Potatoes "Evolution" - description of the variety, photos, reviews and advantages, secrets of growing

Potatoes “Evolution” - description of the variety, photos, reviews My family cannot live without potatoes for a day. We plant a plantation every time, as if we were going to feed an army, but we can’t make it to the next harvest. You have to buy more at the beginning of summer.

However, in the store it’s not tasty, and in the market it’s expensive. So we are sitting on the suction. Last year I tried to plant Evolution potatoes. I was looking for an early one, but I read the description of the variety, it says mid-season. But I really liked his photos and reviews.

They started digging for food in early July, and the tubers were already big. Maybe they imprisoned him early because, I don’t know. But the main thing is that now you don’t have to run and bribe. We'll hold out for a month.

Characteristics of the variety

General characteristics: mid-early table potato variety of Dutch intensive selection with large, elongated oval tubers. Resistant to mechanical damage. Mainly used for early potato harvest. Adapts to soil and climate. Due to its difficulty in care, it is considered a variety for professional potato growers.

  • Ripening period (vegetation): 65-85 days.
  • Starch content: 16-18.7%.
  • Weight of commercial tubers (grams): 70-140.
  • Number of tubers in a bush: 9-15 pieces.
  • Productivity (c/ha): 420-590.
  • Consumer qualities: low boilability, culinary type (AB), suitable for preparing salads, soups and fried potatoes.
  • Keeping quality (storage ability): 94% (short rest period).
  • Peel color: red.
  • Flesh color: light yellow.
  • Preferred growing regions (RF): any soil and climate (sandy soil recommended).
  • Disease resistance: the variety is resistant to potato nematode and late blight of tubers, moderately resistant to Yntn virus and scab, and is affected by late blight of tops.

Features of cultivation: germination is not necessary, a reduced rate of nitrogen fertilizers is desirable, the highest yield is on sandy soils. Tubers tend to germinate quickly; it is recommended to store seed at low temperatures. Highly sensitive to zencor. Planting rate is 45,000 plants per 1 hectare (35x55 mm). During the dry season, watering is required.

Evolution potatoes are of Dutch origin. It was brought out at the end of the 20th century. Literally a year later, this variety gained recognition throughout the world and was included in the National Register of the Russian Federation.

This type of root crop is suitable for any region. Any soil is suitable for growing it, as long as it has a low acid content. Climatic conditions do not affect the development of this variety.

The characteristic of the Evolution potato variety is that it is mid-early. The growing season is about 80 days. The stem is quite tall and spreading. Side shoots may fall apart under heavy stress. The stem bears a large amount of foliage, which has a dark green tint. There is a ribbed surface along the edges of the leaves of the plant.

At the top of the bush you can see an inflorescence presented in purple. About 4 inflorescences can form on one bush. The only caveat is that the flowers fall off quite quickly.


Comparative table of mid-season species

NameAverage tuber weight, gStarch content, %Productivity, c/ha
Red Scarlet56-10210,1-15,7164-192

Description of the fruit

The description of potatoes states that the fruits have equal shape and weight. The weight of the fruit can reach 150 g. Their shape is oval and has smooth edges. The peel is presented in a red hue. On the upper part of the peel there is a small number of depressions, of medium size. One bush can contain about 1 potato.

When cut, the flesh appears in a warm yellow hue. It is quite fragile, but does not become soft when cooked. The starch level is quite high at 19%. This is a very good parameter, because the taste improves. Another characteristic of the Evolution potato variety is its versatility.

It is used to make soups, salads, mashed potatoes or even French fries.

Positive and negative aspects of the variety

Dutch breeders have used many years of experience to create a truly high-quality variety with a minimum number of shortcomings. And they did it well. Among the main advantages it should be noted:

  1. High shelf life - up to 94%.
  2. Good yield - up to 600 c/ha.
  3. Good taste.
  4. The versatility of tubers.
  5. Presence of superficial ocelli.
  6. Resistance to diseases and pests such as mosaic, potato cancer and nematode.

Along with that, there are several disadvantages. In particular:

  • Evolution is difficult to tolerate drought and lack of watering. In unfavorable growing conditions it is very difficult to obtain a normal harvest.
  • Not protected from late blight.


Advantages and disadvantages

Universal variety

When considering this potato variety, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  • versatility in cultivation;
  • pleasant taste;
  • increased levels of starch;
  • high yield rates: farmers harvest about 590 centners of crop per hectare;
  • average immunity to common diseases.

