied and improve it themselves.

The method is problematic. It really has a lot of advantages, but each one comes with its own “but”:

  1. Planting tomatoes upside down saves space.
  2. Tomatoes are easier to care for. But for watering you will have to climb a ladder, be sure to do foliar feeding and treatment with anti-stress drugs.
  3. Upside down tomatoes do not require pinching. Valid only for varieties that do not require rationing of side shoots. The need to remove stepchildren does not depend on the growing method.
  4. Tomatoes growing with their roots up do not need staking. Only if the variety is chosen correctly, and the tall tomatoes remaining after planting in the traditional way are not used. There is really no need to install trellises and drive in pegs.
  5. There is no need to carry out treatments against diseases and pests - they cannot “get” the tomatoes suspended above. The Colorado potato beetle will not grow on the balcony, but whiteflies or aphids feel great in the city and can fly. Diseases are spread by wind, insects, including pollinators, and fall on leaves with the “help” of domestic animals and people, from soil mixtures. Urban plants also suffer from fungi and bacteria, and among the weeds growing under the entrances, many belong to the Solanaceae family. There is no need to talk about tomatoes planted in the private sector - they suffer from the same diseases and pests as ground or greenhouse tomatoes.
  6. Tomatoes planted upside down in a pot decorate the area. With proper care, if they don’t get sick, yes. Otherwise, the tomatoes look pathetic. But you can plant flowers, lettuce, parsley or other plants in the top hole.
  7. Tomatoes placed in plastic containers are easier to water. Maybe. But the water must be the same temperature as the air. If there is no settling tank with a connected hose, you will have to use a ladle.
  8. The yield of tomatoes grown upside down is greater than in a greenhouse or in the ground. This can be achieved, but only after carefully selecting the variety and using Topsy Torvy as a container, and it is not cheap. In plastic buckets and bottles, the yield is usually much lower.
  9. The method does not require additional investments; you can use what you have at hand. Yes, if you grow several tomatoes. For a large quantity, additional fasteners will be required; it may be necessary to make a durable structure for hanging containers that can withstand significant loads.
  10. You can grow upside down tomatoes in a greenhouse. A small amount - yes. If there are a lot of containers, you should calculate the load - a 10-liter bucket with a fruiting tomato and wet soil weighs about 20-25 kg. You may have to make additional fastenings.
  11. Weeding, hilling, and loosening are excluded from care.
  12. Reducing the volume of water for irrigation.
  13. These tomatoes begin to bear fruit earlier. Yes, due to better heating of the soil.
  14. This method of planting tomatoes amazes the imagination of others.

So it's not that simple. The method has clear disadvantages:

  • not every tomato variety is suitable for growing upside down;
  • planting tomatoes in containers with a small bottom hole is more difficult than in the ground;
  • At first, the tomatoes do not have enough sun, and they tend to grow upward;
  • If you do not build a special structure, it is difficult to find enough space for a large number of containers, where there is both strong support and a lot of light.

What is it and how does it work

Beginners often doubt unconventional planting technology. Because tomatoes can behave differently. It just takes training and the desire to get the hang of it.


The green part of the plants, fruits and roots will adapt to such unusual conditions. As a result, the harvest will be stable and more voluminous!

This technology is otherwise referred to as the vertical landing method. It consists of hanging several containers with future tomatoes on hooks and fixing the bushes on some plane.

The advantages of growing upside down and what it gives:

  1. This type of cultivation looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. For example, orange tomatoes look like light bulbs and decorate the garden. And when frosts start, you can grow them indoors, on the contrary.
  2. For such planting, you do not need a plot of land at all, so vegetables can be grown where it is not possible to plant a vegetable garden.
  3. The entire structure can be used as a canopy over a vegetable garden. For example, this can be a good support over strawberries.
  4. Such a crop can be grown even on balconies and loggias in the city, even if there are no window sills. This is a really convenient way.
  5. Since tomatoes are grown upside down and indoors, the harvest can be harvested all year round without interruption.
  6. When planting in the traditional way, there is a need for additional supports and support systems. In this case, such a need disappears altogether.

