Feeding tomatoes during flowering, how and what to feed flowering tomatoes

When caring for tomato beds, the question inevitably arises of what to feed the tomatoes during flowering. There are many options, ranging from traditional folk recipes to ready-made complex mixtures.
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The second question is what kind of feeding scheme should be used so as not to harm the tomatoes, but to help them form as many ovaries as possible.

We will look at all this in today's article. Moreover, you will find here not only answers to questions, but also several life hacks from experienced gardeners.

Do I need to feed flowering tomatoes?

In general, this is a rather subtle point. Most summer residents answer the question “Do I need to fertilize during flowering?” they will tell you what is needed. However, there is one thing. If tomatoes grow in good fertile soil, do not get sick and grow without problems in development, then they need to be fed very carefully. It is better to give preference to various stimulants, humic fertilizers, etc.

If during the growing season there are any problems (for example, unfavorable weather, exposure to pests), or you have weak seedlings, or poor soil, then fertilizing during flowering is necessary.

However, flowering is an important and energy-intensive process on which the plant spends a lot of effort. Therefore, it is still better to feed tomatoes during flowering. It is not necessary to apply a lot of fertilizers, but it is necessary to replenish the losses of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and boron.

Applying fertilizers when planting tomatoes

Immediately before moving the tomatoes into the ground, it is recommended to fertilize, which will allow the seedlings to more easily tolerate replanting and quickly grow:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l. sugar and 10 g dry yeast.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Dilute in 5 liters of water.
  4. Water the tomatoes.

During planting, add 4 tablespoons of a mixture consisting of parts of equal volume to each hole:

  • fertilizers containing NPK complex;
  • dolomite flour or lime;
  • tobacco dust or shag;
  • dry ground mustard.

The last two components do not contain fertilizers, but they help protect tomatoes from diseases and some pests.

The collection is mixed well with the soil, covered with a thin layer of soil, and only then the tomatoes are planted. This way the root will not get burned from contact with the fertilizer, but will be drawn to the nutrients.

How to determine that a flowering tomato needs feeding?

Fertilizing must be applied without fail when external signs of a lack of nutrients appear. For example, yellowing, drying and curling of foliage, slow growth, developmental delays, small flowers. All this signals that tomatoes urgently need to be fed with nutrients.

REFERENCE. Also, a change in foliage color to purple or pale green indicates the need to add superphosphate (in the first case) and nitrogen (in the second) to the diet.

How to apply fertilizers correctly?

To increase the fruiting of the bushes and not harm the tomatoes, you need to know how to properly apply nutrients. It is recommended to follow the following tips:

  • Apply root fertilizers carefully so that the substance does not get on the leaves;
  • use a special measuring cup, which is convenient for pouring under each bush;
  • Foliar irrigation is carried out using a sprayer with a fine nozzle;
  • fertilizing is carried out in the evening after the sun begins to set;
  • Only one type of fertilizer is used per procedure. The intervals between feedings are at least 10 days.

It is necessary to mix fertilizers in plastic containers, since many fertilizers can react with metal.

When is it better to apply fertilizer during flowering or budding?

The best time to fertilize, if you decide to do it, will be the period of mass flowering, but before fruit set. It is at this moment that plants are most susceptible to applied fertilizers.

At the same time, at this stage of flowering it is worth giving preference to phosphates and potassium fertilizers, and also adding humates. You can use nitrogen fertilizers only if the plants are lagging behind in development.

When is fertilizing needed?

The amount of fertilizing during tomato flowering depends on the condition of the soil and the appearance of the seedlings. If the leaves and stems are green and look healthy, flowering began on time and ovaries are forming, then you should not fertilize the tomatoes often. They only need the nutrients found in the soil. If the leaves turn yellow, the flowers fall off, the plant lags behind in growth and development, then it is necessary to apply fertilizer.

Tomatoes bloom in summer; in June they are fertilized in 2 stages: when the flowers first bloom and when the ovaries appear. If in the fall the land was fertilized with organic matter for digging, then during planting the preparations can be omitted, but fertilizers can be applied before flowering.

What fertilizers do tomatoes need for better budding?

There are three types of fertilizers that can be used to stimulate tomato budding.

Let's talk in general terms about each of them:

  • Mineral fertilizers. Highly effective, concentrated products. Among the disadvantages are the possible accumulation of nitrates and the need to strictly adhere to the proportions of preparing the working solution. In this group you can pay attention to nitrophoska, superphosphate, potassium sulfate.
  • Organic preparations are significantly inferior in efficiency to mineral water, but are environmentally friendly, although they still need to be prepared correctly. In this group, the most effective are infusion of ash, yeast solution, and onion peel decoction.
  • Complex. The best option, but may cost more than other varieties. It is worth looking in stores for the drugs Kemira Lux, Universal, Mortar, Senor Pomodor, Ovary.

ON A NOTE. It is also important to add humates during flowering. They have a beneficial effect on the growth of tomatoes and on the structure of the soil.

Why tomatoes don't set well in open ground

For open ground conditions, cases of poor fruit set on tomatoes are also possible. The reasons for this problem are similar to greenhouse ones . Let's look at the main "streets":

  • too high an air temperature, which leads to the falling of flowers;
  • various diseases and infections;
  • use for processing aggressive chemicals;
  • calm weather;
  • insufficient amount of phosphorus and potassium in the soil.

