Planting tomatoes for seedlings in March 2022 according to the lunar calendar and by region

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in March 2022

The onset of calendar spring in the harsh conditions of a temperate climate does not always mean the arrival of good weather. In some regions, the snow melts only in April, and the ground warms up even later. Therefore, farmers grow seedlings of cultivated plants in order to plant ready-made seedlings at the right time - after the air and soil have warmed to the required temperature.

Gardeners and gardeners calculate the exact timing of planting crops, because overgrown seedlings are no better than immature ones. To do this, they use existing knowledge (folk signs and their own observations), other manuals and recommendations:

  1. Lunar calendar for landing in March 2022.
  2. Long-term weather calendar for your region of residence.
  3. Features of the selected variety (ultra-early, mid-ripening or late-ripening tomato variety).
  4. Finding the moon in a certain sign of the zodiac circle. Signs are divided into fertile, infertile and neutral.
  5. Days with positive and negative energy (favorable and unfavorable).

In the lunar calendar you can find all the necessary data for planting tomatoes in March 2022: when you can plant seeds, pre-sowing treatment of seeds and soil, picking and feeding the emerging sprouts.

This is a convenient practice, proven by many years of experience in the garden and vegetable garden. The influence of the night light on the growth and development of plants has been scientifically proven and is not questioned.

According to the Lunar calendar

Humanity has been observing the night and daylight for many centuries. A clear relationship has been discovered between lunar phases and plant growth. When growing, it is better to deal with crops that are grown to produce fruits on the surface of the earth. In the waning phase - root crops, bulbous and tuberous decorative flowers.

Planting in March involves transferring the seedlings to open ground in May. In the northern regions of the country at this time the soil and air are not yet sufficiently warmed up. There is a possibility of return frosts.

Rules for caring for tomato seedlings after emergence

Tomatoes are a rather capricious garden crop. It requires careful care and increased attention:

  1. The mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily. It is necessary to ensure that condensation does not settle.
  2. As soon as shoots appear, the covering is removed. First for a few hours, then they don’t return it to their place.
  3. Spraying with a spray bottle is carried out until the sprouts hatch, and for the first 3 days after they become visible. Then the moisturizing is replaced by root watering from a syringe or a small watering can. Moisture should not be allowed to enter the above-ground parts of the plant. The soil should be moist, but so that at a depth of 3-4 cm it does not turn into sticky mud.
  4. The temperature regime changes as the plants develop. For them to hatch faster, you need an indicator of 23-25 ​​° C. The container with the sprouts is placed in a room at 14-16 °C. After 7 days, the conditions are changed again - up to 20-22 °C during the daytime and up to 16-18 °C at night.
  5. It is necessary to lengthen the daylight hours to 12-15 hours a day. Only special phytolamps should be used; other light sources produce heat.

A mandatory agrotechnical measure is fertilizing. The first time it is carried out 14 days after the seedlings hatch. In the future, repeat after 7-10 days. They use organic matter - rotted droppings, manure or humic fertilizers. Experienced gardeners recommend using various means each time you apply fertilizer:

  • The first cut is to add a solution of nitroammophoska - 0.5 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of settled water;
  • the second - another week later, the same mixture;
  • 3 days before planting - superphosphate, diluted according to the same principle.


You can feed with special complex fertilizers for tomato seedlings. How to use is indicated in the instructions.

To prevent the stepsons from slowing down their growth, the tops must be pinched. This must be done until they have stretched more than 5 cm, then the bushes will be strong and have several stems.

How to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings in March 2022

Useful knowledge for beginners on this matter can be found in publications on websites for gardeners and on forums where farmers share their accumulated experience. Over time, any amateur acquires useful skills, knowledge and skills, discovers new offers from the industry in stores for gardeners.

In the lunar calendar for planting tomatoes in March 2022 for seedlings, you can only find the timing, but not information about the intricacies of the process, but they are the ones that affect the growth and full maturation of seedlings.

Seed selection and preparation

Seed material can be purchased at a special store or collected at home. The second method is only suitable for non-hybrid varieties; hybrids lose their varietal characteristics in the second generation. Seeds from originators can already be processed, in which case there is no need to manipulate them.

To avoid troubles, both soil and containers need to be disinfected. If they are purchased, it is better to give preference to trusted stores or buy from the originator of the variety.

Features of planting tomatoes

Having chosen the optimal time for sowing, you can begin growing seedlings. The first thing to do is prepare the container and soil. It must meet basic requirements and be disinfected. It is equally important to prepare the seeds correctly. If they are actually assembled, there is not much to worry about. The store-bought mixture must first be tested for germination by soaking it in a growth stimulant solution or sowing several kernels.

