Description of the Fuji apple variety, where they are grown, beneficial properties

If you remember the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve, an apple comes to mind. Judging by the descriptions of the Fuji apple variety, it was precisely such apples that could seduce the first people of the world. Juicy, fragrant, moderately sweet and incredibly healthy - in just a few years the variety has gained immense popularity throughout the planet. But how to grow apple trees correctly, and what properties made Fuji famous - read in our article.

Honey taste, beautiful pink and smooth round barrels, unusually fragrant juice - all these qualities set Fuji apples apart from thousands of other apple varieties. The variety was developed in Japan, although now the variety is adored all over the world. American housewives bake signature pancakes with them, and in Japan they make fresh ones. In China they bake it with the famous duck, but in Russia they eat it just fresh. The fruits are unusually good in different types and surprisingly healthy.

With all this, the brainchild of Japanese breeders - the Fuji tree is surprisingly unpretentious. If you wish, you can plant an apple tree in your own garden, and after a couple of years you can enjoy the juicy fruits you grew yourself. We will tell you about the characteristics of the variety, rules of care, and selection in our material.

Description and characteristics of the variety

An interesting description of the history of the creation of the Fuji variety, which is often found among amateur and professional agronomists. It turns out that the selection of the variety took 7-10 years for Japanese agronomists, who decided to cross two world-famous apple representatives - Red Delicious and Rolls Janet (both of them come from America). And now, after 10 years of experimentation, a variety appeared that managed to surprise even the Americans - recognized researchers and apple lovers all over the world. The first thing that the new variety managed to stand out with was its delicate aroma, where sweet honey notes were clearly felt. But I was finally captivated by the unique taste with barely pronounced sourness.

External data

The apple tree looks quite powerful, it is not too tall, but its branches are very strong. The peculiarity of the variety is that if the branches are not cut, they begin to quickly grow in different directions and are in no hurry to bear fruit. To get a good harvest, Fuji is constantly pruned, like a ball. The tree has an original brown bark that shines graphite gray in the light. Long shoots have a brighter and darker bark, they are smooth, as they say, without a hitch. The apples look just like a picture from a magazine.

The leaves of the Fuji apple tree are velvety, slightly pointed and fluffy. The variety cannot be called early. The tree loves warmth, and blooms beautifully only towards the end of April, if the air warms up. The fruits ripen only in late autumn, almost when all the leaves fall off. But the sight of ripe Fuji apples is amazing: only large fruits remain on the branches of the tree. Like red lights, they burn in the sun and glow from within, filled with fragrant juices.


Fuji apples of the so-called technical ripeness (when they have only a little time left before final ripening) have a rich pink or red color. The coloring is uniform, so it looks like the fruit was taken and dipped into a bucket of bright paint. The only thing noticeable is tiny yellow specks or blurry green stripes. The skin does not shine, it is matte, like velvet.

Fuji apples are not too large - up to 250 g, but they are smooth, beautiful, very juicy and crunchy. The flesh of Fuji apples is white and dense.

Fuji clones

The success of Fuji apples was so deafening that many agronomists in different parts of the world decided to repeat the success of Japanese breeders. The fashion for growing apples has spread across the planet, many clone varieties have appeared, but not all of them have turned out to be as successful. Only two have gained popularity - the Aztec clone (named after the Indian leader) and the Kiku clone.


Aztec - a clone of Fuji apples - was developed in the late 90s of the last century. New Zealand agronomists have developed a bright red variety of apples weighing about 200 g. The taste of Aztec is generally similar to the famous Fuji honey taste, but it is slightly sweeter. The trees produce an excellent harvest, bearing fruit until mid-autumn (although it is better to harvest the crop before the onset of frost). The yield of the trees is excellent; they are stored fresh for more than six months, maintaining their juiciness and taste. But there is one condition: to pollinate the clone variety, a pollinator tree is required, which is why Granny Smith is always planted next to Aztec.

Fuji kiku

Some consumers consider Kiku even tastier than its “progenitor” - the Fuji apple. They ripen a little longer than the other clone, Azteca, but they are sweet, rosy, and large. Kiku is grown on an industrial scale and widely exported around the world. Kiku is in great demand in Australia and America, where tons of fragrant, ripe Kiku fruits are sent.


High productivity and marketability of fruits are impossible without the presence of a pollinator. For a self-sterile variety, suitable neighbors would be:

  • Idared;
  • Golden Delicious;
  • Red Delicious;
  • Gala;
  • Granie Smith.

These varieties enter the flowering phase at the same time as the Kiku clone, so they are most suitable for pollination. In addition, the variety itself is capable of pollinating many fruit crops.

Composition and calorie content

Honey and sweet Fuji apples are considered a fairly high-calorie dessert.

100 g of fruit contains 71 kcal. The lion's share comes from fructose; in Fuji it is almost 11%.