If it is impossible to eliminate any of the reasons, it is worth removing all flowers to give the plant the opportunity to form new ones.

Perhaps the development of your plants was affected by short-term frosts? Then the material on how to feed tomatoes after frost will be useful to you.

How to stimulate the ovary on tomatoes

To stimulate the formation of more ovaries, tomatoes are sprayed or watered during flowering.

An effective remedy is iodine solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 3 drops of iodine in 1 bucket of water. This composition is applied at the root.

ON A NOTE. The best option would be spraying with a special complex composition “Ovary”. This product helps tomatoes grow more future fruits.

How to feed tomatoes during fruiting

During fruiting, potassium is extremely important for tomatoes. Its lack is immediately visible in appearance. Necrosis begins at the tips of the lower leaves, which gradually spreads along the entire perimeter. Then brown heels appear, and the leaves begin to curl, fall off, and the stem becomes limp. You understand that in this state it is unlikely that the plant will be able to bloom and bear fruit.

And even without such signs of potassium deficiency, this mineral is extremely necessary during the period of fruit formation and ripening. It is fertilizing with potassium fertilizers that makes the fruits sweet and tasty.

Wood ash for better flowering and fruit set

Ash has a rich set of minerals useful for vegetables - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc. Of all fertilizers, it is an environmentally natural mineral fertilizer.

For tomatoes we make root feeding with ash infusion. This is how they prepare it. For 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of dry ash, stir the ash in the water to obtain a homogeneous substance. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. After this time, filter the infusion if there are large coals left. The resulting infusion is watered at the roots of the tomatoes, pouring 0.5 liters under each plant.

Fertilizing with ash increases the flower mass, plants bloom better and set fruit. It is better to carry out such fertilizing 2-3 times per season, alternating it with yeast or spraying with boric acid.

All feedings are carried out at intervals of 1.5-2 weeks, and they should alternate.

Dry ash can be scattered under the plants on damp soil, watered with water and lightly loosened. This will not only enrich the soil with useful microelements, but at the same time get rid of slugs.

Also, during the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding. To do this, in the evening or on a cloudy day, spray an infusion of wood ash over the dry leaves. It is prepared like this: dissolve 2 cups of sifted ash in 2 liters of hot water and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Then the resulting infusion is filtered. The resulting amount of liquid is brought to 10 liters with water and the plants are sprayed with this solution.

What complex preparations can be used for flowering tomatoes?

The most effective way to influence the flowering process for the better is to treat it with specialized complex preparations.

The table below presents the most popular, affordable and effective drugs.

Table. Complex products for feeding tomatoes during flowering

A drugCooking rateApplication and consumption
Kemira luxury5 grams of the drug in 1 liter of waterWater during flowering every 2 weeks
Station wagonFor root feeding: 10 ml per liter of water
For spraying: 5 ml per 10 liters of water
Alternate spraying and root feeding. Treat once every 1-2 weeks
Mortar15 g per bucket of waterThe solution consumption is 4 liters per square meter. Feeding at the beginning of flowering
Senor Tomato15 ml per 10 liters of waterUp to 5 treatments per season
Ovary1 g per 0.5 l of waterSpraying 1-3 brushes during flowering
Clean sheet for tomatoes10 g of the drug per 5 liters of waterSpray during the growing season
Fasco babies for tomatoes10 grams of the drug per 10 liters of waterSpraying every 1-1.5 weeks
Quantum for vegetable crops15 ml per 5 liters of waterSpray twice before budding and after 20 days.
Reacom for tomatoes25 g per bucket of waterFeeding during the flowering period. 0.5-1 l per plant
Potassium humate50 ml per bucket of waterAlternate root and foliar application of fertilizer
Hera for tomatoesUsed dryFertilizer application rate – 5 g per 1 tomato bush
EffectonRoot treatment: 0.2 l per 10 l of liquid
Foliar treatment: 0.03 l per 10 l of liquid
Treatment during the flowering period

When and what to feed tomatoes

For better fruit set, tomatoes need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Let's consider the stages of fertilizing:

  1. During soil preparation. For 1 sq. m of land add 8 kg of compost or humus.
  2. After planting the seedlings. Use nitrogen nutrition: 1 tbsp. spoon of urea, 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and potassium chloride. Fertilizer is applied per 1 square. m beds. Fertilizing with nitrogen is stopped at the beginning of flowering.
  3. During flowering, ovary formation and fruiting. They use potassium-phosphorus nutrition, iodine, boron.

Important! Tomatoes are fertilized every two weeks throughout the season.

Traditional feeding of tomatoes during flowering

In addition to mineral and complex preparations, summer residents often rely on folk recipes. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Ash infusion

Ash can be scattered over the plantings and powdered onto the plants, but the most effective would be to use a liquid product.

For root feeding you need 100 grams of ash per bucket of water. Consumption – 500 ml per bush.

The spray solution is prepared a little differently. Sift 100 grams of ash, pour in 3 liters of water and boil for half an hour. Next, dissolve the broth in 7 liters of water and leave to infuse for 24 hours. The next day, strain and spray the tomatoes.


This fertilizer is used to improve the structure of the soil and increase its fertility.

The working solution is prepared as follows. We dilute 100 grams of fresh yeast in a liter of warm water and leave to ferment for 3-4 hours. Then pour the resulting mixture into a bucket of water, mix and water the tomatoes at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 bush.

