How to deal with aphids on indoor plants at home - an overview of the best methods

Where do aphids come from in an apartment? Prolific and voracious pests are capable of destroying all indoor plants in a short time. By sucking juice from leaves and shoots, they inhibit the development of flowers, which leads to their death. The greatest damage is caused to flowering plants. A female aphid hatches up to 100 individuals. How to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers at home?
  • Reasons for appearance
  • Species found on Black Aphid flowers
  • White aphid
  • Beet aphid
  • What plants do aphids harm?
  • Ficus
  • Azalea
  • Hibiscus
  • Dracaena
  • Geranium
  • Balsam
  • Cyclamen
  • Spathiphyllum
  • Poinsettia
  • Anthurium
  • Begonia
  • Chemical preparations for aphids
  • Aktara
  • Aktellik
  • Biological methods of control
  • Traditional methods of fighting aphids
  • Preventive measures
  • Reasons for appearance

    You can determine that there are aphids on indoor flowers by several signs:

    • leaf curling;
    • puncture marks;
    • small insects with round or elongated bodies;
    • growths on soft stems;
    • deformed flowers;
    • sticky, sweet film;
    • black coating.

    The color of the pest is predominantly light green and white. Flowers with delicate leaves are destroyed first. Instead of a mouth opening, the aphid has a long or short proboscis, with which it pierces the leaf cover to suck out plant sap.

    The appearance of aphids is due to several reasons:

    1. Purchasing a flower plant with eggs of the pest, from which it spread to other house plants.
    2. Infection through soil during transplantation, if it has not been disinfected.
    3. Insemination by a winged individual during ventilation on the balcony of a house, near an open window.
    4. The larvae are brought into the house with soil on the fur, paws of dogs and cats.
    5. Purchasing bouquets of chrysanthemums or roses infected with aphids.
    6. The appearance of ants in the room, contributing to the formation of insect colonies.

    Insects multiply exponentially every 10 days, which weakens indoor flowers or leads to death.

    Signs of aphids on indoor flowers

    Aphids on indoor flowers, which must be combated immediately after detection, are quite noticeable. Small insects, black or green. Beetles of a brown or reddish hue are rarely found.

    The presence of a pest on plants can be determined by the following signs:

    1. Unhealthy looking plants. A more general indicator for flowers susceptible to diseases and pests. In young plants, increased tension in the cell membranes is observed. Flowers look weak and wilt. If these symptoms are present, it is recommended to check the plant for pests.
    2. Large clusters of aphids are quite easy to detect. Pest colonies accumulate on the lower part of the plant. Insects most often attack young plants, as they feed on sap from the tissues.
    3. The upper part of the plant changes in structure. This is due to the fact that aphids feed on the sap of the flower. The leaf plates are greatly deformed, which becomes noticeable with prolonged exposure to the plant.
    4. The appearance of white plaque on leaf blades and shoots. During their life, the aphid secretes a sweet, thick juice. Aphid honeydew becomes a favorable environment for sooty fungus (black fungus), which subsequently turns the white coating black.

    When the first signs of pests appear, it is necessary to carefully inspect the plant for the presence of insects.

    Varieties found on flowers

    Indoor aphids are polyphagous, attacking all plants except palm trees. The shape of the jelly-like body of insects can be oval, round, or elongated. Size – up to 3 millimeters. The head has eyes, antennae, and a proboscis. Three pairs of long legs allow the insects to walk and jump. Females come with wings and without wings. Males fly.

    Aphids form colonies covering the lower parts of leaves, young shoots and flower stems. She prefers plant juices rich in carbohydrates and amino acids, which is typical for well-fertilized soil mixtures. The optimal condition for reproduction is moist and warm air.

    The waste product of pests is a sweet sticky secretion. A fungal infection develops in these secretions. A weakened plant is affected by viruses and bacteria. Ants spread aphids due to their syrup.

    Black aphid

    Black aphid (indoor) affects all types of plantings. Body length – up to 1.5 millimeters. In a short period of time, the sprout withers, dries up and dies.

    White aphid

    Mealybug or hairy aphid. The oval light brown bristly body is covered with a white coating. House shoots affected by scale insects look as if they are covered with frost. The stems become bent, the foliage and buds fall off.