Fuji apple contains a lot of fiber and pectin that are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, Fuji apples contain ascorbic acid, retinol, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and folic acid, apples also contain a daily dose of manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium and even iodine (apple seeds are famous for them). That is why doctors recommend introducing them into the diet of children living in central Russia. We sometimes lack iodine, and Fuji apples help compensate for the lack of this valuable microelement and keep the thyroid gland healthy.

Beneficial features

Like any apples, the Fuji variety literally rejuvenates the body from the inside. Since Fuji apples are very juicy, they replenish moisture deficiency in the body, and at the same time saturate us with vitamins. Regular consumption of apples significantly reduces appetite, so people who want to lose weight can safely eat them. Fruit acids contained in Fuji cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and regulate blood sugar levels. Vitamin C is a powerful natural immunomodulator; apples boost immunity just as well as medicine and fight viruses and bacteria.

Hypertensive patients who eat a couple of fruits a day for a month notice that their blood pressure has returned to normal, the heaviness in the head and the feeling of eternal fatigue have gone away, and vigor and strength appear. Even a disease such as arthritis goes away more mildly - patients claim that apples relieve symptoms during an exacerbation, and their health improves dramatically.

The recommended dose is 1-2 Fuji apples per day; it is especially good to eat them in winter and spring, when there are very few fresh vegetables and fruits in our diet.

The beauty of the variety is that it is cultivated almost everywhere, although it prefers warm regions.

Main varieties

Currently, new varieties of the variety have begun to be imported into many countries. Among them, the following are especially worth noting:

  • Aztec. Hybrid bred in Australia. It has juicy and sweet pulp.
  • Kiku. Kiku apples were developed in Japan relatively recently. It is not highly frost-resistant, but the fruits themselves are well preserved in the refrigerator.
  • Yataka. A Fuji clone that does not have good immunity - powdery mildew or bacterial burns can cause damage to the variety. The fruits are sweet and sour and are used for fresh consumption or for making apple juice.
  • Red (Nagafu). The first apples appear in September. The fruits tolerate transportation well and can be used for various purposes.
  • Toshiro. The creation of Japanese breeders. It has good characteristics, so it is brought to the northern regions and the Moscow region for cultivation. The fruits are crispy, juicy and aromatic.
  • Raku-Raku. Gardeners can harvest a juicy and sweet harvest from these low trees. Raku-Raku is highly frost-resistant, but requires a pollinator.
  • Benny Shogun. One of the most popular varieties. It is highly frost-resistant, so it can be grown in the central part of Russia. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Apples are sweet in taste and very aromatic.

Planting and care

Trees bear fruit for a maximum of 5 years after planting, but in the first year you should not expect large Fuji apples. But after 7-8 years, the apple tree begins to produce a large harvest of its signature honey apples - it is possible to collect up to 120 kg of juicy apples from just one tree. Although there were cases when they collected 200 kg per season - isn’t it surprising! True, it does not produce a harvest every year: the variety bears fruit once every two years.

Landing dates

The best time to plant a seedling is late spring, when the soil has warmed up and the sun has gained its height and summer strength. October is also considered a good period, but everything will depend on the weather: sudden frosts often kill tender young Fuji seedlings.

At the same time as the apple tree, you will have to plant some other varieties for better pollination and good ovary. These are varieties such as Idared, Ligol, Red Delicious.

Local Zhigulevsky and Antonovka varieties are not suitable for Fuji as pollinators - Fuji apples will turn sour.

Selecting a location

The Fuji apple tree is practically not picky about where it is planted, but it still prefers sunny places. Gardeners who decide to cultivate the plant on their site agree on this. The south side of the summer cottage is the ideal side for a Japanese guest. Fuji likes soil that is fertile, loose, and enriched with humus.

Some consider it correct to plant a seedling in a hole that has been pre-treated with a solution of copper sulfate at a concentration of 1%. This way the roots will take root faster and resist the attack of pests.

Planting in the fall implies obligatory wrapping of the plant with covering material - this way the apple tree will survive the harsh Russian winters. To be safe, you can cover the root system with spruce branches made from pine branches.

Apple tree care

An obligatory part of the Fuji apple tree care program, be it the “mother” variety itself or its clones, during the first two years of the tree’s fruiting it is important to remove 5-10 ovaries. Otherwise, the tree will be overloaded and will not be able to produce a good harvest. Otherwise, care comes down to simple rules well known to all gardeners: timely watering, root feeding, pruning branches in autumn and spring, light weeding and loosening near the ground.

It is important to be vigilant here - the roots of the tree grow almost at the very surface of the earth, try not to touch them with a hoe or other tools.

Diseases and pests

Any garden tree needs care and Fuji apple trees are no exception. This exotic plant, in general, quickly adapted to the Russian climate, but it is still necessary to carry out processing. The reason is the rather delicate immune system of the trees that came to us from Japan.

