Strawberry Alba: description of a productive early berry variety

  • Brief recommendations on agricultural technology
  • Reviews
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  • The strawberry variety "Alba" ("Alba") is widespread in Europe, Russia and other post-Soviet countries. It is considered one of the earliest ripening, large-fruited and productive, suitable for both amateur gardening and commercial cultivation.

    Strawberries "Alba" (pictured) are valued for their high yield, marketability, transportability, keeping quality and versatility of berries.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the benefits, recommendations for growing and reviews from gardeners about Alba strawberries in this article.

    Main characteristics

    We summarize some of the main characteristics in the table:

    Ripening timeEarly ripening
    FruitingOne-time (non-repairable), short-term (2-3 weeks)
    Photoperiodic typeShort daylight hours
    ProductivityHigh: up to 80 c/ha in open ground, from 300-400 g to 1-1.2 kg per bush
    Mass of berriesAverage 25-30 g, maximum up to 46 g
    Fruit shapeRegular conical, with neck
    Berry colorBright red with a glossy sheen
    PulpRed, juicy, tender
    Tasting assessment4.7 points (out of 5)
    FlowersMedium size, white, bisexual, untwisted
    Educational abilityMedium (mustache of medium thickness, green, slightly pubescent)
    SustainabilityWinter-hardy, heat and drought resistance is average; resistant to verticillium and heart rot, tolerant to powdery mildew and leaf spot, susceptible to anthracnose
    Region of admissionNorth Caucasian Russian Federation; Brest, Vitebsk and Gomel regions of Belarus; all of Ukraine
    Year of inclusion in the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Varietation Commission"2014 (as variety "NF 311")
    Originator(Cesena, Italy)


    How to prepare for winter? After the end of fruiting, you should remove all damaged parts of the plants, weeds and cover the strawberries with special material or conifers. This will ensure good winter survival and speed up the growing season.

    How and when to harvest? The berries begin to ripen in May. Fruiting is extended, so harvesting is carried out in several stages. You can collect it in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, or in the evening, when the sun stops burning. Fruits need to be picked 2 days before technical maturity. Before harvesting, do not water the bushes too much. The berries are easily separated from the stalks, but it is better to pick them together.

    Origin and growing regions

    “Alba” is a registered trademark (European patent No. 16744) of the NF 311 variety, bred by Italian breeders (Cesena). One of the predecessors of Alba was Albion, known to most summer residents and professional farmers.

    Many domestic agricultural firms and nurseries are engaged in the production of planting material (seedlings and seeds) of this variety.

    Included in the State Registers of plants allowed for cultivation on the territory:

    • Russia – as “NF 311” in 2014;
    • Belarus - as “Alba”, for homestead cultivation in 2014, and for industrial production from 2022;
    • Ukraine - like “NF311” in 2015.

    The variety is officially recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, Brest, Vitebsk and Gomel regions of Belarus, throughout Ukraine. “Alba” is well adapted to the conditions of a continental (temperate continental) climate, various types of soils (natural zones of mixed forests, forest-steppe, steppe), has sufficient winter hardiness and average heat and drought resistance. It is successfully cultivated in open ground and perfectly reveals its potential in greenhouses. Even in ordinary unheated film tunnels, Alba strawberries, according to gardeners, begin to bear fruit 10-14 days earlier and demonstrate higher yield and marketability of berries.

    Lovers of fresh berries grow this variety as a home crop, as it feels good on the balcony or windowsill

    Strawberry propagation methods

    The choice of Alba's antennae was discussed above. The plant is propagated by dividing the bush. It is dug up and cut into several pieces with a sharp knife. It is important that each has a developed root system and part of the heart. Wounds from the tool are sprinkled with ash or chalk.

    Seedlings are grown from seeds. They are dried and soaked in water. Keep it for 5 days, changing the water 2 times a day. Pour onto a baking sheet and heat for 7 hours in the oven at 35°. Rotted manure is mixed with low-lying peat and sand in equal parts and poured into containers. Planting material is embedded into the soil to a depth of 5 mm, watered and covered with cling film. The soil is moistened as it dries.


