Grape variety Delight (19 photos): white, black, red, muscat, ideal, description, planting and care

Vostorg grapes are one of the best white grape varieties of classical Soviet selection. Received in the 60s of the 20th century, it showed such successful characteristics that it remains popular to this day. Description of the variety represents a stable crop with excellent dessert taste and high yield both in the south and in the middle zone, in the Urals and all the way to the Far East. Photos and reviews from amateur winegrowers confirm the merits of Delight and its advantages even over its own selective offspring.

When and by whom was the variety developed?

Breeders from the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking worked on the development and breeding of the Vostorg grape variety. Ya. I. Potapenko back in the 80s of the 20th century. The parents were no less productive and hardy varieties: Dolores, Zarya Severa, Russian Early. As a result of long-term work, a frost-resistant variety with excellent taste was developed.

Due to its qualities, the plant is often used as a parent variety when creating new subspecies: Red, Muscat, Baklanovsky, Black.

History of growing the Vostorg grape variety

The Vostorg grape appeared as a result of complex selection; its parents are three varieties: Zarya Severa, Dolores and Russian Early. From the first of them, Delight received such a property as excellent frost resistance, from the second - resistance to transportation, and from the last, the quality of early ripening of the crop was transferred.

The variety was bred by Russian scientists and included in the State Register in 1992.

Over a considerable period of cultivation, Vostorg has established itself as an unpretentious, tasty, high-yielding grape that can withstand cold winters well. It is successfully cultivated in central Russia, the regions of the Urals, as well as in Siberia and the Far East. Winegrowers of neighboring countries - Belarus and the Baltic states - also love Delight.

Vostorg grapes are grown in central Russia, the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East

Description of the variety

Species of Delight are among the earliest plants. The fruits reach technical maturity in August.

Taste characteristics

The peel is medium thick, easy to eat with juicy pulp. The berries are covered on top with a thin pruin. The taste rating is about 8 points out of 10. The fruits contain 18-23% sugar content with an acidity of 6-8 g/l.

The fruits contain 18-23% sugar content with an acidity of 6-8 g/l


The bushes are characterized by a high growth rate. The growth of the vine during one growing season is about 6-8 m. The crop loves medium or long pruning. If you shorten the shoots to 2-4 eyes, the weight of the fruit increases significantly (up to 1.5-2 kg).

In order not to harm the plant, they adhere to the optimal load on the bush of 30-40 buds.

The grape vine ripens by 70-75%, fruiting shoots - 60%. When normalizing the crop, only 1-2 brushes are left on the arrow.

The shoots are covered with large round leaves. They are deeply dissected into 5 lobes and colored light green. The front side of the sheet plate is lighter, matte. Light fluff is visible underneath. The flowers are small (diameter 3-5 mm) greenish in color.

Bunches and berries

The bunches of Vostkhozh grapes are large and have a loose structure. Weight reaches 650-800 g. The shape of the brushes is cone-shaped, cylindrical, with blades or shapeless.

The berries are large, olive or oval in shape. The color of the berries differs depending on the subspecies grown; there are white and pink varieties.

Average berry sizes:

  • weight – 5-7 g;
  • width – 2.4 cm;
  • length – 2.7 cm.

The bunches of Delight grapes are large, with a loose structure.
A pair of small seeds are formed in each berry. The pulp crunches on the teeth, dense, juicy.


The Vostorg grape variety produces stable, rich harvests. It was at this moment that the plant fell in love with many gardeners. With consistent watering, fertilizing and pruning, maximum productivity can be achieved from the vines. On private farms you can get 30-50 kg of berries from one plant.

The volume of the harvest depends little on the number of eyes left during spring pruning. If you leave 6-8 pieces, clusters weighing about 500 g will be formed, and 1-2 pieces - the weight of the brush will reach 2 kg.

Properties of grapes and application

Vostorg grapes are classified as table varieties. Plants are planted for food. With proper collection and organization of storage conditions, the fruits can be stored for up to 3-4 months without losing their marketability and taste. It is not necessary to remove the bunches immediately after ripening. They can hang on the bushes for up to 30-45 days and acquire a richer taste.