A very significant feature is that there is no need to fight weeds and hilling. Time is saved as much as possible. To harvest, all you have to do is reach out and pick the fruit.


>Vegetables upside down...

You can cut holes in the bottom of the pot with a special nozzle, and when they are ready, you can fill them with soil. Planting tomatoes in open ground is a difficult task that requires care and control. Planting tomatoes in a suspended state can give a much larger harvest.

The obvious advantage is that when harvesting, you don’t have to bend over for each fruit, and this is very important if you have a good harvest.​

​You need to take any containers that can then be secured upside down. You can take large pots or buckets, even cut pipes of a suitable diameter.​​The ceiling indoor plant system allows you to water the plant only once a month

When using such containers for landscaping living rooms and offices, it becomes possible to bring comfort to even the most cramped spaces, to organize a winter garden in any corner where there is enough light for plants.​

​Recently, gardeners have paid attention to an unusual way of growing vegetables - upside down. Do you have a large garden with a lot of space and you think that this method is not for you? You're wrong: pots hung at the right height will save your back from sciatica

And how surprised the guests of the site will be at how much joy this will bring to the children! On top of that, vegetables and flowers planted in such an unusual way can decorate a fence or enliven a section of a wall. An expert from , who, after testing this method, considers the results to be optimistic, can shed light on the problem. Three years of experience in growing tomatoes upside down has shown that, compared to specimens grown in open ground, the yield of plants planted in this way is higher.​​Vegetables upside down…​​If you choose an ordinary plastic bucket, then in its bottom you need to make a hole with a diameter of about 50 cm. The hole should be large enough for the roots of the seedlings to pass through.​

​Why do people grow tomatoes in such an unusual way? Why not try:​​The substrate level should be checked from time to time and added if necessary.​

​For decorative cultivation, you should select special varieties of tomatoes.​

​Planting in places where there is no soil makes the use of the territory profitable. When watering, water and nutrients well saturate the root system - because under the force of gravity, water is well absorbed and penetrates down the container. In the same way, productivity increases. If the container is made more decorative, into two sections, then flowers can be planted in its upper part. This will give your indoor garden a pleasant and beautiful appearance. Also, flowers or tomatoes planted in this way become a decoration for your summer cottage or garden plot. In the West, special pots have long been invented that meet all the requirements for growing tomatoes in this way. This is done very simply - the seedlings are placed in a pot, covered with soil and watered. Literally, your garden looks like this - the stems and leaves of the tomato look down, and the roots look up. Then you need to make a hole in the bottom of your container, about 6-12 cm. Then you need to pull your tomato upside down into this hole, the hole compact it to fix it, then cover it with soil and water well. It’s better to do all this together.​​It’s a very interesting idea to grow tomatoes in pots on windowsills, balconies, etc. But it turns out that tomatoes in pots grow much better if they are hung upside down. This is what the videos presented are about, how to plant such tomatoes, and how to grow them.​

​And for those who grow vegetables on the balcony of a city apartment, this method is a real godsend: the plants will get more light, and they need to be watered much less often. The only drawback is that you need to be very careful when watering. In order not to make mistakes when watering, it is best to install a humidity meter.​​Growing tomatoes upside down​​Vegetables upside down…​To make the container original, you can cover it with decorative film or wrap it in a beautiful material.​

Pros and cons of the method

Many summer residents in different parts of the country have tried atypical agricultural techniques for cultivating tomatoes. Over the course of several years, they compiled a detailed list of all the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, sometimes called vertical.

The undeniable advantages include:

  1. Harvesting a decent harvest from small plots. The plantation is set up above other crops. Strawberry beds are usually used - the ripening times of the berries do not coincide.
  2. Placing a hanging vegetable garden is not only in the country. A city balcony, loggia, window openings are also a suitable place. You can even harvest all year round.
  3. Using the free space of greenhouses with low-growing crops.
  4. Saving energy and time to fight weeds, pests, and diseases. There is no need to hill up the bushes or remove stepsons - the trunk does not experience overload with any number of ripening tomatoes. Overwatering of plants and stagnation of water in the soil are excluded.
  5. There is no need to install various structures for tying the stems.

