Description and rules for growing tomato variety Earthly Love F1

Hybrid of Russian selection

  • Fact:
    Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse sometimes reach 150 cm in height.
  • Fact 2:
    The weight of some tomatoes from the first harvest reaches 600 g.
  • Fact 3:
    In the middle zone, in Siberia and the Urals, it is better to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.
  • Fact 4:
    The variety responds well to complex fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus. The latter is not recommended to be applied to the soil if the air temperature drops below 15˚C.

This is also interesting!

“Earthly Love” is a hybrid of Russian selection. It gives a good harvest even in areas with not very favorable conditions. It pleases summer residents with its large fruit and early ripening . The variety is unpretentious in care and has immunity to many diseases.


“Earthly Love” is a determinate plant with a growing season of 98 days. Its height is 120–130 cm. Tomatoes growing in a greenhouse sometimes reach 150 cm in height. One bush brings a harvest of 6–7 kg. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5–6 pieces on each.

For greater productivity, it is recommended to form the trunk into 2 stems. The bush is very fragile and can break under the weight of large tomatoes. The weight of some tomatoes from the first harvest reaches 600 g. Therefore, tying is a mandatory procedure.

The greatest success in cultivation can be achieved in regions with a warm climate:

In the middle zone, in Siberia and the Urals, it is better to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.

“Earthly Love” is suitable for personal plots and small farms. Product yield is 95%. It has good taste characteristics and immunity to many diseases. It is stored for a long time and does not deteriorate during transportation.

Tomato Love F1: a good hybrid for any purpose

Tomato Lyubov F1 is one of many representatives of modern hybrids that is not difficult to grow. The plant is easy to care for, and the tasty and beautiful fruits will satisfy the needs of the most demanding gardener. This hybrid is accompanied mainly by only positive reviews from gardeners.

Description of the tomato variety Lyubov

Tomato Love is the development of Yuri Ivanovich Pantchev, who mainly deals with tomatoes and peppers. The hybrid was registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2006 and is intended for planting in any region. It is recommended for personal subsidiary plots and other small-scale farms; it is grown both in unprotected soil and under film covers: depending on the climate of the region, one or the other option is more suitable.

The Lyubov tomato is a determinate variety, but the bush, especially in a greenhouse, can grow quite tall - more than a meter. Therefore, plant formation and stem tying are necessary procedures.

The leaves are green and of normal size. The first flower cluster is formed after the seventh or eighth leaf, the next ones after one or two. 5-6 tomatoes are formed in the brush.

In terms of harvest ripening, the tomato is mid-season. The tomatoes are medium-sized, weighing 50–75 g, regular round in shape, with barely noticeable ribbing. No cracking is observed. When ripe, they are colored red and contain 4 or more seed nests. The taste is rated excellent. The main use is for salads, but the shape and size of the tomatoes allow them to be preserved as a whole.

Hybrid tomatoes Lyubov F1 - regular round shape

The yield of the hybrid is average, just over 5 kg/m2. It has increased resistance to diseases, especially resistant to verticillium and fusarium. No cracking of the fruits was observed even in damp weather or when left on the bushes.

Features of the Lyubov F1 hybrid from different manufacturers

Seeds of the hybrid Lyubov F1 are produced by different companies. The data indicated on the bags may differ slightly from that provided in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation. For example, it claims that the hybrid is early ripening and the first fruits ripen within 100 days after sowing, and weigh 200–250 g, although most of the information on the packaging is true. in a similar situation, he reports that the yield of the hybrid is four (!) times higher than that declared by the author and stated in the official document. Therefore, the video below should be treated with skepticism.

Video: advertising of tomato seeds Lyubov F1, which does not correspond to the information in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation

Advantages and disadvantages

There are quite a lot of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes similar to the one under consideration; it is nothing outstanding, but, like any modern hybrid, it has many more advantages than disadvantages.

The fruits of the Love tomato are ordinary small red balls

The advantages of the Love tomato are:

  • excellent presentation of the fruit;
  • evenness of tomatoes, i.e. all tomatoes are approximately the same size;
  • good transportability;
  • no cracking under any conditions;
  • good drought resistance;
  • increased resistance to diseases;
  • excellent taste, not always typical for tomatoes of this shape and size;
  • versatility of application.

Among the disadvantages of the hybrid, they note the not very good yield, which strongly depends on the fertility of the soil, as well as the need for the formation and staking of bushes, which can be dispensed with for many determinate varieties.

Differences from other varieties

When considering the Love tomato, you need to be very careful and critical of the information provided on the Internet. And this is not only a matter of malicious intent, but often also of carelessness: there are several varieties of tomatoes with similar names:

  • Earthly love by the same author, bearing fruit with tomatoes weighing at least 200 g;
  • Lyubushka: this variety has a high yield, but the taste of fresh fruit is rated only as good;
  • hybrid My Love by breeder L.A. Myazina, which has nothing to do with the tomato in question;
  • Novosibirsk variety Early Love, most of the indicators of which, with the exception of the ripening period, are similar to those of the Lyubov tomato.


The fruits have a classic flat round shape. Painted red, almost burgundy. Without a green spot on the stalk. The average weight varies between 200–230 g . Tomatoes from the first harvest are always slightly larger.

