How to use Delan fungicide for various crops, its analogues and compatibility with other drugs

In gardening, it is impossible to do without chemicals, since phytopathogenic fungi begin to parasitize young leaves and shoots with the onset of spring. Gradually, the disease covers the entire plant and causes significant damage to the crop. From a variety of means, many gardeners choose Delan fungicide. It has a complex effect on fungal diseases and is suitable for both grapes and some fruit trees.

Let's get acquainted with the description, instructions, advantages and disadvantages of the Delan fungicide. We will learn how to use it correctly and in what doses.


Fungicide Delan is a contact preparation that effectively acts on fungal spores, regardless of the stage of their development. The substance is not intended for use in soil or soaking seeds. The drug is sprayed onto the leaves and stems of agricultural crops and is resistant to low temperatures and precipitation.

Summer residents use Delan fungicide to prevent and treat fungal infections. It is effective against various diseases:

  • powdery mildew (powdery mildew);
  • clusterosporiasis (vesicular spotting);
  • late blight (brown rot);
  • rust;
  • leaf curling;
  • moniliosis (fruit rot);
  • scab.

The fungicide is available in granular form, which is easily soluble in water. For large farms, you can purchase a bag weighing 5 kg; for small garden plots, a bag weighing 5 g is sufficient.

Delan fungicide should not be used with products containing petroleum-based substances.

Mechanism of action

The drug contains the active substance dithianon, the concentration of which is 70%. The active substance acts on the virus by contact, covering the leaves and stems with a thick layer that is not washed off by rain. The compound is resistant to water, but is destroyed by acids and alkalis. The fungicide is evenly distributed over the surface of the plant tissue and provides long-term plant protection.

Dithianon inhibits the growth and spread of fungal spores, which die under its influence. The remaining part of the plant is not affected by the virus.

The active substance has a complex effect on fungi, so the likelihood that pathogenic microorganisms will get used to Dithianon is minimal.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Delan is a prophylactic contact agent. The main component of the drug is dithianon. After spraying, dithianon forms a protective film on the surface of the crop. It prevents precipitation from entering the plant and protects it from the spread of spores of parasitic microorganisms.

Diathianone “sticks” well to the surface of the plant and can withstand even intense rains.

Composition, active substance

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it contains one active ingredient - dithianon. Its content in Delan fungicide is 700 g/kg. It affects enzymes involved in the cellular respiration of pathogens, causing their death. Its action is directed against fungi that cause diseases of grapevines and fruit plants.

Dithianon is not harmful to bees and insects.

Delan fungicide has two important characteristics on which its mechanism of action is based:

  1. This is a contact preparation that does not penetrate deep into the plant, but destroys harmful fungi only when they interact with the sprayed surface.
  2. The fungicide is used to prevent fungal diseases. It suppresses microorganisms before they have a chance to harm the plant.

The drug, as indicated in the instructions for use, gets on the organs of the fruit crop and forms a waterproof coating that is not washed off by precipitation and irrigation water. It prevents the germination of fungal spores in plant tissues, and the active substance dithianon suppresses their development and causes death.

A characteristic feature of the use of the drug Delan is that a certain reserve part of its active substance has a delayed effect. It gradually dissolves in rain or irrigation water, which falls on the sprayed area and reactivates the fungicide. This provides a long-lasting and stable protective effect.

The likelihood of pathogens developing resistance to the active substance Delan after its use is minimal. This is because the fungicide inhibits several fungal enzymes.

Description and release form of Delan fungicide

Delan is a drug that causes the death of harmful fungi that affect fruit crops and grapes. It was developed by BASF, whose headquarters are in Germany. The drug is used for prophylactic (protective) purposes. They spray the leaves and stems of plants.

Attention! The product is not used for treating seeds and soil.

In the instructions for use, the Delan fungicide is classified as contact, that is, it exhibits activity when applied to the surface of plant organs and does not penetrate into the protected crop. By nature it is a pesticide with protective and healing effects. It belongs to the 3rd class of danger for humans and bees.

Delan is produced in the form of granules, soluble in water. It is packaged in bags of 1 kg and 5 kg and in bags of 5 - 6 g.

Advice! In order to prevent mycoses, plants are treated with Delan every spring before the risk of infection with fungal spores arises.

Dosage, consumption rate

One fruit tree requires 2-3 liters of diluted preparation. Trees or vines should be thinned out in advance, cutting off “thorns” and those branches that will block sunlight from others, and also contribute to the creation of a stuffy, stagnant atmosphere inside the crown.