The disadvantages include the fact that the inflorescences quickly fall off. It is also worth highlighting the nuance that lies in the degeneration of the seed material.

Soil requirements

Evolution potatoes can be successfully grown in any type of soil with a low alkaline content. It is not recommended to plant this variety in soil that is too acidic, as this will negatively affect the root system of plants and significantly reduce fruit yield.

To prepare the soil on the site for planting potatoes, you must perform the following steps:

  1. remove all last year’s plant remains and dig up the soil on the site;
  2. apply complex fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and magnesium;
  3. loosen the soil before planting.

The highest yields of Evolution potatoes are achieved when grown in loose sandy soil.

Preparation of planting material

Evolution potato seed tubers are distinguished by the fact that they are able to quickly germinate in the ground, so there is no need to germinate them before planting. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  • select smooth, medium-sized tubers for planting, up to 7 cm long;
  • planting material should not have mechanical damage, rot or growths;
  • treat the tubers with a fungicide to protect future plants from bacterial and fungal infections.


Correct fit

Feedback from gardeners suggests that if you make mistakes at the planting stage, you will not be able to get a good harvest. Planting potatoes correctly is not just about burying them in the ground.

First of all, you need to select high-quality planting material. These should be small root crops 60-70 cm without any visible defects (the presence of rot, cracks, ulcers, growths, spots, etc.).

Tubers begin to be planted only when the soil warms up to +8 degrees Celsius. This period approximately occurs in early to mid-May. Also, you can navigate the old fashioned way: “When the birch tree begins to put out its leaves, then the potatoes are ready for planting.”

Standard landing pattern:

  1. We make row spacing at least 60-70 cm. Such a large distance is necessary so that the bushes receive a sufficient amount of sunlight and are well ventilated. Also, a larger distance will make hilling easier.
  2. Leave at least 30 cm between bushes.
  3. Approximately 20-25 kg of Evolution planting potatoes will be needed per 100 m2.


Diseases and pests

The Evolution variety itself successfully resists potato cancer, nematode, scab, leaf mosaic and late blight of tubers. However, there are a number of factors that are dangerous for him:

  • Colorado beetle. There are no potato varieties resistant to it.
  • Late blight of stems.
  • Wireworm.
  • Vole mice.


Insecticides of the following classes help against the Colorado potato beetle, potato moth and a number of other insects:

  1. Avermectins (for example, Fitoverm).
  2. Pyrethrins (Inta-Vir and similar). It must be remembered that insects quickly get used to this class of drugs, so it is better to use them in combination with other insecticides.
  3. Neonicotinoids (“Aktara”, “Calypso”, etc.). Extremely effective - but just as dangerous for beneficial insects. It is strictly forbidden to use them near apiaries.

If possible, you should use 2-3 different insecticides per season to avoid pest addiction.

Spraying with fungicides helps against late blight and other fungi - both new complex preparations (Alirin-B and similar) and old proven ones (for example, Bordeaux mixture or vitriol solution).

Ultrasonic repellers or poisonous baits help against mice.


You can avoid problems with pests if you follow a few rules:

  • Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. In soil that is too wet, both pest larvae and fungi can easily reproduce.
  • Use pre-treatment with preparations such as “Prestige” or similar.
  • Regularly loosen the soil and hill up the potatoes. During these procedures, the larvae and pests die.

Disease prevention for potatoes is as follows:

  1. Maintain crop rotation by not growing potatoes in the same place for two years in a row.
  2. Pre-planting treatment of potatoes. You can use drugs such as “Prestige”, “Maxim” and similar ones. As a last resort, you can use at least a solution of copper sulfate (3 teaspoons per bucket of water).

Plant care

Evolution potatoes have no special preferences regarding care. They should be cared for as you would most other root vegetable varieties.

Firstly, regular feeding of the bush is important. Organic substances are used for this. Preference should be given to droppings, humus or wood ash.

Secondly, it is important not to forget to hill up the rows so that the root system is always covered. It is also recommended to regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil. This is done so that the plant receives more oxygen.

The third factor is proper watering. In places where the climate is temperate, watering is carried out quite rarely. But at high air temperatures, watering is carried out as the soil dries.



Potato Evolution is very responsive to watering. But this does not mean that they should be neglected. Taking into account the variety’s need for water, the following irrigation scheme can be used:

  • The first time is 3 weeks after the first shoots appear. Gardeners do not recommend earlier watering.
  • The second time before/or immediately after flowering.
  • The third time is in the peak flowering phase.
  • The fourth time before the end of flowering or immediately after it.
  • If there is a terrible drought and there is no precipitation, then the amount of watering can be increased.