Boric acid

To prepare a solution for treatment, you need 10 grams of boric acid, which dissolve in a bucket of water. There is a small life hack: first dissolve the product in a small amount of warm water, and only then bring the volume up to working volume.

Green manure

Another remedy can be fertilizer made from nettles and weeds.

For information on how to properly prepare and use it, read our article “How to prepare green fertilizer from herbs, different recipes.”

Iodine solution

The solution is prepared simply: 3 drops per bucket. Liquid consumption per bush – 1 liter.

Egg infusion

The preparation requires ground egg shells. 4-5 pieces are enough. The shells are ground, poured with 3 liters of water and left to ferment in a dark place for 3 days. The product is used for watering.

How can you fertilize to produce more buds?

There are three main types of fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Mineral . Their main advantage is ease of use. But at the same time, they can be dangerous if used incorrectly , and vegetables fertilized with them cannot be called environmentally friendly.

  • Organic . Vegetables grown using them are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly , but their application requires quite a lot of time and can create some inconvenience.
  • Complex . Their main advantage is their multicomponent nature .

Next we will talk about each type in more detail.

Complex fertilizers

Complex fertilizers are considered a well-proven option. Their composition is well balanced and suits tomatoes well.

This is a convenient option, because you just need to dilute them in water according to the included instructions. As a rule, the more diverse elements they contain, the better.

What are the most popular complex fertilizers? Here is a list of drugs that experienced gardeners prefer:

  1. "Kemira Lux" . The fertilizer consists of: nitrogen - 15%, phosphorus - 21%, potassium - 26%, and also contains boron, manganese, copper. However, additional feeding containing calcium may be required.

  2. "Universal" .
    It does not contain chlorine, but it contains a large amount of humic substances. With the help of such substances, the soil is improved and the absorption of minerals by plants increases. Composition: nitrogen - 7%, phosphorus - 7%, humic compounds - 3%, sulfur - 5% and many others. Here you also need to add calcium. Used as root feeding.

  3. "Solution" . A product that is very similar to the first one on the list, since it is its direct competitor.
  4. "Senor Tomato" . Consists of: nitrogen - 17%, phosphorus - 55%, potassium - 35%. Its main feature is that in addition to humic substances, it also includes bacteria . This composition creates a special microorganic system in the soil, which has a positive effect on the nutritional properties of the soil.

What to look for when choosing complex fertilizers for flowering tomatoes ? Please note that drugs must meet the following requirements:

  • potassium, as well as phosphorus, should be significantly more than nitrogen;
  • the presence of: sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron is very important;
  • the presence of humates is desirable;
  • Chlorine or its components should be avoided.


For tomatoes, first of all, a sufficient amount of phosphorus, as well as potassium , is very important, so popular products compensate for their deficiency.

We list the main ones:

  • simple and granular superphosphate. Contains from 16 to 19% phosphorus;
  • double superphosphate has 50% phosphorus;
  • potassium salt - from 30 to 40% potassium;
  • Potassium chloride - 55% potassium;
  • potassium sulfate - about 50%.

Important : potassium chloride should be used only when plants have already developed a strong root system, since it negatively affects its development.

Organic substances – no “chemistry”

More and more gardeners are striving to grow completely safe vegetables “without chemicals” on their plots, so organic fertilizers are becoming increasingly popular.

In addition to absolute environmental cleanliness, they have other advantages. They can be used not only to feed plants, but also to fight diseases .

The most common tomato disease is late blight, which manifests itself especially strongly at high humidity.

Below is a list of the most popular organic fertilizers :

  • humates;
  • yeast;
  • ash;
  • boric acid;

Humates improve soil . This is especially noticeable on poor soils.

Humates also have other beneficial properties: they increase plant immunity, lengthen the fruiting period, and strengthen the root system . Experienced gardeners usually recommend using Kuznetsov’s “GUMI” (you need 2 spoons per bucket). Also popular on the market are: “Gumate +7”, 2Gumat-Universal”, “Lignohumate”.

Yeast . They should be used for watering plants that are stunted in growth. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 100 g of yeast in 1 liter of warm water. After a few hours, dilute this solution in a bucket of water. On average, one bush uses 0.5 liters.

Important: yeast reduces the calcium and potassium content in the soil, so it is recommended to additionally fertilize the plants with ash after fertilizing.

Ash is a source of many useful elements : calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.

It can be used in different ways:

  • sprinkle near the bush (2 spoons, once every 12-14 days);
  • make a solution and then water it 2 times a month;
  • make a solution for treating the leaves and stems of tomatoes against harmful insects.

The solution used for root feeding can be prepared by adding 100 grams of ash to a bucket of water.

It is necessary to stir again before use as the ash settles quickly. It is enough to use 0.5 liters per bush.

For foliar feeding, you need to dissolve the sifted ash in 3 liters of water. Next, boil the solution for 30 minutes, dissolve it in a bucket, add a small amount of laundry soap, leave for 24 hours.

Boric acid helps tomatoes grow faster in conditions of elevated temperatures: in greenhouses or in southern latitudes. With its deficiency, tomatoes do not set fruit well.

