Cucumbers Real man: characteristics and description of the variety. Cucumber Real Man F1: reviews, photos, yield, growing secrets

History of selection

The hybrid “Real Man” owes its appearance to the specialists of Russian agro (Domodedovo) and. N. Dubinina, S. V. Dubinin and A. N. Lukyanenko. Since 2010 it has been in the state register of selection achievements.

Growing regions

Recommended regions for cultivation: Northern, Volga-Vyatka, Central, Middle Volga, North-West, North Caucasus and Central Black Earth.

Harm and contraindications when consuming cucumbers

Whatever we say about some of the harmful properties of green vegetables, there are still many more benefits from it. But let's talk about in what cases it brings unpleasant sensations.

  1. Individual intolerance. No matter how strange it may sound, there are still a small number of people who have an allergic reaction to cucumbers. If, after consumption, a rash occurs, skin redness, itchy eyes, sore throat, swelling, discard this wonderful product and consult a doctor for adequate allergy treatment.
  2. Gallstone and urolithiasis in the acute phase is also a contraindication for eating cucumbers.
  3. If you have liver disease, you should not include salted or pickled cucumbers in your diet.
  4. Increased acidity, gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers - cucumber juice can cause pain and nausea.
  5. Nursing mothers should be careful with the consumption of cucumbers - if they enter the baby's body through milk, they can cause diarrhea and colic.
  6. If you have high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, tendencies toward Alzheimer's disease, or memory and thinking problems, it is not recommended to eat pickled cucumbers.

Description of the cucumber variety Real Man

The variety Real Man belongs to mid-season crops. Technical ripeness of cucumbers occurs after 55 days. The crop is a hybrid, so the greens are not left until fully ripe to obtain seeds. Seed material is purchased from the manufacturer:

  • The cucumber bush of the "Real Man" variety is voluminous and branches out greatly. The leaves are large and green. When forming a bush, remove the leaves that shade the fruits and soil;
  • Inflorescences of different sexes are formed on the stem, but most of the flowers are of the female type. Pollination is required for the ovary to form;
  • the green leaf has an elongated, cylindrical shape. The peel is green, with short, light stripes. There are large, frequent tubercles on the surface. The edge is dense, light;
  • The Real Man cucumber weighs 300 g. According to gardeners, the variety is productive. Productivity in open ground is more than 9 kg/m2. Under film cover, more than 11 kg;
  • the plant exhibits high resistance to powdery mildew, mosaic, and cladosporiosis.

To grow cucumbers, a spring, unheated greenhouse is installed. If the garden is small, it is not possible to observe crop rotation when choosing a site, then it is necessary to pay special attention to soil preparation.

If you plant cucumbers in the same area, the plants may suffer from typical infectious diseases. There is a risk of infection by insects that usually parasitize cucumbers. Normally, plants of the same family are planted in the same area every 3-4 years.

Distinctive features

“Real Man F1” is a hybrid of medium and early maturation. This connection allows you to harvest almost all summer. The main thing is to choose the right seeds, process them and carry out all care measures.

Description of the hybrid:

  • cultivation is possible in open areas and in greenhouses;
  • the appearance of fruits begins on the 48th day;
  • large strong leaves;
  • nodular formation of the ovaries.

Appearance of fruits:

  • cylindrical shape;
  • elongated (30-40 cm in length), narrow in diameter greens (see photo);
  • narrowed upper part without spikes and bumps;
  • on the main surface there are large tubercles with small spines.

Advice: It is better to wear gloves when picking fruits, so as not to injure your hands on the prickly thorns.

Cucumbers are developed as a salad variety, but they are also used in canning. The pulp is dense, crispy, with a small amount of seeds. “A real man” is not afraid of cloudy, non-sunny days and tolerates shade well.

If you follow all the care rules, the harvest will last more than 3 months.

Features of the bush and fruits

The cucumber bushes of the described hybrid grow tall. They have many large dark green leaves. Flowering is mainly of the female type. From 1 to 3 nodes are formed on one node. The fruits are elongated, with many large tubercles. The average weight of one cucumber reaches 300-400 g, length - 25-40 cm. The skin of the fruit is dark green with short white stripes, pubescent, with white prickly spines. The pulp is characterized by strength, juiciness, and sweet taste. There are no voids in it. There are very few seeds.

