The subtleties of growing rosemary in open ground in the Moscow region, planting and care

Reproduction methods

Nature provides four ways of propagating ornamental crops:

  • seminal;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The most preferred method of propagating rosemary is cuttings, since it is highly reliable and has already been tested by many gardeners. In addition, it will not be difficult to master it:

  • We cut segments from annual shoots in the fall, the length of which should be from 8 to 10 cm. Each of these segments should have at least 3-4 internodes.
  • Remove all the lower leaves. We treat the resulting cuts with brilliant green, and the lower cut must be left for several hours in a root formation stimulator.
  • After this, all that remains is to place the cuttings in water for rooting or directly into fertile soil. Also, the cuttings take root well in loose river sand.
  • Remember to provide proper conditions and care: daily spraying, suitable temperature, no direct sunlight.

The first roots on young shoots will appear in about 30 days. After this, they will need to be planted in separate containers, each of these containers should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. After a week, maximum 10 days, we pinch off the tops - this will activate the branching process.

Dividing the bush is a slightly more complex method, which is mainly used for rosemary grown indoors.

The remaining two methods can be safely used for open ground. If you have seed (seeds), you will first need to place it in water for several hours so that the seeds swell well. Then we sow them to a depth of 3-4 cm in damp sand, after which we cover them with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Do not forget to spray future seedlings daily, and also wipe off accumulated condensation from the glass. Seedlings should be kept in warm conditions at temperatures between 22°C and 25°C.

With proper care, the sprouts should hatch within a month and a half, maximum two. As soon as this happens, remove the film and place the containers with young plants in a well-lit place.

Do not forget about regular watering, which should be done with well-settled water. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground as soon as they reach a height of 7-8 centimeters, but if you have the opportunity to keep them indoors longer, be sure to take advantage of it.

Reproduction by layering looks like this:

  • We tilt the shoot that grows closest to the ground, securing it in this position with metal brackets or a large stone.
  • We dig earth on top of the layering, leaving only its top free.
  • Such a shoot must be watered together with the mother bush.
  • As soon as the top begins to grow upward, it is necessary to separate the cuttings from the parent plant and plant them in a container or garden bed.

How to plant: timing, methods, tricks

In order to grow rosemary in open ground, you can use several planting methods. Each method has its own nuances, so read them carefully and choose the one that suits you.

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Preparing the soil for planting rosemary

First of all, you need to take care of the soil in which the shrub will be planted. Please note that spicy greens do not like lowlands and flooded areas. Therefore, for planting, choose a place with a flat surface, but avoid drafts.

Most of all, rosemary does not like acidic, heavy soil. In order to please the bush, prepare a simple substrate: mix black soil with dry leaves, some neutral peat and sand. Take all components in equal parts. Then add crushed lime to the substrate in the ratio of 100 g of lime per 10 buckets of substrate.

Growing from seeds in spring

Germination should begin in early spring. Seeds are grown indoors. To do this, you usually take several containers (the main thing is that they are suitable for growing flowers). Of course, you can sow the seeds directly into the ground, but there is no guarantee that the temperature will be consistently warm, and even with this method of growing, you will only see your rosemary closer to autumn. Therefore, for those who want to be sure to see their brainchild in the summer, we advise you to sow the seeds indoors approximately at the end of February.

Rules and instructions for growing rosemary using seeds:

  1. Take clean gauze and fold it into several layers so that you can put some seeds on one part and cover them with the other.
  2. Soak one half of gauze in water and spread the seeds on it in a thin layer. After this, cover them with the second half of damp gauze.
  3. Use a spray bottle to moisten the gauze daily. In the room where the seeds germinate, the temperature must be constantly maintained at 19–23°C.
  4. The soil in which rosemary will be planted should be prepared in advance.
  5. After 3–5 days, collect the seeds and sow them in a thin layer, cover it with soil (the layer should not exceed 5 mm). Moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the container with the planted seeds with polyethylene (you need to make holes in it first), then place the container in a warm place.
  6. Water the soil three times a day, ideally using a sprayer to avoid accidentally washing away the soil and exposing the seeds.
  7. After about 14 days, you will notice small rosemary sprouts. When the first shoots appear above the ground, remove the plastic and place the containers with the sprouts in the sun.
  8. After a couple of months, the sprouts should already be completely strong for planting. Moving into the ground is not so difficult: you just need to carefully dig up the sprouts and plant them in the beds.
  9. Immediately after transplanting rosemary, the soil needs to be moistened.

