The best Dutch tomato varieties for growing yourself

The increasing production of greenhouse vegetables around the world requires new technologies that significantly reduce the cost of cultivation by reducing labor costs. One of these innovations is the cultivation of vegetables, and in particular tomatoes, on low-volume substrates. New varieties are being created especially for modern technologies. One of them is called Organza. An application for its registration in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia was submitted by Monsanto Holland BV in 2006. After 2 years, the new product was included in the register and received approval for the III light zone of the Russian Federation. Recommended for cultivation in extended rotation as a low-volume crop, suitable for film and glass greenhouses. The variety is a hybrid and is therefore labeled F1.


The plant is of an indeterminate type, tall and vigorous. The bush is open and well balanced. The type of development is predominantly generative, which increases productivity. The leaves are medium sized, grayish-green in color. Internodes are not long. The inflorescence is simple. Fruit clusters are beautiful, smooth, and can contain more than 7 ovaries. The peduncle of the variety has an articulation.

The tomatoes are attractive in appearance, they are medium-sized - weighing 60 - 70 grams, or 45 - 49 grams according to the State Register, dense, smooth, obovate or plum-shaped with a small drawstring at the top. Unripe tomatoes are light green, without a green spot at the stem. When ripe, they attract the eye with their bright yellow-orange color. The skin is not thick, glossy. The pulp is juicy, tender, and does not drip when cut. The number of seed nests is mainly 2, sometimes 3. There is a high content of sugars and dry substances in the pulp. The taste is good. In 2018, as part of the “Country Seasons” program, a tomato tasting was held, as a result of which the Organza, Cherry Ira and Campari hybrids surpassed many varietal tomatoes in taste. But so that the taste does not disappoint, experts advise letting the tomatoes ripen completely on the bush, and the dessert taste is achieved a week after the fruit turns orange.

Description of the variety

Organza tomatoes are determinate plants. The bush is tall, spreading is medium. The leaves are small, slightly elongated and colored gray-green. Tomatoes are small in size, slightly elongated. During the ripening period they have a light green color. After ripening they become a rich orange color.

Tomatoes have thin skins, so even after full ripening they do not lose their shape. The variety is often grown by summer residents and has good taste. Used for growing in greenhouse conditions. The author of the variety is Monsanto Holland BV. The variety was registered in the State Register in 2008.

Characteristics of the variety

  • Organza is a typical representative of mid-season hybrids. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to the beginning of fruiting, about 103 - 113 days pass;
  • the growing season in industrial greenhouses lasts from February to July;
  • The marketable yield is decent - 21.4 kg per 1 square meter, but for the large-fruited Cunero (F1) taken as the standard, this figure is higher - 30.9 kg from the same area. The yield indicators on peat slabs in 2007 in the production conditions of the Moscow region are as follows: ZAO AF "Belaya Dacha" - 21.4 kg per 1 sq. meters, Agricultural complex "Moskovsky" - 16.9 kg per 1 sq. meters. According to one vegetable grower, he managed to get 4.2 kg of tomatoes from one plant;

Medium Dutch tomato varieties

Medium-ripening tomatoes are most often universal varieties. They are good both fresh and for home canning. Among the medium-ripening tomatoes of the Dutch selection, the following should be noted:

  • Organza F1
  • Dundee F1
  • Picolino F1
  • Torbay F1
  • Bomax F1
  • Yaki F1

Variety Organza F1

These tomatoes are characterized by unlimited shoot growth. The fruits are oval with an obovate shape. During the initial period of ripening, the fruits of the variety are light green in color, and when fully ripe they are bright orange. The weight of the fruit is 45 - 50 g, the number of seed nests does not exceed three. The taste is excellent; the fruits have a high content of sugar and dry matter.

The purpose is universal. Very suitable for preservation in its entirety. The advantage of the variety is its productivity; from one square meter you can harvest 21 kg of Organza F1 tomatoes. The variety is tolerant to unfavorable weather and most tomato diseases.

Variety Torbay F1

The tomato has pink fruits and excellent taste. It is not inferior in taste to the proven variety Bull's Heart. A variety for open ground and temporary film shelters. The fruits are large, average weight 200.0 g. There is no green spot on the peduncle. The shape is round, with pronounced ribbing, slightly flattened.

When broken, the pulp is sugary. The dense structure of the pulp makes it possible to transport the fruits of this variety over considerable distances without loss of quality and presentation.