When used against powdery mildew on the grapevine, the plantations are sprayed with Delan solution 6-7 times per season, excluding the period of flowering of the vine. The consumption per 1 m2 of planting will be 80-100 ml.

For peach and apricot trees, dilute three bags of 5 gamma per 8-10 liters of water. The first spraying is carried out when the buds of deciduous fruits are still swollen. Subsequent ones - with an interval of 10-14 days. The consumption of the working solution per square meter ranges from 100 to 120 ml.

Against apple, pear, and quince scab, make a solution according to the instructions on the product label and treat each tree 5-6 times during the growing season. The first spraying is carried out when the leaves begin to bloom. In terms of square meters, this will be about 100 ml of solution per square meter.

What is Sputnik Light?

The Sputnik Light vaccine is a vector vaccine and is used to prevent infection and severe disease of COVID-19. It was registered on May 6, 2022 and is used to immunize people over 18 years of age¹.

Will Sputnik Light be effective for those who have not yet had coronavirus?

“It will certainly be, because the instructions for Sputnik Light say that it is recommended as one of the vaccines recognized in our country. The main documents for vaccination are the methodological guidelines sent by the Ministry of Health (and they are periodically updated), as well as the actual instructions for the vaccine. This instruction states that Sputnik Light is approved for vaccination for persons from 18 to 60 years of age. And the recommendations for it include the same provisions as for other vaccines.”

Sibirsky Vladimir Yurievich


Cardiologist, head of the outpatient department at the European Medical Center

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of the Delan fungicide indicate that the working solution is prepared on the day of treatment. The drug is not stored in diluted form. General rules for the use of fungicides:

  • in rainy weather, fungicide treatment is carried out at intervals of 9 - 10 days;
  • trees and grapes are sprayed with Delan fungicide in dry, windless weather;
  • to prepare the solution, dilute 14 g of granular product in 8-10 liters of water;
  • the solution consumption per tree is 2 - 3 l;
  • During the entire growing season, the plant is sprayed 3-6 times with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to spray the fungicide evenly on the stem and crown of the crop. To apply it, it is convenient to use a sprayer or hand sprayer. They must be switched to fine-drip mode.

Preparation of the solution

The Delan fungicide solution is prepared immediately before treatment, since it cannot be stored. To prepare the working fluid, you need to pour 14 g of granules into a bucket with 8-10 liters of water and dissolve. According to the instructions for use, spraying is carried out at intervals of 15-20 days. If the weather is rainy, the interval is reduced to 9-10 days. The total number of treatments ranges from 3 to 6, depending on the type of crop.

One medium-sized tree requires 2-3 liters of solution. The above-ground part of the plant is evenly sprayed with a fungicide solution from all sides. For convenience, a sprayer and fine drip irrigation mode are used.

For grapes

One of the most dangerous fungal diseases of grapes is powdery mildew. First, light spots with white spots on the back side form on the leaves, then the shoots dry out, the ovaries rot and fall off.

To avoid loss of crops and berries, vineyards should be sprayed with Delan fungicide. The plant is sprayed 6 times during the season, with each subsequent treatment carried out after 8-11 days. The application rate per 1 m2 of surface is 0.05-0.07 grams of fungicide or 90-100 ml of working solution in accordance with the attached instructions. The protective effect lasts up to 28 days.

For the apple tree

Many gardeners observe such an unpleasant phenomenon as scab on apple trees. The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow and dark spots on leaves and fruits. The greenery withers and falls off. This parasitic fungus can significantly reduce the yield and cause damage to it.

Fungicide Delan will help cope with the disease in a short time. Prepare the master solution according to the instructions and treat the fruit tree 5 times with an interval of 8-11 days. The first spraying is carried out when the leaves bloom. Spray 100 ml of working solution or 0.05-0.07 g of dry matter per square meter of planting.

For the peach

The most common fungal diseases of peach are scab, clastosporiosis and leaf curl. Fruits, bark and greens are infected. To save the harvest and protect fruit trees, it is necessary to carry out timely prevention with Delan fungicide, according to the instructions.

For this, a standard solution is prepared: 14 g of dry substance is diluted in 8-10 liters of water. Three treatments are carried out 10-14 days apart in dry weather. The first spraying is carried out during the growing season. 100-110 ml of working fluid or 0.1 g of dry matter per 1 m2 is sufficient.

Fruits can be collected no earlier than 20 days after the last treatment with the drug.

Preparation of working fluid

A working solution based on this fungicidal drug is prepared immediately before treatment, since it cannot be stored.

