Growing and caring for green beans, delicious recipes

Varieties of green beans

  • Semi-sweet green beans have coarse fibers around the edges of the pod. It ages quickly, becomes woody and tasteless;
  • Bush bean with green blades, called Kilian;
  • Bush with yellow pods - Laura;
  • Climbing varieties: Blau Hilde (purple blades) and Boheme with flat, oblong, light yellow blades;
  • A new variety of bush beans – Borlotto.

All of the listed varieties have tasty pods, no parchment layer and coarse side fibers. For all varieties, pods picked at the stage when the seeds are not yet palpable are used for food. You can also eat formed but not yet ripened seeds, especially from Borlotto.

The best varieties of climbing beans (photo, description)

If you decide to plant not only a beautiful, but also a productive plant on your plot, climbing beans are perfect for this role.

To begin with, let us remember that climbing beans, like bush beans, are divided into two main types:

grain (shelling) beans. The fruits are the well-known beans. The shelled bean pod has a parchment layer inside that fills the space between the beans. This makes the pod itself tough, and, as a rule, it is not eaten.

asparagus (sugar, green) beans . The main value of green beans, as the name implies, is in the pods. Sugar beans have practically no parchment layer between the beans, so the shoulder blades grow tender, juicy, crispy, and suitable for freezing. The pods of asparagus beans are eaten in an unripe state. Although if you keep them on the plant until biological maturity, you can harvest beans. True, these grains will be smaller in size than the grains of shelled beans.

There are semi-sugar varieties of climbing beans - something between grain and green beans. The parchment layer in such varieties is present in small quantities, so at a young age the pods can be eaten like asparagus. As the pods mature, they become tougher, and later it is grown as a shelling plant for the sake of its grains.

The best varieties of climbing beans (photo, description)

Climbing bean Blaukhilda (Bluhilda, Blaukhilde, Bluehilda, Blue Hilda)

Blauchilda is a purple climbing bean, and everything about it is purple: flowers, pods and even leaves acquire a dark purple hue over time. The Blauchilda variety is a late variety, the growing season is 90-110 days, so in the middle zone it is better to grow it through seedlings. It blooms quite early and blooms until the cold weather. Thus, one plant constantly has both flowers and fruits.

This is how Blauhilda blooms

This is an asparagus variety of climbing beans, the pods are 15-23 cm long, wide, without fibers and parchment, they become green when cooked, but if they are kept a little too long in the garden, they can become harsh. But Blauhilda’s grains are good - quite large, beige, and slightly oily when boiled.

Blauchilda's shoulder blades are fleshy, tender and very tasty.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative qualities of climbing purple beans of the Blauchilda variety. The vine of this plant is very powerful, heavy, 3-4 meters long. Take this into account and choose a strong support.

Blauchilda can be used to effectively decorate a personal plot

Fire Red Curly Beans (Turkish Beans, Winner)

This variety of decorative climbing bean is found most often in our latitudes. And it’s not strange - Fire red beans are unpretentious (they are only afraid of frosts, even the lightest), grows up to 2.5-4 m in length, its flowers are bright red, small, its stems are thin, its foliage is dense, bright -green. A very impressive plant.

Not only the flowers and leaves of the Fire Red Bean are decorative, but even the grains

We call all plants of the species Phaseolus coccineus Fire-red climbing bean, but representatives of this species bloom not only red, but also pink, white, white-pink, and red-white flowers. Accordingly, their grains will differ in color: in classic Fire Red beans they are light purple with a black pattern, in pink and white varieties they are light pink with a brown pattern, in white varieties they are white.

Decorative fiery red curly beans

Decorative bean Fire-red blooms from June to September. Its fruits can be used when young as green beans, or as grains when ripe. Both young and ripe beans are boiled before eating, since raw beans contain toxic substances that are quickly destroyed when cooked. Experienced gardeners say that the fruits of Turkish beans, although edible, are not particularly outstanding in nutritional terms (“beans are like beans”). Therefore, climbing beans of the Fiery Red variety are, first of all, an ornamental plant.

Climbing Bean Purple Lady (Purple Queen)

Climbing beans of the Purple Lady variety are a low vine (up to 1.5 m) with large purple flowers and dark purple tubular beans 15-18 cm long. This is a mid-early variety - 50-55 days after germination you can enjoy the first harvest. Purple Lady beans are white and very tasty. The Purple Lady differs from Bluehilda mainly in its thinner, less massive vine, and more abundant fruiting.

