Tomato Doll: reviews, variety description and characteristics, photos, advantages and disadvantages

Description and characteristics of the variety

  • Hybrid, not variety. Seeds must be purchased only from the originator, since self-collected seeds do not retain the quality characteristics of the variety.
  • Early ripening. Harvesting ripe fruits can begin 85-95 days after seed germination.
  • Resistant to nightshade diseases.
  • Determinate with limited growth. The bushes grow no more than 65 cm in height.
  • It is not standard, so it requires the removal of excess stepsons. This must be done very carefully, leaving a stump of 5-7 mm, so as not to damage the main stem.
  • The leaves are not large, bright green.
  • Requires shaping and gartering of bushes.
  • The first flower cluster is formed above the 5-7th leaf. After its appearance, regular pinching is carried out so that the plant’s strength does not go to extra shoots. This speeds up the process of fruit ripening.
  • 4-5 ovaries are formed on each brush.
  • Productivity is average. From 1 sq. meter you can collect up to 9 kg of ripe vegetables.

Further care of the plant

The tomato variety requires garter and moderate pinching. Considering that the plant is not standard, it will need to be tied to a vertical support. To speed up ripening, it is recommended to remove the remaining leaves below after removing the lower cluster. Watering is carried out with heated and settled water, trying not to get on the leaf part and stem. The soil under tomatoes should be kept moderately moist, avoiding stagnation of liquid. At the beginning of the growing season, fertilizing with fertilizers that contain nitrogen will be required. In addition, the beds must be regularly weeded no deeper than 10 cm.

To reduce the frequency of weeding and retain moisture, the garden with tomatoes is mulched with peat, sawdust or straw. From time to time you should loosen the soil. Two weeks after the first feeding, the fertilizer mixture will need to be re-applied. This time they use wood ash. To accelerate the ripening of the crop, the plantings are irrigated with a solution of humates. Fertilizers are applied at the root along with watering. It is important to promptly eliminate weeds that clog the plant and attract harmful insects.

See also: The most delicious and productive tomatoes for the Moscow region - recommendations for choosing

Fruit characteristics

  • The shape is round, smooth, slightly flattened at the stalk.
  • Ripe fruits are pinkish-red in color. When unripe, they are green, with a green spot visible at the stalk.
  • The weight of 1 tomato varies from 250 to 300 g.
  • Tomato aroma.
  • The taste is sweet, tomato.
  • Universal in use.
  • Sugar content 7-8.5%.
  • Solids concentration 5%.
  • The pulp is fleshy, juicy and contains vitamins A, C, B.
  • There are 4-6 seed chambers inside.
  • The yield of marketable fruits is 95-100%.
  • Good keeping quality.
  • They withstand long-term transportation well.
  • The fruits are not prone to cracking.

Appearance of tomatoes

Many gardeners prefer determinate hybrids that are easy to care for. The doll is one of those short and compact plants - its height is only 50–70 cm. The plant is not a standard one. The bush is not distinguished by good branching, the foliage is moderate. The leaves are the usual tomato type, green. The surface of the plate is matte, slightly wrinkled. Yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences of an intermediate type. Each fruit cluster can contain up to 6 tomatoes of almost the same size. The peduncle has an articulation.

Tomatoes look very attractive thanks to their classic round shape with a smooth surface. The unripe fruit is green in color and has a contrasting dark green spot at the stalk. As the tomato ripens, it takes on an even, rich pink color. The pulp is moderately dense, but at the same time tender and meaty. Number of nests 4 or more. The State Register assesses the taste qualities as good, but on the forums some gardeners call the taste insufficiently expressive. There is also information about the presence of a white core inside the fruit. The average fruit weight is 71–190 g, but sometimes tomatoes can weigh 300 g.

Doll F1 tomatoes are small in size and one-dimensional, which is very valuable for canning


Below are photos of tomatoes of the Kukla variety .


Among the positive reviews, gardeners highlight the following advantages of the “Doll Masha” tomato:

  • Fast, friendly and early ripening, thanks to which sweet fruits can be eaten two months after planting4
  • Having a strong immune system and immunity to verticillium;
  • Easy to care for, which allows even inexperienced gardeners to grow this hybrid;

Lack of constant fertilizing using complex minerals.

The tomato hybrid “Doll Masha” is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions. This is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews from vegetable growers. “Doll Masha” is guaranteed to provide a large harvest of delicious tomatoes.

Tamara, Ryazan: “A good tomato, I liked the even, identical tomatoes, as in the photo, weighing 100–150 g. The taste is ordinary, with a slight sourness. The fruits store well and are suitable for canning.”

Valentina, Moscow region: “The fruit has a sweet and sour tomato taste, the skin is strong and does not crack. It’s just that the hybrid didn’t impress with its size.”

Svetlana, Penza: “I raised the Doll in a greenhouse and open ground. There were no problems with care. The clusters produced 6 fruits, identical and even. Firm, tasty tomatoes are suitable for salads and canning. Productivity is high."

The hybrid is intended for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses. Reviews from gardeners claim that it produces higher yields in a greenhouse. When choosing a growing method, you need to take into account the amount of precipitation and temperature conditions. The bush is determinate, the stem stops growing after the formation of 4-5 ovaries. But at the same time it is quite tall, reaching 70 cm, so it needs to be tied up. The bushes are compact.

Some gardeners consider determinacy to be a disadvantage of the variety. But it is not so. Shrubs with limited growth are much easier to care for than tall ones. When planted at a distance of 70 cm-1 m, they do not need to be tied up at all.

One ovary produces 5 fruits. Weight reaches from 70 to 200 g, some tomatoes reach 300 g. The skin is dense and does not crack. Therefore, tomatoes have a high shelf life, are stored for a long time, and can be transported over long distances.

