Remontant raspberry variety Penguin Yellow, Royal

The standard raspberry varieties Penguin Yellow and Royal are remontant and continue the Penguin line. There are three varieties of this variety - traditional red, yellow-fruited and large-fruited.

This culture was bred by scientific breeders, led by I.V. Kazakov, a Russian breeder and researcher, in 2006. He is the pioneer of remontant plants in our country.

The trendsetter in the cultivation of high-yielding varieties that calmly respond to climatic disturbances. Berries can be harvested manually or mechanically. Plants have been listed in the State Register since 2009.

Why the Penguin Yellow and Royal varieties deserve attention

The amazing appearance of this creature, a stocky plant, resembles a Christmas tree. Miniature bushes are hung with beautiful berries.

  • As we said, the Penguin raspberry is a remontant variety, with straight stems 1.3 - 1.5 meters in height.
  • Raspberry bushes contain 4 - 6 shoots.
  • One-year growth is green and has a significant waxy coating.
  • Biennial stems, powerful with a light brown tint. They have short internodes. Each node has its own berry cluster, with 8 - 10 berries. Shoots with short, curved downwards thorns. Spines with crimson or green color. A large number of thorns at the bottom, fewer at the top.
  • The leaves have fine teeth, a green, wrinkled structure, with hairs.
  • Lateral branches with a slight waxy coating;
  • Ovaries with a medium white tint to the flowers are observed.
  • The fruits are large, conical in shape, with rounded tips.
  • Berries with 4.2 g and a maximum weight of 6.5 g.
  • Plants are cultivated according to agricultural technologies of annual cultivation.
  • In autumn, all shoots are removed by cutting and burning.
  • The next year, one-year-old plants have a magnificent harvest.
  • Large portions of the stems bear fruit in the fall.
  • The fruits ripen in the south, already in mid-July. In the north - at the beginning or middle of August.

If grown using two-year cycles, gardeners receive the first harvests in late spring, and others at the end of the summer season. But this method is fraught with a decrease in yield and fruit size. And the full extent of ripening of such Penguin raspberries will only be in the south.

King Penguin Plants

The crops are tall.

This is also a remontant variety, a variety of the main Penguin:

  1. The stems are erect, up to 1.8 meters long. Due to their strength, plants can withstand berries without additional support.
  2. The King Penguin has few escapes. Therefore, propagating the crop is not entirely easy, but unnecessary sanitary treatment is not required. Since, there is no haphazard growth of seedlings.
  3. The plants have a rounded shape of bright red large berries, weighing 8 - 10 g.

What is Yellow Penguin?

Also a variety of Penguin raspberry.

The fruits are yellow. These are standard plants, with stems 1.5 meters. With 3 - 4 strong shoots. With large, dense, round berries, 7 - 8 g.

Standard raspberry garter

Powerful shoots with strong branches, as a rule, do not need garter; they are able to independently support the weight of the crop.

But for better passage of sunlight, as well as the beauty of the site, many gardeners use a trellis.

At different ends of the row, posts are installed on which two or three rows of wire are pulled, depending on the height of the bush. Each shoot is tied individually, as it grows, to each of the rows.

The trellis is very convenient when pruning for two crops; young and two-year-old shoots are fixed on different sides. This simplifies care and harvesting.

Characteristic feature of varieties

To choose the right Penguin raspberry, gardeners pay attention to characteristics related to:

  • frost resistance;
  • productivity;
  • resistance to adverse conditions;
  • applications.

Drought and frost resistance

Plants are frost-resistant. Because they are cut out right under the rhizomes in the last days of autumn. Therefore, they take root well in the north. If the Penguin and yellow Penguin plants are already 2 years old, then it can withstand frost of 25 degrees. For the King penguin, frosts up to 33 degrees are not terrible.

More on the topic: Varieties included in the state register of raspberry varieties in 2015-2016

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Gardeners like Raspberry Penguin for its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. Among the “advantages” of the variety:

  • high yield rates;
  • small size of bushes (Penguin is suitable for growing in small areas);
  • high immunity to infections;
  • low susceptibility to pests;
  • great berry taste.