Spring cuttings

Growing spices this way is much easier. In this case, the cuttings will be the tops of the shoots, which are cut from an adult bush. The best time for cuttings is April or early May.

You can also use those bunches of greens that are sold on the market as a spice as cuttings.

Rules for growing rosemary using cuttings:

  1. Remove the lower leaves from the branches, partially exposing the stem.
  2. Place the branches in water and wait until the roots sprout from them (you can, of course, plant them in a pot of soil and wait until the roots sprout there, but the method with water is more effective and clearer). After the roots have appeared, the stems are ready to be transplanted into open ground.
  3. The water under the stems needs to be changed every 3-4 days. If you use the pot method, water the sprouts every other day, but do not overdo it with the amount of water.
  4. Noticeable roots should appear in about 20 days. As soon as this happens, you should immediately transfer the cuttings to the prepared beds. The stems should be planted in holes with a depth equal to the length of the roots. Water the soil under the planted young plants.

Growing by division in summer

Dividing is the easiest way to get spices in your garden. It does not require preliminary home manipulations such as germination, and immediately makes it possible to plant rosemary in open ground. This is best done in June.


  1. Prepare the soil for planting according to the instructions above.
  2. Next, you should get a bush with a large number of shoots (you can look for one in the store or from someone you know).
  3. The roots should be removed from the ground and shaken off.
  4. Dig holes in the soil with a depth equal to the length of the roots and plant the sprouts.
  5. Water the soil.

Selecting a variety for the middle zone

Rosemary is a spicy and medicinal plant.
Its homeland is Central and South America, as well as the Mediterranean, where the temperature never drops below 0°C. Common rosemary varieties are well suited for the Moscow region; they are easy to care for and have dense foliage. These varieties are: Vishnyakovsky Semko, Rosinka, Tenderness. For those who visit their summer cottage only on weekends and do not have the opportunity to water the spice often, the drought-resistant Biryusa variety is suitable. The following types are widespread: Medicinal and Prostrate. Note! All these varieties can withstand short-term frosts and differ from each other in the shape of their crown.

Medicinal has tall bushes. Its shoots are directed upward, the bush resembles a small cypress in shape. The variety Tenderness is branched and reaches a height of 1 meter. It has a pine aroma and this repels many pests. Resistant to many diseases. Spread rosemary grows well in breadth and reaches a height of up to 0.5 meters. One such bush can occupy an area of ​​up to 2 meters.

Harvest and storage

The plant is most powerful during the flowering period. At this time, it contains the maximum amount of essential oils beneficial to the human body.

For culinary purposes, the leaves are used in fresh and dried form. Whole branches are also actively used, which are used to decorate ready-made dishes.

The leaves are carefully cut and dried in a dark, well-ventilated area. After they are completely dry, they are crushed and used to prepare spicy mixtures. Leftovers are stored in a tightly sealed container. Rosemary retains its properties for 2 or more years.

Growing spices in the Rostov region is practically no different. To get this product you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it. The beneficial properties of rosemary are difficult to overestimate; after using it, every person will feel its effect on the body.

Home care

Caring for rosemary at home includes watering and maintaining optimal temperature and lighting conditions.


The drought-resistant crop does not require abundant watering. The plant tolerates soil drying out better than soaking. Young seedlings require regular moderate irrigation as the soil dries to a depth of 2.5 - 5 cm. As a rule, indoor bushes are watered once every 3 - 4 days. If the room temperature exceeds +27 degrees, humidification should be carried out daily, but in moderation.

The shrub needs frequent watering during flowering. And in winter, the amount of irrigation is reduced to 2 times a month.

After each watering, the soil in the pot must be loosened to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm.


Growing rosemary at home requires maintaining the required temperature. Pots with indoor bushes should be kept away from drafts. If plants are placed on window sills, ventilation should not be carried out for long. The optimal temperature for an adult plant is +22…+28 degrees. In winter, you can reduce the temperature from +6 to +15 degrees.