    Beet aphid

    An insect up to 3 millimeters long, green/brown/black with a waxy coating. Plants affected by beet aphids stop growing, curl, dry out, and may die.

    Signs of pest damage

    It is easy to see the presence of aphids on a plant - upon inspection, syrupy traces appearing from pest secretions and other symptoms are visible on the foliage.

    Read more about why aphids appear on plants in the article here.

    The first signs of aphid infestation:

    1. The shoots curl and wither. Young specimens of domestic flowers suffer.
    2. The presence of black marks on the leaves. Aphids spread sooty fungus, which appears as dark spots.
    3. Clusters of insects are noticeable on the underside of the leaves.
    4. Opened flower buds look ugly.
    5. Some flowers do not open.

    There are several types of parasites. At the same time, the methods of combating it depend on the type of aphid. At the first signs of damage, it is necessary to immediately get rid of aphids. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate method and take preventive measures.


    Dicotyledonous plants are most susceptible to attack by white aphids. Parasites are rare on domestic flowers. Aphids, covered with white pollen, penetrate the root system and suck out the juice. The plant dies.


    The parasite has a pale green color. Settles on bushes and trees. Dangerous for decorative Chinese roses, lemons, etc. Before winter, the female lays eggs near the buds. In the spring, the larvae hatch and parasitize the plant.


    Black aphids are dark in color and their body length reaches 5 mm. To pierce the foliage, a proboscis is located on the body of the parasite, with the help of which the insect drinks juice. Black aphids reproduce at a high rate because they do not need to mate. The larvae appear on young shoots of indoor plants and eventually move to adult specimens of vegetation.


    The yellow aphid has a corresponding color. Prefers to settle on coniferous vegetation near the buds. The primitive parasite does not spread to neighboring plants. One generation is hatched per year. Therefore, yellow aphids are few in number.

    Effective methods of controlling aphids on coniferous trees


    The blood aphid is native to America. In its homeland, the insect parasitizes in the bark of elm trees. On the territory of Russia, the insect is found in gardens, rarely on domestic vegetation. The body of the parasite is covered with wool-like waxy threads.

    What plants do aphids harm?

    Among indoor plants, sucking insects prefer flowers with soft, succulent leaves and herbaceous stems that grow in humid and warm conditions.


    An unpretentious evergreen plant from the genus of succulents has large fleshy leaves, a succulent stem and trunk. The flower grows on loose soil rich in minerals with plenty of moisture. Such conditions attract winged black and green aphids, which enter the house through the window.

    Females lay eggs on the inside of leaves. The greatest harm to the plant is caused by the honeydew secreted by the larvae and the poison that gets inside the leaf. A sticky coating closes the stomata on the leaves, preventing the Kalanchoe from breathing.


    Only ficus benjamina leaves are available to aphids. From loss of juice they lose their shape, turn yellow and fall off. Sooty fungus parasitizes the sticky film. Without action, the flower dies.


    The azalea growing season conditions are favorable for aphid reproduction. The flower does not grow in a warm room with dry air, does not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight. Aphid colonies slow down plant growth and delay flowering.


    Chinese rose requires high air humidity and no drafts. The soft, succulent shoots of hibiscus attract winged female aphids, and the care conditions are favorable for reproduction. The appearance of pests can be recognized by deformation and falling of leaves, drying of buds, and a sticky layer on all parts of the plant.


    Aphids love false palms for their sap. The plant requires constant feeding, which is sensed by pests. Yellowed leaves are a sign that there are aphids on the dracaena.


    Geranium is resistant to viruses and bacteria. The scent of its flowers cannot be tolerated by moths. The conditions for caring for pelargonium are not favorable for aphids: dry air, bright sunlight. For a pest, a flower can be the starting point for expansion into indoor plants.


    Vanka wet/touchy/busy Lizi - these are the names that flower growers gave to balsam. Unpretentious, decorated with flowers throughout the year, it does not tolerate drought: the leaves droop and fall, the buds do not bloom. For the pest, balsam leaves and stems consisting of 50% water are a tasty lunch.