Many people note the beautiful appearance of this raspberry planting, which can be used to decorate the garden.


  • does not tolerate lack of moisture;
  • thorns on shoots.

The taste of the variety's berries greatly depends on proper care, fertilizing, and watering. By providing these raspberries with adequate nutrition and providing comfortable conditions for growth, the harvest can be obtained in any season.

Productivity and fruiting of raspberries Penguin Yellow and Royal

Gardeners talk about average Penguin yields, with an indicator of 3.5 kg from each bush.

  • The berries are well transported, do not fall off and do not show signs of drying in the sun.
  • Plants with extended growth (August to September).
  • The sweet-sour fruits, without expressive aromatic notes, are harvested after 2-3 days. Sugar in berries is 3.1%.
  • Tasters rated the taste at 3.7 points.

King Penguin

shares yield - 5 - 7 kg per shoot. Fruits from August to October. Doesn't crumble. Fruits with sweetness and sourness can be collected after 4 days on the fifth.

Yellow penguin

, as an early ripening plant, produces 5 - 6 kg from 1 shoot, already at the end of July. The fruits are perfectly collected and transported without losing their shape. Berries with a dessert taste, even grown in the shade.

Weak sides

  • With a lack of nutrition or watering, the berries of the variety become more rounded and lose size.
  • Simple, bland taste with low sugar content. Penguin berries often exhibit strong acidity.
  • Weak, unexpressed aroma.
  • Many people do not like the bush to be too low, from which it is inconvenient to pick berries. You have to bend down and sit down often.
  • Frequent, although not too aggressive, spines.
  • Average resistance to drought. Regular watering is required, especially at the time of fruiting of raspberries.
  • Over time, the shoots become shorter and shorter; uprooting and replacement with new, young plants is necessary.

Author: Maxim Zarechny.

What's good and what's bad about Penguin Yellow and Royal

Taste qualities cannot be called the strong point of remontant plants of this variety. The main trump card of the Penguin variety is considered to be that the plants begin to bear fruit in early autumn.

The crop feeds with berries until the very first frost. And this is the beginning of October. This type of fruiting is extended. But under good climatic conditions, gardeners pick berries even in late autumn.

Amateur gardeners treat Penguin Yellow and Royal raspberries well due to their:

  • high yield;
  • large-fruited;
  • decorative;
  • high keeping quality;
  • frost resistance, up to 25 degrees;
  • adequate resistance to harmful organisms.

Disadvantages include:

  • presence of thorns;
  • fruits of mediocre taste;
  • demands on soils and watering.

And yet, gardeners who want to harvest two crops a year are upset. Be aware that this is not a viable use case for Penguin.

Therefore, you need to grow one crop so that fruiting begins earlier and the berries do not go away in winter. They did not need to be covered, and in the summer the harvest did not take away the strength of the plants. So that in the fall there is a good gross harvest and quality of fruits. By the way, the last recommendation can be applied to all remontant varieties.


A feature of the development of bushes is the constant formation of shoots, which must be regularly cut out to prevent thickening harmful to the raspberries.

Sanitary pruning is carried out regularly in spring, summer and autumn. They cut out, preferably at the root, dried shoots that have completed fruiting. As well as sick, pest-infested and frozen ones.

Remontant raspberries are pruned in two ways, depending on the desired yield of the crop:

First option

Shoots that have lost the ability to actively bear fruit are cut out at the root, and young shoots are shortened by 7-10 cm; the first harvest of the next year will be formed on them. With this pruning, the plants will bear fruit twice, the second stage occurs in August-September, sometimes in October.

This method is not advisable in areas with early frosts; the berries of the second wave may not have time to ripen and will be destroyed by frost. For lovers from warm regions, picking raspberries in October is simply a godsend.

To increase yield in standard crops, when pruning, you need to leave 3-4 of the most powerful shoots.

Second option

Complete cutting at the root of the entire bush. Allows you to achieve higher fruiting results, as well as better quality berries.

