Tomato Dubrava - features of growing tomatoes, reviews from those who planted them, photos of the bush in height, pros and cons, diseases and pests

The Dubrava tomato has a second name, by which it is no less known - it is Dubok. The variety is included in the register. Recommended for planting in the Volga-Vyatka region and the Central zone.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageVarietyFlat-round

Pros and cons of the oak grove variety

Of course, like any other varieties, Dubrava tomatoes have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at it in more detail and detail.

  1. The variety ripens early.
  2. Tomatoes are practically not susceptible to the formation of late blight.
  3. The tomatoes ripen steadily.
  4. The bushes have an aesthetic appearance, so they may well become a decoration in the garden.
  5. There is no need to carry out work to destroy stepchildren.
  6. Even in unfavorable weather, the fruits are formed successfully.
  7. The fruits do not lose their presentation during transportation.
  8. Even in dry summers or rainy weather, fruits will form.

If we talk about the negative properties of tomatoes, the following should be highlighted:

  • Sour taste. It is worth mentioning that we are talking about tomatoes that are just ripe.


The main characteristic feature of Dubrava tomatoes is the quick and friendly yield of the crop. According to numerous reviews received from gardeners, there is average resistance to damage to tomatoes by late blight; some gardeners note cases of yellowing of the leaves of seedlings after planting on ridges.

The country where the variety was bred is Russia. Round fruits, with slightly defined ribbing. The average weight is 60-100 grams. They have a well-defined bright red tint.

You can compare the weight of tomatoes of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight (grams)
Russian size650-2000
Grandma's gift180-220
American ribbed300-600
Golden Jubilee150-200

When planting 5-6 bushes per square meter, the average yield is about 1.8-2.0 kilograms per bush. Universal application. Tomatoes are well preserved when canned, pickled with whole fruits, give salads a slight sourish tint, and are suitable for making ketchup, lecho, and vegetable mixtures. Excellent presentation, good preservation during transportation, good appearance for up to 1.5 months when stored.

You can compare the yield of Altai with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Dubrava2 kg per bush
De Barao the giant20-22 kg per bush
Polbig4 kg per square meter
Sweet bunch2.5-3.2 kg per square meter
Red bunch10 kg per bush
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Fat Jack5-6 kg per bush
Pink Lady25 kg per square meter
Countryman18 kg per bush
Dad6 kg per bush
Golden Jubilee15-20 kg per square meter


Let's consider the recommendations of specialists on caring for this variety. Tomato seeds must be sown two months in advance. For example, if you plan to plant in open ground on June 10, then the seedlings should be sown on March 20. If you live in warm areas, you can skip planting the seedlings at all and plant them outside right away.

Seedlings need to be planted, this way the root system will develop better. You can guess the need for this procedure by looking at the appearance of the seedlings - leaves should appear.

Seedlings should be fed periodically; Agricola is suitable for this procedure. The manipulation should be carried out a week after transplantation, and then a week before transplantation into open ground. It is advisable to start preparing tomatoes for unusual conditions a week in advance. To do this, you can take the container out onto the balcony for a while.

At the end of spring, you can safely plant seedlings in open ground, just do not forget about using covering material.

The choice of arcs and greenhouses is very large on today's market, in addition, they have a relatively low cost.

Pest and disease control

The disease resistance of the Dubrava tomato variety is good, but in any case, seedlings and grown bushes need preventive treatment, for example, against late blight, gray rot, cutworms and other pests. If the disease began to develop quite recently, you can use folk remedies. If the symptoms clearly progress, it is better to use the special insecticides or fungicides described below.

Disease or pestDrugsFolk remedies
Late blight"Quadris"300 g of wood ash is boiled in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes, cooled, filtered, and 1 tbsp is added. l. soap shavings
"Strobe"2 liters of milk dissolved in 10 liters of water
"Ditan"300 g of finely chopped garlic are infused in 10 liters of water, add a pinch of potassium permanganate and 2 tablespoons of soap shavings
Gray rotBordeaux mixture4 tbsp. l. baking soda per 10 liters of water
Copper sulfate
Summit Dust"Hom"20 g baking soda per 10 liters of water
"Fitosporin"Sprinkle 2 handfuls of ash under each bush
scoop"Inta-vir"Infuse chopped garlic for 7 days: 500 g per 10 liters of water
"Karate"Infuse 100 g of wormwood in 1 liter of boiling water for several days (the water should cool to room temperature), then dilute to 10 liters
Whitefly"Fufanon"Solutions with soap shavings 2-3 spoons per 10 liters of water
"Mospilan"Adhesive tapes for catching butterflies

At first, it is important to carry out regular weeding of the Dubrava tomato, and in the future the bush itself will suppress the growth of weeds


When planting, it is necessary to form holes - the distance between them should be 35 cm. If you use only one stem, it can be 35 cm. In order to save space, you can arrange the seedlings in a checkerboard pattern.

The path between the rows must be at least 65 cm, otherwise maintenance will not be easy, and the planting will not be fully ventilated.

Tying up

In general, there is no urgent need for staking this variety, since the variety grows quite low. However, there are benefits to this procedure that you may not have even thought about. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • tying simplifies the care procedure;
  • the fruits of the tied fruits will be absolutely clean, since they will not touch the ground;
  • the fruits will not rot due to contact with the ground;
  • the trunk will be strong and will not break with high yields;
  • if the tomatoes are in open ground, sunlight will illuminate them better, and therefore the fruits will be of higher quality.