Brown spots may appear on the berries if they are left on the vine for a long time. This will not affect the taste, but the presentation will be slightly spoiled.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The plant has one of the highest levels of resistance to periods of drought. The grapes do not need to be watered even during short periods of lack of rain, with the exception of the first year after planting.

The plant has one of the highest levels of resistance to periods of drought.

Despite the fact that grapes themselves are a heat-loving crop, the frost resistance of this variety is at least -25 °C. In warm regions, during large-scale cultivation for industrial purposes, vineyards are not covered. But in temperate zones it is better to take care of protection from frost.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Vostorg grape variety is characterized by good resistance to many diseases. The strongest immunity is observed to gray mold, but to mildew the level of resistance is average.

Among the most dangerous pests, phylloxera should be noted. Therefore, grafted seedlings are chosen for planting.

Wasps rarely spoil berries. They flock only to those grapes that are cracked.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening time

Vostorg grapes are an early ripening variety. The growing season lasts approximately 110-12 days. In the southern regions, the berries ripen at the end of summer, and in the middle zone - in mid-August. The first harvest ripens in the second year after planting. But the fruit-bearing plant reaches its maximum productivity only by the 4th year.

Vostorg grapes are an early ripening species

Flowers of both sexes appear on the plants. Therefore, the Vostorg variety does not need additional pollination. But planting nearby other species with a similar ripening period will have a positive effect on the volume of the harvest.

Reviews from gardeners

Mikhail, 32 years old, Nikolaev region

Delight is ideal for our region - early ripening, berries are golden-amber in color, the taste is sweet and pleasant, and the flesh is tender with a thin skin that cannot be felt when eating. It tolerates prolonged rains calmly - the berries do not crack and there have never been any fungal diseases. Despite the fact that the bushes froze last winter, they “reanimated” well at the beginning of July. I don’t want to take any more risks and from this year I will cover it with spunbond for the winter.

Ekaterina, 45 years old, Odessa

The seedling planted on the site did well. During the season I produced two vines of approximately 1.5 meters each. In the spring I shortened them to a meter. As soon as the buds began to grow, inflorescences appeared in each of them, from the very bottom to the top of the vine. I have never seen this on any other grape. The variety is simply amazing and fully lives up to its name!

Igor, 61 years old, Krasnodar region

At my dacha, “White Delight” is probably the only variety of all the varieties I know that has not disappointed me over many years. The grapes are responsive to timely watering and respond normally to increased doses of mineral and organic fertilizers. It is practically not affected by anthracnose, unlike the three “Isabella” bushes growing on my site. Wasps are absolutely indifferent to it. Our whole family really likes the taste of the berries for their sweetness and independence from the weather, as opposed to “Augustine” and “Timur”. This summer, due to departure, part of the harvest was collected on July 25th. A considerable number of ripe grapes had to be left on the vine. They were perfectly preserved in perfect condition almost until October 5th. Unfortunately, I only have one bush of this real “miracle”. Initially, when planting the vineyard, Delight took root the worst of all, at one time he even wanted to uproot it. In practice, it turned out that he is the best, and every year I appreciate him more and more.

Variety varieties

The characteristics of the Vostorg variety fully comply with the requirements for this crop when grown in Russia. Based on the original variation of this grape, many subspecies have been created that differ in some characteristics.


Another high-yielding variety with dark blue berries. Often found under the name Black Harrow. Only flowers of both sexes appear on the plant, so a pollinator needs to be nearby. For such purposes, plants with a similar ripening period, but with flowers of both sexes, are suitable.

The clusters are wide-conical, dense, large, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The berries are large, weighing about 7-12 g. Inside there is juicy, slightly tart pulp. The peel is thin but dense. Painted dark blue, almost black.

Delight Black must withstand frosts down to -26 °C. But when planting in the middle zone and northern regions, the plants are covered.

The berries are large, weighing about 7-12 g


Muscat Delight grapes are an ultra-early hybrid. The first full fruiting begins 2-3 years after planting. The grapes are characterized by high yields.

The clusters are shapeless, weighing about 0.4-1 kg. The berries are round, the pulp is dense. The peel is painted white. The taste is pleasant, sweet with a light nutmeg aftertaste. The sugar content is about 25% with an acidity of 7 g/l.

The berries are easily transported. After ripening, they can remain on the vine for up to 1.5 months without loss of taste characteristics. The plant has good immunity to a number of fungal diseases. But this does not mean that preventive treatments should be ignored.