Also, experienced gardeners do not recommend watering the crop after flowering. During this period, the potato enters the “ripening” phase, its immunity becomes weaker and more vulnerable to late blight. And for this fungus, moisture is an ideal environment for development.


Thanks to hilling, it is possible to create additional stolons, which on average increase the yield of Evolution potatoes by 20-30%.

In addition, when hilling:

  1. The area is cleared of weeds. This allows the crop to grow “out of competition”, receiving nutrients from the soil in full.
  2. The soil is loosening. It is enriched with oxygen, which the culture needs for normal development.
  3. Potatoes are hilled twice a season: the first time when the tops grow to 20 cm, the second time 2-3 weeks after the first time.

Step-by-step instructions for growing


Planting Evolution potatoes can be done either manually or using mechanization. In the first case, you only need a bucket and a shovel. In the second, you will need a whole set of equipment:

  • Plow - for autumn cultivation of the site.
  • Cultivator or disker - for processing before planting.
  • Potato planter.
  • Hiller - for summer processing. Cultivators with a suitable ploughshare can be used instead.
  • Potato harvester.
  • Sorting and packaging machines.

When growing on small farms, walk-behind tractors or mini-tractors with appropriate attachments can be used.



The soil for planting potatoes is prepared in the fall. The area is either dug up manually to the full depth of the shovel bayonet, or plowed up without turning the layer. The beds are not harrowed, the clods are not broken, so that the soil does not cake over the winter, and melt water can penetrate deeper in the spring.

During autumn digging, mineral or organic fertilizers can be applied. For minerals, the dosage is calculated according to the manufacturer, and organics are added at the rate of approximately 500 g per 1 sq. m. m. Humus, rotted peat, manure (even fresh) or chicken droppings can be used as organic fertilizer.

In the spring, the area for potatoes is disked or dug up, but only half a piece. Here the clods are carefully broken up, and the soil is loosened, preparing the place for planting. If possible, organic matter or wood ash is added again at the rate of approximately 300-400 g per bush.


In spring, it is unacceptable to apply fresh manure or nitrogen fertilizers. Fresh manure may contain weed seeds that have not been digested by animals, and excess nitrogen stimulates the growth of tops rather than tubers.

Planting material

Since the Evolution variety is relatively new, seed material is usually purchased already selected and prepared for planting in specialized seed farms . If last year’s harvest is used, then the tubers are prepared in the fall.

Potatoes are selected for planting, approximately the size of a chicken egg and weighing at least 60-70 g.

When sorting, you must carefully ensure that the seed tubers do not show signs of disease or mechanical damage.

Before planting, Evolution potatoes are checked a second time. Pre-germination is not required, but in regions with short summers it can be useful, as it speeds up the growing season. Temperature shock is also useful - a gradual increase in the temperature in the storage a month before planting from +3 degrees, at which potatoes are stored, to +20 degrees immediately before planting.


In addition, immediately before planting, if possible, the seeds should be treated with fungicides (at least a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate) and growth stimulants - this will protect them from the threat of return frosts.

Boarding time

Any variety of potato should be planted when the soil temperature reaches at least +8 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. It is pointless to use special measures to heat the soil: cold air will cool it, and potatoes will not grow under film or other covering materials.

In most regions of European Russia, the right moment comes in early May , but in the southern regions the right moment may come in mid-April, and in the north - in mid-May, so you should be guided by the thermometer readings. As a last resort, you can rely on folk signs: it is usually believed that as soon as the first leaves appear on a birch tree, you can plant potatoes.


For Evolution, the following planting scheme is used:

  1. Row spacing is from 60 to 75 cm. This is necessary in order to carry out hilling without damaging the bushes.
  2. Leave 30-35 cm between bushes in a row.
  3. The tuber is buried 7-8 cm.



Like other potatoes, Evolution needs hilling . The first is carried out when the stems reach a height of 10 cm. Hilling is done manually or by plowing the rows using a hiller or cultivator.

Subsequently, hilling is carried out 2-3 more times per season, usually when flowers appear and flowering ends.


The Evolution variety needs soil moisture. For this purpose, watering can be used using various types of sprinklers, sprinklers, or, in extreme cases, trailed sprayers, or a drip irrigation system. The difference in their use is as follows:

  • Sprinkling can only be used at sunset.
  • Drip irrigation can be used at any time, since the water goes to the roots and does not fall on the stems and leaves.