Composition, benefits, calorie content

In summer, cucumbers are the most common vegetable on our menu. It consists of 95% water, but at the same time it has a fairly rich and healthy composition:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B9, C, H, PP, E, A;
  • magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • essential oils.

Cucumbers are rightly called a low-calorie dietary product. They contain only 14 kcal per 100 g.

Useful qualities of cucumbers:

  • removal of waste and toxins from the body, which is especially important for residents of megacities;
  • getting rid of radionuclides - useful for those who have been exposed to radiation;
  • supporting heart function, strengthening blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • regulation of the gastrointestinal tract - acceleration of metabolism, cleansing of the intestines;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • support the nervous system, protection from stress;
  • moisturizing, skin whitening;
  • fight against excess weight.

Despite the obvious benefits, it is recommended to consume no more than 1.5 kg of cucumbers per day and not at one time.

A little history of the cucumber

Elastic to the touch and juicy inside, with a characteristic green color on the outside and light green, almost white inside, the cucumber contains many seeds. If it is overripe, it resembles pumpkin and melon in appearance, but we use it as if in an unripe state. But in a fresh cucumber you can’t feel the seeds, but let you enjoy the barely perceptible compacts.

As it turned out, the vegetable that is familiar to us, which we include in food in fresh, canned and other forms, has been present in human life for more than 6 thousand years. The wild plant was first domesticated in India, then the vegetable migrated to Asian countries, Egypt and Europe. Thus, the cucumber took a victorious step to all parts of the planet. Some will argue that it does not grow in Antarctica and the Arctic. If you install a greenhouse, bring in soil and grow it using modern technologies, the cucumber will grow there too. After all, the technology of growing in greenhouse conditions arose in ancient times, so in the cold seasons the inhabitants of Byzantium received a harvest, from where the tasty fruit came to the tables of our Russian ancestors.

The fact that cucumber is very good for health was already known in those days. Therefore, everything was used - pulp, peel, juice of the plant.

Hybrid characteristics

The bush is long, climbing, with large dark green leaves. From one to three ovaries are formed in one node. It is better to place the hybrid vertically on trellises or netting to obtain straight fruits.

Cucumbers are long, up to 40 cm, weighing 300-400 g. They are smooth and narrow at the base, pimply and prickly in the middle. Therefore, they harvest with gloves. The pulp is juicy and dense, containing almost no ripe seeds.

8-10 kg are collected from one square meter. A mid-early hybrid allows you to harvest all summer. Cucumbers with a pronounced taste and aroma are intended for salads, but are also suitable for pickles when sliced.

Disease resistance

The hybrid has strong immunity and practically does not suffer from VOM, MR, and also shows tolerance to peronosporosis.

The real man F1 has proven itself well both in small farmsteads and on large plots. Spectacular greens are in constant demand and are grown for commercial sales.

Flowering and ripening times

Flowering occurs about a month after the first shoots emerge. The hybrid is characterized by early ripening - 48–54 days pass from the appearance of sprouts to harvest. Fruiting is long - lasts about three months.

Reviews from gardeners

“I buy cucumber seeds “Real Man F1” because I love lightly salted summer vegetables. I cut the cucumbers into pieces and pickle them. The fruits have a special shade of taste and aroma. I recommend it to all lovers of lightly salted vegetables.” Svetlana, 38 years old.

“I liked the variety for its tolerance to cloudy weather. Summer in our area is short and rarely brings sunshine. It is warm mainly in July. A “real man” is not afraid of bad weather. The harvest remains the same from year to year. The fruits lie in the refrigerator for a long time without changing their taste.” Tatyana, 45 years old.

“The cucumbers are strong and long. I collect it by the outstretched neck. I put it like a woodpile in a special vase that sits on the table on the veranda so that everyone can crunch during the day. The remaining cucumbers go into the evening salad. The variety produces a harvest every day.” Olga, 39 years old.

Features of agricultural technology

Real Man cucumbers love light, moist soil with a low acidity level. Gardeners recommend covering the plants for the first time, and growing them outdoors as warm days arrive. The variety is pollinated by insects, so during flowering it is necessary to provide bees with free access.

Best predecessors:

  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • carrot.