Pots of rosemary are best placed on windows or balconies on the south and southwest side. The culture needs bright light at least 6 hours a day. Every 2 - 3 days the pot needs to be rotated to ensure uniform development of the crown. In extreme summer heat, planting containers should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In winter, rosemary requires the brightest possible light.

To create artificial lighting, fluorescent or special phytolamps are used. The bush is illuminated for 14 hours a day. The distance between the plant and the light source should be from 15 to 30 cm.

Fertilizer and feeding

Like other cultivated plants, rosemary needs regular fertilization and feeding. During the period of active growth, organic and complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil 1–2 times a month. Mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 is used as organic matter. Mineral fertilizers must contain nitrogen and phosphorus.

Industrial mineral fertilizer complexes purchased in stores must be diluted according to the instructions on the package. When applying fertilizer, do not allow liquid to come into contact with the green parts of the plant. Nutrient compounds are injected at the root. During the flowering period, you can feed the bush with special products for flowering plants.

It is worth noting that rosemary is undemanding to the composition of the soil and does not require frequent fertilizing. A high content of nutrients and minerals in the soil, as well as a complete absence of these components, can harm the plant.


Indoor rosemary is replanted every 2 years. The bush is transplanted into a larger pot so that the root system inside feels free.

A drainage layer of perlite, expanded clay or vermiculite must be laid at the bottom of the planting container. The bottom of the container should have holes for moisture to escape when watering.

For replanting, a special soil mixture is prepared, containing the same components as for sowing seedlings. All components of the soil must undergo heat treatment in the oven for disinfection. The pot must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

A rosemary bush is planted in a new container along with a lump of earth. The plant should be carefully removed from the pot so as not to damage the roots. To do this, before transplanting, water the soil abundantly.

It is not recommended to replant the bush during the flowering period. It is best to carry out the procedure in the spring from late March to mid-May.

How to grow correctly

It is possible to grow a bushy perennial that thrives in the Mediterranean climate (dry, hot summers and damp, cool winters) and in other climate zones. The main thing is to do it correctly. The fragrant bush is very demanding on lighting and heat. And, although a plant that is more than three years old can tolerate frosts down to -15 degrees, it dies with a further drop in temperature. In order for rosemary to please the eye for many years in a mixborder or in a green fence, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • the soil for its cultivation should be loose and dry (excessive moisture and drying out are excluded, the soil can be any, but not acidic, preferably calcareous);
  • moderate air humidity;
  • requires periodic watering, without over-moistening the soil;
  • Shadow and wind have a negative effect on rosemary.

Growing rosemary from seeds

In early spring, they begin sowing rosemary seeds for seedlings. You can buy soil at the store or prepare it yourself. For your own homemade substrate you will need peat, sand, garden soil and humus.

The soil is moistened and seeds are placed at a depth of about four millimeters.
The box or container is covered with film. For three weeks, the seedlings are transferred to a room with a temperature no higher than 5-7°C. Then - to a warmer place with a temperature of 10-12°C. The grown seedlings are transplanted into pots, watered moderately and the room is ventilated. Before planting in open ground (in May), the plant is hardened off by leaving it in the air under a film. Rosemary can be planted directly in open ground when grown from seeds in the country. This is done at the end of April, after sowing they are covered with a film stretched over the supports. The emerging shoots are thinned out, leaving a distance of 25 cm between them. The film is removed when there is no threat of night frosts.


Pruning bushes is an integral part of plant care. If rosemary is grown for industrial purposes, then the bushes are pruned approximately once every 7 years. The branches are cut at the root, which will subsequently lead to rejuvenation and the appearance of new shoots.

When growing ornamentally, pruning is carried out to give shape to the plant. This should be done in early spring and no more than once a year.

Otherwise, the shrub will undergo a long restoration process and will not please you with flowering. There is also a risk of rosemary dying after pruning if it was planted in open ground.

Features of crop care

The plant is not capricious, but in order to get a good harvest, you need to follow certain rules of agricultural technology.


Rosemary needs moderate but regular watering. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to dry out, and if there is too much moisture, rosemary can completely shed them. Rosemary loves sunlight and warmth. Lack of light causes growth inhibition and a decrease in marketability. Does not like rosemary or drafts.