    The timing of Alba's fruiting depends on weather and climatic factors, growing conditions: on open ridges in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, the first harvest is formed by mid-May, in central Russia - by the end of May, in Belarus - from mid-June. Fruiting occurs once per season (non-repairing), lasts 2-3 weeks.

    In protected soil conditions, the Alba strawberry crop is harvested in early - mid-April

    The bushes are vigorous, moderately leafy, hemispherical. The leaves are large, light green in color, slightly wrinkled and ribbed, concave, pubescent, with a glossy sheen. The middle lobe of the leaf is oval-rhombic in shape, the teeth along the edges are sharp and wide. Stipules are short, narrow, green. The mustache is green in color and is formed in medium quantities. The flowers are small, bisexual, untwisted, with white petals, collected in few-flowered, semi-spreading inflorescences. Peduncles with sparse pubescence, located below the level of leaves, lie down under the weight of ripening berries.


    According to reviews, Alba strawberries have a very attractive presentation. The berries have a regular conical shape with a neck; when ripe, they acquire a rich red color and pronounced shine.

    Ripe berries are uniform in shape and size, uniformly bright red in color with a glossy sheen.

    The size of the berries is large, the average weight during the season is about 25-30 g, the maximum is up to 46 g, and does not shrink significantly by the end of the main harvest. The pulp is red, juicy and tender, with a sweet and sour dessert taste and a characteristic aroma, according to tasting scores - 4.7 points (out of 5). It contains:

    Nutrients and beneficial substancesQuantity
    Vitamin C60 mg%

    For culinary purposes, the berries are universally used: they have high taste when fresh, and are suitable for all methods of processing and freezing.

    Strawberries "Alba" (pictured) are perfect for preparing and decorating any desserts, whole fruit jam, compotes and other home preserves

    When grown commercially, the undeniable advantages of the variety are:

    • large size of fruits, their accessible and convenient collection (type of berry separation - dry);
    • excellent indicators of transportability and keeping quality;
    • high yield potential.

    Productivity in open ground

    According to the results of state variety trials in Russia, the yield of “Alba” reaches 80 c/ha. In Ukraine, the average level is 250-300 c/ha or 500-600 g per plant. With a high level of agricultural technology in Italy and other European countries, experienced producers receive up to 1.2 kg of berries per bush.


    “Alba” is weakly affected by diseases: the variety is resistant to verticillium wilt of the root system and heart rot, tolerant to powdery mildew and angular spot, but susceptible to anthracnose. Therefore, during periods of prolonged coolness with high humidity and sharp changes between day and night temperatures, experts advise carrying out preventive treatments of plants against anthracnose.

    In prolonged cool and cloudy weather with high levels of air humidity, strawberry bushes should be treated prophylactically against anthracnose.

    The variety showed sufficient winter hardiness, average resistance to heat and drought, spring and autumn frosts. Freezing of bushes is possible only in extremely frosty winters in the absence of snow cover. Sometimes the cause may be too high ridges (not holding snow), which many growers form for planting strawberries.

    Aftercare for strawberries

    Alba strawberries are watered once every 3 days. During the dry season, the soil is moistened daily. The process is simplified by a drip irrigation system laid between the rows. Before the procedure and after water is absorbed, the soil is loosened to increase permeability. At the beginning of the growing season, in the middle and at the end, mineral fertilizers are applied. Damaged, old and dry leaves are removed from the plant after harvesting.

    In harvest beds, the tendrils are trimmed so that the strawberries do not waste energy on shoots. The plantings are covered for the winter. It is not recommended to use plastic film for this, since fungal spores develop under it. Preference is given to agrofibre. If snow falls in winter, the bushes are sprinkled on top, which helps protect the rhizomes and shoots from frost. In autumn, moisture-recharging irrigation is carried out.

    Brief recommendations on agricultural technology

    In general, the variety is characterized as unpretentious, but responds well to intensive agrotechnical care: drip irrigation, complex fertilizing, mulching, etc.

