Tomato Kuban: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews, photos, yield - all about tomatoes
Kuban has historically been a supplier of tomatoes to the market of all regions of Russia. This region includes
An exotic variety with bright, attractive tubers - Chudesnik potatoes: description and characteristics
Proper planting To grow strong and healthy bushes, you must adhere to the generally accepted planting stages, first
Polyphagous miner in the garden, measures to combat the leafminer fly
Description of a leafminer fly Lifestyle of an insect How a mine is laid Life cycle of a leafminer fly
cabbage seedlings
Cabbage seedlings have stretched out: what to do about the reasons for improper care?
Cabbage varieties have a long growing season. In order to have time to harvest a harvest of good-quality heads of cabbage, you have to grow
Garden pear in Central Russia
Pear varieties for the middle zone: photo, name, description
One of the representatives of the Rosaceae family is the pear. This fruit tree is common in the wild
Characteristics and description of the tomato “Heart of a Russian bull”
Bull's heart is a tomato variety with fleshy, heart-shaped fruits, sweet in taste and similar
urea as fertilizer
Instructions for using urea in the garden, what it is and its composition
Spring fertilizing is one of the most important procedures at the beginning of the gardening season. These fertilizers should
Cabbage Brigadier F1: description, planting and care, reviews
Description of cabbage Brigadier At the autumn and winter markets, white cabbage is often found, differing in
Characteristics and description of tomato variety Sanka
Classification of cherry tomatoes. Names and descriptions of varieties
Vegetable growing » Tomatoes 0 2902 Article rating Kira Stoletova Tomato is very popular in
Why you should grow the Etoile tomato: the benefits of the variety and tips for getting a rich harvest
Gardening forums are full of stories about one unusual variety of tomatoes called Etoile. Amazing reviews
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