The pulp is very juicy and sugary, with a high content of vitamins. There are few seed chambers - up to 6 pieces. Dry matter content is only 5–6%. Tomatoes are suitable for preparing preparations for the winter. But they taste best when fresh.

Harvest and storage

The ripe harvest of “My Love” tomatoes is harvested at the end of August.
It is important not to delay the time so that frost does not start, otherwise the tomatoes will not be stored well. You should not harvest in the early morning or late evening - dew will shorten the storage time of such fruits

When ripe, tomatoes are easy to tear off from the stem. You can also pick green or slightly brown tomatoes and send them for ripening, but their taste will be worse, although they are stored better.

Did you know? Tomatoes began to be mentioned in cookbooks in Italy
at the beginning of the 17th century.
Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days by rubbing them with vodka or alcohol and wrapping them in paper.

In the basement, tomatoes are stored in boxes made of wood or plastic, sprinkled with sawdust or wrapped in paper. You cannot lay more than 3 layers; the tails must be directed upward.

You can store fresh tomatoes loosely folded in a sterile glass jar and sprinkled with mustard powder. The jar is rolled up, the tomatoes are pre-washed and dried. In this form they can be stored for up to 5 months.

Find out how and where you can store tomatoes.

Thus, the hybrid tomato variety “My Love” F1 ripens early, produces tasty, beautiful fruits, and bears fruit abundantly. This can be achieved through proper plant care, compliance with the rules of planting, watering, and harvesting. If you also follow the recommendations for storing fruits, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh tomatoes for a long time.


“Earthly Love” is grown in the usual way for tomatoes. 1.5–2 months before transplanting to the dacha, the seeds are sown. To improve the germination rate, it is recommended to soak them overnight in a growth stimulator. Or aloe juice - its natural analogue.

The seeds are placed in a container with a soil mixture (turf soil, humus, river sand) and sprinkled with a 1–2 cm layer of peat. Before germination, they are kept warm, covered with film. After germination, they are moved to a place well lit by the sun. If there is a lack of natural light, the seedlings are illuminated with a phytolamp.

In May or June, the bushes are transplanted into garden beds. The recommended scheme is 4 plants per 1 m2 . Thickening provokes the occurrence of fungus or pests. After the first inflorescence appears, the formation of a trunk of 2 stems begins. Remove the shoots and lower leaves regularly.

The variety responds well to complex fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus. The latter is not recommended to be applied to the soil if the air temperature drops below 15˚C. When the fruits begin to ripen, you need to apply only organic fertilizers.

The variety is immune to many diseases. But sometimes plants are affected by Phoma . In this case, you need to remove the affected parts of the plant. Treat the remaining ones with the preparation “Hom”. Preventive treatment with insecticides will get rid of pests.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

In order to successfully cultivate Love tomatoes, you need to take care of purchasing seeds in advance. Even experienced gardeners cannot obtain seeds of this variety on their own, since it is a hybrid (F1).

Anyone can easily find varietal seeds in specialized stores. You can do this on the Internet as well. Agro and Myazina L.A. produce and distribute seed material. A bag of seeds (0.1-0.3 g) costs 24-30 rubles.

Important! The germination rate of the variety's seeds is 95-100%

Growing seedlings

Seeds for seedlings should be sown in the second ten days of March. Before planting in the ground, it is advisable to soak them in a growth activator. Highly effective biostimulants are best suited for this role. Proper use of drugs has a beneficial effect not only on the process of seed germination, but also helps to increase crop productivity and resistance to phytodiseases.

Such universal non-toxic products include the drug “Elin”. It increases the germination of tomato seeds by 15-21% and reduces the content of dangerous nitrates in them. In order to soak the seeds, take only 3 drops of the substance and dilute them in 100 g of water. Plants of the My Love variety are picked at the stage of the second true leaf.

Note! Elin's solution is good to use to strengthen seedlings when transplanting into a greenhouse. To do this, prepare a solution from one ampoule of the drug and 5 liters of water.

Newly transplanted seedlings are watered at the root.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

Seedlings of early varieties should be hardened off for 14-10 days before transplanting into the greenhouse. The recommended time for transplantation is the first half of May.

For the successful growth of tomatoes, the real formula of Love, according to the characteristics and description of the variety, can be highly fertile soil. You can also increase productivity if you plant plants at a distance of at least 0.4-0.45 m between bushes.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground

Daytime temperatures in greenhouses in the open sun can rise to +35+40°C. Under such conditions, young plants can quickly wither. Therefore, during the daytime the greenhouse should be shaded. In addition, during this period, tomatoes are extremely demanding when it comes to watering; to ensure soil respiration of the root system, the soil layer should be loosened at least once every 2-3 days.

On a note. My Love tomatoes respond well to potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

The variety tolerates a lack of moisture well, so it does not require additional watering during the fruiting period.

Plant characteristics

The plant is a standard type, 150 cm tall. The bush grows tall and requires shaping and tying up. The variety feels good both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. In terms of ripening time, the Earthly Love tomato is an early variety; the first fruits can be obtained after 90 days.