The grapes are characterized by high yields


Delight White is a high-yielding fruit variety with an early ripening period. With proper cultivation and compliance with all rules of agricultural technology, the yield reaches about 120 c/ha.

The growing season is approximately 115 days. The bunches are harvested from the second half of August. The bunches are characterized by good presentation and transportability. The berries are white, sometimes with a greenish tint. The taste is sweet (with a sugar content of 25% and acidity of 9g/l).

The White Delight variety is highly resistant to mildew, gray rot, and oidium. Without shelter, it can withstand temperatures down to -25 °C.

Delight White - high-yielding fruit variety with an early ripening period


Delight Red is another early high-yielding variety. The growing season is 125 days. The bushes are massive and tall. Female type flowers are formed on the plant. When planting only this species, it will not be possible to harvest. For pollination, self-pollinating plants with a similar ripening period are planted nearby.

The clusters are loose, weighing about 550-800 g. The berries are nipple-shaped, weighing 6-8 g. The taste is harmonious and sweet. The peel is thin and pink. Sugar content is 18-23% with an acidity of 8 g/l.

The taste characteristics of the berries do not deteriorate from being on the vine for a long time, but on the contrary, they become better.

Delight Red - another early high-yielding variety


Delight Ideal is a classic version of culture. The berries of this subspecies are smaller in size, but the taste is not inferior to the original. To increase productivity, much attention is paid to irrigation. Be sure to moisten the soil in June. Productivity will increase by 30%, berries will increase in size. The vine rarely gets sick. In winter, the plant does not require shelter. Feeding is carried out only once during the season.

Delight Ideal - a classic version of culture

Baklanovsky oval

Another early ripening hybrid (growing season is 115-125 days) with white or slightly golden berries. The mass of the bunches reaches 900 g. The berries are oval, weighing 6-7 g. The berries contain about 23% sugar.

The Vostorg Baklanovsky oval variety is characterized by good resistance to many diseases: mildew, oidium, gray rot.

The variety Vostorg Baklanovsky is characterized by good resistance to many diseases

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Delight grapes have both positive and negative sides. Therefore, before purchasing seedlings, you need to thoroughly evaluate the pros and cons.


  • high yield rates;
  • early period of maturation;
  • long storage period;
  • tolerates transportation well;
  • excellent product and taste characteristics;
  • high level of resistance to winter frosts;
  • the clusters can remain on the bushes for a long period without loss of taste;
  • in the presence of preventive treatments, they are characterized by high resistance to diseases;
  • high degree of survival of cuttings.

But the plant also has disadvantages:

  • to obtain a good harvest, its rationing is required;
  • weak resistance to leaf phylloxera.

The bunches can remain on the bushes for a long period without loss of taste.
As we can see, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The latter can be eliminated by observing all the rules of agricultural technology.

Landing Features

The success of growing Rapture grapes largely depends on proper planting. Therefore, this issue should be approached carefully.

Recommended timing

Planting grapes can be done both in spring and autumn. Each period has some nuances.

The frost-resistant variety is also suitable for the autumn procedure. During this period, you can not only plant seedlings with a well-developed root system, but also graft into clefts or in other ways. With proper shelter, plants tolerate winter frosts well.

In spring, seedlings adapt faster and take root well. Before the onset of frost, the grapes become a strong, full-fledged plant. In this case, it is important to provide the crop with careful care, in particular, regular watering.

Choosing a suitable location

The grapes easily adapt and take root on any soil. But for full growth and abundant fruiting, the place chosen for planting must meet certain requirements:

  • absence of buildings and fences on the site (it is optimal if they are located on the north side);
  • absence of drafts and cold north wind;
  • southwestern or southern part of the site;

It is better to plant grapes of this variety in the southwestern or southern part of the plot

  • groundwater level - no closer than 2.5 m to the surface;
  • black soil or loose loams.

It is strictly forbidden to plant grapes in wetlands.

Neighborhood with other cultures

Cultures that grow nearby often influence each other and not always positively. Therefore, you should carefully choose plants for the neighboring bed. There are a number of garden crops that will feel great next to grapes, while they will have a beneficial effect on their neighbor:

  • sorrel;
  • garden strawberries;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • currants and raspberries;
  • onion;
  • cauliflower;
  • mint.