The amount of watering depends on the weather conditions and the humidity of the area.


It is no longer necessary to water at least 3 weeks before harvesting. At this time it is useless.


Like any other potato, the Evolution variety needs regular loosening . It can be combined with weeding and hilling, or carried out separately. The frequency of loosening depends on the structure of the soil: the denser it is, the more often the procedure must be repeated.

Evolution, like any potato, loves loose (preferably sandy or sandy loam) soil. If it rains, then, if possible, after each rain, when the earth is already dry, loosening is repeated.


Weeding is carried out as the weeds grow. The exact timing here depends on the infestation of the site with weed seeds, as well as previously used preparations: in industrial cultivation, herbicide treatment can be used instead of manual weeding.

Top dressing

Typically, the Evolution variety does not need fertilizing: all the necessary nutrients are either already in the soil or are added to it during autumn-spring cultivation . However, if potatoes show drying ahead of time, grow poorly and show other signs of ill health, they can be fed with complex preparations during the summer.

Diseases and parasites

This variety is quite resistant to most diseases. For example, it is not subject to diseases such as nematode, potato late blight or scab.

But, this variety may be exposed to late blight of the plant part, so preventive measures should be taken.

First of all, the seed material is treated with drugs such as Fofatox. It will blunt the development of the disease and resist it throughout the entire growing season.

Also, do not forget about foliage treatment. Again, you can use this drug. But spraying is carried out a few days before watering.


About late blight

As noted above, Evolution potatoes are not protected from diseases such as late blight.

Late blight is one of the most insidious fungi that affects potatoes. Late blight can invade both tubers and the green part of the crop. The fungus spreads by spores, allowing it to quickly infect large areas.

Experienced gardeners recommend reacting immediately if a sign of infection by this fungus is noticed.

The ideal conditions for fungal growth are dampness. In hot weather, spore formation is very weak and the fungus hardly spreads.

Symptoms of late blight:

  • The appearance of dark spots on the leaves.
  • The appearance of dark spots on the stems, which over time acquire a brown tint.
  • The appearance of a white coating (these are spores).
  • The appearance of “rotten” spots on the tuber.

It is worth noting that late blight does not operate in the area where mustard is planted. Therefore, this can be one of the preventive measures to prevent infection with this fungus.

Basic measures to protect against late blight fungus:

  1. Using only high-quality planting material.
  2. Maintaining crop rotation.
  3. Protection of crops from waterlogging.

Weed removal

The key to successful potato growing is proper care of the soil around the plants. As a result of this, the bush quickly grows green mass, and after flowering it forms beautiful and large tubers. A list of soil care actions in potato beds is presented below.

Weeding is especially important during the period from the appearance of the first shoots to the beginning of flowering. Weeds need to be removed regularly, as they absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil and shade young potato sprouts, thereby preventing their growth.

Loosening the soil - it is recommended to carry out it after rain or watering to improve the air permeability of the soil. Hilling up plants helps to form a nest of tubers and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the root system of plants, prevents the growth of weeds and drying out of the soil.

The stems are hilled for the first time after they reach a height of 20 cm, and after 2–3 weeks this procedure is repeated; Mulching potato beds helps keep the soil moist and loose and prevents the appearance of weeds.

Tubers of the Evolution variety have a high tendency to germinate, so they need to be stored in a dark place.



Evolution is in demand among vegetable growers. Some of them share useful tips, others share their impressions.

Natalya, Pavlovo: “In the spring, when growing the variety, you cannot apply fresh manure or nitrogen fertilizers. The manure may contain weed seeds that have not been processed by the animal’s body. Nitrogen causes the growth of tops, not tubers.”

Anna, Mr. Marks: “ At least 3 weeks before harvesting Evolution, it is better to stop watering, otherwise the potatoes will get late blight.”

Ekaterina, Zelenogradsk: “The taste of the Evolution potato pulp is 9 out of 10. The tubers are simply huge compared to the varieties that I grew before. The family really enjoyed it!”

Harvest and storage

Evolution potatoes can be harvested at the end of August. You can dig up tubers manually or using special equipment. Basic harvesting guidelines are listed below:

  • mow the tops 2 weeks before the start of tuber harvesting;
  • It is best to dig up fruits in dry and warm weather;
  • After harvesting, dry the tubers outside under a canopy for several days;
  • sort fruits by size, separate seed material and discard spoiled or damaged fruits.

