Accustomed to annual preparations for the winter, a house without pickles and marinades seems strange to us,
History of the development of the Karmakod variety is a hybrid of three grape varieties: Cardinal Sustainable, Magaracha and Kodryanka.
Grapes have always been considered a southern resident, very demanding of warmth. In conditions of short Ural and
Author's rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Judging
One of the most beloved and desired plants in our garden beds is without a doubt the tomato.
Cucumber Borisych F1 is a tasty early hybrid that will provide the summer resident with vitamins already at the beginning
Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in the spring is necessary to ensure their flowering, successful ovary and
All summer you have been admiring the red tomatoes from your garden beds. But then autumn came, and
Ripening period: late ripening, from 120 to 140 days from germination to fruit harvesting Form,
Tomato Solaris - description and characteristics of the variety The Solaris variety belongs to the Moldavian tomato species