The plant has many leaves. Low yield, on average up to 6 kg per bush. It is recommended to plant seedlings at the end of March. Plants love freedom, so before planting seedlings there is no need to skimp on the distance between tomatoes.



The fruits of this hybrid are very beautiful; they will look great in complex preserves. But most often they are consumed fresh, in salads and first courses. Juices and pastes from “Earthly Love” tomatoes are not only very tasty, but also healthy, thanks to the high content of vitamins and sugars.


With careful care, one bush can produce up to 6 kg of fruit. At the recommended density, the yield is 23-26 kg/m². The result is average, especially for a plant of this size.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Earthly loveup to 6 kg per bush
Nastenka10-12 kg per square meter
Gulliver7 kg per bush
Honey Heart8.5 kg per square meter
Broody10-1 kg per square meter
Lazy15 kg per square meter
Brawler9 kg per bush
Black bunch6 kg per bush
King of the market10-12 kg per square meter
De Barao the giant20-22 kg per bush
Rocket6.5 kg per square meter

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the “Earthly Love” tomato variety, its early ripening is particularly noteworthy

They also pay attention to good tolerance to temperature changes, as well as tolerance to lack of moisture.

Among the main positive qualities of this type of tomato are:

  • early ripeness;
  • friendly ovary and ripening;
  • the fruits do not crack;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • use in pickling and canning;
  • excellent commercial qualities;
  • unpretentiousness to the watering regime.

Among the disadvantages noted:

  • needs supports;
  • fragility of the stalk;
  • need for fertilizers during the growth stage.

Description of fruits

Gardeners are very pleased with the fruits of the variety. Tomatoes are characterized by their versatility. Well suited for both fresh and canned use. The fruits are excellent for canning and pickling and have an attractive appearance. The ripe fruit has a bright, rich red or burgundy color. The shape is smooth and round, without ribbing or green base.

The tomato has a soft, pleasant sweetish taste. The fruits are quite large in size. The average weight is 200-300 grams. Vegetables have thin but dense skin, which protects the tomato from cracking. The tomato has good keeping quality and transportability. Gardeners often use tomatoes of this variety for commercial purposes.

In addition, tomatoes are also healthy and have many vitamins in their arsenal.

Fruit characteristics and yield

Rapid ripening of the fruits of the Lyubov Zemnaya variety is possible only in greenhouse conditions, and in open ground - only in the southern regions (Crimea, the Caucasus, etc.). In countries with a temperate climate, cultivation is possible only in film greenhouses.

Below are the points you need to know when growing this tomato:

  • yield: even with excellent care, only up to 6–7 kg;
  • ripening time: 95–100 days from planting;
  • fruit size: average, up to 250 g, up to 6 cm in diameter, all fruits, as a rule, have the same shape and size - this increases their popularity among other varieties of tomatoes;
  • transportability: excellent, ripe fruit does not crack, has a dense skin that does not leave dents with slight pressure;
  • method of use: well suited for preparing for the winter; when salted, canned and pickled, the fruit does not disintegrate, keeps its shape well, and is also used fresh in all kinds of salads, stews and casseroles.

Despite early ripening, tomatoes manage to absorb a maximum of useful substances: the chemical composition of tomato fruits contains vitamins B, D, C, macroelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus), microelements (manganese, molybdenum, iron, iodine), sugar and starch.

Pros and cons of the variety

The variety has many advantages. This is its early ripeness and resistance to disease. Tomato has a good immune system. Tomatoes are versatile, have good flavor characteristics and are often used commercially. The plant is unpretentious to care. It is enough to water and loosen the soil in time.

The disadvantages are the need for pinching and gartering, as well as the fragility of the stalk. At the growth stage, the plant is capricious to fertilizers.

Recommendations for cultivation. Earthly love grows tall and has a fragile stem. Therefore, the plant needs a garter, otherwise the trunk may break off. If the bush is grown in open ground, then you don’t have to engage in pinching. But this may result in longer ripening times.

The culture has good immunity, so if you take normal care of the plant, it will not get sick. Care consists of regular watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing.

Specifics of cultivation and description of tomato variety My Love

Every gardener dreams of growing unpretentious vegetable crops that give a good harvest. This variety is the My Love tomato. It was bred by Russian breeders.

This species belongs to early-ripening determinate plants that are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses and greenhouses. From the moment the seeds are planted, the first harvest can be harvested within 85-90 days. The plant requires simple care and can easily tolerate small temperature changes, but it needs watering regularly.

Experts classify the My Love variety as an unpretentious species. This is its main advantage, and the disadvantages include the average level of productivity.

Specifics of the variety

Tomatoes are grown mainly in the southern regions, as they are heat-loving plants. It is quite possible to plant My Love tomatoes in the middle zone, but in the northern regions it is possible to get a good harvest only with the help of greenhouses. From 1 bush you can harvest about 3-4 kg of tomatoes.

Despite the fact that the My Love tomato variety is called unpretentious, it has its own characteristics in care and cultivation. The root system of this plant loves freedom, so no more than 3 bushes can fit per 1 m².

If you want to grow this vegetable on your plot, then you should initially familiarize yourself with the features of this variety of tomatoes.