To prepare a solution of boric acid, you need to dissolve 10 grams of powder in a small amount of hot water, and then add to 10 liters of cool water. It is necessary to process from the period of budding and further until the formation of ovaries. Repeat every week.

"Folk remedies

The most popular such remedy is herbal infusion.

Here we will describe its most complete version, which allows it to be used not only for nutrition, but also for plant protection.

The following ingredients are placed in a 200 liter barrel: five buckets of grass (nettle is best), 1 bucket of cow manure or half of bird manure, 1 kilogram of ash, 3 liters of milk.

It is better to insist for up to two weeks.

When watering, use 1 liter per bush.

This solution contains everything that tomatoes need and in a highly digestible form.

One of the most favorite “folk” remedies among gardeners is ammonia. It can be used for spraying tomatoes, treating them against pests, and feeding them with microelements. How to water or spray plants with it, read the materials at the links.

What mineral fertilizers can be used

Among mineral products, you need to pay attention to Azofoska and Nitrophoska. These are complex preparations containing the most important microelements.

Another good choice would be various superphosphates (mono-, double, granular), potassium salt, potassium sulfate.

Among phosphorus-containing preparations, preference should be given to superphosphate. For 10 liters of water you need a tablespoon of this drug.

The most commonly used potassium fertilizer is potassium sulfate. For 10 liters of liquid, 40 grams of this fertilizer are consumed.

Experienced gardeners try not to feed each element separately, but use complex mineral preparations. For example, diammophos (a level tablespoon per bucket of water).

All these fertilizers are applied in liquid form at the root.

What is it for

Tomatoes grow well in fertile soils. Fasting negatively affects growth and fruiting.

Factors to consider:

  1. The lower leaves and stem turn purple - there is not enough phosphorus. The bushes do not develop, the root system weakens, and the fruits lose their taste. They add phosphorus nutrition. Organic fertilizers are suitable for this: bird droppings, mullein, wood ash. The solution is prepared at the rate of: a bucket of water, a glass of ash, a glass of litter. The fertilizer “plays” for 2-3 days. Then it is diluted with water in the proportion of 1 liter of mixture per 10 liters of water. Water 1 liter per root.
  2. Leaves curl, brown-yellow spots appear - lack of potassium. The fruits stop growing and develop blossom end rot. Apply mineral fertilizers. For 1 sq. m prepare a mixture: 25 g of superphosphate, 5 g of urea, 10 g of potassium salt.
  3. Light green color of leaves - lack of nitrogen, plants are stunted in growth. Feed with urea: dissolve 1 teaspoon of urea in a bucket of water, pour 0.5 liters per bush.
  4. Few ovaries on tomatoes. Growth stimulants are used: “Ovary”, “Signor Tomato”.

How and with what to carry out foliar feeding

Foliar feeding (or simply spraying) is a great way to stimulate flowering.

Let's start with a complex folk remedy that has shown its effectiveness. To prepare the working solution you will need a liter of milk, half a teaspoon of boric acid, a bucket of water and 10 drops of iodine.

First, we dilute boric acid in a small amount of very warm water, and then mix everything together and spray the tomatoes.

ON A NOTE. Treatment should be carried out in the morning on a dry, sunny day. In addition to stimulating the formation of ovaries, the solution is a preventative against late blight.

There are other folk recipes. For example, a solution of iodine, sugar and whey. Mix 2 liters of whey, 3 cups of sugar and 20 drops of iodine in a bucket of water. Or a light pink solution of manganese.

But, in our opinion, it is better to use complex purchased drugs. Simply because they are more effective, which means less processing will be required, which will save your energy and time.

Organic fertilizers for greenhouses and open ground

Despite the common growing options, you can use organic matter not only in a garden bed located on open ground or in a greenhouse, but also in a greenhouse. The absence of toxins and carcinogens allows the use of fertilizer for tomatoes not only during flowering and fruit set, but also during the active growth of tomatoes.

Comparing organics with mineral and nitrogen complexes, it is impossible to select the best option. Each method is advantageous in its own way and has pros and cons. However, when choosing the best fertilizer at the time of fruit set, preference should be given to one of six options rich in minerals:

No. 1 - yeast fertilizers

The use of yeast has been repeatedly confirmed for growing tomatoes. Simple recipes based on a budget-friendly, fast-acting fermentation agent have proven themselves to be excellent in the practice of experienced and amateur gardeners. It allows young seedlings planted in the ground that are lagging behind in development to catch up with their peers, and healthy and strong seedlings to quickly acclimatize in a new place. The effect of fertilizer lasts from 2.5 to 5 weeks, depending on the fertility of the soil. The poorer the composition, the faster the nutrition is consumed and a supplement is required.

The recipe for preparing top dressing at home is quite simple. To mix the “folk elixir” into 5 liters of water, you should take: from 400 to 600 g of live yeast or a briquette. Dilute the product until smooth in boiling water to avoid the formation of lumps.

As soon as the drug is ready for use, liquid fertilizer is applied to each bush, using no more than 500 ml of liquid. As soon as the solution is absorbed into the soil, additional watering is carried out with settled water. The procedure is carried out in the evening to retain maximum moisture without burning the foliage.

No. 2 - fertilizers based on wood ash

To feed tomatoes during flowering and fruit set, it is better to use the ash of fruit trees. Dry branches and uprooted stumps of old apple, pear, plum and cherry plum trees are suitable for burning. The raw combustion product must not be used after varnishing, whitewashing or painting. Such a product will not be effective, and the carcinogens and harmful substances contained in the coating will only harm the vegetable crop, affecting the taste and nutritional qualities of the fruit.

