Gardener's lunar calendar for October 2022

When it's October on the calendar, you can't help but think about the upcoming cold weather. In some regions of our country there are practically no leaves on the trees, but in Kuban the trees are still green. But still, even we, southerners, know that real cold is just around the corner and we need to prepare our gardens for winter. The lunar calendar for October 2022 will tell you favorable days for various gardening activities. The moon in October 2022 is favorable to increased soil care and fertilizing with inorganic fertilizers.

Favorable and unfavorable sowing days in October 2022

The table shows suitable and prohibited numbers for planting various crops.

Vegetable cropFavorable datesProhibited dates
Cabbage 1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13, 16-18, 23-31 6, 7, 20, 21
Tomatoes1-5 (until 15:41), 16-18
Greenery1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13,16-18, 23-31
cucumbers 3-5 (until 15:41), 8-11, 16-18
Onion 1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13, 16-18, 23-31
Garlic 1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13, 16-18, 23-31
Carrots, parsley, celery 1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13, 16-18, 23-31
Radish, radish

Lunar calendar for planting by day

♊ OCTOBER 25, Monday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:03. GEMINI
until 24:00
Moon without course from 17:11 to 23:59

Today you can go to an agricultural store and buy seedlings and bulbs of indoor plants. If necessary, you can fertilize the soil. It is good to whitewash shrubs and trees; whitewashing in the fall brings much greater benefits than in the spring. Autumn whitewashing

protects tree trunks from insects that have settled on tree bark for the winter, protects against the formation of ice and hungry hares that will not eat bark covered with lime.

Check the condition of garden flowers, collect dried tops, remove old leaves and dried inflorescences, trim perennial plants

, sprinkle them with sawdust to protect them from the cold. If there are still fresh flowers on your site - chrysanthemums or asters, make a composition out of them so that it will delight you at home.


: If necessary, you can trim dry flower branches and fertilize the soil.

What is better not to do

? plant leafy vegetables and herbs.


: It is better not to water the plants.

♋ OCTOBER 26, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 19:47. CANCER
from 00:00
A suitable day for sowing cabbage before winter. Experienced summer residents have noticed that if you plant cabbage in the fall, it will reach the table earlier than usual

, and in the spring the time that is so necessary during this period will be freed up.
Cabbage sown in October does not need watering in the spring; it is fed with moisture from melting snow, and the sprouts sprout strong and strong. Cabbage gains strength, hardens and is not as tender as when planted in the spring. The vegetable has excellent immunity
and juicy taste.


: The day can be devoted to spraying flowers to protect against pests.
Use proven drugs for these purposes: “Fitoverm”, “Akarin”, “Bankol”, “Tanrek” or “Karbofos”.
What is better not to do

? do home canning; plant root crops.


: good time for watering.

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♋ OCTOBER 27, Wednesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 20:46. CANCER

This day can be used to water the trees if your weather conditions require it. Trees may require autumn watering during dry summers.

. Also on this day it is good to start treating the garden from pests and diseases.


: water and spray the plants, just keep in mind that during this period the flowers do not need abundant watering. Pay attention to the condition of the soil; it should not smell bad or be coated.

What is better not to do

? do home canning; plant root crops.


: good time for watering.

OLD MOON from 23:05

♋♌ OCTOBER 28, Thursday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 21:57. CANCER

LEO from 12:07
Moon without course from 09:02 to 12:06

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 23:05

Morning, before 9:00, is suitable for protection from pests. If serious frosts have not yet struck, you can protect the trunks from rodents

You can tie the trees with spruce branches, metal mesh or other materials. After leaf fall, treat the trees with Bordeaux mixture
, which helps get rid of dangerous fungi.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What is better not to do

? plant, replant any plants; trim trees and shrubs.


: good time for watering is before 12:07.

♌ OCTOBER 29, Friday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 23:15. A LION

Start collecting cold-resistant root vegetables, remove pumpkins, turnips, white cabbage, rutabaga, turnips, leeks, parsley, and horseradish from the garden.

Think about how you will store the crop, for example, parsley can be frozen, leeks need to be thoroughly cleaned of yellow tops and soil and placed in boxes with
clean sand.
Cabbage is also perfectly stored in sand, but only the stalk is placed, and not the whole vegetable. In order for all vegetables to be successfully preserved, monitor the temperature and humidity in the basement, and take care of a good ventilation system.


: If necessary, you can fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers.


: acceptable if necessary.

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♌♍ OCTOBER 30, Saturday. 24th lunar day. A LION

VIRGO from 21:09
Moon without course from 10:05 to 21:08

Morning is suitable for sowing onions and winter garlic

To protect the seeds, before planting, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which should be pale pink. Try to change where you plant garlic and onions every year so that the soil is not depleted and deprived of minerals. After planting in shallow furrows, be sure to mulch the plants
, ideally with sawdust. Some gardeners advise fertilizing the soil, for example, with manure or humus, but this is at the discretion of everyone; keep in mind that this process provokes the growth of weeds and grass.

If there are unpicked vegetables or fruits

, start harvesting. Today it’s good to make preserves, seal jams, marmalades, and juices. You can collect fruits and seeds of medicinal plants. If the harvest is harvested, start removing shoots and weeds, tidy up the greenhouse windows, trim old and dry branches of bushes and trees.


: a suitable day to purchase indoor flowers, the purchase will be successful, and the plant will delight with its beauty for a long time. But it is better to complete all purchases before 10:05.

What is better not to do

? do home canning.


: acceptable if necessary.

OCTOBER 31, Sunday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 00:39. VIRGO

If the day is sunny, dig up the area

, loosen the soil, if necessary, mulch trees, shrubs and perennial flowers before wintering. If your plot is cleared and the crops are harvested, you can prepare the planting holes for spring. Dig holes of the required diameter, apply fertilizer, it will remain perfectly preserved until spring. The soil will settle well, the soil will be prepared for spring sowing, which will save time for the next season.


: loosen the top layer of soil, if necessary, wipe large leaves from dust and give the flowers a warm shower.


: acceptable if necessary.

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Favorable and unfavorable days for planting seedlings

The table below shows favorable and unfavorable dates for planting and replanting various berry and fruit seedlings.

Garden cultureRecommended daysUnfavorable, prohibited
Shrubs, including grapes1-5 (until 15:41), 8-13, 21-25, 315 (from 14:05), 6, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 29
Trees1-5 (until 15:41), 8-11, 22, 23-28
Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries (strawberries)8-13, 16-18 (until 13:05), 22, 23, 26-28

The best days to replant indoor plants

♓♈ OCTOBER 18, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:15. FISH

ARIES from 13:04
Moon without course from 02:24 to 13:04

After 13:05, start collecting chokeberries and quinces

Rowan berries make healthy juices, delicious jams and preserves. Quince in its raw form is not yet suitable for eating; it is still too tart and hard
, but someone may love this unique taste. Quince can be stored in the basement for ripening or you can make jams, jams, and compotes that are unique in taste.


