Tomato Lyana: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews, photos, advantages and disadvantages, cultivation features

Description and characteristics of the variety

  • Early ripening variety. In good weather, 85-90 days after the seeds sprout, you can enjoy the first fruits. In unfavorable weather, fruits appear on day 100-110. In Eastern Siberia, you will be able to enjoy the first fruits after 110-120 days.
  • It can be grown in open ground in the central regions of the country, in a greenhouse - in northern regions with short summers.
  • Determinate type of bush. The stem is limited in growth after the formation of several racemes. The height reaches no more than 50-60 cm.
  • Not standard, so stepsoning is necessary.
  • The bushes are compact with a powerful stem.
  • Medium branching, strong foliage. The leaves are small with slightly corrugated leaf blades.
  • The first brush is formed after 5-6 sheets, then every 1-2 sheets. There are no more than 2-3 brushes on each stem.
  • Productivity is average. One plant produces 2-3 kg of vegetables. 6-8 kg of vegetables are harvested per square meter. Productivity greatly depends on the growing region, weather conditions and agricultural technology. In a greenhouse, one plant produces about 4-5 kg ​​of tomatoes.
  • Resistant to macrosporiosis, bacterial spot, blossom end rot. Cold rainy summer Can be affected by late blight and septoria. Thanks to the early ripening period, gardeners have time to harvest ripe tomatoes before these diseases begin to spread en masse.
  • May be affected by tobacco mosaic.

Important! Seedlings that were planted early in open ground may be attacked by the Colorado potato beetle.

The most common is the classic Liana tomato variety. It produces red tomatoes. However, there is also pink Liana. It has similar characteristics, but its fruits are more sugary. The fruits weigh about 100 g and have a pink-raspberry peel with a pearlescent tint. Pink hybrid bushes grow up to 70 cm in height.

Description of tomato variety Lyana

Despite the fact that the Lyana variety was bred in Transnistria, the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, where it was registered in 1996, recommends it for cultivation mainly in the Central and East Siberian regions. Of course, this does not mean that Liana will not grow in the truly “tomato” Volga or Black Earth regions. The variety is successfully cultivated throughout almost the entire territory of our country; these tomatoes are also planted in neighboring Moldova and Ukraine.

The Liana tomato belongs to the determinate varieties: its bush is not tall (no higher than 40 cm), but it also does not look like a tree, that is, it is not standard, its branching is average, and the bushes grow a lot of leaves. These leaves are of normal size and color, slightly corrugated. The first inflorescence is already formed above the fifth or sixth leaf, and then new ones appear every 1 or 2 leaves. In total, at least five clusters are formed on the bush, each of which contains 4–5 tomatoes.

The Liang tomato bush is not tall, but, unfortunately, its stems are very fragile and break off without tying them up

The fruits are small, weighing about 80 g, round, red in color, with two or three seed chambers. The taste of fresh tomatoes is considered excellent. Directions for their use are fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. When preparing for the winter, tomatoes do not crack; they look very appetizing in jars. You can make both juice and tomato paste from these tomatoes; at least, the rich chemical composition is quite favorable for this.

Tomatoes ripen quickly and early: in the middle zone about 100 days after germination, that is, approximately in the middle of summer, in Siberia a week and a half later. The yield is not bad: about 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from each bush in the middle zone. Oddly enough, the yield in Siberian conditions is one and a half to two times higher. Tomatoes easily tolerate transportation over any distance, despite their thin skin. Under suitable conditions, tomatoes can be stored fresh for about two months.

The variety is highly resistant to most diseases; resistance to late blight is assessed as average, and to tobacco mosaic - below average. It is able to grow well both in greenhouses and in unprotected soil, but mainly, like other low-growing varieties, it is grown outside greenhouses. Some hobbyists plant several bushes even on the balconies of city apartments.

In climatic regions that are not too harsh, it is practiced to plant the Lyana variety without growing seedlings, but in this case, the fruits ripen only at the end of summer.

Based on the red tomato Lyana, a new variant has been developed - Lyana pink. The main characteristics of these two varieties are the same, but the updated version ripens somewhat faster and can even be classified as ultra-early. In addition, pink tomatoes, which are slightly larger, have a higher percentage of sugar content.