Purple Lady (Purple Queen) purple climbing beans

Climbing beans Harmony

It belongs to the mid-season universal varieties, that is, you can eat both the pods of Harmony climbing beans in their young form and the grains in a more mature form. This variety is distinguished by its reliability, unpretentiousness, good germination, long fruiting period (from 65-80 days after germination until frost), long golden pods about 20 cm long. Beans from one plant can harvest 0.3-0.5 kg, The grains are white, elongated. When planting, take care of good support, since the climbing Harmony bean grows up to 3-4 m in length and weighs a lot. It entwines any hedge and looks elegant.


Productivity of asparagus beans
Many gardeners think that climbing varieties of asparagus beans have higher yields compared to bush varieties. This is probably true. After all, a powerful vine grows for a long time and can bear fruit for a long time. Bush beans quickly form a large number of pods, they ripen quickly, and the plant dries out. But it can be planted twice per season. Then the total harvest may be significant.

Vegetable beans: popular varieties

Of the variety of types of beans, the most common bean is the common or vegetable bean, which is distinguished by its great diversity: from bush beans, with a compact growth of 20-40 cm in height, to climbing ones, with a stem length of up to 1.5 meters or more. Russian summer residents in the conditions of 6 acres more often grow varieties of vegetable beans that have a compact bush, mainly sugar without fiber, which can be successfully grown by even the most uninitiated gardeners. Although varieties of climbing vegetable beans, which have high decorative qualities, have a huge army of loyal fans.

The choice of varieties of vegetable beans offered today by Russian specialized companies is very large. Let's look at the most popular varieties.