No. 3 - iodine-based fertilizers

Iodine solution has long been used to prevent bacterial diseases and pests, and only now have they learned to use it when harvesting is delayed and during flowering. Applying a few drops to a bucket of water will have a beneficial effect on the ovary and fruit formation. With proper care, weight will increase in a short time and exceed the standard weight by 10-15%.

You can increase the use of iodine by adding yogurt or whey. For 5 liters, 500 ml of fermented milk product is enough. Alternative options would be: wood ash, nettle infusion or old jam, which causes fermentation of any solution.

No. 4 - nettle infusion

Nettle fertilizer for root watering has been used by many gardeners for a long time. The herb is brewed in boiling water for 8-12 hours, and then used in small quantities using a ladle or measuring cup. 250-300 ml will be enough for a tomato bush to become fat in a short time, no worse than in a greenhouse.

When placing the solution in a country barrel, fill the container 1/5 with nettles, pouring boiling water over the rest. If it is impossible to heat a large volume of water, it is recommended to use boilers. A few will be enough to allow the solution to brew.

No. 5 - boric acid

You can find cheap boron-based fertilizer in every pharmacy. To use it, the solution is first diluted in alcohol and then in water, used as foliar feeding. The product is poured into a sprayer, irrigating each bush.

For 1 table. l. boric acid take 100 ml of alcohol and 5 liters of water.

What fertilizers can be applied during watering?

Root feeding is a standard way to saturate a plant with the nutrients it needs. For irrigation, organic matter and diluted mineral fertilizers are usually used.

When you apply fertilizer, remember that the soil under the bushes must first be watered with clean water. This is necessary so as not to burn the root system and stimulate the absorption of beneficial microelements by the roots.

By the way, you can prepare complex fertilizers from organic matter and minerals. For example, a bucket of water, half a liter of litter and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate. Or a bucket of water, half a liter of litter, half a bag of boric acid and a spoonful of potassium sulfate.


Experienced gardeners tell us how to grow a rich harvest of tomatoes and how to feed them so that there are more ovaries

Valentina, Voronezh: “I’ve been growing tomatoes for a long time. When I see a problem that tomatoes are blooming but there are no ovaries, I spray them with boric acid. I make a solution - 1 teaspoon of acid per 3 liters of water - and spray it every week. 2-3 times are enough for the fruit to begin to set.”

Ivan, Moscow: “I give preference to organic fertilizers. It is safe for health. I am preparing an herbal tincture from weeds. I feed it once every 14 days. I add 1 liter of tincture, a glass of ash, 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. a spoonful of superphosphate."

Inna, Tomsk: “When the neighbors see my blooming tomatoes, they have a question: what do I feed them with? The secret is simple. I use nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of growth. During the flowering period I add phosphorus and potassium. First of all, I use yeast dressing, alternating it with ammonium nitrate or ammonia. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of saltpeter in a bucket of water is enough for the bush to gain strength for fruiting. I apply fertilizer every two weeks. Then I switch to boric acid, superphosphate, and potassium nitrate.”

Gardening tricks

Over a long period of growing tomatoes as a cultivated plant, summer residents have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge. Here are some gardeners' tricks for feeding tomatoes during flowering.

  1. When applying fertilizers, it is better to select preparations with a high content of potassium and phosphorus and a low content of nitrogen.
  2. Try to choose products that contain humates. You can additionally treat the tomatoes with humic fertilizers.
  3. Combine and alternate the addition of organic matter and minerals.
  4. Pinch the tops and remove shoots to properly distribute nutrients throughout the plant.
  5. Before planting tomato seedlings, plant green manure in this place.
  6. Follow the watering schedule, loosen and mulch the soil.
  7. On rainy days, add a solution of hydrogen peroxide to the plants' diet. This will help the tomatoes better cope with excess moisture.

In the greenhouse

The specifics of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground are largely similar.

Work begins with preparing the soil. In early spring, before digging, fertilizers are applied: 10 kg of compost is mixed with 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium chloride and 40 g of superphosphate. The proportion is calculated for 1 sq. m of land.

Features of caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  1. Seedlings after diving are not fertilized. Strengthen the immune system by spraying the drug “Epin” on the leaves.
  2. Tomatoes in a greenhouse need more potassium fertilizers. A lack of potassium causes the leaves to wilt.
  3. When flowering and ovary formation, it is important to follow the watering regime. To prevent diseases from developing in the greenhouse, the humidity should be no higher than 75%.

Feeding is carried out in stages:

  1. On the 14th day after planting the seedlings, mineral fertilizers are applied.
  2. During flowering, fertilize with potassium fertilizers, bird droppings, and mullein.
  3. If the plants are very elongated, superphosphate is used.
  4. When tomatoes bloom in a greenhouse, they are fed with calcium nitrate.
  5. To form ovaries, use a mixture: a glass of ash, 1 teaspoon of boric acid, a bucket of water.
  6. During fruiting, make a solution: a bucket of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium humate.

Important! In a greenhouse, fertilizers are applied once every two weeks, in open ground - once every 10 days.