Another advantage of this pruning is that the fruits will ripen earlier and the crop will not be destroyed by frost.

How to plant correctly

The peculiarity of planting Penguin Yellow and Royal raspberries is that they are demanding in terms of soil composition and illumination. Plants love soils with weak or neutral acidity levels. If there is increased acidity, then fertilizers will be ineffective.

You can identify acidic soil by the presence of:

  • horsetail;
  • sorrel;
  • woodlice;
  • bindweed.


Add dolomite flour or limestone to the soil and deoxidize the soil.

In the place where you want to grow raspberries, first sow the plants in the form of green manure, and then embed them in the soil.

Also, a plot with raspberries cannot do without:

  • rotted manure;
  • humus, along with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

This way you will feed Penguin Yellow and Royal raspberries for 3-4 years in advance.


! Try to arrange raspberry gardens in the light, where there will be sun all day. Then the berry will be much sweeter. Where there is stagnation of rainwater or high groundwater, it is better not to grow raspberries. The roots will rot and the bushes will die.

Plant care

Before planting raspberries, you need to choose a sunny piece of land with fertile soil in advance.
For planting, select seedlings with 1-2 shoots and a strong root system. Information for your information. When planting raspberries, be vigilant, because this plant grows intensively and very quickly conquers new territories. It is better to keep this process under control.

Preparing the landing site

Varietal raspberry bushes love the sun. In shaded areas, the fruits will be sour and the plants will be weak. In one area, raspberries grow from 7 to 10 years; after this period, the soil becomes depleted. The best predecessors for raspberries:

Loamy or sandy loam soil is the best option for growing raspberries. The depth of groundwater must be more than 1.5 m, otherwise there is a high probability of root rotting. If there are no such areas, you can plant bushes on high ridges.

Advice. Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting Terenty raspberries after nightshade plants.

Sweet berry with a light aroma

Disembarkation procedure

Planting is carried out in autumn or spring. The pit is prepared 10-14 days before planting the seedlings. It is better to buy seedlings from trusted sellers or nurseries

When purchasing a plant, you need to pay attention to the condition of the root system.

To properly plant Terenty raspberries, do the following:

  1. We dig a hole with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of approximately 35 cm. This depth is necessary to prepare fertile soil;
  2. Pour humus, compost (50-100 g) and 1-2 tsp into it. complex fertilizer;
  3. We treat the roots with a solution of clay and mullein. To improve plant survival, growth activators can be used;
  4. We cut the plant to a height of 30-40 cm;
  5. We place the plant in a hole (we deepen it no more than 15-20 cm), dig it in with earth and compact the soil;
  6. We water the soil abundantly;
  7. Mulch with non-acidic rotted manure or peat.

Note. Another type of planting raspberries can be digging a trench 30 cm deep and 60 cm wide. When planting several seedlings, the distance between them should be at least half a meter.

Caring for the plant

With systematic care of the plant, its maximum productivity is observed. Raspberries are pruned twice a year: in spring and autumn. The characteristics of the variety indicate that it does not tolerate drought well. During the fruiting period, complex fertilizers are applied to the soil. In the fall, the ground is dug up and fertilized with humus and ash. To prevent the development of mycoses in April, the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture, and during the flowering period, bioactive preparations are used that protect the bushes from pests (mites, fungi, bacteria, etc.).

Timely pruning of shoots improves the quality and quantity of berries.

In the spring, dead branches are pruned. Up to 8 side shoots are left on each stem for fruiting. In autumn, two-year-old fruiting branches are pruned. Weak, young shoots are also removed, as they will not be able to survive the winter. To prevent the spread of infections and parasites, cut branches should be burned.

Shelter for the winter

Raspberries are not afraid of frost, but they do not tolerate thaws followed by frosts. The plant can withstand frosts of thirty degrees; at lower temperatures, the branches should be hidden under snow cover. At the beginning of autumn, raspberry shoots bend to the ground. At a later time, the branches become rusty and lose their former plasticity. In the absence of snow, the bushes are covered with agrofibre.