It is resistant to fruit cracking. Despite the limited growth, the bushes are no higher than 0.8-0.9 m; when grown, the variety requires tying and shaping. The best way to grow is in two stems. Productivity is good. When placing up to three bushes per square meter. meter bushes are simply sprinkled with pink fruits.

Variety Bomax F1

Tall variety of unlimited growth. The fruits are large, weighing 210 - 220 grams, the color of unripe fruits is green, ripe ones are red. The skin is shiny, glossy. It is grown in open ground with the obligatory formation of bushes and fruit clusters. It is most convenient to grow into one or two shoots, and form the brush into four ovaries.

It withstands transportation very well and is stored fresh without loss of quality for up to 4-5 weeks. Despite the fact that many medium-sized varieties can produce a medium-late harvest, up to 5-10% of the area allocated for tomatoes can be planted with late varieties.

Agricultural technology

If you don't have a commercial greenhouse, don't worry. You can grow Organza in a regular film greenhouse. But first you need to sow the seeds for seedlings. The age of seedlings ready for transplantation is about 50 days. After transplantation, the plant must be tied to a trellis. Form a tomato into 2 stems; for this it is recommended to pinch the second leaf. Good results are obtained by grafting onto the Maxifort (F1) rootstock. Agricultural technology is usual for an indeterminate variety in protected soil.

Despite the fact that Organza is recommended as a low-volume crop, it can also be grown in the ground. Good disease resistance will not only eliminate the frequent use of chemicals, but will also make care easier. Productivity will depend on the implementation of agricultural technology. But you won’t be able to collect seeds for further cultivation on your own.

Early Dutch tomatoes

Seeds of early varieties of tomatoes attract all gardeners because thanks to them, they can produce a harvest in an average of 100 days from the moment of friendly shoots appearing. Early varieties selected by Dutch scientists include:

  • Bobcat F1
  • Tarpan F1
  • President II F1
  • Crystal F1
  • Big Beef F1

Variety Big Beef F1

This variety belongs to the very large-fruited, so-called beef tomatoes or beefsteak varieties of tomatoes. Like all varieties of this group, the fruits are large, weighing at least 200 grams; tomatoes weighing 350 grams are not uncommon. The shape is round, the color of a ripe tomato is red, very bright. Tomatoes have excellent taste and salad purpose. Ripening begins already on the hundredth day after mass germination of seeds.

Important! In order for the fruits to show their varietal characteristics, this variety must be grown in one stem and constantly be planted. The Big Beef F1 variety is grown in open ground on a trellis. The variety is also suitable for greenhouses. The advantage of this variety is its good tolerance to diseases:

  • tobacco mosaic
  • stem cancer
  • fusarium wilt
  • nematode
  • gray spot

Also, the advantage of the fruit is the increased content of dry matter and the predominance of pulp over the volume of seed nests. If on one square. Do not place more than 2-3 plants per meter, then from one bush you can collect about 5 kg of tomatoes. The disadvantages include the need to install high trellises, more than 2 m.

If the shoots are not fastened to the trellis in time, they may break under the weight of the fruit. Despite the fact that many gardeners strive to grow the earliest varieties, most of the plot area is usually allocated to varieties with an average ripening period.

Tomatoes Diva on video

If you grew Primadonna tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit were in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Primadonna tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Best reviews from our readers

Last year I planted these tomatoes for the first time, it’s a miracle! The tomatoes hung in clusters, even and round, as if they were apples and not tomatoes. The tomatoes taste good, they are the first to ripen, they are quite large, the yield is huge - I am tired of picking them. We didn’t get sick with anything, I fertilized it twice a season, that’s all. Generally unpretentious, it seems to me that you could just water them and there would still be a lot of tomatoes. This year I sowed seeds again for seedlings.

Diva is not a variety, but just my find, it helps out every year, especially this year there were up to 72 fruits on some bushes. Since I love to experiment with new varieties, which sometimes do not give any results, this variety always helps out. Yes, tomato is not as sweet as large-fruited varieties, but for pickling and lecho it always goes away for me. But to eat, I have my favorite varieties. I still treat late blight twice a summer so that it grows until October.

Amazing tomatoes

But these doubts disappear when contemplating the beauty, power, grace and taste of new tomato varieties. More than a thousand of them have been tested, but the current successes of world selection are amazing.

Last year's weather conditions were favorable for tomatoes; I was able to test 51 new varieties and 33 hybrids, 18 of them new. At the same time, he received a record harvest of 240 kg.