: if the soil in the flower pot is too compacted, you can loosen the top layer of soil and wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

What is better not to do

? in the morning: do home canning; plant root crops; engage in pruning of fruit trees; replant indoor plants.


: a better time for watering is before 13:05.

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♈ OCTOBER 19, Tuesday.
13th, 14th lunar day from 17:24. ARIES
A day can be devoted to replanting trees and shrubs

, as well as coniferous plants. Before planting, you need to find the sunniest place on the site and dig a planting hole with a volume of at least 65x65x65. Before placing the tree in the planting hole, be sure to add tree fertilizer or humus to the hole. The ideal option is if the bush or tree is transplanted to a place where there will be a lot of snow in the winter, and in the spring it will melt quickly.


: in order for plants to delight you with beauty and health, make sure that they have enough daylight, do not allow them to dry out, move the flowers away from hot radiators. Constantly moisten the air, do not allow the soil to overflow or dry out.


: acceptable if necessary.

WANING MOON from 17:57

OCTOBER 20, Wednesday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 17:33. ARIES
TAURUS from 22:59
FULL MOON at 17:57

Moon without course from 17:57 to 22:58

The full moon day is not particularly suitable for serious work, especially complex ones, so today you can safely free yourself from most important matters

and just relax.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What is better not to do

? plant, replant any plants; trim trees and shrubs.


: acceptable if necessary.

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♉ OCTOBER 21, Thursday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 17:43. CALF

The day can be devoted to digging up the earth, but you can hear different opinions. Some experts argue that this procedure is not advisable

. It is believed that autumn digging provokes the death of beneficial microorganisms and promotes rapid growth of weeds and grass. To understand whether digging up the soil on your site is necessary, you can experiment and leave a small plot of land undug until spring. Consider the type of soil: clay soil needs digging in the fall, but loose and airy soil can be loosened with a flat cutter.

beets, carrots, turnips and radishes before winter

If you plant these root crops today, in the spring they will reach the table on average 2 weeks earlier
than the spring varieties of these crops.
You can begin the fight against pests; spraying with special means is suitable for these purposes. If desired and necessary, you can fertilize the soil with humus, peat, ash, compost, sawdust, manure and droppings, mineral and potash fertilizers


: Loosen the soil and fertilize your indoor flowers. As fertilizers, you can use sweetened water, drunk natural coffee, water infused with citrus zest or banana peels, yeast, onions, vegetable broth, aquarium water and succinic acid.


: acceptable if necessary.

♉ OCTOBER 22, Friday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:55. CALF

Moon without course from 23:35

If your land is on a slope, dig deep furrows

across the slope.
Drain the water from the hoses and barrels, carefully fold the hoses and move them indoors under a canopy. Remove debris, dry leaves and tops from the area. Clean paths, ditches and gutters, and tidy up plumbing and drainage systems. Collect sticks that served as supports for vegetable crops. For better storage, they can be treated with copper sulfate


: a favorable day for working with the soil; today it is good to loosen the soil, nourish it and fertilize it. You can go into the forest and dig out the soil from under the coniferous trees. In the future, this soil can be successfully used for replanting indoor flowers.


: acceptable if necessary.

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♉♊ OCTOBER 23, Saturday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 18:10. CALF

GEMINI from 10:43
Moon without course until 10:42

Digging up the area, fertilize and mulch the soil if necessary. Whitewash tree trunks to protect them from insects and rodents. Start cleaning up leaves

, pay special attention to the lawn, it must be clean. Fallen leaves, wet weather and high humidity can greatly reduce the quality of your grass.

Today you can deal with fallen leaves

Collect healthy, clean leaves separately and compost them. Burn diseased and infected foliage or bury it deeply in the ground. horse chestnut
on your property , be sure to destroy its foliage, otherwise it will breed
harmful moths

Prepare bait for rodents

, spread it evenly throughout the summer cottage.
Don't forget to collect slugs that may be hiding on the film in the greenhouse and on the side of paths. If possible, mow the grass from the paths and spray them with copper sulfate


: A great day to purchase indoor plants is after 10:45 am. When purchasing, pay attention to the type of flower: the leaves should be rich in color, elastic, without yellow spots. The roots of the plant should not protrude outward, the plant should not be lethargic, and there should be no unpleasant odor from the soil in the pot.

What is better not to do

? plant leafy vegetables and herbs.


: watering is allowed until 10:45; After 10:45 it is better not to water the plants.

OCTOBER 24, Sunday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 18:32. TWINS

If there are faded flowers on your site, now is the right time to prune them and prepare them for winter. Activities aimed at pest control are relevant. If the plants in your area are susceptible to fungal diseases ( scab, moniliosis, curl

), spraying is best done with solutions
of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture

If plants are susceptible to attacks by aphids and fruiting plants

, the treatment must be reproduced using the preparations “
Fital” or “Brunka”
If trees and shrubs are covered with moss and lichens
, spray them with a proven preparation -
Ferrilin or copper sulfate.

: You can feed the plants with sugar and carry out preventive procedures aimed at controlling pests.

What is better not to do

? plant leafy vegetables and herbs.


: It is better not to water the plants.

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What dates can flowering plants be planted and what days can’t they?

The table below shows favorable dates for working with flowering and ornamental plants, days on which planting is undesirable, and also favorable only for certain groups or at certain hours (see below).

TypeRecommended numbersNot recommended
Roses4-5, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 22, 23-25, 26-315, 6, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21
Clematis, climbing4-5, 8-13, 16-18, 23-25
Biennials, annuals and perennials4-5, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 22, 23-25, 26-31
With corms4-5, 10-13, 16-18, 21, 22, 26-31

House plant lunar calendar

YOUNG MOON from 14:06

♎ OCTOBER 6, Wednesday. 29th, 30th lunar day from 06:06, 1st lunar day from 14:06. SCALES

NEW MOON at 14:06

Before cold weather sets in, dig up perennial flowers from the soil: gladioli, cannas and dahlias.

To ensure that the plants are well preserved before placing them in the cellar for the winter, dry the tubers
properly: this will prevent them from rotting. Perennial heat-loving plants can begin to be prepared for the winter period; get rid of unnecessary shoots and mulch the soil. Strawberries and cabbage can be sprinkled with ash or peat. It is recommended to remove clematis from arches and pergolas and carefully place them on the ground.

Try today to complete those tasks that you did not have time to complete. After 14:06 is a good time to plan

things to do for the coming lunar month.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What is better not to do

? plant, replant any plants; trim trees and shrubs.