  • Bolshoye Lakostvo is a high-yielding late-ripening variety, ripening period 125-135 days. Climbing plants 2.5-3.5 m high. Spade beans 15 cm long, without a parchment layer and fiber, green at technical ripeness. The beans are white, very large, each weighing about 2 g, with excellent taste. The variety has excellent productivity in any zone.
  • Bona is a mid-season sugar variety, plants up to 25 cm high, not spreading. The beans are light green, up to 14 cm long, without a parchment layer. The seeds are suitable for freezing and canning.
  • Diamond is a bush variety with asparagus-type beans. Mid-season, begins to bear fruit on the 65th day from germination. The bean shells at technical ripeness do not contain a rough parchment layer. The beans are sugar, fleshy, straight, 10-15 cm long, wide. The taste is pleasant and delicate. Ripe seeds are white, with high nutritional qualities.
  • News - early ripening, sugar variety, bush up to 48 cm high. The beans are green, straight, medium length, fleshy. The variety is distinguished by uniform yield and good product quality.
  • Violetta is a mid-season variety. Fruits in 55-60 days from germination. The plants are tall, shoots up to 2.5 m long, climbing, and require support when growing. Sugar-type shovel beans - without parchment layer and fiber, intensely colored. Universal purpose, suitable for home cooking and seasonal preparations, including freezing. The variety is distinguished by excellent bean yield in any region - 2-2.5 kg/m2. It is highly decorative.
  • Gerda is an early ripening variety. The plant is climbing, up to 3 meters high, and requires gartering to a support. Beans up to 20 cm long, without parchment layer.
  • Dialog is a mid-season, sugar variety. The beans are green, 12–14 cm long. The seeds are white. The variety is distinguished by the friendly ripening of beans.
  • Zhuravushka is an early-ripening, high-protein variety. Ripening 40-45 days after emergence. The plants are bushy, compact, 40-50 cm high. The beans are smooth, 12-13 cm long. The bean leaves without a parchment layer, the taste is very tender and juicy. It is characterized by consistently high productivity - up to 1.5 kg/m2.
  • Zabava is a mid-season variety. The plant is a bush plant, up to 40 cm high. The beans are 9–10 cm long, white, without a parchment layer and fiber.
  • Riddle is a mid-season variety. The plant is bushy, up to 45 cm high. Beans are 12–13 cm long, without a parchment layer and fiber.
  • Golden Saxa is an early-ripening, high-yielding variety of sugar beans with a growing season before seed collection of 50–55 days. Compact, low bush. The beans are juicy, without a parchment layer.
  • Zelenostuchovaya 517 is a sugar bush variety. The beans are long, with dark brown seeds. The variety is suitable for canning.
  • Cinderella is an early-ripening, sugar bush 50–55 cm high. The beans at technical ripeness are curved, 12–14 cm long. The entire bean is used for food, along with the leaves, which lack a hard parchment layer.
  • Krapinka is a mid-season variety, 55 days from germination to fruiting. The plant is climbing, the length of the lashes reaches 2 m. Recommended for growing on supports. Beans without a parchment layer and fiber, 15-17 cm long. Due to their high decorative value, they can be used for vertical gardening and creating shady corners.
  • Bush without fiber 85 is a mid-early sugar variety with a growing season before harvesting of the blades of 60–65 days. Beans are good for canning.
  • Lambada is a high-yielding mid-late variety, from germination to the start of harvesting 75-85 days. The plant is climbing. The beans are of average length 14-15 cm, wide. The parchment layer and fiber are absent in the early stages of scapula development. The taste is excellent. Suitable for growing as a climbing ornamental annual plant.
  • Landra Kustovaya is a mid-season sugar variety with smooth ripening of pods. The pods are yellow, long, suitable for canning and freezing.
  • Mauritanian is a mid-season variety. The plant is climbing, up to 3 meters high. Beans up to 18 cm long, without a parchment layer, with black seeds.
  • Butter King is an early-ripening delicious variety of asparagus beans. Bushes up to 40 cm high. Beans Shovel beans are golden-yellow, asparagus-like, without a hard parchment layer, have a length of 22–25 cm, ripen together. The taste is excellent, ideal for cooking and canning.
  • Fashionista is an early ripening variety, from germination to technical ripeness of beans - 50-60 days. Bush 40-50 cm high. Beans up to 18 cm long, wide, attractively variegated in color. Up to 70-75 beans ripen on the plant. Sugar variety (asparagus), the bean leaves do not contain a parchment layer and coarse fibers. The taste is pleasant and delicate. Recommended for home cooking and seasonal preparations - canning and freezing.
  • Mriya is a mid-season variety. The plant is 35–40 cm high and produces up to 40 sugar fruits that do not have a parchment layer.
  • Mulatto is a high-yielding mid-season variety. From germination to technical ripeness of beans 55-60 days. Plants are bushy and low-growing. Beans without a parchment layer and fiber, 15-17 cm long, fleshy. The taste is excellent. The variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures and produces high and stable yields in any zone.
  • Oktava is an early ripening sugar variety. Plants up to 40 cm high. Beans are straight, up to 16 cm long.
  • Pagoda is a mid-season variety. Bush plant, 50–55 cm high. Beans up to 16–17 cm long, without fiber and parchment layer.
  • Polestar is a productive, sugar climbing variety. The taste of the beans is very high.
  • Purple Queen is an excellent mid-season variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 55-60 days. The plants are bushy, low-growing, and do not require support. Beans are 15-17 cm long, in technical ripeness without a parchment layer and fiber. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis and tolerates drought and low temperatures.
  • Rosinka is a mid-season variety. The plant is bushy, up to 35–40 cm high. Beans are 10–11 cm long, without a parchment layer and fiber.
  • Rumba is a mid-season variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days. The plant is 3-3.5 m long and requires support for growth. The beans are long, without a parchment layer, and purple. Excellent taste. Universal use.
  • Saxa without fiber 615 is an early ripening sugar variety. Plants are compact, up to 35 cm high, slightly spreading. The beans are cylindrical, fleshy, juicy, green, up to 12 cm long, with grayish-yellow seeds. The taste is excellent.
  • Serenade is an early ripening bush variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 45-50 days. Marbled beans: green with red-pink spots, without a parchment layer and fiber, 15 - 17 cm long. Excellent taste.
  • Supernano Yellow is an early ripening bush bean variety. The period from sowing to technical ripeness is 60-63 days. The plant is compact, forms a bush 30-45 cm high. The beans are juicy, straight, 10-12cm long, wide, without a parchment layer and fiber. The color of beans in technical ripeness is green, in biological ripeness they are bright yellow. The taste is excellent.
  • Taiga is a mid-season sugar variety. The beans are green, slightly curved, cylindrical, 16–18 cm long, smooth. Productivity 1.2 kg/sq.m.
  • Tiraspolskaya is a mid-early bush variety of sugar beans for canning purposes. Beans without parchment layer and fiber. Taste qualities in fresh and canned form are high.
  • Triumph Sugar 764 is an early ripening bush sugar variety. Technical ripeness occurs in 45–50 days. Sugar beans, without fiber, 12–15 cm long. Seeds of excellent taste.
  • Universal is an early ripening sugar bush variety. Beans without parchment layer and fiber. The taste is very high.
  • Fantasia is a mid-season variety. Plants are 40–45 cm high. Beans are 15–16 cm long, sugar, without fiber, contain up to 6 seeds.
  • Flamingo is an early ripening variety, from germination to technical ripeness 45-55 days. Bush plants, 50-60 cm high. 50-60 pieces are tied on each plant. beans up to 15 cm long. The taste of the products is excellent. The variety is unpretentious and resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  • Hunter is a mid-season climbing, very productive, sugar variety. The pods are long, wide, straight, the leaves are without fibers.
  • Yubileiny 287 is a mid-season sugar variety, plants up to 40 cm high. Beans up to 14 cm long. The beans are juicy, fleshy, excellent taste, have very high nutritional qualities and medicinal properties.

