Raspberry variety Tatyana: tender, tasty, aromatic

Today there are many varieties of raspberries, as well as other fruit and vegetable crops. Among them you can find remontant, thornless, large-fruited, late and early, with berries of unusual taste and color. It has been noticed that gardeners and summer residents prefer ordinary, time-tested varieties to all the “exotic” varieties, the kind of raspberries from which you can make aromatic jam and enjoy the berries fresh for as long as possible. One of these varieties is Tatyana raspberry. In principle, this variety is simple, but raspberries have their own secrets.

A description of the Tatyana raspberry variety, photos and reviews about it can be found in this article. Here you will find interesting facts about this raspberry and talk about how to properly grow the variety.

Description of the raspberry variety Tatyana

A breeding variety of raspberries was created for cultivation in the southern region, the temperate climate of the European and Central Black Earth parts of Russia. The tall crop reaches two meters. The bush produces about 12 shoots, which form a compact crown. Unlike remontant species, raspberries “Tatyana” bear fruit only on stems of the second year of growth. And it does not require radical pruning at the root. The level and duration of fruiting is the same as for species that produce two harvests per season.

External characteristics of the raspberry variety “Tatyana”:

  1. One-year-old stems are dark brown, thick, with a dense elastic structure, growing upright.
  2. Young shoots are light green; by the end of the season the color changes to dark red.
  3. The thorniness of the shrub is completely absent, there is no hairiness, only a waxy coating clearly visible on the trunks and shoots.
  4. The leaves are small in size, with a corrugated surface. Sparse pile is present on the lower part. The edge of the leaf is carved with frequent teeth, dark green.
  5. The flowers are small, cream-colored, density on one fruit cluster is up to 8 pieces, self-pollinating, 100% produce ovaries.
  6. The root system is branched, superficial, requiring shelter for the winter.

Raspberries are tall, fixation to a trellis is recommended. Description of the raspberry fruit "Tatyana":

  • the fruits are well attached to the stalk, at the stage of biological ripeness the berries do not fall off and are easily removed when harvesting;
  • the weight of one raspberry is 15–25 g, the pulp is dense, juicy, there are few seeds, they are small in size and cannot be felt when eaten;
  • the surface of the berry is uneven with densely spaced drupes, bright red in color, with slight hairiness;
  • the fruits throughout the bush are the same size in the shape of a slightly elongated oval.

Large-fruited raspberries "Tatyana" have a balanced taste, with a minimal presence of acid and a pronounced raspberry aroma.

History of variety selection

The raspberry variety “Tatyana” is a third generation hybrid. The culture was created by Russian breeders in 1993. The basis was the varieties “Patricia”, “Beauty of Russia” and several Scottish breeding species. The culture is well adapted to the Russian climate. It was not declared as a variety by the originators, so it was not included in the State Register.

Characteristics of the variety

The raspberry variety “Tatyana” fully corresponds to the description of the copyright holders. During the process of experimental cultivation, the breeders corrected the shortcomings. Raspberries received good immunity against diseases from their parent varieties. The level of fruiting is not affected by negative weather conditions.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

For photosynthesis, raspberries need a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light. Therefore, place the crop in a sunny area. The more lightening, the larger and sweeter the berry will be. According to gardeners, raspberries “Tatyana” exhibit average drought resistance. If there is no moisture for a long time, the plant may die.

The Tatyana variety is frost-resistant and was created for cultivation in temperate climates. Subject to frost protection measures, raspberries can be grown in risky farming areas. The root system tolerates temperatures down to –27 0 C; damaged fragments are quickly restored in the spring. If the weather conditions of the region are characterized by a drop in temperature below the norm established for raspberries, it is recommended to cover the root circle.

Productivity and fruiting

Raspberry "Tatyana" is a mid-season variety. A crop with a long growing season. The berries ripen unevenly, fruiting continues from the end of June to August inclusive. The fruits are collected in several stages; this feature of raspberries has become the reason for being classified as a remontant species. One bush produces up to 10 kg of berries per 1 sq. m there are 2 plants.

The gastronomic characteristics of the fruit are high, there is no acid in the taste, the berry is juicy and aromatic.

Advice! It is not recommended to pick Tatyana raspberries in the morning or in the rain, when the berries are wet. Such raspberries do not store well and lose their shape and juice.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Raspberry berries of the Tatyana variety are universal in use. Due to its ability to retain its marketable appearance after harvest, the crop is cultivated on farm plots for commercial purposes and the food industry. Raspberries are well transported in special boxes at a certain temperature (+40 C). Home-grown berries are used to prepare compote, juice, jam, preserves. Consumed fresh. Retains taste and energy value after freezing.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The third generation raspberry hybrid has a genetically inherent ability to resist a number of fungal and bacterial infections. The variety is not afraid of: anthracosis, leaf mosaic, bacterial canker. It has high immunity against aphids. Possibly raspberry stem gall midge.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Reviews about the raspberry variety "Tatyana" are different. Against the background of most of the positive qualities, there are disadvantages. For full vegetation and fruiting, a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation is necessary. Fixation to a trellis is recommended. The root system produces a small number of shoots, which makes raspberry propagation difficult.