There is no need to rush to sow seeds if weather forecasters promise late warming. Thus, a gardener can do himself a “disservice”: the seedlings will outgrow by the time they are transplanted into open ground, and moving without prior hardening will lead to losses. You should start preparing planting material no earlier than 2 months before moving to the beds. At the same time, it is necessary to control the intensity of its growth.

Soil requirements

Tomatoes cannot be called overly demanding on the composition of the soil mixture. The main thing is that the soil is moisture- and breathable. These basic conditions help speed up the hatching of seeds and reduce the risk of rotting of the root system. You can create suitable soil yourself from garden soil, sand and peat, or buy adapted universal seedling soil in the store.

Attention! The soil created with your own hands must be disinfected. To do this, 2-3 weeks before the intended sowing, it should be shed with a weak solution of manganese. This treatment will reduce the risk of seedlings being damaged by fungal diseases, including blackleg.

Seed preparation and sowing

Tomato seeds must be properly prepared before sowing, namely disinfection and germination. Disinfection is necessary to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms. Pathogens are capable of destroying sowing. The preparation procedure is simple:

  • the seed is placed in a gauze or cloth bag;
  • dissolve potassium permanganate in warm water, making a concentrated solution;
  • seeds are dipped into the liquid and left for 30-40 minutes;
  • the material along with the bag is removed from the vessel and washed under running water, and then dried on a napkin.

Germination begins after disinfection, but this stage can be skipped if there is no doubt about the quality of the seed. If germination is in question, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. Seeds pickled in manganese are placed on a damp cloth, napkin or paper towel and covered with a second layer.
  2. Organize an additional greenhouse using plastic film or an ordinary transparent bag.
  3. The material is placed near the heating device and regularly moistened with a spray bottle, preventing it from drying out.

Seeds that do not germinate are disposed of. They will not produce high-quality planting material or will not sprout at all. Germination will begin in 3-5 days. At this moment, seedlings begin to be sown in prepared glasses, wooden boxes or plastic bowls. Furrows are made in bowls and boxes in increments of 5 cm and the seeds are sown in a row. Place 1-2 seeds in small plastic cups. The crops are placed in a greenhouse made of polyethylene or covered with glass.

Seedling care

After the emergence of friendly shoots, the boxes with seedlings should be placed without a greenhouse. Otherwise, the seedlings will be damaged by excessive moisture. The boxes should be placed in well-lit places, on window sills with a southern or eastern orientation. If this is not possible, it is worth organizing additional artificial influence.

Watering during active growth of young crops should be provided in moderation. Every day you need to check the condition of the soil to prevent it from drying out. Watering is carried out only when the top layer is dry enough, while the soil inside the pot should be constantly moist. To prevent the roots from rotting, there must be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the dish.

Attention! For full growth, young seedlings need a constant temperature ranging from 18 to 22 degrees.

Feeding for seedlings

Young seedlings need a lot of nutrients for daily development. This is due to the fact that the growth of green mass and the development of the root system occurs daily. In the first 2-3 weeks there are enough substances present in the soil. Afterwards, picking is carried out, and the plants, seated in small cups, initially need to be fed. This need can be seen in the following ways:

  • pulling;
  • reduction in stem thickness;
  • massive yellowing of leaves;
  • leaf curl.

At the initial stage of crop development, not only a deficiency, but also an excess of nutritional components is dangerous, so you need to work with fertilizers carefully. If possible, you should use regular wood ash. One tablespoon of the nutrient is dissolved in 2 liters of water and watered with the mixture on the plant. This fertilizing can also be done in cases where the seedlings are not sufficiently formed before picking.

When to plant tomato seedlings

The lunar calendar for planting tomatoes for seedlings in March 2022 will tell gardeners what time is optimal to carry out all planting work and care procedures.

In open ground

The seedlings are transferred to the beds only after making sure that the soil and air are sufficiently warmed up; in the long-term weather forecast there is not even a hint of return frosts or cold snaps. It is necessary to adjust the average timing for the region with weather conditions.

Planting is done in the morning if the weather is cloudy or in the evening if the days are sunny.

The influence of moon phases on tomatoes

The celestial body has a direct effect on development. It is known that plants whose fruits ripen above the soil surface should be planted in the growth phase. This is due to the fact that on such dates, the juice from the root system is directed to the green mass, ensuring its growth and early maturity. It is also worth looking at the constellation, it is better when the moon is in the signs of the water element.

Days when the celestial body is in its decline phase are considered unfavorable for landing. During such periods, you can plant plants on the site whose fruits ripen in the ground, because the juice does not rise from the root system. It is not recommended to carry out any work during the stagnation phases of the celestial body - they are considered the new moon and full moon.

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