Sometimes gardeners use hanging containers to zone a site and disguise unattractive walls and fences. The “beds” are mobile, they can be moved around the territory, creating new compositions.

The disadvantage of the technique is considered to be a more careful selection of varieties due to the fact that tomatoes grow in a limited amount of land. Other disadvantages are that they require more frequent watering and fertilizing.

Planting tomatoes upside down and caring for them

The process of planting and caring for upside down tomatoes is simple and includes several stages. The main thing is to follow simple rules and recommendations, and the result will not be long in coming.

Selection of capacity

In order to grow tomatoes upside down, you first need to decide where exactly this will be done. With the classic growing method, this issue has long been resolved - tomatoes grow either in a garden bed or in a greenhouse. But in this case, they will grow “upside down”, and you must first somehow place the soil at the required height and the required amount. This will require some kind of container. These can be special containers, ordinary plastic bottles or buckets.

Container for planting tomatoes upside down

The volume of buckets can be 5 or 10 liters. It's okay if the bucket is old and not very attractive in appearance. It can then be wrapped with film. Since the practice of growing various garden crops did not appear yesterday, you can purchase special containers for these purposes in stores. They are called “Topsy Torvi”, which means “upside down”.

Tomatoes “upside down” in 2-liter bottles will grow well if you choose varieties with a not very wide root system. If the root of the selected variety is branched, it is better to choose a larger container, for example, 10 liters

It is very important that the root system has the opportunity to branch out well and strengthen. After all, colossal loads will be placed on it

The container must be suspended after planting. Since the weight will increase over time as the fruits begin to ripen, maximum reliability is required. It is better to use strong wire for this.

You can hang the container in the vegetable garden, garden, courtyard, balcony, loggia and even indoors. In places where there are children and small animals, this issue should be approached as responsibly as possible, so that the fastening can withstand loads and the container does not come off or fall on anyone’s head.

Be sure to have a cover to prevent the soil from drying out. If there is no lid, film will do. It needs to be secured by bandaging it, otherwise the wind will blow it away. At the bottom of the container, if it is not a special store-bought one, a hole is made with a diameter of 3-5 cm. To ensure that excess moisture does not come out through this large hole, additional ones need to be made using an awl. They are located on the bottom and also on the sides.

Soil preparation

The soil can be purchased ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself in the required proportions. Take equal parts: compost, humus and peat. For one bucket of this mixture add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Growing seedlings

To grow tomatoes upside down, you need seedlings. The technology of its cultivation does not differ from the classical one. Seeds can be sown in pots, separately in plastic cups or peat tablets. The last option is considered the most suitable in this case, because it will be possible to see when the root system completely envelops the earthen ball. Around this period, the length of the plant’s stem will reach the required 25-30 cm.

One of the advantages of growing tomato seedlings upside down is that you don't necessarily need to provide enough light. It is known that when growing seedlings classically, it is impossible for the plant to stretch out, because the stems will be weak and will not be able to stand on their own. Here, on the contrary, it is necessary.

Planting seedlings in containers

In order to minimize or completely reduce all losses to zero, you need to do everything carefully from the very beginning. Place the container on two stools or something else at the same level, leaving a distance between them so that there is access to the hole from below. You will need an elongated piece of foam rubber, with sides 3-4 cm. It is necessary to fix the seedling. The seedling's root system is threaded upward. Cut off a small piece of foam rubber and wrap it around not the root, but the stem above it. In this case, the root system remains at the top, above the “ring” of foam rubber. Therefore, the plant will no longer fall out of the pot. Then the earth is poured. There is no need to fill the entire container with soil. You can leave 4-5 centimeters short. Afterwards the earth is watered. You need to water it so that droplets of water appear from below. This indicates that the soil is completely moistened. The main thing is not to overdo it. Then, the lid is closed and the container is hung in the right place.

Soil mixture for tomato

To prepare the soil you need to approach it with all responsibility. If you purchase a special soil mixture for tomatoes at a gardening center, then a tomato planted in it will not even require additional fertilizing. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you cannot take it from the garden, especially from nightshades.