Successful cultivation of raspberries depends on the correct choice of site, pre-planting soil preparation, illumination of the site, timing and methods of planting, quality of planting material and care of plantings.

A characteristic feature of the Terenty variety is frost resistance, large-fruited and unpretentiousness. For the winter, varietal raspberries need to be pruned and wrapped.

When can you plant?

Raspberry Penguin Yellow and Royal will thank you with a good harvest if you plant in spring or autumn. Thanks to autumn planting, there will be fruits next year. Prepare it in advance, in the summer.

Dig up the raspberries along with fertilizers.

More on the topic: Self-fertile raspberry varieties Turner and Usanka

It is advisable to plant plants in September/October. This will give the cuttings time to take root. And they will definitely produce young shoots in early spring. Remontant varieties always ask for this. The shoots will set and the fruits will ripen.

During spring planting, fruiting is delayed as the seedlings need to adapt. In the summer, the young trees will grow, become stronger and will not care about the winter cold.

Planting a royal remontant variety

Remontant raspberry varieties are more sensitive to the choice of location. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly and do everything right. This will allow you to get a good harvest. It is worth considering all the nuances in more detail.

Selection of location and soil

Choosing the right place in your summer cottage will give you the opportunity to get juicy and large berries. Here are the basic requirements that every gardener growing these raspberries should know:

  • soil acidity is neutral;
  • there should be no groundwater underground at a depth of one meter;
  • you need to choose the sunny side;
  • it is important that the soil is loamy or sandy loam.

Reference. If you choose the shady side, the fruits will have high acidity. As a result, their taste characteristics will be even lower.

When is the best time to plant?

Planting is carried out in autumn or spring. These are the optimal periods. Each season has its own advantages. For example, if you plant raspberry bushes in the fall, they will need fewer nutrients to survive the winter. But spring planting will allow the crop to better prepare for wintering.

Penguin raspberries should be planted according to the following scheme:

  1. First, holes or trenches 60x60 cm are dug. The distance between the bushes should be at least 70 cm, and between the trenches at least 1.2 m. This will make it more convenient to harvest.
  2. Then organic fertilizer is applied. It is better to use humus at the rate of 5 kg per plant.
  3. Then you need to plant a raspberry bush.
  4. At the end, watering occurs.

Reference. Some gardeners first moisten the empty hole, and only then plant a raspberry bush. This method also has a right to exist. Its advantage is that the roots adhere better to the ground.

However, less experienced gardeners can later check that the soil is 5 cm dry and water the crop again. At the same time, the moisture that was in the hole has not yet completely evaporated and been absorbed by the plant. As a result, the root system may begin to rot.

How to find the right place

According to the advice of experts, Penguin Yellow and Royal raspberries will do well on the south side with buildings: residential buildings, fences, utility buildings. Such barriers are important to prevent northern winds from blowing on the raspberry field.

In these places, the snow cover will melt faster and the soil will warm up faster. The stems will stretch upward, and then it’s not far to the first berries.

Just don't over-moisten the soil. Plants don't like this. Therefore, leave the lowlands for planting with other crops. To drain water from the raspberry tree, dig drainage grooves along the perimeter of the plantings.


Potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants share common diseases with the raspberry crop. Therefore, never plant raspberries in their place.

Disembarkation algorithms

  • Dig holes 40 x 50, with a depth of 40 cm, with a distance of 70 cm from each other, and row spacing from 1.5 to 2 meters. Mix the excavated soil with fertilizers and then place half of it in the holes.
  • Keep the planting material in the biostimulator for up to 2 or 3 hours.
  • Lower each shoot with straightened roots into a hole and cover it with earth.
  • Lightly compact the soil and water generously.
  • Cut the stems to 6 cm and mulch around them using sawdust, straw or hay.


The yield of the variety is characterized by gardeners as medium-high. From one bush you can get from 2.5 to 5 kg of berries.