To prepare a working solution, 7 granules of the drug are dissolved in 5 liters of water.

Treatments are carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks, and in rainy times the interval between sprayings is reduced to 1.5 weeks.

In total, 3-6 sprayings can be carried out per season (depending on the crop being treated).

A tree with a medium crown requires up to 3 liters of working fluid. in this case, the plant is evenly sprayed from a spray bottle from all sides.

Toxicity, precautions

Delan fungicide belongs to toxicity class III, so it is of low toxicity to humans, warm-blooded animals, inhabitants of water bodies and beneficial insects.

But you should still be careful when spraying garden crops near ponds and apiaries, and also not treat plants during flowering.

This fungicide may cause irritation upon contact with mucous membranes, so eyes should be rinsed immediately under running water.

Be careful when working with the working solution and follow the following rules:

  1. If the drug enters the body, induce vomiting, and then take several tablets of activated carbon.
  2. The working fluid should be prepared outdoors.
  3. Use safety glasses, rubber gloves and respirators.
  4. If drops of the working solution get on your skin, wash them off under running water.
  5. After treatment, take a shower and wash clothes separately from other items.

If the condition worsens, consult a doctor.

Security measures

The usual hazard class 4 substances, that is, a simple gauze bandage covering the mouth and nose, glasses to prevent droplets from getting on the skin. The substance is not toxic, but it can have a certain negative effect (at least in the form of irritation of the skin and mucous membranes).

If the solution gets into your eyes, nose or skin, rinse the affected areas with running water. If you accidentally take a sip and confuse it with water, immediately drink it with a liter or two of warm water and induce vomiting.

After spraying the garden, wash clothes with sharply alkaline (laundry) soap - alkali in any form neutralizes dithianon, the main working substance of Delan.

Compatibility with other drugs

The instructions for use note that in tank mixtures, the Delan fungicide is incompatible with preparations containing sulfur, as well as with mineral oils. Such mixtures can increase the phytotoxicity of the drug, that is, the ability to have a toxic effect on the plant. The interval between treatments with such substances and Delan should be at least 5 days.

The compatibility of the product with such fungicides has been confirmed:

  • Strobe;
  • Polypharm-DF;
  • Cumulus;
  • BI-58 New;
  • Fastak.

If you plan to mix Delan with other substances, the drugs are checked for compatibility using standard methods. To do this, microdoses of drugs are mixed in a small container, for example, in a half-liter jar, and after 2-3 hours the state of the mixture is analyzed. If there is no sediment, foam, flakes or the color of the liquid has not changed, we can conclude that the products are compatible.

To increase efficiency and to avoid dependence on pathogens, Delan should be used alternately with drugs with similar properties.

Advantages of a fungicide

Over the many years of using this drug, a number of positive aspects have been noted:

  1. It shows the greatest effectiveness in preventive treatments of fruit trees and grapes.
  2. The drug is not washed off by precipitation as it forms a protective film. This allows the substance to remain on the surface of the plant for a long period of time and protect it from the spread of the pathogen.
  3. Capable of protecting trees and vineyards from mycoses for up to 25-30 days.
  4. Very easy to use.
  5. It has a low toxicity class, which makes it conditionally safe for treated plants.
  6. Does not harm humans, insects and animals.

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Fungicide Delan is used by many gardeners and gardeners because it has many positive aspects:

convenient and easy to use;

economical, one package lasts for a long time;

protects fruit trees from fungal infections for up to 28 days;

not dangerous for people, insects and animals;

there is no habituation and adaptation of pathogenic microorganisms to the active substance of the drug;

after repeated use, no mesh appears on the fruits, the presentation is preserved;

does not have a toxic effect on treated plants;

It is not washed off by rain and remains on the treated surface for a long time.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to use Delan fungicide before the first signs of the disease appear. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray the plants every spring.

Pros and cons of the product

The drug has a number of advantages:

  • remains on foliage and branches for a long time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • provides reliable protection of plants from mycoses for a month;
  • does not deteriorate the presentation of the fruit due to repeated use;
  • economical, since the fungicide is consumed in small quantities;
  • does not have a negative effect on the treated plants;
  • harmless to people and bees if safety requirements are met.

Simultaneously with the fungicide treatment, fertilizer can be applied to the plants. This is another advantage of the protective composition, which combines well with other drugs. The only drawback is the limited number of crops for which the fungicide is suitable.

The product remains on plants for a long time due to increased adhesion


There are several analogs of the Delan fungicide. If for some reason you cannot buy the original, you can safely use them.