Change of landing site - every 5 years. If a stationary greenhouse is installed for cucumbers, a complete change of soil is carried out. Rotted manure is used as fertilizer. For planting, holes or furrows are made in which the seeds are placed, deepening them by 2-4 cm. The distance between the seeds and rows is 7-10 cm.

It is recommended to place plants on nets/trellises. The main stem is pulled out, leaving the ovaries suspended. With this arrangement, cucumbers receive more light and oxygen, making harvesting easier. The maximum length of the greens is 40 cm, but it is not necessary to wait for such stretching. Agronomists advise harvesting fruits when they reach 25 cm in length. From one bush, according to reviews, you can collect up to 10 kg.

Growing seedlings

With the seedling method of growing, the seeds are sown in early April in separate pots. It is recommended to germinate them before sowing. To germinate, the seeds are carefully laid out on damp gauze or a paper napkin.

The container with soaked seed material is placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least +25°. After 2-3 days, sprouts appear. After this, you can immediately begin sowing.

Attention! Cucumbers do not tolerate transplantation very well. Therefore, sowing seeds must be carried out in individual containers.

For sowing, prepare a loose, nutritious, moisture-absorbing substrate. The soil mixture can be composed as follows:

  • 3 parts humus,
  • 2 parts of turf land,
  • 1 part clean river sand.

After sprouting, you need to water the cucumbers in a timely manner with warm water. It is better to take rainwater, well water, or settle tap water. Cucumber seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the last frost, at the age of 25-30 days.

Useful composition of cucumber

The product we are describing is a low calorie champion. 100 grams of cucumber contain only 14 kcal, which is the reason for its inclusion in the diet during fasting days for weight loss. But we'll talk about this later. Now about the beneficial composition of cucumber, which includes substances such as vitamins B, A, C, PP.

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  1. 95 percent of it consists of structured water that is very beneficial for the human body. This liquid, like a brush, washes our kidneys and removes toxins, waste, heavy metal salts and decay products from the body. It is for this reason that cucumbers are recommended for people working in radioactive and chemical plants. The list of beneficial substances includes chlorophylls, sugars, organic acids, essential oils and starch.
  2. The vegetable also contains magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, beta-carotene, folic acid, etc.
  3. Cucumbers are record holders for the content of coarse fiber, fiber, which gently and gently cleanses the intestines of fecal stones and toxins, stimulates peristalsis, and regulates metabolism.
  4. Inclusion in a regular diet can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, which naturally affects the regulation of the body’s hormonal levels.
  5. Cucumbers and cucumber juice easily neutralize harmful acids and normalize the acid-base balance.
  6. Antioxidants in vegetables help reduce acidity, the level of fat deposits, and prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol due to sterols.
  7. Cucumber juice and its pulp are a choleretic and laxative with a mild, gentle effect. Vegetable enzymes quickly break down carbohydrates and help digest protein - for this reason, cucumber salad is recommended as a side dish for fatty dishes.
  8. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the function of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
  9. Magnesium calms the nervous system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, regulates blood flow and pressure, and helps prevent ischemia and atherosclerosis.
  10. Iodine is responsible for the functions of the thyroid gland and has anti-sclerotic properties, stimulates the functioning of the entire endocrine system of our body.
  11. A colossal amount of ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system; in this case, it is better to choose small cucumbers.
  12. Cucumber juice helps with gout, as it effectively removes uric acid from the body.
  13. Phosphorus, like magnesium, calms the nerves, relieves depression, stress, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, normalizes sleep and eliminates insomnia.
  14. Potassium helps the structural fluid of the vegetable enter and be cleansed by the cells and relieves swelling.
  15. Cucumbers are indicated for urolithiasis, they remove sand and improve the process of urination.

Important: scientists strongly recommend that you love cucumbers with a bitter taste. Saponin substances called steroidal cucurbitacin are an excellent prevention of cancer.

Planting cucumbers A real man

Real man cucumbers are grown by seedlings and seeds. The first method allows you to get earlier harvests. The second is suitable for warm climates.

Selecting a location

The optimal place for growing cucumbers is a well-lit area, protected from drafts. It is advisable to place the beds in a certain direction - west-east. In this case, all bushes will be evenly illuminated throughout the day.

Important! When planting Real Man cucumbers, the rules of crop rotation are taken into account. Suitable previous crops: onions, garlic, white cabbage, tomatoes.