The advantages of the Tatyana raspberry variety include:

  • long fruiting period;
  • resistance to direct sunlight;
  • can do without watering for some time;
  • large-fruited variety, yield;
  • absence of thorns;
  • sweet taste, increased juiciness of berries;
  • resistance to diseases and a number of pests;
  • good transportability and safety;
  • lack of tendency to fruit shedding;
  • frost resistance;
  • compactness of bushes.

Suitable for breeding in farm areas and summer cottages.

Growing and care

A raspberry tree that is carefully looked after and properly pruned will reward the gardener with a large harvest.


The soil under the raspberries should not dry out. The plant will tolerate drought, but this will affect the quality of the harvest. Raspberries especially need moisture during flowering and fruit set. Before wintering, be sure to do moisture-recharging irrigation.

To prevent the soil from crusting and cracking, it is recommended to mulch the soil between plants with sawdust, straw, humus, and leaves.


Raspberry bushes of the Tatyana variety are pruned at least twice a year:

  • In autumn, weak and fruit-bearing two-year-old branches are cut out;
  • In early spring, sanitary pruning of branches that have not overwintered is carried out, and young shoots are shortened by several centimeters.

During the season, it is necessary to thin out excess growth. To obtain full harvests, it is better to place raspberries on a trellis. You can use the simplest single-strip option, which consists of driven pipes and several rows of wire.

Top dressing

In the spring, for active growing season, raspberries of the Tatyana variety must be fed with complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. From organic matter, you can use an infusion of mullein (1:10), bird droppings (1:20), as well as rotted manure and compost. Flowering and fruiting are supported with potassium and phosphorus compounds.

Fertilizing with wood ash gives good results. Fertilizer can be scattered between the bushes before the next watering or diluted in a bucket of water at the rate of 200 g. for 10 liters.

Preparing for winter

In regions with little snowy winters, Tatyana raspberries are protected from freezing with mulch made from humus mixed with straw. This method of preparing for winter will serve as both shelter and effective fertilizer. The thickness of the protective layer is 5-7 cm. If it is not possible to use humus, you can mulch with sawdust, leaves or mowed dry grass without seeds.

1 - root shoot; 2 - mother plant; 3 - root shoot, separated from the mother plant; 4 - seedling obtained from root offspring

Landing Features

The raspberry variety “Tatyana” is usually propagated by seedlings purchased in the retail chain. You can prepare planting material yourself. To obtain the desired harvest, it is necessary to comply with agricultural technology for this type of crop.

Recommended timing

Raspberries "Tatyana" are planted on the site in spring or autumn. For early planting, seedlings with an open root system are suitable. The work is carried out depending on the climate of the region. The earth should warm up to at least +50 C. For the Middle Zone this is approximately mid-April. In autumn, seedlings are planted 14 days before the onset of frost, approximately the end of October. The seedlings are used with the root closed and the raspberries are insulated for the winter.

Choosing a suitable location

The raspberry variety is demanding on lighting, so choose an area in the open, on the south side. It is necessary to place the raspberries in such a way that they are not influenced by the north wind. The plant does not require systematic watering. If the site is located in a lowland with close groundwater, raspberries slow down the growing season and produce smaller fruits. The variety prefers well-drained loam or black soil.

Selection and preparation of planting material

They purchase raspberry planting material from nurseries or prepare seedlings themselves. To grow Tatyana raspberries, you must select material that meets the following criteria:

  • thickness of the central shoot 1.5 cm;
  • roots are developed, without damaged fragments, 25 cm long;
  • Two shoots should extend from the root system.

Seedlings for propagation are suitable for one year and two years, with a closed and open root system.

Landing algorithm

Before placing raspberry seedlings in a permanent place, the area is dug up and weeds are removed. Add fertilizing: organic matter, potassium, phosphate. Sequencing:

  1. Dig a planting hole measuring 40x40 cm, up to 30 cm deep.
  2. Compost mixed with peat is placed at the bottom.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center, the roots are distributed.
  4. Cover the plant so that the root collar remains on the surface.
  5. Water generously with warm water.

The plant is compact, the distance between rows should be 1.5 m. Raspberries are distributed in one line with an interval of 0.5 m.


It is traditional to propagate this variety using pre-purchased seedlings. You can prepare the material for planting yourself. To get a good harvest, you must follow all the details of planting and caring for the crop.

Disembarkation time

“Tatyana” should be planted on the site in spring or autumn. Bare-rooted seedlings are well suited for early planting. All work is carried out depending on the characteristics of the regional climate. The soil temperature should be at least +5 degrees Celsius. If we talk about central Russia, then this is the middle of spring.