It is better to prepare the soil mixture in advance and combine it in the following proportion:

  • compost - 1 part;
  • rotted humus - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Add 1 tbsp to the bucket of prepared mixture. a spoonful of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonium nitrate.

Features of growing upside down

The time for sowing seeds for seedlings is no different from ordinary tomatoes. Tomato seedlings are grown using conventional technology, and pulling out seedlings will be beneficial.

The secret of such cultivation is a well-developed root system.

This method of cultivation requires deep planting. The tomato stem has the property of growing roots over its entire surface. This increases the feeding area. This is exactly what we need. When the plant is 30-40 cm high, it is buried as deep as possible, leaving 10-15 cm on the surface. The leaves must be removed.

To speed up the process, transfer it into a container that is deeper, but not wide. After this, the soil mixture is added. In this case, the plant has time to grow a large number of roots before replanting.

There is no rush to transfer. It is carried out when the earthen ball completely “envelops” the soil.

What is the advantage of growing upside down?

Let's list in detail all the pros and cons of Topsy Turvy technology for a greenhouse:

  1. The sun primarily warms the root system, and the plants remain cooler. This is as comfortable for seedlings as heating the soil. Many problems of creating an optimal microclimate are completely resolved. After all, the plant first needs warm soil, about 30 degrees.
  2. The most unsuitable and inaccessible places in the greenhouse are now occupied, and, on the other hand, such “bats” under the ceiling also serve as shade for other plants on the hottest days.
  3. The moisture goes directly to the roots, and those same tomatoes will no longer get sick from late blight. This method, of course, is more natural than all drip irrigation and sprinkling.
  4. Because Plants hanging upside down do not touch the ground; few insect pests will get to them.
  5. The roots develop strong and uniform.
  6. The soil in the container breathes well, because you no longer water it, and it does not crust over.
  7. If you accidentally overwater, the water will easily come out (or absorb the spongy material below).
  8. The force of gravity allows nutrients to move faster from the roots to the fruits.
  9. Containers with Topsy Turvy cause less dirt in the greenhouse - everything is closed!
  10. Tomatoes, peppers and the like no longer need any garter supports - the force of gravity will straighten everything as needed.
  11. The warmest air is under the roof of the greenhouse. Save on heating!
  12. It’s now as easy as shelling pears to confuse your friends and neighbors – take them into the greenhouse!

Those who have already tried this unusual method claim that such greenhouse plants almost do not get sick - after all, reducing the incidence of diseases indoors has always been problem No. 1. It’s great to solve the problem of frost with such containers - just wrap the containers with film or cloth - and that’s it. This will not work with beds in a greenhouse, which are also in direct contact with the ground.

And Topsy Turvy also serves as an unexpected bonus for those who suffer from back problems. Isn’t this an outlet for the spine - after working hard in greenhouse beds, you can finally stretch out to water the tomatoes growing upside down?

Tomatoes upside down

sergeo116kzn writes: I want to tell you how to achieve maximum results at your summer cottage, in the garden. I would like to suggest how to grow tomatoes upside down. Growing tomatoes this way is becoming more popular among us.

In this way of growing, we will ensure that the tomatoes and their stems do not come into contact with the ground, because of this we can avoid rot and spoilage of the tomatoes, thereby increasing their yield. How to grow them in this way, for this we need: a large bucket, good soil fertilized with humus, drill a hole in the bucket with a diameter of about 2 cm, carefully insert the tomato root into the hole, turn the container over, straighten the roots, add soil. Well, at the end, be sure to pour water, preferably warm, so that the tomato leaves do not curl.

How Americans plant tomatoes upside down

Growing tomatoes upside down is a new trend in home garden design. Pots or special bags with such bushes will look great on terraces, on the outer sides of balconies and simply under tree branches. This method of growing tomatoes is ideal for those who live in an apartment with a balcony or have a small yard.

Upside down

Why do people grow tomatoes in such an unusual way? Why not try:

  1. Many people would like to try a home-grown tomato, but they don’t have their own plot of land. But there is a loggia or balcony and there is a desire to combine business with pleasure. Tomato bushes hung outside over the railings will create a pleasant green design and will delight you with good fruits. Tomatoes growing downward rather than upward can give an unusual look to the dacha, even if everything is in order with the free space. Since tomatoes grow at a considerable distance from the soil, then they are less susceptible to various diseases. The green tops of tomatoes do not touch the ground and this protects it from pests.