Soil preparation

After harvesting, the area for cucumbers is cleared of old vegetation and weeds. Usually the bed is dug up in the fall, but it is recommended to first treat the soil with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture, 2 l/m2.

These products have antiseptic characteristics, prevent the development of fungus and pathogenic bacteria, and are harmful to insects.

The bed is improved, humus is added, 10-20 kg/m2. Throughout the growing season, cucumbers consume a lot of nutrients from the soil. The chemical composition must be restored. In autumn, apply manure, 1 kg/m2 or peat 5 kg/m2. Ash is introduced as a mineral fertilizer and fungicide, up to 500 g/m2.

With cold weather, insects climb into the ground; fall into suspended animation. In spring they come to the surface and parasitize plants. To prevent the emergence of garden pests, the area is sprayed with the pesticide “Prestige”, “Fufanon” or “Nitrophoska”, “Azofoska” is applied.

To restore the mineral composition of the soil, fertilizers are introduced. Use potassium salt, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate. Some plant growers irrigate the soil with “Potassium Humates” or the “Baikal” preparation.

Folk remedies include a mixture of crushed eggshells and pine needles. The shell contains a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other chemical elements.

The needles are distinguished not only by their rich mineral composition, but also by their antiseptic properties. The smell of pine needles repels insects.

To improve the soil structure and normalize acidity, biofertilizers are introduced: “Shine-1”, “Gift of Fertility”, “Weaving of Chernozem”. Bacteria promote better rotting of vegetation residues and weed seeds.

When using biofertilizers, you can apply manure that is not fully mature. In the fall, the area is dug up without destroying the lumps.

Preparation of planting material

Compliance with the requirements when working with seeds determines the full development of the crop and affects the yield. Main stages of preparing the material:

  1. Selection of full-bodied cucumber seeds. They are soaked in slightly salted water for about 5 minutes. The seeds that have settled to the bottom are washed and dried.
  2. Disinfection. Seeds of Real Man cucumbers are kept for 25-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and washed.
  3. Hardening. The planting material is wrapped in a moistened cloth and placed in the cold for several days.
  4. Treatment with nutrient mixtures. It is better to use special solutions - Epin, Immunocytophyte.
  5. Germination is the final stage that accelerates the germination of seed after planting. Planting material is kept in a damp cloth for up to 3 days at room temperature. In this case, the fabric should not dry out.

Sowing technology

Cucumbers are planted in two ways. In the first case, seedlings are first grown indoors and then moved to an open garden bed. After such planting, cucumbers bear fruit earlier. With the seedless method, seeds are directly sown in open ground. Let us dwell on the details of the last method, applicable in regions with warm climates.

For sowing cucumbers, it is necessary to select an area that is well lit and warmed by the rays of the sun, and protected from drafts. The recommended location of the beds for proper lighting and friendly fruiting is from north to south. When growing cucumbers, it is important to adhere to the rules of crop rotation.

Sowing technology

Cucumbers are planted in two ways. In the first case, seedlings are first grown indoors and then moved to an open garden bed. After such planting, cucumbers bear fruit earlier. With the seedless method, seeds are directly sown in open ground. Let us dwell on the details of the last method, applicable in regions with warm climates.

For sowing cucumbers, it is necessary to select an area that is well lit and warmed by the rays of the sun, and protected from drafts. The recommended location of the beds for proper lighting and friendly fruiting is from north to south. When growing cucumbers, it is important to adhere to the rules of crop rotation.

According to them, this crop needs to be planted in beds where the following previously grew:

  • cabbage;
  • salad;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes.

Important! There is no need to rush into sowing cucumbers. If a heat-loving plant is exposed to cold temperatures or even frost, it will stop growing and may die.

The risk of developing diseases and pest attacks, as well as reducing yield, increases if the plant is planted after:

  • cucumbers;
  • carrots;
  • zucchini;
  • melon crops.

Cucumbers grow well in fertilized light and loose soil that has neutral acidity.
Before sowing, the area must be prepared. This is done in 2 stages: autumn and spring. In autumn, the area is cleared of plant debris and dug well. Then they dig a trench to a depth of 20–25 cm and a width of 70 cm. In its center, a ditch 30–35 cm deep is made, into which leaves, peat, sawdust, straw, and grass are placed in a layer 15 cm high. Fresh manure is placed in the next layer. In the spring, a layer of soil fertilized with minerals is placed on it. Then the bed is covered with film on the arcs in order to warm it up.