As for autumn, in this case it can be planted a couple of weeks before the onset of cold weather. That is, around the end of October. In this case, it would be correct to use seedlings with a closed root system. And for the winter, raspberries must be insulated.

Landing at the site

Before planting raspberries in the allotted area, it must be dug up and cleared of weeds. After this, fertilizers are used: manure, humus, potassium or phosphate. The algorithm of steps is as follows:

  • Dig a hole for the seedling about 40 by 40 cm, and up to 30 cm deep.
  • Humus with the addition of peat is placed in the hole.
  • The seedlings are placed in the center of the hole, carefully placing the rhizomes.
  • Fill the soil so that the root collar is not covered.
  • Water generously with warm water.

Given the small size of the seedlings, the gap between the planting lines should be about one and a half meters. And between seedlings - half a meter.


The raspberry variety “Tatyana” is not remontant and does not require special agricultural technology. Care for the plant in the following way:

  1. Watering is moderate until the berries ripen, then stop. Water after harvest.
  2. Weeding is carried out to remove weeds and enrich the roots with oxygen.
  3. Raspberries are pruned twice, last year's shoots are removed in the fall, dry fragments are cut off in the spring, and young stems are shortened.
  4. There is no need to completely cover the bush for the winter; to prevent freezing of the root system, mulch with sawdust, peat or humus.
  5. Raspberries are fertilized in the spring with potassium or phosphate fertilizers, after the growing season with organic matter.

To protect against rodents, products that are toxic to animals are laid out on the garden bed. For raspberries, it is recommended to install a support.


Vera Pavlovna, Krasnodar region

Raspberry Tatyana has been growing in our garden for twenty years; my grandmother planted it. For me, the taste of its berries is the taste of childhood, because this is exactly what the raspberries smelled like when they were grown 30-40 years ago. Some may find Tatyana's taste boring, but it makes a very aromatic jam that saves you from flu, colds and other ailments. The berries are always large, sweet, all beautiful and whole, just like the selection. We live in the Krasnodar region, we don’t insulate the raspberries. I feed Tatyana only once a year - in the spring I apply complex mineral fertilizer. I prune it the same way as all my other varieties: I don’t touch it in the fall, but in the spring I trim the shoots, leaving 40-50 cm.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Infections on Tatyana raspberries are extremely rare; the variety has high immunity to infection. The insect that parasitizes crops is the stem gall midge. It affects the stems of the plant, convex formations form on them. The shoots dry out and die. The insect can destroy up to 80% of a raspberry bush.

To prevent the pest from spreading to subsequent bushes, damaged fragments are cut out and removed from the area. Raspberries are treated with a solution of Fufanon, Actellix, Alatar. For preventive purposes, the area is dug up in the fall, and the larvae freeze out in the winter. Remove old grass where fungal spores may remain.


Raspberries of the Tatyana variety do not require special care, so even a novice gardener can handle them. Caring for this variety is as follows:

  • Until the fruits appear, you need to water moderately, and after that, stop watering completely. It resumes only after the harvest is harvested.
  • Weed and remove weeds to give the roots more oxygen.
  • You need to trim it twice a year, get rid of dry trunks in the fall, and correct the young shoots in the spring.
  • In winter, raspberries do not shelter, only sawdust, peat or humus crumble around the roots.
  • Raspberries are mainly fertilized with potassium or phosphate.
  • To protect the bushes from mice, rats and moles, poison is placed around the garden bed. Also, supporting structures will not interfere with raspberries.
  • In the spring, the plant is fertilized with mineral fertilizer, and in the fall, manure and humus can be used.

As you can see, caring for the plant is not difficult, and you can quickly master it. But then the seedlings will produce a large harvest of sweet berries. Raspberry "Tatyana" has strong resistance to frost and does not require abundant watering. It bears fruit for a long time. The variety is suitable for garden use and for planting in large areas.


Raspberries of the Tatyana variety are propagated by shoots. If you purchase only 2-3 seedlings, next year they will produce at least two dozen young replacement shoots. All that remains is to dig up the seedlings and plant them in a permanent place.

The second effective method of propagation is by lignified cuttings 10-15 cm long. After pruning the raspberries in the fall, the planting material is treated in a solution of a growth stimulant with the addition of an antifungal drug. Cover it with soil or sand and put it in the basement until spring. In spring, the cuttings are placed in a greenhouse. During the rooting process, do not allow the soil to dry out. On hot days the film is opened. After the appearance of true 2-3 leaves, the seedlings are ready for planting.

Caring for the Tatyana variety is simple. Raspberries will reward even an inexperienced gardener with a magnificent harvest. The berries are universal in their purpose. Can be used fresh and for preservation. Fragrant, large fruits with almost imperceptible drupes make excellent jam. This variety is suitable for growing in personal garden plots and industrial plantations.

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