Most often, Fuji is attacked by aphids and scab; cases of bacterial burns have been recorded - extensive damage to trees due to infection. Gardeners say that the best method of prevention is to pollinate trees with Bordeaux mixture and the drug Nitrofen. It is diluted in a proportion of 300 g per 10 liters of water. Treatments are carried out twice a year: before the leaves have blossomed and the flowers are about to bloom. The procedure, as you can see, is not complicated, but very effective.

Features of fruiting

Young seedlings develop intensively, but with the onset of fruiting the growth rate slows down. If you then do not limit it, the apple tree can stretch up to 6 meters in height and it will be inconvenient to harvest . Therefore, it is important to start forming the crown in time. Usually it is spreading and slightly drooping, of medium density and wide-rounded in shape, since the skeletal branches extend from the trunk almost at a right angle.

Densely leafy branches droop under the weight of ripening fruits

The bark on the trunk and main branches is light brown, on young shoots it is darker and brighter, smooth and shiny, with small, oval gray lentils. Densely arranged leaves of medium size, green, slightly pubescent, ovoid in shape with a pointed tip and slightly wavy (finely serrated) edges.

The flowering period occurs at the end of May, which in temperate latitudes avoids damage to the ovaries by spring frosts.

Apple trees on weak-growing rootstocks begin to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year after planting, on seed-bearing ones - from the 5th-6th year. The first few years, the harvest and quality of the fruit, of course, do not correspond to the maximum, but then the apples become juicier, larger and sweeter, and their quantity increases significantly. The yield of trees aged 9-12 years is 14-21 t/ha, and there is a pronounced tendency towards periodicity, that is, productive years alternate with lean ones .

The frequency is explained by the fact that after a bountiful harvest the plant is depleted and “rests” the next year. The solution to the problem is thinning the ovary, which reduces the load on the tree and ensures average productivity annually.

An adult apple tree can produce yields of more than 100 kg

The variety is self-sterile, so it needs the presence of other apple trees nearby that are suitable for pollination, for example, Idared, Golden Delicious, Gala, Ligol, Granny Smith, Everest, Pinova, Fiesta "and others whose flowering dates coincide. In joint plantings, Fuji, in turn, promotes cross-pollination, and overall productivity increases.

It is important to understand that the main harvest is formed on 2-year-old shoots, so when annually pruning and shaping the crown, you need to leave at least half of the annual growth.

Apples are winter apples, they reach technical maturity at the end of September - October (depending on weather and climatic conditions), and the consumer period, when the taste qualities are maximized, begins a month after picking. The fruits do not fall from the branches, so they can be collected until the first frost.

Fruit use and storage

Fuji apples are famous for their ability to remain juicy and sweet without spoiling for months. From the moment of harvesting in October almost until the month of April, they do not lose their appearance and quality. For this, the variety is adored all over the world and is cultivated on an industrial scale.

The variety is excellent in its raw form, very tasty as a filling for Russian pies and French cakes. Fuji apples are used to make a smoothie with the addition of celery (this combination is considered especially delicious by gourmets). They are delicious dried or in light, refreshing compotes. Experienced housewives make amazing jam from Fuji - delicate, reminiscent of rose petals in color, with a hint of honey and vanilla.

What type does it belong to?

Fuji is a winter variety of apples , created specifically for harvesting late in the year and storing in the cold.

The fruits of the variety can be stored at least until the end of spring, or even the next harvest. To preserve the appearance and taste of apples, they should be placed in the refrigerator or cool cellar.

Apples are easy to store; they are suitable for long-distance transportation even in winter. But to get a good harvest, you need to know which varieties are suitable for pollinating Fuji.

Harm and contraindications

In general, the Fuji apple variety has very few contraindications. People of any age can eat them; they are allowed for children under one year of age as a first complementary food. Applesauce is of great value for people over 60 years of age, as a powerful preventive measure for diseases of the blood, joints, and cardiovascular system.

Stomach diseases at the inflammation stage are considered a relative contraindication for eating Fuji apples. This is an ulcer, duodenal disease, gastritis with high acidity. Here, doctors meet all apple lovers - you can eat them, but baked, and preferably in combination with cottage cheese, which softens the effect of fruit acids.

Fuji apples are delicious raw, baked, in the form of jams, marmalades and puddings - German housewives are famous for them. Fruits are an excellent substitute for candies and other sweets, eliminating cravings for harmful white sugar. Eat Fuji apples in season, winter, spring, be healthy and happy.

Reviews from gardeners

Fuji Aztec is a relatively new variety, but many gardeners have already tried it on their plots and noted its unpretentiousness, resistance to frost and drought, and also enjoyed the unique taste and aroma of healthy fruits.
The variety is suitable for both individual cultivation in small personal plots and in commercial gardens. Gardeners' opinions can be found here.

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