Video: description of Liang's tomato

Fruit characteristics

  • The shape is round, smooth, even.
  • Color red or pink.
  • Weight 50-80 g.
  • Inside there are 2-4 seed chambers with a small number of medium-sized seeds.
  • The taste is excellent, tomato.
  • The pulp is juicy, dense, sweetish with a slight sourness.
  • The fruits have a beautiful presentation.
  • The concentration of dry substances is about 6%.
  • The skin is dense.
  • Do not crack.
  • Resistance to transportation.
  • Can persist for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

The Liang tomato variety quickly gained popularity among amateur gardeners and small farmers due to its many obvious advantages. The most important of them include:

  • ease of care;
  • early ripening of tomatoes and, at the same time, duration of fruiting;
  • excellent taste of ripened fruits;
  • good yield for an early variety;
  • long-term preservation and good transportability of the crop;
  • excellent presentation of tomatoes;
  • versatility of crop purpose;
  • high resistance to major types of diseases.

Disadvantages include:

  • low resistance to tobacco mosaic;
  • high foliage, requiring removal of excess green mass during harvest ripening.

An amazing feature of the variety is that, judging by the published data, its yield in the conditions of Siberia, characterized by a high risk of cultivating heat-loving plants, is significantly higher than that in the conditions, for example, of the Moscow region. It's difficult to understand this phenomenon, but statistics say it is true.

The Lyana variety, which bears fruit with tomatoes of the usual appearance (shape and color), characteristic of many other varieties, compares favorably with most of them in terms of the totality of consumer properties. For example, for a long time, the long-known White filling variety was considered one of the best early varieties of tomatoes. And although the ripe fruits of these varieties are very similar to each other, White filling is distinguished by the presence of a significantly larger number of seed chambers.

The ripe fruits of White filling differ little in appearance from Lyana

The rather early-ripening Chelnok variety, also successfully used in whole-fruit canning, has a completely different tomato shape and low disease resistance. The very old variety Siberian early ripening is significantly inferior to Lyana in taste, and the relatively young variety Yablonka Rossii grows as a taller bush. The comparison of varieties can be continued endlessly: today there are a lot of tomatoes that are somewhat similar to Lyana, and each one can have both positive and negative traits.

Features of cultivation

It is worth knowing the rules of agricultural technology for the Lyana variety.

Planting seedlings

In the southern regions, this variety is sown directly into the ground. In other regions, it is recommended to grow using seedlings.

When and how to plant seedlings

Seeds for seedlings for cultivation in open ground are sown in the last ten days of March or before April 7, for a greenhouse - from February 20 to March 7.

Before sowing, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 30 minutes. Then they are soaked for several hours in the growth stimulator Epin or Zircon. If the seeds were purchased at a garden store, they have already been processed, so they do not need to undergo such procedures.

To plant seeds, it is best to buy a ready-made soil mixture for growing seedlings. The soil is poured into prepared containers, moistened well, and the seeds are buried 1 cm into the soil. To create a greenhouse effect, the containers are covered with transparent material and left in a warm room with an air temperature of 25 degrees.

After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the temperature in the room is lowered by 7-8 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch upward. After the appearance of 1-2 leaves, a pick is carried out.

During the procedure, the tip of the root is pinched. This is necessary to stimulate the growth of lateral roots.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

They are transferred to the ground after 55-60 days. By this point, the soil should warm up, and the air temperature should remain within 15 degrees. It all depends on the growing region:

  • to the greenhouse - April-May;
  • in open ground - May-June.

By this time, the seedlings can already bloom. They can be sprayed with boron to improve fruit set. To improve the plant's stress resistance to transplantation, growth stimulants Epin or Zircon are used.

Bushes are planted according to the scheme 60 x 40 cm, 60 x 60 cm. The main thing is that no more than 2-3 plants are planted per square meter. Plantings should not be thickened in order to be well ventilated.

It is recommended to plant tomatoes in well-lit and ventilated places where the soil is loose and fertile. According to crop rotation, it is better to plant tomatoes in places where legumes or grains, cabbage or perennial herbs were previously grown.