: bad day for watering.

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♎♏ OCTOBER 7, Thursday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:37. SCALES

SCORPIO from 17:22
Moon without course from 08:03 to 17:21

Favorable day for transplanting garden flowers

lilies of the valley, marigolds, hyacinths, eschscholzia, tulips, alyssum, echinacea, gaillardia.
Before the onset of frost and the end of leaf fall, it is good to plant
- this way it can take root.

Bulbous flowers are sown in depressions, the size of which should be 3 times larger

plant size.
The distance between the holes depends on the variety and size of the plant. The larger the flower, the greater the distance between the bulbs should be. To ensure that flowers propagated by seeds are strong and healthy, it is better to plant them before winter.
Seeds must be sown in shallow furrows, then sprinkled with soil and mulched with sawdust or sand on top. In spring, the top layer must be removed to make it easier for the sprouts to germinate. After germination, all that remains is to thin out the plants

to leave the strongest and most beautiful flowers.


: the day is getting shorter, the plants may not have enough sunlight, it is worth considering this point and adding artificial lighting so that there is at least 10 hours of daylight, ideally 12.

What is better not to do

? engage in pruning of fruit trees.


: You shouldn’t water during the day, but you can start watering in the evening, after 17:22.

♏ OCTOBER 8, Friday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:12. SCORPION

Today you can start collecting stems and leaves

medicinal herbs.
This is also an ideal day to get your lawn in order by mowing and watering it if weather conditions in your area permit. , lawn grass
must be cut so that it does not wither and lie on the ground. If the grass remains in this state until spring, it will be difficult for new shoots to break through, so it is better not to neglect mowing the lawn in the fall!


: An ideal day for planting greens on the windowsill: parsley, spinach, sorrel, lettuce, dill.

What is better not to do

? engage in pruning of fruit trees; cut down trees.


: good time for watering.

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♐ OCTOBER 9, Saturday.
3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:49. SCORPIO
SAGITTARIUS from 18:25
Moon without course from 09:05 to 18:24

Another favorable day for mowing the lawn. It is not recommended to cut the grass too low; the ideal length is up to 8 cm. Anything longer will weaken the grass and deprive it of nutrients.

, which she especially needs in winter. After cutting the grass, the lawn should be cleared of fallen leaves and other debris. It is better to clean with a fan-type rake, which is less traumatic for grass roots. Garbage from the lawn can be used to mulch a greenhouse, flowers or beds; you can make high-quality compost from it by compacting it in a special hole or box.


: a suitable day for watering and hilling flowers in pots. To ensure high-quality watering, pour water not on the bulbs and stems of the plant, but on the ground. The exception is the bromeliad family, for which watering into a rosette is desirable. It is better to water some indoor plants more often if you already have heating, but do not pour too much water, the roots and soil should not rot and bloom.

What is better not to do

? engage in pruning of fruit trees; cut down trees.


: good time for watering.

Lunar phases and days according to Zodiac Signs in October 2022


  • «+» – good fertility;
  • «+/-» - average fertility;
  • «» - low fertility;
  • ◐ — waxing moon;
  • ◑ — waning moon;
  • ● — New Moon;
  • ○ — Full moon.

Moon phases in October 2022:

  • ◑ — 1-5, 22-31.
  • ● — 6 (14:05).
  • ◐ — 8-18.
  • ○ - 20 (17h 57m).

Days according to zodiac signs:

  • ♌ Leo - 1, 2, 28 (from 12:08), 29, 30.
  • ♍ Virgo - 3-5 (until 15:41), 31.
  • ♎ Libra - 5 (from 15:41), 6, 7.
  • ♏ Scorpio - 8, 9.
  • ♐ Sagittarius - 10, 11.
  • ♑ Capricorn - 12.13.
  • ♒ Aquarius - 14, 15.
  • ♓ Pisces - 16-18 (until 13:05).
  • ♈ Aries – 18 (from 13:05)-20.
  • ♉ Taurus - 21, 22.
  • ♊ Gemini - 23-25.
  • ♋ Cancer - 26-28 (until 12:08).

Lunar calendar for indoor plants 2022

♐ OCTOBER 10, Sunday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 12:24. SAGITTARIUS

Ideal day for transplanting and planting shrubs and trees

To make planting successful, choose a suitable place, make a depression so that it is larger than 10-20 cm
in height of the roots. Carefully place the seedlings in the hole, level the plant, cover it with soil, compact it well, and water it abundantly.

To protect the trunks of young trees from cold weather and pests, they can be wrapped in tow, newspaper or soft cardboard. to replant trees and shrubs in October.

. This is not difficult to do: just dig up the plant without damaging the root system, and carefully move it to a new place where the hole has been prepared. During this period, the plants are at a dormant stage, transplantation in most cases is successful.


: if the heating season has already begun, monitor the condition of the plants; they should not overheat too much from the batteries. The first signal that the plants are uncomfortable is yellow and stunted foliage. Also keep in mind that there are plants that like cool temperatures during flowering - camellia and azalea.

What is better not to do

? plant cabbage.


: acceptable if necessary.

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♐♑ OCTOBER 11, Monday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 13:51. SAGITTARIUS

CAPRICORN from 20:15
Moon without course until 07:30 to 20:14

A suitable day for transplanting and planting trees, shrubs and coniferous bushes. Autumn is considered one of the most favorable periods for replanting coniferous plants.

. In order for conifers to become the decoration of a site, it is necessary to take planting and replanting seriously.

If the plant has roots with an earthen lump, plant it in a small depression without violating the integrity. If the roots are bare, the plant must be planted in a hole with a clay mash

, since in an empty hole it will be difficult for a bush or tree to take root and take root.

After the plant is planted and covered with soil, you need to dig holes nearby and fill them with water.

. When the water is absorbed into the soil, the earth settles, the planted tree or bush will need to be sprinkled with dry soil so that the soil remains moist longer, and it is advisable to sprinkle grass, leaves, bark, sawdust, peat or compost on top.


: with the beginning of the heating season, do not forget to monitor the air humidity in the rooms. Spray the plants several times a day with a fine sprayer; you can use air humidifiers. On balconies and loggias, where it is cool, monitor ventilation to avoid fungal diseases in plants.

What is better not to do

? plant cabbage.


: acceptable if necessary.

♑ OCTOBER 12, Tuesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 15:00. CAPRICORN

Tackle the soil: today is a good day to dig up the area, loosen the soil and mulch. Prepare the land for spring sowing, form beds, add phosphorus, potassium or ash

To protect the soil from spring overheating, it is ideal to cover the prepared beds with a dark-colored film

In order not to harm the roots of trees and shrubs, the soil around them should be loosened not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork. weak and old stems from raspberries.

