How to store rosemary: dry, freeze, make tinctures

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with stems and shoots reaching two meters in height. For a long time, people from the regions where this perennial grows have known its beneficial properties. Therefore, there are many ways to store rosemary.

The branches of this plant are used not only as a spice in many dishes. Rosemary is also known as a medicinal plant.

The saturation of shrub tissues with a wide variety of useful biologically active substances allows it to be used for the preparation of medicinal products that are effective for a number of diseases. Rosemary is also known as a source of essential oil, which is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery, as well as for aromatherapy.

How to choose rosemary

The right choice, along with proper storage conditions, will contribute to the long-term preservation of the beneficial qualities of rosemary and its spicy aroma.

When purchasing fresh rosemary, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The leaves must be fresh (not withered!). Their normal color is a rich dark green.

Even with a small number of dry leaves among the dark green ones, it is better to refrain from such a purchase. Most likely, this branch has been lying on the counter for a long time and has managed to lose some of its aroma and other beneficial qualities.

You should not opt ​​for plant fragments whose leaf blades are covered with black dots. This may be a sign of illness or improper storage of rosemary. This plant is not recommended for use either as a spice or as a medicinal raw material.

When purchasing spices, it is best to give preference to retail outlets where you can choose rosemary sprigs yourself; this is possible in some stores or markets if the seller agrees to accommodate.

How to dry apples at home

Unlike store-bought dried fruits from supermarkets, which have virtually no vitamins since they are prepared for long-term storage, home-dried fruits are easier to prepare and at the same time retain more nutrients.

Most housewives especially love dried apples because their technology makes it possible to process large volumes of fruit relatively quickly and easily. Moreover, there are various options for preparing dried fruits at home.

Find out how dried apples affect human health.

In the oven

In an apartment, the easiest way to dry apples is in the oven. To do this, sliced ​​fruits are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet, previously lined with parchment, so that the dried fruits do not burn. Then the workpiece is sent to the oven for 6-7 hours, preheated to 75–80°. Periodically (1-2 times an hour) it is worth stirring the slices to dry them evenly.

In an electric dryer

An electric apple dryer is called the most convenient method for preparing dried fruits.

  • After all, she:
  • does not require much storage space;
  • able to work independently;
  • drying during cooking is not subject to dust and insects.

Video: drying apples in an electric dryer

On average, one batch of apples is dried on the device for 6 hours. The fruits are prepared by slicing, then laid out in special sections, the lid is closed and the device is turned on. To begin with, the temperature is set to about 70–80°C, and after 3-4 hours it is reduced to 50°.

Important! The main disadvantage of the dryer remains the need to pay for the energy consumed.


The most affordable way to prepare dried fruits is to dry them in the sun. In summer it is very active, so almost any amount of fruit can be dried in 5–7 days. To do this, it is enough to place them cut on plates, baking sheets, trays and other flat surfaces. Some inventive housewives prefer to string pieces of fruit on a thread, dry them, and then store them in this way.

However, when practicing drying outdoors, you should monitor the weather. At the first sign of rain, the preparations should be removed indoors, since if moisture gets in, the dried fruits will simply rot. In addition, during such drying, it is recommended to cover the fruits with gauze or netting to protect them from insects.

In the microwave

At first glance, this drying method is surprising. However, today microwave ovens are found in almost every home, and the scope of their use is regularly expanding.

To dry, sliced ​​apples are placed on a plate lined with a cloth made from natural materials, and then covered. Then the dried fruits are processed for 3-4 minutes at a power of 200 W. Despite all the myths about microwaves, vitamins are practically not destroyed during such processing.

Read more about the features of drying apples in the microwave.

On battery

Typically, batteries only work during the heating season, when there is little fresh fruit. Therefore, mainly late varieties of apples are dried at this time.

The area of ​​heating devices is small, so it is important to use it rationally. To do this, cut apples are laid out on parchment and then placed on the radiator.

It will take 1-2 days for dried fruits to be prepared for compote or for decoration.

To dry apples using a battery, you can use a special device - a drying frame.

Temperature and shelf life of rosemary

The storage temperature and shelf life of the spice plant directly depend on the condition in which the spice is stored. For example, a twig will be stored in a glass of water at temperatures up to +25 degrees for up to 5 days. And if you put it in the refrigerator, then 10 days.