Characteristics and description of the variety My Love:

  1. The tomato bush has a strong and massive trunk, which is capable of holding branches with fruits on its own, which means it does not need a garter.
  2. Externally, the My Love tomato resembles a miniature tree. There is little foliage on it, and each stem is directed slightly upward.
  3. The bush can reach a height of 60 to 85 cm, and in greenhouse conditions it can grow up to 120 cm. The bush stops growing after the 5th inflorescence is formed on it.

Experienced gardeners who grow this variety advise planting bushes. If this is not done, then the ripening of tomatoes My love will begin much later.

There is a photo on the package with seeds that clearly shows an adult bush with fruits. Tomatoes ripen on the plant almost simultaneously. The ripe vegetable has a bright red color and a round shape with a characteristic elongated spout at the bottom.

Each tomato can weigh from 100 to 200 g. The fruit tastes juicy, aromatic, not sour. Tomatoes My Love F1 have medium density. They have a fairly thick skin.

Tomatoes of the My Love variety are suitable both for salads and for making pastes, juice and other tomato products. When preserved, they are distinguished by their taste and preservation of shape.

With proper and competent work, it is quite possible to increase the level of productivity. Many gardeners manage to collect 5 kg per bush.

Growing and care

When purchasing seeds, it is important to study on the packaging all the requirements regarding sowing and further care of the plant. The photo always shows what the variety looks like when the fruits ripen, and on the back there are clear instructions when to sow

Sowing and growing seedlings

Seeds can be soaked in a growth activator before planting. Gardeners advise soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will allow you to avoid the appearance of fungi and pest invasions in the future. After this, sowing is carried out in a special container with pre-prepared fertilized soil. The best time for sowing is the end of March or the first half of April.

After 2 leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be transplanted into separate pots. Vegetable growers use peat containers for this. Place tomato seedlings in a sunny place in a well-ventilated area to avoid high humidity.

It is necessary to water the sprouts once every 10 days, but at the same time you need to monitor the condition of the soil. Planting material can be planted in open ground in May or June

It is important that the weather is warm and the ground is warm

Planting tomatoes

For planting, the soil is well fertilized and loosened. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm. Anyone who has planted tomatoes knows how well they respond to mulching. After planting, the sprouts need to be watered. Further care involves regular watering, moderate fertilizing and loosening the soil.

Every housewife who has planted this variety leaves the best reviews about the My Love F1 tomato. Firstly, the tomatoes fully correspond to the photo on the package. Secondly, the fruits are universal, well suited for canning and fresh consumption.


I am a novice gardener, so I am now in search of the ideal variety for me and my family. I liked the characteristics and description of the variety and decided to try planting it in my garden. I'm very pleased. The plant does not get sick and produces early fruits. I recommend.

This hybrid received its romantic name for the beautiful appearance of the fruits and its undemanding nature to the soil. The “Earthly Love F1” tomato was bred in Russia and has excellent adaptation to different climatic conditions, including drought and frost. The not-highest yield of this variety is compensated by the excellent taste of the tomatoes.

Super tomatoes in the video:

Main characteristics of the hybrid

The characteristics and description of the variety from the seed manufacturer in terms of yield completely coincides with the data of vegetable growers who grow Lyubov tomatoes in their beds. Any summer resident who follows the basic rules for caring for tomatoes has a chance to get the declared yield of 20 kg/m².

Considering that this plant is determinant, the yield indicators are very good. Bushes in a greenhouse can grow up to 1.3 m; in the ground their height is slightly less. There are many leaves formed on the bushes, they are of medium size, the color of the leaf plates is traditionally green.

The first brush, simple in structure, is formed in the axil of the 7th (less often 9) leaf. It is necessary to leave the stepson located under this brush to obtain the desired shape of the bush. The characteristics and description of the variety contain brief recommendations for its formation. A second stem will develop from the abandoned stepson, and all newly formed stepsons in the axils of the leaves will need to be removed in a timely manner.

Do not pinch small stepsons, let them grow to 5–7 cm, and only then remove them. Don't forget to leave a small stump (0.5 cm). A new shoot will not form in this place, which will save time in the future.

Features of the fruit

The shape of the fruit is smooth and round. At market ripeness, the fruits and pulp are bright red. The coloring is even, without the presence of a green spot in the area of ​​the stalk. The skin is strong, cracking of the fruit is excluded. Tomatoes can be used in many ways:

  • sandwich design;
  • preparing salads;
  • for seasoning summer soups (gazpacho, borscht, kharcho) and main courses;
  • in winter preparations (pastes, sauces, ketchups).

The taste of a ripe tomato contains a small amount of acid, which does not spoil the taste of the tomatoes at all. A high percentage of fruits of commercial quality is the main advantage of the hybrid. Up to 96% of tomatoes have no errors in the appearance and taste of the pulp.

Description of the tomato variety “Earthly Love”

“Earthly Love” refers to early-ripening tomatoes. The period of full ripening is 90-105 days. Determinate bushes are quite tall: in the garden they grow up to 130 cm, in the greenhouse - up to 150 cm. The plants are very powerful, spreading, with thick stems and a lot of greenery.


Ripe tomatoes acquire a characteristic scarlet color. They are flat-round in shape, with pronounced ribbing. The fruits on one bush grow the same size. The average weight of one tomato is 200-230 grams.