Garden strawberries will feel great next to grapes.
Regardless of the choice of neighbor, you should maintain a distance of at least 0.5 m from the grapes.

Selection and preparation of planting material

A large proportion of planting success depends on the quality of seedlings. They purchase planting material exclusively from specialized nurseries or stores. This reduces the risk of purchasing infected copies.

Planting material must meet the following requirements:

  • the root system should be elastic, fresh, well developed;
  • when cut inside, the spine is painted white;
  • When cut, the shoot should be light green.

Before planting, the purchased plants are immersed in Heteroauxin solution for several hours (200 ml of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water).

Site preparation

The area where the grapes will grow is prepared in advance. If the work is planned for spring, then it is prepared in the fall. When planting in autumn, procedures begin 2 months before the expected date.

If the composition of the soil is poor, then 2 years before the expected planting date, the soil begins to be abundantly fed with mineral and organic compounds.

When preparing an area for grapes, weeds are first removed. Spread manure over the surface in a layer of 10 cm. Dig the soil to a depth of 70-80 cm. If the soil is acidic, add wood ash, and add sand to heavy clay soils.

If the soil on the site is acidic, add wood ash

Planting process

When landing directly, a simple algorithm is strictly followed.

  1. For each plant, dig a hole 80*80 cm. A distance of at least 4 m is maintained between the holes.
  2. The first layer on the bottom of the hole is a drainage layer 5-10 cm thick. Brick, pebbles, and crushed stone are used as materials.
  3. A drainage pipe and a small peg are installed in the hole, which will serve as a support.
  4. A bucket of humus, garden soil, wood ash, and superphosphate are poured into the bottom of the hole. The composition is thoroughly mixed so that the roots do not touch the fertilizer.
  5. An artificial hill is formed from fertile soil, on which the seedling is placed so that the root collar is 3-4 cm above the ground level. The roots are straightened and sprinkled with soil on top.
  6. Several buckets of water are poured under the root, soil is added and thoroughly compacted.

Grape planting scheme
The plants are watered from above again. After moisture is absorbed, the tree trunk circle is mulched. The procedure will help retain moisture in the soil and also protect against the rapid growth of weeds.

Growing rules

Although the varieties of this variety have some differences, plants of different types need to be grown and cared for in the same way. Since these grapes are unpretentious, they will not require special attention.

All the winegrower needs to do is follow simple rules:

  1. Landing. The grape variety Delight is propagated by seedlings. Young plants should be planted either in autumn or spring. For planting, choose well-lit areas protected from the wind. If the vine does not have enough sun, you even need to tear off the leaves that create shade, otherwise the berries will not ripen. The soil should be well fertilized, it is better to use mineral complexes. Black soil or light loam is ideal for Delight. The seedlings are planted at a fairly large distance from each other and from other plants in the garden - with an interval of at least 4 meters. The hole for the seedling is dug deep - about 80 cm. An arch is necessary for the correct formation of the vine.

  2. Grape pruning. Like all table varieties, Delight is pruned short. It is optimal to leave 4 eyes on the shoots (including the lowest eye on the vine). It is recommended to prune bushes in the spring.
  3. Watering and fertilizing. After planting the seedlings, several buckets of water should be poured under each of them. Subsequently, you will not have to water the bush, because it tolerates even severe drought. You can feed the vine through drainage; for this I use mineral supplements during the formation of clusters. Although Delight can resist most diseases, the grapes are susceptible to phylloxera infection. Therefore, bushes should be treated with fungicidal preparations twice a year.

Advice! Although there is no need to cover the vine for the winter, some preparation for winter is still carried out. The minimum preparation consists of shortening the shoots by 8-10 buds and bending the vine to the ground (so that it is subsequently covered with snow).

Rules for caring for a vineyard

Caring for grapes Delight lies in following the classical rules of agricultural technology: watering, fertilizing, pruning, loosening. Classic procedures will help you get a full harvest.

Prevention and protection against pests and diseases

The Vostorg variety is characterized by an average level of resistance to diseases, in particular mildew and oidium. But pests such as phylloxera and grape aphids pose a danger. Therefore, annual preventive treatments must be carried out.