Popular schemes for applying fertilizing during flowering

Let's look at a popular scheme for mineral feeding of tomatoes during flowering.

  • When the first inflorescences appear, we fertilize with fertilizer consisting of 5 liters of water, 10 grams of ammonium nitrate, 5 grams of potassium chloride and 20 grams of superphosphate.
  • We carry out the second feeding during flowering of 2 pairs of brushes. Mix in a bucket of water - 70 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of saltpeter, 20 grams of potassium.
  • After another 2 weeks, mix 45 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of saltpeter, 30 grams of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water.
  • Between these feedings we carry out foliar treatment with boric acid.

Another scheme is a little simpler:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water. Water at the root.
  • While setting the first fruits, pour in the following mixture: 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, a spoonful of sodium humate.

Mineral fertilizers for open ground and greenhouses

Regardless of the method and place of cultivation, feeding tomatoes during flowering remains mandatory. To avoid the formation of small fruits, chloride fertilizers based on sodium chloride should be used. The mineral substance will increase budding, increasing fruit ovaries on each formed trunk by 30-35%.

An alternative to chloride will be preparations made on its basis, offered in most garden stores. Among the popular options, there are five highly effective ones:

  1. superphosphate in crushed or granular forms. Preferably products containing phosphorus from 15 to 20% of the total content;
  2. potassium salt enriched with potassium by 27-40%;
  3. potassium sulfate with an increased concentration not exceeding the potassium content by 55%. You can use the substance in a minimal amount to avoid yellowing of the leaves and their turning in the opposite direction;
  4. double superphosphate is another fertilizer with an increased concentration of phosphorus. Its use cannot exceed a single application. The drug is diluted in warm water, using in the volume recommended on the package;
  5. Potassium chloride - completes the top of the best options. For use in the garden, use preparations not exceeding 50% of the active substance.

Kemira Lux

When choosing ready-made mineral complexes, summer residents will certainly like the product that has been proven over the years - Kemira Lux. It is used during the budding period for feeding sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. When the drug is diluted in the recommended proportions, fertilizing will strengthen the growing tomato bushes, making flowering active, with the formation of a minimum volume of barren flowers, taking away the necessary juice from the plant.

Senor Tomato

In recent years, the drug has received quite a few positive reviews. Use in case of deficiency of macro- and microelements allows you to compensate for the lack of minerals even during the period of formation of inflorescences. One of the advantages of the drug over other fertilizers is the combination of mineral additives with nitrogen fertilizing, which affects the formation and weight of each fruit. And the addition of humic acids normalizes the acid-base balance, returning soil fertility and saturation.

You can use Senor Tomato for both root and foliar feeding. In the first option, each bush is spilled with the solution. The second method suggests irrigating with warm water or wiping the leaves with cotton pads soaked in fertilizer.

Common mistakes

  • Use of nitrogen preparations. Having seen the effect that fertilizing with nitrogen had at the beginning of the growing season, the summer resident applies the product again. Although nitrogen is not needed during the flowering period.
  • Failure to comply with proportions. This is especially important when foliar treatment, since then the plant can get burned.
  • Too frequent application of fertilizers. Tomatoes should be fed moderately during flowering, simply maintaining the balance of microelements. Excess fertilizer is harmful to plants.
  • No humates are added. These microelements are extremely important for plants during the flowering period.
  • Only traditional methods are used for unfavorable tomato growth. If tomatoes do not bloom well, it is better to use complex fertilizers. They are more effective than traditional recipes.

How to water

The watering needs of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting are different.

During flowering

During this period, ovaries are formed and future fruits are laid.

Tomatoes need to be watered regularly and abundantly during the flowering period . The watering mode is selected depending on the weather. When it's hot, water twice a week. In cool weather, once is enough.

During the fruiting period

Watering during this period is reduced. It is carried out as necessary. Excessive watering can damage the fruits: they will crack and rot.

In hot weather, one abundant watering every 7-10 days is sufficient.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Do I need to feed during flowering?

Preferably. If the tomatoes grow well, the fertilizer rate can be reduced.

When should you start feeding?

When the first flowers appear.

When is fertilizing most effective?

During mass flowering of tomatoes.

How many times per season should tomatoes be fed?

Tomatoes need to be fertilized three to four times during the summer season. The exception is flowering time.

In the fall, you can mix granular fertilizers with sand and then dig up the area with a shovel. In the spring, if there is no autumn digging, you should fertilize the beds about 3-4 weeks before planting.

During the growing season, it is advisable to water the bushes with nutrient solutions at the root every 2-3 weeks.

There are five main stages that relate to the developmental stages of these delicious vegetables:

  1. When planting in the garden. The soil must be fertilized with organic matter and minerals. Otherwise, the seedlings will develop slowly and begin to get sick.
  2. 2 weeks after planting. At this time, young bushes appear that need balanced feeding.
  3. During a period of active growth . Here it is important to add microelements to the soil in time to accelerate the development of the root system and the appearance of the first leaves.
  4. During flowering . All fertilizing in this case helps the crop to set fruit faster. Otherwise, the ovary may fall from the bushes without having time to pollinate.
  5. During the fruiting period . In this case, feed for the last time. Complementary feeding is usually done to improve taste and accelerate the ripening of fruits.