Top dressing

The resulting dried crust needs to be loosened, the weeds need to be weeded. Rosemary, thanks to essential oils, is not damaged by pests, but the plant needs fertilizers. Spring feeding, for better formation of the root system, is carried out with nitrate (nitrogen fertilizers). In autumn, it is recommended to apply phosphate fertilizers to the soil. Complex fertilizers are applied once a month. Doses and selection of a specific type of fertilizer depend on the quality of the soil.

Pruning bushes and temperature conditions

Pruning bushes is necessary to rejuvenate the plant and form new shoots. If the plant is supposed to be cultivated in the northern regions of central Russia, bring it into a greenhouse in low conditions. If temperatures in winter drop no more than -10-15 C, the bushes need to be trimmed low, covered with spruce branches, sawdust, dry leaves, and garden film.

To prevent plants from dying during severe frosts, plants grown in pots in open areas should be brought into greenhouses. The optimal winter temperature in a greenhouse is +8 degrees.

Landing dates and location selection

The time for planting rosemary seedlings in the Moscow region is at the beginning of May. By this period, all frosts should have passed and the soil should have completely warmed up. Seedlings for transplanting are sown at the end of February. To plant rosemary, you need to choose open areas on a hillock higher from groundwater. You should not stop in places near dense deciduous trees or shrubs, otherwise the crop may develop diseases and pests.

Important! In shady and neglected areas, the roots and stems of rosemary may begin to rot.

Choosing the right place for growing can avoid many problems.

What does rosemary look like, what family does it belong to?

First of all, it is important to remember how to spell the name of the crop: razmarin or rosemary. Only rosemary, and nothing else

This plant is a shrub; its homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean, or more precisely the western part, where this grass actually grows like a weed - everywhere. He especially likes places with hot summers, such as Crimea and Krasnoyarsk. It grows well in Ukraine too.

Rosemary is a shrub of amazing beauty

The Lamiaceae family, which includes the various types of rosemary, belongs to a large genus called Rosemary. In Latin, the name of the plant sounds like Rosmarinus officinalis.

The bushes of the plant are formed from long shoots that become woody over time. The leaves are lanceolate, with folded edges, dark green above and white-silver below, with a strong and bright spicy aroma. Many people cannot say what rosemary smells like, since its smell simultaneously contains notes of pine needles, eucalyptus, resin, camphor and lemon. The taste of young shoots and leaves is pungent, with a bitter aftertaste.

An adult rosemary bush in optimal climatic conditions can reach three meters in height. However, there are two main types of this plant, differing in description: those that grow upward, and those that are creeping, growing wider. In central Russia, rosemary bushes behave more modestly, and their sizes are on average about 70 cm in height and width.

Important! During the flowering period, depending on the variety, it is covered with small flowers of white, pale blue, blue, lilac, and pink. The fruit is a small nut

The root system is highly branched, reaching up to two meters deep into the soil.

Description, climate and suitable varieties

Rosemary is a perennial evergreen shrub with blue flowers. It is an aromatic and characteristic herb with a sweet, resinous taste, reaching 0.7-1.0 m in height in nature. Belongs to the blue family. Growing rosemary in open ground in central Russia is possible if it is of the “common rosemary” variety. The species is unpretentious and tolerates not very cold winters. The most common varieties: “Rosinka”, “Tenderness”, Tuscan Blue”, Fastigiatus, Roseus, Erectus.

Variety Description
Tenderness Popular variety in Russia. This fragrant ornamental plant reaches a height of 1 m. As it ages, the leaves acquire a delicate silvery tint, which increases its decorative value.
Dewdrop A fast-growing variety, suitable for growing in soil in annual crop conditions. Leaves are dark green with a strong odor
Tuscan Blue Fast growing rosemary. Sturdy vertical shape. It has darker blue flowers and glossy green foliage. Will add Mediterranean style to any garden.
Roseus Rosemary with pink flowers is a small shrub reaching 80 cm in height and 70 cm in width. Prefers sun and is tolerant of drought, coastal conditions and frost. The leaves are fragrant and suitable for culinary use.
Fastigiatus Lilac-blue small, hooded flowers. Medium shrub - usually grows up to 1.5 m in height. Produces whorls of tubular, 2-lipped flowers from the upper leaf axils. Soil conditions are neutral to alkaline. Well drained

The climate in central Russia is temperate continental. The distance from the seas leads to significant differences in annual temperatures. Snowy winters with moderate frosts give way to warm and humid summers. Lengthy springs with recurrent frosts and long, stormy autumns. The average temperature in winter, depending on the region, is minus 7-14 °C, in summer – plus 16-22 °C. Full-flowing rivers carry their waves across the vast territory of central Russia. The Volga and Don, the Dnieper and the Western Dvina, their tributaries saturate the fertile lands with their moisture.