What to plant in

For planting, you can use any plastic container from 5 to 10 liters. A plastic bucket or a special kit, which can be purchased with delivery through online stores, will do.

In the Amazon online store, such kits are sold under the Topsy Turvy brand. If you choose an ordinary plastic bucket, then in its bottom you need to make a hole with a diameter of about 50 cm. The hole should be sufficient for the roots of the seedlings to pass into it. To make the container original, you can cover it with decorative film or wrap it in a beautiful material. To more reliably hold water in the container, you can put a circle cut out of polyethylene on the bottom. In the center of this circle it is necessary to make cuts for the roots.

  1. Tomatoes love the sun very much. To get a guaranteed harvest, you need at least 6 hours a day of direct rays. Therefore, make sure that the location of the container with tomatoes meets this requirement. For growing tomatoes with stems down, varieties with small fruits are very suitable. For example, small cherry tomatoes. For large-fruited varieties, it is necessary to provide very strong crossbars on which the bags of bushes will hang. Take care in advance of a strong hook on which the container with tomatoes will be hung.

What does it look like

Tomato stems are flexible and mobile. At the beginning of growth, when the plant has just emerged from the seedling stage, it stretches towards the light. When fruit appears on it, the stem bends under the influence of gravity.

Tomatoes in a suspended state, and even with their roots on top, initially grow like normal ones, and only then they turn the container upside down.

The heaviness of the set fruit causes the stem to hang vertically, while the leaves unfold in such a way as to receive the optimal amount of solar energy.

I have never been interested in growing garden crops, since I live in an apartment and grow mainly flowers. But after my trip to visit a friend in Stavropol, I saw tomatoes that were growing downwards, not up, in upside-down plastic buckets. They hung right on the veranda of the house, and we could pick the fruits right during breakfast in the fresh air (this was in August). He said that thanks to this method of breeding, they can be grown on the balcony. Now I’m thinking of trying it myself.

Benefits of growing upside down tomatoes

Despite the unusual method, growing tomatoes upside down has a number of advantages:

  • Saving space in the garden. If for ordinary bushes you need space in open ground or a greenhouse, then “hanging” tomatoes are located in the air in various containers. This allows you to place plants in two levels: low-growing crops at the bottom, tomatoes at the top. Especially relevant for small areas, as well as for greenhouses.
  • Possibility to do gardening in the apartment. Since the “upside down” varieties do not require open ground, they can be grown in the conditions of a regular city apartment balcony. You don't even need a window sill.
  • Thanks to the compactness of the planting, you can move freely - this is both mobility and the ability to easily change the conditions for tomatoes in case of unfavorable weather: cold snap, heavy rainfall, hail, etc.
  • There is no need for support systems or garters.
  • There is no need to hill up the soil.
  • Tomatoes are much less likely to be exposed to all types of viral, fungal and bacterial infections, as well as attacks from ground pests.
  • Watering the plant is much easier, and wet soil will not create dirt, as sometimes happens in garden beds.
  • Varieties used for inverted cultivation usually do not require pinching or pinching.

How do you rate the upside down method of growing tomatoes?

Of course, like any technology, this one has its drawbacks:

  • Not every variety is suitable for growing upside down. For example, large-fruited indeterminate species are too heavy and require too much capacity.

Ampel varieties are perfect for inverted cultivation - they have a flexible branching stem and small fruit size. You can also use cherry tomatoes. Remember the rule: it’s better to have a lot of small fruits than a few, but large ones

  • Due to the fact that the volume of soil is limited and does not have any contact with the environment, “inverted” tomatoes are especially demanding in terms of watering and fertilizers. If you care for plants unevenly, they may suffer.
  • Planting tomatoes this way is a little more difficult, since a number of preparatory steps are required.

How to plant tomatoes upside down

There are no difficulties in growing tomatoes upside down that an ordinary gardener cannot cope with. It would be more correct to call them nuances.