Other fruit characteristics:

  • A small number of seed chambers - 5-6 pieces;
  • Dry matter content – ​​within 5%;
  • Juicy and sweet pulp of uniform consistency.

Description of tomato

Tomato love f1 has bushes up to 1.3 meters. Ninety days pass from planting to the appearance of ripened fruits. It is a mixed species for cultivation in open ground, as well as in a greenhouse. It is highly resistant to cracking. The plant is resistant to diseases and insect attacks.

With excellent care, you can collect no more than 6 kg from one bush. Thanks to proper planting, you can achieve a yield of 20 kg per m2.

A ripe tomato is scarlet or dark crimson in color, rounded in shape, distinguished by a smooth surface, without folds, and a green spot near the stalk. The pulp of tomatoes is quite sugary, but with sourness. One brush includes 5 or 6 large tomatoes. Tomato weight up to 230 grams. The fruits are the same. The advantages of the variety include:

  • frost resistance;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • low light resistance;
  • tolerance to drought and heat;
  • tie perfectly regardless of atmospheric circumstances;
  • resistance to stress.

Among the minuses recorded:

  • strong support required;
  • need for constant feeding;
  • Frequent curling and falling of leaves.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this variety:

  • Early ripening, due to which the geography of cultivation expands and the incidence of late blight decreases;
  • Immunity to major diseases of nightshade crops;
  • Harmonious ripening of fruits;
  • Resistance to temperature changes, drought and regular rains;
  • Durable skin that protects tomatoes from cracking and mechanical stress;
  • Product yield – no less than 95%;
  • Great taste.

Tomato varieties for growing in a greenhouse:

Among the shortcomings of “Earthly Love” the following can be noted::

  • Requirement of seedlings for the introduction of nutrients;
  • Fragile stalk;
  • The need for support and proper formation.

Features of cultivation

This type of tomato has a long stem and its trunk needs a garter, and its branches need reliable supports. In open ground it is not necessary to plant stepsons, but you need to remember that this will significantly increase the ripening period.

During active growth, it responds very well to fertilizing containing potassium and phosphorus; in the future, you can get by with complex fertilizers.

As for fertilizers, on our website you will find a lot of useful information on this topic:

  1. How to use yeast, iodine, ash, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid as a top dressing?
  2. How to feed plants when picking, seedlings and what is foliar feeding.
  3. TOP best fertilizers and which ready-made complexes should be used?

Growing tomatoes

“Earthly love” is grown traditionally - through seedlings with subsequent planting in a permanent place.

How to prepare seeds?

Seeds go on sale already processed and ready for planting. To improve germination and speed up the growing season, you can carry out one of the following procedures :

  • Soak in water for 12 hours before sowing. The seeds absorb moisture, swell, and when they fall into the ground they begin to grow rapidly. The best results can be achieved when using melt water;
  • Bubbling is an advanced method of pre-sowing preparation that involves exposing seeds to saturated oxygen. It is done simply: an aquarium compressor is installed in the container with soaked seeds, continuously pumping air.

Pre-planting treatment can reduce the total growing season by a week.

Sowing seed material

Seeds are sown in March - early April, approximately 50 days before the date of the last spring frost, after which the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place. Any container equipped with drainage holes will do for sowing. Usually planted in a wooden box with a low side (5 cm). The best soil for planting is a mixture of turf and humus in equal proportions, with the addition of sand.

Sowing is carried out using one of two methods:

  1. Solid. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the ground, then sprinkled with peat to a depth of 1 cm;
  2. Tape. Planting is carried out in pre-made furrows 2 cm deep, followed by leveling the ground.

The distance between the seeds should be at least 2 cm. Immediately after sowing, the seedlings are watered abundantly and covered with film until seedlings emerge. In the future, you need to maintain a temperature of 20-24*C in the room with the seedlings, constantly water the soil and periodically feed with complex fertilizers or a solution of superphosphate, urea, and potassium sulfate.

Recommended feeding schedule:

  • The first feeding is 10 days after picking;
  • Subsequent feedings - 14 days after the previous one and so on until planting in the garden.

Rules for planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place when the ground warms up to 10-12*C, and the air warms up to at least 15*C. Approximate landing times in mid-latitudes :

  • Beginning - mid-April - in a stationary greenhouse;
  • End of April - to the greenhouse;
  • On the 20th of May - in open ground.

Replanting must be done carefully, removing the plant with a large lump of earth so as not to damage the root system. For the same reason, you need to immediately think about a post or trellis for a future garter. A “nutrient cushion” of humus, peat and wood ash is laid under each bush.

Recommended planting pattern:

  • The interval between plants is 50 cm;
  • Row spacing – 70 cm;
  • The depth of the planting hole is 15 cm.

Tomato Persian Tale - description and characteristics of the variety

There is a wide variety of tomatoes with early ripening. But not all are suitable for (types of cultivation in open ground or film shelters. One of the unpretentious varieties to grow and care for is “Persian Tale”. We will talk about it in this article.

The hybrid tolerates changes in weather conditions well. Has high productivity. The root crop ripens in mid-summer. The fruits appear after 104 - 107 days after the seeds hatch.