How to grow rosemary in the countryside in open ground

You can grow rosemary in a garden plot in the Moscow region from seedlings planted at home in advance. You can also use cuttings, as when propagating a plant, layering or dividing a bush.

In order to obtain rosemary seedlings, you need to sow the seeds two to three months before the planned planting in open ground.

Planting rosemary in the garden and garden

In order to obtain rosemary seedlings, you need to sow the seeds two to three months before the planned planting in open ground. To do this, prepare a container with nutrient soil. The planting material is distributed over the soil, lightly sprinkled and moistened. Shoots should appear in three weeks. About ten days before planting the seedlings in the garden plot, you need to start hardening them off.

Caring for young plants

To plant young plants, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area protected from the winds with moisture- and breathable soil with neutral acidity. Before planting rosemary, you need to dig up the soil, make small holes and fill them with the following nutrient substrate:

  • turf land - one part;
  • leaf soil - two parts;
  • humus soil - two parts;
  • coarse sand - two parts.

For planting young plants, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area protected from the winds.

For every kilogram of prepared soil, it is recommended to add one tablespoon of crushed chalk or limestone. Since rosemary in the garden can reach large sizes, the distance between plants should be at least one meter. After planting, the seedlings need to be watered and mulched with peat or sawdust and covered with covering material for several days for better rooting.

Watering and fertilizing

Rosemary requires regular watering during the growing season. This is usually done every three days. Lack of moisture can be determined by yellowing of the foliage. If needles fall off the plant, this indicates overwatering. If rosemary is left in the open ground for the winter, then with the beginning of autumn, watering should be reduced.

To keep rosemary attractive, it should be pruned annually.

Loosening and weeding

Rosemary bushes should be loosened and weeded regularly. Procedures must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant. After finishing the work, it is recommended to carry out mulching; it will help curb the growth of weeds.

Plant pruning

To keep rosemary looking attractive, it should be pruned annually. It is advisable to do this in mid-spring. Since the plant can grow in one place for many years, the above-ground part must be completely pruned every seven years. This will contribute to the rejuvenation of the plant by quickly growing young stems. Trimmed parts of rosemary can be used for propagation or dried and used as a seasoning.

Disease prevention and pest protection

If rosemary is properly cared for, it grows well and is rarely affected by pests. This is due to the high content of essential oil in it, the smell of which repels them. But when it is grown in shaded areas, its quantity may decrease. In this case, spider mites can settle on the plants, which are easily recognized by the formation of cobwebs. Infestation by aphids and scale insects is also possible. If pests are found, you can wash the plant with soapy water or table vinegar. After this, it is recommended to spray with an infusion of onion, garlic, wormwood or tobacco every three days until the rosemary is completely cured. If the infestation is severe, then treatment with an insecticide solution should be carried out.

Rosemary diseases are dangerous from various leaf spots and powdery mildew that occur during overwatering.

Shelter rosemary for the winter

You can leave rosemary in the open ground for the winter only in regions where the air temperature does not drop below twelve degrees. In this case, wintering should be carried out under a small layer of peat. You can cover the plants with spruce branches.

You can leave rosemary in the open ground for the winter only in regions where the air temperature does not drop below twelve degrees.

When to plant?

Gardeners and gardeners often plant rosemary as an ornamental plant for their plots. Thanks to the subtle aroma of “sea freshness” the plant creates an atmosphere of being on the seashore with uniquely clean air. Today we will talk about how and when to plant rosemary.

Features of cultivation:

  1. Rosemary is a very heat-loving plant, so it does not tolerate frost;
  2. In the northern regions, the best period for growing outdoors will be summer;
  3. The shrub prefers loose soil enriched with limestone;
  4. It is resistant to various diseases;
  5. Possible propagation by seedlings, cuttings, seeds;
  6. Does not tolerate strong winds;
  7. Does not like high soil moisture;
  8. Does not accept high soil acidity.