Read also: Peach - Greensboro
Based on materials from the newspaper "Ural Gardener"


Green Bean Seeds
Germination . Growing green beans is easy. Before planting, it is better to first germinate the seeds at home by spreading them on a damp cloth and rolling it into a tube. Place the napkin in a glass jar and spray it regularly to keep the napkin constantly moist. Cover the jar loosely with a plastic lid. When roots appear, the seeds can be planted in the garden. This way you can get a harvest 2 weeks earlier than without germination.

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Required soil

Planting green beans
You need to plant beans in a well-lit place protected from drafts. They are planted in the garden at the end of May, when the weather is warm even at night.

This is a light-loving plant, so you need to leave at least 20 cm between rows.

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It is better to plant climbing varieties along a fence or next to corn, in a potato bed, but you need to provide support in time. Bush varieties of asparagus are planted on paths or in beds.

Top dressing

Fertilizing green beans
Beans form tubers containing nitrogen on their roots, thereby enriching the soil. Therefore, many gardeners think that it can be planted on poor soil and not fertilized with anything. But it’s better to grow it on fertile soil in order to get a high yield of tasty beans.

If the soil is poor, then once a summer you need to feed the plantings with complex mineral fertilizer, adding 30-40 g per 1 square meter. m. and dig it into the soil.

We recommend: How to protect beans from bugs

Biology of culture

Asparagus beans got their name, naturally, for their taste; they strongly resemble those of the familiar asparagus. In addition to the differences described above, you can also add the fact that green beans have very narrow and long pods.

Typically, gardeners grow three types of green beans:

  • bush asparagus beans, which stretch no more than half a meter,
  • green beans, which can curl up to 2 meters in length,
  • strongly curly, which can reach 5 m in length.

As for the pods, their color can be green, yellow, red, and also dark purple. The pods themselves are narrow and reach a length from a simple pencil to enormous sizes - more than a meter. Flowers, due to their different colors, often encourage gardeners to grow this crop exclusively as an ornamental one.

Green beans are a shade-tolerant crop that is not afraid of cold and drought.


  1. The main part of the plant's roots goes into the soil to a depth of 25 cm and spreads in all directions within a radius of up to 50 cm. Therefore, constant loosening between the rows provides the roots with the oxygen necessary for the growth and development of the plant.
  2. In the phase of 4-5 leaves, it is useful to hill up the plant. This will produce additional roots and improve nutrition during pod set.
  3. You need to water before lunch, as needed. Do not allow moisture to get on the plants, this will help prevent fungal disease.

It is advisable to plant bush beans twice. The first time in May, and the second time in mid-summer in the beds vacated after harvesting the onions. But you need to keep in mind that early frosts may not allow beans planted in July to fully ripen. Therefore, part of the harvest from the first planting date will have to be left for seeds. And since for food consumption and preparations you need to collect only immature pods, from which the bean seeds have not yet been palpated, you can collect the entire harvest before frost.


Sowing grains can begin after frost has completely passed. The soil must warm up to +15 °C, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. The end of May - beginning of June will be the ideal period for planting in open ground. Before sowing, the beans must be soaked in water for at least several hours. When the seeds soften a little, you can start planting.

We place the grains in the soil to a depth of 3–4 cm. The distance between the bushes should be approximately 20 cm, and leave 40–50 cm between the rows. The top of the bed can be covered with film, this will retain moisture in the soil and help retain heat. When sprouts appear, the beans need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest ones.

Loose soil, as well as with admixtures of sand, is perfect for this variety. At the same time, clay soil is unsuitable for growing beans, as it does not allow moisture to seep to the roots of the plant.

This variety can also be grown through seedlings. Then sowing should begin in early May. The seeds are planted in separate pots, and already in early June the seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Caring for Borlotto beans is easy. The main thing is to install the supports in time and loosen the ground from time to time. If the air temperature is very high, then do not forget about watering. But this should be done no more than 1-2 times a week, and best in the morning or afternoon. To retain moisture in the soil longer, you can mulch, as shown in the photo.

Beneficial features

Green beans beneficial properties
Beans contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, protein, insulin, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

Related article:

Beans - how and when to sow, cultivation and care

Beans are a healing product, improve metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and lower blood sugar. If you consume only 150 g daily, your blood cholesterol levels will significantly decrease within a month.

Green Bean Recipes

Recipes from asparagus beans
First and second courses and delicious snacks are prepared from asparagus beans.

Preparing snacks

  1. Boil the required number of pods in salted water, rinse, remove coarse fibers (if any), cut into 2-3 cm cubes.
  2. Grind a few cloves of garlic in a garlic press and add to the pods.
  3. Then prepare the dressing: dilute the vinegar with water, add salt, add a little granulated sugar, pour the dressing over the beans and leave for 1 hour. Then drain the excess liquid and add vegetable oil.
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