Find out more about planting cucumbers in open ground.

If autumn preparation has not been carried out, then in the spring, 2-3 weeks before planting, rotted manure, mullein, chicken droppings or compost with wood ash and nitrophoska are added to the site. To warm up, the bed is also covered with film.

Since Real Man is a hybrid, its seeds can only be purchased in a specialized store. Those collected with your own hands or purchased second-hand are not suitable for planting, since they do not retain the qualities of the mother plant.

The purchased seeds do not need to be treated or soaked; the manufacturer has already taken care of this. Sowing should be carried out from the last ten days of May to the first ten days of June (depending on the region and climatic conditions). The earth at a depth of 12 cm should already warm up to +15°C at this time, and the air during the day should warm up to +18... +26°C. The procedure is planned for a calm, sunny day. Before the procedure, the prepared furrow is watered generously.

Planting seeds in open ground:

  • Sowing is done in previously prepared and fertilized soil. This is done after the threat of frost has been eliminated.
  • 4-6 seeds are placed in each furrow at a distance of 7-10 cm. They are sprinkled with earth on top. Leave 50-70 cm between furrows.
  • Before germination, the soil is moistened, but not flooded.
  • Shoots appear in seven to 14 days.
  • Then they are thinned out, leaving 3-4 of the strongest shoots in the furrow.

Video: planting cucumber seeds in open ground

We grow seedlings:

  • We fill the pots with disinfected soil (potassium permanganate or in the oven), peat ones work well.
  • Sow 1-3 seeds in each to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  • Before sprouting, we moisten the soil well. We maintain the temperature +21°C. The Real Man's germination rate is approximately 70%.
  • If these conditions are met, sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks. Shoots need full lighting.
  • Do not overuse fertilizers. When the plants grow to the first two leaves, they are picked and left one at a time in the pot.
  • Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, they are taken outside for hardening. Until acclimatization is complete, she should avoid direct sunlight, cold and wind.

Caring for cucumbers A real man

Cucumber beds should always be free of weeds. During the first 3 weeks, while the plants are small, we carefully loosen the soil to a depth of 2-4 cm. In the future, loosening must be carried out at least once a week.

During growth and fruit formation, cucumbers need a lot of water. To obtain the highest yield, water using warm water: before flowering - every 6-8 days, during fruiting - every 3-4 days.

You cannot water cucumbers this way: the water should fall on the soil, not on the plants. If the water does not seep through well, use a pitchfork to make punctures between the rows; such loosening will not disturb the root system of the plants. You cannot water the cucumbers with a strong stream from a hose; you only need to water the soil, not the plants themselves.


Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants. In case of moisture deficiency, they become brittle, and the fruits are less juicy and small. But at the same time, the plant also does not tolerate waterlogging, which leads to lightening of the foliage, stopping the growth of vines and reducing productivity. When watering, it is important not only to establish the optimal frequency and volume, but also to achieve regularity. If plants grow under conditions of changes in moisture, the fruits may be bitter.

Before flowering, it is recommended to carry out one moistening every 5–7 days, using 3–6 liters of water per 1 m². During fruiting, watering is increased to once every 2-3 days. The volume of liquid is increased to 6–12 liters. Moisturizing is done with a watering can in the evening or early morning. When carrying out the procedure, you need to ensure that moisture does not get on the ground organs of the plant.

Top dressing

To increase the yield and proper development of cucumbers, they are fed with fertilizers. The best way for this crop is to alternate organic matter (mullein) and mineral mixtures (ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, superphosphate).

During the season it is recommended to apply 3 root dressings:

  • at the moment of appearance of 2-3 leaves;
  • after 14–18 days;
  • before closing the lashes.

If necessary, they also resort to foliar feeding. One of the commonly used compositions is a mixture of superphosphate (12 g), potassium chloride (7 g), urea (5 g), water (10 l)

For the first time, we feed the cucumbers at the beginning of their flowering with the following solution: add 1 teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate to 10 liters of water, mix and add a glass of mushy mullein. Instead of a glass of mullein, you can take 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium humate.