    It is difficult to notice aphids on densely growing, succulent stems. You can see its nests on the walls of the pot. Insects suck the juice from the leaves, which stops photosynthesis. The plant stops growing and dies.


    Cyclamen loves high humidity. Creating a mist around it is the best way to water. Like most indoor plants, it requires well-fertilized soil. Aphids are one of the dangerous pests of alpine violets. The object of her attack is the buds. The presence of the pest is noticeable by deformed flowers.

    A sooty fungus that settles on the sticky secretions of aphids interferes with proper photosynthesis. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. The shoots stop growing. The bush withers, anthracnose and wet rot develop on it.


    Aphids are one of the main enemies of elegantly flowering plants. The lack of stems, moisture-loving nature, and succulent leaves present a tasty target for the pest. Spathiphyllum can be affected by root aphids that fall into a pot with undisinfected soil. In this case, the plant dies within a few days.


    The Christmas Star suffers most from mealybugs. Aphids form colonies on the most tender parts of the plant, where they can pierce the foliage. As a result of exhaustion, the stems and branches of the poinsettia become bent, the leaves dry out and fall off.


    The flower is demanding of humidity, heat, and light. Anthurium, when attacked by aphids, loses its decorative properties: the leaves turn yellow, curl into a tube, and fall off.


    Greenhouse aphids form colonies on the undersides of leaves. The depletion of begonia is expressed in the falling of buds and yellowing of the leaves.

    Life cycle of aphids

    It is impossible to describe the life cycle of aphids in a nutshell, because... The development of insects depends on their type: non-migratory, migratory and incomplete.

    Non-migratory aphids

    Representatives : cereal aphid, cabbage aphid, green apple aphid.

    Fruit crops become the primary host. Insects go through the following stages of development.

    • Egg . In this phase, aphids overwinter on perennial (less often biennial) plants.
    • Founder . Hatches from an egg in spring. It has no wings, so it lives on the same plant where it appeared, continuing to feed on its juices. It is a virgin female and, through same-sex reproduction, gives birth to about 50 rapidly developing larvae.
    • The Wingless Virgin . This is what the foundress larvae are called. At this stage of development, aphids are faced with the task of reproducing a number of more generations of identical individuals. Moreover, among the summer generations, the first insects with wings appear - winged virgins, or dispersers.
    • Winged settler . The main goal of the insect at this stage of development is to ensure the movement of the colony, i.e. capture of new territories (plants of the same species or related species). There they form and increase new colonies through viviparity.
    • Oviparous female and normal male . The first full-fledged males and females emerge from the larvae of winged dispersers in early autumn. They mate and the female lays several eggs for the winter.

    Migrating aphids

    Representatives : bird cherry aphid, beet aphid, cherry aphid, etc.

    Migrating aphids, unlike non-migratory aphids, have not one, but several types of food plants. And this leads to more complex development of insects. Winged dispersers, as a result of asexual reproduction, give birth to virgin migrants, who, in turn, give birth to midges. The moths return to the primary host, reproduce asexually, and give birth to normal females and males, who mate and lay eggs.

    Incomplete-cyclic (analocyclic) aphids

    Representatives : blood aphid, tobacco (peach) aphid.

    The peculiarity of this group of migrating aphids is that they do not have the opportunity to fully develop on their primary host. Most often this happens due to the lack of plants in the region that can provide the necessary nutrition to the founders. Such aphids immediately end up on a secondary host, where they begin to reproduce asexually, giving birth to generations of virgins unable to lay eggs.

    The life cycle of incompletely cycled aphids consists of the following stages: egg, foundress, winged virgin, wingless virgin. Formed colonies die with the arrival of autumn.

    Chemical preparations for aphids

    How can you remove aphids from indoor plants at home? In advanced cases, it is better to destroy the plants to prevent further reproduction of aphids. The use of chemicals gives a quick effect, allowing you to get rid of the pest in the shortest possible time. Treatment with preparations is carried out according to the instructions, the soil in the pot is covered with film.

    Preparation begins with the mechanical removal of dried, damaged parts of the flower. The sections are moistened with insecticides. The entire plant is sprayed or wiped with a toxic solution. The substrate in the pot, if plant care conditions allow, is replaced with a new one. The pot is pre-disinfected.