  • The fruits are deep crimson matte cones, weighing up to 4–5 grams . Good adhesion of the drupe allows the berries to attach well to the shoot and also withstand direct sunlight. Unlike many other varieties, Penguin does not bake in the sun.
  • The fruits have a pronounced sweet and sour taste . Sugar content depends on the soil of growth and watering. Clay soil enhances sourness, and heat and heat, on the contrary, make the berries sweeter and juicier.

Already at the end of June you can enjoy the first berries, and in August you can harvest the second raspberry harvest.

Caring for raspberries Penguin Yellow and Royal

This is an important point, and it will affect the further development of plants. They need to be fed and watered in a timely manner.

By all indications, this is an annual crop, so it is easy to care for the raspberry tree if the Penguin variety grows there.

  • Cut off all shoots in the fall, leaving no stumps.
  • In the spring, so that the sprouts awaken, free them from the snow cover and cover them with film.
  • Do not trim the tops of plants.


Settled water, which is used to water the raspberries in the morning and evening hours, is essential for watering. After watering, the soil must be loosened and weeds must be weeded out.

To avoid frequent watering, you can use mulch around the shoots.

Do not forget about periodic feeding of plants.

In early spring, apply root feeding with universal fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. You can use ammonium nitrate (15-20 g of substance per 10 liters of water). Or feed with alternative elements: humus, bird droppings, urea

  • Before flowering, root dressings are made from:
  • double superphosphate - 3 tbsp. l;
  • potassium sulfate - 2 tbsp. l., which is added to 10 l. water

At the end of autumn, root feeding should contain:

  • wood ash;
  • humus or compost.

For good tolerance to winter cold, before severe frosts, water the planting generously.

If you cut the roots at the root, then cover them with

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • straw.

Bend annual plants that are expected to produce a double harvest to the ground and cover them.

Some gardeners tie the shoots to wires that are 35 - 40 cm above the ground. Then they are covered with agrofibre.


make sure that the plants overwinter under a snow cover of 0.5 m. If you have little snowy winters, then cover them with snow manually

Watering raspberry trees

Raspberries need reasonable hydration; without enough water, the berries quickly crush and dry out; if there is too much, they become watery and not tasty.

Usually the bushes are watered once a week; in extreme heat, the frequency of watering is increased to 3 times. It is worth noting that this variety is quite drought tolerant.

It is better to moisten the planted plants every day until young shoots grow.

Watering is especially important:

  1. During flowering.
  2. During the period of fruit formation.
  3. After harvesting.

Important! If watering is done correctly, the soil under the bushes should be saturated with water to a depth of 30 cm.

It is best to arrange drip irrigation for raspberries. Then watering will be regular, and the gardener will save his time and water supplies.

Methods of control and prevention of diseases and pests

If you follow agrotechnical conditions and use high-quality planting material, the Penguin raspberry will not get sick. The culture has strong immunity.

But preventative measures won't hurt. Therefore, spray them with Oxyx or Topaz in early spring.

When the plants begin to flower or bear fruit, then forget about using chemicals. It is better to replace with garlic or onion (husk) infusions.

In an unfavorable care climate, plants may develop diseases associated with:

  • with gray rot;
  • spotting;
  • anthracosis.

Help them cope with fungicides.

Raspberry beetles, weevils, and raspberry moths disappear when insecticides are used. Also, insect pests are afraid of: tansy, dill, beans.

What gardeners say about Penguin Yellow and Royal raspberries

The opinions of gardeners are diametrically opposed. Some claim that the fruits are sour, others lack the raspberry-sour sensation. But, as you understand, everything depends on soil and geographical conditions:

  • illumination;
  • precipitation;
  • warming up the earth;
  • soil composition;
  • fertilizing intensity.

Unambiguous reviews about the extremely decorative appearance and decent yield, without the use of intensive agricultural methods.

Svetlova Natalya Alekseevna from Bryansk. 40 years.

At first I read everything about the Yellow Penguin culture. I looked at the video and photos. I listened to the reviews. And I decided to buy it. Raspberries are large-fruited and disease resistant. We've been growing it for about two years now. That’s how I read and looked at it, and that’s how it is.