First, a little about hybrids. Just a few years ago they could not be distinguished from one another, like twin brothers: all round and red. Now, thanks to the efforts of breeders, their shapes have become very diverse: the pepper-shaped F1 Cornabel, the ribbed-flat F1 Rebelion, with a spout, like its literary prototype, F1 Cyrano. What about the colors? Dark chocolate F1 Ashdod, orange plum F1 Organza, yellow portioned F1 Gualdino . I’m not even talking about pink fruits with their sweet taste.

The best yield was shown by: F1 Diamantino (5.8 kg per plant),

F1 Geronimo (5.6 kg), F1 Velasco (5.6 kg), F1 Gualdino (4.6 kg), F1 Attia (4.4 kg), F1 Red Buffalo (4.4 kg), F1 Sir Elian ( 4.3 kg), F1 Organza (4.2 kg).

I would especially like to highlight the leader of last season – the F1 Silhouette hybrid. This year it was planted in one of the worst places in the greenhouse, but despite this, it showed excellent results (5.3 kg), which indicates its highest plasticity.

The largest fruits were noted for the hybrid F1 Orange Barrel, which pleased two giants with more than 1 kg per plant without any shaping.

The collection of new varieties for 2015 is so diverse that it can satisfy the tastes of any esthete and gourmet. Judge for yourself.

Pink tomatoes always have a sweet taste and tender flesh. The large-fruited varieties Pandarosa Henderson with high yield (4.2 kg) and Mister Hart pink were no exception . An elegant plant of the Pink Heart variety is all hung with delicate fruits; 4.2 kg were collected from one bush. The unusual variety Pink Hairy Boar is distinguished by its pubescent fruits. And the incomparable variety Purple Brandy really has such a strange name for a pink tomato, inherited from its parents.

The largest group is represented by black-fruited tomatoes. This is not surprising. Abroad, they have long understood the undoubted health benefits of the pigments included in their composition. And plus a wonderful taste. What else do you need? Among the new products, I would like to note: the incomparably harmonious varieties 1884 purple and Cherokee purple heart , which have no equal in taste, as well as the varieties Black Master, Chocolate Amazon, Black and Burgundy, Kumato, Black Early, D.B. Cooper, Black and Blue Ridge, Swart, Black Sweetie. A choice for every taste!

Of the varieties with orange fruits, I would like to mention Russian Orange with heart-shaped fruits and the inimitable variety Zhemchuzhina Janet, which was bred by the famous Brad Gates as a gift to his wife.

We were also pleased with yellow-fruited varieties: the large-fruited variety Martha Logan, the amazingly beautiful variety Prelest Rose with huge (up to 900 g) fruits and the Golden Canary with fancy (with a spout) fruits collected in clusters of up to 30 pieces.

Unusual yellow-orange and red fruits from newcomers to the Russian garden - varieties German Old and E.T. They are large, weighing up to 600–700 g, beautiful, with a delicate taste. Just a miracle!

The variety of colors of your plot will be enriched by unique new products: a determinate variety with elongated green fruits, Sausage Green, a variety with white fruits covered with streaks, White Zebra, unusual varieties with dark blue fruits, Blue Oxness and Blue Chocolate.

  • tomato Millionaire, photo by the author
  • Green Sausage tomato, photo by the author
  • Black early tomato, photo by the author
  • Golden Canary tomato, photo by the author
  • tomato F1 Organza, photo by the author
  • tomato F1 Cornabelle, photo by the author

There is also a group of new products, which are very difficult to describe due to their unusual nature. It is better to see such miracles of selection in reality: Dark Galaxy, Eye of the Dragon, Lightning Stripe, Striped Oxheart, Big Cherokee Tiger, Red Target.

The beauty of the form will satisfy the tastes of any esthete. Here are the heart-shaped fruits of the varieties Working Paste Release (the unusual name is closely intertwined with the delicious taste), Early Love (huge, delicious fruits ripen first), Cherokee Purple Heart (incomparable taste), Pink Heart and Russian Orange .

The varieties Gianini, Egyptian, Italian spaghetti, and Auria are distinguished by their elongated

Fans of large forms will not be left indifferent by Claude Brown's Giant and Herman the Giant with fruits weighing up to 1 kg.

There are also new products for obtaining a super early harvest. These are the varieties Jurmala (3.8 kg) and Original (5.3 kg). They are tall, completely covered with large fruits (300–600 g) of excellent taste. And the entire harvest is given in July - August. For gardeners in the northern regions, this is simply a godsend!

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