Evolution potatoes can be stored until the beginning of spring in a cool (no more than +2...+3°C) cellar or basement. Under such conditions, the shelf life of tubers is 94%.

Evolution potatoes are one of the best varieties that combine unpretentiousness to growing conditions and high yields.

Even novice farmers can plant this variety on their plots, since to get a good harvest of beautiful tubers, you just need to follow the simple recommendations listed above.


Origin story

The Evolution potato variety was developed in 2011.
Dutch breeders, located near the city of Emmerlord (Netherlands), worked on its breeding. As a result of the work carried out, a new potato variety was obtained, which has the ability to quickly adapt to the conditions of any climate and produce high yields even with minimal care. Since then, the Evolution variety began to quickly spread throughout the world. Did you know? In 2000, a potato museum was opened in Denmark. It contains all existing varieties of this crop and provides information about the history of growing the plant.

Potatoes "Evolution" - description of the variety, photos, reviews and opinions

This is a very good variety, which is not in vain recognized as one of the best in the whole world. It does not require care and produces a good harvest. These options are perfect for those people who are just starting to work in farming.

  1. Elena Yurievna, Rostov, 54 years old.
    I've never heard of this variety before. I accidentally saw a photo on the Internet and fell in love. I decided to find it at the market, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was lucky that my friends in the capital were able to buy seed potatoes, so I propagated them a little. What can I say? The variety is good, productive, and has not suffered from any disease. We watered it normally, the soil was black soil, we fertilized it often. The potatoes are very tasty and don’t get overcooked.
  2. Dmitry Gennadievich, Kyiv, 49 years old.
    In 2022, I bought Evolution, Riviera and Gala planting potatoes. All varieties 10 kg. As a result, I collected approximately 450 kg, 150 kg for each variety. Evolution and Riviera are huge, the tubers are as big as the palm of your hand, but Gala is like a chicken egg, but there are a lot of them in the bush. Everyone has good taste.

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Secrets of growing a big harvest

Such a long period of growing potatoes did not bring experience to most gardeners. For most, the process of growing potatoes is completed by simply burying the tubers in the spring, rare hilling and collecting Colorado potato beetles. Tiring work with a hoe leaves no reason to think about dialectics - the transition from quantity to quality.

Meanwhile, if you apply in practice all the knowledge of mankind about growing potatoes, all the secrets and life hacks, then the potato yield will increase significantly, and the area occupied by plantings will decrease in proportion to the increase in experience.

I bring to your attention the main secrets of experienced potato growers, which are simple enough to use in an ordinary garden or summer cottage.


Disinfection of tubers intended for planting

Potato tubers intended for planting must be disinfected to prevent diseases and reduce the number of pests. Pests love to attack tubers in the spring, before potato sprouts germinate.

It is believed that adding boric acid to disinfectant solutions for potatoes stimulates shoot growth in the first days after planting in open ground.

Tubers are disinfected by soaking or spraying from a spray bottle. Soaking the tubers for two to three hours is most effective.

  • Composition No. 1 “For disinfection”: 1 kg of crushed garlic is diluted in 10 liters of water, and then the potato tubers intended for planting are sprayed or soaked.
  • Composition No. 2 “Nourishes and disinfects”: dissolve half a gram of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in 10 liters of water, add 5 grams of copper sulfate and 15 grams of boric acid.
  • Composition No. 3 “Superphosphate”: to obtain a disinfectant and nutrient solution, dilute 60 grams of superphosphate, 40 grams of urea, 5 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water and add 10 grams of boric acid.
  • Composition No. 4 “For spraying tubers”: 15 grams of boric acid, 30 grams of potassium sulfate, 40 grams of urea, 1 gram of copper sulfate and half a gram of potassium permanganate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate of the composition is 1 liter per 100 kg of potatoes.

The tubers are sprayed until the sprouts sprout; if the tubers have sprouted, then the composition is diluted with water to half.

Soaking tubers before planting

Experienced potato growers soak the tubers for 2 days before planting in a nutrient solution. They say the yield increases up to 15%, germination and tuber formation are accelerated.

The recipe for a nutrient solution is simple: 40 grams of superphosphate, nitrogen fertilizers and potassium salt and dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The consumption rate of the nutrient solution is 10 liters per 50 kg of tubers. Unsprouted tubers are soaked a day before planting.

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