Tomatoes of the Kukla variety contain glucose, starch, pectins, and fiber. They contain a wide range of vitamins, malic and nicotinic acids, and the natural antioxidant lycopene. User reviews indicate that the fruits have high taste. Fruits of mid-early ripening. They form 80-90 days after sowing.

The hybrid variety Kukla was bred by breeders for cultivation in greenhouses, but it is also planted in garden beds. To have a complete understanding of the tomato, you need to read not only the description, but also the reviews of gardeners who have already harvested these tomatoes.

Evgenia Ivanovna, 46 years old, Stavropol: “Having listened to the advice of a neighbor in the country, last spring I bought seeds of the hybrid variety Kukla and did not regret it. I liked the taste and unusual pink color of the tomatoes. They ripened together, I collected almost every day.”

Viktor Petrovich, 54 years old, Chelyabinsk region: “I’ve been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for a long time; I liked the “Doll” hybrid the most. Sweet and strong fruits store well, are suitable for canning, look beautiful on the bushes, and I take care of them with pleasure.”

Summer residents like Kukla tomatoes because they ripen quickly, are disease-resistant, and provide a decent harvest of fleshy tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of the tomato variety Kukla f1 are the following:

  • Excellent taste.
  • Decent yield.
  • Versatility in use.
  • Resistance to many diseases.
  • Early ripening period, due to which the fruits ripen before the bushes can be affected by late blight.
  • The tomatoes will ripen at the same time.
  • Suitable for growing in open and closed ground.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Germination rate is almost 100%.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The seeds do not retain the quality characteristics of the variety, so every year you need to buy new ones from the originator.
  • Requires timely watering.
  • Some gardeners do not like determinacy, since after the ovary the plant’s growth stops and fruits are no longer formed.

The main pros and cons of the tomato Doll F1

Kukla tomatoes are a productive and early ripening variety with good immune protection. O indicates that the variety belongs to the first generation hybrids. Based on this, the plant has a lot of undoubted advantages:

  • flower clusters appear early;
  • since the fruits ripen quite quickly, this reduces the risk of late blight;
  • the harvest gives excellent results at the same time;
  • the hybrid can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse;
  • fruits contain large amounts of sugar;
  • tomatoes are used for salads and canning;
  • tomatoes tolerate transportation and long-term storage well;
  • fruits do not crack during heat treatment;
  • strong seedlings and high immunity;
  • germination rate up to 98%.

At the same time, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages of the modern hybrid. The collected material does not retain the genetic characteristics of the primary material, so seeds will have to be purchased every year. Even small bushes need staking. In addition, the crop can only grow on fertile soil. If watering is untimely, the quality of fruiting deteriorates.

Features of cultivation

Seeds for seedlings are sown from mid-March to early April. The planting mixture is made from equal amounts of old humus and turf soil. You can buy ready-made soil for tomatoes in the store. Before planting, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds must be soaked for 6-8 hours in Zircon growth stimulator.

Drainage is made in the container for seedlings, soil is filled in, furrows 1-1.5 cm deep are dug with an interval between rows of 2 cm. Seeds are sown in the furrows, sprinkled with peat, watered well with warm water and covered with film. The containers are left in a warm place for seed germination. When shoots appear, the film is removed and the container is transferred to a well-lit place where the air temperature is kept within +16 degrees. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not quickly grow in height. After a week, the seedlings are transferred to a room at room temperature.

Picking is carried out in separate 0.5 liter cups when the seedlings already have 1-2 leaves. The seedlings are buried a little deeper so that a powerful root system is formed.

10-14 days before planting in the ground, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside for a while. The time is constantly increased so that by the time the seedlings are planted, they have been outside all day.

When the seedlings are 60-65 days old, they reach 30 cm in height and 5-6 leaves appear on them; they are transplanted with a lump of earth to a permanent place.

According to crop rotation, it will be better if cucumbers, legumes, garlic, onions, melons, and green manure previously grew in this area.

It is recommended to place the beds in sunny areas. Planting pattern: 40*50 cm.

More information about growing tomatoes is described in the article: Technology of growing tomatoes. Secrets of planting and care

You might be interested in: How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse: bush formation diagram, care features, photos and videos

Useful information: How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground: the best methods, step-by-step photo and video instructions

Sowing seeds

Seeds collected from the fruits of the hybrid are not suitable for further cultivation as seedlings. They do not retain the qualities of the mother plant. Therefore, every year you need to buy seeds in the store. They are sown 45 days before they are planted in the ground. The packaging says that it is March or April, but it is more accurately determined by the climatic conditions of the region.

Typically, hybrid seeds are treated against diseases before sale. If they are coated with colored granules, there is no need to soak them. If it is not there, immerse it in a glass of warm water. After half an hour, drain the water and hide the seeds in cotton cloth. They wait until they hatch and sow them in the prepared soil.

You can buy it at a flower shop or prepare it yourself. They do not take soil from the area where nightshades were grown last year. The soil should be loose and nutritious. Mix:

  • Sod land.
  • Chernozem.
  • Humus or compost.
  • Sand.

Prepare a clean dish with holes in the bottom and add a drainage layer of fine gravel or expanded clay. Fill with prepared soil so that a couple of centimeters are missing from the edge. They make grooves into which the seeds are placed. The sowing depth is 1 cm, the distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm. Seal the furrows, water and cover with glass or film. It will help maintain high humidity for rapid seed germination.

To get rid of pathogens, the soil is disinfected - poured with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate, calcined in the oven or microwave.

You can immediately pour less soil, spread the seeds on it and cover it with a layer of soil. But with this method of sowing, seedlings can lift a layer of soil. Especially if they are thickened. Reviews from gardeners claim that seed germination is usually high, up to 100%.

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