Selection of capacity

In order to place the soil mixture and root the tomato bush, you need to take a container with a volume of about 5 liters. This is the volume of soil that will be sufficient for the normal development of the plant. Only super-determinate and dwarf species can be content with a capacity of 3 liters.

It is best to use plastic containers. They are hypoallergenic, do not corrode, and also outperform clay and ceramic ones due to their low weight. It is recommended to use environmentally friendly plastic with appropriate labels. Plastic buckets with lids work well. The latter will protect the soil from drying out.

One of the cheapest types of containers for tomatoes growing from top to bottom are 5 liter plastic bottles. Moreover, they can be hung in two ways: either the stem grows through the lid, and the bottom is cut off with a sharp knife to fill the soil mixture, or vice versa, a hole is made in the bottom, and watering is carried out through the lid. The second method is rarely used, since the soil has to be poured through a narrow neck. But if you try for ten minutes, then the soil will dry out much less.

Rooting seedlings

Sowing seeds is no different from that used with the standard growing method.

When the sprouts reach a state suitable for transplanting into the ground, do the following:

  1. A hole is made in the container, sufficient to let the plant stem through and still have a couple of free centimeters left.
  2. The container is turned over, the bottom is covered with some kind of breathable material that will allow water and air to pass freely, but will not allow soil to spill out. Spunbond or geotextiles can be used for this. A soil mixture with a balanced composition and a sufficient amount of fertilizer is poured into the container, and then the lid is tightly closed.
  3. The bucket or bottle is turned upside down again. A neat cut is made in the covering material, after which the seedling bush takes root. Unlike the soil arrangement, when grown upside down, it must be rooted deeper. This will allow the root system to securely hold the plant even with fruits pulling down. The optimal depth is 5 - 7 cm.

After this, the young bush grows in its usual position for several more weeks. Only when it produces additional roots can the plant be turned over and hung on some kind of mount.

To root the seedlings deeper, you need to remove a couple of lower leaves. A transparent food bucket allows you to monitor the growth of the root system

The best tomato varieties to grow upside down

Anyone who says that any variety of tomatoes can be grown in a non-standard form is slightly deceitful. After all, the weight of the fruit is of great importance, as well as the growth rate of the bush and the need for pinching.

For example, all indeterminate, tall varieties that produce large, fleshy fruits are absolutely not suitable for inverted breeding. They will grow too quickly and may break after maturity.

However, it will be difficult to reach ripening: after all, a small container with soil will not be enough to receive nutrients in full.

Therefore, we will focus on determinate and even dwarf varieties that produce small but neat fruits and do not require regular pinching of shoots.



  • Variety type: determinate.
  • Ripening period: mid-season.
  • Bush height: up to 0.8 m.
  • Fruit weight: up to 80 g.

The tomatoes are medium-sized, slightly elongated, have a thick skin, so they are ideal for rolling into jars. The plant itself is quite unpretentious and in warm regions south of Voronezh it can easily be grown outdoors all summer.

I love this variety for its versatility. When it’s ripe – and if you grow it through seedlings, then pick the tomatoes and eat them already in July – then you can use it almost everywhere. Some say that it is not suitable for salads. This, of course, is not a bull's heart, but it has a good taste, almost no sweetness, but it is not always appropriate. But it lies well - first in the refrigerator, and then frozen in a chest freezer.



  • Variety type: determinate.
  • Ripening time: early ripening.
  • Bush height: up to 0.4 m.
  • Fruit weight: 30 - 40 g.

The variety was included in the State Register back in 1999. Since then, many people have fallen in love with it, including not only gardeners, but also those who like to grow miniature vegetable crops on the windowsill.

Hey tomatoes - Roots up!

I can’t remember how many years ago I planted tomatoes for the first time on my own, although if you compare my experience and the experience of my parents, it wasn’t that long ago. Time just flies unnoticed.

Over the years, I have learned quite well how to grow tomato seedlings, prepare my own seeds, and do a lot more when growing tomatoes. But new trends in growing tomatoes, namely with their roots up, made me think and carefully remember the physiology of the tomato plant.