We don't tie up bushes. They are already strong. Spikes are present, but not many of them. We decided to raise the Yellow Penguin using one-year technology. We just don’t like eating fresh berries, they are sour. Making jam. On the other hand, the plants are very easy to care for. They do not grow much.

Klukonin Ivan Sergeevich 59 years old. Vyborg.

We have a King Penguin on our property. We have been harvesting for 4 years now. The berry is remontant, I really like it. We planted the bushes in a good sunny place, so the fruits are sweet. But what’s surprising is that the taste changes with the weather. In rainy weather, the berries become sour. The photos show the deep crimson berries as they really are.

Thanks to the small number of seedlings, caring for raspberries is easy.

In the fall I prune right down to the roots. And they survive well. And in the spring there is a friendly germination of shoots. And since August we have been enjoying the berries.

So, the shortcomings discovered by gardeners include several points:

  1. Weak winter hardiness in areas with frosts of 25 and above.
  2. You cannot cover the bushes because standard plants have a special structure, so only pruning at the root.
  3. Where there is little snow in winter, mulch made from agrofibre or vegetable mulch is required.
  4. The berry has a medium taste quality.

Improved taste can be achieved by:

  • mineral supplements;
  • sunlit places;
  • not overwatering;
  • good distance between bushes.

And now about the advantages

A lot of them.

These include aspects:

  • high yield;
  • quality berries;
  • the cost of seedlings in the nursery, which is lower than imported materials from Europe.

Reviews from gardeners

Marina, 31 years old, Voronezh

Three years ago we decided to completely renovate the raspberry garden at our summer cottage. We chose it based on the description of the variety, photos and reviews. King Penguin raspberries attracted high yields and resistance to diseases and pests. There are no thorns at the top of the shoots, which greatly simplifies harvesting. The taste of the berries is not bad, but there are sweeter varieties. The fruits are large and dense, the drupes are almost invisible. Ideal for recycling.

Mikhail, 57 years old, St. Petersburg

According to the description, photos and reviews, the Penguin raspberry variety is one of the favorites in my garden. The bushes are low and strong. The fruits ripen in the second half or at the end of August, depending on weather conditions. It is better to collect them immediately after ripening; if they hang for too long, they lose their presentation. The berry is beautifully shaped, not dry. There is a hint of sourness in the taste.

Tamara, 44 years old, Kuban

We grow raspberries for harvesting, some of the berries are sent for sale. They were looking for a variety with good commercial qualities that could withstand long transportation. We chose Penguin raspberries based on the description of the variety, reviews and photos. This is a remontant variety; in our climate, the first berries ripen in June. Fruiting lasts until autumn frosts. The berry of the Penguin variety is dense and large, it is easy to pick. The fruits do not wrinkle during transportation. The bush itself is very compact; it does not need support. The variety is suitable for decorating hedges.

Summary summary

Experts call the Penguin raspberry varieties plants for the lazy.

  • Raspberry Penguin Yellow and Royal do not require intensive feeding.
  • There is no need for sparse plantings in the form of compact bush habit.
  • Due to their tree nature, the bushes will not fall to the ground from a strong wind. Typically, those who like orderly plantings organize low trellises with one wire 60 - 70 cm in height.

Shoot-forming abilities are also present. You can get 4 - 6 shoots for replacement. Therefore, almost no one recommends propagating with your own seedlings. This is problematic. Can be done by cuttings.

Some gardeners use a shovel to lightly cut the rhizomes, with light blows to the root zones. Thus, the formation of root shoots is stimulated.

When the roots are damaged, young shoots grow from them, which are suitable for planting material.

Reproduction methods: photo with description

This variety is propagated by shoots that emerge from the root system. But since they are not formed intensively, gardeners often use bush division.

This requires:

  • treat a sharp knife in an alcohol-containing solution;
  • dig up a bush;
  • inspect it to ensure there are no signs of rot or other diseases;
  • divide the bush and treat the cut area with activated carbon.

Important. When propagated in this way, the plant may not bear fruit as abundantly.

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