, loosen the soil a little, bend the branches slightly and fix them, and sprinkle the ground with leaves or sawdust.


: favorable day for transplantation and planting. If the flower looks beautiful, it is lush and healthy, there is no need to replant it. Replanting is relevant in cases where: the soil is depleted and devoid of minerals, the soil is too dense and difficult to loosen; the plant has little space in the pot, it has nowhere to grow; there is mold in the soil, it is sour or greasy; the soil and plants are infested with pests.

What is better not to do

? trim hedges.


: acceptable if necessary.

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Waxing MOON from 06:25

♑♒ OCTOBER 13, Wednesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 15:49. CAPRICORN

AQUARIUS from 23:47
First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 06:25

Moon without course from 13:53 to 23:46

Today we can also deal with soils. To protect fruit trees from rodents, whiten the trunks with special products

against rodents, or better yet, wrap it in a fine metal mesh. Complete the process by mulching the soil with humus, peat or sawdust.


: Today you can start replanting indoor flowers. Plants need to be replanted if the soil dries out quickly (due to root growth); the flower has a sickly appearance (there is rot on the roots); the plant grows slowly; The crown has grown greatly, which has led to the instability of the peas. You can loosen the soil in pots, change the top layer of soil, and remove moss from the surface if necessary.

What is better not to do

? trim hedges.


: acceptable if necessary.

♒ OCTOBER 14, Thursday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 16:20. AQUARIUS

Favorable day for planting bulbous garden flowers

daffodils, tulips, hyacinths.
For example, tulips without transplanting can grow well in one place for no more than 4 years. In order for the plant to continue to grow and delight with its beauty, it must be carefully dug up, the children separated and transplanted to a new place.

Before planting, the bulbs need to be carefully inspected.

, remove diseased and damaged ones so that the infection is not transmitted. In addition, timely planting will prevent tulips from growing randomly and will preserve the beauty of the area. In addition to replanting flowers, today it is recommended to whitewash shrubs and trees.


: a suitable period for planting indoor flowers:
petunia, Chinese carnation, calendula, delphinium, iberis and godetia

What is better not to do

? plant leafy vegetables and herbs; engage in pruning of fruit trees; replant indoor plants.


: It is better not to water the plants.

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♒ OCTOBER 15, Friday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 16:41. AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 15:33

Today you can start whitewashing tree trunks. alfalfa, clover and lupine before winter

You can start planting garden flowers; autumn replanting will rejuvenate and improve the health
of the plants. It is better to do all plantings before 15:33.


: Pay attention to the flowers that are preparing to go dormant during the winter. Do not water them too often, and to prevent them from being long and thin, do not overfeed them with fertilizers and special feeds. Today, refrain from watering altogether, if possible.

What is better not to do

? plant leafy vegetables and herbs; engage in pruning of fruit trees; replant indoor plants.


: It is better not to water the plants.

♒♓ OCTOBER 16, Saturday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:55. AQUARIUS

PISCES from 05:22
Moon without course until 05:21

If the weather outside is warm and not rainy, you can start mowing the lawn

. If the weather is not pleasant and it is damp outside, it is better to postpone mowing the grass, since you will have to work in a swamp, and the grass itself may be damaged.


: a suitable day for planting
parsley, dill and lettuce on the windowsill.
Keep in mind that plants need additional lighting, as October days have become noticeably shorter. After planting the greenery, the soil should be sprinkled well with water from a fine sprayer, and in order for the seedlings to take root well, the box can be covered with a transparent film before the shoots emerge.

What is better not to do

? do home canning; plant root crops; engage in pruning of fruit trees; replant indoor plants; make expensive purchases.


: good time for watering.

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♓ OCTOBER 17, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:06. FISH

Today you can start sowing greens before winter. This will allow you to get earlier harvests in the spring, and of better quality. Seeds that remain in the ground all winter undergo natural stagnation processes, and the plants that grow from them are healthier and stronger. For parsley, dill

An excellent time for planting is the daytime temperature is +2 ° C, and frost at night.


: a favorable day for watering indoor flowers. Monitor the temperature of the water, it should not be cold or hot, the ideal option is room temperature settled water. Do not pour water on the stems and foliage of plants; water in a thin stream should fall exclusively on the soil.

What is better not to do

? do home canning; plant root crops; engage in pruning of fruit trees; replant indoor plants.


: good time for watering.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for October 2022 by numbers

Next, it will be recommended what work can and cannot be carried out on certain dates in October.

It is imperative to take into account regional characteristics.


♌ Leo, —, ◑, Fruit Day

Do not apply fertilizer or moisturize.;

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting perennial onions in a warm place;
  • planting garlic, green manure;
  • harvesting the remaining harvest;
  • cleaning up plant residues into compost (we burn diseased leaves, potato tops, tomatoes, cabbage roots);
  • digging;
  • sowing forced greens, planting parsley and celery roots in a greenhouse to extend the autumn cutting of leaves and obtain spring cuttings;
  • replacing soil in the greenhouse;
  • treatment against pests and diseases;
  • ventilation of vegetable storage;
  • storing crops for long-term storage.
  • replanting perennials;
  • digging up gladioli, montbretia, buttercups, as well as dahlia and begonia tubers.
  • disease and pest control;
  • collecting flower seeds;
  • frost pruning of roses, clematis, and other perennial flowering plants;
  • autumn mulching of already planted bulbs;
  • pond care.
  • planting grapes, plums, cherries, cherries, nuts;
  • destruction of weeds and parasites;
  • pruning of fruit and ornamental plants;
  • cleaning trunks of dead bark,
  • whitewashing and binding against winter damage by rodents;
  • winter shelter for strawberry plantations;
  • freezing the crop.

3.10-5.10 (until 15:41)

♍ Virgo +-, ◑, days of the Root.

It is not advisable to soak the seed.

all work on 5.10 before 14:00. 05m.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • forcing greenery;
  • late planting of root crops, garlic, onions;
  • application of nutrient mixtures for perennial crops;
  • placing plant residues in a compost heap;
  • digging with the addition of nutrient mixtures;
  • treatment of plants against diseases and pests;
  • underground pest control.
  • planting, replanting perennials;
  • rooting cuttings;
  • pruning astilbe, phlox, hosta (preferably before frost), irises, daylilies to a height of 5 cm;
  • planting bulbous flowers in the ground, if you did not have time to do this earlier.
  • digging up bulbous and corm plants for storage;
  • pruning clematis and other plants for the winter;
  • last fertilizing of roses before winter;
  • bending climbing roses, but do not cover them yet;
  • watering and fertilizing indoor plants that bloom in winter;
  • treatment of flowering and ornamental crops from diseases and pests.
  • pruning;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • digging up the trunk circles of trees (a shovel with the edge facing the trunk so as not to damage the roots);
  • planting seedlings of fruit and berry crops;
  • adding nutrient mixtures;
  • sub-winter soil moisture,
  • We freeze berries and fruits, but do not preserve them.