During the fruiting period of cucumbers grown in open ground, they need to be fed about 4 times. We make the first fertilizing with a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska and a glass of mushy chicken droppings. And all the subsequent ones are like this: to 10 liters of water add 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 0.5 liters of mullein, 4-6 liters of solution will be needed per 1 m². If there is no droppings and mullein, they can be easily replaced with the compositions “Breadwinner”, “Fertility”, “Ideal” (all of which are natural humic fertilizers) or simply sodium humate.

Cucumbers for the beauty of the female body

Is it worth spending a lot of money to improve the condition of the skin, its elasticity and velvety? After all, vegetables growing under your feet are an excellent medicine, in all respects. Among the leaders, cucumbers occupy a respectable place.

Since ancient times, women have used the vegetable not only as a food product, but also as a cosmetic product. The substances it contains and structured water tones the skin, tightens it, cleanses it of blackheads, relieves inflammation and rejuvenates it, removing fine wrinkles.

  1. Vitamin B – natural collagen – removes excess subcutaneous fat, inflammation, treats rashes and removes acne.
  2. Acids with a gentle effect even out skin color and level out pigmentation, freckles and are great for any skin type - dry, oily and mixed.
  3. Cucumber infusions and lotions stimulate hair growth, restore its structure, silkiness and thickness.

Important: cucumber juice is a great help for thermal and sunburn. To do this, you need to apply lotions with juice or cut peel to the body.

Harvesting and application

Subject to all growing conditions, a real man produces an excellent harvest. First of all, it is used to prepare daily summer salads.

They have proven themselves well in the preparation of lightly salted snacks in sliced ​​form. They also make winter salads with tomatoes and other vegetables and spices.

What diseases do cucumbers treat?

To summarize the benefits of cucumbers as a vegetable with a colossal amount of useful substances, we suggest memorizing the list of diseases for which it is recommended to include the vegetable in the diet. It will help with:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis;
  • thyroid diseases – hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.;
  • colitis;
  • skin diseases, rashes, burns, inflammatory processes;
  • constipation;
  • elevated blood pressure – hypertension;
  • ischemia, atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • bronchitis;
  • diabetes, etc.

Diseases and pests

As already noted, the hybrid Real Man has strong immunity to many diseases, but weakly resists peronospora or downy mildew. The main symptom of infection is oily spots on the leaves. To prevent this disease in the garden, it is necessary to disinfect the soil before planting with potassium permanganate (1%) and copper sulfate (3%). The drugs “Acrobat MC” (50 g/10 l of water), “Alirin B” (2 tablets/10 l), “Oxychom” (15 g/5 l), “Quadris” (0.2%, 0) are effective for treatment. ,1%).

Among the pests that pose a danger to cucumbers are:

  1. Sprout fly. The larvae of this insect cause enormous damage to seeds and young plants. To get rid of it, you need to treat it with insecticides “Zenkor”, “Hurricane Forte”, “Iskra”, which is carried out 3 times.
  2. Spider mite. This insect attacks cucumbers when it is hot and dry outside. Its presence is indicated by cobwebs on the vines and foliage. There are small holes on the top leaf plate. Soon the leaves dry out. Fundazol, Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Actofit, Fufanon, and colloidal sulfur are used against ticks.
  3. Aphid. Symptoms of infection: curling of leaves, falling of flowers and foliage. If the number of insects is small, treat with a soap solution, sprinkle the beds with wood ash, or an ash-tobacco mixture. In case of severe infection, they resort to the use of the drugs “Inta-Vir” and “Decis”.
  4. Thrips. These small insects settle on leaves and drink plant sap. As a result, you can see small punctures on them. With minor damage, treatment with folk remedies, for example, infusion of onion peels, helps. In case of mass damage, spraying with “chemistry” is necessary: ​​“Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, “Iskra M”, “Commander Maxi”.
  5. Nematode. Small worms, called nematodes, live underground and infect the root system, leading to the appearance of growths on the roots, improper development of the plant, and a decrease in the quality and volume of the harvest. Cucumbers look depressed, their leaves are twisted. If the damage is severe, the plant will need to be disposed of. If infection is detected in a timely manner, when the roots are not severely damaged, treatments with Mercaptophos, Phosfamide, and BI-58 will help.

What are the benefits of cucumbers for men?

The cleansing, restorative and tonic effect stimulates metabolic processes and strengthens a man’s immune system. Scientists point to the antirheumatic properties of the vegetable and strongly recommend consuming it fresh at any time of the year.