Propagation by seedlings . Seeds for seedlings are usually sown in specially prepared boxes with soil at the end of February or in the first half of March. A month later, when the seeds sprout, the resulting seedlings must be transplanted individually into pots. With the onset of consistently warm days, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground on the south side of the site.

Propagation by cuttings . If you decide to propagate the shrub by cuttings, you will need to stock up on young shoots, which need to be cut off in mid-summer. The length of the cutting should be 10 centimeters and have 4 branches. The lower part of the cuttings will need to be buried 5 centimeters into the ground, maintaining a planting angle of 35 degrees.

Thus, we can conclude that the best time to plant rosemary is the beginning of summer. If the spring turned out to be very warm, then planting in open ground can be done as early as mid-May.

How to grow rosemary in a pot

From seeds

Seeds of this spice can be purchased at specialized gardening stores. Growing rosemary from them, even in a pot on the windowsill, is quite simple:

  1. Before planting, pre-soak the seeds for two days.
  2. Fill a third of the planting container with a drainage layer of expanded clay or small crushed stone. Place a substrate on top consisting of a mixture of universal soil with coarse washed river sand in a 1:1 ratio and thoroughly moisten it with a spray bottle.
  3. Sow the seeds. The depth of their embedding is 4 mm.
  4. Spray again from a spray bottle for better contact between soil and seeds.
  5. Cover the top of the planting container with glass or plastic film to create a microclimate that promotes better seed germination.
  6. An improvised greenhouse is placed in a well-lit place.
  7. Plantings require daily ventilation and watering as the top layer of soil dries out.
  8. Seed germination averages 50%.
  9. After about 4 - 5 weeks, the seedlings already have 3 leaves and can be planted in separate pots.
  10. Further care of plants consists of timely watering, fertilizing once a month during the growing season and formative pruning of bushes.

From cuttings

Growing rosemary from cuttings is the easiest, fastest and most common method of propagation. Thus, you can root even fresh green twigs purchased at the supermarket. The cuttings germinate surprisingly quickly, which delights their owners. So, to grow rosemary at home from cuttings you need:

  1. Prepare the cuttings yourself. To do this, the branches are cut into pieces, each of which is 7–8 cm long. Some of the leaves from the bottom must be removed.
  2. Prepare a planting container, one-third filled with drainage, covered with a soil mixture on top (universal soil + river sand 1:1).
  3. Treat the lower tips of the cuttings with a root formation stimulator and stick them into moist soil at an angle of 45.
  4. Arrange a shelter on top, like a greenhouse. Germination of cuttings takes approximately three weeks.
  5. Plantings need to be ventilated and moistened daily with a spray bottle.
  6. A sign of successful rooting is the appearance of young shoots on the cuttings.
  7. Such cuttings can be transplanted into separate pots.


In an apartment, a pot of rosemary is placed on the windowsill on the south or east side

It is extremely important to keep the plant away from radiators in winter. Dry hot air is detrimental to it

Wintering is ideal at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. Under these conditions, the plant goes into a dormant state, after which, in the spring and summer, it blooms profusely.

Air temperature and humidity

For a spicy bush, a comfortable temperature is 22 – 24 degrees. The plant is not demanding of air humidity, however, it responds well to spraying.


In spring and summer, it is useful to apply complex mineral or organic fertilizers once a month. At rest, no feeding is required.


Replant rosemary as needed. When the roots entwine the entire space of the pot. Carefully transfer to a larger pot, being careful not to damage the roots.


The rosemary bush requires regular formative pruning. The tops of young shoots are pinched, stimulating the plant to grow wider and achieve branching.

For adult specimens, anti-aging pruning can be done by removing almost the entire above-ground part of the bush.

Features of care

Mediterranean spice is easy to care for. It is enough to plant the bushes in a sunny place, provide moderate watering, and rosemary will delight you with abundant greenery and a bright, rich aroma of leaves

It is important to provide protection from cold winds and stagnation of moisture in the soil

The plant is a perennial; it grows in one place without replanting for up to 5-6 years. Then the bed is updated by replanting the rosemary in another place. In this area, carrots are subsequently sown, onions or garlic are grown.