5.10 (from 15:41) - 7:10

♎ Libra, +-, ●, Flower days

6.10 at 14.00 05m. – Exact New Moon.

On these days, it is prohibited to plant and sow, pick, root, trim, shape, moisten the soil, add nutrient mixtures, collect and store crops for long-term storage, and also engage in harvesting.

You can do the following work:

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • weeding areas with crops that remain for the winter;
  • collection of tomatoes, cabbage, herbs, celery root, leeks for quick consumption;
  • digging up the soil;
  • control of diseases and pests.
  • we pick off dried inflorescences from flowers to prolong flowering;
  • loosen dry soil in pots with indoor plants;
  • weeding;
  • mulching heat-loving plants.
  • fight against infections and insects;
  • picking late apples and pears not for storage;
  • removal of growth.


♏ Scorpio, +, ◐, Leaf Days

Root crops cannot be harvested, formative pruning, propagated, or frozen.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • preparing beds for winter sowing;
  • planting garlic, onions, sorrel;
  • growing head lettuce;
  • planting cauliflower seedlings in a greenhouse;
  • sowing trumpet, chives, beets, onions, chard, parsley and celery for forcing;

North : If frost sets in, cover winter crops with compost, sawdust or humus.

  • planting any ornamental plants, especially those with climbing stems, thorns and thorns;
  • watering and fertilizing indoor plants that bloom in winter.
  • planting fruit trees and shrubs, especially grapes;
  • pre-winter soil moisture, after the leaves fly away, the soil under the plants should get wet by 1-1.5 m;
  • adding organic matter;
  • whitewashing tree trunks (no thinner than 10 cm in diameter) in cloudy, above-zero weather without rain from sunburn;
  • sowing a new lawn and mowing the overgrown one for the winter;
  • storage of vegetables, fruits, seeds;

South : sanitary pruning of grapes, pinning tied branches to the ground, treating with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture, covering with roofing material. Fallen leaves are placed between the rows of grapes.

North : covering strawberries and wild strawberries with spruce branches. Digging trunks. Tying together loose bushes and trees that are not resistant to snowfall.


♐ Sagittarius, +-, ◐, days of Fruition

Do not water or prune.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting winter garlic and onions;
  • planting parsley and celery in a warm place;
  • transplanting endive lettuce and cauliflower into a dark place;
  • harvesting root vegetables and cabbage;
  • forcing celery, parsley, batun, chives, onions;
  • cutting beds for winter sowing.
  • planting clematis;
  • rooting;
  • sowing summer flowers (calendula);
  • digging up tubers and bulbs;
  • loosening soil in pots with indoor plants without watering.
  • planting fruit and berry specimens, including grapes;
  • digging with organic matter;
  • cleaning of dead bark, repairing trunks;
  • bending raspberry and grape branches, if this has not already been done;
  • covering strawberry beds;
  • destruction of parasites, infectious agents, weeds;
  • pickling white cabbage.


♑ Capricorn, +-, ◐, Root days

It is not advisable to touch the root system.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • carrying out pre-winter sowing of lettuce, spinach, dill, radishes, carrots, onion sets (take into account the climatic conditions, it should be quite cold, but the soil has not frozen yet, the thin crust of ice on the ground must be removed and the seeds sown), mulched;
  • winter planting of onions, garlic, onion sets, horseradish;
  • harvesting and storing it.

In the greenhouse:

  • moving cauliflower to a dark room;
  • transplanting head lettuce, chicory.

South : Weeding of perennial crops (rhubarb, sorrel, asparagus, onion), tearing off old leaves, loosening, feeding.

  • favorable time for planting shrubs, roses, perennials, corms;
  • sowing summer crops;
  • occupation with forcing bulbs;
  • abundant watering and shower for indoor plants.
  • planting berry fields taking into account the climate;
  • digging up young shoots;
  • pruning; treatment against infections and insects;
  • winter moistening of the soil;
  • introduction of nutrient mixtures.


♒ Aquarius, —, ◐, Flower days.

It is not advisable to plant, water or add nutrient mixtures.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • harvest;
  • cleaning up plant residues into compost (sick leaves, potato and tomato tops, burning cabbage roots);
  • collection of seed material;
  • digging and loosening the soil;
  • preparing soil for seedlings.
  • digging up tubers and bulbs;
  • mulching, hilling, sheltering heat-loving crops for the winter in the North;
  • We bring pots with pelargonium, fuchsia and other plants from cold terraces and verandas into a warm room.
  • loosening soil in pots with indoor plants without watering.
  • digging;
  • repairing and whitewashing trunks;
  • loosening under trees and bushes;
  • control of weeds, insects, infections;
  • mowing;
  • sanitary pruning;
  • harvesting apples for storage, placing them in boxes covered with straw or paper;
  • preparations for the winter.

16.10-18.10 (until 13:05)

♓ Pisces, +, ◐, Leaf days.

It is not advisable to trim or treat with chemicals.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • pre-winter sowing of spices taking into account the climate;
  • harvest.

In the greenhouse:

  • forcing celery, parsley, onions, beets, chard;
  • growing cauliflower in a dark place
  • planting and replanting perennials and shrubs in regions with warm and temperate climates;
  • we water the bushes well to prepare them for winter, especially during a dry autumn;
  • covering heat-loving perennials (spruce spruce branches), cereals (peat), bulbs (leaf opal, peat), shrubs (spruce spruce branches and a box or lutrasil) and grapes (spruce branches or dry leaves, container boxes and slate on top from precipitation)
  • watering and fertilizing indoor plants that bloom in winter;
  • preparing the reservoir for winter.
  • planting berries and strawberries, taking into account the region;
  • moisturizing and adding nutritional mixtures (moderate);
  • preparation of cuttings for early spring grafting;
  • canning and winter preparation of vegetables and fruits.

18.10 (from 13.05)-20.10

♈ Aries, +-, ○, days of Fruition.

20.10 at 17.00 57m. – Exact Full Moon.

A day before and after the Exact Full Moon, it is not recommended to sow, plant or replant plants, soak seeds, prune, or feed.

You can do the following work:

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • harvest;
  • digging up the soil with summer green manure;
  • replacing soil in a greenhouse.
  • disease and pest control;
  • removing dried flowers;
  • loosening, weeding, mulching or covering heat-loving plants in the North.
  • removal of growth;
  • removal of dry branches;
  • treatment against infections and insects;
  • lawn: if it has grown, trim it to a height of 5-8 cm, sow the bald spots;
  • tying up loose shrubs and trees that are unstable to snowfall.