    An effective drug, in terms of its active substance, is classified as a biological product. Aversectin S gives Fitoverm its protective properties. The contact-intestinal poison causes paralysis in garden crop pests, including aphids. To treat indoor plants, use a solution of 1 milliliter per 3.5 liters of water.

    After 10 hours, the aphids lose their ability to feed. The death of pests occurs after 4 days. When new individuals appear, the flower is processed again. The product is moderately toxic for humans and animals if vapors are inhaled. Poisoning may result in hand tremors or temporary paralysis.


    The latest generation insecticide. The active substance is thiamethoxam. Pesticide of contact-intestinal action. Used for spraying the vegetative part of plants and shedding the soil. The product gets inside the leaf, penetrating through the skin or through the vascular system, being absorbed by the roots.

    Contact damage persists for 4 weeks, intestinal - 8. The action of Aktara begins 30 minutes after spraying. The most effective method against aphids and whiteflies is repeated spilling of soil in a pot. During processing, precautions must be taken due to the toxicity of the vapors and solution: carry out in protective clothing, gloves, goggles, in a draft.


    A toxic, enteric-contact insecticide based on pirimiphos methyl, available in the form of ampoules. To kill aphids, the solution is sprayed onto the flowers, and the lower part of the leaves is treated with a brush. The plant is covered with a plastic cap. Processing must be carried out in protective clothing, without people, animals, and with isolation of products. Staying indoors for 2 days is prohibited.

    Chemicals for killing parasites

    If folk remedies are ineffective, use chemicals. The choice of means depends on the degree of damage and the scale of the disaster. The most effective means include: “Decis”, “Iskra”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”, “Confidor”, “Akarin”, “Karate”.

    Spraying flowers with chemicals will help get rid of aphids. When working with insecticides, observe safety precautions and strictly follow the instructions for the product.

    Procedure for using chemicals:

    1. Read the instructions for use of the product.
    2. Take the recommended safety measures - put on seals and a respirator, remove pets and children from the premises. After handling, wash your hands thoroughly with a concentrated soap solution.
    3. Wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge soaked in soapy water and then let dry.
    4. Spray the flower. Carry out the treatment on the balcony on a cloudy day at a temperature of +21…25 ℃, since at a lower temperature the effectiveness of the drug decreases.
    5. Perform preventive spraying of all plants in the house to prevent aphids from moving onto them.
    6. Re-treat the flowers several times at intervals of 5-7 days (depending on the recommendations in the instructions).

    If the plant cannot be saved, discard it to avoid contaminating other flowers.

    Biological methods of control

    Biological products are based on microorganisms that destroy pests when they enter the digestive system. Unlike chemical means of protection, they are not so toxic.

    Akarin's properties are similar to Fitoverm. To kill aphids, you can irrigate flowers every 10 days for a month.

    Bitoxibacilli contains live bacteria, the waste products of which are poisonous to aphids. Spraying indoor flowers with a solution allows you to get rid of pests after 7 days.

    To combat aphids on indoor plants in the summer, you can use ladybugs. Natural enemies of aphids destroy their larvae and eggs. A few ladybugs are enough to destroy a small colony of aphids.

    Why are aphids dangerous for home flowers?

    The pest causes the greatest damage to street and garden crops and garden trees.

    For indoor plants, aphid infestation is dangerous due to the following:

    1. Changing the appearance of the plant. Aphids deform the tops of the plant, which leads to a deterioration in its appearance.
    2. Aphids attract ants to the plant. There is an interaction between aphids and ants, so eliminating one group of pests eliminates the other.
    3. Aphids are carriers of diseases. The most dangerous is niello - a sooty fungus that forms on the surface of honeydew secreted by pests.
    4. Aphid colonies, which develop very quickly, can destroy most of the plants. The pest is able to move with the help of its wings. Harm stops the growth and development of the plant, which leads to its further death.

    Buds exposed to the pest fall off before they have time to open.

    Traditional methods of fighting aphids

    How to remove aphids from indoor plants without using chemicals? Flower growers prefer to use non-toxic folk remedies against aphids. The effectiveness of home methods has been proven by many years of experience. The main condition for their use is timeliness and regularity. In case of severe infection, it is important to resort to the help of chemicals. Before starting treatment, the plant is prepared, as with chemical and biological methods.