Some gardeners grow rosemary as an annual. They grow seedlings, transplant them to the garden bed until autumn, and then cut the greens and remove the bushes. In the spring, seeds are sown again or cuttings are used for propagation.

How often do you water rosemary?

With regard to watering, the main thing is moderation and consistency. Rosemary prefers warmth and humidity, but with excessive watering it begins to turn yellow and drop its leaves.

If there is enough rain moisture, do not water the plants, just carefully loosen the soil between the rows, preventing the appearance of an earthen crust. On hot days, the soil is moistened to a depth of 3-5 cm, avoiding excess and stagnation of water. Drought is detrimental to the crop; greens lose their freshness, rich color, and aroma.

Does rosemary need fertilizing?

To obtain abundant greenery, plantings are fertilized with organic matter (mullein diluted 1:10) and potassium-phosphorus compounds.
It is enough to feed rosemary once every 30-40 days, alternating fertilizers. It is convenient to use complex formulations containing elements necessary for the culture. When growing rosemary as an annual crop, the fertilizers applied to the soil before planting are sufficient. During the growing season, feed only as necessary.

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Diseases and pests

Spicy and fragrant rosemary is almost not affected by pests. Insects are repelled by its specific aroma, so there are no special problems with pests. If aphids or whiteflies are noticed on the bushes, treat the plants with insecticides or use folk remedies.

Soap solution, onion peel, and infusion of mustard powder are effective. When spraying with chemicals, strictly adhere to the standards and timing of treatments, especially if the crop is grown for greenery.

Excessive watering may cause root rot. To avoid disease, control soil moisture, be sure to loosen the soil, and maintain a distance between plants when planting.

Diseases and pests

It is surprising that the plant has enormous resistance in open ground conditions to various pests and insects. Most gardeners believe that such “immunity” is directly related to the strong aroma that comes from the bush. The smell of this crop can repel most pests, which are quite difficult to combat when they infect other crops: aphids, snails, slugs, spider mites, etc. Be that as it may, such an undeniable advantage greatly facilitates care in conditions open ground for rosemary.

Note! If you grow rosemary not in open ground, but, for example, on a windowsill at home, be prepared for the fact that the plant will need your protection from powdery mildew or whitefly.

Use in cooking and medicine

The flavor palette of rosemary includes lemon, ether, pine and camphor.

Eating products that were prepared with the participation of a perennial is extremely beneficial for health, because rosemary can:

  • strengthen memory;
  • stimulate the circulatory system;
  • calm a person down;
  • tone the entire body.

The main sources of benefits are camphor, resins and essential oils.

Rosemary is also capable of providing other positive effects with the help of its unique chemical composition:

  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic.

That is why now, as in the past, infusions, decoctions and teas made from rosemary leaves and other parts of this medicinal plant are extremely popular.

Caring for rosemary in open ground

Caring for rosemary is not difficult. Despite its southern tropical origin, rosemary is unpretentious and grows even when conditions are not very favorable for it.

Rosemary grows well in poor soils without any fertilizers, but the soil must be light, breathable, and the water in the holes should not stagnate.

The shrub does not like cold winds, so it is better to choose a planting site on the south side of the house, a fence or hedge. The bush has a much worse time without the sun, since in its homeland, in the Mediterranean, rosemary is not used to cloudy days and short summers.

You need to water the bush regularly, but little by little. Rosemary tolerates drought much better than constant humidity, and too much water will lead to the development of disease.

Another mandatory item in the rosemary care program is pruning and shaping the bush. As a rule, a shrub responds normally to the removal of several branches. It is customary to prune old branches in the spring, in April, when the plant has already emerged from hibernation, but has not yet produced leaves. Old branches are cut almost to the root, and up to a third of the bush can be removed at a time.

In the summer, young shoots are also pruned, but not for the health of the plant, but for the sake of seasoning, which is incredibly fragrant and healthy.

Rosemary requires almost no fertilizer. If the bush becomes weak, it is fed a little with mineral complex fertilizers, or watered separately with phosphorus and nitrogen. Just one feeding per season is enough.