Dried rosemary in the form of a tincture can be stored without spoiling at temperatures from + 5 to + 30 degrees for up to 15 months. And frozen in oil and placed in a sealed bag in the freezer, it can remain at a temperature of -23 degrees for up to six months.

How to store dried rosemary

High-quality dried raw materials have a grayish-green color, a spicy, bitter taste and a bright camphor aroma.

Before placing in storage containers, the branches are freed from leaves. Dry leaves can be ground into powder using a blender, but in cooking it is best to use whole needle-like leaves.

Store rosemary for 1 year in paper or fabric bags. The room where the spice is stored should be dry and cool.


Storing Fresh Rosemary in the Refrigerator

You can leave a sprig of rosemary in the refrigerator for short-term storage. In this case, you should proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • thoroughly rinse the greens from dust and debris;
  • after the water has drained, wrap the branches in a damp cloth;
  • greens wrapped in cloth are placed in a container with a lid;
  • For storage, such a container can be placed in one of the compartments on the refrigerator door.

The plant must be inspected once every two days to see if it is starting to deteriorate; and, if the greens are fine, moisten the napkin. It is not recommended to use spicy branches even with initial signs of spoilage.

Rosemary: storing for the winter

You can store dried seasoning in glass jars, plastic and wooden containers, and canvas bags.

The herb should be kept in a dark, dry place away from such products that quickly absorb the smell. Rosemary emits an intense aroma and it can smell on nearby things, open foods, especially cereals.

It is better not to store spices in tin containers. Also, do not store dried herbs in the refrigerator.

Harvesting rosemary for the winter

How to dry rosemary correctly

You can dry fresh rosemary for subsequent storage in the oven, simply in the air (without exposure to sunlight!), or in a special dryer or dehydrator.

Due to the high tissue density and hardness of the leaves, rosemary takes a little longer to dry out compared to other herbs.

Before drying, the greens should be thoroughly washed and dried with a dry cloth or towel. Regardless of the drying method, completely dried plant branches should be packed in fabric bags and stored in a cool, dark place for further storage.

A pantry or just a kitchen cabinet is quite suitable if the room is not very hot. It is believed that with this method of storing rosemary, the spice retains its taste and smell up to 90%. You can also store dried rosemary in a glass container with a tight lid.

Methods for drying rosemary

On air

The collected raw materials can be dried in a shaded and well-ventilated area or outdoors under awnings. The main task is to protect rosemary from sunlight, otherwise the greens will lose color and most of the nutrients.

The green mass is laid out on sheets of paper and dried, turning over every day. You can dry rosemary with individual leaves, but it is much easier to dry the raw material with sprigs.

You can also form small bunches of 5 to 7 branches and hang the rosemary, foliage down, on the veranda or attic.

The flowers are laid out on racks or on sieves in a single layer and dried in the shade, turning occasionally.

The natural drying method takes approximately 2 weeks.

In the dryer for vegetables and fruits

If weather conditions do not allow you to dry your greens quickly enough, you can use an electric fruit and vegetable dryer.

Green sprigs of rosemary are cut into pieces of 5–6 centimeters and laid out in one layer on the drying racks. To preserve the maximum amount of essential oils, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Flowers are dried in the same way, only the time to dry the inflorescences will take half as much, approximately 4 hours.

In the oven

It is highly undesirable to use this option for preparing rosemary, since the heating temperature of the oven is quite difficult to control. But if you urgently need to dry the spice, and there is no other way to do this, then the oven must be set to minimum heat.

The oven door should be slightly open and the rosemary trays should be placed on the top shelf. Drying time – 3 – 4 hours.

Alexander Maksimov will talk about the beneficial properties of rosemary and recipes for preparing medicines in his video

Storing Rosemary in Sea Salt

The so-called rosemary salt is an excellent seasoning for roasting chicken, pork and vegetables. You can make such an additive directly during the preparation of the dish, or you can do it in advance.

To do this, you will need 200 g of sea salt, 100 g of rosemary leaves (pre-chopped), as well as lemon zest (from half a lemon). These components should be mixed. A good result is obtained if you mix and grind with a blender until it becomes a powder.