    Means to combat aphids:

    1. Potassium soap. Grind part of the bar and dissolve it in water. Cover the soil in the pot. Wipe the leaves and stems where aphids accumulate with the solution.
    2. Celandine. Fresh leaves are poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dry leaves are kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain. Spray with a spray bottle, wipe the stems and underside of the leaves. For 1 liter of water – 100 grams of fresh, 30 grams of dry celandine.
    3. A glass of lemon or orange peel is poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water overnight. Strain. Used to wash leaves and stems.
    4. Flea shampoo. Add 1 teaspoon of shampoo to a half-liter jar of water. Spray for several days when aphids appear and once a week for prevention.
    5. Cigarette smoke. The plant is covered with a plastic bag and tobacco smoke is blown inside. Tie a bag at the base and leave for several days.
    6. Tobacco dust. Tobacco is poured with hot water and left for 24 hours. After filtering, use regularly until the aphids are completely destroyed.
    7. Kerosene + soap. The solution contains 20 milliliters of kerosene, 100 grams of crushed soap, 5 liters of warm water. The resulting product destroys aphids, thrips, and spider mites.
    8. Dish detergent. For 1 liter of water – 1 drop. Before processing, cover the soil in the pot. Use a spray bottle to water the above-ground parts of the indoor plant.
    9. Tomato shoots. For 1 liter of water you will need 400 grams of leaves and stems. To obtain a solution, boil for 30 minutes. Strain. Add shavings of laundry soap (a tablespoon). Leave until an emulsion is obtained. The liquid composition is sprayed, and the concentrated parts are wiped over the ground parts of the home flower.
    10. Hot pepper pods. Cut two pods and boil in 200 milliliters of water. Leave for 24 hours. Strain and bring the volume to 1 liter. Use no more than once every 14 days.
    11. Vinegar 9%. Solution for spraying and dressing - 30 milliliters per 1000. Used as a preventive and therapeutic agent. Application interval – once every 7 days.
    12. Soda. An aqueous solution regularly applied to leaves and stems will serve as a repellent to repel winged aphids. Ingredients: 500 milliliters of water will require 15 grams of soda.
    13. A mixture of soap solution and vegetable oil. Wipe the leaves, shading the flower, no more than once every 14 days.
    14. Hydrogen peroxide. The solution contains 500 milliliters of water, 25 milliliters of 3% medicinal composition. The plant is washed with a spray bottle or wiped.

    Solving the problem of getting rid of aphids is achieved through persistent and lengthy struggle. The high fertility, mobility, and adaptability of pests require simultaneous protective measures for all indoor flowers. Preventing a disease is easier than treating the cause.

    How do aphids get into the house?

    The most common type of aphid found on indoor plants is the aphid. Pests are located on the roots, leaves, stems and flowers of indoor plants.

    Where and why do pests appear within the apartment:

    1. Purchase of an infected plant.
    2. Migration of parasites from the street on clothing or household items.
    3. Aphids enter from the street through open windows.
    4. Sticking of insects when airing flowers outdoors.
    5. The vital activity of ants, for which aphids are the main source of food.

    Pests practically do not move around the plant. Aphids are found everywhere on domestic flowers, regardless of the part of the crop. First, young shoots are affected, then the parasite moves to denser and stronger areas. The leaves and stems turn yellow and curl into a tube. Aphids are visible to the naked eye.

    A warm and dry climate promotes active reproduction of aphids. The infected flower must be quarantined so that other crops do not become targets of aphid attack.

    Preventive measures

    To avoid the appearance of a colony of pests, the housewife is recommended to follow simple care rules:

    1. Inspect the plants two to three times within 7 days.
    2. When insects appear, treat with folk, biological, and chemical means.
    3. Keep purchased plants in isolation for a week and put them in another room.
    4. Follow agricultural cultivation techniques so that the flowers are immune to diseases and pests:
    • on feeding;
    • watering;
    • soil replacement;
    • transplant;
    • temperature conditions.
    1. Use mint as a repellent.

    On summer days, after airing, taking it out onto the balcony, do preventative irrigation, use ladybugs.

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