  1. Tercel is a two-component drug containing dithianone. The fungicide is highly resistant to precipitation. It fights a wide range of enzymes in fungal cells.
  2. Delor is used to prevent apple and grape diseases such as scab and powdery mildew. Available in the form of water-soluble granules. Treatment in the orchard is similar to the use of Delan: the leaves are sprayed with small drops.

Both analogues are very economical in using the working solution. They come with clear instructions and detailed consumption indicators.

Does Sputnik Light protect against omicron?

Starting in December 2022, the omicron strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been spreading in Russia. It is considered more dangerous than previous variants of coronavirus because it better overcomes immunity formed both after illness and after vaccination. Because of this, the number of cases among people already vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection could quickly increase.

There is no exact information yet on how much the Sputnik Light vaccine protects against omicron. Clinical data to judge this should be presented in late January/early February 2022. So far the following information is available:

  • Studies already conducted show that the neutralizing ability of antibodies against the new strain is reduced tenfold.
  • The protection of immunity formed after vaccination is also reduced. Different numbers are given for different vaccines, but there is no accurate and confirmed data for any of them yet.
  • It is known that the level of protection increases sharply as a result of revaccination, that is, after the administration of the third dose of the vaccine.

Director of the Center named after. Gamaleyi stated that the effectiveness of Sputnik V against omicron is almost 100% if revaccination is done with Sputnik Light. Taking this into account, there are no plans to adapt the first component of Sputnik V to the new strain.

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Efficacy of the Sputnik Light vaccine with omicron

The Russian Direct Investment Fund claims that even in the case of Omicron infection, Sputnik V is better than other vaccines in helping to reduce the risk of severe disease. How effective Sputnik Light is is not assessed separately, but the vaccine developers note that with revaccination it will be able to provide the necessary protection. This is confirmed by a study conducted by the Center. Gamaleya and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases named after. Lazzaro Spallanzani (Italy). Preliminary results of the effectiveness of Sputnik against the Omicron strain were published on the medRxiv⁷ preprint platform. Scientists have found that Sputnik Light as a booster (the third vaccine) significantly increases virus-neutralizing activity against the Omicron strain.


The Omicron strain has appeared recently and has not yet been well studied. It spreads quickly and can cause severe coronavirus infection. It is too early to judge how effective Sputnik Light is against omicron. But there is already evidence to suggest that the level of protection will decrease (but will still remain higher than that of those who have no immunity against coronavirus at all). This means that even after vaccination, it is important to continue to take precautions.


Mikhail, 40 years old, Krasnodar region

Last season in our region was rainy. As a result, the peach trees growing in my garden were affected by a fungal disease - the leaves turned yellow. The leaves turned yellow and fell off. I had to spray the trees with Delan fungicide solution. This was enough for several treatments to revive the tree. I recommend this product to everyone.

Olga, 49 years old, Samara region

For several years, I have been treating fruit trees and vineyards with Delan fungicide in early spring before the buds open. As a result, neither apple trees nor vineyards are attacked by major fungal diseases in the summer.

Fungicide Delan is used as a protective agent for apple, peach and grapevine trees against many diseases. Also use this drug at the first sign of fungal diseases to save your crop.

In what cases is it used? Advantages of the drug

The drug has many advantages. It is very effective in controlling fungal diseases, safe for humans, non-toxic and also economical to use. "Delan" is very persistent. After application, it envelops the plant and remains on its surface for up to 3-4 weeks, even with heavy rainfall. However, despite the wide spectrum of action against fungi, the drug has restrictions on crops.

It is used only for fruit trees and grapevines.

Delan is a broad-spectrum drug. It can be used for various fungal diseases:

  • Scab. This harmful disease usually affects apple and pear trees. The causative agents are various types of fungi, but the symptoms are always similar: dark brown spots and cracks appear on the fruits, ovaries and leaves, which lead to a decrease in the quality of the fruit.
  • Mildew. A common disease of grapes, which often leads to the death of the entire crop. Leaves affected by the fungus begin to fall, the fruits become unprotected from the sun and wind. Brown spots form on the shoots, which turn into dents, and yellow spots appear on the grapes themselves.
  • Clusterosporiasis. This fungal disease mainly affects stone fruit trees such as apricots and plums. The fungus quickly spreads throughout all above-ground parts of the plant. Dark brown spots appear on the leaves and grow over time. The affected part of the leaf dies and holes form.