    The variety is propagated using daughter rosettes or dividing bushes; when replanting, it is important to preserve the earthen lump so as not to damage the root system

    To get a good harvest for the next season, it is recommended to plant seedlings in a permanent place in July - August, since at later dates the bushes will not have time to take root well and their productivity will be significantly lower. Alba strawberry plants can be placed quite densely, at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other and 40-50 cm between rows, but the optimal planting pattern is: 35-40 x 60-70 cm. Bushes intended for propagation and for picking berries , it is recommended to plant them in different beds to make it more convenient to monitor the plantings and remove flower stalks on mother plants and tendrils on fruiting plants.


    For Alba strawberries, it is important to choose the right planting location. Only in this case can you count on a decent harvest. The area should be well lit by the sun. Lowlands and dampness are contraindicated for the assortment.

    The predecessors for strawberries should not be crops from the nightshade family, as well as raspberries. Otherwise, there is a risk of late blight infection. If corn or sunflowers grew on the site, a large amount of fertilizer must be added to the soil, since these crops greatly deplete it.

    The soil should be fertile, breathable, not acidified, and retain moisture well. Sandy and loamy soils are suitable.

    The Alba plantation is established for a maximum of three years. This is done in early spring, in the second half of summer or autumn. The best option is the second half of July. When planted in the summer, by autumn the seedlings have time to form several horns and the number of flower stalks next season will be significantly greater than when planted in the fall. If the site is in a lowland, the plants are planted in high ridges (15-30 cm).

    When digging the site, add humus (1 bucket per m2) and complex fertilizers. Manure must be rotted; fresh manure contains pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds. Complex fertilizers can be replaced with ash (1 cup per bucket of humus).

    A distance of at least 30-35 cm is left between the bushes, and 50-60 cm between the rows.

    Seedlings must be healthy and young (no older than 1 year). For better survival, the plant is kept in heteroauxin for several hours. The core is not buried when planting.


    Timofey, 38 years old, Salsk

    Of the strawberry novelties, Alba pleased us last season. Variety KSD, early, productive. We checked how much one berry weighs on average, it turned out to be around 35 g. Moreover, they are all almost the same size, beautiful in shape (even cone), bright red, shiny, with a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Larisa, 44 years old, Balashov

    Alba disappointed me - just an ordinary strawberry, rather sour. As for me, there are varieties that are much more tasty and aromatic, for example Clery. In addition, ours was also badly damaged by a tick. If grown, then only for sale.

    Natalia, 4 1 year, Chernivtsi region.

    The Alba variety in our OG bears fruit 2-3 days earlier than Honey, and blooms 2-3 days later, which reduces the risk of damage to the ovaries by return frosts. Last season (for the first time in 3 years) it suddenly began to bear fruit again on the 20th of October. I don’t even know how to explain this.

    History of selection

    Garden strawberry Alba was obtained and patented in 2003 by breeders from the Italian company New Fruits.
    It was registered with the European Supervisory Structure under No. 16744. Initially, scientists were faced with the task of obtaining a variety with large berries and unique taste. It was necessary to ensure that the berry harvest could be transported over long distances and stored for a long time. In the end, this is exactly the variety we got. To develop the Alba variety, a lot of work was done to cross the parent forms Cal.97.85-6 and Albion. Alba came into the possession of domestic summer residents two years later and is now quite common.

    Possible problems

    Victoria "alba" is unpretentious, yields early, but has a mediocre taste. Nothing can be done about this - this is a varietal feature. At peak temperatures, the berries may bake. To solve the problem, just lay them on straw or agro-fabric.

    Since Alba strawberries were bred in Italy and zoned for a mild Mediterranean climate, the plant may not survive a snowless winter or low temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to mulch and cover it with lutrasil even in the southern regions.

    Alba strawberries can be called the workhorse of the garden. The mediocre taste is fully compensated by the unpretentiousness, uniformity and quality of bright, as if painted berries. Strawberries are often grown on an industrial scale, chosen for their early and friendly yield.


    How to choose good seedlings

    When selecting seedlings, the rosette is inspected for diseases and pest damage. A seedling ready for planting should have 3–5 leaves.

    Signs of high-quality strawberry seedlings:

    • rich green leaves with slight pubescence;
    • strong roots, no damaged areas;
    • The thickness of the horn is at least 0.8 cm.

    The root system of seedlings in pots should occupy the entire container. If the pot is peat, then the roots can come out through the walls. How to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds →

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