Tomatoes should not be planted after eggplants, peppers and potatoes.

Subsequent care for tomatoes

Plants need to be watered regularly. The soil should be moistened to the depth of the root system. Each gardener selects the frequency of watering independently, depending on the soil and weather conditions. However, they do this no more than twice a week.

Further care of the crop

Agrotechnical care measures are traditional: watering, fertilizing, weed removal.

Features of watering

The soil is kept moist, but not wet, as excessive moisture creates the preconditions for disease. Watering is carried out with warm water. It is necessary to moisten the entire area to the width and depth of the root system, without exposing the roots.

Important! Leaves should remain dry when watering.

You need to water as the soil dries out, depending on the weather, 1-2 times a week.


The soil is well-dressed before planting, then during the growing season you will only need a couple of fertilizings. For the first feeding, a solution of mullein or vermicompost is more suitable, for the second - a complex of mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium. Apply fertilizers during watering

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Advice! It is advisable to carry out several foliar small-drop fertilizing with microelements on the leaves of the plant.

Bush formation

Liana grows poorly in open ground and does not need to be formed. If the area is over-dressed, and the weather is warm and humid, the green mass grows quickly, then the stepsons have to be partially removed. 2-3 stems are left in protected ground and attached to a support. To prevent thickening of plantings and speed up ripening, some shoots and leaves have to be removed.

Harvesting and application

Liana is early ripening: the first ripe fruits are harvested at the end of July . Sometimes there are so many vegetables on a plant that some of them are removed green so that the bush does not break. The harvest continues throughout August until the cold nights set in. The variety manages to fully produce its harvest before frost.

Thanks to their thin skin and juicy pulp, tomatoes are good for fresh consumption. They are small in size and therefore versatile in preparation: suitable for canning for the winter (pickling, pickling), purees, sauces and adjika.

They can be stored fresh for up to 3 months at a temperature of +8…+10 °C.

Diseases and pests

These tomatoes are disease resistant. The Colorado potato beetle poses a danger to young tomatoes. If it appears, the tomato must be treated with an insecticide. If there are few fruits and there is plenty of free time, you can avoid using chemicals and grow an environmentally friendly product by collecting pests and their larvae by hand. If you don’t have enough time for gardening work, and you need to grow as many tomatoes as possible, an unpretentious and high-yielding variety will help you out.


A short video about pink tomatoes:

We also bring to your attention articles about tomato varieties with different ripening periods:

New from Transnistria Abakan pink Hospitable
Bullet French grape Pear Red
Sugar giant Yellow banana Chernomor
Torbay Titanium Benito F1
Tretyakovsky Slot f1 Paul Robson
Black Crimea Volgogradsky 5 95 Raspberry elephant
Cio Cio San Krasnobay f1 Mashenka

Growing seedlings

Tomato Liana (the description of the variety and photos indicate that growing seedlings does not require much effort) requires regular watering and sufficient lighting.

In some cases, when the plant develops very slowly, or has signs of deficiency of certain microelements, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers, especially if there are doubts about the quality of the soil.


After the tomatoes are planted in the ground, you need to wait 2-3 weeks and only then proceed to fertilizing. Organic and mineral fertilizers are alternated at the same time, also in 2-3 weeks.

When Liana just begins to bloom, she responds well to foliar feeding. And for better effect, they should be modified by adding 1 gram of boric acid per bucket of any composition.

When the fruits begin to ripen, nitrogen is excluded from fertilizing, focusing on ash with a small amount of superphosphates. Leaves that cover the fruits from the sun will definitely need to be removed.

Liana must be tied up, as its stems are not strong enough to support the entire harvest. Tying occurs a couple of times a season using soft twine and any supports. It is advisable to provide pegs no more than 50 cm high immediately when planting seedlings in the ground.

There is no need to treat Lyana against pests. And this is another of the many advantages that make the Liana variety unique in its kind. This is what the reviews of those who have already tried tomatoes of this variety say.