♉ Taurus, +, ◑, Root days

Do not loosen the soil in the area of ​​the root system.

Only starting from 21.10 at 17.00. 57m . You can perform the work indicated in the table below:

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting winter garlic and onions;
  • storing potatoes and root vegetables;
  • cleaning cauliflower in a dark place;
  • planting trampoline and leek under cover;
  • transplanting root parsley and celery into greenhouses to obtain autumn and first spring fresh greens;
  • digging with organic matter.
  • planting roses, root, tuberous and bulbous perennials;
  • digging up corms;
  • watering, application of mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • bending climbing roses, but so far without shelter (except for the Northern regions);
  • forcing bulbs.
  • planting fruit;
  • pre-winter moistening of roots;
  • pruning;
  • preparing cuttings for early spring grafting;
  • bending down raspberry shoots and grape vines without covering;
  • introduction of nutrient mixtures (phosphorus-potassium);
  • preparing holes for spring planting of seedlings;
  • preservation of vegetables and fruits.


♊ Gemini, —, ◑, Flower days

It is not advisable to replant, water and fertilize.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • harvesting crops and seeds;
  • we sow before winter: greens, parsley;
  • pre-winter planting of carrots, sorrel, beets, radishes, radishes (in the North, maybe in the Center if cold weather is promised);
  • cover the beds with winter garlic with healthy leaves from birch, fruit trees, rowan, and maple;
  • fight against infections and insects;
  • digging with summer green manure or with compost, humus, add 2-3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1-1.5 tablespoons of potassium sulfate per 1 sq. m;
  • Hilling up wintering crops.
  • digging up chrysanthemums, tubers and bulbs (it’s better to do this earlier);
  • summer sowing (calendula)
  • planting clematis, climbing roses and other climbing varieties (in the North this should have been done earlier);
  • treatment of indoor plants from diseases and pests.
  • collection;
  • tidying up the lawn;
  • destruction of infectious agents and parasites;
  • pruning and shaping of grapes, other vines, tree crowns and hedges.

26.10-28.10 (until 12:08).

♋ Cancer, +, ◑ , Leaf days.

Do not treat with chemicals or preserve.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting onions, garlic, parsley, spinach;
  • sowing celery for winter forcing;
  • winter planting of carrots, sorrel, beets, radishes, radishes (depending on the weather).
  • planting tuberous, roses,
  • flowering shrubs;
  • in the north, if they promise early frosts, we cover heat-loving flowers;
  • water and feed indoor plants that bloom in winter.
  • planting berries, depending on the region;
  • digging with fertilizer;
  • sub-winter soil moisture;
  • cleaning trunks of dead bark,
  • whitewashing of trees;
  • pruning

Center : Covering berries and strawberries for the winter (depending on the weather).

North : Draining water from barrels, pipes, cleaning hoses.

28.10 (from 12.08)-30.10

♌ Leo, —, ◑, the day of the Fruit.

It is not recommended to moisten the soil and apply fertilizers.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • planting perennial onions in a warm place;
  • planting garlic, green manure;
  • sowing forced greens, planting parsley and celery roots in a greenhouse to extend the autumn cutting of leaves and obtain spring cuttings;
  • adding organic matter;
  • digging;
  • storing the crop for storage.
  • pre-winter sowing of annual (chrysanthemums, godetia, dimorphotheca, iberis, calendula, clarkia, cosmos, lavatera, poppy, matiola, nasturtium, mignonette, scabiosa, eschscholzia) and perennial flowers (aquelegia, delphinium, cornflower, primrose, feather grass, leotard and others) ;
  • control of diseases and pests.
  • storing dahlia and begonia tubers, gladioli bulbs and other bulbous plants.
  • preventive treatment of the garden with a 7% urea solution;
  • destruction of weeds and parasites;
  • pruning;
  • cleaning trunks of dead bark,
  • whitewash.


♍ Virgo +-, ◑, days of the Root.

It is not advisable to soak the seed.

For gardenersFlower growersGardeners, general work
  • forcing greenery;
  • late planting of root crops, garlic, onions;
  • application of nutrient mixtures for perennial crops;
  • placing plant residues in a compost heap;
  • digging with the addition of nutrient mixtures;
  • underground pest control.
  • planting clematis, roses, shrubs, perennials in those regions where there are no frosts yet;
  • we dig up flowers that do not overwinter in the garden;
  • we prune and do the last fertilizing of the roses;
  • if subzero temperatures are already approaching, we cover heat-loving plants;
  • we water and treat indoor and garden flowers against diseases and pests;
  • rooting cuttings.
  • pruning;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • adding nutrient mixtures;
  • sub-winter soil moisture,
  • We freeze berries and fruits, but do not preserve them.

Sowing and planting calendar for October

Preparations for winter continue for keen gardeners and gardeners: microelements and nutrients necessary for the full ripening of shoots and successful wintering are added to the plants. The beds are prepared for spring work, the soil is carefully dug up and fertilized. Warm-loving crops are waiting for shelter for the winter.

  1. In October, you need to have time to carry out all the planned winter sowing and planting: root crops, onions, garlic, bulbous flowers, fruit trees and berry bushes.
  2. Stone fruit crops (plums, cherries, sea buckthorn) can be planted no later than the first ten days of October. When planting late in October, plants are heavily mulched to prevent plants from bulging out of the soil due to temperature changes (night frosts and daytime thawing).
  3. It is important to remember that seedlings with an open root system have a short planting period - in October, summer residents have the last chance to plant such plants.
  4. Container plants (with a closed root system) can be planted at any time during the growing season (from spring to late autumn).

The agrotechnical calendar of work in the garden and vegetable garden gives recommendations on how to determine the optimal timing of planting, winter watering, fertilizing, digging and storing

Sowing in October in the garden

In Siberia, winter sowing is carried out in the third ten days of October - it must be done before the soil freezes completely. When sowing before winter, you must remember that the seeding rate increases by 25–30% compared to spring plantings.

  • It is recommended to finish planting shallots in the Urals and Siberia by October 10. Choose a place where nothing grows in the summer and where a lot of snow will accumulate in the winter. Bulbs prepared for planting are planted in beds to a depth of 5–6 cm.
  • In the first half of October, pre-winter plantings of winter garlic are still possible. The exact time of planting is determined by the weather: planting begins 3 weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather. At the same time, it is better to plant garlic later than to rush.
  • At the end of October, to obtain a harvest in early spring, winter sowing of dill is carried out. After sowing, the beds are mulched with rotted manure.
  • Some summer residents also practice winter planting of potatoes. Potatoes planted in October yield a sufficient harvest, but the plant requires a lot of care.