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Composition of Sputnik Light

The drug does not contain live virus or its particles. Instead, only the genetic material of the coronavirus is used. This protects against infection, and if it does occur, the disease is mild.

The main active ingredient is a vector (neutralized adenovirus serotype 26), into which the coronavirus S-protein gene is “embedded”.

The following are used as auxiliary components:

  • TRIS (non-toxic buffer solution);
  • water;
  • sodium chloride;
  • disodium salt, dihydrate;
  • sucrose;
  • ethanol;
  • magnesium chloride.


Check vaccine availability

When making an appointment in advance, you cannot choose the drug that will be used for vaccination. This choice can only be made at the vaccination point. If it is important to get vaccinated with Sputnik Light, you need to take into account that this vaccine is often not available. She is in high demand. There are also the opposite situations, when there are not enough people willing to get vaccinated at the vaccination point, which is why the medical staff cannot defrost the bottle for several doses.

Liquid or frozen? Depends on the place of production

“Sputnik Light” is manufactured by several enterprises, and how the drug will be supplied depends on the place of production: in liquid or frozen form, in ampoules or in multi-dose vials².

In frozen form, Sputnik Light is supplied:

  • FSBI "NICEM named after. N. F. Gamaleya", JSC "Binnopharm", JSC "R-Pharm" - ampoules or bottles of 1 dose;
  • JSC LECCO, JSC Generium - bottles of 5 doses;
  • JSC "BIOCAD" - bottles of 1 or 5 doses;
  • JSC "Pharmstandard-UfaVITA" - ampoules of 1 or 2 doses, bottles of 5 doses.

As of December 2022, the vaccine is produced in liquid form only. Packaging in bottles of 1 dose.

After thawing, the drug can be stored for a limited time. It cannot be re-frozen. For this reason, 2- or 5-dose vials are thawed and opened only if there is a sufficient number of people willing to be vaccinated in the vaccination room. Sometimes you have to wait until the required number of people is recruited, which slows down the vaccination procedure.

Figure 3. About Sputnik Light - in facts. Source: Official website of the Sputnik V vaccine and the Russian Ministry of Health

Efficiency of Sputnik Light

It will be possible to judge the effectiveness when phase III clinical trials are completed and its results are published. It is planned that this will happen on January 31, 2022; some more time will be needed to evaluate the results. So far there are only preliminary estimates of effectiveness.

For December 2022, the center named after. N. F. Gamaleyi assesses the effectiveness of the Sputnik Light vaccine as follows:

  • about 80% are against coronavirus infection;
  • about 70% against the delta strain when used for primary vaccination;
  • more than 83% against the delta strain when used for booster vaccination¹.

The effectiveness of protection against severe disease in case of infection is even higher.

"Sputnik Light" and QR code

Sputnik Light can be used as a standalone vaccine, and after vaccination, a person receives a vaccination certificate along with a QR code. Here are the main facts about it:

  • The validity period of the vaccination certificate and QR code after vaccination with Sputnik Light is 1 year. It can be reduced to 6 months if the epidemic situation is unfavorable.
  • A certificate with a QR code should be generated automatically after entering vaccination data into the information system of the State Services portal.
  • According to Order No. 1053 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2022, no more than three days are allotted for the formation of a vaccination certificate.

In practice, if vaccination in a region is proceeding at a high pace and many people are vaccinated at once, the certificate may be generated with a delay. In this case, you need to check whether the SNILS, passport and policy information on the State Services portal is correct. If there are no errors, contact the vaccination point. Its employees will check whether your data has been transferred to the information system. If yes, you need to contact the support of the State Services portal.

A paper certificate of completed vaccination is issued immediately after vaccination. An electronic version with a QR code should appear on the State Services portal within three days. Photo: Press service of the mayor and government of Moscow

When will antibodies appear?

With the Sputnik Light vaccination, after just one injection a person is considered fully vaccinated. However, it takes some time for antibodies to develop. It will be possible to accurately estimate these terms when clinical trials of the drug are completed. The results of the first and second phases of clinical studies showed that the timing of antibody formation differs for those who were previously vaccinated against coronavirus or were sick with it, and for those who were not vaccinated and were not sick. In the first group, the production of antibodies was faster, and by the 10th day a more pronounced immune response was recorded compared to the second group⁶. Despite the fact that antibodies can appear after 10 days, a person is considered protected only 21 days after vaccination. Even after this, it is important to continue to take precautions. There is no exact data on the duration of protection yet.

Figure 1. Formation of antibodies to coronavirus. Image: pikisuperstar /

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