The nuances of growing in open ground and greenhouses

The variety grows equally well both in open and closed ground. If tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse from May 5–10 (depending on weather conditions), then in open ground - at the end of May - beginning of June, when the danger of return frosts has passed.

In the beds, the height of the plants is slightly lower than in the greenhouse (40–45 cm versus 60 cm or more).

The variety grows to a certain height, and the upper shoot ends in a brush. By leaving a lateral shoot at the top of the plant, you can ensure that the tomato continues to grow. This is done when growing crops indoors.

Attention! In a greenhouse, the yield per bush will be higher, but if the summer is hot and the tomatoes are ripened in the open ground, they will have sweet, aromatic pulp.

Tomato variety Liana: about the advantages and disadvantages

Tomato pink Lyana: photo

When studying the characteristics of a variety, it is important to talk about both positive and negative qualities; only after weighing all the pros and cons, you can make the right choice: to plant this variety on the site or not. If we talk about the advantages, then gardeners highlight the following: the plants are very unpretentious, they are easy and simple to grow, the taste of the fruits is excellent, and the yield is very high, in addition, the fruits appear very early, so you can enjoy a salad of fresh tomatoes at the beginning summer.

Liang tomatoes bear fruit more than once, so tomatoes ripen until late autumn. It should also be said that plants are quite resistant to diseases and pests, so preventive treatments are often not necessary. If we talk about shortcomings, we will immediately note: there are not so many of them. The pink tomato Lyana is a heat-loving crop, so it will not bear fruit in harsh climatic conditions, remember this. In this case, it is best to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Another disadvantage is that the bushes will have to be constantly pruned. If you do not do this, then you will not get a good harvest.

While noting the advantages of the Liang tomato, we forgot to mention the good preservation of the product; tomatoes of this variety can be transported over long distances and will not spoil. Even ripe fruits do not lose their beautiful appearance, so you can rest assured about the safety of your tomatoes. But it should also be said that the green mass of plants is quite voluminous, so foliage will have to be removed even on the side shoots, but these are just nuances; a rich harvest compensates for everything.


Here one could pay attention to the peculiarities of planting Lyana, but there are none - the process is practically no different from planting other determinate varieties. Moreover, in warm regions, Lyana seeds can be planted directly into the garden bed, however, it is still better not to neglect the seedlings. This way the advantage in the timing of harvest will not disappear.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings are usually not sown very early, so that it does not turn out that the bush is already ready for transplanting, and the weather is not at all suitable for this. Therefore, Lyana is placed in seedling boxes 50 days before planting in the ground, that is, not earlier than the first days of April.

It is also worth noting that it is best to select seeds by size, that is, in each box they should be approximately equal to each other.

Pests rarely attack tomatoes of this variety, however, it is still worth soaking them in a potassium permanganate solution before planting in seedling boxes. The solution should be dark, the seeds should be kept in it for no more than half an hour.

First, Lyana is planted in small boxes, then dived into larger ones. Sowing depth - 2 cm, distance - 3 cm. The box will need to be covered with glass and left at room temperature. Sprouts will appear in 5–6 days if everything is done correctly. At this time, the temperature in the area with seedlings will need to be reduced to 16 degrees so that the sprouts do not stretch too much.

Caring for seedlings is usually not necessary; occasional watering and sunlight are all that is required. Sometimes mineral fertilizers may be required if you are not sure of the quality of the soil.

A week before transplantation, the boxes are taken out to a place where the environment is close to that on the street. For example, on the balcony. This way the seedlings will get used to air, low humidity and drafts. As soon as the seedlings look like a strong stem of 20 cm with the rudiments of brushes, they can be planted in the ground.

Landing in the ground

The soil for planting Lyana should not be heavy, so the two main requirements for it are:

  • Loose.
  • Moisture-permeable.

Also, the landing site should receive a lot of sunlight, but be protected from winds from the north side.

Planting density – no more than 4–5 plants per 1 square meter.

Autumn digging occurs with the addition of a mixture (a bucket for each square meter) from:

  • Humus - a bucket.
  • Ash - a handful, about 100 g.
  • Superphosphate – up to 50 g.

It is important to note that Lyana can be grown without the procedure of removing stepsons.

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