What advantages did I see? Perhaps, due to the force of attraction, it will be easier for the roots to supply water and nutrition to the leaves along the stem, and the plant itself will not be affected by dew. That's actually all I've come up with so far.

Tomatoes upside down.

There is no unambiguous attitude towards this method among gardeners, and having literally turned a tomato plant upside down, it’s worth figuring out what advantages this will turn out to have for the tomatoes and for us. Well, besides the fact that you can show off beautifully somewhere - “Even my tomatoes grow upside down.”

When a person walks on his hands, it is not quite the same as when he walks on his feet. Therefore, in order not to rack my brain with unnecessary thoughts and to give vent to my imagination, I decided to grow tomatoes myself using this technology turned upside down. And for one thing, give my neighbors an extra reason to twirl their fingers at their temples...

Preparing pots for planting with roots up.

I won’t buy special containers for growing tomatoes using this rather original method; I’ll do it myself. I use a hole saw to cut holes in the bottom of flower pots.

Using aluminum wire, I make hooks for hanging this device for growing tomatoes with their roots up. The tomato container is ready. You can fill it with soil and hang young tomatoes upside down. We make holes in the bottom of the pots.

Planting tomato seedlings head down.

Having filled the pot with soil, place a stand under the pot on the ground and, holding the stand with your hand, turn the pot over to plant the tomato plant.

It is not very convenient to do this alone, but with some caution it is quite possible. So the tomato is planted with its head down and its roots towards the sky. After the seedling is placed with small branches, we secure the earthen ball of the seedling so that it does not fall out

We turn everything over, water our pot and hang it in the sun. So we planted everything backwards to front. Now forward backwards to the harvest! At this point we are done with planting tomatoes upside down.

Subtleties of technology: how tomatoes are planted

You need to act according to the instructions:

  • A hole about 8 cm in diameter is made in the bottom of a bucket or other container. The container is placed on two supports to make it easier to reach the bottom.
  • Place a small amount of substrate along the sides of the planting pot. The lower part of the plant is pulled into the hole, a 4-5 cm stalk remains outside. The plant is fixed.
  • Hold the tomato and fill the container with soil. The substrate needs to be well compacted, covering the root of the plant about 5 cm.
  • A layer of compost is added.
  • The container is filled again with earth so that the level of the substrate is several cm below the edge of the container.
  • The container is suspended in a permanent place.
  • The substrate must be watered so abundantly that water comes out of the holes in the bottom of the container. If after watering the soil settles a little, this is normal.
  • When moving the container, be careful: tomatoes are easy to break.

The planting option, if you use a bucket rather than a container, is fundamentally different. The bucket is simply then hung by the handle, and you're done.

Also, as an option, you can use a special kit for growing tomatoes “head down”. It consists of a hanging basket, soil mixture, fertilizers and a ready-made watering system.

Supports for an air garden

The main requirements for supports are strength and stability . For support, you can drive hooks into a wall or fence. You can use branches from large trees. Another option is to hammer in wooden beams or make an arch yourself.

To make an arch you need to take:

  • pipe with a diameter of 30 mm;
  • rod with a diameter of 6 mm and 10 mm;
  • tape measure, pipe bender, hacksaw, hammer and wire cutters;
  • welding machine.

Produce according to this plan:

  1. Cut 4 identical pipe bushes.
  2. Bend a 10 mm rod into an arc (make two such arcs).
  3. Weld 6 mm rods together.
  4. Dig pipe supports into the ground and strengthen them.
  5. Connect the supports to the arcs.
  6. Paint the structure.

also suitable as a support for such tomatoes . It is an open veranda, some of the openings of which are filled with lattice and beams. It's not difficult to build:

  1. Make a wooden frame from a powerful beam.
  2. Fill the top of the frame with a thin lattice or beams.

Another option is a pyramid stand.

You can make it like this:

  1. Take 4 supporting parts (reinforcement, wooden blocks, pipes).
  2. Dig the lower parts square into the ground.
  3. Connect the tops together.

What are the “advantages” of such technology?