The tomato is a determinate variety and has abundant foliage. The first color brushes are formed above the 5th – 6th leaf. Flowers appear through one leaf.

The bush grows 50 - 60 centimeters upward; it is stocky enough and does not require garter. Take each brush and ripen 5 – 7 fruits.

In greenhouses you can collect 10 to 12 kilograms of ripe and tasty vegetables from one square meter.


They have a dense consistency inside, a smooth skin with slight ribbing on top of a bright orange color. Each fruit weighs from 130 to 150 grams. The taste is rich. Contains about 40% sugars, carotene and ascorbic acid.

Cloudy and cloudy weather makes this tomato cheap. It sets well and produces large fruits even in bad weather. It has brilliant immunity to many types of fungal and viral diseases. Especially to tobacco mosaic and Alternaria.

This effect was achieved by breeders by crossing a large number of varieties.


Grows well in open ground in warm regions; for the coolest areas they resort to shelter in greenhouses and hotbeds

Before planting tomatoes in gesso, it is important to grow the seedlings in warm conditions: at home on a windowsill or in an industrial heated greenhouse

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution with salt. Thus, healthy moura remain at the bottom of the vessel, and bad ones float to the surface. Afterwards, the selected seeds are soaked in a manganese solution for 10 - 15 minutes, then in a growth stimulator.

Today, they are placed in boxes in holes or trenches at a depth of 1.5–2 centimeters from the surface and at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other. This arrangement helps in the future to pick tomatoes without disturbing the root system. The soil is prepared in advance by adding turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1.

After the emergence of seedlings, the dugout is removed and the temperature is lowered by 2 degrees to slightly slow down the multiplication of plants. Such tomatoes will be stocky and will not stretch out in the ground.

When 2–3 leaves appear, pick the tomatoes, placing each plant in each pot or container for seedlings.

It is best to use special peat pots, which are sold in any departments and stores made by gardeners. The peat pot does not need to be removed.

What should you do? Apply fertilizers and water the tomatoes in a timely manner. They are irrigated once a year as promised, but with a lot of water. One watering per week is sufficient.

There are no words, during frequent rains it is important to regulate the moisture of the soil, perhaps in such weather the crop needs to stop watering even less often

Timely feeding will help the tomato develop like a plane tree, and it will give a good harvest. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied 2–3 times during the mushroom season. It is not necessary to fertilize more often. Due to the large amount of nitrogen, the seedlings will devote all their efforts not to the formation of the fruit, but to the swelling of the leaves.

You can find a large number of reviews about the “Persian Tale” variety on various portals and forums. Review authors write about the positive results of growing and harvesting. The main group of gardeners agrees with the presented characteristics of this variety, which are indicated by the manufacturer.

Irina Nikolaevna, 53 years old: Last year I tried to plant the “Persian Fairy Tale” variety, I really liked the characteristics. The manufacturer did not deceive

It is important that the bushes are low, easier to process. I was especially pleased with the flooding once a week or less

There are a lot of plants on the site, I need to pay attention to them all, but I don’t always have time. And this variety is just a showdown for me. Apart from watering it, I rarely fed it. Excellent tomatoes have grown. My family tried the trend. My granddaughter especially liked them. She asked me for tomatoes this year too.

I'll grab this variety.

Bush care

The main rules of agricultural technology for growing “Earthly Love”:

  • Formation. In a greenhouse, plants form 1-2 stems, in open ground - 2-3. Bushes should be regularly inspected for stepsons, which should be removed when they reach a length of 5-7 cm;
  • Garter. Due to the high foliage and large-fruited clusters, the stem of the plant falls to the ground. To prevent this from happening, the bushes are tied to a post immediately after transplantation;
  • Support. At the fruiting stage, you need to install supports under the main branches, otherwise they may break;
  • Watering. In dry weather, the soil is watered once every 3-4 days, in cool weather - once every 5-7 days. In the intervals between waterings, the soil must be loosened to avoid the formation of a hard earthen crust;
  • Feeding. Until the end of the growing season, plants need to be fed twice :
  • A week after planting - with diluted bird droppings;
  • Two weeks before harvest - potassium-phosphorus or complex fertilizers;
  • Weeding. Weeds must be carefully weeded out. They not only take nutrients from the soil, but also provoke the development of fungal diseases and are breeding grounds for aphids.

Recommendations for cultivation

The timing of sowing must be determined taking into account the planting site and climate in the area where your plant is located. Growing most often begins with preparing seeds for sowing. It is usually recommended to sort and disinfect the super elite of our own production. They can be sown to a depth of 1-2 cm. After this, the acratophor with seeds should be covered with film and taken to a place where the temperature will be about 25 degrees. In March, it is useful to supplement internal reserves with fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps (until the total daylight hours are about 14-16 hours. Incandescent lamps should not be used.

In the phase of 2 true leaves, it is usually recommended to plant seedlings in cassettes or cups. The need for fertilizing of seedlings depends on the selected soil and the room temperature. Suitable fertilizers include extracts from vermicompost, fertilizers from the EM series, and Fertika. Before planting, hardening is recommended at a temperature of 14 degrees.