  1. A serious problem in men's health is visceral fat, which accumulates in the abdominal area. Due to the inhibition of metabolic processes, cleansing processes, a state of stagnation and impaired blood flow, negative processes arise in the genitourinary system, oncological diseases develop, etc. Consumption of cucumbers allows you to lose excess weight, burn visceral fats and protect yourself from male diseases.
  2. When mixed with carrots, cucumbers cope well with gout, and are also used to prevent the disease due to the accumulation of uric acid.
  3. Consumption of the vegetable allows you to maintain the thickness and fluffiness of your hair longer and nourish the hair follicles with useful substances.

I recommend reading: Baldness (alopecia) in men.

Important: you should not overuse cucumber juices; taking 100 grams of juice at a time or exceeding the daily dose (1 liter) disrupts the body’s water balance, and dangerous consequences arise.

The best recipes with cucumbers

As soon as you wash and cut the elastic green vegetable, a stunning, refreshing and appetizing aroma immediately spreads throughout the house. We are happy to crumble it into a salad, marinated and salted to complement the exquisite taste of cold meat appetizers. Even better - just cut a fresh cucumber into two parts, add a little salt and rub against each other until light foam and crunch, crunch. I wonder if there was at least one reader whose mouth wasn't watering? Hardly! Let's look at the best dishes with cucumbers that can be prepared quickly and help improve your health and lose extra pounds.

Salad with fresh vegetables

If anyone is expecting the “discovery of America,” then don’t. We'll just make our favorite summer salad again, for which you need to cut washed fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers into half rings. Add chopped green onions, dill, parsley. For dressing, mix a tablespoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of honey and wine vinegar. Mix and eat with spoons!

Okroshka is healthy

This dish should be prepared with fresh, medium-fat kefir. We will need:

  • 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 6 boiled eggs;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 6-7 fresh cucumbers;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt, pepper, sour cream and kefir to taste.

If you decide to replace it with boiled sausage, then you should use doctor’s sausage, which must first be boiled for about 10 minutes. Cut all ingredients into small cubes, chop the greens and pour kefir, add salt and pepper to taste, chop the greens. The described composition is very beneficial for the body and is an excellent detox dish. If you remove potatoes from the list or reduce them to a minimum, you can lose up to 3 kilograms per week on such a tasty diet. Of course, you should eat without bread and not an ounce of salt.

Lightly salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

Prepare a food plastic bag, a kilogram of fresh small cucumbers, a bunch of parsley, dill, 4-5 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper.

Wash the cucumbers and cut into slices (slices), add chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Place everything in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

It is impossible to list all the beneficial properties and culinary masterpieces of your favorite vegetable. There is no need to be sophisticated - it is important that the product is fresh and coexists in the dish with healthy ingredients - tomatoes, herbs, peppers and vegetable oil. And the best part is that you can eat without any restrictions in quantity and without any marks on your figure!

Bye everyone. Best regards, Vyacheslav.

How to grow, select and store cucumbers

Gardeners who dream of a good harvest of cucumbers should prepare the soil in advance. It is advisable to enrich it with fertilizers and ash. You need to plant in warm weather, about 2 weeks after the onset of warm nights and a month after the last frost. Before planting, water the holes with warm, almost hot water. Now there are a lot of varieties that are not susceptible to bitterness, barren flowers: Nezhinsky, Muromsky, Nosovsky, Aist, Era, Arina, Voyage, etc.

Important: if you want to use seeds from your own harvest next year, choose packages marked F1.

You need to plant the seeds with their nose pointing up so that the sprouts do not cling to the ground and are not disturbed by the peel. The soil of cucumbers should always be almost moist. With a lack of water, the fruits curl, turn yellow and are unfit for consumption. Collect as desired - it all depends on the preferred size. But the healthiest and tastiest fruits are small and medium-sized ones.

Storing cucumbers

This product, unfortunately, cannot be stored for a long time. Maximum 7 days in the top section of the refrigerator. For this reason, cucumbers grown in Asian countries or in greenhouses are sold on market shelves in spring, late autumn and winter. When choosing, you should pay attention to external characteristics and aroma. The strong, elastic fruits with a characteristic odor can be eaten, but it is not advisable to give them to children. It is important to ensure that the product contains a minimum of pesticides and nitrates.

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