Basic principles of combating grape pests and pathogenic microorganisms.

  1. When combating the fungal disease oidium, the greatest effectiveness is shown by treating vineyards with sulfur vapor. Spray plants in dry and warm weather.
  2. To prevent mildew, shoots and excess leaves are periodically removed. The plant should be well ventilated.
  3. If signs of powdery mildew appear, all affected areas are cut off and burned.
  4. To cope with phylloxera, it is necessary to regularly treat the bushes with carbon disulfide or Lindane. The consumption of carbon disulfide per 1 m2 is 70-90 g.
  5. You can get rid of the leaf roller by spraying with any suitable insecticide.

Wasps are no less dangerous for vineyards. They suck out sweet juice through the peel, and pathogenic microorganisms and other insects penetrate into the resulting damage. To combat wasps, poisonous baits are installed (any odorless insecticide is added to the sweet syrup).

To combat wasps, poisonous baits are installed

Birds can also attack grape bunches. You can't kill them. Plastic or metal nets with small cells that are stretched over the vineyards help keep unwanted guests out.

Fishing nets should not be used against birds, as the birds may become entangled and die.


The grape variety Delight is a drought-resistant plant. Watering is carried out depending on the amount and frequency of natural precipitation. The average consumption per plant is 10-15 liters.

But it is imperative to water the grapes several times during the season. These are key growing seasons for the plant.

  • early spring, beginning of sap flow;
  • before flowering begins;
  • beginning of grape ripening;
  • moisture-charging irrigation, which is performed in preparation for winter.

Moisture-charging irrigation, which is performed in preparation for winter

The frequency of watering depends on the growing season. Additional moistening is carried out in June and after flowering; watering is stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

Feeding scheme

During the first year, if planted correctly and the necessary fertilizers are applied, additional feeding of grapes will not be required. Fertilizer application begins in the second year.

An approximate feeding scheme looks like this:

  1. Fertilizers are applied for the first time in early spring before flowering. During this period, the plant grows intensively and increases its green mass, so nitrogen-containing components must be present in the composition. 50 g of nitrophoska and 0.4 g of boric acid are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. After 2.5-3 weeks, fertilizing is repeated. Seedlings are watered with a similar composition.
  3. The vines must be fed one more time before the fruits ripen. At this stage, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus. Dissolve 25 g of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. potassium magnesium and potassium salt. Instead of fertilizers containing potassium, you can use wood ash.

When cultivating grapes, fertilizers are not mixed into the soil in dry form. The plant may suffer serious burns to the root system.

Pruning and shaping the bush

The first year after planting, young vines are practically left untouched. From the second year onwards, sanitary and shaping trimmings are carried out annually. Since Delight is a vigorous variety, procedures are required.

Scheme of fan-shaped grapes

When formative pruning, adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can use short or medium cutting patterns. A maximum of 45 eyes are left on the bush.
  2. When flowering begins, pinch off the tops of the shoots.
  3. After the formation of the ovary begins, the harvest should be normalized. Excess ovaries are removed to prevent overload.

When pruning in autumn and spring, all diseased, dry and damaged shoots should also be removed.

Preparing for winter

Almost all subspecies of the Vostorg grape are characterized by good winter hardiness. They can be safely grown without additional shelter. But for the first few years, young ones should definitely be insulated.

A structure in the shape of a vessel is made over the young plants. It is covered with sand on top or spruce branches are laid. Grown seedlings can be bent to the ground. The prepared plants are covered with peat, spruce branches, straw, and moss on top.

After heavy snowfall, artificial snowdrifts are dug over the vineyards.

Useful properties and applications

The fruits of the “delight” grape contain many antioxidants, iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, vitamins A, C, group B, nicotinic acid, fiber, organic acids, pectin substances.

Benefits of grapes
For menFor womenFor children
Improving potencySupports healthy skin and hairPrevents anemia
Helps fight endothelial and erectile dysfunctionHelps restore the body after serious illnessesStrengthens immunity
Strengthens the walls of blood vesselsFights depressionStimulates the formation of bone and connective tissue
Eliminates harmful free radicalsImproves metabolismHelps protect vision

Since “delight” belongs to the group of table grapes, the main purpose of its fruits is fresh consumption. They are also suitable for processing and making juices, preserves, jams and even wines.