Before planting, it is recommended to inspire in terms of 1 square meter. m per bucket of compost, 1 glass of ash and 25 g of superphosphate. Nate 1 sq. m you can plant up to 4-5 plants.

Diseases and pests

The following methods are used to prevent diseases:

  1. Maintaining a 3-year crop rotation;
  2. Ventilation of the greenhouse;
  3. Avoiding dense plantings;
  4. Balanced watering;
  5. Removing weeds from the garden bed.

Most often, this variety affects Phoma. To combat the disease, plants are treated with the fungicide “Hom” and the affected fruits are destroyed. Of the pests, the greatest damage to tomatoes is caused by the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm and spider mite. To combat them, spraying with insecticides “Prestige” and “Fitoverm” is used.

Tomato Love: yield, reviews and photos

Large, ripe tomatoes are the pride of every housewife. To get excellent results, it is important to choose high-quality seed material. Otherwise, the temporary investment will not pay off. Productivity, reviews and photos of Lyubov F1 tomatoes indicate the main advantages of this variety.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Lyubov

The tomato variety Lyubov F1 can hardly be called new on the market. For more than 10 years, summer residents have been growing it in open ground with great success. Sellers of seeds and seedlings are happy to recommend this hybrid to their customers. It is worth paying attention to if you choose early or mid-early varieties.

The tomato variety Lyubov F1 is well-deservedly popular among owners of large greenhouses and farmers due to the beautiful appearance of the fruit. This determinate, medium-sized standard plant, 120 cm high, has the following features:

  • early ripeness;
  • ripening period – up to 105 days;
  • fruits are round, dark crimson;
  • high yield, the ability to harvest up to 6 kg per bush.

Video characteristics of the tomato variety Lyubov F1:

Taste qualities of tomatoes Lyubov F1

This is a real giant, especially if you take into account the early varieties of tomatoes. Weighty fruits are formed on the branches, each weighing 250 g, and individual specimens reach 400 g.

  • their shape is smooth and round.
  • When ripe, the fruits are painted a bright, reddish-crimson color;
  • there is no green spot in the stalk area;
  • durable tomato skin protects against cracking and facilitates transportation;
  • the taste of ripe fruit is pronounced, with slight sourness;
  • up to 96% of the crop has no errors in appearance.

You can use Love F1 tomatoes:

  • for decorating sandwiches;
  • preparing salads;
  • seasoning summer soups and main courses;
  • in preparations such as ketchup or paste.

Pros and cons of the tomato variety Lyubov F1

Each tomato has its own advantages, as well as disadvantages of varying severity.

The pros and cons of the Lyubov F1 tomato variety include:

Resistant to drought and minimal moisture.

Powerful plants need abundant feeding, especially at the growth stage.

Easy adaptation to temperature changes and insufficient lighting.

Tying is done several times.

Fruiting begins long before the onset of frost.

An increase in the abundance of foliage, some of which has to be torn off.

Lack of moisture does not lead to shedding of color and ovary.

Requirement for fertilizing.

Good transportability, the dense skin of the fruit does not crack during transportation.

As with any hybrid, collecting seeds from the fruit is impossible.

Optimal growing conditions

For those who are deciding on the choice of variety, reviews of Lyubov F1 tomatoes and photos will help them make a purchasing decision. The rules of agricultural technology will help create good conditions for the bushes and get a rich harvest. Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, you can grow seedlings or sow seed in open ground. The advantages of the first method affect the approaching harvest date.


Tomato Lyubov F1 is recommended to be planted on soils with slight acidity, which contain enough nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. These indicators can be adjusted by adding lime (for low acidity) or sulfate granules (for alkaline indicators).

Tomatoes Lyubov F1 tolerate compost and rotted manure very well. These substances enrich the bushes with nutrients and have a positive effect on the soil composition.

Tomatoes grow well next to zucchini, cucumbers, dill and carrots, parsley and cauliflower.

Growing seedlings

If spring in the region begins late, and the last frosts are not uncommon in early June, then Lyubov F1 tomatoes may be the only option to enjoy early tomatoes. The optimal time for sowing for this variety is late March or early April. Choose a wide, flat container with low sides. Lyubov F1 tomatoes are sown 60 days before the intended planting, but the timing is adjusted to the climatic characteristics of a particular region.

Landing rules

The planting process is simple, but requires compliance with a number of important points:

  1. Seed selection. Good manufacturing companies perform this step themselves, but it would be a good idea to check the material again. To do this, place the seeds in salted water and remove those that float to the surface.
  2. Disinfection. To make Love F1 tomatoes less susceptible to various diseases, they should be kept for 20 minutes. in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. The next stage is soaking. The treated seeds are left in warm water for 12 hours.
  4. Hardening. Already hatched seeds are placed in the refrigerator overnight, and then kept for a day indoors at a temperature of + 20 ° C. The procedure is repeated several times.

After preparation, you can plant the seeds in the ground and cover with film. When the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed.

From mid-May you can plant seedlings on the site. The distance between the bushes is left at least 70x40 cm.

Watering and fertilizing

Tomatoes Lyubov F1 are resistant to drought, which makes them convenient for summer residents. They are watered once every 4–5 days. To moisten the soil, it is advisable to use warm water, for which barrels are placed on the site. You need to pour water directly under the root, without touching the foliage. Otherwise, you can provoke rotting of the bush.