Home garden in October

In addition to traditional winter sowings in open ground, many summer residents are also interested in arranging a home garden.

  • At the end of October, you can get onions, beets, parsley, celery, carrots from the vegetable store and grow vegetables at home.
  • To force root crops, prepare a special substrate and place the containers in cool rooms: you won’t need much light and heat, and watering should be regular, as well as fertilizing.

Planting in the garden in October

Most fruit and berry crops, ornamental shrubs, and flowers are planted in October. Autumn planting is also good because the plants accumulate the necessary moisture and have enough time to adapt and grow.

Throughout October, pear planting continues in the middle zone. In October, you need to have time to select a high-quality seedling from the nursery and take care of protecting young plants in winter from rodents and sunburn.

Planting berry bushes in October


In the middle zone, October is the optimal time for autumn planting raspberries.

  • Before the onset of frost, the young plant will have time to grow stronger and adapt to the changed conditions.
  • Although raspberries are unpretentious in planting and care, you can pamper them with light soil flavored with organic matter.
  • Depending on the number of raspberry bushes that need to be planted, the planting method is chosen: trench or hole.


  • Before October 10, you need to finish planting currants in the Far East.
  • A place for berries can be found on a slope, away from lowlands, marshy soils and shallow groundwater.
  • In October, you can plant black currants in Siberia. In autumn there is enough moisture in the soil, so heavy watering is not required. Survival rate during autumn planting is 100%.


  • In October you can still plant strawberry seedlings.
  • Such planting dates are acceptable for seedlings with a closed root system or in the hands of experienced gardeners.


In early October, when real frosts are still far away and the weather is not too cold, you can plant honeysuckle seedlings.

  • Autumn planting for honeysuckle is more preferable than spring planting.
  • The soil is prepared a month before planting, planting holes are dug about half a meter wide and deep, and 3 m are left between plants.
  • Drainage is required; the seedling is placed in moist soil, with the roots well spread out.
  • No pruning of the seedling is required. When planting blue honeysuckle, the root collar is buried 3–5 cm.

Planting ornamental plants in October

October is a suitable period for planting ornamental shrubs.

  1. When planting barberries and hydrangeas in Siberia, it is better to move the plants along with a lump of earth in order to cause minimal damage to the root system.
  2. Now is the time to plant coniferous plants with seeds. Seedlings are usually sown in the second half of October (after the onset of light daytime frosts) in a pre-prepared box with soil.
  3. Throughout all autumn months, incl. in October and directly under the snow, you can lay a rolled lawn. Lawn care will be minimal in rainy, cloudy weather. The lawn will take root well in the fall and successfully overwinter.

Planting in a flower garden in October

In October, when auricula (ear primula) is propagating, the seeds are sown in the ground and sprinkled with sand on top - they will germinate in the spring.


  1. To determine the optimal time for planting tulips in the fall, we focus on soil temperature. When regular readings are no higher than 10°C, it’s time to move the bulbs into the ground. In Siberia and similar natural and climatic zones, they focus on the period from mid-September to mid-October.
  2. Until mid-October, Triumph tulip bulbs can be planted in the middle zone. To determine the optimal planting time, you need to focus on weather conditions: when for a week the soil temperature in the area where the bulbs are located remains at no higher than 10 °C.
  3. October is the main time for autumn planting of tulips in the Moscow region. Before planting, you need to select healthy bulbs, treat them from pests, and prepare nutritious soil. Plant the bulbs in pots or boxes and bury them completely.


  • The whole of October is a good period for planting climbing roses in the Middle Zone.
  • For planting, it is better to choose self-rooted seedlings with a closed root system.

Photo: Residents of the middle zone can plant climbing roses throughout October.

Garden work in October

It is necessary to collect the remaining crops. Only after this can you begin preparing for wintering.

Harvest and storage

You need to collect pears and apples and send them for storage. In order for them to last longer, it is necessary to immediately cool the fruits after removing them from the branches and send them to a temperature of 0...+5 °C. If the fruits are picked too early, they should be kept at +2...+5 °C, otherwise they will not have time to ripen completely.

Before you send the crop for storage, you need to sort it out. Discard diseased, damaged and rotten fruits.

It is recommended to store fruits in cardboard boxes or boxes with bars. If they are not available, then strong translucent bags of 1-1.5 kg will do.

Helpful information! Large fruits ripen earlier, so fruits of each variety should be sorted by size and taken from the cellar at different times. This way you can be sure that they will all have time to ripen by the time of consumption.

Planting and preparation for wintering

2 weeks before the first frost, you can plant fruit and berry crops.

Read about autumn plantings of various crops on our website

When the foliage begins to change color, spray the crown with urea. This is necessary to destroy fungal spores, incl. scab.

In October you can sow seeds of apple, pear, stone fruit, quince, and viburnum trees. They will undergo cold stratification and sprout in the spring.

Before frost comes, finely dig up the soil under the plantings. Do not break the lumps so that moisture is better absorbed and the snow is retained. Thanks to digging, some of the pests overwintering in the ground will also die.

New plantings should be mulched. In this case, there is no need for digging; light loosening is sufficient. If sawdust, hay or straw are used as mulch, they must be pre-treated with urea or ammonium nitrate.


It is necessary to trim currants and gooseberries. Remove old and thickening shoots to allow crops to grow freely. Thanks to this, you will be able to get a rich harvest in the next growing season. When pruning, stumps should not be left behind, because this is an excellent place for overwintering various insects and infectious agents.

Red currants will bear fruit for 15-20 years, black currants - 5-6, and gooseberries - 5-8. After this, the plantings need to be updated.

With the onset of cold weather, cut off the entire above-ground mass of the remontant raspberry bush at soil level. Only the root system goes into winter. It should be mulched with humus or compost about 7 cm thick.

Strawberries produce a bountiful harvest for 2 years, but in the 3rd season it becomes worse. Therefore, after the 3rd fruiting, the plantation needs to be dug up and new bushes planted.

Other jobs

The trunk circles of young specimens need to be dug up to a depth of 0.15-0.2 m. After the arrival of frost, they will need to be mulched.

Before the ground freezes, dig holes for spring planting.

To help trees survive wintering better, add phosphorus-potassium mixtures to the tree trunk and hoe them into the ground. If this has been done before, then there is no need for repeated manipulation.

Remove old bark from the trunks and whiten them. For young specimens it is better to use a chalk solution. For mature trees, it is advisable to use a mixture of lime and clay or a special garden paint.

To protect fruit trees from hares, add castor oil to garden whitewash.

Remove dried leaves and remnants of vegetation and debris. Collect and burn dried and diseased branches.

Florist calendar for October

In October, flowers and ornamental plants, like other garden crops, begin to be prepared for winter: some beauties are pruned and carefully wrapped, others - heat-loving sissies - have to be dug up and stored in the basement or on the balcony.