Harvest and storage

The harvest begins at the end of August. In the middle zone, the berries are ready for picking already on the 15th-18th. But more accurate harvesting depends on the growing region and weather conditions of the current season.

With proper harvesting of berries, the fruits can be stored for a long time (up to 3 months) in the refrigerator or cellar. The dense peel perfectly protects the pulp; the berries are not damaged even during transportation.

The harvest begins at the end of August

Possible diseases and pests, ways to get rid of them

Delight has good immunity to any fungal infections and, with good care, is not prone to developing gray mold, mildew (downy mildew) or powdery mildew. Despite this, preventive spraying against diseases is recommended on a par with other varieties. It is especially important to follow this rule during the rainy, cloudy season.

The Delight variety may suffer from phylloxera. To protect plantings from pests, insect-resistant rootstock is used. When plants are infested with American aphids, the bushes are sprayed with special insecticides or treated with carbon disulfide in a concentration of no more than 90 ml per square meter. Severely affected plants will have to be uprooted and burned, and the soil, even after treatment, cannot be used for vineyards for several more years.

Ways to get rid of major grape infections:

  1. To prevent diseases, bushes are regularly thinned, shoots and excess leaves are removed, providing Delight with good ventilation.
  2. Prevention of possible infections is carried out in May, and then repeated after the appearance of the ovary. To do this, spray the bushes with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Common garden aphids and leaf rollers can be removed using Fitoverm, and for large volumes of damage, chemical insecticides such as Actellica are used.
  4. For powdery mildew, especially in hot years, it is recommended to fumigate vineyards with sulfur vapor.

Despite the high sugar content of the fruit, wasps are practically indifferent to Delight berries. Its dense peel protects against insects and prevents the berries from cracking, attracting pests.

Comparison with other varieties

There are many grape varieties with similar characteristics. In some ways, Rapture surpasses them.

Characteristics /
Variety name
Delight Augustine grapes, description grapes Aleshenkin
Maturation period110-120 days115-125 days110-115 days
Yield indicatorsup to 50 kg per plantup to 60 kg per bushup to 10 kg per plant
Bunch weightup to 2 kgup to 0.8 kgup to 0.5 kg
Taste characteristicssweet with nutmeg notesharmonious taste with nutmeg aromasweet, harmonious with nutmeg aroma
Berry colorwhite with green tintgreen-yellowamber white with patina
Sugar content19-26%17-19%17-20%
Acidity5-9 g/l6-7 g/l3-6 g/l
Frost resistanceup to -25 °Cup to -24 °Cup to -26 °C
Disease resistancehighhighlow
Shelf life2-3 months2-3 weeksup to 1 month

As you can see, the Vostorg grape variety stands out significantly for its characteristics, and therefore is in great demand among amateur gardeners and farmers.

The Vostorg grape variety is an excellent option for growing berries for sale or for personal use. Plants do not require complex care and adapt well even in northern regions with difficult weather conditions. But there is an unpleasant point that cannot be ignored - the tendency to be affected by phylloxera. But if you follow all the preventive rules, you may not encounter a pest.


It is considered an early grape variety. The entire ripening process, from the appearance of the first ovaries to harvest, takes about 110-125 days .

Early varieties also include Preobrazhenie, Gordey and Violet Ranny.

It can be planted both in spring and autumn. It does well in a warm, sunny location with light, well-drained soil.

When planting, one should take into account the greater vigor of growth and allocate a sufficiently large area of ​​land for its cultivation.

With proper formation of the bush and normalization of the load on the vine, it brings a consistently high yield every year. Typically, up to 250 centners .

Stability of harvests will also be ensured by Asya, Shakhtar and Gala.

This variety has extremely high winter hardiness and can withstand frosts down to –25-26 C . In the south of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, you don’t need to wrap up for the winter.

In the northern regions, winter shelter is a must.

In addition to winter hardiness, it boasts good resistance to diseases and pests.

It is absolutely resistant to such dangerous diseases as mildew and oidium, is not attacked by wasps and birds, and is not damaged by phylloxera. Unfortunately, it can often be damaged by gray mold.

It will not hurt to carry out the prevention of diseases such as anthracnose, chlorosis, bacteriosis and rubella.

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