Strong plants need increased nutrition, so fertilizing must be done regularly. Depending on the growing season, different compositions are used:

  1. The first application of fertilizer will be required 18 - 20 days after planting. The ideal option would be the so-called “green tea”. For 50 liters of water you will need 4 - 5 kg of any crushed grass, to which ash and mullein are added. Consumption per plant – 1.5 liters of product.
  2. During the active growth phase, the Lyubov F1 tomato especially needs phosphorus and potassium supplements.
  3. When the process of fruit ripening begins, only organic fertilizers are added to the soil.

Pinching and tying

Tomatoes Lyubov F1 are distinguished by their ability to bush strongly. In this case, the plant devotes its energy to the formation of green mass, not fruits. It is for this reason that it is important to remove stepchildren on time. These are competitor shoots of the main stem, which are responsible for the formation of an unkempt bush.

The stepsons of the Lyubov F1 tomato will appear along with the first flower cluster. The first and strongest shoot develops under it. You can leave it at your own discretion. Everything below must be deleted.


Beginning gardeners are sometimes confused by the separation of these terms. Pinching is the mechanical cutting off of excess shoots and leaves. Formation is a broader concept. The gardener must plan in advance what the bush will be like.

For the tomato variety Lyubov F1, it is recommended to form a trunk into two stems. Then the bush will be easy to care for; few fruits will form, but they will all become large and selected. Gardeners remove all the lower, weak and dried leaves of Lyubov F1 tomatoes, which take away nutrients. Repeat the procedure after two weeks.

Protection from diseases and pests

Tomatoes are a favorite prey for most fungal diseases. Despite the fact that the Love F1 hybrid has strong immunity, some ailments may appear, especially if the summer was rainy and warm:

  • leaf spot: treatment of the lesion is carried out using a solution of copper oxychloride;
  • Phoma rot: to combat the disease, the drugs “Fundazol”, “Zaslon”, “Hom” or Bordeaux mixture are used;
  • Colorado potato beetle: the pest is collected manually or the plantings are sprayed with special insecticides;
  • whitefly: it is difficult to remove; for this purpose, drugs such as “Confidor” or “Pegasus” are used.


Tomato Lyubov F1 represents that rare case when the description of the variety from the seed manufacturer completely coincides with what vegetable growers who have been growing the variety on their plot for more than one year in a row say about it. Any summer resident who follows the basic rules of care has a chance to achieve the declared yield. According to the characteristics, you can get 20 kg from 1 sq. m. This means that there will be enough ripe Lyubov F1 tomatoes from a small plot for yourself and for sale.


Despite the abundance of varieties, the yield, reviews and photos of Lyubov F1 tomatoes cannot but arouse at least interest. Many experienced gardeners consider this variety to be the best among early and mid-early varieties. Large, juicy Lyubov F1 tomatoes with a slight sourness are universal and perfectly complement any dish. They are good in salads and winter preparations. Resistance to drought and disease is another reason to get to know the Lyubov F1 tomato variety more closely in the coming season.


On average, about 17 kg of selected tomatoes can be harvested from 1 square meter of plot. In a greenhouse this figure increases to 23-26 kg.

Which regions are best to grow in?

“Earthly Love” is adapted for cultivation in any region of Russia:

  • In open ground - Astrakhan, Belgorod regions, Krasnodar region, Crimea, Caucasus;
  • In the greenhouse - Moscow, Smolensk, Tver regions, as well as the Black Earth Region;
  • In an equipped greenhouse – Siberia, Arkhangelsk region and northern regions.
  • Country of breeding, regions for cultivation

    The tomato variety “Earthly Love” or “Earthly Love” was successfully bred by Russian specialists. It received state registration as a variety recommended for open ground and greenhouse shelters in 2009. Since that time, it has become popular among owners of tall greenhouses and farmers, due to its excellent commercial qualities.

    For a stable high yield, it is better to cultivate these tomatoes in warm regions; Astrakhan, Belgorod, Voronezh, Crimea and the Caucasus are optimal.

    In film greenhouses, the variety bears fruit well in the regions of the middle zone, the Southern Urals, the Perm Territory and the Far East. In Siberia, a normal harvest can only be obtained in greenhouses.

    Read on our website: How to get an excellent harvest of tomatoes in open ground? How to grow tomatoes all year round in greenhouses. And also what are the subtleties of growing early varieties? Why are insecticides, fungicides and growth stimulants needed in the garden?

    Acceptable terms for cultivation

    Early tomato hybrids are planted in a permanent place in protected or unprotected soil at the age of 50–55 days. On average, it will take about a week for tomato seeds to germinate. Seedlings are planted when the soil warms up to 12°C. The threat of frost must pass and the air temperature must reach at least 15°C.

    In central Russia, such weather is usually observed in the first ten days of June. Shelters can be planted several weeks earlier. In the southern regions, early or mid-ripening tomato seeds can be sown in the ground from the end of April.


    excellent taste characteristics;

    resistance to temperature changes and slight drought;

    The disadvantages of the variety are the fragility of the trunk and the requirement for fertilizing during the growth period.

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