In October, mineral (phosphorus-potassium) and organic fertilizers are applied to the flower garden to increase the winter hardiness of flower crops.


  • From mid to late October in the Moscow region they prune peonies for the winter.
  • When light frosts are already felt in October on the flower beds with peonies, you can mulch the surface with horse manure - this will protect the roots of the peonies in winter and provide the necessary nutrients with the onset of the new season.


The beginning of October is the last date for digging up gladioli in the Moscow region. Bulbs do not like cold, damp soil; prolonged exposure to damp soil has a negative effect on plant health. After digging, the bulbs are processed, sorted and placed to dry, and after a month and a half they are sent for storage.


Cannas are dug up at the end of October, the rhizomes are separated and placed on shelves in the cellar.


Along with planting and sowing flowers, the time for transplanting and propagation comes. In October, the children and seeds of tigridia ripen. They are collected for sowing at the end of February.


  1. When preparing rhododendrons for winter, they need to be provided with regular watering, especially if there is no precipitation. The more moisture there is, the better evergreen and semi-evergreen shrubs will overwinter. Every 4 days, pour half a watering can of slightly warmed water under the bush.
  2. In mid-October, for a good wintering of rhododendrons, they need to be fed with a solution of double superphosphate.


In early October, you need to start pruning paniculate and tree hydrangeas, if you have not done so earlier.


Before sheltering, when preparing roses for winter, the plants are pruned, removing foliage and unripe shoots.

  1. In mid-October, the bases of rose bushes are hilled up to protect the plants from frost.
  2. Already at the end of October or later, before the onset of real frosts, the roses are spudded again and covered completely.
  3. To cover roses, spruce branches, dry leaves, plant debris, and special covering and insulating materials are used.

To prepare roses for winter in October, remove leaves from them and cut out immature shoots. The bush itself is cut to half or a third of its length, depending on the group of roses.

Caring for indoor plants in October

Houseplants, like garden plants, enter a period of dormancy. Therefore, changes are also required in the conditions of detention.


In October, active feeding of indoor plants ends. They need to be replaced, reduced or stopped altogether.


  1. From October and throughout the rest period, the temperature for indoor clivia cinnabar is lowered to 15 °C - elevated temperatures can negatively affect flowering.
  2. When caring for azaleas, starting from October, you need to maintain a low temperature of approx. 10-18 °C. During this period, the plant lays flower buds, the light should be bright, diffused

With the onset of cold weather, ivy-leaved pelargonium becomes an indoor resident. In October, it is transferred to home conditions, having previously shortened the shoots.

Work in the garden

There is also a lot of work to be done in the garden. It is necessary to collect the remaining harvest, plant winter garlic, and prepare the beds.

Before the soil freezes, add manure or compost. This will make it more nutritious, water-permeable, and breathable, which will have a positive effect on further spring planting. If there is no such organic matter, you can use a shovel handle to chop up bean and bean stalks, carrot tops, nettles, tansy, chamomile, and yarrow. Bring it all into the ground. Dig on the bayonet of a shovel. You can do the same with marigolds and calendula. These plants will be an excellent prevention of fungus and insect damage.

It is recommended to collect soil for planting indoor plants and seedlings in late winter and early spring. Of course, you can also use store-bought soil mixtures. However, it is preferable that the seedlings constantly grow in the same substrate. The prepared soil can be stored in a shed, where it will not freeze.

Green manure

It is necessary to sow winter green manure. They will have time to emerge and get stronger, and will survive the winter well.

Note! Do not over-moisten the soil before planting. If it is too dry, then it will be enough to water it along the seed furrows, perhaps several times. Next, you need to give up moisturizing. Then the roots of green manure will begin to seek moisture and actively grow downward. Thanks to this, the soil becomes looser at depth and is enriched with nutrients.

Green manure is necessary to improve soil characteristics. It is recommended to dig them up in late autumn, when they have grown a lush green mass. This area will be planted with early crops in the spring.

Green manure in a greenhouse

If you plan to plant heat-loving nightshade species after green manure, then they can be dug up at the beginning of the next growing season, immediately after the snow melts.

Site preparation

The place for winter crops should be sunny and warm. The area needs to be dug up. To do this, use a bucket of compost or humus and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizer


Potash fertilizer

Level the area and dig grooves at a distance of 15 cm. Wait until the temperature drops to a slight minus and stays at this level constantly. If you plant cold-resistant plants earlier, they may sprout and then die when frost occurs.

Note! In the 2nd half of the month you can plant winter garlic. After another week, onion sets with a head circumference of up to 1 cm. They should have time to take root before frost. If frost sets in suddenly, the crops need to be mulched. In this case, the earth will not have time to cool down and the crops will get stronger.

Procurement of organic matter

It is necessary to remove the top layer from the compost heap. After this, you can throw plant debris on it after cleaning the area. If the pile was layered with soil and periodically watered, then the compost below will be ready by October.

Compost with ash

Organic matter will provide good insulation for the plant root zone. There is no need to remove compost in spring. Having completed the task of insulation, it will begin to improve the composition of the soil. The most important thing is to collect Khrushchev. They can be placed in a container, this will attract birds, which are natural enemies of pests.


Areas with heavy, compacted soil need digging. If this is not done, moisture will not penetrate well into the soil and the snow will blow away. This is not good for the condition of the soil.

The area needs to be dug up and nutrient mixtures added. If there are pests in the ground, it is recommended to dig as deep as possible so that the insects reach the surface and die from frost.

It is better not to dig up or fertilize light soil in the fall. Otherwise, the nutrient mixtures will go deep into the soil and the plant roots will not be able to reach them. Beds on a light substrate only need to be mulched to protect winter crops from frost.

In a greenhouse, the top layer of soil needs to be replaced. Place the removed soil in piles, alternating with plant residues. Don't forget to moisturize it. After two years, this soil can be returned to the greenhouse by again removing the top layer in it and placing it in stacks.

Signs about the weather in October

  • Warm October means a frosty winter.
  • The drier and warmer the beginning of October, the later winter will come.
  • At the beginning of the month, the east wind blew - leading to dry weather, the west - to wet weather, and the north - to cold.
  • From what date it snows in October, from that date spring will begin in April.
  • Look at the birch tree in early October - if the leaves have not yet fallen, then the snow will fall late.
  • Tall weeds mean an abundance of snow in winter.
  • A lot of acorns on an oak tree means a warm winter and a fruitful summer.
  • If at the end of October the horns of the month are oriented to the north, then it will be dry and snow will fall quickly, and if they are directed to the south, then there will be slush until November.
  • If the first snow falls in October, then winter will come in 40 days.
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