Shrubs growing at home require more feeding. Since the soil in the pots is not renewed, the plant has nowhere to take nutrients from, and gardeners are forced to feed the plant once every three months, and sometimes even more often.

If the shrub is not brought into a warm room for the winter, but is left in the ground, then it must be prepared and covered. Rosemary tolerates temperatures down to -5 degrees, and colder winters are detrimental to it. To prevent the bush from freezing, it is bent to the ground and covered with several layers of covering material, film, dry leaves or spruce branches. Such shelter will allow the bush to pass the winter tolerably under the snow.

If in winter the temperature drops below 20-25 degrees, then it is better to dig up the bush and bring it into the house. No shelter can save you from such frosts, and the bush will freeze literally during the first frost.

You can harvest green fragrant branches all year round, but July and August are most suitable for this. It is recommended to cut branches in sunny weather, and use only a sharp knife or scissors. You need to dry rosemary in a dark, well-ventilated room, and if this is not the case, then the branches are tied up and left in a warm oven for several hours.

Fresh herbs are used for salads and hot dishes. To prevent the seasoning from losing its beneficial properties, store it either in linen bags or in a glass jar, hiding it from direct sunlight.

Rosemary is used to improve digestion, increase immunity and treat colds, and it is used to make medicines for the eyes, since some substances in its composition affect the functioning of the optic nerves. This plant has bactericidal properties, the needles freshen breath, and inhaling its aroma relieves headaches, soothes and improves mood.

Properties of rosemary

Rosemary is rich in essential oils, flavonoids, phenolic acids and resins. The following properties of rosemary are distinguished:

  • antibacterial;
  • softening and moisturizing;
  • antioxidant.

Therefore, rosemary is a good ingredient for shampoo and shower gel: it soothes and moisturizes the skin, protecting it from foaming agents present in soaps and shampoos. Hair becomes shiny and strong. Essential oil is suitable for massage and perfumery. Its aroma gives a feeling of cleanliness and immediate relaxation.

Unfortunately, rosemary does not tolerate frost and a sharp drop in temperature below +10 ° C. It is generally recommended to keep it at home. Having chosen a garden/vegetable garden for growing rosemary in the Moscow region, it is provided with optimal water and soil conditions, and above all, they do not forget about good protection of the bushes for the winter. Rosemary's aroma makes it an excellent plant to plant along garden paths and home entryways.

Rosemary, specifics of growing in the Moscow region

When planting rosemary bushes in the Moscow region, it is worth taking into account the climatic conditions and specific soil in the region. In summer, the plant can be immediately planted in open soil, and in winter the bushes will take root only in pots. Low acidity soil is suitable for planting perennials. Rosemary is planted in the soil using layering, seeds or cuttings. There should be about 50 cm between the bushes so that the root systems do not intertwine with each other. Before planting, you should moderately moisten the soil and remove the remains of previously planted crops. Plants should be placed to a depth of no more than 4 cm for cuttings and layering and 0.4 cm for seeds. The landing sites are sprinkled with loosened soil.

It is necessary to choose a place for planting so that it is maximally illuminated, but at the same time has protection from strong drafts. The recommended soil type is calcareous, and it should be fairly light and loose. Rosemary is a heat-loving crop, so it is recommended to plant the plant outside only at the time of year when the threat of night frosts has passed, then rosemary will take root well and will not cause unnecessary trouble with care. The most favorable period for planting is considered to be the second half of May.

Rosemary: combination with other plants and use

To grow this fragrant perennial, you can choose a plot next to which climbing beans and other legumes, different varieties of cabbage, carrots, onions, and hot peppers are planted. There are many options for successful combinations. Rosemary improves the taste of vegetable crops and has a beneficial effect on their growth. The only thing to avoid is joint planting with cucumbers, which, in principle, do not like the proximity of fragrant herbs.

Rosemary is not just an exotic ornamental plant that can be grown and propagated in open ground or on a windowsill. It is useful for many diseases, and is also widely used by cosmetologists to create skin and hair care products. This fragrant culture is added to a variety of dishes. Their recipes with photos can always be found in cookbooks or on thematic websites. Its combination with cheese is considered especially harmonious, but the combination with red vegetables is unsuccessful. A large number of advantages is a good incentive for planting and propagating different varieties of rosemary in your summer cottage.

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