  • Firstly, it is high yield. Tomatoes grow downwards, but there are more of them. That is, the opportunity to replenish your pantry with tomato rolls increases, and in the summer you won’t have to save on salads with tomatoes.
  • Secondly, saving area. Not everyone can afford to build a good greenhouse on their site, but hanging structures just fit into the space.
  • Thirdly, the decorative function. Such unique plantings look incredibly colorful in a dacha, on a loggia, in a vegetable garden, and their appearance is very appetizing.
  • And finally, growing such tomatoes does not entail special conditions, difficulties in care, etc. There is no need to weed or loosen the beds; caterpillars and slugs do not particularly attack such areas. If, nevertheless, voracious slugs have reached the plants, then you can get rid of them using several effective methods, which we have already talked about.
  • You should not forget about carrying: if you are planning to do this, support the shoots so as not to deform them. Trellis and sticks are not required at all.

Description of the essence of the method

This method of cultivation does not require beds , which means that it will make it possible to save a significant part of the plot. This is especially important for those who have a small dacha plot and really want to enjoy their tomatoes.

Growing by weight can produce a much larger yield than conventionally growing tomatoes. At the same time, picking the fruits is much easier, since you don’t have to bend over for each tomato.

It is also worth noting the decorative nature of this method. Tomatoes planted upside down will be an excellent decoration for a summer cottage. In this case, planting does not require special manipulations - the seedlings are placed in a pot, covered with soil and watered .

Gardening scientists have conducted many experiments, which have proven that this method gives greater yield. This is because with such cultivation the roots receive more light and heat, more complete watering, and the shoots, in turn, are given more space. Also, there is no unnecessary pressure on the plant and it becomes stronger. All this contributes to the good condition of the plant, on which the yield depends.

Preparatory work

When planning to plant tomatoes upside down, you must first complete a number of preparatory steps. In particular, you will need to select suitable containers for growing, purchase soil and process the seed.

Selecting the right container

To grow vegetables, you need to prepare containers with a volume of 20 liters or more. Capacious plastic bottles, buckets, baskets, containers and other types of containers can be used as containers for tomatoes. A small hole with a diameter of 5-10 cm is made in the lower part through which the stem will pass. Containers with transplanted seedlings are suspended at a height of about 1.5 m.

Soil composition

Soil for growing crops can be purchased at a gardening store or prepared independently. When purchasing, you should give preference to a special soil mixture for tomatoes. This will avoid the need to use additional nutrient fertilizers.

To prepare the soil at home, you will need forest or turf soil, sand and peat. All components are poured into the container in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. You should not add large amounts of fertilizer to the soil, as this may negatively affect the yield. This is due to the fact that the container volume is limited, and the nutritional components are directly supplied to the plants in a short period of time. As a rule, one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate is added to a 20-liter container.

Soil with a balanced composition acquires a set of characteristics necessary for active growth and development. In particular, the soil is characterized by:

  • fertility;
  • neutral acidity indicator;
  • looseness;
  • moisture capacity.

Preparing seeds for planting

The first step in preparing planting material is sorting. To select the best seeds, they are immersed in a saline solution and stirred for a couple of minutes. After 10 minutes, empty and small seeds will float, and good ones will settle to the bottom. The sorted seeds are thoroughly washed with water and dried.

If the material was stored in a cool place, then it needs to be warmed up for a week before planting.

To prevent infection of seedlings, seeds should be disinfected. To do this, it is enough to soak them in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. You can also use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide for treatment, heated to 40-45 degrees.

Composition of planting soil and growing container

When planting 1 tomato bush, you can purchase nutritious soil at a gardening store, but if 5 or more sprouts are prepared for planting, prepare the soil for growing yourself. Here it is necessary to comply with the following condition: do not take soil for planting where tomatoes grew last year. Approximate composition of planting soil mixture:

  • garden soil;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • sand (if the soil is clayey).

All components are taken in a 1x1 ratio, sand is added in a 0.5 ratio. Add 1 tbsp per 10 liters of soil. superphosphate, potassium monophosphate, OMU for tomatoes and add 1 tbsp. ammonium nitrate, aquarine or mortar. In order for the plant to survive in limbo, it has enough nutrition and moisture for planting, choose plastic buckets and containers with a volume of 5-10 liters. A lid is welcome.

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