How to feed tomato seedlings in spring

It is best to start the procedure two days after the pick. After 8 days, it is necessary to add the following nutrient mixture to the soil:

  • dissolve saltpeter with ammonia (18 g) in 10 liters of water,
  • add superphosphate (80 grams),
  • and potassium sulfate (25 grams).

We focus on the stage of development, taste and size of the fruit

What to add to the soil when preparing beds in the spring

The following fertilizers are excellent for preparing a plot for tomatoes:

  1. Kemira Universal . Balanced complex.
  2. Kemira Lux . Water-soluble drug.
  3. Universal , which contains, among other things, humic substances.

Attention! Be sure to follow the dosage when adding complementary foods. An excess of minerals is more dangerous than a deficiency.

After planting in the ground or in a greenhouse

Among others, it is very good to use folk remedies. Such as herbal tea. You can prepare it by adding chopped plantain and nettle to a container of water.

In open ground, the day before transplanting seedlings into a hole, it is best to water them with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also sprinkle crushed shells and wood ash under their roots.

Important! Potted seedlings on peat do not need additional fertilizers.

When flowering

For full-fledged ovaries, it is worth applying fertilizers with the entire complex of nutrients to the vegetable bed:

  1. Novofert Universal
  2. Tomato crystal (in white packaging)
  3. Fertika Universal
  4. Red giant

You can fertilize with infusion of bird droppings and potassium sulfate. You should also feed it with ash to speed up the setting and ripening of fruits.

Greenhouse vegetables will enjoy adding magnesium sulfate to their daily diet during this time.

During the fruiting period

At this time, tomatoes require superphosphate and potassium humate as fertilizer. These mixtures are applied at the root of each bush.

During the fruiting period, plants also increase their need for potassium, boron, manganese and iodine.

To increase productivity

Effector can be used as an organic substance for these purposes. It is used to accelerate growth. Its composition:

  • composted peat
  • dolomite flour
  • potassium chloride
  • phosphate rock

For large-fruited varieties

For such varieties, fertilizing should be carried out by checking the information on the bag of seeds. As a rule, it is worth adding potassium sulfate to the soil as a fertilizer according to the scheme.

To increase sweetness

To make the tomatoes sweet and tasty, use the following fertilizers:

  • solution . It is advisable to water both leaves and roots with this solution.
  • Potassium solutions . They are added exclusively at the root.
  • solution . It is used as complementary food in the spring, because it contains enough substances to provide sweetness.
  • solution . A universal drug that nourishes the root system. Before using it, it is advisable to water the tomato bushes generously with plain water.
  • Infusion of wood ash. An excellent substitute for mineral supplements. Naturally sweetens vegetables. As a rule, the site is fertilized with ash three times a year every two weeks.
  • solution . During flowering, the bushes can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It will repel plant pests.

Tomato feeding schemes: from seedlings to harvest

Scheme 1. The complete process is performed three times:

  1. For the first time after planting tomatoes, a compound of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate is taken. For depleted soil, you can add ammonium nitrate (two weeks after planting).
  2. The second time, fertilizers (liquid composition of nitrate and potassium) are added during the period of fruit formation.
  3. The third feeding is similar in mineral composition to the second. Here you need to wait a month after the last feeding.

In the open ground

Also, as in the previous example, it is used in open areas, but according to scheme 2.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to the soil. An important emphasis: the addition of minerals is carried out when plowing the garden in the fall.

A three-time fertilizer application schedule is used:

  1. The first feeding is after 10 days, when the tomatoes are already in the garden.
  2. The second application of nutrients is 20 days after the first feeding.
  3. The third feeding is carried out half a month later than the second.

During the entire growing season, the amount of complementary foods introduced can be no more than ten times .

In a greenhouse or at home

The amount of soil in the boxes is limited. For this reason, foliar fertilizers can be added to root fertilizers. It is best to spray the above-ground part of the bush with a nutrient mixture. This must be done about 10 times during the entire period after planting the vegetables.

The basic fertilization scheme indicated above is reduced to one, maximum two times. Manipulations in closed containers should be carried out only during flowering and fruiting.

Reference. It is not recommended to get too carried away with spraying homemade tomatoes, as this can lead to constant moisture in the leaves and, as a result, rotting of the vegetable crop.

Is it necessary to fertilize tomatoes strictly according to schedule?

Since the above scheme for feeding tomatoes is considered general, in specific cases it can vary significantly.

For example, if the planting sites for the crop were properly fertilized in advance, then when planting the seedlings, they do not add anything to the soil, but simply spill it. This is also done if the seedlings were fed before planting.

If the tomatoes grow well and are full of health at one or another stage of development, then some points of the diagram can be omitted. If tomatoes lack a certain substance in the soil, they will definitely show it.

Tomatoes grown in separate containers must be fed according to the schedule and, possibly, fertilizers must be added out of sequence. Since the earth in limited quantities quickly becomes poor, it is necessary to constantly replenish its nutritional composition by introducing certain elements.

Many gardeners prefer to use inexpensive and accessible products as fertilizers. For example, ammonia is used in different ways: for fertilizing the soil, treating plants, spraying and watering.