Description of the variety

Oak grove is distinguished by its early ripening; after the first shoots appear, after 80-90 days the first harvest can be carried out. The second crop will begin to bloom after the first one has set.


The bushes of this variety are determinate, strong and leafy. They reach a height of 40-60 centimeters, their growth is influenced by climatic conditions, soil quality and care. In a greenhouse they can reach greater heights and the leaves are light green.


The fruits are round in shape, with an average weight ranging from 50 to 110 grams. The pulp is dense, tastes sweet and sour. The harvest is stable. An average of 5-6 kilograms of tomatoes are obtained from one square meter; under favorable weather conditions and proper care, you can get up to 8 kilograms of yield. The bush bears fruit until September.


Well suited for use in salads, also often used for homemade preparations. Since tomatoes ripen early, they are often eaten fresh.


It is very important to approach this procedure correctly. If you purchase large quantities of fertilizer and use everything indiscriminately, you are unlikely to get a high-quality harvest.

If the fertilizer contains nitrogen, then it should be applied only once at the moment when the fruit is just forming. During the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to add potassium and phosphorus. It is recommended to fertilize once every two weeks.

Features of growing tomatoes

The variety is not picky about soil for planting. This could be a vegetable garden, a greenhouse, or a home pot.

Important! Dubrava should not be planted when the weather has not yet settled.

The variety is not afraid of heat, but freezing of the soil threatens the complete extinction of the seedlings. The minimum permissible air temperature is plus five degrees.

Landing dates

If you buy ready-made seedlings, the timing depends entirely on climatic conditions. Usually this is the end of April - beginning of May. However, when growing Dubrava tomatoes from seeds yourself, it is recommended to start sowing at the end of March. Seeds are grown at home or in greenhouse conditions. In a month or a month and a half they grow enough and become strong enough to be planted in the ground.

Growing tomato seedlings

The seeds are planted in a special sand mixture; It is recommended to use substrates left over from zucchini or greens. The soil must be disinfected by heating in the oven. The growing container must be selected with through holes at the bottom for better watering.

Important! When preparing seeds, it is strongly recommended to treat them with growth activation liquid and 2% potassium permanganate solution to get rid of various diseases.

Selection and preparation of a site

To plant Dubrava tomatoes, you need loose soil with a complete absence of pests. The soil after zucchini, legumes or greens is excellent. You should also pay attention to natural lighting. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes on the shady side.

Planting seedlings in the ground

To properly plant seedlings, only three main criteria must be met:

  • It is allowed to plant a maximum of 4 Dubrava bushes per square meter;
  • It is recommended to bury the bushes in holes about 10 centimeters deep at an angle (the plant will level itself);
  • During the first two weeks, tomatoes require more liquid, so they should be watered generously.


An extremely important point is watering. There is no need to carry out the procedure every day. This should be done only when the top layer of soil has dried out. The manipulation itself is usually carried out in the morning or evening. You can also use mulch, as it prevents the evaporation process.

After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil a little, this will improve air permeability and the roots will be able to freely absorb air. In addition, crusts will not appear.


If you constantly remove tomatoes from the bush that have not reached full ripeness, you will greatly improve the yield.

In this article, we examined in detail oak tomatoes, a description of the variety, distinctive features and characteristics that summer residents need to know.

Knowing everything about the oak grove tomato, the characteristics and description of the variety, you will be able to grow a high-quality and excellent harvest that will delight your household for a long time.


Many gardeners have long known and grown the Dubrava variety in their gardens and summer cottages. A large number of different reviews about the variety can be found on the forums. Most of them are positive, but there are also negative ones. The main complaint is the taste of the fruit.

Last summer I planted several Dubok tomato bushes. We got there early. I didn't like the taste. Sourish. There is no sugar content at all. I think the variety is not very remarkable.

I didn't like Oak. Tomatoes are watery and sour in taste. I planted it for the first time, I won’t repeat it. I was glad that there was no late blight. The bushes remained healthy all summer.

At the beginning of spring I bought a bag of Dubrava tomato seeds. Sowed on March 20th. Already at the end of May I sent them to the garden for permanent residence. All my care came down to gartering, weeding and watering (5 times per season). I didn’t feed her with fertilizers or feed her stepsons. A lot of tomatoes have grown. True, small, but many and tasty. I am pleased.

This is not the first year I have been planting oak trees. I buy ready-made seedlings at the market. The variety is unpretentious. Not my stepson. Grows up to 60 cm. We collect tomatoes until September. Late blight does not affect, but for prevention I treat the plantings once a summer.

I planted Dubrava. The taste and yield were not surprising. Quite ordinary. The advantages include the absence of late blight and the fact that there is no need to waste time on stepsons.

I have been planting Dubrava tomatoes for three years now. Satisfied. I grow the grove of seedlings myself. In May I'll put him in the OG. In June, towards the end of the month, we pick the first fruits. The bushes are not tall. Maximum 50 cm. The fruits are not large. Sweet and sour. It suits us. We eat it in salads. We marinate in small jars. We are very pleased with the variety. We recommend.

I plant Dubrava tomatoes under film cover. We are already eating our own tomatoes, but our neighbors only have green ones. A very early variety.

Growing a Dubrava tomato in open ground is not a burdensome task. Suitable for a beginning gardener. Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can get a harvest of strong tomatoes in June-July.

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