How to store cloudberries: for the winter, in the refrigerator, fresh, in juice

In appearance, cloudberries are very similar to raspberries, but differ in taste and smell. Its beneficial properties are used in folk medicine and used for coughs. Therefore, every housewife wants to preserve this berry for as long as possible. Today we will take a closer look at how to store cloudberries at home.

Top articles: How and how long you can store jam, rules and necessary conditions

When to pick berries for storage

The time of collection of cloudberries plays an important role. After all, if the berry is overripe or still green, it will be difficult to store it. It is best to collect everything half-ripe, in mid-July, when it has a red-yellow color.

Signs of overripe berries:

  • the fruits are soft, very juicy;
  • when touched, they crumble into separate pieces;
  • The slightest transportation damages the berries and the juice drips out.

Picked unripe berries are placed in a glass, plastic or wooden container for ease of transfer, then scattered on a prepared surface covered with paper.

How to store cloudberries for the winter

There are several ways to preserve berries. The shelf life will depend on the method chosen. For example, in the refrigerator without cooking, cloudberries keep well all winter, and in the form of jam or frozen - maybe for more than one year.

Storage methods without cooking

After heat treatment, as a result of making jam, jam or compote, the berries lose their beneficial properties, or most of them. Therefore, most housewives prefer to store cloudberries without cooking.


Place unripe berries in a dark, cool place, having previously compacted them into a glass container, place damp gauze on top and close with a lid, then they can be kept fresh for 3 months.

With sugar

For storage, cloudberries and sugar are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Gently mix one third of the granulated sugar with the berries and beat with a blender, or grind in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass into a sterilized glass jar, pour the remaining sugar inside and close with a nylon lid. Store in a cool place, maybe in the basement or refrigerator.

In honey

Another well-known way to store cloudberries is to pour honey over them. For a liter jar of berries you will need approximately 0.5 liters of honey. The preparation is done step by step:

  • Place cloudberries in a jar with a layer of 2-3 cm;
  • pour 3-4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • again cover the fruits with a layer of 2-3 cm;
  • pour 3-4 tbsp honey. l.

Repeat the procedure until the berries run out.

Important! Cloudberry with honey is an indispensable remedy for coughs and colds in winter.


To preserve cloudberries in their own juice without sugar, you need to place the berries in a sterilized jar, filling the container 2/3 full. Fill with purified water to the top, you can use boiled cold water.

Important! Do not cover with lid!

Tie the top with clean gauze and store in a room with a temperature no higher than 10 degrees (refrigerator, basement, cellar). Shelf life – 2 years. During this time, the berries will release juice, which will mix with water.


For a longer shelf life, you can use this method - dry the berries. When dried, they do not lose their beneficial properties and do not deteriorate for a long time. For harvesting, it is preferable to choose slightly unripe ones.

How to dry cloudberries:

  1. The natural way is to spread it on a prepared surface and dry it in a well-ventilated area, on a balcony, attic, or under a canopy in the shade. It is recommended to stir and turn over periodically. After 7-10 days they should be completely dry.
  2. Dry in an electric dryer or oven. Set the temperature to 50 degrees, and place the prepared berries on the tray. Stir occasionally until fully cooked. Keep the oven door ajar!

Drying in the oven lasts for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of ripeness. Then let cool to room temperature, pour into a paper or plastic bag and store in the pantry for no more than 2 years.

On a note! Dried berries can be given to children instead of sweets, or compotes can be made from them in winter.

Preparation for storage

Before any preparation, it is necessary to prepare the cloudberries. Ripe or slightly unripe berries are selected for storage. Rinse in a colander under running water.

Important! It is not recommended to fill it with water and leave it for a while, like any other berry, for example, cherries. This will not only damage it and spoil it, but it will also absorb excess water and soften.

Place the cloudberries on a flat surface and allow excess water to drain. After this, you can begin preparing for storage for the winter.

Rosemary tinctures

Tinctures can be added to the sauce, and they give the dish the aroma of a spicy plant. At the same time, this storage method contributes to the good preservation of the spice and all its beneficial properties.

The zest of 1 lime, 200 ml of alcohol or 9% table vinegar and three sprigs of rosemary are placed in a dark glass container and closed tightly. This tincture should be stored in a regular kitchen cabinet. It is ready for use after 2 weeks, and does not lose its properties during storage for up to 2 years.