Useful tips

When fertilizing tomatoes to obtain a high yield, gardening specialists give the following advice:

  1. To harvest a high yield of tomatoes, it is recommended to prepare the soil. When digging the soil in the fall, it is recommended to add manure, which will rot over the winter and the soil will be well fertilized in the spring.
  2. When planting, you should not add manure to the holes, since the plant will grow, but the fruiting itself will not be particularly abundant.
  3. It is advisable to fertilize with mullein 3 times during the entire growing season;
  4. During the growth period, avoid thickening, as this vegetable crop loves good lighting.
  5. Maintain crop rotation.
  6. There is no need to replace the fertilizers used. You should choose a certain complex of mineral fertilizers and alternate them with organic fertilizers.
  7. Monitor your tomatoes for signs of element deficiencies. For example, yellowing of the leaves indicates a lack of phosphorus, and then superphosphate should be used. Chlorotic leaf spot is a sign of micronutrient deficiency and requires foliar treatments.
  8. You should stop feeding tomatoes from the 2nd half of July.
  9. Adhere to the principle - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. An excess of certain chemical elements can cause a certain number of diseases. If the leaves of the bushes have grown sharply, this indicates an excess of nitrogen.
  10. Be sure to loosen and mulch the soil, and also remove weeds from the site in a timely manner - this will facilitate the supply of nutrients to the plants and also protect them from some diseases and pests.

Did you know? You can increase the formation of ovary in tomatoes by shaking the bush. This technique is especially relevant for greenhouse plants or those growing on a closed balcony.

Timely, correctly chosen fertilizing can significantly improve the yield of tomatoes. To increase productivity, it is most important to fertilize plants during flowering and fruit set.

Tomatoes grow poorly, what to do

Of course, you should prepare the site in the fall. After the crop has been harvested, it needs to be dug up and fertilized; it is best at this stage to use potassium and phosphorus-based fertilizers. The former contain chlorine, which is harmful to tomatoes, but over the winter it will go deep into the soil, while phosphorus will also take on such a form that the tomatoes will absorb it well. You can also dig up the soil with weeds. Next, you will add fertilizer when you plant the seedlings, and it is better to use the nitrogen type here, because you need green mass now so that the stems do not stretch.

You can also add organic matter during digging - per square meter you add eight kilograms of the mixture - equal parts litter, manure, compost, peat and 50 grams of superphosphate. You can also bury weeds or plant green manure plants.

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Thus, fertilizing the bushes when the buds open is very important if you want to end up with sweet, large, juicy tomatoes.

Also remember that during this period, feeding the bushes with green herbal infusion helps a lot; they grow better, become more resistant to climate change, are less susceptible to diseases, and their ovaries appear much more intensively. And feeding with iodine, hydrogen peroxide and milk protects tomatoes from late blight. In addition to the right fertilizers, tomatoes also need proper care. Timely and sufficient irrigation. The soil should not dry out, but excess moisture also harms plants. Loosening and destruction of weeds. Good aeration will benefit the plants, as will the absence of weeds.

Basic rules and recommendations

Main important points:

  1. Fertilize 10-15 days after planting seedlings using both root and foliar methods. You can use 10 g of superphosphate dissolved in a liter of liquid as such a remedy.
  2. For better fruiting, you need to feed the vegetables after the first ovaries appear. Moreover, the feeding itself is carried out only at the root. Calcium nitrate (2 g per 1 liter of water).
  3. Foliar spraying must be performed during the first half of the growing season. Roots are made during the entire period of fruit development (20 g ammonium nitrate + 25 g potassium sulfate).
  4. In a greenhouse with dry soil, it is necessary to slightly moisten the soil before applying fertilizer.
  5. It is best to water with clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22 degrees above zero. When watering under the film, it is important that water does not get on the leaves. Otherwise, excess moisture may appear on them.
  6. When applying complex fertilizers, watering should be carried out in the early morning before sunrise, or in the early evening immediately after sunset.

Important! Always pay attention to the appearance of plants and their reaction to the application of certain fertilizers.

Common mistakes and useful tips

Sometimes numerous mistakes are made when growing tomatoes. To avoid them, you need to listen to the advice of experienced gardeners.

  1. Fertilizers are not applied at the right time . Untimely watering with a preparation that contains nitrogen interferes with plant growth. In this case, you need to pay close attention to fertilizers and use them strictly for their intended purpose.
  2. Violation of the maximum permissible concentration . Fertilizer added in excess can cause chemical burns. It is important to follow the instructions here.
  3. Fascination with home remedies . They can only be used secondarily. Constant fertilizing with organic matter is harmful to tomatoes.
  4. Fertilizers are applied incorrectly . Root feeding is carried out only on wet soil. This way microelements are better absorbed by the plant.

Following the rules for adding nutrients minimally reduces the possibility of making mistakes.

Proper feeding is an important condition for the development of tomatoes

Any plant, including a tomato, consumes nutrients in different quantities at different stages of development. For example, an actively growing tomato needs an increased amount of nitrogen, and in the budding and fruiting phase, a constant supply of potassium.

Only with accurate knowledge of the needs of a crop during a certain period of development can you create a balanced fertilizer that will not harm the bushes, but, on the contrary, will provide them with the necessary nutrition.

All feeding of tomatoes should be carried out in a strictly defined order.

Randomly introducing one or another substance under the bushes can provoke its excess or deficiency.

As a result of improper fertilizing, tomatoes weaken and are easily affected by pests and diseases, the harvest (if any) loses its varietal characteristics - even the largest-fruited hybrids can produce small, unsightly tomatoes.

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