How and when to collect rosemary

The shoots, leaves and flowers of this plant have beneficial properties. But the most valuable is the deciduous mass.

It is necessary to collect the green parts of the plant before the bush begins to bloom. It is during this period that the pouring contains the greatest amount of useful substances and aromatic oils. Rosemary sprigs are cut 15–20 centimeters long, trying to choose the juiciest and youngest shoots.

Rosemary flowers are collected to brew teas and prepare tinctures. They are cut during the period of active flowering of the plant. The collected inflorescences must be sent for drying as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to wither.

Storing rosemary at room temperature

In room conditions, a sprig of rosemary can be stored for no more than a day. You can extend this period a little by placing the sprig in a glass of water. The container should be positioned so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, and an activated carbon tablet should be placed in the water.

After a day, the water in the glass should be replaced. If the temperature in the room is less than +25, and the greens are illuminated by the sun, then under such conditions rosemary can be stored for up to 5-7 days (subject to daily water changes and the addition of activated carbon).

Freeze rosemary

Rosemary's resinous leaves make it an excellent candidate for freezing. You can freeze the leaves in bags after releasing the air from them first.

The most convenient way to freeze rosemary requires one more step, but the results are worth it. Take individual rosemary sprouts, leaves still attached to the stem, and place them on a baking sheet. Place the stems in the freezer for a few hours until they harden. Collect the branches in a bag and put them in the freezer. Instead of a handful of individual leaves, you get convenient twigs. They can be added to your favorite dish as needed. Read our article on the use of rosemary in cooking .

Rosemary sprigs

General recommendations for storing rosemary

Due to the presence of phytoncides in the composition, rosemary is stored relatively well. However, gradually over time it still begins to deteriorate. Branches stored at home should be regularly inspected to detect early signs of spoilage.

It is strongly not recommended to use greens with initial signs of loss of quality for any purposes (culinary, cosmetic or medicinal). Not only will they not bring the desired benefit, but they may even cause harm.

When storing rosemary, you need to pay attention to whether there are any products nearby that can absorb various odors. The plant is very spicy and is able to spread its aroma to surrounding products. It is for this same reason that it is recommended to store rosemary in tightly sealed containers or ziplock bags.

Rosemary: Harvest

The best time to collect greens as a spice is from June to August. Rosemary blooms at the end of spring and at this time the concentration of ether in the leaves is at its maximum level. If you need the plant as a remedy, then it is best to collect it before the first flower falls - at the end of May. You can use not only the shoots, but also the flowers themselves.

The second flowering period occurs at the end of August, beginning of September. After the second flowering, the leaves become drier and lose some of their nutrients. Therefore, it is important to know when to harvest rosemary. Autumn grass will no longer be so fragrant and rich in taste.

You can eat the shoots fresh at any time as long as the bush remains green.

How to dry rosemary at home

How to collect correctly

The highest concentration of nutrients is collected at the tops of the stems. For winter storage, it is recommended to cut off the upper parts of the shoots, at a distance of approximately half their height from the ground.

In the lower part, the stems are coarser, tougher and less fragrant. Although, if you plan to prepare a large amount of spice, you can use the entire shoot. Cut the branches with ordinary garden shears or other convenient tools. It is more convenient to collect with bare hands, but you can also use gloves.

How does rosemary overwinter?

During the growing season of an evergreen subshrub, air temperature plays a critical role. Even minor frosts can cause irreparable harm to a heat-loving crop. Above-zero temperatures are an important condition for survival.

Also, in order for the plant to feel comfortable, you will need:

  • a lighted area, protected from the wind, with loose soil that is not oversaturated with moisture;
  • soil - must be neutral or slightly alkaline;
  • Regular but moderate watering is required.

In many regions, the winter months are accompanied by prolonged frosts. If you leave a wintering shrub in the open ground, it will die, since rosemary is not a frost-resistant species. You will need to arm yourself with knowledge and make some efforts to help him spend the winter calmly.

While the plant is young and small in size, it is easy to move it to the autumn-winter period. It is difficult to do this with older specimens. The list of activities for successful wintering must be carried out when the average daily temperature is 8-10 degrees above zero.

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